10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Mar. 22, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES SOUTH SUMMER ST. HOME $6300 l rms. and bath, new aas ranee, oil clr culator, 3 rms. oak floors, shade At well hrubbed, dobule garage, paved at. Im mediate pom. H. P. GRANT. REALTOR 457 Court St. Ph. 678330-8168 a71 FOR SALE by owner. 2 B.R. home. Lge, closets, bath, L.R., D.R., Kit., lots of bullt-lns, wired for elec. stove, newly decorated, full bsmt., furnace, tubs, bus at door. 657 N. 20th St. a70 MODERN 6 yr. old 2 B.R. home N. Full concrete basement, aawausi neat. At tached Karaite. Nice lawn. Oarden jpot, Iruit trees. Price (10.500.00. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 133 S. High Phone 4131 a72' fti'iKS.OO. LOCATED East. 5-room home. Elec. ranee and oil cir. stays. Garage. Lot 50x200. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS . 153 S. High Phone 4121 a72 ' JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 BUYER'S CHOICEI t B.R. Hue., near Highland school, 15000. S B.R. Hse. 7 yrs. old. $5800. B.R. home, plastered, can be bought fur nished. 17000. I B.R. Hse., NEW, unfln. up, Lot 60x139, fully Insulated. $8500. 4 B.R. Suburban, furnished, 11300 down. bal. terms. 98200. t B.R. home, 6 yrs. old, full basement, corner lot, Englewood, 312,500. Salesmen: "Hobby" Habernlcht Myles Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 485 Court Ph. 7696 Res. 24882 a72' OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 PREWAR LATE Built modern home. Lg. llv. rm., din. rm., hdwd. firs., flrcpl., 3 Bdrms., nice kit., base., furn., lot 200 ft. deep, North. Excellent condition. Quick possession. 310,500. Terms can be arranged. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 a70 OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED t7IM. MODERN 6 rms., base., furn., hdw. firs,, flrepl,, newly decorated. Consider part trade. 9750, 6 rms, (3 bdrms.), good condition, elec. heat, large lot, rm. for another hse. Quick possession. $0000. Jt bedrm. home, base., furn., North. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 a70 OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 6 TWO FINE houses for rental Investment. (Possession In about 6 mo.) Well lo cated. S4500 each. 31500 Dn. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 a70 BY OWNER: 6 room modern home, 774 Cascado Drive, Klngwood Heights. This well built home has a double garage, automatic oil heat As air conditioning, lull basement, onk floors throughout, double plumbing, fireplace At plenty of butlt-ins. 2 large lots or about 1 acre. 316.400. Phone 8293. a72 10.100. 8 bedims., bsmt., double pluintf ing. garage, paved st. and sidewalk, walnut trees. A good buy. Call BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 32 10 337 N. High Street a72' NEAR CANNERY IN W. SALEM SEDUCED TO 34500. 2 bdrms., llv. rm., kit., shower, gas range and good olrc. .heater Included. Garage At fruit room. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 N. High St. Ph. 3210 a72 IN WEST SALEM I BDRM. cottage, painted and new roof 3 years ago. Terms on this It desired. Only 14200. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High St. a72 MODERN BRICK HOME IF YOU really want something nice, don't neglect to see this strictly modern 6 rm. brick home all on one floor, Vj aare or ground. Cor. lot, 3 nice bdrms. At small den. Lge. llv, rm., din, rm., utility rm., covered patio, leading from din. rm. Dble. garage attached, tile bath. Price 317,000. Call G. H. Orabcnhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves, 3-2043 a70 S. SALEM BEAUTIFUL MOD. home. 8 spacious rms., 3 bdrms., dble. plbg., full base ment, oil heat, fireplace In basement, llv. rm. At din. rms. are carpeted, Truly a beautiful homo In a fine location. Cor. lot, nice view, dble. garage. SEE THIS TODAY. You will like it! Call G. H, Grabenhorat, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 a70' G. I. HOMES LOCATED S. 2 bdrms., hdwd. firs., elec. heat. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Up stairs unfln. with room for lge. bdrrrt. NEW A? WELL BUILT. Call Dale L. Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 a70 ' SPECIAL BDRM. home, close to schools, good roof, nice yard. Price 14800. 1 BDRM. bung, -type home, nice location, could be fixed up very cute. Only 14500. ft BDRM. home, located on cor. lot, ex cell, location, very adaptable lor re modeling. Price 36500. Call Date L. Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8, Liberty St, Ph. 4131. Eves, 2-4437 a70 Nji! SALEM S05O0 WILL buy this 5 rm. modern home with unfln. attic, full basement, hdwd. floors, furnace, fireplace At small nook, large lot, home In fine condition. Im mediate possession. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. This home Is worth the money. Call G. H. Orabenhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S, Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 a7Q SPACIOUS COUNTRY HOME DUTCH COLONIAL, 4 bdrms., dble. plbg., spacious rms. throughout, auto-oll heat, rumpus rm. in basement, dble. garage, outside fireplace, beautiful -grounds. Close to schools and bus. Cult Richard E. Grabenhorat. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5089 ft7 JJEW MOD. cottage. Lge. lot. 6fl4tb sC Independence, Ore. a72 WEST SIDE VIEW EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE living room, dm, 2 bdrms. and bnth. automatic oil furnace, needs redecorating on Inside. This Is a quality home, , priced at ; 312,900, Immediate Possession. KNOB HILL HOME t BEDROOMS, full bnsement. hardwood Hours, Venetian blinds, coved ceilhus, automatic furnace heat. Immediate Possession. Price 310,750. Terms can be arranged. THE ONE IN A MILLION HEW t bedroom lurnlshed home on large lot. Bus by your door. Attachrd garane. Only 31300 down, bal. 35 per month. Pull Price 36650. For Appointment Call Us Today Open Sunday P.M. MURPHY REALTY CO. REALTOR 1260 S. Commercial Phone 6026 Eves. 9785 a 70 roa SALE by o w n erTatTrac live,"' clean 2 bdrm. home. Elec. cooking Ac water heater. Must be sold soon. Leaving town. A bargain, 1335 6th St., West Salem. t10 KEW TWO room house and lot below cost lor quick sale. Mrs. P. E. Berry, Rte. 1 Box A, Jefferson, Ore. Br Sidney School. 72 BY OWNER: 3bdrms., L.R., dlnetteTkltT, bath, utility, auto, gas water heater, . garage. Lot 50x100. Location 521 Klng wood Ave., W. Salem. 16800. a73 BY OWNER: Beautifufiodern5 rm', home with full basement. Le. party rm. One extra brdrm. in basement. Hwd. flcors. first quality materials through out. Can be bought with or without new modern furniture, Incl. rugs, refrlg., elec. range At washing machine. : House may be seen any day until 6:30 p.m. 1420 Market St. a ' EXCELLENT 3 B ED RM . H OM E FAIRMOUNT DIRT. Spacious L.R., dln Ing rm., fireplace, hdwd. firs., modern kitchen, basement, oil or sawdust fur nace, dble. garage. Large lot nicely , landscaped. A really substantial home. " 311,750. ' FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT 1500 41 BEDRM. older typ home, fireplace, oil turne.ee, dble. plumbing, large lot. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 1 433 N, High St, Phone 94793 a 72 BY OWNER: Modern three bedroom home, hdw. floors, fireplace, only 10 years old. Price 16750. 11500 will handle. 2165 Berry St., Salem, .70 FOR SALE HOUSES 33500 DOWN PAYMENT ON 3 BEDROOM HOME AT 1815 SO. CHURCH ST. DRIVE BY. IF INTERESTED SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a72 ONLY 11500 DOWN ON A BEDROOM home on 1 acre or very good soil. On paved road, close to school At store. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a72 17350 LOVELY I B home, nice sized rooms. large kitchen At nook, plumbing, eieciric hot water heater, oil burner, etc., large Barnes and utility. Lawn and shrubbery 6 years old Excellent condition. Also extra lot 50x100. This Is a wonderful buy. 12350 will handle, balance month ly pyts. possession. M. D. LOONEY with WM. E. MOSES 331", 4 State Phone 4993 aTO WliVPAY nENT? A homewlthIn your reach, 4 room home, plumbing, utility room, double garage, can easily be made Into apt. Also corner lot adjoining prop erty. 65 by 175. east. A wonderful buy at 13800. Terms and possession. Near stores and bus. M. D. LOONEY. with WM. E. MOSES, 381) State. Ph. 4993. a70 nr.no furnished 7 room house. Imme diate possession. 3130 2 ACRES of good land with neat i room house located East. $0000 2 ACRES located East on bus line. near grade school, small a room nouse, very neat. 90 young fruit trees; some berries. ajtoofti ACRE North on bus line. Good 5 room house, garage, otner mags. oomc fruit and buries. 56,1002 BEDROOM house about 4 blocks from Englewood school. Hardwood floors in LR Se DR Nice lot. $75000 ROOM house with lot that fronts on 2 streets In business zone. Dwelling faces residential street; back of the lot has frontage on Fairgrounds Road. Ex cellent for a man who wants a home and place for small business. R OSTEIN Ac ADOLPH, INC. 11 014 N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 or 24908 a70' $73,10 NEW 2 bedroom house. Penn 4-Cor- ncrs Dm. Will be completed in about two weeks. 12500 will handle, balance like rent. 510,3003 BEDROOM home located North. LR with fireplace, DR, hardwood floors. Full basement with sawdust lurnace. Large lot. $I3,K(0 PRE-WAR construction. 4 bed room house on the heights above west Salem. Excellent view of the valley. A Home you will be proud to own. ROSTFIN At ADOLPH, INC. 11014 N. Commercial Phone 301)0 Eves. 8314 or 7080 a70 FOR SALE by Owner: Nice 2 bedrm. home, hdw. floors, att. gar., flowering shrubs As fruit trees. Bus service past door, Poss, May 1. 2330 8. 12th St. a71 3.1)00 NICE 2 bedrm. home In a swell location, L.R., kltch., tile drain boards, din. rm., hdw. firs, thruout, fireplace, pipe furnace As trays in full fin. base ment. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Cheineketa St. Phone 3793. Eves. 9441. a7I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MflOn ENGLISH type 2 bedrm. home with L.R., D.R., kitch., bath, unfln. attic, full fin. bsmt., trays, pipe furnace, dbl. garage, paved st. Well located, large lot, a good buy. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemcketa St. Phone 3793. Eves. 9441. 71 NICE ENGLEWOOD HOME BEDRMS., lg. llv. rm. At dining rm., kltch., hdw, firs, frplce., oil pipe furn., sprinkler system In Inwn. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 21549 Eves. 25091. a71 StK.WSUBURBAN 2 B.R. home, llv. rm.. kltch.. clos- to bus A; school. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Cheineketa St. Phone 2154!J Eves. 25091. a71 DELIGHTFUL well planned home on 1 acre view property. Nice trees, large living rm., 16x33, fireplace, oil pipe furnace. Far more Information call MR. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 3793. Eves. 25260. a71 $3800 3 BDRM. home on large lot. Clue In north, double garage. Call MR. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Cheineketa St. Phone 3793 Eves. 25260. o71 $7ft30 WEST Salem. L.R., D.R., kltch., 1 earm. oain down. 2 bedrms. up. Neat Placr. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chomeketa St. Phono 21549. Eves. 0441, a71 H.")0O EAST. L.R.. D.R., kltch.. bath. utility, 2 bedrms. up. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549. Eves. 9441. a71 BY OWNER: Mod. home on N. Summer St. English style, 2 bdrms., lge. living rm. Including hwd. floors A: fplace. Full tile bath, lge. kit. with tile drains. Lots or bul't-lns, full bsmt., auto, oil heat, elec. water heater, lge. aarafto, attractive yard Priced to sell at JBOoO. Terms tr desired. Inquire at 850 Nor way St. a71 LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS RECOMMENDED VALUES SPLENDID BUY: Very neat 2 bedroom home, living room, large kitchen and bath. Completely redecorated. Garage. See this for S4200. NEW LOVELY RANCH TYPE: Living rm.. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, Insulated and wea therstrlpped Att. garage. On bus line and close to schools. $6850 12850 down bal. 140 month. KEI.ER DIST.: Spacious living room, wun iirepiace, kitchen with nook, 2 lovely bedrooms, bullt-lns, closets; util ity room, att. gnrage. Lot about 60 x 130. Ask to see this soon. 111.000. IN PERFECT CONDITION: 6 yrs. old. Liv ing room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, nook. 2 bedrooms, full base ment with extra bedroom. Large ga raae, pump house. One acre, 43 cherry trees. Really a lovely place. 110,000. CALL or'SEE James B. Hartman nr K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS "30 years of dependable service to home owners." 344State St. Ph. 9261 a71" FAIRMOUNT DIST., 3 rm. house, hdwd. nrs. uirouRnoui, wiren ior range, fur nace. Vj blk. bus. 17800. SUBURBAN HOME In city limits, ; A.. iruit 6i nut trees, 2 bdrms., lge. L.R., wired for range, furnace, dble. gar., small barn, chick, hse R. II. COPPOCK, REALTOR 2 10 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8902-5514 a70" SAI'.V). FOR QUICK SALE. A good new 5-rm. home with attached garage. Has hdwd. At fir floors, elec, heat, fluores cent lights, etc. i A. lot. Kelscr Dlst. Call Jack Henntngscn with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 133 S. High St. Phone 4121 71 VIEW HOME G I. OR CIVILIAN YOU CAN'T help but fall In love with this monern a room home and :ti beautiful shaded, oversized, view lot. Has at tached garage, cove ceilings. Ilreplace. utility, auto, heat and Is priced to pass lor a O.I. loan 18750. Don't wait, SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 7037 a70 WELL CONSTRUCTED 3 B.R. home close to scnoois fit bus North, very deep lot. full bsmt. with 8.D. heat, fireplace and all good slrd rooms. $10,500. Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Evei. 7057 70' FOR HALE by Owner: Nice 3 bedroom nome. 2252 Mission St. Ph. 25051. 