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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1947)
J. Skits and Scratches By Fred Zimmerman Capital Journal Sports Editor "An athletic field without a baseball diamond! Phooey!" This correspondent has been bombarded from a number of weeks who figuratively hold their noses as they repeat the opening statement of this col umn. And, of course, they refer to Salem high's athletic plant, where no provision was made for baseball. The chief objection to the manner in which the field was laid out was failure to enclose the football field with the track. Placing of the track along the western part of the field parallel with the Southern Pacific's main line, ruined an ideal spot for baseball, the ob jectors claim. They point out that home plate could have been established near the northern end of the tennis courts, with bleacher seats being provided along the third base line. Fur thermore, 'tis said, no provision has been made for track spec tators and "the same old sit uation, with fans crowding on to the track to see the finish .m will exist." Another gripe is Tthe construction of a 220 yard straight away, "something that modern athletic fields do not include." By way of rebuttal, Conncl Ward, business manager for the Salem school district, who spoke In the absence of Super intendent Frank B. Bennett, pointed out that the entire pro gram was discussed and blue printed well in advance of con struction. Furthermore the di rectors thought they had solv ed the baseball situation with the purchase of the Baker street property. He suggested that the doubters might do a bit of con structive work by seeking to have the zone dispute that cur rently tied up the property, set tied. It is a fact that the foot ball development, when com pleted, will bring the fans clos er to the players than elsewhere in the state or northwest. The stands will be built virtually on the sidelines, so close in fact, a spectator may be in a good posi tion to snag a forward pass now and then when the tossera aim becomes a bit wobbly. Perhaps if stands were pro vided for track and fiplH snpe. tators,-more interest would be shown in the sport. However in the past those who were in competition have outnumbered e the fans on an average of 2 to 1. The came condition annlic to high school and collegiate Baseball, although if it were pos sible to play under lights, we Believe diamond games would attract a much larger following But the cost of illumination en ters into the picture. So far gate receints have not been snffiripnt to pay for the baseballs and the umpires fees. Development of an athletic field in Bend for use of base ball and Softball clubs is now under way at Bend. Rough grading of the field located in the southeast part of the city was completed during the winter. The field is to be en closed and a $9000 illumina tion project is under consider ation. Bend is a member of the State league. . . . Here in Salem the Softball association plans to make a strong bid for the state tournament to be held next August. While a low bid will carry consider able weight with the state as sociation, know how and abil ity to carry out the tourna ment to a successful conclu sion will play a prominent part in negotiations. Experi ence gained over a period of years should give Salem a strong talking point in the final analysis. It is probable Gurnee Flesher will become Salem's Softball general man ager. Shinn Wins in Handball Meet Portland, March 22 (fl) Win ners in the annual northwest Y.M.C.A. handball tournament will be crowned tonight at the close of the two-day meet. Re sults yesterday included: Class B Singles Dick Mather, Portland, defeated Charles Morton, Yakima, 21 14, 21-9; Lee Shinn, Salem, defeated W. Hawks, Yakima, 21-11, 19-21, 21-5. mm comlcsii Sooners 56-54, in ifj a French lad ogles Middleweight boxer prepares for second U.S. Square Garden March 28. Oilers, Oakland in Finals Of National AAU Tournament Denver, March 22 (U.R) Bartlesville, Okla., defending cham pion, meets Oakland, Calif., tonight In the finals of the National AAU basketball tournament. The teams which were seeded 1-2 at the start of the week-long dribble derby pounded through the semi-finals last night with little trouble. Bartlesville downed Riggs, Budge Reach Finals Philadelphia, March 22 (P) Bobby Riggs and Don Budge, as expected, will meet in the finals of the Philadelphia Inquirer charities $10,000 professional in door tennis tournament tonight at the arena. Riggs, seeded No. 1, and Budge, seeded No. 2, won by identical scores, 6-1, 6-4 in the semi-finals last night befor