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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1947)
ROOM AND BOARD IV E HAVE room to board 2 children by ( day or month In nice home. Reason- fcw?wwwA j8jj ? jr.?j j j j j j xV LOST AND FOUND STRAYED OR STOLEN SMALL DEEP red Cocker Spaniel, male, answers to Butch. Reward for return or information aiding In return. Mrs. ' E. B. Knight, Jefferson, Ore. Ml bsT: BROWN St white Spaniel pup. Aiuwera to name of Peggy. 131 N. 13th. Reward. MO LOST: Mitn'a purse containing car keys and pocket knife. Reward. 593 So. Commercial. Ph. 3-1766. MO LOSTt BROWN leather billfold. Contains important papera. S3 reward. MarJorle Shade. Rt, 2, Box 191, Salem, Oregon. Itfi9 LOST: BLACK billfold with cold design, zipper closing, In or near Woolworth's. Contains school papers St identification; Keep money, return billfold St con tents to owner. k69 MISCELLANEOUS CURTAINS washed, stretched. 393 South 23 rd. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Free Inspection. Call 8427. After 6 p.m. 7205. m74 ATMORAYS. Onone. Oood health. Rent, sell. H. O. Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692. m90 DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 5000. m89 FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, 11.00. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. mB7a DOES YOUR roof leak? Use 100 as phalt shingles. Unharmed by any wea ther, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men For FREE esti mate phone 7177. Western Auto Sup ply Co. . P.79 "HOME GUARD" Home Insulation pro tecta your family against extreme temperatures pays for Itself by saving up to SZV of your fuel bills. Free Estimates. Western Auto Supply Co Ph. 7177. mlfl' rfJJEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent Dreadnaught Sander by hour or day r Western Auto Supply Co Pb. 7177. m79 VENETIAN BLINDS Laundered expertly Call ua for prompt, efficient service THE VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 4 CLEANERS Phone 6909 m HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See ua (oi free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty P HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer work ; ditching basement excavation, gaud ravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement. SALEM SAND A ORAVEL CO. 1403 N FRONT 8TV SALEM. OREGON Phono 9408 or 21924 m DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. state St Commercial Bts SALEM Phone 8311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROCKHILL STRAWBERRY plants. Clean St healthy. Pa. sisi. 330 Evergreen Ave. n7l ELEC. RANGE. Oood cond. Ph. 36680. nio' BAUSCH-LOMB blnoculors. 6x30 power. Phone 26702. n70 TAKE YOUR clocks to the Clock Dr. 190 South 14th. n73 ONE 800 chick, elec. brooder, In good shape. Cost $109.60. 840. Ph. 25438. n7l WELL built chicken house. 8xl2-ft. Painted, wired for elec, built in '48. Never used only for child's playhouse. Ph. 25428. nil' ALL DIFFERENT size untln. chests from 15.85 up. NELSON BROS.' FURNITURE 313 N. LIBERTY JlflB SHINGLES CEDAR SHINGLES. Lumber and Build ing Supplies on direct Mill sale. PHONE 2-5950. EOLA LUMBER COMPANY, Ba , lem-Dallaa Highway. n80 jKLD GROWN pansy plants. Large or email orders. 3355 Garden Rd. n70 MONTAG WOOD range J80.00. Comb. wood St gas range 130.00. upright pi ano 385.00. Vaughn dragsaw (60.00. 2090 S. Cottage. n69 WOOD OR coal range with colls 315. Also 30 gal. hot water tank 15. 1480 Broad way. Ph. 28609. n71 NEW SIMMONS bed. New Simmons coil springs. New innersprlng mattreaa. Bells complete at only (49.85. Stock la lim ited. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer Trades, Terms, Lowest Prices n71' SINGLE and double hot plates, 3.76, $6.(0 ana NELSON BROS.' FURNITURE 315 N. LIBERTY t FOR SALE: Davenport, washing machine, radio & sewing machine. 9055 North Church. n69 WEDGEWOOD gas range. Oood cond, 25. Ph. 25679. 945 Union. n71' FOR SALE: 120 bass piano accordion, good condition. S300. 1 size 40 Kup- penhelmer tuxedo, single breasted, 343, 495 N. High. Ask for Lee. n71 DON'T forget you will receive the same courteous treatment we have always given. NELSON BROS.' FURNITURE 315 N. LIBERTY n69' FT. refrigerator. Very good condl' Hon. 1 Superior wood range. 1242 Rukc St., West Salem. n71 BEAUTIFUL golden Pa la ml no 4 yr. old saddle mare. Lots of style. Ua ml. S. of Pen 4-Oorners. Rt. 6, Box S6H. Phone 25932. n70' ENAMELED coiled trash burner. Built-in bookcase, glass doors. Ph. 25388. n71 USED CLOTHING, good condition, sizes 11-14. Many 12.00 or less. 4095 Earl Ave., between Center St D on Lancaster, n70 HEAVY DUTY double constructed single auu DDUQI6 springs. 14.89. NELSON BROS.' FURNITURE 316 N. LIBERTY 6fl BOYSENBERRY TIPS, good ones, 50,000 01 'em. Ed Sproed, Rt. 2, Box 403-B, Salem. n73 REMINGTON PORTABLE typewriter. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1005 N. Summer n71' BOY'S BRN. GAB. Sport Suit, Size 18. Rev. Brn. overcoat, size 18. Man's blue summer suit, size 42. Shoes and over shoes. 1366 State St.- n69 1IIZZER MOTORBIKE Just overhauled. Equipped with windshield, headlight. speedometer, carrier, saddlebag, '47 li cense, etc., $115. Call 2-1200. n70 AWNING, 9x13 feet; good condition. Com plete with frame. 1580 Norway. Phone 8078. n73 PANSY plants. 846 N. 16th. n91 NEW ESTATE gas range, 3115. 1820 Fer ry St. Ph. 25604. n70 BEAUTIFUL walnut finish all metal beds, $17.50. . NELSON BROS.' FURNITURE 315 N. LIBERTY 69 SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented t Cash paid for machines, regardless of condition, pn. 7671 or write W. Daven port. 1930 North 18th. Work Guar. n90 HAN'S DARK blu- suit silt 38. 