H 1" Locals "1 Jack Kundert, Salem route 2, was taken to the hospital Fri day night after the automobile driven by Ernest Radke, also of route 2, overturned near the state tuberculosis hospital. He was treated for shoulder and neck injuries by the first aid crew. The men are employed at Idanha. Of course your Fido is the best dog, but take a look at the next best in the Lions club all-breed Dog Show, this Saturday and Sunday, at Grandstand building on Fairgrounds. 7u DeLuxe Cab. Phone 8050. 88' i Taxil Valley Cab. Prompt aervlce Phone 8624. Willard B. Miller, 2450 West Nob Hill, is reported as resting comfortably at the hospital where he was taken by ambu lance Friday night. He is a re tired manager of the Keith Brown Building Supply com pany. See complete line Color Per fect war paper at Sears. Laying Pullets. Phone 22943 Dance tonite Silverton Armory Glen Woodry's Orchestra. 70 Certificates will be presented at the last meeting of the Red Cross home nursing class at North Howell Tuesday after noon. Expert watch and clock re Dairina. Five day service at Steven's Jewelry. River silt and fill dirt. Com mercial Sand and Gravel. Phone 21966 Johns Manville shingles ap plied right over your old roof Nothing down, three years to nay Mathis Bros., 164 South Commercial. Phone 4642. Mrs. Agnes Hayre of Salem and Mrs. Lela Peebles of Port land are guests at the Burt Pee bles home In Turner. For Rent Floor Sanders. Woodrow's. 450 Center St Insure savings earn more than twi- percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association. 130 South Liberty street. Dance tonite Silverton Armory Glen Woodry's Orchestra. 70 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gragg l left Saturday for Heppner where they were called by reason of the death of Mrs. Gragg's moth er, Mrs. George Aiken. Death came Thursday after a long ill ness and burial will be Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Aiken had been a resident of the Heppner coun try for 65 years. Olson Washer Repair. 25100 73 Dance every Wednesday and Saturday at Crystal Gardens Two floors, two orchestras, nne price. Modern and old time. "Pin your diaper worries on us." See Jim Taylor's Stork Laundry for diaper supply or complete baby laundry. Call 3027 or 25600. 70 Assumed business name G. & M. Transfer has been filed with the county clerk by Vinton L. Green, 2145 S. Cottage, and Wayne T. McKillip, route 8, box 1290, Salem. Wanted Experienced altera tion woman. See Esther Foster. Phone 7741. 72 Don't miss the Dog Show sponsored by Salem Lions Club at Fairgrounds Saturday and Sunday 'this week. Show com petition among 450 of America's best bow-wows. 70 Wanted Saleslady for dress department. Miller's. 71 Herman Countryman of Sa lem was given first aid for facial cuts Friday night after a colli sion between cars owned by William Callander of Amity and Everett V. Farlow, 220 D street. " at North Liberty and Center. The collision attracted a large crowd. Pharmacist wanted, age 25 to 45, able to manage Salem sub urban drug store. No fountain no Sunday. $325 and bonus for 52 hour week. Should net $375 to $400. Write Box 306, Capi tal Journal.' 70 Wanted Experienced altera tion woman. See Esther Foster. Phone 7741. 72 Parker's Hollywood Plumb ing and Heating company, :"-r-merly Howard Plumbing com pany, 2045 Fairgrounds road. Phone 2-1445. Lavatories, sinks, laundry trays and water heaters. 70 Attending the Friday noon luncheon meeting of the state board of Oregon State Mothers in Corvallis Friday with a meet ing on the college campus in the afternoon were Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Sr., Mrs. Donald Upjohn and Mrs. George Hug. Old time dance tonite. 259 court. Everyone Welcome. 70 Insurance, Kenneth M. Potts. 339 Chtmeketa. Phone 5706. 70 Sterns Cushing, of the Capitol Toastmasters, will give the invo cation and Al J. Crose, of the Salem club, presides as toast master at the annual area speak ine contest of Toastmasters from western Oregon towns in Albany Saturday night. Speakers will be Wayne F. Smith and M. E Gadwa with Eric Allen, Al Cra mer, Edwin McEwen and Ralph Gordon of Salem among the judges, two being selected from each participating club. Wanted Experienced alter tion woman. See Esther Foster, Phone 7741. 