72 THIS ONE INVITFSIN.qp"prrrTnM LARGE spacious rooms with lots of light. nuw. nrs. iiv, ana am. rm., ilreplace. lull basement, three bedrooms. Double gnrage. North on paved street. Close to bus. 19500. A. E. DANIELSON, REALTOR 168 N. 12th St. Phone 34483. a70 FOR SALE: Well built houses At build ing material. Contact A. B. Cooper, Jefferson. Dlst. Agent. Ph. 262. a73 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES SACRIFICE by Owner: 3 bedrm. house at 725 Breys Ave, Hdw. floors, Gar, tached, oil stoves Included. Shade, nice runs. Garden space. 3 walnut trees, fenced, near schl. At bus. Splendid neighborhood. 1mm. poss. Ph. 8391 a70 BY OWNER: Vacant. 3 bedrm. home. L.R., D R kltch.. enclosed porch with laun dry trays, attached garage, nice electric range At water heater, concrete foun dation, recently painted. Clean, good condition. Lame lot, east front. 2 blocks from bus. Nice location close In south. $7000. No dealers. Owner at 490 North 2 1st. a70 ED-BYRKIT. REALTORS. PHONE 5981 6:i00 5 ROOM house, plastered. Glassed- in back porch. Basement, Gas iurnace. L.R. At D.R. carpeted wall to wall. Paved street c bus line. J0H50 NEW, modern, 2 bedroom home. Electric heat. Garage attached. $1 200 G.I. NEW 5 room house. Hard wood floors throughout. Automatic gas heat. Garaee attached. Large lot. 17000 LOCATED at 373 N. 14th. Plaster ed 4 bedroom house. Piped furnace. Lot 57x192. A good place for a court. SBWIO NEW, modern home. 2 bedrooms. Electric cooking, electric heat. base ment. Garane. Lot 60x100. $0800 S2500 down payment, balance on contract. New modern a room nome. Electric heat. Hardwood floors throuah out. Garage attached. Large lot. Good location. ED BYRKIT, REALTORS 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 Eves. 3434. a70 $7000 S ROOM modern home on l'i acres. Best of soil, lots ol trees, shrub bery and fruit. Some very fine fir trees. Beautiful view. Garage. North. Call Dahl. ED BYRKIT, . REALTORS 339 Chemekcta St. Phone 5981 Eves. 3434 a70 NEW HOME, basement, oil furnace. Im mediate possession. Located at 393 no 24th St. Key at our office. W. G. KRUEGER, REALTOR 147 No. Commercial St. Ph. 4728 a70 FURNISHED 3 B.R. home on acre on 99E South, Vi basement, garage, work Shop, fruit. Best In town for $7900. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph7 3255, Eves. 7057 a70 13250 PEOPLE LEAVING Large 2 room house. 1 room double plumbing, not water heater gas stove go with place. Close in lot. 100 x 160. See this. Easy terms and posesslon. M. D. LOONEY. with WM. E. MOSES, 331 "a State. Pb. 4993. a70 12600 DOWN WILL BUY this very comfortable 3 bed room home located on the edge or town, has lots of bullt-lns In large kitchen, V. blinds throughout, wired for range, elec. wall heaters, large garage with Utility room Total price Is 17350. LEE OHMART As CO.. REALTORS 477 Court SI. Phone 4035 or 968() a ATTRACTIVE M OIR NHOM E LOCATED elate to edne of town. South. has living room with fireplace, dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, basement with auto, sawdust furnace, elec. water heater, about 5 years old. Immediate Possession Terms 110.750. LEE OHMART At CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a "MODERN HOME KEIZER DISTRICT LOCATED less than ' mile from the Kclzer School on N. River Road, an at tractive, modern 2 bedroom home with an unfinished upstairs, basement and furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, elec. water heater, wired for range, garage, large lot about 7 years old 510.000. LEE OHMART At CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a DUPLEX MODERN t WE HAVE a very attractive Colonial home with 2 complete flats, each has 4 rooms and bath, downstairs opt. has fire place, full bnsement with auto, oil fur nace corner lot 50112, double garage $12,000. LEE OHMART A: CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 4035 or 9660 a MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6", Call for details. BYRKIT & POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phone B937 a BY OWNER: Older home, 4 bedrooms, double living rooms, dining room, kit chen, bath Furnished. Large lot, 37500. Fh. 25619. a71 BY OWNER: Modern two bedroom house, sleeping porch, double garage, beauti fully landscaped, at 2360 Laurel Ave. a73 FOR SALE by owner: 4 bedrm. home, 6 yrs. old. Liv, rm., fplace., din. rm., kit. 3 bedms. At bath on main floor, 2 bed rms. As part plumbing upstairs. Full bsmt, with air cond. oil furnace At fplace. Could mako recreation room. Lg. lot, enclosed. Near high school As other schools. Price $14,750 Ph. 26892. a70 RPPPTAT. THTS BR. Plastered house, 2 yrs. old. Hwd. floors, wired for range, E, w. htr., V. blinds, att. gar., fenccd-ln yd. Va cant now. 1562 6th St., W. Salem. a70 BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. home, lg. corner lot. Priced for quick sale, no aeaiers. 1810 Waller St. a71 BY OWNER: House for sale. Ph. 26904. a7i" SS.Ioo. 2 bdrm. home, hwd. firs., fire place, V. blinds, 2 lots, oil heat, imm. Poss. This can't last for the price they are asking OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S, Com'l St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 25830 a70 BY OWNER Year old home, 3 bedrooms up, 2 down, bath, living room 13x20, large kitchen, lots of bullt-lns. all elec tric heat, hardwood floors, utility room, garage, fenced-in yard, near school and bus. Down payment, balance like rent. Ph. 25619 a71 FOR SALE LOTS ONE BEAUTIFUL lot on Fairmount Hill. 60X150. Ph. 7881. aaia- 0 LOTS FOR SALE: 51x125 on N. 22nd A; Rose Sts. Near Chemcketa. Selling at $600 ench or bargain on the group. Phone 26583. aa74 LOT FOR SALE: 11200 cash. Walnut Park Addition. Phone 9384. aa70 CHOICE building lots. $600 to 1850. Water iavallable. Park and East FredericK sis.. Just off Center St. Inquire owner. Daniel B. Klelhege 3149 Center St. Ph. 3327 aa71 FOR SALE: Restricted a acre corner lot. 200 ft. frontaiie, 30 chprry trees. liaoo Orchard Heights road. Phone 34347 after 6 P.m. aaTO BEAUTIFUL RESTRICTED lot in Kelzer. 108' x 148' with 9 walnut trees, hibii ground, close to school, on 60' street. This week only 1950.00. 1360 N. 17th M. an 70 FOR SALE FARMS ACREAGE 10 ACRES with beautiful 3 B.R. modern home, K.. D.R., L.R., 2 B.R. and bain down. 1 B.R. and sewing room up. Full basement with laundry trays and fruit room. Garage, barn and poultry house. 6 acres of pears and filberts. 5 acres good creek bottom soil, live creek. Own er anxious to move, reduced from 115, 000.00 to 112.500.00. A wonderful subur ban home. Tractor, implements, fresh row and 24 red hens go at this price. This is a steal. Act quickly. BARGAIN 5 ACR3 close In with comfortable 2 B.R. home, barn, poultry house, double ga rage, good location. Owner leaving, must sell. Make an offer. WE HAVE several good small acreages close In, Bee in before you buy. THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR Formerly of Hawkins At Roberts See MR. CHIP MAN Phone 4109 b71 FIVE ACRES 1 A. Logan. 1 A. Boysen A 1 A. Rasp berries. Strawberries. Blackcaps and Youimberrles. 14 apple trees, plus 2 bedroom home, barn 20x30, hen hse. 14x30. Price 15800. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM, 341 State SU Room 4 b70" iQ ACRE valley farm. Neat attractive 4- B.R. Home. Barn with 10 stanchions. Poultry house 32x50. 