29 in. trousers. $15. Ph. 3150. n70 NEW LEATHERETTE davenport and chair, platform upholstered rocker, 7 coffee tables, 2 china table lamps and solid Honduras mahogany lamp or end tables, 3 7Ux9tt rugs, 3 electric heaters, used gas range St lu water heater with tank St pipe. Leather daveno, vacuum clean er. Ph. 3604 after a p.ra. d70 WHAT A buy, new davenos $39.75. May we show you? WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1805 N. Summer nil VACUUM CLEANERS: Westingbouae, Uni versal and RoyaL YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. n00 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Portable Clean Easy ml being machine. ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 North .Liberty. 090 OIL CIRCULATORS! Super Flame, me dium size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 North Liberty nso HEAVY double and tingle Jenny Llnd 1 beds. 123.50. A NELSON nnrtfl vrmNTTTTPv 31 N. LIBERTY bW iNEW DINING rm. set. motor scooter, piano. V. R., 1305 Nebraska. Ave. n63 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLOSING OUT atoclc ol borne grown cam ellias, apples St ahade treea. Also place for sale. 4385 Hudson St. Just north of 4-Corners Baptist church. n70 TABLE TOP 40 gal. auto. elec. water heaters. FARM ENTER PLUMBING St HEATING, 2380 FAIRGROUNDS RD. PHONE 8627 . n71 LARGE WOOD St coal circulator, small range. 3 cords dry cook stove wood, all for JIM. CaU 1149 Edgewater, W. Salem. nS9 BEIGE COAT, genuine fox collar, like new, size 12 to 14. $27.50. Evening dross with jacket, size 12 to 14. Phone 3666. n72 FOR SALE: Fine furniture, bedroom suites, living room suites, mattresses and springs, refrigerator, washing ma chine and .articles too numerous to mention. 515 N. Bummer. n69 NEW MATCHED set. full size lnnersprlng mattress, box springs, 150. L. F. Rem ington, Box 209, Portland Highway. n69 27. (KM) FT. used lumber, good shape: 2x6, 21 It.! 6X6, 23-24 ft.; 3x6, 20 St 28 ft. Suitable for building warehouse, gar age, or house building. Ernest E. Por ter, Rt. 8, Box 1050. Or contact me Sat. on the Albert Michelson place, 3 ml. west of Silverton. n69 BEAUTIFUL prewar quality Gulllstan rug, 12x23. Dusty rose color, perfect cond. Phone 3387. . n69 WE&TINGHOUSE elec. range. Or trade on small piano. 425 N 17th. D69 BABY'S bathlnette, $6. 1326 Franklin St., W. Salem. Ph. 8650. n69 GOLD FISH, snails. 68 Park Ave. n72 7V4 DOUBLE A patent leather pumps. One boy's camel hair coat, size 6. Boy's brown hat. One pr. white children's hoes, size 10-C. One boy's jacket, size 8. Child's med. size tricycle. 1610 Madi son Ave. Ph. 5414. U69 FOR SALE: One half 15 mo. old heifer. dressed, delivered. 34c lb, Ph. 22639. n71 1 F.D.L. 95 Cletrac Tractor, Isaacson Ca ble Dozer and Carco Logging Drum. Price $3800. 918 Birch St., Dallas, Ore. n72 LARGE WINDOW sash with glass. 660 North Cottage. n71 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Westinghouse auto, electric mux cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nQO' JUNIOR SIZE Boy's bicycle. $25. 10 yr. old coys iweea suit, 17. t Aorams A-e. WHEEL CHAIRS and Hospital Beds. Buy or sen, rent or iraae. Max Huren, 745 Court St., Salem. Ph. 7775. n89 FERTILIZER, $1 sack; $5 per yard, 6 yds. 925. Dial o, call. 6BF32, Phillips Bros.. Rt. 8, Box 118, Salem. n87 PniLLlPS BROS., cedar posts, corner posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fertilizer and special timber or ders. Rt. 6, Box 118. Dial O, call 68F22. 1)89 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357, NOW AVAILABLE: Concrete drain tile building blocks, sewer, culvert, Irri gation St well pipe Fresh regular Kcene cement, white sand, reinforcing steel, mesh sash, expansion Joints. OREGON GRAVEL CO., 1405 If. Front. Ph. 3417. t)66 ELECTRIC range burners now available for all makes of ranges. High speed Calrod type, solid top and replacement coils. For service or parts call 4311. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235- N. Liberty. n88 ELECTROLUX complete with attachments. $69.75. Sales service St repairs. Limited ami available. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. n76' NAVAJO RUGS & saddle blankets. 176 south High. Ph 6088 n76' COW FERTILIZER, $5 a yard or $9 a ioaa. r none 7330. ma' GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL INQ SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 8541 RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749. DAHLIAS - QLADIOLAS 881 Rosemont. WS. Ph. 4325. n73 CHARIS FOUNDATIONS, girdles St bras Dresses St lingeries. Ph. S495. n69 SUNBEAM, Universal. American Beauty st Roa ironi, steam ss travel irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty. ' n69 WALNUT SHELLS. 12 sacks for 1.00 $3 ton. Kiorfein Pack Co.. 460 N Front ELECTRIC HEATER G E., 3000-watt. 220 volt. heavy duty, fan type. $66.60. Mitchell Radio St Appliance, State and I9h. Phone 7577. C E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines Parts for all makes Ph. 6765. 1940 N 18th. n76 HEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical Set as lot fret estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty o WE BUT St sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes motors radios, electric appli ances household roods KLIGMAN'S 285 N. Commercial. Phone 9885. o' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ELEC. MOTOR: 3-phase, 60 cycle, 1200 RPM. H or M h.P. Call 9201, 8 a.m. to d p.m. na?o WANTED: Burlap and cotton bags, all Kinaa. wnns Keney. rn. aaiso. na4" WANTED: Meat market. Box 292, Capital Journal. na89 WANTED: Broken furniture. We special ize in furniture repair. Call Lee Bros. Phone 21233 na69 USED FURNITURE. Phone 9186 PERSONAL EDITH SCOTT from Eugene reading from 10 to 8 lor one week. 1085 North Cot tag P. Phone 4383. p72' PROFESSIONAL ADVISER, known by for mer name Martin, 1271 Chemeketa St. Appointments 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. p70 READING. Know the truth. 