a crowd of 5000. Riggs eliminat ed tenns' clown prince, Frank Kovacs of Oakland, Calif., and Budge, also from Oakland, over powered Fred Perry, of Miami, Fla., the former English Davis cupper. In a tandem doubles' final to night, Kovacs and Perry will meet Budge and Riggs. Sun Valley Jr. Ski Meet Set Sun Valley, Idaho, March 22 iPI The youngsters next week end will take over the Sun Val ley ski slopes occupied just a week ago by the cream of the international corps. Nine western state have filed entries for the Western junior American Legion ski champion ships, March 29 and 30. Tourna ment officials said that because of the lack of accommodations at Sun Valley each state would be permitted to send only five skiers. Entries have been received from Idaho, Montana, Washing ton, Oregon, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, California and Ari zona. Fircrests Cop Hornet Series Vancouver, B. C, March 22 (U.R) The Bellingham Fircrests won the Round Robin series from the Vancouver Hornets by vir tue of a 49-to-39 victory before 1500 fans here last night. 'The halftime score was Bellingham 16, Vancouver 13. Norm Baker, Vancouver forward, won scor ing honors with 15 points. Gale Bishop of Bellingham was next with 14 points. The two teams play in Bellingham tonight. Jackets Sign 2 More Lewiston, Idaho, March 22 (IP) Two more Bremerton Bluejack ets were under contract today as the Western International league club swung into its third day of spring training. Signing yes terday were Jim Lowman, pitch er, and Scrappy Curtis, second baseman. Out for at least a week is Bill Ahern, who was burned severely in a shower yes terday. I Home Owners and I Builders For Better Insulation ota Lower Cost PHONE 3748 J Free Estimates SALEM ROCK WOOL I CO. 4 1 :ot d .j .... o.i 7S Shade Beavers, Kansas City Meet Marcel Cerdan, as the top French invasion. He fights in Madison ' Seatle, Wash., 47-23, and Oak- land pasted the Denver Nug- gets, 55-40. Bartlesville's victory over Se attle last night was about a! easy as previous Bartlesville tournament victories. The game was 13 minutes old before Seat tle, conqueror of third-seeded Oklahoma City in the third round, scored a field goal. It was a case of too much power, although the Seattle de fense was the toughest Bartles ville had seen in the tourna ment since walking over Roan oke, Ca., Glendale City College, and Golden, Colo. Huskies Liked In Ski Event Hyak, Wash., March 22 iPi The last-minute withdrawal of California left Washington a heavy favorite today to retain its title in the Pacific coast con ference intercollegiate ski meet, with the jumping to be run off preceding the Olympic games tryouts of the country's top skiiers. The Bears notified Washing ton Coach Gus Eriksen they would be unable to make the trip and no other Calfiornia school is entered. Washington State and Idaho have both entered strong teams. Other schools represented will be Oregon State and Oregon. The cross country competition will be run off Sunday and the downhill and slalom races Mon day at Martin, Stampede Pass, south of here in the Cascades. WSC Boxers Lose Madison, Wis., March 22 WP) Mitt-slingers from Washington State college were humbled 6-1 last night as Wisconsin's boxing team hammered its way to its 13th straight victory. The Badgers will play host to the NCAA meet next Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Exhibition Baseball (By thf As-soclRted Press) Boston I A) 4, Detroit fAl 2. Detroit IA) "B" 8, Louisville fAA) 3. Chicago (A) 3, Cleveland (A) 1. New York (A) 3. Cincinnati N 0. Pittsburgh IN) 6, Philadelphia (A) 0. St. Louis NI 5, Philadelphia N) 4. Washington (Ai 8, Chattanooga ISA) 3. Brooklyn (N 5, Panama General Elec trics 0. ' Boston (N, 17, Port Lauderdale (PI) . Oakland (PCD 3, Chicago (N) l. Glen Williams and His Orchestra SALEM ARMORY SATURDAY NIGHT S Warren's I RADIO SERVICE I 2017 Fairgrounds f , Road fc f in the jj, Heart of Hollywood t Immediate service on your radio. We pick up and deliver. YOUR NEW CROSLEY ' Is Now Available PHONE 7681 TERMS TO SUIT YOU Easiest Credit in Town Buy Generals Today Easy Payments STATE TIRE SERVICE Cottage and State Phone 9268 Texas Scores Narrow Win Over Wyo.. Kansas City, Mo., Maarch 22 (U.R) Oklahoma's Big Six cham pions, with their marvelous piv ot man, Gerald Tucker, playing his greatest game, knocked Ore gon State out of .the NCAA western basketball playoffs last night in an uproarious game in which the issue hung in doubt until the gun, The score was 56-54. In the first semi-final game. Texas slipped out in the last 40 seconds to beat Wyoming, 42-40. It was sweet revenge for