2 A. berries. Pi A. orchard, bal. In cultivation. Includes Tractor, toots and Implements. 4 cows, etc. Price $18,000.00. Call O. V. Hume With STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 b72' OWNER LEAVING, will sell 40 A., all In cultivation, 'i in filberts, located Reis er Dlst. At an attractive price. Ph. 7677. b71' (tfl-ATRE farm, clear, N. Take some trade. No buildings. $3000 down, bal ance to suit. Inquire 607 N. Capitol. Apt. 6. b80 I FOR SALE FARMS LAKE LABISII Beaverdam, unlimited ir rigation At irr, equip, available. Pre war price, $750 Acre. Phone 24085. b71 60 ACRES 4 MILES FROM Jefferson. All in cultiva tion. Deep well Irrigation. Electric 3 -horse pump. Modern 8 room house, plastered, 4 B. R., 2 barns, 1 large cow barn, 20 stanchions, all on concrete. New. modern brooder house for turkeys, 30x60. Garage and all buildings in good condition. 20 A. In oats and vetch. Does not overflow. Fine for dairy, tur key or truck gardening. Possession. Good fences and cross fences. $16,500, terms. Equipment and Ouernsey herd can be purchased. 12', 4 ACRES, 10 miles out, at Intersection of paved market road and new highway 99E. New electric water system can be used for Irrigation if wanted. New elec. hot water heater. New cook stove, new oil burner. Nice lawn, all black rich soli. 3'i A. planted to Marshall berries. 5 A. to oats and vetch, Bus at door for high school Fine location for auto court and grocery. This is an oppor tunity. $7500. Terms and possession. $4775 fi ACRES CLOSE IN. 200 yds. off H. 99E. 3 room new house Electric water system. plumbing, new oil burner, cook stove and some furniture go with place. Small barn, balance plowed last fall. Will put ground in condition for planting. This Is a good buy. Possession April 1. Terms. M. D. LOONEY with WM. E. MOSES 331 H State Phone 4993 b70 NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUY a farm or acreaae check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson At Nelson. Mason lo Bldg.. Ph. 4419 b" FOR SALE ACREAGE 3 ACRES with 5-Rm. home with bath. elec. water htr. Wired for range. Ga rage, chicken house, close to bus ine. Price 34800.00. Call O. V. Hume with t STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 bb72" $600 BY owner. i A. 2 bdrm. plastered home, L.R., D.R., kltch. with nooic, utility rm., V, blinds, drilled well, elec. water system, fruit room in ga rage. Poultry hse.. 24x30 barn, fruit trees, 1 blk. to school At store, bus by door. Ph. 21318. bb72 NORTH 5 ACRES rich soil near river. Cow, horse. chickens, elect, refrig., new water sys tem. New 2 B.R house with bath. (7, 400 C. II. SANDERS-231 N. Hlsh-5838. bb70 CLOSE IN, SOUTH. .39 A., 3 bdrms., ga rage, utility rm., elec. water system, eiec. hot water heater, wired for elec. range, oil heat, by owner. Write Box 304, Cap ital Journal. bb70 1 ACRE EAST at 4 Corners, very nice I's story home, age 12, large garage, work shop, barn, family fruit and berries, very nice shrubbery and lawn. Just reduced from $9750 to S8500. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 24479 bb70- 10 ACRES, RANCH STYLE HOME built in 191, targe double garage, work shop, barn, well landscaped yard, pole corrals, S acres in cultivation, house has elec. heat As fireplace, sprinkler system In lawn, really a nice place, 7 miles from downtown. $11,000. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 24479 bb70 SUBURBAN HOME 14 ACRES east, 6 rm. all modern home, barn, chicken house, double garage, family orchard, on bus line. Just the place to retire on. Very beautiful. 110,000. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 25831 bb70' 114 ACRES KEIZER DIST., modern plas tered home, large garage, family fruit. $7850. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 2.ifm bb70 CHEAPIES YES, WE have several places from $3000 to $5000. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3253. Eves. 25831 bb70 OARDEN ROAD 5 ACRES, nice home, five years old. large L.R., 2 bedrooms. D.R., kitchen, bath, unfinished up, dble. gnrage. chicken house, 3 acres boysenberrles. house fur nished Including NEW Tefrig. S9850. May go G.I SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3368 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 2479 bb70 ONE ACRE with a 5-room house, large garage, barn equipped for horses, corral and pasture. Lawn, shrubs, trees, alto gether an ideal setup. Possession within 10 days. The price is S8500.no. P. H. BELL. REALTOR Phone 4896 510 Guardian Bldg., Salem, Oregon. bb70 WOODBURN 7 ACRES approx. Lovely 3-year-old home. completely furnished In fine prewar furniture, Incl. electrical equipment. Two bedrms.. sunroom, Dutch kitchen, hdw. floors, utility room and fruit room. All on 1 floor. Barn, chicken house, electric water system. Fruit and berries. Prop erty In exc. cond. All In cultivation. Could be subdivided. Forced '-le. be cause of illness. Call or write ALETHA RINGO, REALTOR 309 N. Alberta, Portland, Ore. WE 2R16 bb70 10 ACRES of Strawberries In Kelter Dis trict This is the Best investment in Salem. These are all certified plants, first Rood years. Don't Miss this.-' OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 6. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 bb70" Sfttnn 'H a. Onod hse., barn and Cnick- en hse close In. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 943 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 bb70 $fl.uw A. t-4 rm. hse.. wired for ranee. Elec Hot Water heater. Elec. water syst. from good spring. Barn, chicken hse. 1-2 rm. hse. near srhool. OlSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 bb70 FOR SALE: 10 A. mixed fruit, mostly R.A cherries. Close In. Priced right. Liberal terms. 3111 Sunnyvlew. Ph. 23759. bb7I ACREAGE CKLV1 ? SQ. Acres, beautiful home site. Price 7 ACRES, S A. full bearing R.A. cher ries, 2 A. new planting, good view. 13000. 10 A. Wm. soil, all level. Price $3500. 10 ACRES, near Silverton Highway. $4000. !t3 A. Good well. 50 A. cult. S5000. ACREAGE AND BUILDINGS APPROX. 15 A. orchard, in good condi tion, llvg. quarters. $3800. 24 A. strawberry farm. 4 rm. hse. 56000. It A. 3 rm. cottage, near Airport. $6350. I RM. cabin, 19 A. orchard, fully equip. Includ. 1942 Dodire truck. $7550. 30 A, cult, near Silverton hwy., good 5 rm. mod. hse. Equip, can be bought. $17,300. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 435 Court Phone 7696 Res. 35141 bb72 OPEtf SUNDAY 1 TO 6 11000 TO $1475 DOWN LATE BUILT 4 rm. cottage, wired for range, new fire, hot water heater. About 't A. Some large nut and fruit trees and berries. North. Suburban bus and sch. bus. 13700. NOW VACANT WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 bb70 ACREAGE 10 ACRES located 4 miles South. View property, all under cult., drilled well, on good road. Price $3250. TERMS. Call Richard E. Orabenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 3-5089 bb70 REAL ESTATE 1673ft. x BDR M,' home in Kelrerbistrict, close to school and bus. