Friday IKSLM IT 'KGW Z5 IK EX U?JT I KOIN?,." fi.DO Newi Star J Terry and Pirate Knot Manning 6:1& Superman New f Sky King Muslo B:30 Capt. Midulte Sing, America Jaek Armstrong Harry Planners' K:45 Tom Mia Etmer Peterson Be Friends New 0:(K I News People Are Funny I Ranire Rldera Glnnlt 61ms 6:1ft Studio People Are Funny t Rhythm Glnnle Biro 6:30 Crime CInb Walls Tims I The Sheriff Durante A Moore Crime Club Walts Time ) The Sheriff Durante A Moore 7:00 New Commntary Mystery Cavalcade Sports Spotllcht 7:1 New Mystery Cayalrade Strancs As Seems 7:30 Cisco Kid fiports Newt Sport Malsle 7:45 Cisco Kid Ryhthm Sports Malsle rtrftO Let George Do It Supper Club Melody News 8:1ft Let George Do II Fleetwood Lawlon Good Cheer Jack Smith 8:30 Burl lyes Show Thla I FBI Orchestra 8:15 Future Show Thli I FBI Orchestra 0:00 Nrws King Men ) Break the Bank Fanny Brlce 0:1ft Pictorial Sport f Break the Bank Fanny Brlca f:3V Sports Publle Interest I Western Skfea Thin Man 8:43 Henry J. Taylor Public Interest Western Skies Thin Man 10:00 I Newa News Flashe I News New 10: IS lNa (sport (4 Time Paya to be 10:30 News I Orchestra 1 Concert Honr Isnorant I():4ft Orchestra Band Wagon Concert Hour Texas Hangera 11:110 Orchestra News I Conrert floor Serenade 11:15 Orchestra Speaker I Concert llour Serenade 11:30 Orchestra Rnnnle Salt Orrh. I Orchestra Air-Flo , 11:45 Now Ronnie Salt Orch. I Orchestra Airflow 12:00 Sign Off I Sign-off X-Ira Hour ' Silent Saturday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. (1:00 News Percolator Party Muslo New (1:15 Mtn. Timekeeper Percolator Parly Musle Western Star ft:30 Marrb of Tim New Muslo KOIN Klock :-ft NfWa Dave Went Mosle KOIN Klock 7:00 I News I Riding Ranga I Roundup Boy KOIN Klock 7:15 ( Rhie and Shine I Hear This I Martin Agronsky News 7:.t0 J Orchestra t Old Song I News New 7:45 News LN1WS f Collin Calling Consumer New 8:00 ITaven of Rest Muslo Wake Hp A Smile New fl:lft llavrn of Real Musle Wake Up A Smile Let's Pretend 8:10 Songs Fd McConneTl Wake Up A Smile Adventure 8:45 Orrhestra F.d McConnell Wake Up A Smile Adventure 0:00 Ounrlel I Record Shop Research Theatre of Today fl:15 Quartet Record Shop Demonstration Theatre of Today 0:30 J Pastor's Call Reading Is Fan Farmer Child Training P:45 Orchestra Walktr'a Kitchen Farmer Kid Critic 10.00 I New Farm A nome I Youth Forum Grand Central 10:15 Bins Sine Faint A Home Youth Forum Grand Central 10:30 I Bug Bunny Show j Your Baby I County Fair 10:45 Bugs Bunny Show I Dirt Doctor I County Fair 11:00 I Orchestra Buffalo I Opera I Mary Taylor 1 1 :ir I Orchestra Buffalo I Opera I Mary l-ee Taylor 11:30 J nit Baxters Opera Feature 11:15 Jan Consumer I Opera f Feature 12:00 Pioneer Stars of TomVr" Opera ( News 12:15 News Stars of Tomor. Opera Harden Gal 12:30 Hillbilly Serenade Star of Tomor. Opera Orchestra 12:45 Variety Show Sfara of Tomor. Opera Talk 1:00 Recordings Then and Now Opera I Matinee VI5 Record in us Then end Now Opera (Matinee J:?rO Handicap Names of Opera I Newspaper of Air j 1 :45 Choir Tomorrow Opera I Newspaper of Air j 2:00 Treasury NeUnn Olmsted Tea A Crumpet Symphony ! 2: IB Orchestra (Orchestra Tea A Crumpet Symphony 2:30 Open nous Ed. Tomllnson Tra A Crumpets Symphony 2:15 1 Oprn House Trio Tea A Crumpet Symphony 8:00 Bands Muslo . Jimmy Blair News I 8:1ft Hands - Muslo Trio I Once Upon 8:30 New Veteran Jnli'ny Thompson. Tun 8:15 U. S. Army Proudly We nail Trio New 4:00 j Hawaii Calls Foreign Policy I Religious 'j Feature 4:15 Hawaii Calls Foreign Policy Harry Wtsmer Feature 4:30 rones tra Curtain Time I Muslo Orchestra 4:4ft jporta Curtain Time ' Muilo Orchestra ' XateJt Pattern 11 R2521 1'ATTIiRN Little Yellow Duck An easy-to-makc, soft little