72 Turkey dinner, March 23, 1947, Kingwood Legion Hall, West Salem. Public invited. $1 per plate. - 70 Dance tonite Silverton Armory Glen Woodry's Orchestra. 70 Frank McKennon, chief of the plant industry division of the state department of agriculture will leave for Des Moines, Iowa, Sunday to attend the annual meeting of the national plant board. Lawnmowers ground to a pa per cutting edge. Moore's "Bike' Shop. Phone 3844. By owner, wood floors, 2245 North 6427. 4 bedrooms, hard strictly modern Liberty, Phone 70 Glenn Williams and his or chestra, composed of all veter ans and Willamette U. students at Salem Armory, Saturday night, March 22. Dance being sponsored by the Marine Corps league. Proceeds to go toward bringing the State Marine Corps league convention to Salem this summer. Tickets now on sale at Will's Music Store, Jaquith Music Store, Heider's Radio Store. Tickets 85c, tax included 70 Award of a permanent cita tion to Lt. (j.g.) Kenneth L, Strawn, USNR, of 195 Monroe avenue for his silver star medal has been announced by the navy department. Strawn, now re leased from active duty, was awarded the medal for "conspic uous gallantry and intrepidity' as a member of underwater de molition team 6 in action against the Japanese during the assault and capture of Saipan and Guam during June and July, 1944. Save time! Save money! Do your laundry the Easy Way Washing machines, dryers, man gles for rent by the hour. All modern equipment. Self Service Laundry, 1815 South 12th Phone 5607. 70' See the Apex Caravan! A New Modern Flexible Glass Greenhouse on Wheels; on Dis play at Anderson's Used Car Lot, 240 Center street. 70 Camelias, azaleas, p a n s I e s, primroses, per ennials, Boyd Nursery, 2440 State street. 69 Chef needed for steady work at Normandy Manor. Immedi ate Employment. Call 5585. 70' Salem men serving aboard the destroyer USS Zellars is S 2c Winston W. Cobb, son of Mrs. Hazel G. Cobb of 375 South 17th street. Cobb entered the navy in May, 1946. Stove oil. Cadwell Oil Com pany. Phone 9788. 2490 State. Dance tonite Silverton Armory Glen Woodry's Orchestra. 70 World and Columbia bicycles on terms with approved credit. $5 down and about $2 a week. Moore's Bicycle Shop. 72 Sam Gordon's Horse Sense Bridge starts Monday night 8 P.M. Chamber of Commerce. 70 Construction applications were filed with the Oregon district CPA offices Friday by J. C. and A. btone, $5000 piano store, Sa lem; Keith Brown Building sup ply. $5600 boiler house at mill work plant, Salem; Robert Fromm, plant addition $6300. Salem, and Elmer Fitzgerald, poultry plant, Lebanon, $5000. Active Club presents Sam Gordon "The Kibitzer" teaching Horse Sense Bridge at the Chamber of Commerce, Monday March 24 8 P.M. 70 Tickets for Sam Gordon "the Kibitzer" on sale at Needham s Book Store. Phone 5802. 70 Custom garden work, with Rototiller, Merrill's Greenhouse, urooKs. Fnone 24351. 70 The Oregon liquor control commission has granted a whole sale beer and wholesale wine li cense to Gale Eldon Marshall and George Wesley Chappell. unappeu - Marshall company. saiem. Came 1 1 i a s . rhododendrons. azaleas, bedding and vegetable plants. Merrill's Greenhouse. Brooks. Phone 24351. 70 Dance tonite, Moose Hall, Wayne Stra 70 12th and Leslie. chan's Orchestra. If you want a garage on 99E North of Salem this is it. More repair work than three mechan ics can do. Living quarters for owner. See Wm. Bliven or L. C. Cooney, Realtors, 429 Oregon Building. Phone 7906, 70 St. Paul Will Initiate KC's St. Paul Announcement is made of a large class initiation of the Knights of Columbus here Sunday, March 23 with usual program of the day. The day's activities will be under the di rection of District Deputy Ed. Stolle of Mt. Angel. Under the direction of District Deputy Lee Goetz of Portland, 56 new members were added to The Dallas council last Sunday with conferring of the degrees by Portland council officer, and major degree by District Deputy Goetz, assisted by Dan Hay and L. A. "Bud" O'Niell. Among those appearing at the banquet were State Deputy William J. LaRoche and Special Field Rep resentative A. L. Elvin, both of Salem. On this same Sunday, Past State Deputy Edward J. Bell, assisted by John A. Ken