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS 45 8. Com ! St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 33830 c70' Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE COUNTRY-CITY 3 MILES NE of Salem, 6 acres, 114 acres producing filberts. Very pleasant 3 bed room home, Up to date oil furnace, fine utility room Desirable batn. on pave ment. Bus by door. 112.500. 816 $8500 INVESTED WILL GIVE you an apartment to live in and 3135 a month Income from 5 other units. Owner's equity 14900 on which a trailer will be taken to 12000. 748 LOTS OF LIVING AT THIS PRICE fQ'Q ? bedrooms, large living room and kitchen with fine bullt-lns. Full bath. range, circulator and floor coverings go. Beautiful yard. Good surroundings. Possession right away quick. It's good. 325 NEW HOUSE. EAST BUILT TO live in, not to sell.' 2 bedrooms. Deluxe kitchen with new west lug house range. Grand bath, with built-in tub. Auto oil heat. Oak floors throughout, t'a lots, $3750 down and move right In. 224 ATTENTION, G.Il YOU CAN get a G.I.. loan on this new all-electric home. Hardwood floors. Full bath. Excellent kitchen. Really good. $8950. 243 PRICE REDUCED $3000 DOWN, 150 a month. Reduced $500 to $63s0. 2 bedroom home In East Ba lem. Paved street. Some furniture goes. Full basement. Fine yard and trees. This is a SNAP. 244 NEW HOME. INTERESTING VIEW TWO BEDROO.MS, fireplace, coved cell ing, coved linoleum, attached garage, la.-ce utility room. Improved yard. Will take G.I. loan. 38665. 251 "SEIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Ph. 9203; eves. 3621 70a NELSON NEWS GO SEE 2010 MAPLE HOUSE BAROAIN OF THE WEEK ONLY 17900 YOU WILL find a aood substantial plas tered modern nome, comb, llvingroom dlnlngroom, kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath, all on 1 floor, full bsmt., piped furnace heat, elec. water heater, ga rage, large lot with fenced backyard, lawn, garden and shrubbery, on paved street, near Hollywood shopping; dist., Highland and St. Vincent tchools. OUTSTANDING CREEK ACREAGE IDEAL FOR HORSEMAN MUST BE SOLD PRONTO ONE OF the best acreages In the Salem area, oi special value to people in terested in horses, 10 acres, nearly all In subterranean clover, creek and shade, very mod. 1 bedrm. home with oppor tunity to add 2 more bedrms., utility room, dble. garage, new barn, 2 cor rals, shop, lovely yard, everything in A-l condition. Owner must sell. Let us show you this, only $9500. NELSON At NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson Specialising Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bdlg., 495 State St Phone 4419 or 4622; eves. 21350 c70 MCKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 SOUTH HIGH PHONE 5131 or 8620 CITY $7300 West Salem, seven years old. 2 bedroom bungalow, livingroom, dining room, kitchen, bultins, bath, trays, elec. cooking and water heating, oil circu lator heat, garage, close to bus and school, Immediate possession, nice lawn and shrubs and paved street. $8500 One story, 2 bdrm home, living- room, dining room, kitchen, bulltins, bath, bsmt,, elec. and gas cooking and and water heating. Apt, In bsmt. Is rented. Elec. range, Frig Id aire, daven port and a few other Items go. SJii.800 Beautiful new rambling type. 2 bdrm home, large livingroom and din ingroom, kitchen, pecan hdwd. floors, plastered Interior, elec. cooking and water heating, auto, oil heat, garage, Immediate possession. SUBURBAN $6,150 Brand new 2 bdroom bungalow, shingled roof, fir floors, livingroom, kitchen, nook, builtlns, elec. cooking and water heating, oil circulator heat, immediate possession, bus and school close, $31,000 Just being finished. Cape Cod style, 1 bedroom down, 3 bedrooms ud. double plumbing, livingroom, dining- room, Kitcnen, nuutins, noos, base ment, elec. cooking and heating, dble. garage, plastered and papered Inside, beautiful view property, good location, extra large lot, large rooms, oak floors and carpet to go, lawn and shrubs will be In. FARMS $57S0 Sunnyside district, 3 bdroom house, livingroom, kitchen, batn and 3 unfin ished rooms upstairs, elec, light, barn with 2 stanchoins, poultry house, fam ily orchard fruit and nuts, school clohe. Ten acres and house. $11,800 5 acres and 3 bdroom house, liv ingroom, diningroom, kitchen, bath, part bsmt., hdwd. floors, plastered In terior, elec. cooking and water heat ing, oil heat, garage, large family or chard, lots of berries, new chicken house, barn, rabbit barn, 80 ft. veil, spring and creek. Tractor and equip ment extra. $1 1,0010 acres and 4 bedroom house, barn, emcken nouse, brooder, oil heat, dec. lights, elec. pump, level ground, fenced, 1 acre sweet clover, all under Irrigation, good land, tractor nearly new, with equipment, 1 good cow. Terms $5000 down and balance at $500 a year, plus 5 pet. Interest. $13,000 15 acres and 3 bedroom house, 1 bedroom down. 3 up, bath, livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, fireplace, Vene tian blinds, bsmt., elec. cooking, ga rage, fish pond, cherries, filberts, oats and vetch and timber. Large family orchard. Large barn with 4 stanchions, 3 wells, elec pump, water to all build ings, elec. fence, chicken house, tur key brooder, machine shod. Large mod ern kitchen, glassed-in back porch, saw dust furnace with water heater and air conditioning and sawdust con veyor. Extra good tractor and equip ment. All Venetian blinds downstairs go and also fireplace set. MCKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 So. High Ph. 5131 or 8620 Eves. 4937-9340-6901-7163 c70' 2 BR. USE., L.R., dinette, kltch., bath. elec. w. heat., W. elec. range furnished. Located north. Price $5775. 3 BR. USE.. L.R., kltch., bath, cem. loun., wood&ncd, located south, price $4500. 3 ACRES with 2 BR. hse. (no bath), deep well, located N.W. Price 33750. S74 ACRES, all cult., with good 6 rm. hse.. garage, barn, stan. for 10 cows, poultry hse., br. hse., tarn, orch.. Amity dark soil, on good oil rd. Located 414 ml. S.E. of McMlnnvllle, Ore. Price $11,000. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS 1. NEW 3 BR. home, comb. L.R. At D.R.. kltch., utility, bath, att. garage, oil fir. fir. furn., elec. w. heat, hdw. flvs., b apple trees, on 65x150 lot. close to Les lie and McKInley schools. Should go G I. Better hurry on this one. Located at 265 Falrvlew, Reduced for quick sale. Price 18250. 3 CUTE 3 room garage house, nicely fin ished, wired for elec. range, elec. w. heat, on good lot, located at 1375 Franklin. West Salem. Price $4150. HANSEN'S REAL ESTATE Phone 24566971 Edgewater St. c70" MR. GROCERYMAN IP YOU are Interested In one or the best grocery set-ups In the Willamette val ley, come In or write. No telephone In formation. HAVE CASH BUYER FOR THE best three bedroom home 313, 000 will buy (must have large living and dining rooms and automatic heat.) WE NEED MORE LISTINGS IF YOU have desirable property for sale, call us or come In and tell us what you have. We like to show good prop erty, MR. MASTER PLUMBER WE HAVE a dandy little oil burner ser vice business with about $2400 in stock, consisting of burners, floor fur nace, electric water heater, copper tub lug, miscellaneous fittings and supplies, small stock galvanized pipe, etc. Ford pick-up. It all goes for $3300. If In terested call In person. LOVELY SUBURBAN WEST SIDE. A very appealing three bed room home on large lot, strictly mod ern, including all electric heat; double garage. 