2861 State. P69 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O Bl 721 P271 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE by owner, 1941 Chrysler Royal ciuo cpe., witn new 46 motor, no dear ers. Ph. 26988. q71' 1931 MODEL A roadster, A-l condition. 16-ln. wheels. Apply 879 N. Liberty St. Apt. No. 14 q"l FOR SALE: 1934 Chev., good rubber, good cond. (250. Rt. 9, Box 627. Ph 22C43. q70 10SS PLYMOUTH 5 pass., completely re conditioned throughout, new paint, new tires. Call after 5 p.m. at Rt. 4, Box 109B, Just behind Colonial House on Hwy. 99. q71 FOR SALE: 1936 Ford V-8 '3 dr. Motor In cxcl. cond. 75 rubber, 2407 State. q71 '89 CHEV. Sedan, radio St heater. 2 new tires. $750. 1545 N. 16th. q71 '38 BUICK, 1775 or $525 from $800 equity. 1790 D St. q71 18 FT, INDIAN trailer house. Ga range, oil heater. Samuel Berger, 160 William Ave. Shady Rest Trailer Camp. n71 MUST SELL '42 Plymouth deluxe coach. $1150.00. Will take older car on trade. 3517 S. Commercial. Ph. 8466. q70 36 V-8, 2 -door sedan, 4 new tires, radio, heater, spot Ught, fog light. 41.000 actual miles. Pn. 21841 a ays, eves. 339 Si Chemeketa. Rear of Argo Hotel. q70 FOR SALE: '36 Ford Sedan, radio and heater, good tires. 2015 Fairgrounds Rd. q70 EXCELLENT COND. 1942 Studebaker Champion coupe, new '46 motor, over drive, under-seat heater. $1150. Ph 26702. ' q70 FOR SALE: 1937 FORD Coupes 3 1938 Ford Coupes 2 1937 Ford H-Ton Pickups 1 1939 Ford 1-Ton Pickup 1 1939 Ford 1-Ton Stake Truck 1 1937 Chev l4-Ton Truck 2 1939 Chev ltt-Ton Trucks 1 1939 Ford m-Ton Stake Truck EQUIPMENT can be Inspected at the Oregon State Board or Foiestry Head quarters, 2600 State St., Salem. Ore con, from March 19th to March 24th. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Bid forma will be furnished by the Forestry Depart ment. Sealed bids win ne acceptea un til 5:09 p.m. March 24th. Bids will be opened at 10 a.m. March 25th. success ful bidden will be notified. q69 AUTOMOBILES 'SO 4-DR. BROWN Hudson Sedan, In good cond. Ph. 7968. 1689 N. 18th. q69 WANTED: Car in good condition 1938 model or thereabouts. Box 301, Capital Journal. q70 FOR SALE: 1936 4-ton International Pickup In good condition. 11530.00. Ar thur Ba&sett, Mill City, Oregon. q73 FOR SALE: Large trailer. Good condi- tlon, $55. Phone 21792. i70 " 19.19 BUICK Special, 2-dr. Sedan. Radio. heater, new rubber, $025. Call eves, or week-end. 1680 Berry St. q.70 31 STUDEBAKER. 575 Court. SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUY (Cash, terms or trade) . . 1946 FORD 4-dr., 4000 miles. 1941 Fora 4-ar 30.000 miles. 1940 Ford Coupe (new paint). 1941 Studebaker 4-dr. Sedan. 1938 Studebaker 4-dr. Sedan. 1935 Pontiac 2-dr. Sedan. 1935 Ford 2-dr. Sdan. (Several More) SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 South 12th St. q70 17 -FT. TRAILER house, almost new. Gas range, oil heat. Hollywood bed. U. B. Auto Park, Woodbum, Ph. 'Green 7. q70 41 CHEV. Very good cond. Alt the acces sories. $1395. Ph. 3537 after 7 p.m. q69 1936 TERRAPLANE 2-Dr. Motor good cond. May be seen after 5 or Sat. it Sun. 1258 S. Commercial. q72 1933 CHEV. parts for sale. 143 Abrams Ave. q74 11 PONTIAC 6 4-Dr. Sedan, excellent cond. Private party. Claude Gler, Rt. 2, Box 21. Silverton, Phone 4081. q72 FOR SALE or Trade: '28 Chev. Sed. 42,- 000 aotual miles. Very clean. A-l in side and out. '47 table model radio. One tractor, - very good motor. AH priced for quick sale or trade, 34 Park St. q69 TRAILER HOUSE; Factory built. Sleeps 4. Furnished with oil heat, electric or gas stove, Venetian blinds, hot water heater. '47 license, etc. 1695. CaU 21200. q89 1940 FLY. Sedan. H. St R. '42 Dodge mo tor, just overhauled. $850. 1665 Roose velt St., Salem. Call after 6 p.m. q6S 37 FORD Tudor, (550. Mechanically per fect. See after 5 p.m. 1147 Oak. q69 is OLDS COACH. Radio, heater. $625. 1515 Bellevue q69 RECONDITIONED Dodge, Plymouth, Ford and Willys engines, '33 Chev. standard ring, gear and pinion. Used parts for sale. Wrecks bought. Everett's Oarage, Salem-Dallas Hlway. Q71 41 INTERNATIONAL truck, good cond. Rt. 5, Box 233, Co John. Bessener, Salem. q71 '34 FORD V-8. Good cond. Fair tlreg. $300. 1 mi. east of Gervals, on Mt. Angel rd D. L. St John. q7l LOOK THESE CARS OVER BEFORE YOU BUY 1037 BUICK Sedan 1936 Terraplane Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1934 Chev. l'i ton truck v Your Kaiser-Frazer Dealer TEAQUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty St. Phone 7001. q70 CLEAN '37 Dodge. R H., new tires. Sell or trade for Ford or Chev. Ph. 380$ after 5 p.m. q71 !3' SCHULT, very good cond. Butane range. 3910 N. Front, Tr. Park. Reduced in price, this week only. q70 '42 CHEV. DUMP TRUCK LARGE 2 speed Eaton. Rt. 8, Box 1518. Hollywood Dr. q69 1936 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan. Ph. 6252. q69 SO MODEL A for salt. 864 Jefferson. q6B REAR POWER take off for T-D-6 Inter national $90. Call 9668 q70' 1941 CHEV. 2 dr. sedan. 48,000 miles. Call 9688. q70 PETVRBILT dlesel logging truck with Fruehauff trailer.' Inquire 147 Beach Ave. q69 12TH STREET Salem's new USED OAR CENTER 7 BIG CAR LOTS 7 Before you buy or sell com out and see us. STEVENS USED CARS 678 S. 12th Street 12th Street Used Cnn 668 South 12th Street A. B. O. MOTORS 785 S. 12th Street EVERSON MOTOR CO. 795 S. 12th Street SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th Street DICKS USED CARS 1890 S. 12th Street CHEFFTNO USED CARS 1898 S. 12th Street q73 HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimate overhauling body and fender repair 1 painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why " 8HROOK MOTOR CO Phone 8502 . Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN BALES - SERVICE - PARTS AH makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired SHROOK MOTOR CO. Phont 8502 Salem FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4i INTEREST S to 40 Years and NO Commission I Leo N. Chllds, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. T71' LOANS FOR SHOPPING $25 to $250 or more on signature, furniture or auto. No outsiders. $8.38 a mo. repays $100 loan In full in 15 mo. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan at Personal get it. Call today. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY, E. Galllnger Mgr. Phone 3191 518 State St Room 125 Lie. S 122 M 165 r76" MONEY TO LOAN WANTED! REAL ESTATE mortgage loans city or farm properties; loans made u small as $300- See us about refinanc ing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 44 G.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. 4 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 9261. r68 $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgage and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Lie S-216 M-222 153 S High St r IF VOU art capable of building 10 to .v uuusc.. oBicm or iciniiy curing 1947 and need financial assistance Contact Us. We are also lntereted in financing one or two largt apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO- Lit S216M222 153 6, High St.-Ph. 4121 f A fJ T ft I n a ki a WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 6th FLOOR -GUARDIAN BLDG liicenst Ma U-169. 0-164 GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-138 and U-S38 and ROY B SIMMONS IMSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S Commercial St Tel 91 68 FARM AND CITY LOANS ana t t-OUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph 1162 r LODGES I. O. O. P. meets every 1 Wednesday night. In itatoiy degree. Visitors I welcome. Fraternal OrHor nf pAiM uofjico UICISLO every Tuesday at 8 p-m. More than o uiimuii mem uera. Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & AM. St&ted meeting Friday March 21, 7 p.m. 69' Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & am. mated meeting Friday March 21, 7 pjn. 69' Directory ACCOUNTANTS MONTHLY Bookkeeping service, including balance sheet, tax returns. G. E. Crock ett. Ph. 2-2829, 082 ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX, GEN. ACCOUNTING, AUDITS CAIN'S ACCOUNTING Service. Rm. 131 Pacific bldg., 618 State St. Salem, Ore. Ph 5990. Res. 6217. o77 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK 275 8. Com'l. Ph. 5161. Brake St Wheel aligning specialist. o75 APPLIANrE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-6100 o74 EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestla refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Pb. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. o76a AUTOMOTIVE JUST A MILE from high prices. Delmar Auto Refinlshlng. 3995 E. State St. Body St fender repairing, auto painting. Pn 2-5913. Fret estimates, all work guaran teed. 2 day service. o76 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Pbona 1838 Night. 24417. 333 Center. BULLDOZERS BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for oiusn. virgii Husxey, aua rairview Ave. Phone 23146. Salem. 086 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 25379. o90 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENSLEY. 771 B. 21St. Ph. 7176. 077' CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis. 1903 N. aeth St. Ph 4071. 089 DELIVERY SERVICE EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7000. m N. High. 088 SALEM D LIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S Church Phone 4711. o74 DIGGING it LEVELING DIGGING, Basements, Ditches, Leveling, Fill Dirt. PECO, Pacific Excavating Com pany, Salem, Oregon. Phone 3456 or 8793. 089 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons St buckles covered, altera tions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. 093 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service Pb. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 076 PETTYCREW'S Oreenhouse, 200 kinds of plants in season. 1028 S. 12th. Ph. 25909. 073 FEMBERTON'S FLOWER SHOP. 1980 8. 12th. 082 BREITHAUPT'S tor flowers. Dial 9195 0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Fret del. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. o75 LEVELING 4ND DOZING SILT A GRAVEL garden sand. Leveling St dozing. Bosley it Meyer. Pb. 3046 or 2-2160. 079 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER, 925 Saginaw. P7828 081 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. o70' PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping, c PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. PAINTING AND decorating. Roy Hanson Ph. 25838. Rt. 1, Box 406-A. o78 PAINTING SERVICE. Competent work manship. Reasonable rates. Pront 2-4895 071 PAINTING A PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PAPERHANGING PAPERHANGING St decorating. Ph. 6522 073 EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood- worth. Phone 3015. 082 PLOWING A DISCING GARDEN plowing it discing. George Wil son. Phont S8F15. o8( PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service, Larry Travtss, 1029 Highland Ave, Ph. 8601. 087 RADIO TUBES RAY 5IOORE. 3270 Portland Rd. Salem RADIO REPAIRING QUICK, DEPENDABLE, saves you money RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd.. Salem REFRIGERATORS GENERAL REFRIGERATION CO. Repair St installation, commercial it domestic Ph. 8963. 06E SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SILT and gravel. Bosley St Mey er. Ph. 3046 or 22160. o8f GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock, Shovel St dragline excavating Walling Sand St Gravel Go Phone 8561 f-EPTIC TANKS t F. HA MEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned. 1143 8th. St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. MIKE'S Cesspool St Septic Service, mod ern equipment. 107P Elm St. W Salem. Ph 9468 or 5327. 