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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1947)
r 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Mar. 25, 1947 East Salemite Joins Gleemen; Group Going to Rotary Confab East Salem, March 25 Allan Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Richardson of Garden road came home from the state university this past week-end for the 10-day annual spring vaca tion. He is now a member of I the well known Eugene Glee I men. He is majoring in music j at the university and was one oi me iour siuaenis cnosen irom the large group making the tryout for the privilege. Most of the men in the glee club are business men of Eugene. Their next major engagement will be in June when they will be guests at the International Rotary con vention meeting in San Francis co. In 1939 the Gleemen went to San Francisco for a short re cital at the world's fair and re mained in the bay area for three weeks. Mrs. Charles E. Siegmund, Mrs. A. A. Greer and Mrs. Otto Wilson were hostesses for mem bers of the Garden road Neigh bor club at the Siegmund home on Garden road Friday after noon. Mrs. D. E, Anderson of Salem had been invited as a spe cial guest and following the short business meeting she i viewed for the guests the play, "I Remember Mamma," by John Van Druten. Present for the luncheon and social after noon were Mrs. Richard T. Wick lander, Mrs. Paul Lynch, Mrs. Ralph Werner, Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs. R. C. De Lapp, Mrs. W. E. Richardson, Mrs. Frank Ricket, Mrs. G. A. Reeher, Mrs. Glen Larkins, Mrs. William Hartley Mrs. Anderson and the three hostesses. Mrs. Marcia Applet of Salem was honored with a birthday party on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hein on Lan caster drive. Present for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hein and son, Phil; Mr. and Mrs. George Crump and daughter, Judy; Mrs. Frank Coffey, Miss Jacqueline Holcomb of Portland Lowell Applet, Stanford Hein of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Hein Two soft ball games were played on Auburn school grounds Friday afternoon with Swegle boys and girls teams. The girls of Swegle won with a score of 16 to 9. John Biles was the star player for Swegle making three home runs. Leon ard McCallister was referee for the girls' game and John Brown for the boys' game. In a game a few days before with Middle Grove the boys lost to Middle Grove with score of 18 to 14 and an intermediate game with both boys and girls was also lost to Middle Grove, 10 to 14. Communist Agitators Busy Sacramento, Calif., Mar. 25 Wi American communists are engaged in "the greatest agi tational activity ... in the his tory of the communist party In the United States," a joint investigating committee of the California legislature reported Monday. The report was based on ex tensive ' hearings throughout California, and the 372-page document was devoted chiefly to what was characterized as the "seventh era" of commun ism in California and the na tion. The present "era," the com mittee asserted, was one of "day to day struggle" which "con stitutes part of communist tac tics. It is concerned with sabo taging and weakening the democratic gover nmenli in which the communists work." "The committee Is firmly con vinced that this current period the seventh period of com munist strategy in the U. S. is the most critical of all. "The American people must be awakened to the fact that every member of the American communist party is a potential espionage and sabotage agent for the Soviet government." The report listed agencies in California which it asserted are "communist fronts," "com munist dominated" or otherwise of service to the cause of com munism. It declared that the organiia tion, "Mobilization for Demo cracy," was one which the com munist party utilized. This or ganization, it said, "deliberate ly manufactured Ku Klux acts of terrorism for political pur poses." Others named in the report were: The Hollywood Citizens Com mittee of the Arts, Sciences and Professionals; the People's Edu cational Center and the Cali fornia Labor school; the Ameri can Youth for Democracy, as "successor" to the Young Com munist league; and the Univer sity of California Press, which "is being used to publish a quarterly edited by California's outstanding communist, John Howard Lawson." (Lawson was identified as a former as sociated editor of the Daily Worker.) Sayre Re-elected Church Registrar Portland, March 25 The Oregon Episcopal diocesan con vention re-elected the Rev. Claude Sayre, McMlnnville, as registrar Monday. Among those named to the standing committee were Chief Justice Harry H. Belt, Salem, and the Rev. Edwin H. Hughes, Albany. Bishop Benjamin D. Dagwell reported a new high in the number of persons confirmed last year: 811. The bishop pro posed establishing four deaner ies in Oregon. Cargoes of glass objects were often carried by ancient Phoe nician merchant sailors. Traces of the use of ventrilo quism are found in Egyptian and Hebrew archaeology, as well as among the ancient Greeks. FLEXALUM Venetian Blinds We measure, Install and Adjust All Orders Without Charge Rapid Service 340 Court St. 3rd Floor Burns, All Safe Steilacoom, Wash., March 25 OP,1 A four ward wing at the Western State hospital, a