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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1947)
vSporfs Equipment Stolen at Dallas Dallas A sports-minded thief made a good haul early this week at Crider's department store. Clerks at the store dis covered a sparkling new Win chester 12 gauge pump shotgun missing, along with a two-piece fly rod, an expensive reel and other fishing tackle. The equipment was last seen to be remembered Saturday af ternoon but the store shows no evidence of entry by burglars. The management is pondering over a bold type of shoplifter wild would have the temerity to walk out of the store with such conspicuous objects. The gun, one of the first to be obtained at the store, was specially ordered for a custom- Gun Club Building Ready for Moving Stayton Under the direction of Charles Lampman, the old wooden building south of the city hall has been jacked up on blocks in preparation to placing it on wheels to be moved to the (Mle of the Stayton Gun club on Tlie old Nick Fehlen farm on the West Stayton road. Present plans call for towinp the building south on Third street to Ida and then west to the site. Promised to the gun club some time ago, the building was used for three months as a bus depot while the Bon Ton cafe was being remodeled. At the meeting of the city council it was agreed to remove tools stor ed there in order that the build ing could be removed. Lindquist Presented Pin for Service ' Butteville W. O. Lindquis! of Butteville was presented .) 20-year pin by the Portland General Electric company which company he has been employed by continuously for the past 20 years. The award was made through the Portland office. Mr. Lindquist is foreman of the line crew working out of Woodburn. Previously he worked from the office in Aurora, first working with the Molalla Electric and the PEP company. The com pany changed over totPGE Jan uary 21, 1927. Charge of Larceny j Dismissed by Court Silverton The records of justice court of Judge Alf. O ; Nelson showed preliminary hear-j ing held for Glenn Wachtman' charged with grand larceny in which the theft of three rifles from the Floyd Brewer home were involved, with Dick Wil- liams, deputy district attorney,! appearing for the state of Ore-j gon, and Charles Jens for thei defendant. The defendant waiv-i ed the right to make a statement ( The court dismissed the case be cause of lack of sufficient evi dence to warrant holding the ripfendant to the grand jury. Capital TntirnaT. Salem. Oregon. Friday. Mar. 21. 1947 It 7-Day Rejuvenation Eliminate Toxic Con ditions that are mak ing you so tired. Diet, Mineral Baths and Massage SUNRISE SPRINGS Hubbard, Oregon (Highway 99E) P.O. Box 242 Phone 2503 Send for Free Booklet Opportunity for Independence Leading Western Life Insur ance company Is seeking a full time District Manager for Marion County. Position offers lifetime se curity, with SALARY and COMMISSIONS. No limit to your income. You are covered with SOCIAL SECURITY GROUP INSURANCE, plus a RETIREMENT INCOME aft er 20 years. Experience desirable not re quired if you think you can qualify. Send brief outline of your personal history to Box 303 Capital Journal Medical Research And You Br J. n. Hlllftl of llii Capital Drm Store Popular articles on medical re , search usually affect us in one of two ways . . . either they make us apprehensive about our own health or they deal with a drug or discovery which strikes us as being miraculous, but very re mote from our own needs. But the physician whose pro fession makes it necessary for him to keep abreast of medical research has the training' and knowledge to evaluate new methods and medicines proper ly. He will be glad to relieve you of any apprehension you may have regarding your health. He can be relied upon to em ploy any new drug that will be effective in sickness. The conscientious pharmacist too, keeps abreast of new drug discoveries. Thia Is the 433rd of 11 series of Eit'tontl Advertisements appearing in the Capital Journal each Friday. Coprrlrht Don't Miss the Dog Show, Fairgrounds, March 22-23 Willett's Capital Drug Store Cor. State & Liberty Ph. 3118 AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT FOR SMALL HOMES UP TO 6 ROOMS THAT GIVES YOU uji n QBGIIECQD QDJOlDEflJtaniDED 1 ft I ...'' If .