075' SEPTIC TANK drains cleaned. Pb. 9633 1067 Elm. Jack Boenlng. 082 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate . Prompt service. Ph. 5337 or 9468. 08I' SIGNS AND SHO-CABDS Eldoo Scott Ph 3635 . 076 SPRAYING AND PRUNING SPRAYING AND pruning. L. W. Caudle Phone 7900. 072 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks 10 Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California point Larmer Transfer St 8torage Ph. 3131. 0 VACUUM- CLEAN ERS HOOVER V A OUT" I CLEANER owners. W will service your Hoovei cleanet com plete lor 13.50 plut paru If required Hogg Bros. Ph 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Pb. SM5 081 WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph. 5600 082 WELL DRILLING CLEMENT BROS., well drillers. Rt. 1, Gervals, Ore. Ph. 2-4378. 089 CHESTER J. PUGH. Rt 2. Box 288B Ph 2-3412. Salem. 076 S A SNEED SONS. Well drilling 2505 Brooks St., Salem, Fbont 6809 070 WKLL DRILLING M D. Enloe, Rt. 6, Box 675, Salem. 1 milt East of Lancaster drive on Auburn rd. Ph. 25198. o82 WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW cleaning house cleaning, floor waxing. Salem Window Service. Ph. 21342. 091 ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walls A woodwork cleaned Floors altan ed, waxed St polished Ph. 3337 11 Court wtnadoe Oulbertnoo and Mather PROFESSIONAL CLEAN IN O SERVICE Phone 4457 e WOOD SAWING B & Crest, Ph. 8178. 076 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. Market Quotations Portland EaiUlde Market Very best heads 01 cauliflower aom at SI. 25 a crate top at today's session of the Portland Eastalde Farmers' Whole sale Produce market. Several large lots sold at 61 a crate, some at 75c, Very best packs of Mid-Columbia spin ach sold at 11 a 20-lb orange box, $1.25 1.35 for lettuce crate packs. Green onions were offered at so-s&c a dozen bunches. Radiahes were quoted at 90o a dozen bunches. Rhubarb was offered at 61.30-1.40 a IS -lb box with bunched stock selling at $1.40 a dozen bunches. Portland Proonet Etrnance Butterfat Tentative isuolect to Imme diate change) Premium quality maximum Port and 85-87c: first Quality 83-8&C ib.i second quality 78-79c: valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or si-8JC. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk, os to cubes, AA, 93 score, 73-74c; A, 93 score. 73-74C; B, 90 score, 71-72c; C, 89 score. 69c. Cbeeit Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 42-49c; Ore gon .loaf, 42-52c; triplets. 39-500, I Eiga To wholesaler. A grade larae 1 46,.i-47ic: medium, 43-44c; small. (pullet) 41H-42fec; a grade large 4Utt- 42 ,t c. I Eica Purchasea troro tarmert; current receipts 37-41c. buyers pay S-3c doi. 1 below wholesale quotations on graaeo basis for best hennery tggs Portland Oalry Market Butler Prices to re taller 11 Grade aa carton, 78c: AA prints, 77ci A prints, . 77c; A cartons 78c; B prinu, 76c: one fourth po id cubes, cent higher. EiM Prices vo retailers. AA large, ou- 51c; A large 48-49c; AA medium, 46c: A mediums, 45-46c: A small, 44o dozen; Car ton 2Vit additional) Cheese Prices to retailers Portland- Oregon singles, 43-54c lb.; Oregon loaf. 46-56o ; triplets. 42'4-54o Poultry: Live Cblckena No I Leghorn broilers 1 to 2 lbs. 27c lb : fryers 2 to 3 lbs.. 24-25c; 3 to 6 Iba.. 27-35c lb.; roasters 4 lbs. and over 27-35c; roosters and stag 12-15c lb.: colored all weights. 29-30c Fowl. Leghorn, over S'.a lbs., 20-22c. Babbitt Averagt to retailer 4B-60e lb; dressed prices to itrooucers 43c. tryeik live white 20-240 Ib.i colored. 17-2 lc ib Vegetable!: Artichokes 4 doz. 15 00-5.25: 5 dox. 15.60-6.00; CaJ 4 doz. S4.50-4.75: 5 doz.. S4.75-5.00. Calif, central dist. No. 1 me diums, 25-25c lb.; boxes S8-8.50; small. !3-24c lb. Asparagus Calif.. No. 1. mediums, JO 21c; small, 37-2Sc; crate, S10-10.50; box, J6.50-7; small, 22-23c lb. Heels caiu., Duntnea aoz., ia.3U-e.uo Broccoli 18 bunches. S4.25-4.75; Calif.. 28 bunches, S5.75-6. Brunei Sprouts S2-2.25 Cabbage Round neaa. 80 lb crate small S2.50-7&; California crates. 13-3.76; red 10-150 lb., California No. 1, S3.25-3.53; kraut. (1.65-1.75; red. Calif.. S5.00-6.30i Track sale, Calif., round head, J2.80-3.00 crate. Carrots Bunched. Calif., 6 doz., S4.35- 5; track sales, Calif., 6 doz., S4-4.20; some S4.50. Cauliflower Cal., trimmed std. crates, 92.00-2.25; Roseburg, Ore., SI. 50-75 a crat. Clrc. bunch, SI. 15-65. Track sales, SI. 75-2. Local, Sl-1.25. Few high as S2.10. Celery Heart material, 4-6 doz., S4.60- 5.00. Pascal, crates, S5.50-75; sturdy crates, S4.50-4.75. Best, S5.00, fair S4.25 crate. Track sales, sta. crate, lair, 13. &g- 75. Cucumber California hothouse, luga. S9-9.50. Oregon hothouse, 3 doz., 610.50-12. uarilo Oregon wnite aa-auo id.: cam.. 28-300 lb. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz., S3.50-3.75; Track sale, 63.00-3.25; Ariz., 4 doz., S4.00. Poor low as S1.50. Track sales, 4 doz., S2.50-2.75. Few high as S3. Dried Onions Oregon yellows, No. 1 and larger, S2.35-2.5D; mediums, 11. 50-1.75; truck sa-e, mediums, SI. 60; 3-lnch, S2.26 2.35. Leek, local, 60-90c doz. Egg Plant 22-25C Green Onions Local, 75-80c doz. bun. Local, mid-Columbia, 60-70c. Parsley Calif., S5.-5.5Q, 10 doz. bunches. Parsnips Local, 61.00-1.25 lug. Peas Calif., 20 lb. crate, S3.50-90. Peppers Mexico, 45 lb. SU.00-12.S0; Track sales, S11.00; 100 sc 10-200 lb.: Calif., 45 lb. $7-7.60; loose, 23-25c. I'ttatocs ueqenutes russets. No. 1 grades, S3.75-3.90 100 lb. sack; a 5 -lb, sacks, 95-OSc. Bakers, S4.25-4.50; Yaki ma, S3.20-3.40; Texas, Florida Bliss Tri umphs No. 1-A, S3-3.10; No. 1-B, S3.20 3.25, Radishes Calif., S8-6.35 10 doz.- crates. Rutabagas -SI 15-1.2a tug . Spinach Mid-Columbia, SI. 00-1.25. S2.50-2.75; mid-Columbia, SI. 00-1.50 20 lb. box; local, The Dalle, 31.75-2. 1 Sou ash Daiiisi iuk& tl-i.iS. 0 ratine boxes S2. 50-2. 