311.500. VIEW FARM OF 3.1 acres all in crop; 6 acres Boysen- oerries. 2 acres strawberries, balance oats At vetch; three bedroom home, barn, poultry house, Ford-Ferguson tractor. It's only $14,500. SALEM REALTY CO. C. W. Bartlett, Realtor 149 N. High Phone 7663 Art Holmes. Cleave Bartlett, Jr., Don Tungate. Salesmen. Eve. Phone 6198-3-4773-2-3380 c71 SPECIAL $6830, BDRM. home close to school and bus, large living rm.. with fireplace. V, Blinds, large Kitchen with nook, bus In front of door. Don't Walt, this 1 the place. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS Ph. 4590. Eve. 25830. 945 8. Com'l St 70" RE AL ESTATE . L $7000. 2 BDRM. borne close to McKInley sch., large lot, beautiful yard. 1mm. Fosi. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS 943 8.. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 33830 c70 A NEW 3 bedroom home with nice view. At Pen 4-Corners. Ready In two weeks. $6950. Z1 ACRES in Kelzer district. $800 per acre. Excellent for subdividing. OLAP THONSTAD, REAL ESTATE 941 N. Capitol St. Phone 7903. c70 12800 - NEW UNFINISHED 3 B.R. home. Good West Salem location. S6500 VERY NICE 2 B.R. home In good loca tion. Hwd. floors, wired for range. At tached garage. Imm. Poss. Terms. 16750. 3 B.R. GOOD CLEAN plastered home. Double garage, close to business district In West Salem. $7200 NEAT t B.R. home In a good location. Has nice L.R., D.R. At Kit. with plenty or bullt-lns. Wired for range, elec. wtr. heater. 1 blk, to bus, 5 to school, . $7500 IS ACRE farm. 9 acres prunes, 5 acres walnuts. 1 acre cherries, 10 acres clear land. No buildings. $7750 S ACRES. 8.E. Salem. 1 acre fruit. Small strawberry patch, balance in pasture At timber. 3 B.R. house. DUPLEX EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN. Only 6 mo. old. Cone. Fdn., plastered Interior, elec. heat, elec. wtr. heater, Ven. blinds. Separate utility rooms, '4 blk to bus. 3 to school. Full price $10,000. 110.500. 2 HOUSES VERY ATTRACTIVE modern 2 B.R. home, hdwd. floors, fireplace, basement, large utility room, double garage, 80x100 lot. Also, large garage house In rear rented for f30 per month. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS ULTRA MODERN 3 B.R. view home on 1 acre lot. Lovely oak floors throughout, fireplace, 31x18 L.R. with large win dows, nice D.R., large Kit. with cheery breakfast nook. Full basement with shower. Auto, oil furnace. Double ga rage. A fine buy for 316,500. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1233 Edscwflter St. Ph. 5109 c71 $10,500, 3 BDRM. home close in, hwd. firs., V, Blinds, fireplace, coved ceil ings, full bsm't, large lot, small down Pymt. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS 945 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 35830 c70 sll'sob. 3 BDRM. home. 1 yr. old, flre place, Elec, heat, double plumbing. Most modern Kitchen In Salem. Bus In front of door. You can't build this house for the price. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 35830 c70- MONEY TO LOAN on rrrst, mortgages to t"e Call for details BYRKIT At POTTS 339 Chemeketa Peon 5981 WANTED REAL ESTATE OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 WANTED 2 bdrm. house. $4500 to $7500 cash. Also 3 to 4 bedrm house, $7,500 to $10,000 cash, city or suburban. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 6. Liberty Ph. 7113 ca70 'LARGE or small, we sell them all." For Quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 State frt. Ph 9261 ca7I WE ARB in need oi good homes to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea FOR PROMPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL, Real Estate Broker 655 N. Liberty Phone 7327 ea ATTENTION OWNERS OWING to our strategic location on high way 993, we have commenced to get a numbe of out-of-state buyers. We need listings on good farms, city homes, acreage and any kind of a buainess that you want to sell. We sold over one million dollars In property Is '46 and wa will really appreciate your listings SULUVAN REALTY. INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; eves, 24479 LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA LEM REALTY CO. O. W BARTLETT, REALTOR. 149 N. HIGH ST. PH.. 7660 ea NOTICE! If your property U for sale rent or exchange, list it with us. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 8 High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE nice mod, home In Portland for home in Salem. For home and acreage near Salem, Owner, Mr. Wil son. Ph-6133. cb75 FOR SALE or trade for house, equipped metal working shop and house. Box 309. Capital Journal. cb75 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPEN SUNDAY I TO 5 AUTO COURT, 10 rentals plus living quar ters. $34,000. Extra business lot avail able If desired. Good Income. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 cd70 A WELL known restaurant In a nearby valley town is for sale. Netting isoo.oo per month. All the equipment goes with this place. Possession April 1, 1947. Th price Is 35775.00. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 510 Guardian Building Salem, Oregon Phone 4896 cd72 FOR SALE by owner: Sporting goods and hardware store located on the finest spot on the coast in the heart of Taft. Inventory, fixtures, partially finished living quarters adjoining, and an ex ceptionally favorable lease, $10,500. Phone Salem 24512. cd72 HOLLYWOOD INCOME PROPERTY VERY PROFITABLE apartment proper ty, perfectly located In Hollywood dis trict. May be purchased at a price that will show 10 profit and value of this property is on the Increase. This Is an exclusive listing so see us at once. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 S. High Street Ph. 5131 Ph. Eves, and Sun. 9340-7363-6901-493; cd72 TAVERN, ALL new equip. Room for pool tables or card room. Bldg. approx. 25 x 60. A good money maker priced to sell. $18,000. 3 STORY FUR. APT. HSE. Brings 3117 a mo. plus 3 rm. apt. for owner. $7875. full price. 13123. down. bal. at 5ci. VALUABLE HIGHWAY PROPERTY. Lge. frontage on Portland Rd. Ideal for Ser. Sta., courts, trailer park or Industrial. Incls. 4 B.R. mod. home; For details call LARSEN HOME Az LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings-Personal Service BRANCH OFFICE 2805 PORTLAND RD. Phone 24085 cd71' OWN SMALL manufacturing business at home; man, family can assist; operate cutter machine and assemble! spare or full time: $200 for machine. Box 307. Capital Journal. cd73 GOOD PAYING GROCERY STORE INCLUDING RENTAL property. Buyer should easily make J8000 per year. 315.000 will handle. See THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. near Center St. cd72 A MONEY MAKER MORE THAN A LIVING THIS very fine, 'Veil established grocery and market is ideal ior man and wue to run. All stock Is quality merch andise. Equipment Is good. Shelving and islands new. Now netting $500 a month. Your closest Investigation In vited. No phone Information. Yes, you may have the address. $9,000. 761. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 cdTO 13.000 APT. house, close In. All furn., bath tor each. 5 apts., 3 elec. refrig., bsmt., sawdust burner, furnace, rent under OPA. $165. $5,000 will handle. MELVIN JOHNSON 547 N. Cottage Ph. 3733 cd71 11,750 APT. house, 5 rms., below, fireplace, gas furnace, 2 apts, up, gas heat throughout, rent $155. MELVIN JOHNSON 847 N. Cottage Ph. 3723 ed71 SPECIAL WE RAVE ont of the best suburban gro eery stores, ownei leaving town, must seh. OLSON At REEVE REALTORS 943 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eves. 23830 Cd7l' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3 B.R. BOUSE N. for 2 B.R. house S.E Salem. Inquire 1915 Broadway, Ph. 3150. cd70 LOT 50x167 on N. 17th St. To trade for late model car. Phone 3012. cb74 COIN OPERATED Radios for hotels and motels. ' cal distributor wanted. Loca tlons available. Write Magna Electronics Co., 3709 W Jefferson Blvd., Los An geles. Calif. cd73 SACRIFICE. GROCERY STORE PRICE INCLUDES ample stock As fixtures. Close -in, North, doing good business. Lon. term lease. Sickness forces quick sale. All goes for $4100, full price. Bee Mr. Corey today. M. O. HUMPHREYS At CO., REALTORS 2286 FAIRGROUNDS RD. ' Ph. 24596 cd70" CABINET SHOP At HOME ALMOST ONE ACRE of ground with 3 B.R. home built m 1940 At lots of fruit trees. Shop with all equipment, 2 drill presses, jointer, table saw, sander. All goes Incld. elect, range. Illness reason for selling. All for $8500 or will trade for city home. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portlana Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 24479 cd70 RESTAURANT A REAL money maker, in excel, location, aoing a very good business. Seating room for 24, Full price 19500. Call for Mr. Isaak. M. O. HUMPHREYS At CO.. REALTORS 2266 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 cd70' GROCERY STORE COMPLETE grocery store with small liv ing quarters in rear, 3-year lease at siuu.uu a montn, equipment includes walk-in cooler, meat case, 2 scales, reg ister, misc. meat equipment, 18 cubic feet freeze unit, etc. Equipment and business priced st $6500, stock at In ventory. Grossing over $2000 a week. LEE OHMART fi CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 4035 or 9680 cd71" AUTO AND HOMESUPPLIES COMPLETE B. P. Goodrich line. Philco radios and products, L. As H. line, plus H. At D. washing machines, oil circula tors and Decca records, etc., price includes 16x60 brick building plus lease oi zzxou ouiiainic at s&u.uo a montn. This is a good buy for only $16,000. Lo cated in good small town. LEE OHMART At CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 4035 or 9680 cd71 MODERN APARTMENT-HOUSE FOUR complete apts., hardwood floors, gas floor furn., water heaters and re frigerators, close In location, about 8 years old. 125.000. LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 4035 or 9680 cd71 TAVERN aT(D RESTAURANT DOWN TOWN location, 2 year lease with option, quota of 70 bbls. beer a week, a money maker. $29,500. LEE OHMART As CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 4035 -or 9680 cd71 FURNITURE FOR SALE UNFINISHED CHAIRS $1.95 to 13.95 Used Davenports $10.00 to $39.50 Used Davenports and Chairs $87.50 to $139.50 Used Daveno $45 Rockers $2.75 to 38.50 Child's Bed 127.50 to $32.50 Used Dinette Sets 114.50 to $26.50 Unfinished Extension Table (12.30 STATE ST. FURNITURE 1900 State Ph. 7596 d70- WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 da CASH FOR YOUR used fumlturt. Ph 7596 State Street Furn. 1900 Stat da HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 5110 da FOR SALE IIVESTOCK lA ARABIAN grey mare As kid's pony. SO. ftl. H3S7. e?i HEAVY work horses, 6, 9 At 13 yrs. old. Work single or double. Ph. 7947. e72 FOR SALE or Rent: 8 head work horses. D. D. Delp, Rt. 2. Box 346, Salem. 6 ml. on Salem-Portland Rd. e71 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sown a ooars At your iarm or aeuverea mar ket price. E. O. McCandllsh, Rt. 9, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147 ea70 WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. win can at farm, write E. L snethen. 1550 Lancaster Dr Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. ea77 RABBITS FOR SALE: Fine Angora Rabbit Breed ing Stock; also 2 yards fertilizer. Echo Dell Angora Ranch, Rte, 3 Box 687-H. Phone 23168. cb72 WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any furs. West Side Fur Co., West Salem eb82 WING'S BABBITRY pays highest prices for rabbits, 4 to 6 lbs. 3985 State St. 1 blk. E. ol 4 corners. Ph. 109F5. eb80 PETS ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. Females (35, males $35. Roy H. Simmons, Rt. 4, Box 370. Ph. 21143. FOR SALE WOOD FREE FURNACE or fireplace wood. Bring your axe and saw and cut up k fallen tree. Behind gymnasium at Willam ette University. ee72 FRESH CUT sawdust, 14 a unit. OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 5533. ee80 GOOD DRY 16 In. wood, Immed. delivery. OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 5533. ee95 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 ee88 M1IL WOOD. (6.00 load. Ph. 5852 or 6341 ee83 PLYWOOD cores At old fir. Ph. 3380. ee36 DRY WOOD At sawdust. Pb. Maker 7868. ee85 TRI CITY FUEL 2 Cord Load $10 00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16' Slab Wood Az Edgings Heavy 4 ft Slab PHONE 6683 We Givi S&H Green Stamps ee77" $4 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB At EDGINGS. PH 6683 e77 3 CORD LOAD, 16 In. slab At edgings, 18 lrad. imm. deL vu 6533 Oregon ruei Co ee72 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load (20.00- Imm. deL Pb 348, Yamhill, Ore. - ee76 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab, good for furnace Ph 7731 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN At DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and dlesel oil. Ph. 2-4031. ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD 8CREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 24031. . FOR SALE POULTRY LEGHORN cockerels. 2c ea. Bring boxes. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. 176' CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chicks every Wed. Boylngton's. 3710 State 159' YEAR AROUND Cash Buyers At whole salers, P-ai-'try, eggs At turkeys. Also North West brand quality feeds. North West Poultry At Dairy ProducU Co., 1505 N Front St. aaiem. pn. toot 173 BABY CHICKS hatching: twice weekly to seven varieties New Hampshtres always available In chicks Growing pullets, any age. Phone 22881 Lee'a Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 13661 Lee's Hatchery f WANTED HELP FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE LOCAL territory is in need of sales rep resentative for nationally known manu facturer of paint and industrial main tenance coatings. Applicant must be over 30. ambitious, high-type, responsi ble, willing to work on full time, per manent basis. No part time represen tative considered. Associate-Commission Contract. Protected franchise. For fur ther details write: The Electric Paint At Varnish Company. Cleveland 2. Ohio. 70 WANTED HELP WANTED : LADY dishwasher. Brook-nook restaurant, uau iu pciaou, jaroona, ure. WANTED: AMBITIOUS real estate sales man. Experience not necessary. Must furnish references. Apply In person. Al len Jones, 341 State, Rm. 4. g72 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Wants work. Call 9303. 