nedy of Klamath Falls, confer red the major degree on a class of members at Yreka, Calif., for the councils of McCIoud, Duns muir Weed and Yreka, Calif. A large class of fourth degree members will receive the exem plification of this degree at Kla math Falls March 23. Active fourth degree members from throughout Oregon and Califor nia will attend this function. West Salem Legion Post Holds Dinner West Salem, March 22 Sixty members of the Kingwood post of the American Legion and its auxiliary were guests Thursday evening at a dinner given at the Legion home in commemoration of the Legion birthday anniver sary. A large birthday cake de corated in the Legion colors centered the table at which the guests were seated. Following the dinner a pro gram was presented in the fire place room with cards as a fea ture of the entertainment. Plans were announced for the turkey dinner which will be pre sented between the hours of 12 noon and 2 f. m Sunday March 24. Funds from this bene fit will be used in financing the building program which is now underway at the organization's present location. Arranging Sunday's dinner are Mrs. Mae Snyder, president, Mrs. Nellie Noteboom, Mrs. Mamie Dick son, Mrs. Leta Combs, Mrs. El sie Long, and Mrs. Floyd White. The hull of the new Wheat land ferry which has been un der construction in the county shops, is being moved to the Marion county end of the ferry site by trucks. It will be assemb led there and floated in a few days. Electrical equipment will replace the gasoline motive power which has been used. Dance tonite, Moose 12th and Leslie. Wayne chan's Orchestra. Hall Stra- 70 Garage house for sale $2500 Terms. Phone 9965 for details. 71 Geo. W. Croisan, Insurance 134 Pacific Building. Phone 2105. 70 Judge George R. Duncan, Marion county, has been as signed by Justice George Ross man, state supreme court, to preside over hearings involving eight cases in Linn county which Circuit Judge Victor Olliver has disqualified himself. None of the cases have yet been doc keted but are Gladys Lovick vsl Commery Coleman, Elizabeth Wagner vs. Susan B. Savage; Oma Pense vs. Merriett Pense Alvin A. Robb vs. J. F. May- berry; Carl Carlson vs. Jack Orville Mann et al, Frances Bussard vs. Frank H. Bussard Norma Ross vs. Horace C. Ross and H. C. Morris vs. Albany Door company. Isaak Walton dinner, tickets at Miller's or phone 21543. 70 Bryants, dressmaking and al terations, 360 '4 State street Room 25. 71 It's great to skate at the Cap- itola Roller Rink. Let s go skat ing tonight. 70' It's great to skate at the Cap- itola Roller Rink. Let's go skat- ing tonight. 70' Woodburn man recently join ing company A of the 349th in fantry regiment of the 88th di vision in Gorizia was Pvt. Otto J. Erwert, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Erwert, also of Woodburn. A graduate of the Mt. Angel Pre paratory school, Erwert entered the army June. 15, 1946. He left the states for overseas duty Oc tober 16, 1946, first serving with cannon company of the 351st infantry regiment. The Keizer Grange will be entertained by the Woodburn Grange Saturday night. A no host dinner was served at the social meeting of the Grange this week followed by vocal numbers by Bernice Kleighe, ac companied at the piano by her mother. Turnovers filed by Sheriff Denver Young shows following collections made from the re spective tax rolls: 1941, $265.74; 1942, $73 26; 1942-43, $444.48; 1943-44, $2,532.21. Oceans are saltiest near the Equator, less toward the poles. J Mrs. Clearwater in k Secretary's Post Mrs. John Clearwater has been appointed secretary to the manager at the Chamber of Commerce. She succeeds Miss Ann Monson who left recently for Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater lived in Salem be fore the war and during the war were residents of Bremer ton where they operated a photo studio. OK Power Line For Coon Hollow The county court Saturday ap proved application of the Benton-Lincoln power line coopera tive for the first federal rural electrification project in Marion county covering 40 miles of pole line extensions to serve 75 fam ilies in the Coon Hollow and Fern Ridge sections which lie east and partly north of the line between Stayton and Sublimity. The permit was