12 Canilal Journal. Salem. Oreeon. Saturday, Mar. 22. 1947 .booth Is available. On the perl meier ot me oy oo iooi puo- Reception to Greet Public When New Bank Building Op ens Opening day of the new branch building in Salem of the First National bank will be Monday, March 24, an event which Guy N. Hiekok, manager, and his staff of 40 intend to make memorable to the people of Marion and Polk counties. Hickok has declared the entire day will be marked by an open house celebration at the bank. Closing hours in the afternoon will be ignored and at 4 p. m. customers, friends and visitors will be served sand wiches and refreshments tpecial room on the lower level. A gardenia will be bestowed on every feminine visitor at the bank during the day. Specially conducted tours over the attrac tive new structure will be un dertaken by staff members. As sisting Hickok in the entertain ment will be S. G. Dcmpsie, as sistant director: C. E. Craig, R B. Hynri. Harry K. Johanson and A W. Morris, assistant cashiers; A. F. Aymong, Donald D. Dnggs and Blanche Hull, junior offic ers, and others on the staff. Pietro Belluschi, noted archi tect of Portland, who designed the $500,000 building of marble, granite, plate glass, bronze, brick and wood paneling, will be pre sent at the open house celebra tion. His design has attracted nation-wide attention and al ready has been copied and adap ted in bank construction several times. Can Add Second Story Viewed from the outside, the bank building does not appear large. It is one story in height, although a second story may be added later without altering the basic design. It covers a ground area 82 feet 10 inches by 100 feet. When one steps through the deafened) m 1 "i mi,r .1 mm V w glass and bronze portals he due for a surprise, however, for the large main banking room, 80 by 107 feet, with a 26 foot 6 inch ceiling, gives one a feeling of tremendous size. The walls are paneled to height of 10 feet with bleached birch. The west wall, above the granite entrance vestibule, is tinted a dark peach shade. The south wall is tinted a green gray and the cast wall is tinted a canary yellow. Pendant lighting fixtures, dropping two-fifths of the way to the floor, arc featured by large white glass ball sandes. The remainder of the building is fitted with incandescent tubes. extended in panels across the rooms. Safe deposit vaults and ser vice areas are on the lower lev el, including a model kitchen, which will be used for the first lime at the open house celebra tion. The branch will start op erations with 3800 safe deposit boxes, of which 2375 will be new nstallinents. Eight small coupon booths are adjacent to the vaults I lie lobby are the paying and re cciving tellers windows, new ac counts, a conference room, col lections and foreign exchange windows, savings, notes, and of ficers' space. Also in this area are the installment loans, real estate loans and statements coun. ter. Individual conference rooms are a feature of the installment loan department. Night Chute Innovation Elevator service will be pro vided to the lower level as soon as equioment arrives. Two stair ways lead to the mezzanine at the rear of the banking offices. On this level is located the book keeping department and record vaults. The night depository with chute from a street vent is an innovation. The heating plant is an oil fired forced hot air system, and the cooling system is implement ed by a 312-foot well, drilled beneath the bank. The heaviest piece of equipment in the bank is the door of the safe deposit vault, weighing 29,000 pounds. Examinations for Butter, Cheese Makers Examinations for butter and cheese makers who seek licenses under the Oregon law will be held March 27 in the dairy build SALEM STTkErPROJE" "'.' 020-30 Ja . (13 "Jl t 1 1 ft j.iivj Did You Get a Red Card Red cards found on the windshields of automobiles in Salem Sat urday represented the national drive of the 20-30 service club, in which the Salem unit joined, to curb juvenile delinquency. The cards asked motorists to remove keys from their cars, for auto theft is a frequent youthful offense. In the above picture J. M. Woolley, superintendent of Oregon State Training school, receives a key from Bill Sullivan of the 20-30 club. From left, Bob Sandstrom and Bill Sullivan of the club project committee, Mr. Woolley, and Don Dawson, 20-30 president. The eggs of the great horned owl might well be termed the first "cold storage" eggs. These birds usually nest in mid-winter but successfully keep their eggs warm in sub-zero weather. CAMELLIAS Largest Supply in Central Willamette Valley. Wide Range of Sizes and Varieties. Most All Varieties in j Bloom. H. L. Pearcy Nursery Co. I Take N. River Rd. to Kclzer, turn west, stay on paved Rd. 4 miles to Nursery Rt. 2, Box 190 tf, ne at the Oregon Stale college camDus. the state department of and one largo family confcrencelagnculturc announced Friday. ' What Don ll Do lor Iho HARD OF HEARING? Something ntw and itartlingl You muil SEE it to btlicv itl Word's Premitro now ot Ht Nat'l Rank Bide, Silem, Ore. riione 611311 nn.-, 'cmttfimn IHtflNttfONII ACOUSTICON I would like lo know how "Bomd Electronic Power" con hilp m. Nami i Address City CONGRATULATIONS On the Completion of Your Marvelous New Building And New Home In Salem W e are proud to have had a part in it's construction STUDEBAKER BROS. I .............. . Stato ........ WELL DRILLING 400 Madrono Ave. Salem, Ore. s simple as 1 and 1 makes 2. , The best way to correct faulty vision is to have the proper glasses fitted to your eyes. And we make them fit your facial characteristics as well. Come in now. PAY WEEKLY FOR MODERN EYEWEAR i '2 V""C twiiiatovoMiTi DR. HARRY BROWN, Optometrist Shoe Repairing Is an Exacting Service at Miller J Department Store We have experts to renew your shoes with half soles, full soles, heel lifts, toe tips, sew rips, etc., without delay, and our moder ately low prices will be found equally pleasing . . . OPEN! UN M8NHDAV, MADIOD 24 IN OUR NEW BUILDING On Monday the Salem Branch of The First National Bank of Portland will proud-' ly open for business in its new building on the corner of Liberty and Chemeketa streets . . . bringing to Salem the most modern in banking facilities. You are invited to come in at any time from 10 in the morning until 9 in the eve ning and we will be happy to show you ou r new, modern building. We are proud that we can keep pace with the development of this area by the erection of this modern building with all its many new conveniences for our customers. SALEM BOtAMIIHI FDIRT NATDflDNAIL BANCi OF PORTLAND MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION I i