Election Change Sought by GOP Portland, March 24 VP) Ore gon republican leaders intend to ask the state legislature to remove the election of national committeemen and committee women from the primary ballot and place their selection in the hands of the state central committee. A resolution to that effect was passed at the committee's week-end meeting here. James A. Rodman, Eugene, re-elected chairman, said the proposal was "a step in the di rection of a truly representative party vote. It is now possible for any man with a few thousands of dollars to spend and a pair of brass lungs to make a cre ditable race for national com mitteeman." Mrs. John Y. Richardson, Portland, was elected vice chairman; Newell Elliott, Ba ker, secretary, and Sigfrid Un- ander, Portland, treasurer. FBI Reports on Salem Crime in 1946 Salem had 15 robberies during 1946, two more than in the pre vious year, says a report by the federal bureau of investigation on crime in Oregon last year. Salem had one murder in 1946 and none in 1945, three aggra vated assault cases against one in 1845, while burglaries in creased from 119 to 189, and lar ceny cases from 770 to 938. Automobile, thefts in Salem decreased from 164 to 151. For Oregon as a whole the re port shows that a crime occurred about every 30 minutes. Lenten Musical Due Next Sunday A Lenten musicale "Stabat Mater" by Rossini will be pre sented by the choir of the First Presbyterian church on Palm Sunday, March 30 at 7:30 o clock. The soloists for "Stabat Ma ter" will be, Mrs. E. T. Barnett and Mrs. George McGee, sopra nos, Mrs. Arthur Linerode, con tralto, Mrs. Gorden Pratt, tenor, and Bertram Sturm and Richard Smart, bass. The choir, which is composed of do voices, will be accompa nied by Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, or ganist, and Ralph Dobbs, pian ist.. Virginia Ward Elliott is the director. A Purebred Cattle In Gresham Sale At the Columbia Vallev Avre- shire club sale to be held at Gresham Tuesday a number of Marion county breeding estab lishments will have purebred Ayreshire dairy cattle including the Stephen Hemshorn estate, Mt. Angel; Elmer A. and Glenn A. Klein of Aumsville Acres Aumsville, and Steve Schmidt, Silverton. The sale sponsored by the Columbia Valley Ayre shire club will consist of about 40 purebreds including choice representatives of 18 top Wash ington and Oregon herds. Includ ed among the cattle will be two four-months old bull calves from herds in New York and Pennsylvania. Seed Oysters Due From Japan March 30 Portland. March 24 (P) The first postwar shipment from Ja pan to Oregon is expected to ar rive about March 30. It will be 7157 cases of seed oysters for Oregon oyster beds. The Lib erty ship Mary Odin is carrying them. Marshall in Key Position La Jolla, Cal., March 24 U.R It means war if Secretary of State George Marshall fails in his dealings with Moscow, re tired Marine Corps Gen. Hol land M. (Howling Mad) Smith said today. "We must have straight think ing and .a strong front and I think Gen. Marshall is our man," he said. "If he fails . it means war. It means that Russia will oppose us at the Dardanelles, move into Greece and Turkey and eventually Iraq and Iran, taking the oil fields and shutting off the British em pire from the Suez." The veteran of many Pacific landings suggested that ex-G. I.'s keep their uniforms brushed off instead of putting them in moth balls. "The United States is sitting on the edge of a volcano," he said. "We are the only people who can save this world. "We believed a little more than a year ago, after the allies had put down the aggressors and had stated their joint pur poses to make an aggressive war a crime, that we would quickly agree on a peace. Now our hopes in the United Nations are almost swept away. The allies appear now to fear Russia just as they once feared Hitler." He warned that the United States is'running true to form in lapsing into unpreparedness. Camp Whitelill By Six Senators Multnomah county's six sena tors and Sen. Earl T. Newbry Ashland, who were incensed at the State Board of Control's re port declaring that the Camp White hospital is not fit for use as a state hospital, introduced a bill Saturday to order the board to acquire the hospital, which is located near Medford. Truman Trip Held Certain Spokane, Wash., March 24 OP) Callison Marks, Spokesman Review staff writer, said today in a signed article that "despite denials from Governor Wall gren, this writer reaffirms the statements attributed to the gov ernor which appeared in the Sunday Review" and which stat ed that President Truman would visit the Pacific northwest in I June and make a flying trip to the Alaskan interior. In a dispatch from Belling- ham, Wash., Marks said "during the Friday night interview, the governor said he had that day talked to John Snyder, secretary of the treasury, and that Mr. Snyder had virtually confirmed the forthcoming visit of Presi dent Truman to the Pacific northwest and Alaska in June." 