75: Hubbard. Marblchead, 6-7c lb.; Calif., banana, 6-6'ic lb.; Calif.. Zucchini. S4.25-4.50 a 26 lb. lug. Sweet Potatoea California Jersey, 20 -b. oasket, S5-5.25; Calif.. Louisiana yams, S4. 50-4.75. Texas. S4.00-4.15. Tomatoes Repacked, 35. 50-75; Mexican, as is, S6.25-6.75, repacked, 16.50-6.75; 20 tubs. S4-4.20: Track sales, lugs, S5-S.50. 12 lb. tubs, S3.00-3.15. Turnips Bunches, si. 10-25 doz. bunches $1.35-50 lug; Calif, bunches, 61-10-25, t-resb Fruit: Apples Oregon delicious, t. St f 94-4.26 UOX. choice S3 76-85; Ortleys, ft. and v comb, grade, S3 15-25; Newtons f and f.. SI. 75-2; w ano p S4-4.25. Red Delicious, w and p. up to S5.50; Wlnesaps w St p, 34. 50-5.00. Hood River, w. and p., S4.50-7S. Avoaidn California Pour tea, sizes 16. JO 24, 30. S4-4.25 Oox; oholco, 13.75-86. Bananas Bunched, S3 25-3.60; out hands, S12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 24, 8 oz Pkgs. 84.8S-S. Grapr fruit Texas Pinks, 70's-90's, S4.75 5.75: small, 14.00-4.35, Marsh seedless, 80's-06'a, S3.00-3.55; Ariz, white, S2. 50-2.85. Lemons Calif., 300-360's, S7.5U-7.UD. 432'S. S6.00-6.25. Limes -Ualilornla 15 tuba ol 6 llmet 12.75-3.00 Oranges California navels, 200'a and larger, 16.35-6 60; 252's and smaller, 16.40 6.60; 288's and smaller, 94.50-5. Petri D'Anjou, 94. 75-8!), wrapped and packed; .oose. 93.25; Bosc, loose. 92.76-1. Yakima, 93-3 25 Persimmons Oa 111. lues. 93.25-3.50. Pineapples-Cuban, 97.25-7.50. Rhubarb Extra fancy, S2.50-2.65; fancy, $2.00-10; choice SI. 75-80, few high as 12.00; Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 15c lb., local field grown Sl.25-50. Strawberries Texas, $7.25-7.50 flat of 24 hallocks. Quince--Local 24 -3c rt. Packed Vegetables ueilophanr wrapped, a dozen Broccoli 12 oz. SI. 75-1. 85; spin, ach, 24 12-oz. S2-2.25; brussell sprouts 9-oz. $2.20-35. Garllt Clot ei 20 1-oz packages S1.0& 1.75 Dressed Meatat Veal Heavy top quality 28-30c: top quality light, 32-34c lb.; B, 25-26c; C, 22 24c: cull, 18-200 lb. Uoza ujock outchers, packer atyie, 125-160 lbs , 37-38c; over 213 lbs,, 36-370 sows, all weights, 30-35c lb. Lambs AA, 38-40c; A. 37-3801 B. 34-36e C, 28-30C Mutton 10-160 lb., according to quality and weight Beef Best quality, 30-32oi B, 25-26c; O, 20-23c; canner and cutter, 18-I9ci bo .ogna bulls 25-26c. . Wool Cacara Btrki Cat tar Bark Oreen 8-8l4ci dry JOe Wool Valley eoarsr and medium gradea 45c Ib Mohair 40c lb on 12-montb growth Hides Green beef, 12-13c; calves, 43c lb. Kip hides, 23c. Rendered Inedible Fait 120 lb The above prices quoted to the whole salt tradt are F O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally 1 cents higher than PO.B plant quota tions Chicago Grain Chicago, March 21 (UP) Cash grain sales; Wheat: Nominally firm: no sales Corn: Strong: 1 yellow 174; 3 yellow 167-171; 4 yellow 162-169: 5 yellow 153-161: sample grade yellow 136-132': 3 white 171-,; 4 white 171 V. Oau: li to one cent higher. 1 mixed 92',-94: 1 vhlte heavy 943-95: 1 white extra heavy 97 '4 ; 1 white 92-94'i; 2 white 92-93; 3 white 92-94U: 4 white 83 V PILES Hurt Like Sin! But Now I Grin Thousands change groans to trina. Oae a doctors' formula to rellevt discomfort of pile Sent druggists by noted Thorn ton St Minor Clinic Surprising QUICK, palliative relief of pain, Itch, irritation Tends to toftcn, shrink swelling. Die doctors' way. Get tube Thornton St Minor's Rectal Ointment or Rectal Sup posltorieji today Follow label direction For sale at all drug store everywhere In Salem at F4 Meyer Drag. Adv. Barley: Malting 160-200 nominal: feed 130-150 nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Marcn 31 OP) (USDA1 Salable hogs 5000. total 9500; moderately active on weights under 360 pounds but 50-75 cents lower; heavier weights and sows slow. 76 cents to 1.00 lower; practical top 27.25: a few small lots choice around 200 pounds 27.35 and 27.40; bulk good and choice 180-260 pounds 26.75-27.26 with 27.00 popular price: good and choice 270 .100 pounds 25.75-26.50; good and choice 300-360 pounds 25.25-26.00: most good and choice sows . 23.00-23.25; lew under 400 pounds 33.50. Salable cattle 1.500, total 1.700: aalahln calves 400, total 400: slaughter steers and yearlings slow, about steady, but several loads being held for next week's market in the face of unevenly lower bids; cows and heifers steady to 25 cents lower; two loads good to low choice l.lao lh Colorado fed steers 35.50; medium and good fed steers and yearlings 30.00-24.00; odd choice heifers up to 25.00; scattering medium and good kinds 18.00-22.60: me dium and good beef cows 13.50-16.50: canners and cutters 10.50-12.60: bull weak to 35 cents lower; good weighty sau sage kinds 16.00-16.60; practical top fat oeei omis io.uu; veaiers weaK at recent 1.00-2.00 decline: few sales 24.00 down: stock cattle closing slow. Salable sheep 500. total 1.500: douhi good to choice around 90 lb Colorado fed wooiea lamos steady to shlnner at 23.25: a few small lots good to choice wooled lamos 2J.oo-23.lo: other classes ouoiahi nominally steady. Portland Grain Portland. Ore.. March 21 ii-vhif No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 3-3B lb. white 70.00; barley No. 2-45 lb. b.w. 65.00- corn unquoted; flaxseed 8.50. cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.26: xoft white (excluding rex 2.27; white club tT, western red 2,27. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.27: in percent 2.30; 11 percent 2.36; 13 percent 2.50. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 2.35: n percent 2.40. 12 percent 2.44. rodays car rece nt: Wheat 47. barlrv 1; flour 3; oats 1; mlllfeed 8. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. March 21 (UPiT.iv-. stock: Cattle salable 50. calves 10. Market t- ther alow, but scattered sales about stea dy; few medium to good steers unsold, held for 21.00-21.50; odd common steers down to 15.25: common heifers 15.00; canner and cutter cows 10. 