delivered per sonally to George Tate, presi dent of the cooperative. Tate said that clearing the right-of-way for the pole lines has been completed and he expects work will start immediately on putting up the poles and extending the power line. The cooperative in Marion county is a link in a five-county rural electrification project, other counties including Ben ton, Lincoln, Linn and Polk. Tate said that the transmission lines in the five projects will represent an investment of $2, 500,000. The transmission lines are financed through the feder al rural electrification adminis tration which borrows the neces sary funds from the reconstruc tion finance corporation after the project has been approved by the electrification administra tion. The entire five county project is serving approximately 3000 families and it is expected 2500 more will be added in due course. For the Marion county area the line will be hooked on at the Albany sub station, power com ing from Bonneville . In addition to George Tate, president, John Silberbagel is vice president, and R. E. Woods, secretary-treasurer of the coop erative in this area. 12 New Buses Arrive For Trailways Use West Coast Trailways has re ceived delivery of 12 new buses to be used in the inter-city serv ice of that company in Oregon, W. C. Simpson, traffic manager, announced Thursday in Port land. The buses, of the deluxe type, were manufactured in the Phil adelphia factories of the Ameri can Car & Foundry company. The new additions give the company a fleet of 20 inter city buses in its service be tween Seattle, Portland and California points, Simpson re ported. He said that delivery of another 10 buses was expect ed during the coming summer. The company has also rebuilt its depots at Portland and Se attle and is improving its prop erties at other points on the route. Greece did not have a glass industry until the 4th Century B.C. Salem Court News Circuit Court Cost bill of J77.80 filed In Alma O. Hamilton vs. Charles O. Haworth, Complaint by Paul C. Helmlete. doing business as Keechelus Lrwelna company, against Grant Day seeks to collect 361.75 plaintiff allege Is balance due for clearing plaintiffs land in Yamhill county. Complaint by Laura McPhee vi. Elmer . and Anna N. Stauffer seeks to col lect 115,000 general and S1000 special damages arrowing out of an automobile accident Feb. 7. 196, at Pacific nun way and O street, Hubbard. Answer In State Farm Mutual Insur ance company vs. O F. Franklin alleges negligence on part of plaintiff. Motions to make more definite and certain filed In Jean vs. Henry Mclntlre, Complaint for divorce by Emma Marl vs. Frank E. Klrby alleges cruel and In human treatment. Married April IS, 1938, In Portland. Probate Court Final account filed by Paul White, ad ministrator of the estate of Vencel F. Krudka, final hearing tet for April 22. Objection filed by Oenevleve Dunning. Lauren 6. Chrlstofferson, Royal and Oeorge Christofferson to sale of real property of estate of Lillian Christoffer son, contending there are sufficient mon eys and personal property to meet charges. Order in the Katherlne Springer es tate allow reduction of bonds of Nell and Lester 1. Pearmlne, administrators from (80,000 to 130.000. Appraisal of S102.53S.49 made on estate of Sally Bush by R. L. Elfstrom, Tin It -ham Gilbert and James ft. Humphrey. Appraisal of 12000 made on estate of Mathilda Spelbrink by Irvln Bartels, Theo. W. Olson and Pearl Pflaura. Annual report of Pioneer Trust com pany as guardian of Edwin H. Foster approved. Order In the Mary Osborn estate con- firms sale o! real property by W. A. Osborn, administrator, to Lloyd W. and cva . Menoennan ior jaaoo. Order In the Ernest Todd estate con firms sale of personal property by Roy W. Todd, executor, to Arthur Todd. Citation Issued to Celia O'St'.U, ad ministratrix of the estate of Guy W. Shaw, to appear April 7 and show cause why she has not filed an account, or nventorled the household effects and furniture, a alleged in a petition of Mrs. Ivan Lrwrance. and If she falls to show eaise it Is asked that she bn re lieved of Mr duties and another admin istrator named. Hop Growers Meet March 28 Among program features at the first industry-wide hop growers' convention held