toy that your child will just love! With outstretched wings and open bill! the baby duck looks almost alive. The seven-inch toy is especially lovely in yellow felt or colorful scraps from the rag bag. Pattern envelope No. R2I521 contains tracing of pattern pieces and complete sewing and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern send 15c in COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Roberts, Salem Capital Journal, 828 Mission Street, San Francisco 3, Calif. MmdMmtiii j i j?RvnB fibula ACROSS 1. Scent B. Kind of ptiltn 8. Secret nitlluirr S7. 12. Miulo Into R tit brio 13. S)olivn 14. lu-i'mu lb. Kirut Kurilen lti. Givo tnliiUU- rurlly IT. Name: French . 18. Host Mulo llffiire used as a upportlua coin WD Warn Inn Auriform fluid Empire state: Hbbr. Sh union KIiir of tha 20. SmoklnR devlc 47. 21. ram nuuiio not fca JS. Existed 24. TrnllhiK tmincli 28. DUhimit Ht'Krct 80. Amonn 81. Mistake 23. Pronoun Lltorary icrapi In h(!d Ardor Small rug Solitary si.' sSu"l in th. ESI p!eRU Si EHfELMra stf. lypo nu-aaura P R O DPS D E N I A L to. Amorlcun ink ISA L I INH C O RlpJAT 41. Water excur- ba 5 TWA 9. M C W 12 13 W . LS b 17 18 I If 'O " II!'3 1; 3 35 "3f 2? "M 'at WW" S3 p Js sW r m m 11 1 1 1 1 Vii.iA II I P. M. NO. R2521 Solution of Yesterday' Puzzls (10. Certuln 01. llovoruK0 62. branches ol learning 61, Canvas ilielter P I Nia R Alpli SHBaH3 0 n fl R aveJnHidiA A SAF A RTHalImTo NO ETAfj EN Alt EHft o z DOWN 1. Have debtt 5, Die for making dm In Dlue I. Across 4. Resumed lw Ancient Koratn amp hit heater 6. Uetullireroue rock a T. Walk Inn stick 8. Antique 8. I'ertulnlni va old use 10. Oftcr of term II. Country Id A rub la 19. Kquulltjr 20. Ituln hard 21. 1'roverb 22. Pertaining to measurement 25. Joking gait 27. Vlnor 2S. Dlseiuie of ry 32. Oesrtere 34. Small: Colloq. 36. (Jlilneee wai 37. Limb 39. How 40. Leant difficult 42. Helutvd tlirouglr the father 41. Komun house hold god 46, Kant Irdlan elngfr.g bird 48. Toll 61. Penitential flcaeon 61 Hint 64. Wing 66. Alder tree: Scotch 67. Clear profit Jo u rna I Fea tu re Donald Duck SKJIUA1I&E MEAL Henry The Nebbs Little Orphan Annie The Gumps Mult and Jeff Ui-ir Im hellers Tarzan fTOTWMKJ TJATOOSHT FAT CHANCE ARENT THE VEKY TIME SOME FOLKS YbUT IW A EhesT 1 THAT HE TO MAKEYOuVwITH THOSE COM AUTHORITIES MAK1NGJTHERE5AM01HER WOULD FEELW CASE LiSrr- upee irei rtor 1 HEARD FORGET VCOR A ROBBERS STILL AMV PROGRESS- ROBBERY J FLATTEREOTHEV DOMT MAKE1 Sw92CHEDUM 2Sjf rauJ ' ' " I SYNDICflrE CAN HIRE ANOTHER SEE? RIGHT I STUFF, ON TIME. J OUST TAKE &! I WILL HAVE IT DONE TILL, VOU I THAT'S I I ARTIST TD ORAW MY COMIC, IN VOUR ( I VOU BREftK VOUR I OVER tJV JiJ I CAN' DO IT AGAIN-AND.IN THE 1 WHAT M3U 1 OTTRNTT , TTITER? liMB ijrililliilifn WOW THAT RACKET lli'A UPSTAIRS SOOTHE. ) OH, MR. YZ. JUST LIKE BltA TO GO W FlfiUREP IT PI D SHE SAY? 11 GUMPS MgfZ TO "THE TROUBLE TO VJOULP GOOO GRIEF J V ffflj' HAVE AN OLP NEWSPAPER SOOTHE C WH f im0t 'Z&MWi I I rlr ,1 r 1 .T.- I'll' 11 1 s--s--'Ti--s--3 l-i w mm K.v . JEFR HOW'DYoOGETINTof BUT f Orl.OUST FOR V TOLD ME ALL Y-, 'u'ltfffXTVl i VI SEE PRESIDENT TRUMAN? WHAT A VISIT.' I ABOUT HIMSELF.' SEEYALATER, effmTT 1 lAHAS 1 tC&VsJ t , iot C FORiAASKED HlM HOW HE WORKED IN A S MUTT I GOT IjMJwfM (ZtA'L..JWL I. A?V HE HABERDASHERY STORE J WORKTODO.' l SirLJ ---- 1 XCAN IATCH TMATT fK TH" WOULW WORST A H RZPORX CARD AFTER ALL L- jJl'Vg POM FCJL MEANIN' A AS JANE GOT UP, THE GUARDS 1 REACHED FOR THEIR GUNS. fl$"S 16 Capital Journal, Salem, By Walt By Carl By By Harold Gray ,., Jf f j ijmd p -ou .QQriXNTHEN T OH. THEV CAN; BUT NO OECSTTIMj By Gus Bv Bud Fisher By Gene LEVEW EWf I GIVE. l " TH' &E5T APPLE OH , MARKET AM LOOK V THAT FOR. A 6C0R6 By