(. ... - . ,. Parking Meiers (Continued from Page 1) . 7 0 ''nK'r"5- ejcv 4 111 3 Hell's Canyon Trip By Cycle Planned Baker, March 20 (fl) Omer George, Baker motorcyclist, de clared here Wednesday that he plans to attempt a trip through Hell'g canyon soon by way of motorcycle. George and a fellow cyclist, Robert Worley, flew through the canyon by plane Sunday to scout the area. They spotted several miners' trails which George hopes to use in his attempt early this summer. Coral snakes are members of the cobra family. Salem's New First Aid Car The new first aid car to be pur chased for the city of Salem with funds from a drive being spon sored by the Central Trades and Labor council will be of the type shown in the pictures above, showing the exterior appear ance and an interior view. For the benefit dance Monday night the presale of tickets brought in $3200 or more, there has been some pledge of donations by individual labor unions, and the remainder will be subscribed by the public in a solicitation of funds to be made as soon as the Red Cross drive is over. A total of about $8000 will be needed, including that now on hand or pledged. It is hoped the drive will be completed by the end of this month. LEGAL KnrirR nr ivtpvtion TO TMFROVE CLAUDE STREET FKOM FORD STREET TO 38RD STREET Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Oregon. deems It neeeaaary and expedient and hnmbv declares its Durnoss and Inten tion to Improve Claude street from the cut line of Ford street to the east line or Twenty-third street at the expense o: the abutting and adjacent property, ex cept the street and alley Intersections the expense of which, will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of aald street to the established srade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with an ssphaltio concrete pave ment thirty feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common coun cil March 5, 1947 which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which hereby are made a part of this notice. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention of making the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement depart ment. By order of the common council March S. 1947: ALFRED UUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is March 11. 1947. 70 Relief At Last For Your Cough Chronic bronchitis may develop If your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines yon have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) it LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE HICKORY STREET FROM FIFTH STREET TO MAPLE STREET Notice is hereby Riven that the com mon council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it neceEsary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and inten tion to Improve Hickory street from the cast line of Fifth street to the west line of Maple street at the expense ' of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 6-lnch Portland cement concrete pave ment thirty feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the common council March 5, 1947, which are now on file in the office of the city re corder and which hereby are made a part of this notice. The common council hereby declares its purpose and Intention of making the above described improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment. By order of the common council March 5. 1947: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Data of first publication hereof is March 11, 1947. in. The explanation is, Kowitz said, that two contracts were drawn. Both, he said, were sign ed by the parking meter com pany, but the one the city fin ally signed was the one that con tained the "strike, storm or act of God" clause. Sharp Telegrams Sent The 65-day period after sign ing of the contract in which the original 450 meters were to have been installed expired the latter part of January. About a month ago a sales man for the company appeared before the council and persuad ed it to order 713 more meters He said the original order was on the way or ready to be ship ped. When no meters arrived Man ager Franzen sent the company a series of pointed telegrams On March 6 he wired the com pany that it had until March 17 to deliver and install the meters, that otherwise the contract would be cancelled. The follow ing day he got a reply saying the standards for the original 450 were on the way. The com pany gave as a reason for delay in shipment of the meters the closing down of a brass concern on which it was depending, and cited that as "an act of God" un der the contract. It cited also that the contract contained no penalty clause. . Tuesday of this week Franzen sent another telegram Inquiring if the company could aeliver and install the meters by April 15. Otherwise, ho told them, the city would exact a penalty of 40 