in sev eral years, scheduled for the Multnomah hotel, Portland, March 28 and 29, will be an open forum discussion for all grow ers and interested parties on any matters they may want to bring up, announced Paul T. Rowell, managing director of the United Hop Growers association which is sponsoring the convention. A business session also will be held for members. Manager Rowell says that reg istrations are coming into the Salem office of the hop growers association and he urges that those who plan to attend send them in as early as possible as a heavy attendance is indicated from all hop growing districts on the Pacific coast and it will be necessary to arrange accom modations in advance. Leith F. Abbott, Portland, will act as toastmaster at the banquet on the evening of March 28, with Phillip H. Parrish, editor of the Oregonian, principal speaker, discussing the recent tour of Ger many and European countries he made with a number of other editors and publishers. The KGW radio featured quartette, "Men About Town," will be a musical attraction. Legislature (Continued from Pflfff 1 Taggarl, who admitted his job is dependent upon continuance of the educational aids, amount ing to $35 a month for approxi mately 1100 veterans in Oregon, said that he sent out the letter with approval of George Sandy, director of the department. Previously at a meeting, Mr Sandy had testified that he felt appropriation of $400,000 for the biennium for employment of service officers throughout the state would be more beneficial to the veterans than the educa tional aid. It was on this testi mony that the house Judiciary committee had sent the two-year suspension bill out with its ap proval. Without doubt the controversy which has arisen will be fought out before the senate military affairs committee at its next session. Slot Machine Tax The joint ways and means committee has "urged" the house tax committee to report out H. B. 81, placing a tax on slot machines and other gambling devices. This bill has been lift ed and placed back on the table in the tax committee five times and the question of once more lifting it from the table will be before the committee Monday, according to Chairman Robert Gile. The public welfare question now believed to be satisfactorily adjudicated by the sub-committee of ways and means, will probably reach the house floor Monday or Tuesday. Here is an other legislative problem that is almost certain to bring about time consuming debate. All these, and many more un settled problems must either be settled or shoved in the waste basket before the 44th legisla tive assembly can adjourn sine die, and the members return to their respective homes. Ancient Egyptians made many art objects from volcanic glass. Order In the William Biitxko estate vacates a previous final order and au thorises F. M. Smith, administratrix, to transfer certain shares of stock. Appraisal of I18RS.31 has been made on the estate of Joseph A. Bartoss by Peery T. Buren, H. William Lanka and Rudy Calaba. Justice Court Plea of guilty by Benjamin Henry Ri der. 1160 Market, being Intoxicated on a public highway, fined $50 and costs. Plea of guilty by Arthur Carl Kennedy, 2635 South Summer, no driver's license, fined 115 and costs. Plea of guilty by Edward Murray Boies. Brooks, to violation of a stop sign, fined 12.50 and costs, fine suspended and 14.50 costs paid. Fine of 12.50 Imposed on Bert Oliver Lenaele, route 1, for having no driver's license. Plea of guilty by James Vernon flpaul dins, Portland, to having no driver's li cense, fined 12.50 and costs, Fines of 125 and costs each imposed on Roy Allen Rlckman and Joe Rentz, Brooks, for angling in closed season. Police Court Violation of the basic speed rule: James B. Crenshaw, route 8, 15. Claud fiullens, S42 Edge water. Harold Dale Harp, 2325 Mason, fined 110. Kenneth Noteboom, 1043 Sixth, ball 110. John Wesley Baldwin, Portland, ball 125. Violation of the noise ordinance: John . Miller, 1341 Waller, ball 15. No drlver'i license: Donald Behrends, 404 North Church. Mike Boreas. 