12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Mar. 21. 1947 Church Program in West Sa em The West Salem Methodist church is providing movies for the children of west Salem Sat urday atternoons at 1 o'clock in the church basement. These are free through the courtesy of Df . David Hill. Saturday, Mar 22, the films, "The First Easter," "Silly Seals" and "Bear Facts," will be shown. Next Sunday evening, Frank Bennett, superintendent of the Salem schools will lead a forum on "Character Education" at the West Salem Methodist church at 7:30 o'clock. This is the fourth of a series of special Sunday ev ening services. Last Sunday evening Rev Da vid Seaman, director of Wesley Foundation, the college group of Methodist church, Eugene, had charge of the service. It was an evening of music, singing of old hymns and getting acquainted with new ones. Mr. Seaman us ed a variety of hymns suggest ed by the life of Christ. Mrs. Seaman sang "Prayer" by David Guiyan, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Kleen. SALEM'S CHURCHES at. , ....1 Wnl.rmtal 44B YtTTV Clouts Cagle. pastor. Sunday school 10 .m. Morning atrvice, 11. Evening rv Iva 7:30, Tue., Frl. and Bun. Special healing services Sunday evening. Christian Missionary Alliance North 5th at Gaines St. Herman J. Bohl, pastor. Wyman B. Bohl, associate. Sunday school fi-45 a.m. Morning service 11. Sermon, "The Lord Before the Resurrection." Spe cial message In song by our guest musi cians Bernctta and Beverly Kelstrup of Belllngham. Wash. Evening service 7:30. Guest speaker. Rev. D. R. Alkenhead of the Canadian Sunday School Mission who has hla headquarters In Wlnnepeg. Or chestra practice. 6:30. Young people's. :30. Regular prayer meeting and Bible study Wed., 7:30 p.m. Women's mission ary band, Thura., 3:00 p.m. Seventh-Day Advent. itCorner Hood St Summer. Sabbath school. Sat., 8:30 a.m. Morning Service 11 o'clock. Sermon and ordination service by the guest speaker. Elder V. G. Anderson of Portland. Young People's meeting at 3:30 p.m. Evangel istic services Wednesday and Friday. Bundya's sermon. "America's Amaslng Place In Prophecy." Hayesville Baptist Sunday School Hayesvllle School house. Rev. Henry Barnet, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 10:45 a.m. Prayer meet ing and Bible study on Wednesday eve Ding at 8 o'clock. First Baptist Liberty and Marlon streets Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Ray Gates, npt. Morning servlre 11 o'clock. Bor mon, "Subjective Christianity." Eve ning service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon. "The Great Cloud of Witnesses." Evangelistic Tabernacle Assembly of God 13th and Ferry streets. Rev. Wnl ter S. Frederick. Sunday school B:45 a.m. J. Bartlelt, nupt. Morning nervice 11 o'clock. Sermon, Rev. E. F. Hewitt of Denver, Colo., spanker, 0:30 p.m., Christ's Ambassadors' service for young people, Miss Oliver, president, Evening service 7:45 o'clock, Sermon, Rev, Hewitt, speaker. Services every night this week except Saturday at 7:45 p.m. Radio pro grams over kslm saturdny o:4S p.m. Tabernacle Echoes. Sunday 5:15 p.m. Sermons in Song, JJidtoric Clturcliei oj? Text and Drawing By Frederick Polley i menca r W, - i Monthly Youth Night Service Planned Presbyterian Church Members of the Westminster college and business young peo ple's group will assist in the monthly youth night service which will be held at the First Presbyterian church at 7:30 p.m. this SUTheyn1.ll to worshiD will bJSevcn Last Words." Solo parts i . sii PIONEER CHURCH IN THE SOUTH If There Hsd Been No Easter." Fellowship, 8:30 p.m Wesleran Methodist Fifteenth and Mill street.- A. O. Yates, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning service, 11 a.m. Young people's meeting. 