00-12. o0: good feed cowj scarce, quotable up to 17.50: good beef bulls 17.50; sausage bulla 16.25 down; medium veaiers 18.00: good beef bulls 17.50; sausage bulls 16.25 down; me dium veaiers 18.00: good to choice sal able around 22.00-24.00 or above. nogs sftiaoie none. Market nom nn : good to choice around 190-240 lbs. quot able to 28.75, but undertone of market weaker. Oood to choice feeder pigs quot able 26.50-27.50. Sheep salable 25 Market nominal: good tO Choice WOOled lambs ftnlahl arni.nH 20.. SO-1 1.50: extreme top 22.00; good to choice ewes 8.50-9.00, Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for tht guidance of Capi tal Journal Readora, (Revised i dally J Retail Prlrea Rabbit Feeds Pellets. 14.30 cwt. Eicg Manh 14.65 CWt. Dairy Feed J3.75 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 28c Ib.t No. 2, 24o: Colored fryers. No. L 10c Ib Esse Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra targe grade A 42c; med., 37c: standards. 36c dozen; pullets, 30c: crax, 30c. Wholesale PriceLarge. 44o dozen, , med Butter Wholesale A, 77c. Retail Grade A, 82e. Butterfat Premium, 83c; No. 1, 83o New York Stock Quotations (By' the Associated Preaat New Vork St- -Closing quotations today Allied Chem St Dye 174 H American Oan 85 Am Power Si Llgn. 14 mer Tel St Tel 4naconda Copper ,,. 39 "i Atchison 88 M Bend!). Aviation 34'4 Bethlehem steel 91s Boeing Aircraft 21 Caltrornta Packing , 28 Canadian Pacific 12i l I Case 35'i Chrysler Corp 87 Commonwealth A Bout 31 c nsolldated Edisor 27'1 Consolidated Vultee 17'i Continental Insurance 60 i Grown Zeileraacb 20 Ourtlas Wright ss D tglas Mrcraft 68 'i Dupont at Nemouri 184 General Electrlo 354 General foodn 43 General Motor son Goodyear Tlrt 55 Great Northern pfd 43 'b International Harvester 84 Int Paper pfd - Johns Manvlllt 123 'i Kennecott 1814 Long Bell A ' , 17 1,4 Maytag Miami Copper iv,4 Montgomery warn . 5914 Nash Relvlnatoi nu National Dairy , 3274 N V Central 18Vi North Am Co ' 27 Northern Pacifio 19; Pac Amer Fish mi Pacific 9a Elee 4o'i racino t a x Pan American 1 Penney J O 4 Radio Corp Rayonier 33 H Hayonler Pfd - Reynolds Metals Richfield 15'1 Safeway , 22H Sear Roebuck 35'i Sinclair Oil 15 Southern Pacific 41 4 Standard Brands 35 Standard Oil Calif ... 55 Stewart Warner nit Stiidcbniter 21 Sun Mining n Union Oil 1 21V4 Union Pacific 124 United Airlines 25 United Airciaft 18 united Slates Steal 73 Warner brother 16 West Elec Mfg Oo 25 Woolwortb 48 Markets Briefed (By th United Pru) Stocks firm in quiet trading Bonds irregularly higher; U. S. governments firm. Curb stocks irregular. Silver quoted in New York at 72 3,i cents a fine ounce, up l7. Wheat closed up 2 to 5V4 cents. Glass bottles were made in Egypt as early as 1500 B.C. HEALTH TO YOU WHEN ' Fissure Fistula " Hemorrhoids Prolapse Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. ggstUUsMtoa, No Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctologlst 218 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Stocks Advance Up to 2 Points New York, March 21 MV-Mo tors led a relatively broad up turn in today's stock market al though dealings were excep tionally light most of the time and many pivotals failed to do much on the rising side. Gains of fractions to 2 points or so predominated at the close. Transfers for the full proceed ings ran to around 700,000 shares. Norfolk & Western conceded 2 points and lesser declines were shown for Public Service of N.J., Allied Chemical, West- inghouse, Philip Morris and Dome Mines (in the wake of a dividend reduction). Bonds improved. Commodi ties exhibited intermittent bursts of strength. Cotton, toward the finish, was up 30 cents to $1.75 a bale. Dave Beck Plan To Fight Reds Seattle, March 21 () Dave Beck, international vice presi dent of the teamsters union: (AFL) proposed today a three point program to "safeguard the home front" against communism. ; A front-page editorial in the; Washington Teamster, the un- i ion's official publication, said Beck advocated: "First, turn the task of search ing out the subversive elements communists, sympathizers and fellow travelers over to the FBI. This Is the agency of the government best equipped and trained to do this work. "Second, root out the commu nists who may be found in la bor unions. The teamsters un ion long ago protected itself by banishing from membership all who take their lead from Mos cow. "Third, outlaw the communist party. It is not an American political organization. It is sim ply a false front for agents of a foreign government. It seeks to use American liberties to de stroy them. The editorial added that whenever communists are dis covered in government posts they should be fired right now. Grains Strong on Board of Trade Chicago, March 21 VP) Grains were strong on the board of trade today on buying which was based on indications that the government may shortly resume its corn purchasing program. In addition, the market re ccived support from a good de mand for cash grain, a govern ment forecast of a lower corn acreage this year and buying of flour for export by the pro duction and marketing adminis tration in the southwest. Wheat closed 2 to 5'A cents higher, March $2.76. Presidential Limit Passed by House Washinaton. March 21 W) The house completed legislative action today on a resolution to put before the nation a consti tutional amendment limiting fu ture presidents to two elected form. Approval came in accepting 81 to 29 a senate amendment which would allow one man to serve a possible maximum of 10 years in the White House. The resolution is referred to state legislatures automatically sixes psicm cottesroHDmoiY low INSTALLATION EXTRA Make your purchase from and have your installation completed by an authorized Ford dealer. Valley Motor Co. 375 Center, Salem, Ore. Wanted: Walnut Meats Pieces and Amber Halves Willamette Grocery Co. SOS South Cottage Street Phone 414a Salem, Oregon Friday, "March 21, 194719 Births, Deaths Births Silverton To Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Nelson at the Silverton hospital, Thuri day, March 20, a daughter, Margaret Eli zabeth, weight 8 pounds and 9';i ounces. uranaparents, Mr. and Mrs. j. e. dour las of Eugene, and Judge Alf O. Nelson and Mrs. Nelson of Silverton. To Mr. and Mrs, Carl Dltchen. a daugh ter, March 19, at Silverton hospital. Deaths Ida Mae LeavlU Ida Mae Leavitt, at Pittsfield. Mass- March 16. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. S. L. StovalL of San Diego, Calif., and Mrs. Winifred Benjamin of Pittsfleld, Mas., and four grandchildren. Graveside services will be held Saturday. March 33, at 10:30 a.m. at the City View cemetery with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Di rection Clough-Barrlck company. C. G. Wet more C. G. Wetmore, late resident of 745 South High street. March 19, at the act of 80 years. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. A. W. roglesong of Salem; three brothers, Albert E. Wetmore of Philadelphia. Penn.i Lymon Wetmore of Painted Post, N. Y., and W, J. Wetmore of Corning. N. T.; flvt sisters, Mrs. Daisy Loveless In Pennsyl vania, Mrs. Nora Peckham of Mtddleberry, Penn.; Mrs Pearl Lleby of Allentown, Penn.; Mrs. Mark Loveless of Tioga. Penn.. and Mrs. Edith Kelly of Corning, N. Y.t and four grandchildren. Shipment has been made to The Dalles by Clough-Bar rlck company for services and interment lth the service to be held Saturday. March 23, at 2 p.m. Interment will be in the IOOF cemetery at The Dalles. Malt Klnkella In this city March 16. Matt Klnkella. late resident of Mullno. Oregon, at tht e oi 70 years. Announcement of ser vices later by W. T. Rlgdon company. Obituary Rodney A. Harshman Srlrv-Pimfrai rvlcp.t for ROdner A. Hinhmin. 30. will be' held from the Crabtree Church of Christ at 2 o'clock Saturday with burial In Willamette Mt- lorltl cemetery near Albany. Harsnmsn killed by a falling tree Tuesday while working In the" woods near Mon roe. He was making his home with an uncle, Oral A. Harshman. of Crabtree. Besides his widow, Ellen, he Is survived by two daughters; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Harshman of Albany and sev eral brothers and sisters. Robert Lelsbton Marks AlbHiw Robert Leigh ton Marks. 33. son of Wlllard L. Marks, died at the Al bany General hospital Thursday morn ing. Funeral services will be held Satur day at 2 p.m. from the Fortmlller fun eral home. Cremation will be held at the Mt. Crest crematorium in Salem. He waa born in Albany, August 4, 1914, attended Albany public schools. He was graduated from the university of Oregon inw scnooi in 1038. He wut a member of Kappa Sig ma fraternity. Ho was admitted to tin Oregon state bar in 1036 and pracllcrd for several years witn the firm oi wanes St McMahan, was engaged In law prac tice In Portland, waa employed at Wash ington, D.C., by the department of Juv tlce, and for the past two years naa again engaged In practice here with his father. Surviving besides his father art two sisters. Mrs. Edward A. MartelL Chlcato, 111 . and Mrs. Helen Beryl Dry- den, Mockvillc, N.C. Henry Edmund Hopper stavton Funeral services will oe con ducted Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Friends church in Marion for Henry Edmund Hopper, 67, a farmer living at Marlon, who died Wednesday. He had lived in the community for the past seven years. Hopper was born in Nlmaha county, Ne biaska. February 6, 1880, and was a son of .James Qulncy and Jennie Hopper. Survivors are five sons. Major Q. Hop per, Caldwell, Ida.; Harold Dean Hopper, North Bend: Robert vern Hopper. An- sahka. Wash.: Ray F. Hopper, Marlon; Acy Dale Hopper, Marion; brother, Jo seph F. Hopper, Yelm, Wash.; sister, Margaret F. Veal, Russell Springs. Kan. Several nieces and nephews and six grandchildren. One son preceded him in death. Mrs. Anna Merkle Silverton Mrs. Anna Merkle, 82, died at her home In Mt. Angel Thursday night. She wat born In Germany, Feb. 24, 1082, Surviving are nine children, Carl Mer kle, Mt. Angel: Joseph, Matthew, Henry and Albert Merkle, all of Tacoma; Sis ter Mary Carmellta, Beaverton; Mrs. Al ice Ana ow. Vancouver. B.C.; Mrs. Anna Stahl, Mt. Angel and Katherine Merkle, Portland The remains are in charge of the Ekman funeral home and will be taken to Tacoma for final services Sat urday. Mrs. Ella Margaret DeWItt Dallas Services for Mrs. Ella Margaret DeWltt. 86. will be held at the Henklt and Bolman chapel, Saturday, March 22, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Homer Lelsry officiating. Interment will be in the IOOF cemetery at Falls City. Mrs. DeWItt dlrd at the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. V. Lewis, at Drain, March 10, following a lingering tunes. Born February l, lBsa, In Indiana, the daughter of Washington and Catherine Morris. Married to Frank DeWItt April 12. 1879. at Havensvllie, Kansas, came to Oregon in ibsb and had lived In Lane, Polk and Umatilla counties. Survived by her daughter, Mrs. I. V. Lewis of Drain: a son, Ira DeWItt of Dallas; three grandchildren: eight great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren. and will not become effective until it is ratified by the law makers of 36' states. The resolution specifically excludes Pr e s i d e n t Truman from this limitation. vfT&yf T feed TRIANGLE X-TRA EGG PRODUCER A good flock, good management and good feed mean more egg profits. Cull out your "boarders' and put your good layers oa Triangle X-tra Egg Producer it's acientincally built for maxi mum egg production. , Soid locally by , Your Triangle Dealer TRIANCLC MILLINtt CO. PORTLAND. ORCOON