2045 North Fourth Violation of stop ltn: Norman W. Cs ry, 816 Cade, ball 12.50. Thomas J. Mor ris, 435 North Winter, ball 12.50. Illegal right turn: Warren Carlson McMlnnviUe, ball 15. Violation of restricted driver' license: Roger M. Watts, route . pleaded inno cent, ball 1100. Illegal reverse turn: Jim Collins, 115 Saginaw, bail 12.50. Vagrancy: Helen Hlneh. San FraneU- co, pleaded Innocent, bail 160. Lawrence W. Sellers, John Oarvejr and Prank- Caldwell, all of Mllwaukle. were found guilty of gambling and fined 1100 each. Marriage Licenses James w. Moore. 30. truek driver. Junction City, and Luella t. Percell, 12, housewifi, Chesiri, Parking Meters (Continued from Page n The cost of this meter is $75, or $79.50 installed. The com pany promised a five-year guar antee, and maintenance cost not to exceed 40 cents a year for five years. It agreed that all the 113 meters should be in stalled not later than May 1, with a penalty of 40 cents per day per meter for failure to in stall by that time. It agreed to remove ine meters wunoui cost to the city if the city was not satisfied after trial of six months. Gille read the report and moved adoption. Mayor Elf strom said he was going to vote against it. "I don't want to obligate the city to $30,200 more than the Mico meters would have cost us," he said. The city had contracted the Micos at pre-war prices, or $47.50 per meter. "Also," Elfstrom added, "I fa vor automatics rather than man uals. They would cost $20,000 less." "Mr. Mayor," Alderman Ma ple said tartly, "you should have made that speech to explain your vote." Two Clash With Mayor Gille let it ride until two sales men had been heard. Then he said heatedly: "I am disillusioned and dis appointed." After the meeting he ex plained by saying that Elfstrom had agreed to go along with the committee. Gille told the council that the committee of which he was a member in the old council had been thoroughly converted to manual meters. "Do you think a difference of $30,200 is justified?" Elfstrom asked. "I think it would pay out in a few months," Gille said. He added that he would be willing to go back to the Micos if the cancellation could be stopped. Alderman David O'Hara said the Mico people had indicated they could deliver soon after Ap ril 15. "It seems to me," he said, "that over $30,000 is a big price to pay for 10 days or two weeks' time." Reverting to the mayor's atti tude towards the committee's re port Maple remarked: "I don't like backtracking. And that's what this administra tion has started out to do back track." "I'll backtrack if T can save the city money," Elfstrom re torted. Greek Aid (Continued from Pnge 1) Stressing anew what Presi dent Truman and Under Secre tary of State Acheson already have emphasized, the proposed preamble points out that the UN "is no now in a position to fur nish Greece and Turkey the fi nancial and economic assistance which is immediately required." There was evidence that this is part of a twin move to ease the concern of the smaller na tions over the lone hand being pursued by this country in Greece and Turkey since Bri tain declared her own financial straits would force her to cast off some Mediterranean com mitments. Salt water freezes at 28.8 de grees Fahrenheit. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE CLAUDE NT RKKT FROM TOttl) STREET TO 23RD STREET Notice Is herr-hy Blvfn that the com mon council o( the city ot Salem, Oregon, deems It ntc'ssarr and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Inten tion to Improve Claude street from the east line of Ford street to the east line of Twenty-third street at the expense o! the abutting and adjacent property, ex cept the street and alley Intersection. the expense ot which will he assumed by the city of Salem, by brlnxlna said portion of said street to the established trade. constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion ot sa'd street with an asphaltlo concrete pave ment thirty feet wide. In accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adr.pted by the common coun cil March 6. 1947 which are now on Lflle In the office of the city recorder and which hereby arc made a part of this notice. The common council hereby declares iu purpose and Intention of making the above described Improvement by and through tha atreet Improvement depart ment. By order ol the common council March a. 1047: ALFRED Mil NOT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is March 11. 