6:45 p.m. Evening service, 7:30 p.m. Central Lutheran Hood and North Sum mer streets. Rev. R. A. Krueger, pastor Sunday school and adult Bible class, 9:45 a.m. Morning service. II o ciock, sermon, For Buch a Time us This." evening serv ice. 7:30 o.m. Senior Luther League meets at 1405 North Summer. Clarice Nelson Is the leader. Subject, "In Hi Steps." Court Street ChrliiJ an Seventeenth and Court atreet. w. H. Lyman, pastor, nun day school, 9:45 a.m. Morning service, 10:50 o'clock, sermon, "First Things jnrsi.' Christian Endeavor hour. 6:30 P.m. Eve ning service, 7:30 o'clock, sermon, "Move Over, Please." , , The subject of this feature,' Wesley i,. ,. . . . ; me circular uiigrcKHLiuutii church, is located in Charleston, S.C. The building as shown was dedicated in 1892 and was the fourth meeting house on this historic spot. The walls contain bricks brought from England and salvaged from the former church building that was de stroyed by fire and earthquake. There was erected here about 1790 a frame building that was called the "White Meeting! House," and it was the name of this church building which pro-1 Jesus' Name Pentecostal Tabernacle- 1175 Lewis street. Wilbur King, pastor. Sundas school. 10 a.m. Morn Inn service 11 o'clock. Evening service, f:4o o ciock ki. Mark Evanrrllral Lutheran 343 N Ohurch street. The Rev. M. A. Getzendfln er, D.D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.. Oscar Llndahl, superintendent. Morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon, "The Cross and Our Choice." Pastor's instruction lec ture. 8 P.m.. "What a Person Should Know About the Church." Plltrlm Holiness 2740 Cherry avenue. Vernon O. Story, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Morning service, ll o ciocn, YP8,, 7 p.m Evening service, 7:30. St, Johns Lutheran (Mo Synod) North Ifith and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gross, pnstor. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. Mom lng service 9:30 a.m. and -10:45 a.m. Mlrl-weck Lenten service at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday. First Congregational North Cottage at Marlon. Rev. e. R. Huntington, D.D., pustor, Sunday school 9:45 nv.m, Morn ing service 10:55 o'clock, sermon, "Con sider Again the Cross of Christ." James Bedlngfleld, Univ. of Oregon, leads forum on "British Policy In Palestine" at 8 p.m. In the church parlors. Pilgrim fellowship at the church 7:00 p.m. St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Clie- tneketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift, rector. Holy communion 7:30 a.m. Junior church and classes 9:45 a.m. Holy Eu charist and sermon 11 a.m. A sacred cantata, "The Seven Last Words of Christ" will be sung by the choir 4 p.m, Firt.1 Christian Center and High Streets. Dudley Strain, pastor. Sunday school 8:45 a.m. Morning service 10:50 o'clock. Sermon. "Walking Alone." Eve ning service 7:30 o'clock. Willamette University a capella choir. Youth meet ings, Jr. High. Sr. High, Phi Zela Chrlsto 6:15 p.m. Boy scout troop 4 Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Church night dinner, message by Mr. Strain, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible etudy 8:00 p.m. Choir rehearsal. South Salem Friends South Commer cial and Vat.hlngton. J. Francis Lofe, pahtor, 1745 South Commercial. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor 6 p.m. Eve ning service 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Salem Free Mclhodlst Corner North Winter and Market. Richard t. Fine, pastor. Sunday school 9:46 a.m. Morning service II a.m. Young people 6:46 p.m. Evangelistic 7:30 p.m. Church of Christ Madison and Bilker streets. L. L. Freeman, minister. Sun day srhool 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon, Will M. Thompson speaker both morning and evening. Eve ning service 7 o'clock. Song practice. Sermon 7:45. Bible study Wed. evening 7:45. Miion Street Inltet. Brethren 1135 Mission afreet. Rev. George M. Mart in, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Momma worship. 11 a.m. Evening service, 7;30 O'clock. West Salem Methodist Clerlh avenue and Third. O. Leonurd Jones, pastor. Sundnv school. B:45 a.m.. Mrs. Leo fcsiy superintendent Morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon. "Self-Denial and Selt-Mastery. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock, sermon, "diameter Education." a forum dlseu. slon lend by Frank Beimel, superintendent of Education, Salem schools. First Evangelical United Brethren -Where Marlon crosses Summer street. Rev. Wllmer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.. R. H. Ermcl. superintendent Morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon. "The Measure of Love." Musical Evangelistic hour. 7:45 p.m., Rev. George K. Mlllcn. speaking, "Found m Him." Knlihl Memorial Coi.irrcsat. oi.nl Nine teenth and Kerry streets. Louis E. White, minlhter. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Fred Boyer, superintendent. Morning wor snlP. 11 o'clock, sermon. "Lite's Finest Hour." Junior church and church-time nursery, 11 a.m. At 6:30 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship meets In the church and the collegc-aae young people's group In the parsonage. Itnmanuel Baptist Hazel at Academy Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Mornlnn worship service, 1 1 o'clock, speaker. Rev. D. R Alkenhead of Winnipeg. Canada. Younc people's meeting, 7 p.m. Evening service, 7:45 o'clock, speaker. Rev. Henry Barnett. First Splrllualls 1248 N. Commercial. Services at 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Man Mann, speaker. Circle at 6. Calvary, Baptist 1230 South Liberty Rev. Charles Durdeen, D.D., pastor. Sun day school, 9:45 a.m. Morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon. "Christ and Women of the Cross Ills Victories." Eventna servici', 7:30 o'clock, sermon. "Christ and Women of the Cross His Failures." Baptist Youth Fellowship groups, 6:30 p.m. Mennonite BrVthren 1125 Elm street. Rev. A. A. Lorwen, pastor: A. H.. Fatten - recht, associate. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m Morning worship, 10:45 a.m. Young peo ple's meetings, 6:45 p.m. Evening Gospel service, 7:45 o'clock. Central Church of Christ N. CotUar at Shipping streets. James A. Scott, minis ter. Bible school. 10 a.m. Church service 10:45 a.m. Sermon, "The Master Dwelling Within.;' Young people's service. 8:30 p.m. Church service, 7:30 p.m. Sermon, "The Parable of Excuses.' " The Salvation Army 241 Slate street Captain and Mrs. K, B. Leaner, command ing officers, Sunday school, 10 a.m. Holi ness meeting, 11 a.m. Y. P. Legion, 6 p.m. Salvatlou meet inn, 7:30 p.m. L'nlvertial Church of the Master 460 M Cottage street. Rev. Jolui B. Craig, pas tor, evening service, :ju o ciock. Mrs. Edith Scott of Eimeue and our hucm speaker, Rev. Evelyn' Bennett of Portland. Foursquare 4D0 N. lOth. Rev. Chnrles -i ate. PHSior. suntlny school, 9:45 a.m Rholln La Duk, superintendent. Mornlni service, ll o'clock, sermon, "Wealthier Than the Rich." Evening service, 7:45 ocjock. sermon. "Behind Closed Doors, Hnt Church of the Naiarrne 13th and center, aunciay school, 9:45 a.m.. II. P. auuiion, superintendent. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Evening service. 8:30 o'clock Youth group, 6:30 p.m. Orvtlle W. Jenkins pastor. Christ Lutheran State ulreel at 181 h. C. R. Schute, pastor. Sunday school and wiDie ciases, 9:45. Divine worship, 11 O'clock. Luther League, 7 p.m. The Reortanlied Churrh of Jem Christ r Latter Kay SalnltCor. N. 17th and Chemeketa St. Clias. H. Asher, pastor Church school, 10 a.m. Morning services, 11 o'clock. 7:30 p.m., services by Arthur F. Glbbs. former pastor of "Kirtland Tem ple." Recent It returned to States from Missionary services in Hawaii. Subject Sunday evening, "The Narrow Way Is the Broadway." Bethel Baptist North Cottage at D. GiiMnv G. Rainier, pastor. Sunday school. 9:4."i. Mornfim worship. 11. sprmon. "The Exceeding Riches of His Grace." Evening service, 7:30, subject, "At the Feet ol Jesus." Leslie Methodist south Commercial at Myers, Joseph Knotu, minister. Sunday Action), 9:45 am Morning worship, ll o'clock, sermon theme, "Our Pattern of Life" Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Eve ning worship, 7:30 o'clock, sermon theme, Pinile Sunday Srhool Held in school building. 10 a.m.-11 a.m. Max J. Pem beriou, superintendent. The Church or (iod 380 Chemeketa. up stairs. Frank Alia way, paator. Sunday school, 10 a.m., Mrs. George Croley. hu ne rlntendent. Morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon "The (.treat Ingathering." Eve ill ng service, 7:45 o'clock. Four Comrrs Baptist State street si Eima avenue. Rev. Frank O. Feriin. pas tor. Sunday sHinul ih a m nn kuiih. ford, superintendent. Morning service. II o'clock, sermon, "The False Trials ol Jesus." Training Unions. 6:30 P.m. Eve ning service. 7:30 o'clock, sermon. "God Said It Was So." Youth Fellowship, 6:4s p.m., Joe Shepherd, president. . 