the Longhorns, who four years ago were felled by the Wyoming Cowboys in the NCAA playoffs here. Wyoming then went on to win the national title 8500 Watch A crowd of 8500, jamming municipal auditorium to its raft ers, saw Oklahoma, rated a def inite underdog, got to work early and push out to a 29-25 lead at the 15-minute mark of the first half. But Oregon State's vaunted offense began to click then and the Beavers pulled to within three points before Oklahoma's Allie Paine slipped in for a set up in the dying seconds of the half to make the score 32-27. Okies Lead at Half The Sooners held a 46-39 lead at the 11-minute mark of the last half, but in two and one half minutes Oregon State rush ed into a one-point lead as Lew Beck hit three from the field and Cliff Crandall added an other pair. The lead see-sawed as Beck and Bill Waters traded fielders but Tucker's marvelous pivot work, feeding off to Dick Reich and Allie Paine, sent the Soon ers away., Beck hit again, how ever, and Morie Silver contrib uted another. It was 56-54 and Oregon State unleashed a last second splurge of shots but fail ed to find the hoop as Oklahoma finally rebounded with only 10 seconds to go. Free Throws Did It It was Oklahoma's work at the charity line which beat back the west coasters. The Sooners hit their first 12 without a miss, and ended with a tally of 16 good in 23 tries. Oklahoma hit 20 times from the court, while Ore gon State was good for 22 fielders. Lew Beck, the brilliant Ore gon shot-maker, got 20 points. Paul Courty and Tucker each got 17 for Oklahoma. Tall Red Rocha got 12 for the coast team. OREGON STATE 81 81 OKLAHOMA Anderson 1 F Crandall S F Rocha 13 O II Reich 17 Courty 17 Tucker 4 Paine Beck 20 O 3llver 1 O 5 Water Oregon State aubs Samuel. Carey, Tor re? 6. Peterson 5. Roelandt: Oklahoma subs Jones, Landon 2. Merchant. Trapshooters Compete Spokane, March 22 (JP) A war-interrupted trapshoot series between Spokane and Portland gun clubs will be resumed Sun day in Portland. The event was last held in 1941. 5005 MKH COMCSPOMDMOtr tow BCTAUATtOH BOM Make your purchase from and have your installation completed by an authorized Ford dealer. Valley Motor Co. 37S Center, Salem, Ore. FROM TEETH . I V J"s.v t -1 Cary Middlecoff stares glumly at his dentist tools (picture at left), which he has packed up to allow him to follow his first love, the tournament golf trail (picture at right) Salem Clubs Survive First Round Golden Ball Tourney With the Juniors downing the Roosevelt Cubs, 37-22, and with the undefeated Jayvees beating the Jefferson Optimists, 31-27, Salem's four entries in the Golden Ball tournament of Portland, finished their first round of competition with a perfect slate. The Intermediates and the Salem Sophs had taken their games earlier in the week. Three of the local Larkin Whips Billy Graham New York, March 22 tP) Jun ior Welterweight Champion Tip py Larkin still retained today his distinction of not having lost a decision in eight years of ring warfare, although he has been stopped on five occasions over that span. The Garfield, N. J., campaign er unanimously outpointed Billy Graham, New York east side swatter, in the 10-round feature at Madison Square Garden last night. The defeat was only Gra ham's third in 71 starts. Larkin weighed 139, Graham 139a,i. Semis Drill The Willamette Amusement company, semi-pro baseball team. Salems' entry in the Oregon State league, will hold another practice session at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon on Leslie field, reminds Manager Johnny Kolb. The semi-pro outfit was drilling at Sweet land field Saturday afternoon. The State loop schedule will be drawn by representatives of the eight member teams at a meeting to be held in Leba non Sunday. Rain Halts Beavers Riverside, Calif., March 22 Rain forced cancellation yester day of the Portland Beaver-San Diego Padre exhibition baseball game. It was the Beavers' sec ond rain-out of the week. ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE FOR THE SALEM REGION! Aluminum, Babbitt Brass, Bronze, Lead, Solder and Other Metals, Cast and Moulded to Your Specifications in Bars and Shapes Also Brats and Bronze Bushing Stock and Type Metal Write Us Concerning Your Particular Problem SALEM BRASS FOUNDRY 3220 STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON ALSO SERVICE FOR OTHER MAKES HOGG BROS. APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 260 State St., Salem It's time to "spruce up," paint up inside and out and do all the things that promise to make your home bright and cheery for another season of livability. Our experienced painters will gladly handle any job for you, no matter how delicate. We Are Equipped to Do Industrial as Well as Home Painting COMPLETE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF EVERY JOB IF. (D. Repine Co. 17 Years in Salem Phone 4783-3715 Largest and Best Equipped Paint Shop in Salem TO TEES quints will return for more ac tion Monday night: Intermediate vs. McMinnville. Jayvees at 8 o'clock; Sophs vs. Portland Bar- tels at 6 and Jayvees vs. Port land Xystos at 7. The Juniors tangle with the Milwaukic Fire men Tuesday evening at 6. JAYVEES (3D (11) OPTIMISTS Culbcrtnon 3 F 4 Harris F 2 Ltllv c 11 Burbank O 4 Newell G 2 Wfssbaum Johnson 13 Pftuluit 4. Sharer 2 Co v alt t Subs: Jayvees. Cummings 3; Optimists, Morlan 3. JUNIORS (31 Ci) ROOSEVELT Coats 3 4 Bell fi Blawo Sloan Lair 2 1 Phillips 3 Boiler Rock 10 Scheelar 3 3 Johnson Subs: Juniors, Olrod 4. Hull 3, Lebold 10. Skiers Seek Olympic Berths Hyak, Wash., March 22 (JP)- The slick, snow-packed slopes of 300-foot Olympian hill took a pounding today as the world's top ski dare devils soared off the big jump, reaching for dis tance and a try at next year's Olympic games at St. Moritz, Switzerland. Twenty three Americans were listed to make two jumps today and tomorrow, in the two-day meet, in attempts to win one of the six to eight Olympic games squad berths. DANCE TONIGHT SILVERTON ARMORY WOODRT'S 14 Piece Orchestra V 4 Phone 9149 PAINT-UP with Dutch Boy Paint Get Ready for Spring All Work and Materials Are Guaranteed Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Holy Cross, CCNY Vie for Eastern Title New York, March 22 lP Meeting for the first time since De. ccmber, 1945, Holy Cross and City College battle it out at Madi son Square Garden tonight to determine which will represent the East in next Tuesday's tussle for the basketball championship of the National Collegiate Athletic association. Holy Cross reached the eastern finals by turning back Navy, 55-47, and CCNY got there the hard way, coming from behind with a 43-point sec ond half rally that upset Wiscon sin, 70-56. Navy and Wisconsin tangle for third place in the Eastern regionals in tonight's first game at 8 p.m. There is considerable talk about a special championship game between the winner of Tuesday night's NCAA finale and the winner of the national invitation tournament but noth ing official has been announced. Kentucky and Utah collide in the invitation finals Monday night. Babe Golfs! New York, March 22 (fl Babe Ruth's familiar figure was seen on the B a y s I d e country club links yesterday but the Babe didn't attempt to get off any long drives just a little putting practice. It was the first time he had been on the links since he recently left a hospital. BRAKE "2 ADJUSTMENT 95c J FOR YOUR SAFETY! MAX! MUNI 0K FORDS, PLYMOUTH ond CHIVI01EI Omtf $13.95 iHf OFFICIAL , 3P RAKt STATION.? Pick-up and Delivery Service Firestone Stores 395 No. Liberty 40-VIEW LOTS-40 in Sunrise Heights Addition For Sale by Owner An exclusive residential district, in the City ot Salem. Some of the most beautiful building sites in the Willamette Valley. For Choice Selection Buy Now PHONE 9232 OR 3424 The Douglas Mcjtay Chevrolet Co. OFFERS YOU GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makes of automobiles. This week we are introducing our newly-equipped TUNE-UP DEPARTMENT. We can -assure you efficient and cour teous service. Drive in and out the same day. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co; 500 Block, North Commercial Street- - SUNDAY PROGRAM - ALL-BREED DOG SHOW Grandstand Bldg., State Fairgrounds Adm. 50c 9:30 a.m. -noon: Non-sporting Dog Judging. (Boston Terriers, English Bulls, Chows, Dolmatians, Poodles, Keeshonden, Schipperkes.) 1-6 p.m.: .Sporting Dogs. (Cockers, Pointers, English Setters, Springers, Retrievers, Labradors, etc.) 6:30 p.m.: Children's Handling Closs. 7 p.m.: Parade of Champions. 3 p.m.: Judging of Main Groups and Best Dog In Show. (Show Sponsored by Salem Lions Club) Saturday, Mar. 22. 1947 5 Suds Drop Seventh Bakersfield, Calif., March 22 (Pi Seattle's Rainicrs dropped their seventh game in 10 pre season starts yesterday, losing for the second straight time to the Los Angeles Angels 2-0. Charley Ripple, big left-hander who pitched eight innings, was touched for both Los Angeles runs. Oren Baker and Don Os born combined to limit the Rain iers to four hits. DON'T THROW YOUR WATCH AWAY! WE FIX THEM WHEN OTHERS CAN'T! GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING PrctMon-Efginrd Jutl Like th Originals in New Internationals James H. Maden Co. UM Silverton Rd., Slem, Ore. INTERNATIONAL Trucks jr sum My )