175 ELDERLY LADY who wants a home with room, board and wages, to stay with elderly lady. Very little work. 739 N. Liberty. Upstain. g70 WANT FARM SALESMAN WE HAVE exceptional opportunity for real estate salesman with Willamette Valley farming experience. For par ticulars phone 4622 or 4419. NELSON As NELSON, Masonlo Temple. g71 WANT SOMEONE to give room At board by mo. to 3 yr. old boy. Must hav references. Ph. 8840. 71 YOUNG WOMAN to take care of 2 year old child and assist with housekeeping. Excellent home and salary. Must fur nish references. Apply 184 N. Liberty St. Phone 4129. g71 WOMAN FOR housework. Modern home, Bcndlx. Priv. room with bath, radio. No smoking or drinking. Phone 9416. g71 EXPERIENCED ready-to-wear Saleslady. See Esther Foster. Ph. 7741. g72 STENOGRAPHER and general office worker. 40-hour week, permanent. Dai las Machine At Locomotive Works, Phono Dallas 186. g70 NEAT, PLEASING personalities, capable of meeting people, confident m own ability, anxious to earn, full or part time. Write Avon Dtat. Mgr., 8225 8. E. Yamhill, Portland. $70 WANT SALESMEN to sell well built houses and building material, Marion county. Contact A. B. Cooper, Jefferson, Dist. Agent. Phone 262. 873 EXP. HOUSEKEEPER, private rm., board. Excellent salary. Start April 1st. Phone 5936. g70" WANTED: Woman to help with care of two children. Dally except Sunday. Phone 25488. g!0 WANTED: Three men to travel. Expen, paid. Earn from (75 to $100 a wer Ph, 7486 for appointment. B70 . MEN FOR hop yard work. Bus will pick up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Will Hart Hop Farm, Ph. Salem 22631. g7l . EXPERIENCED woman fry cook. Call at Brooknook restaurant after 2 p.m. Brcoks, Oregon. g71 WANTED: MEN to work In hop yard. Ph. 33052 or 9623. John J. Roberts At EXP. WAITRESS wanted. No Sunday . work. The Ace, 127 N. High. g EXP. ALTERATION lady At Utter. Good salary. Apply at Sally 8. a FORMER NAVY and Coast Guardsmen interested in re-enlistment In the Coast Guard service, are urged to con tact your local recruiting office now, for many of the critical ratings of fered previously, are closing fast. For mer FC, RM, AETM, enlisted now as 2nd or 3rd class, depending on former rate. ETM, RDM SOM, enlisted as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class, depending on for mer rate. PHM's enlisted as HAlc only. All other ratings enlisted as Seaman lc or Flraman lc. There will be fur ther changes In the near future, to ACT NOW. CONTACT your local tecruitlng United States Coast Guard stations at Rm. 32, 360 'i State St., Salem. g GOOD DEAL for right salesmen. Salem Rock Wool Co. 1535 Broadway. Pn. 3748. EXP. LADY for fur repan a alterations. Price's. 135 North Liberty e ARE YOU a former Navy or Coast Guard Veteran, with any of the following ratings? RADTOMAN. ELECTRO NIO TECHNICIAN'S MATE ELECTRICIAN'S MATS AVIATION RADIOMAN. OR FIRE CONTROLMAN. IF SO YOO ARE probably eligible for en listment in your oia rate at tne sama grade up to first class. Several otbv rates also open to first olass. First as signment in, this district! Base pay for first class Is now $135 per month, plus longevity. You still get the free modlcal ana dental aid for self and dependents, family allowances and sea duty pay, 20 oi 30 year retirement. Your former er vice counts toward pay and retirement. 20 year retirement now pays $128 per month for life. AU pay Is Income tax free. TAKE CARE OP YOUR FUTURE CONTACT your local recruiting United oiaiea uoast Guard stations at Rm. 32. 360' i State St., Salem. g COOK wanted, man of clean moral and pnysicai ftabits to cook for county Jail. Sleeping room and meals furnished as part of salary. For further Informa tion see Sheriff Denver Young; g73 WANTED POSITIONS TRUCK WORK '40 Chev. L.W.B. Dump nac oea. ueen trucking for 25 yrs. Rte. 1, Gervais, Ore. E. D. Farren. h75 C. L, CLAYTON, plastering At stucco work. pn. 4979 or call Building Trades office. 445 Center. h75 TOPPING AND REMOVING DANGER trees. Write 412 Evergreen Ave Fhone 22232. h74. PA PERU ANG ING and painting. DeHut .Bros. vn. aeu37 or call at 2199 Broad way. h71 MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work In greenhouse, transplanting, etc. Box 302. Capital Journal. h.70 GENERAL carpentering At repair work. rnone aose. h"2 LANDSCAPE gardening. New lawns a spe cially, flowing fit discing small gardens. Ph. 25623. 1340 Saginaw. T. W. Reel. h77 GARDEN spading and yard work. P.O. uua iuw, am oiiyucr. nI LAWNMOWERS QUICKLY, expertly ground, repaired. Pickup fie deliver. See Ted, Bam Saw Works. Ph, 7603. h70 PLOWING Ac general tractor work. Have- jj-j. jra nouse south ol Brooks on Paci fic highway. On right. J. K. Mlntv, Rt. 1, Box 274. Brooks. h9 ALTERING At sewing. Ph. 26954. h88 INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. h87 BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expe- ilcijwc Hvauaoie. uooa reirences. box 238 Capital JournaL h85 CALL 3-2562 for your spring sewing At alterations. All work promptly done. 3155 N. River Ro. h77 5- WANTED: Garden Diowlns and tltxr.lne1 uaraen lertuizer for sale, delivered. Call 50F3, Salem. Hollls Bice. b.74 GARDEN PLOWING At disking. Ph. days wBtf, eves. 2-ZD57. h73 CABINET WORK, materials for kitchen ount-ins. doors, drawers, tables built or replaced, and other items made to your specifications. Window screens now availaale. Convenient location, block from Ladd At Bush Masterwoods Cab inet Shop. Precision craftsmanship. 164 S. Commercial. Ph. 6598. Free estimates. h71 GARDEN PLOWING At discing. Ford trac- ior. nay Batter. Phone 22504. H70 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better bj Ray fitter Call Bhrock Motor Co. t502. FOR RENT 3-ROOM apt.. 2nd floor, outside entrance. imiuicu, pet or urinting. ttei. Ph. 6045. J70 SLP. ROOM, private bath is entrance. gentleman. 341 N. I9th. J72 SINGLE SLEEPING room for employed gin or iaqy. en. 7891, J70" FOR RENT, service station. Inquire 2320 fairgrounds Road. J72" WELL HEATED sleeping rm. In bsmt., for worKins sin. uiose in. 403 union. J70 SLEEPING ROOM. Private home. Bus. Gentleman. Ph. 4030. J71 LARGE furn. sleeping rm. for 1 or J gins. 833 B. Liberty. Ph. 6996. J70 SLEEPING ROOM, 2131 Center. J70 CLEAN, QUIET Bleeping rooms for men. 790 w. chmch. 170 CNFTRN. 2 or 3 bedroom house. Govm't empioyt preferred. Call 255 Division. J70 -ROOM APT. private bath and tollef, 255 Division. JTV (Continued on Page 11)