7:45 p.m., sermon, "Excellency God's Loving Kindness." Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Schlatter, ministers. ' Bethany Evangelical and Reformed Corner North Capitol and Marlon. Rev. r. Ott, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m.. Fred Kruse. superintendent. Morning serv ice, 11 o'clock, sermon, "Gethsemane." bably gave the name to Meeting street in Charleston. This frame building was replaced in 1804 by the "Circular Church," a building constructed in circular form. This building was de stroyed by fire in December, 1861, and the congregation wor shipped in a small chapel on the grounds until completion of the present building shown m the drawing. On the adjacent lot south of the churchyard is the site of the South Carolina Institute Hall, where December 20, 1860, was signed and ratified the ordi nance of secession which with drew the state of South Caro lina from the Union and led to the formation of the Confeder ate States of America. given by Roberta Batey, the of fertory prayer by Leah Lowry, the scripture by Ralph Ewing, and the evening prayer by Bill Wright. Special music for the service will include an bfferatory violin solo by Geraldine Schmoker and a vocal selection by Betty Lou Edwards and Beverly Kenney. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin will bring the evening message, speaking on the subject, "The Marks of the Master." The offering received at this meeting will be given to the Youth Council's "Heifer for Eur ope Project" fund. At 8:30 p. m. a supper snack will be served in the social hall for the young people and their guests. A "fireside" at the manse next to the church, will be held for college and business young people at 8:30 p. m. Robert Say re. moderator, will preside at this meeting and Merle Ackson will lead the devotions. Plans will be made for a retreat at Silver creek camp during the Easter vacation. will be taken by Mrs. C. A Lethin, Mrs. Forrest West, Rich ard Barton, Ronald Craven and Ivan Marble. The choir is un der the direction of Prof. E. W. Hobson. Miss Ruth Bedford will play the accompaniments.' The church guilds under the co-chairmanship of Mrs. J. E. Law and Mrs. Harry Crain will serve refreshments for the choir and congregation following the cantata. Dallas Churches Free Meth'tdlKl Evelyn Collins, pastor, Sunday school, B:45. Morning worship ll. Evening service 7:30. Salt Creek Baptist Otto Nalllnger, pas tor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Rev. Leonard Bunaer will bring the message. Evening service 8. Trinity Lutheran Karl A. Ufer. pas tor. Sunday school 10. Divine service 11. F.vanceliral Vnitcd Brethren W. A Backer, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morn ing worship II. SePmon: "Gethsemane." Youth fellowship 7. Evangelistic hour 7:45. Message: "God's Care." Evangelical Mennonite Brethren D. P. Schuiu, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 Morning worship 11. Christian Endeavor Church of God J. w. Hunter, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Young people's meeting 6:45. Evening ser vice 7:30 Grace Mennonite Homer Leiuv. da. tor. Sunday school 10. Morning worship ii. j-i i mil uy aouic leuoasnio 7-xn Topic, "Using Our Talents." Christian and Missionary Alltin.-r Arthur Hoentsch. pastor. Sunday school 8:45. Morning worship ll. Message, "The oian oi me uross," Evening revival meet ing 7:45. Christian Sclei.re Sundav schnnl a-s Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Subject of uie lesson sermon lor the week is "Mat ter." Oregon Student To Lead Forum 'James Bedingfield, University of Oregon, will lead the Forum at the First Congregational church, Sunday night, March 23, on the subject, "British Policy in Palestine." Mr. Bedingfield served with the armed forces in Palestine during the war, and comes here with the knowledge and experience of one who has seen first hand some of the things whereof he speaks. There will be time given for questions and discussion following his presentation. This is an open meeting and all interested friends are invited to be at the church parlors, 8 p.m. Sacred Cantata At Saint Paul's Sunday at 4 p.m. the choir of I St. Paul's