mental institution, was destroyed by fire here today but all of the 279 patients in the building were believed to have been removed safely. An accurate estimate of the cost of the fire in the 50-year-old wood and brick structure could not be obtained. At least one of the patients is known to have been picked up a short distance from the hospital and it was believed possible that others might have escaped custody. All patients in the building were men. Cause of the blaze was unde termined although it was thought to have originated in a clothes room on the top floor at about 1:40 a.m. Ten fire com panies from Tacoma and sur rounding communities battled the flames, which at times reach ed a height of 300 feet, for three hours before bringing them un der control. One hour after the main build ing had become a mass of flames a patient was observed pounding on a barred window of the top floor. A cable was carried up a ladder and fastened to the win dow bars but slipped off and a second attempt was necessary before the entire casing could be pulled out. The patient stepped onto the ladder and descended by him self, profusely thanking the fire men and Hospital Superintend ent W. M. Kellei One other pa tient darted back into the burn ing building but was pulled to safety. Evacuated patients were re moved to other wards which house an estimated 2600 addi tional inmates. Spanish Club Will See Picture Display L. C. Binford, well-known at torney of Portland and presi dent of Lock-Wood, Inc., s SPtCML scheduled to appear at the Sa lem Spanish club Friday, Mar. 28 at the YWCA. For a two hour program he will show 35 m.m. Kodachrome pictures tak en in Mexico where he and his family have lived for the past three years. While in Mexico Mr. Binford traveled extensively, visiting the Pacific and Atlantic coasts and many interior points, fish ing, hunting, talking and living among native inhabitants, and with these pictures he attempts to give a feeling of the life of Mexico which few tourists see. Of special interest will be the pictures of a festival given in honor of the Binfords at one small village which they visited. Fowlers Complimented Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler and Marcena entertained their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler, at theii home for a" birthday dinner complimenting Mrs. Fow ler. K-y paint VA NOW! ffcA 50 Expert I K&t PAINTERS I Kt il ON OUR I fh'l STAFF I f J ft Fr Quality I fTil Work, Phone Funeral Held for Mrs. Lila Allison The funeral of Mrs. Lila Alli son was held Monday, March 23. at Lohrville, Iowa. She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pparl Bolanrier. of Lone Beach. j Calif., where she had made her home since leaving Salem. She was a former resident of Salem, residing on Chemeketa street. She was 89 years old. Besides her daughter she leaves 10 grandchildren, also a half sister, Mrs. Elda McGrath, of Salem. Returning to Tennessee Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. W A. (Red) Ledford, who have liv ed here for the past year, haveistruction work sold their home on West Main street and plan to leave for their former home at Johnson City. Tenn. Buyers of the Ledford property are Mr. and Mrs. Rog ers and family recently from Poison, Mont. Rogers is in con- Ca Phone 9221 340 Court Street y S BLENDED WHISKEY Seagram's 7 Crown. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. 86.8 Proof. Seagram-Distillers Corporation, Chrysler Building, New York ROGER & GALLET Talcum and Dry Perfume Both on 25 Scented to match end boxta tgthtr. In regular iix ftaconi, holding 4 talcum and V4 dry parfuma (sachet). Choict of inimitable Roger & Galttl fragrances: ftlut Carnation, Fleuu d'Afflour, Night of Delight. Willett's Capital Drug Store 405 State St. Salem, Oregon u MEN'S UNIFORM PANTS and JACKETS 100 VIRGIN WOOL OLIVE GREEN WHIPCORD 13.50 14.75 Here's good news for men who must weor uniform suits. We now hove 100 virgin wool, olive green uniform trousers and jackets to match. Pants hove leather-bound pockets, wide belt loops, graduated sizes. Cossack belt style jacket with action pleot at waistline. CAPS TO MATCH 2.49 EXTRA TOPS 1.49 MAIN FLOOR tfobWjlcd to 0t' w moos" V,cincese' in 8 mo iiiiiiitiiiw I . k wuv - j mum :-. in" v r- i Over Half of Oregon's People Live in Area Served by PGE The populous Lower Willamette Valley is known far and wide as a fine place to live. One of the reasons is the abundant low-cost elec tricity which PGE makes available to approximately 150,000 homes and farms. Because PGE's "All-Electric Home" rate is region-wide, it makes no difference where you live in the 2500 square mile area covered by PGE lines electricity is available at the same low cost everywhere, in town or country. And no other electric distributor in the nation provides electricity so low in cost to so many homes and farms. Plan now to go "all-electric" the modern way of home living. If you use electricity for both cooking and water heating you can save money by applying for PGE's "All-Electric Home" rate the lowest region-wide electric rate in the nation. Mrs. Mobley uses these appli ances in. her All Electric Home iHtm In her former home they would cost Mrs. Mobley $21,32 a month In PGE area they cost her only $7.51 a month ) e- & IF a V37 II .2 G2GEEEE? 1 s i