-Mm from Heating M onies H-s new, !t.s the answer to ev-' ery small home owner's dreamt Simple, efficient, rugged and completely automatic. All ready to install in your present heat ing plant for low cost, uni form, "just right" heat, 24 hours a day. You can easily afford it. Investigate! You Can't Beat It Here It's automatic the upstairs "finger touch" thermostat does all the work. It burns less than one gallon of No. 3 grade oil per hour at high flame. It's clean, quiet, uniform heat precision built for perfect heating. Easily installed in a few hours in your present heating plant Sears arranges for installation. 2 Ma 10.00 Down ." i i use SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN (fij) 11 I 1 IV W J j LASTING BEAUTY WITH A REGAL TOUCH 4-LIGHT DINING . ROOM FIXTURE Formerly 12.95 . . . Reduced to Only You'll love dining under the table-flattering, softly-diffused light on this beautiful fixture, worth far more than its low reduced price! Pebbled effect, rose color ed, delicately etched shade. Rich gold color metal holder. Underwriters approved. 10.95 N 5 V vi jam, LU A. l-UGHT WALL BRACKET, m no HAND-CUT CHIMNEY p470 B. FROSTED GLASS BRACKET, m no WINE, GOLD FINISH pH.yO C. CUT GLASS BRACKET, t m ft a BLUE, WHITE FINISH 34.70 D. MAROON, GREY BRACKET, m CANDLEWICK DESIGN 4,70 E. FLUORESCENT UNIT, RED AND WHITE, f m f- WITH BULBS )lf.yj F. 1-LIGHT UNIT, CHROME-PLATED ENDS, hft 71; WITH BULBS p7.D Every fixture sold by Sears is rested and approved by The Underwriters Labora tories, Inc., your assurance of effi ciency and safety. Look for the UL seal. i..U.,Zmi..:Li..JL f RAFTSMAN Aluminum Hand Drill Brand New Design 3.98 No other drill like ir! Efficient stream lined design. AM gears entirely enclosed. Strong, light, rustproof. Hollow handle for drill storage. rRflFTSMRN Well Made LAWN RAKE Tmpwri tttil tlftM, ill 1 tpit rntMvi U bl. 18-lncli 139 Steel Blade Hoe 1 35 Craftiman ! For gardening. Corrtly balanced to reduc. back and ahoulrl.r train. Blade, ahank and socket forged from on. piece steel. Hardwood handle. "Craftaman" GRASS SHEARS Cut edges of lawn af)19 while standing up! M Tubular iteel handle with rubber grip. Magnetic Jig Saw Nn Motor Needed! 1 95 2.00 Down A rugged, well mad. power tooH So safe, anyone can run H. Curt to center of 22" circle. Blade, 5 Vj' Cord,instructions.lt0-I20V,60CAG Masonry Wall Coater Easy lo Use 98 5 lbs. Moke your basement dry and more comfortable by using this durable wall coater on unpointed masonry walls. Just mix water, apply. Gray. : IinoleuH jNirii; Linoleum Lacquer l55 Easy to Apply 1 qt. Linoleums ar easier to dean and toy bright ond new looking with a coat of lacquer. Dries In 30 minutes. Quart covers 10 x 12 ft. floor. Kenmore Automatic 3-Pound Electric Iron 1Q95 Portable Circulating Electric Fan Heater With 7-Ft. Cord For 110-120V AC Pay Only 2.00 Down 1390 Pay Only 2.00 Down Lightweight, streamlined, fully automatic an ideal iron for your fragile nylons and siHcs. Aluminum sole plate heats quickly, evenly, thermostat maintains the heat you select. Cool molded black plastic handle. 1 20-V, AC; 1000 watts. Underwriters' Laboratories Approved. Just right for that "extra" heat you need in the morning or on cool evenings. Fan operates quietly behind safe grille in sturdy portable steel cabinet, no-mar rubber feet. Handy toe switch. Attractive baked-on ivory and tan enamel finish. Underwriters' Laboratories Approved. fit ecu, mens Jack" JLHlU 484 State St. "Skfaac&x fuataH&&t pent etrtf 6uj( " 484 STATE ST.