Episcopal Church Will Mennonite Brethren G. H. Jantzen, . , , pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Worship ser- Sing the sacred cantata "The vice 10:45. Christian fellowship 7. Ches ter Fell, chairman. Evening service T:4S Fall. City Christian H. N. Waddell, pastor. Bible school 10. Morning worship 11. Evangelistic service 7:30. Presbyterian Earl William Benbow, D. O., minister. Church school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Sermon, "Our High Cnlllnt." United Lenten service with Methodist church in this church 7:30. Dr. Donald wells of the department of religion, Ore gon State college, will bring the message. St. Philips Catholic J. Patrick O Reil ly, pastor. Mass 10:15. Bethel Sunday School Sunday school 10:30. Services 11:30. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Elder J. L. Orton. presiding. Sun day school 10. Preaching service 7. Methodist Clark S. Enz. pastor. Church school 9:45. Morniiw worship 11. Ser mon. "The Perfect Steward." Youth fel lowship 6. United Lenten service In Pres byterian church 7:30. Oak Grove Chapel Clark S. Enz. pas tor. Community worship 9:45. Sermon, "The Perfect Steward." Community Sun day school 10:45. fMill City Churches It a.m. Pastor In charge. Yount Fellow ship, 7:30. St. Paul's Catholle Father John J, Walsh, pastor. Sunday mass, I and 10 , a.m. Week day, 8:15 a.m. S Pilgrim Holiness Carl Mansfield, pas tor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Worship, II a.m. Evening worship, 7:30. Christian Science Sunday school, 9:48 a.m. Services, 11 a.m. Mamuam Methodist O. A. Garboden, minister. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Wor ship, 11 a.m Young people's service, 7:45. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. Pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a.m. Divine worship, ll, sermon, "Gill Hti Name Jesus." Special music. Luther League, Sunday, 7:15 p.m. Confirmation instruction Saturday, beginning at 9:30 a.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran 6. L, Aim lee, pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a.m. Divine worship, 11 a.m., sermon, "Arguing About Religion," Anthem,' choir. Luther League, Sunday, 7:30 p.m., topic, "In His Steps in the Garden." Senior and Junior confirmation classes, 9 and 10;3f a m., Saturday. Presbyterian Dr. David Ferguson, min ister. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning services, ll o'clock, sermon, "The First Five Minutes After Death." Church of Christ Lloyd Whitford, paa r. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Morning service. 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor. 6:45 p.m. Evening services, 7:30. Catholic Reverend Mai. pastor. Morn. lng services, 8 o'clock. Free Methodist W. J. Kernen tninttr Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning service, ll o clock. Evening service, 7 o'clock. First Christian Arthur Charles Bates. minister. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. M. B. Ford, superintendent: James C. Bonner, assistant Communion and sermon hour, 11, topic. "The Barren Fig Tree." Chris tian Endeavor. 6 p.m. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock, sermon, "The Bible Teach ing," the third in a p re-Easter series oa "Prayer." Silverton Churches Seventh Day Adventist C. T. tillcin son, pastor. Sabbath school 9:45. Sermon ii. Falls City Seventh Dar Adveniui Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath irhn,.i v:3, rreacning services 11. Falls City Methodist Ouentln Rrhen.lr I'aaiui. ouuaay scnooi iu. Morning ser vices 11 Young people's meeting 6. Pedee Evangelical Howard Perry, pas r. Sunday school 10. Church service 11:15. Apostolic Faith N. C. Swensen. Daatnr. Sunday school 9:30. Morning service 11, Evening service 8. Falls City Free Methodist. StanW. Walker, pastor. Sunday school 10. Morn ing service II. Young people's service 7. Evangelistic service 8. Church of Gbd G. W. Clexhorn. sastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. b'vangeustic service, 8 p.m. Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. MIA. 7:30 p.m. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Divine worship, 11 a.m. Young people's society, 6:45 p.m. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Seventh Flav Arivnti.ri4.i x. pastor. Sabbath school Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Saturday. Franklin, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m Worshln 11 am Vnni 6:45 p.m. Evangelistic evenlna service 7:45. Methodist B. F. Brownin nantnr Church school. 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Nada Lee- unnoc. superintendent. Morning worship. Universal Church of The Master Is pleased to announce that Mrs. Edith Scott of Eugene and Rev. Evelyn Bennett of Portland will be with us Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. Everyone cordially invited Cavalry Lutheran Rev. James A. Toftt, pastor. Sunaay school and Bible class, 10 a.m., Miss Olga Johnson, superinten dent.1 Morning worship, U a.m., theme, "My God. How Wonderful Thou Art.' Special music. Male choirs. Luther League reuuwsmp iour, sunaay, & p.m., talks, reading and special music program, lunch following. Confirmation Instruction, Sat urday, 10 a.m Srayron Churches Methodist Rev. R. T. Cook Ingham, pas--f tor. Bible school, 10 a.m. Worship serv- V ice, 1 1 o'clock. Youth Fellowship, 6:80 p.m. Evening praise service, 7:30. Church of Christ Vernon E. Books, pastor. Bible school, 10 a.m. Morning worship ' service, 10:50 a.m. Evening wor ship service, 7:30 o'clock. Ha ptist (Orange hall). Rev. Wlllard Buekncr, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Training hour, 7:15 p.m Evening service, 8 o'clock. Assembly of God Dwight L. Keys, pas tor. Sunday school. ' 10 a.m. Morning service, ll ' o'clock. Young people's meet ins, 6:45 p.m. Evening evangelistic serv ice. 7:45 o'clock. GOOD MORNING Felix Trembled Acts 24:25 This was his most conven ient season. Now is your convenient season. Tomor row it may be too late. De cide now to accept Christ as Savior, and Lord. lottx leasts, Foi- its easy to lose them to this one as sunrise, it's going to happen: Someday you're going to slip into a slock 'lined Buick Convertible "just to see what it feels like." You'll want to find out for yourself if it's as wonderful as it seems to ride in all this stunning style to be boss of the year's brightest highway beauty. Ic, you find a wheel that seems molded to your hand, deep, wide scats that might have been fashioned for your, own special comfort. You'll look out over a broad bonnet, front tipped with a richly gleaming grille, and know how a king feels sitting on his throne. Just listen as eight big Fireball cylinders erupt into life then settle to a sweet con tented purr. as each threatening road-jar meekly subsides under die gentle magic of soft coil springs on all four wheels. Get the feel of roadweight that's like a steadying hand guarding every mile. Try the handy push-button controls that oper ate the top, the door windows, even the front-seat adjustment. Test the lightness of the wheel, the quick bite of brakes, the instant upsurge when you touch off the gas treadle. By now, you find yourself succumbing completely. This, you tell yourself, is meant forme. How do 1 make it permanent? Kir. I I'huri-h nf t'.lirhl. SclrnlllClii- uiBketn unci Liberty. SuntlHy acliool. tl B in. Mornlni service, U o'clock, gcrmon. Mauer. tvenliii service. 8 o clock. sermon, "Mntter." SKlem Truth L'enter 3BJ N (inii.j. Lulu Wnlton quick, lender. Morning serv ice. 11 o'clock. March 33. subject. 'Spe cldc Thinking." Eveiiln, service 8 o'clock. Tuesday. March 3S, subject. "Hound Ta me, uiorary open live afternoons each week. 1 to 4. Ill.lll.nil a. ...... m .'-.. street al Hlsliland. Cora E. Oreiory. pas tor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Evening meeting, 7:30 o'clock. C. E.. 8:30 b m. The First Churrh nr fiArfrAit... nri Hood streets. Sunday school. 9:,S a.m.. Mrs. H. A Schlatter iinerlnten1.ri Junior rhurch 10 4a a.m. 11 a.ui.. "Thr Firs, Resurrection, Who and When?" The first step is to see us-and get , 'of J your name down. '"Jr,,, ' fl After that the busy beavers of ieGfy v it Buick's on -the -ball production 4, ""5'rtf TQUg.T If staff will move heaven and earth - Dtiin fiHts U to join you and your one-and- fif 0f fSts ft only the first possible moment. nSF?"0 ll Otto J. Wilson Company 1388 N. Commercial St. Phone 9961 Salem, Oregon