1147. 70 OA DANCE TONIGHT SILVERTON ARMORY WOODKY'S 14 Piece Orchestra WVr on of th iW invitod to momborship in rh it world-wid group. Profitionol Mortuary Skill Hcmeit Pricing Courtoout Wvic to ALL Clough Barrick Co. Est. 1878 Phon 91.39 Salem, Ore. Capital JournuT, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Mar. 22, 19479 Haag Company Agent For Mighty Man Haag company of Salem has been selected as sales agent for the "Mighty Man" garden trac tor in this area. This is one of the few garden tractors whose power is transmitted by means of precision-machined gears rather than by sprockets and chains. A Wisconsin engine, well known to users of farm imple ments, furnishes the power to the "Mighty Man." A wide variety of attachments are available, including cultiva tor sets, mowers and harrows. There is also a riding attach ment which converts the "Migh ty Man" into a useful four-wheel tractor. State Man Goes To Des Moines Frank McKennon, chief of the division of plant industry of the state department of agriculture, will leave Sunday for Des Moines, Iowa, where he wilt at tend the annual meeting of the national plant board as repre sentative of the western plant board. The national group will i be in session March 26 to 27. Hcj will also attend the two-day meeting of the central plant board in Des Moines immediate ly preceding the national session. The Oregon state department of agriculture, through repre sentation by McKennon, has been very successful in working with other states' regulatory and! national groups In preventing the use of quarantine and other restrictive regulations as trade, barriers and has thus Implement ed the free flow of agricultural products in interstate commerce. The work done by the Oregon department in this connection is of particular significance to Ore gon farmers because the great bulk of Oregon agricultural products is exported to outside states. McKennon's work in this field lias received wide recogni tion throughout the United States. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTFNTtON TO IMPROVE IIU'KORY RTHEET FROM FIFTH STREET TO MAH.E STREET Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Oregon, deems U necewary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Inten tion to Impro.e Hickory atreet from the east line of Fifth street to the west line of Ma pit, street at tha ex pease of the nbuttin and artlacent property, except the street nnri alley Intersections the expense of which will be aasumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, con struct I tin cement concrete curbs, and pa v Inn .mid portion ot snld street with a fl-lnch Portlnnd cement concrete pave ment thirty feet wide, In accordance with the Plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the common council March IV, 107, which are now on file in the office of the city re corder and which hereby are made a part of this notice The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention of making the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement depart ment By order of the common council March S. 1D47: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is Match II. 1947. 70 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the un dersigned at the city hall In Salem. Ore non, until the hour of S p.m. on Thurs day. April 3, 1947, for the construction of Portland cement concrete sidewalks in the city of Salem a provided by Side walks Resolutions numbered 3212. 3263. 321.4, 3265. 3'2fi6, 3267, 32flR. 3269, 3270. 3271, 3272, 3273. 3374. 3275, 3278. 3277. 3278. 3270 and 3280. which resolutions may be seen at the office of the undersigned. Plans and specifications for such side walks may be had at the office of the city engineer In the city hall. Each bid der must file with his bid a certified check or bid bond, payable to the City o Salem, euunl In amount to five per cent of the amount of the bid, which will be forfeited to the etty In case the bid der shall fall or refuse to enter Into a contract for the construction of the sidewalk If awarded the bid. The success ful bidder will be required to comply with the provisions of the charter and ordi ices of the City of Salem In renard to rate of pav and working condldons of those employed In the construction work. Bids must be submitted on forms obtainable at the office of the city en tiinrcr and must show each resolution and description of each parcel of real onerty therein described. The city reserves the right to accent any, or reject all bids in the Interest of the city. All Fit EI) MUNDT Cltv Recorder of the City ot Salem. Oregon. 