Edgar Rice Burroughs r SEEING THEIR PRISONER EVIPENTLY KCVjfc- HELPLESS, BOTH UARDS SOON )gt BUT BEFORE THEY COULD RAISE TH6K SHE FELL SACK APPARENTLY IN GREAT PAIN. Oregon, Friday, Mar. 21, 1947 Disney Anderson Hess Edson Maybe Jeff Has Got the Byrnes TH' - ' f DOZED OfP -V 3mL i diM Pae Customer with An Axe to Grind 7 "TTr : r-- ANpedSoN - Strictly Business What Big Teeth Is Has Hep Guy Presidential Bee in His Topper Wasted Applesauce Jane Escapes UNDER COVER OF THEIR STENTORIAN SNORES, JANE QUIETLY AROSE AND LIMPED OUT OP CAMP. THAT OLP -V -w6,! ? NEWSPAPER IS YCSO PEgTlCKL,.fe THE. CAY SHE , ' ,M r ( TDLD US SHE W5 " , AIL&R6IC fiffsT TO APPLES "Jtel . i I I I DANCE ON By Florence Theel Chapter 15 Snap, Bert's pretty little span iel, went to the desert with them. She had watched the prepara tions with sad eyes and drooping tail. But when Bert said, "Hop in, girl. You're going!" Snap leaped into the car with Mrs. McLane, Eileen and Eddy, settling beside Bert's saxophone case, on a pile of blankets. Tony Perrelli was shaking hands with everybody. "You see me down Palm Springs, jes' as soon's you get theengs fix. I cook for your boarders good, Miss McLane, till you come home again." Mrs. McLane smiled grateful ly. "You bring me a mayonnaise recipe, Tony, and this is what comes of it!" Tony's white teeth flashed in a happy smile. "Never I dream I will be partners soon in business with your bpys." Mrs. Van Buren, their star boarder, waved from an upper window. Gamely, Paul said. Good luck, fellas!" and dashed for his office. He called over his shoulder, "Have a good time, Eileen!" And she answered, "Don't work too hard, Paul." ' It was an imposing caravan. The trailer-truck, hitched to the sedan, held barrels of restaurant china, paints and kalsomine and brushes, bedding, bolts of drap ery material, and the upright piano. Bert had thoroughly prepared them for what they were to find, and when they finally drew up before the half-burned hacienda set back off the main road, he said, "Well, look it over, fellas. If anybody isn't sold on It, he can drop out now and no hard feelings." Not bad, at all!" Phil ex claimed, as they viewed the huge rooms that had been palatial connecting drawing room, dining room and library. "Nobody'll recognize it, after a good paint job." Pale orange like that busted chair would be swell," said Eddy. "We could paint green vines on the ceiling," Bert said, squint ing upward. "Maybe nail real cactus across these holes where the firemen bashed the roof in." "Why not leave 'em open let the stars shine through?" Roy Crosley suggested. "This place has possibilities, fellas, and no kidding." Pessimistic Pete, the guitarist, failed to see them, however. 'Doesn't look so hot to me. You'll sink in all your work and money, and chances are no body'll drive out to this deserted dump." But even Pete grew cheerful when he saw the lovely rooms with single beds in the servants' wing which, miracu lously, had been spared. "Kind of de luxe, after the hole in the wall I just left. Who am I bunk ing with, anyway? You, Phil?" Might as well room up the way we all drove down," said Carolina. "I'll sleep on the army cot." He and the newcomers had hit it off together nicely. Bert and Eddy, naturally, would want to room together. "If Mom and Eileen double up, Carolina, you can have one to yourself," Bert said. Carolina hadn't been out of military hos pital long, either. Luggage was quickly stowed away, and while the ladies pre pared luncheon of canned soup, cold roast of lamb and salad, the boys went outdoors to look at the lumber which the real estate man had offered Bert at cost. By a stroke of luck, Roy Cros ley had been a navy carpenter, like