Dog Entry List Gains Numbers Salem area entries in the an nual Lions club-sponsored all breed dog show are more num erous than ever before, dog show officials pointed out today in going over the lists of 451 en tries for the competition to be held at the state fairgrounds Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23. About 25 exhibitors of Salem and the valley area are among the exhibitors from several wes tern states who will be showing dogs. The entry list of 451 dogs is largest in the 10-year history of the show which the Salem Li ons club stages in conjunction with the Dog Fanciers' Associa tion of Oregon. Dogs and their equipment-la den masters are to begin arriv ing Friday at the fairgrounds grandstand building, where judging by William L. Kendrick. Philadelphia dog expert, will begin at 10 a. m. Saturday. The large entry list this year necessitated moving the show from the city armory to the fair grounds, according to J. H. Wil- lett, local chairman In charge. Benching has been installed by Lions club members and has 'ybeen repainted this year. Veterans' Building Trustees Called Verne L. Ostrander, chairman of the Disabled American Veter ans Building corporation, called a meeting of the trustees Tues day night at the Chamber of Commerce. A sub-committee of all World War II disabled vet eranS was elected. They were Hywat Worthy, John Baker, Willie Wilier, Ridgley Miller, Carl Greider, Donald McCall, Col. George Sandy, Eddie Krug an, Henry Woodbury, Leo Brock- way, William West, riavenc Short, Frank Hunt, Leo Fitz gerald and Gordon Hofsteter. They will solicit funds for the building. General chairman is J. R. Beard. Trustees are Jim Calloway, Ingvard Hanser, A. L. Brewster, Luther Cook, William Croghan, Owen Cannon, Douglas McKay and Herb Stiff, Jr. Lancaster Bomber Plunges Into Ocean London, March 21 (U.R) An R.A.F. Lancaster bomber crash ed into the Atlantic ocean off the Irish coast today while on joint training exercises with the British navy. Two of the nine crew members were picked up by a naval vessel, two were killed and five were missing. Air ministry officials said na val vessels were searching the seas for the five missing men. The Lancaster was one of six coastal command bombers from Ballykelly, northern Ireland, base engaged in the maneuvers. The pilot of a Scandinavian Airlines passenger plane en route from New York to Prest wick, reported by radio to Stock holm that he had witnessed the crash and rescue from the air. Membership Needed For Silverton Band Silverton Melvin Heater, son of Mrs. Inez Heater, is or ganizing a band with the direc tor to be Robert Collins, head of the Silverton school music department. The membership is open to any one over 14 years of age who would be interested in reg ular practise and would appear in local summer concerts. Aspirants may reach Heater by telephoning 1552 or calling at the home, 352 Welch street. More members are desired. FOR PROMPT RELIEF from externally caustd PIMPLES RASHES Mildly medicated Cuticura helps clear up externally caused Eimples, eases out lackheads. Prefer red by many doctors and nurses. Buy at yourdruggist'stodayl CUTICURA SPnatpmISt When the Fire Siren Blows Do you wonder if "that is my place?" Do you wonder how much insurance you carry? Do You Know? Call Huggins Office Salem's General America Agent. CHUCK If . CHET J INSURANCE OREGON'S LARGEST UPSTATE AGENCY SALEM AND COOS BAT 129 North Commercial St. Dial 9119 ilINSURANCE srr Glen Williams and his All Veteran -Willamette University Orchestra Salem's Armory Saturday Night, March 22, 1947 Dancing 9 until 12 Midnight Auspices Marine Corps League and Ladies' Auxiliary Adm. 71c, Tax 14c. Total 85c Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Mar. 21, 1947 ! n L Look for this B PACKAGE "Joe's really mad! That grizzly bear broke into his tent and stole a whole fifth of TOM BURNS Whiskey!" Silly bear! Precocious beast! . . . He should know better than to waste a single drop of that pre cious TOM BURNS blend. It's the treasure of the trails . . . the goods in the woods ... a worid- bcater anywhere. Pleasure hunt ers all over the land set their sights on taste-true TOM BURNS flavor and goodness. They know it's a sure-fire hit because it's "Man's Best Blend !' 88 Proof 75 Grain Neutral Spirits The Tom Burrus Co., Chicago, 111. It holds a three-way treat for you ITree Tea is blended from better teat . . . the finest of garden Ceylons and the choicest of high-grown India teas are blended in Tree Tea for heartening refreshment, flowery bouquet, sparkling flavor. 2 Tree Tea It flavor-fortified with Darjeellng ... no wonder Tree Tea won 19 out of 20 taste tests ! The secret of Tree Tea's goodness is the flavor of exotic Darjeeling that runs through every sip. 3 Every leaf picked at Itt flavor peak . . . yes, when you enjoy Tree Tea you get the full flavor of selected leaves picked when they are at their best. Try better-tasting Tree Tea today. J" COsyCt $coU CO -jfcnjeA Jc6ts LOOK FOR THE BRIGHT NEW ORANGE PACKAGE See her make her famous PANCAKES P TASTE THEM! An Invitation! AUNT JEMIMA N ST Will be at our store all day Saturday, March 22, serving those delicious Aunt Jemima pancakes. We cordially invite you to come in and make her acquaintance, as well as see our store. This will be the first appearance of Aunt Jemima in the Willamette valley this year. It will be a special treat for the children. COME IN AND TRY HER DELICIOUS PANCAKES FEATURED ALL DAY SAT., MAR. 22 Howdy Folks! How Vo'all? NUCOA gj 2 s. . . . 79c PURE IDAHO A ft HONEY . . . qt.lJV MEATS AND VEGETABLES ARMOUR'S SLICED PA BACON . . . lb. 59C FRESH pm OYSTERS . . pt. 53C LARGE, SOLID HEADS A m LETTUCE . 2 for IX ORANGES . . eochlC NO. 2s SPUDS . 50 lbs. 89c AUNT JEMIMA Pancake and Waffle Flour 15c ib$. . 35c s ibs. . . 53c AUNT JEMIMA BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 19c 22 ibS 35c s ibs. . 63c 20 oz 20 oz, COFFEE lb. 25c GREAT NORTHERN BEANS . . 3 Ibs. 49c CIGARETTES a BANANAS JELLO GUM CANDY BARS MARSHMALLOWS CHOCOLATE BITS j KARO SYRUP KRAFT VELVEETA AA RAZOR CHEESE . . 2 Ibs. Q7C Minced Clams . . 5 St PACKED IN HEAVY SYRUP NO. IVi TIN PACKAGE fc ft Fruit Cocktail . . . JfC SUPER SUDS . . IjC HEINZ IT 50 LB. BAG KETCHUP ... 25C GOLD MEDAL . . 3.69 LARSON'S A m- VEG-ALL 17C p-UREX .... 23C . . $1.29 carton Peanut Brittle . lb. 39c Best Foods MAYONNAISE 49c Pint REGULAR SIZE WHEATIES . . . . 9c QUAKER OATS QUICK OR REGULAR 3 ibs 25c 1 1-4 ibs. ..... 13c MOTHER'S OATS With Cup and Saucer, China or Aluminum 39c QUICK AND REGULAR QUAKER FARINA 28 oz. package .23c 14 oz. package . 14c Pay Less and Buy More Home Owned Home Operated HANDY MARKET 311 FRONT ST. WOODBURN ERNEST HANDY, Owner