3XB (WCH5 COHMSPONUNOir LOW INSTALLATION EXTRA Make your purchase from and have your installation completed by nn authorized Ford dealer. Valley Motor Co. 375 Center, Salem, Ore. Wanted: Walnut Meats Pieces and Willamette 305 South Cottage Street Salem, School Activities Coming Week Parrish junior high will stage two performances of their an nual talent show next Wednes day, according to the weekly ac tivity bulletin of the Salem pub lic schools as prepared by the superintendent's office. The first show, for students only, will be staged at 2:30 Wednes day afternoon, and the second, for the benefit of the general public, is slated for 7:30 p.m. the same day. A University of Oregon assembly is booked for senior high at 12:50 Thursday afternoon. The schedule for the week: Monday: 10:30 a.m. Secondare princi pal., meeiinit. srhool office building; 3 p.m., elementary principals meeting, school office building; 4 p.m., muslo workshop, Parrish. Tuesday: 8:40 a.m., council meeting, Salem htfrh: 9 a.m., senior high safety council atssembly at MrKlnley; 10 a.m., senior hiuh safety council assembly at Richmond; 12:15 p.m., noon movie, senior high; 1 p.m.. senior hif-h safety council assembly, Hiithland; 3:40 p.m., Boy' Leasue meeting, Leslie; 7:30 D.m.. school board meeting, school office building. Wednesday : 8:45 a.m., basketball and wrestling assembly, senior high; 9 a.m., Girls League meeting, Leslie; 2:30 p.m.. talent show for student body, Parrish; 3:30 p.m.. arithmetic committee meeting, school office build Ins: 7:30 p.m., talent show for public. Parrish. Thursday: 9 a.m.. McKinley assembly: 9:15 a.m.. Raster assembly; 12:50 p.m.. University of Oregon assembly, senior hiRh; 1 p.m. Englewood assembly; 1 p.m.. Highland Easter assembly; 1:30 p.m., Par rish exchange assembly at Leslie; 1:30 pm.. Mothers' club meeting at Washing ton; 2:30 p.m., Eastor play at Grant. 4 p.m.. Teachers' Credit Union meeting, senior high; 4 p.m., home economic! teachers meeting, senior high; 4 p m., physical education workshop, Washing ton. Friday: 8:45 a.m.. Trl V meeting, sen ior high; 8:15 a.m., Easter assembly, Richmond; 12-20 p.m.. program by room 100. Leslie; 1 p.m.. Bush school assembly; 1 p.m., religious education assembly, Gar field; 1:30 p.m., sixth grade assembly, Washington; 8:30 p.m. A.S.B. dance, senior high gym. Card of Thanks We wish to take this means of thanking our many friends for their floral tributes and ex pressions of sympathy and kindness extended to us in our time of sickness and sorrow. Ben Friesen Harlan and Larry Friesen Mrs. C. M. Friesen. Mrs. C. M. Friesen. 70 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate Of LARRY VAUGHN COLLINS Attorney Louis Schnltzer. Address 1031 Pacific Bldg., Portland. 4, Oregon. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for the County ot Marion, Pro bate Department. Notice Is hereby alven that the under signed EDGAR VAUOHN COLLINS has been appointed Administrator ot the es tate of LARRY VAUGHN COLLINS, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon for Marlon County, and has nun mien. Al iiersons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at Idanha, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published March 1947, Last publication April 1047. EDGAR VAUOHN COLLINS ADMINISTRATOR. . LOUIS SCHNITZER Attorney Mar. .2-29-Apr. 8-12-19. First Presbyterian Church Chemcketa at Winter Chenter W. Hamblln. Pastor Virginia Ward Elliott. Musio Director 9:45 a.m. Church School 10:55 a.m. "The Distant Trumpet" 7:30 p.m. "The Marks of the Master" Sermons by the Pastor COLOTYLE To make tired, unsightly bath rooms glamorous. The essen tial treatment for new con struction. Everlasting washable beauty. No more painting. Installed complete by our own Colo tyle craftsmen. 340 Court St. Dial 9221 Amber Halves Grocery Co.' Oregon Phone 4148 i