'The governor mentioned spe cifically plans for the cruise to Juneau and Anchorage and the air flight into the Alaska inte rior," Marks said. Marks yesterday also quoted the governor as saying that a proposed supersonic aviation re search center would be estab lished at Moses Lake, Wash., by the army. The governor later also denied making the state ment. In last night's dispatch, Marks said; "The governor, in answer to my query, said that the Boulder dam area for the project was 'out' and that the project would not be sponsored by the national advisory committee for aeronau tics but by the army. "He said the final decision had been made and that initial funds for the project were assured." Indian Officials Meet Here in June Hundreds of Indian judges, policemen and other officials will come from as far away as Alaska to attend the Indian service summer school for em ployes at Chemawa beginning June 16. The school this year will be the ninth offered to private em ployes with advanced training in Indian service administra tion. New courses of study this year will include the adminis tration of j u s 1 1 c e on reserva tions, public health nursing and the Indian reorganization act. Wright Truck Line Gets New Equipment Stayton Purchase of three new trucks was made recently by the Wright Truck lines which will give them a hauling capac ily equal to the demand. Larg est of the three is a GMC 15-ton semi-trailer with a 32-foot body and a canvas top which is re movable for crane loading and unloading. The other trucks pur chased were a new Federal which will replace an old truck, and a new Dodge. Jory Director of ! Food Association Rolland Jory, Salem fruit packer, was elected a director of the National Association of Froz en Food Packers at a convention in San Francisco Saturday. C. Courtney Seabrook of Brighton, N. J., was elected pres ident. Attendance totaled 7219. Astoria Man First Winner Nathan Peasley, Astoria, won first place In oratory and in se rious interpretations at the 13th annual Oregon high school speech tournament here. Other winners in the contest which ended on the Willamette university compus Saturday: Robert Bates, Hillsboro, hum orous interpretation. Jack Gunn, Eugene, extempo raneous. The Salem team of Cornelius Bateson, John Thompson, Tom Bartlett and Marvin Black in debate. Other places: serious interpre tation Crys Voges, Hillsboro, second, and Cornelius Bateson, Salem, third. Humorous inter pretation Ned Smith, Grants Pass, second, and Robert Emer son, Salem, and Crys Voges, Hillsboro, tied for third. Extem poraneous Cornelius Bateson, Salem, second, and Dick Dahl- berg, Eugene, third. Oratory Jack Halstead, Medford, second, and Don Emery, Medford, third. Debate Eugene (Jack Gunn, Dick Dahlberg, Harold Haight and Delores Miller), second. Black Dahlia Clue Checked St. Louis, Mo., March 24 (U.fi) A blood-stained handkerchief and a revised "confession" which may link 23-year-old Melvin R. Bailey with the mutilation-murder of Elizabeth (Black Dahlia) Short were en route to Los An geles police today. The flowered handkerchief, given St Louis police by Bailey, was found yesterday to have been stained with human blood several weeks ago. Bailey claims it is Miss Short's handkerchief and her blood and that he car ried it as a "keepsake" after slashing and cutting her body in two with an eight-inch marine combat knife. Bailey, who made his first con fession March 18, changed his statement Sunday, adding more details to the gruesome story he told of mutilating the 52-year-old girl's body during a fit of rage because she refused to ac company him from Los Angeles to St. Louis. His new statement, however. did not correct the original dis crepancy m the dates. Mliss Short's body was discovered Jan uary 15, and police said she was dead less than 12 hours. Bailey claims to have killed the girl early in the morning of Janu ary 13. Beware Coughs Following Flu After the flu is over and gone, the cough that follows may develop into chronic bronchitis if neglected. Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis DO YOU OWN A STOMACH that torments you because of ex cels acid and fiaa? Fasteit relief with TEBSIN TABLETS or mon ey back. Non habit formlno No Soda No Laxative. Aik Your PruggliHor TEBSIN1 The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. OFFERS YOU GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makes of automobiles. This week we are introducing our newly-equipped TUNE-UP DEPARTMENT. We can assure you efficient and cour teous service. Drive in and out the same day. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 500 Block, North Commercial Street Here's One Of The Greatest If you have SIMPLE ANEMIA! You girls and women who suffer to from simple anemia that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" thismay be due to lack of blood-iron. So try Lydla E, Plnkham's TABLETS one of the beet home ways to build up red blood to get more strength in such cases. Pinkham?sTabletsare one of the great est blood-iron tonics you can buyl Lydia E. Pinkham's TAOftCTS Nothing Down 12 Months to Pay RE-ROOF NOW WITH TOP QUALITY Pabco Slate Covered Composition Shingles. .EACH .Shingle welded in place. 340 Court St. YARDLEY $O0 15 00 raicif'rLui TAI A PERFUME OF NOSLE LINEAGE, REGAL, SOPHISTICATED AND LOVELY VA1BLIY nODUCTS K AHUUCA All CUATtB M SNQIANB AND FtNHHIB W THI U.lJt nOH THI OUC1NAL INGUSH FCMI'LA1, COMWNMO WMtTtD AMD BOMlfflC D4DUDI1KT1 WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE Cor. State & Liberty Ph. 3118 A n c a m p n anieaaiaaaw m ELECTRONIC POWER creates a HEARING INSTRUMENT (Battery-Contained, All-in-On) UNLIKE ANY OTHER Unique, in the History of Hearing Aids, for Size, Power, Beauty and Form -It Gives Hearing Results That Challenge All Previous Achievements! a OA A battery-contained, all-in-one hearing in strument almost as thin as a fountain pen and only about half its length. So incredibly small and beautiful, you must see it to be lieve it. So powerful, you must hear it to appreciate it. Come see and hear this great electronic achievement! Come in and consult with a scientifically trained expert on your hearing problems. Learn hoW'BEAMED ELECTRONIC POWER" and the ACOUSTICON IMPERIAL revolu tionize hearine for the detfened! A WORLD WIDE SERVICE by thi WorMi First one" Oldest Monufocturir fee f Electrical Hearing Aids INTERNATIONAL ACOUSTICON OF SALEM 905 First National Bank Building Phone 6350 I'll ( V I HAROLD F. McDONALD Authority on Deafness FREE HEARING CLINIC Ptrtonal Consultation wWi AUTHORITY ON DEAFNESS And a Full Demonstration of the Remarkable New Acousticon Imperial at 905 First Nat'l. Bank lldg., Salem, Oregon on Friday, March 28, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ion fashion frkPCRIAL WALLPAPERS Now OR display in our showriont Mezzanine Floor 340 Court St. J Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Mar. 24, 19475 Los Angeles police will at tempt to determine if the blood on the handkerchief is the same type as that of Miss Short. During World War II the Japanese built pill boxes into sunken ships off the coast using them as stationary submarine. Next time, try the train TO CALIFORNIA See how little "J W It costs . . . Vti iL SAN FRANCISCO Lar. $1150 LOS ANGELES $1790 (PluilJjfUrol toK which oppliai to all tta importation) In roomy, comfortable coaches YOU CAN RILAX in deep- eushioned comfort when you go by train. Plenty of room to move around. Convenient washrooms. Safe, smooth steel rails beneath you. You can read, write, play cards,, or nap. Low, money-saving fares. The friendly Southern Pacific C. A. LARSON Phone 4408 THERE'S NO PLACE LUCE HOME! (That goes for Ford Service, too!) Bring your car "back home" to us, for check ups, lubrication, for any service needs. Depend on Ford Service for four important reasons: 1. FORD-TRAINED MECHANICS who know your Ford besf. 2. FACTORY-APPROVED METHODS for a fast, thorough job. 3. SPECIAL FORD EQUIPMENT for a good job, done right. 4. GENUINE FORD PARTS made right ...to fit right . . . fasf longer. And here's a convenient Ford Extra: Immediate service on all jobs I When you try our Genuine Ford Service, we're sure you'll agree . . . SEE YOUR FORD DEALER