cents per day per meter. Won't Pay Air Freight To this the company replied Wednesday that the city's posi tion was not justified, but ad ding that it could easily deliver and install the meters by April 15 if the city would pay air freight on the shipments. Thif the city refused to do. Alderman Gille, strong advo cate of meters, and who made the motion a month ago for pur chase of the additional 713, made the motion Wednesday night for cancellation of the order and appointment of the special com mittee. Another point made by O'Hara in his objection to the action was that no time limit was placed on delivery of the additional 713, which, he said, might contribute to the city's liability. In the exchange of telegrams between Franzen and the com- KlQ.UID 'LIPSTICK CANT SMCAHI won't xui oen nivcs fxciriNO coiom Now comes a sweetly fragrant liquid utterly devoid of oil or grease, to deck your lips with the first truly smear-less, and the only truly lasting color they have ever had. It's simply marvelous. Apply before dinner and you'll discover at dawn that your lips have lost none of the rich redness and bewitching luster this heavenly liquid instantly gives them.. WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE State & Liberty Ph. 3118 Don't miss the Dog Show, Fairgrounds, March 22-23, Lions Club. i , Aib for U niter Grower Brand when yen ihop for froitn food. Onto thi ehoitttt quality product. MWrd And froctfi by th rowrt thtmiilvti, u pcktd under this labtL For fimtrttJ) favor and Nmirverrimt toodnoM, look for Unftod Growers Brand fVVoton foodjf isi our frooors statscr AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE Vtt, , Serges tatae Csaaeqr, " 0... fiMfr in Men's CRINKLE-CREPE PAJAMAS Yes, "they're here." Men's pajamas. We've comb ed the country for the finest fabrics and best tail oring values at a budget clothing price. No. One feature of the garment NO IRON CRINKLE CREPE FABRIC that is such a time saver. Choice of slipon or coat style. Proctical pastel colors. Also . . . MEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS FANCY STRIPE PATTERNS Main Floor 398 398 i V to is;-Ar PALCO WITH ir-ncrbnc Mom of us like to keep refreshingly cool in summer comfortably warm in win ter. That's why so many owners, today, are Ttmperalure Conditioning their homes with PALCO WOOL Insulation. Regardless of m-eather, hot or cold. or the age of your home, whether it's young or M it's not too laic to insulate. Capital Home Insulation Co. Phone 24412 Evenings SALEM, OREGON s Our salesman will contact you without obligation NO DOWN PAYMENT 12 to 36 Months to Pay party the latter said the two or ders would be run together. Birthday Celebrated Independence In honor of Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Mar. 20, 19479 the birthday anniversary of Mrs. A. D. MacAnear, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schreiber entertained with an informal party at their home. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. MacAnear, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodds, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Calef and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Oppliger. 8&k ,3 r wfiskstui ma f "16 fflfUjJC GLISTEIIIIIG- CELLOPHANE ! and packed in a full ONE-POUND PACKAGE! Mission, tlx finest macaroni made, is packed in full one-pound cello bags! Compare the quality, com pare the weight and you'll al ways buy rich, delicious Mission Macaronil Ask for it todayl i fl be the toast of the town by Kellogg's, after 20 years of work and experiment ... to bring you a just-right combina tion of tongue-tickling flavor and nourishment. Try these toasty golden shreds today. i 1r-jM"pt( 1 ney moke o perfect pair .- jil'W vW saf Sally Corn, the flavor and en- zlM er9y ,ueen' ancl Sammy Soya, BSSfi 4 Prom'nen' protein ... in a I brand-new, grand-new cereal, m Kellogg's Corn-Soya. V The wedding was performed im. iu. i& mi om EtibsB AMD Itilil mm Try all of ths products all differsm), all delicious! Be sure to get BOTH advantages TaitottmpHne -mm bread f nuffins grand tar any mwA. mm CCXN ft of Albers Oats Criiptr btcaut thay'ra doyi Irtthar and triplt-wreapad. V" ,'" : " I of Wheat I FARINA fc- r2 V VJgSSSy VOUIt GROCER HAS AIBIRI SiCV TSSam0T olD fA'HIONED OATS, TOO Ji!'' BUY ALBERS OATS TODAY AT YOUR OROCER'S-SERVE IT REGULARLY CrMmy waaot haalthM Uf babiti, yaungitart, adults. Add tott d4ight to Lenten menus 1 W0T Autck'teoltlnfl Soliad wliaat vith JOH mora Vitamin Si. Ux Albert Flapjack or Peacock Buckwheat Flour to task delicious pancakes, waffles, muffins. Tender, flavorful, satiifying they're popular favorites at tny meal. Flapjack is famous for its old-fashioned butter milk flavor Peacock Buckwheat Flour for real "old tiaat" spodoat. Try 'em todayl Bath FREMIXED ready for the griddle In leit than 60 tacondi.