Phil that had really been the deciding factor In his selec tion and, between them, they produced some good ideas for converting planks and uprights into chairs and tables and other furniture needed for a public dining room. They were all agog to start things going. Earlier, Eddy had proposed a plan of work and payment. Those who did specific labor would receive wages from the first income. Orchestra salaries would be paid at the weekly un ion sc?le after that. Eddy, Bert and Tony Perrelli, as joint part ners, would get what was left over. It was a long gamble, but the Room and Board . I "WON'T SAY THAT ', THE EARL HAS OFFERED ME SlOO IF I CAN ANSWER. a d irrn rr I'LL DOLLAR, COUblN. IF VOU ME THE TO THIS MAYBE CHATMORE WHAT CAN HELP M& FIGURE IT OUT feet;--2. AND THINK IjjHO, DAYS. r III TO THINK FOR. A DOLLAR.? THE DESERT AP Newifoturi boys were willing. And when they'd seen the actual set-up, happy-go-lucky Charlie Marri- son voiced their general opinion. Don't worry about wages till you get some profits, fella. If you feed and room us down here free, you're giving us a good va cation." "Hear, hear!" boomed Crosley. Phil said, "This desert air feels good to my sinuses already." Their loyalty touched Bert deeply. "You won't regret It, fellas, I promise." Eddy said, "The way things look to me, the money'll be there." At luncheon they discussed a vital problem: whether or not to serve liquor. Opinion was di vided. "Will anybody come, If they can't drink?" asked Roy. "Liquor means a big invest ment for a bar, glasses and stuff, a license, a bar-tender's salary," Bert said. "We'd probably drink up the profits ourselves, if we served it," Charlie Morrison grinned. "Let 'em get their booze in Palm Springs." "We'll guarantee 'em A-l foafd and fun,".said Carolina. "If they want to bring their own, there won't be any extra charge." Eileen smiled, and said noth ing. But Mrs. McLane clinched it with her homely philosophy. "When we were at the Oasis, Bert, listening to Blackey Davis' band, I thought people come here to the desert for their health, and then destroy it with cocktails and things, which ev erybody knows never did any body any good." The boys look ed at each other. Mrs. McLane continued: "You came down here for your health, too, Son. It wouldn't be just right to make money by preventing other peo ple from getting theirs:" "You're licked before you start then," Pete prophesied darkly. "Well, how about starting off with beer and soft drinks and see what happens?" Bert looked questioningly around the circle. Everybody but Pete nodded. They'd find out later whether the decision increased their gamble! (To be continued) Young and Crisp Two dar ling surprises for your little girl! One is a fairy-talc pinafore with huge bouffant skirt and cunning circus elephant applique. T h & other, a dress, has the precious "puff" skirt and dainty ruffling to give a simulated bolero cut. Two separate patterns. No. 2787 is cut in sizes 2, 4, 6, and 8. Size 4 requires 1 yds. 35-in., Yt yd. contrasting, applique. No. 2601 is cut in sizes 2, 4, 6, and T. Size 4 requires 1 yds. 35-in., 1 yds. ruffling. Send 20c for PATTERN, which includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, address aiyl style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include postal unit or zone number in your address. Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. . . By Gene Ahern PAY VOU A I WOULDNTTAXMY BRAIN TRYING TO THINK OF THE ANSWER.-EVEN IF I SOT IT, I'D HAVE TO SPEND CAN GIVE ANSWER. RIDDLE,-- HAS Z MOUTHS THE DOLLAR. FOR. O &YE5 ? HEADACHE HARD PILLS THESE WANTS TvflJV SIZES 2 n l IF1 SOT IT, ID ( HAVE TO SPEND H 1 I He UULLAK. rUS el HEADACHE J PILLS JSlM