2 CapHal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Mar. 20, 1947 Youth Urged To Seek Funds Silverton When an Invita tion came to Silverton Tuesday from Salem Marion county head quarters of community chest, for a delegation from the local town to attend a special meeting (Thursday) to have a say in the distribution of a large amount of funds on hand for the causes represented, a lawyer of Silver- ton who asked that his name be withheld, suggested that the young folk should have that honor of presenting their cause for a part of such funds. The "suggester" asked a mem ber of the school faculty, Robert Miller, to arrange for at least one member of the local high school to accompany the dele gation. He also asked that the delegation from here include Miller, Miss Hannah Olson. Alf O. Nelson, M. B. Ford, principal of the junior high and grades and former city mayor, L. C. Eastman. An enthusiastic meeting of representatives .of all organized groups, have had two meetings where the sentiment expressed generally was In favor of Silver- ton sponsoring a community chest of its own. George Manol is is chairman, temporarily, of ine move. Monmouth Juniors Presenting Comedy Monmouth Members of the junior class of Monmouth high school will present the annua Junior play at the high school gym on March 21 under the di rection of Miss Lorraine Lofte. The play, a three-act comedy entitled "Spring Fever," based on college life. The cast includes John Schroe- der, Jim Makensen, John Grund Ana Thompson, Jean Stebbins Ann Baker, Marilou Bryant Jimmy Lofting, Nancy Hubbard Nina Fark, John Smith and Don Curry. Special numbers by other stu dents will be presented between the acts. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Sam Culwell, Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Culwell and daughters Joyce and Thel ma, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue and Ruby, Florence Culwell and Howard Naue were Sunday din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Short In Salem, Mrs. Short is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Culwell. Infant twins of Mr. and Mrs Valvin Trahan that were born at the Salem Deaconess hospital Saturday morning died, the lit- the girl Saturday afternoon and the boy early Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Robert Larson of Ilwaco, Wash., Is visiting friends in Lyons. She is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kimery. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Stock well and children of Swisshome visited over the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers, also his mother, Mrs. Ina Stockwell at J"ox Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen at tended funeral service for Phil Schwitzer held at Independence. Betty Jean Bodeker of Port land spent Sunday at the home ef her parents, Mr. and Mrs Alex Bodeker. Additional din ner guests at the Bodeker home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamp ton of Salem. William Fethcrslon visited with relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jung wirth are the parents of a boy born at the Salem Deaconess hospital. He has been named Roland Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kalina of Scio were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmes-ter. Posters Being Made By Aurora Students Aurora The 4-H Health club members have been mak ing posters for the spring show in Sheridan. Club members will make American Legion posters The big prize winners will get $100 in cash for their posters Buddy Wettstein and Jerry Jeskey assisted in serving the hot lunches during the past week. Meiers Placed Before Council Dallas Recommendation that Dallas install 180 parking meters for the downtown dis trlct was voiced by two repre sentatives of a parking meter company at the regular meet ing of the Dallas city council. The meters as proposed by the men, who said they had completed a traffic survey of the city, would be for a maxi mum of two hours parking. One cent would purchase 12 minutes parking and so on up to two nickels for two hours. Five meters would be install ed with 12 minute limits at strategic points in the city, two in front of the postoffice, one at the bank, one in front of the power company and one at a drug store. Both sides of Main street would be flanked with the met ers, and court ana mui, inter secting Main would have met ers at least for part of a block off Main. Three sides of the courthouse block would remain free parking. The council ' postponed deci sion on the matter until the next meeting early in April when a final conclusion is expected. James L. Davidson of Port land was confirmed as police man for the city to succeed Bob Stanley, who is retiring from the force. Parish Observing 40 Hours Devotion Woodburn St. Luke's parish will hold the annual 40 hours devotion at the church next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Rev. John Molter, CSC from the University of Portland will give the sermons In the evening and at the masses Sunday. These special services will open with a high mass, sung by the school children at 8:30 Friday morning, and will close Sunday evening at 7:45 p.m. Masses on Friday and Saturday mornings will be at 6:30 and 8:30, and services will be held these evenings at 7:45. Sunday masses are at 7, 8:30 and 10:30. Each family of the parish will spend one hour in the church before the blessed Sacrament on the three days of the 40 hours devotion. The closing services of this devotion on Sunday eve ning will be attended by a large number of visiting clergy for the litany and procession. Coast Trip Enjoyed Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler accompa nied their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Panck and daughter, Barbara of Broad- mead and Marcena Dale Fow ler on a trip to various coast scenic resorts Sunday. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs Walter Sullivan at Depoe Bay They were former neighbors of the Fowlers in the Fern dis- ricl in Polk county more than 30 years ago. The trip was made especially to honor Mrs. Fowler for her 70th birthday which was March 19. Coach Retires After 20 Years: Silverton Aage B. Ander son, superintendent of the loc al schools is announcing that among the teachers resigning their work for the coming year are Guy W. DeLay, athletic coach, science and mathematics instructor for more than 20 years In the local faculty, and who will retire, giving his at tention to his property holdings; and Charles Bailey, junior high school principal, planning to work toward obtaining his mas ter's degree during the coming year. Also resigning are Theodore Olson and Mrs. Olson, shop tea cher and head of art and librar ian, who have not made known their intentions for the future. Miss Juanlta Moe, physical education instructor for both senior and junior high schools, plans to complete her work for her master's degree. All teachers of the present year's force were offered con tracts to remain for the coming year by the board of education. Gates Mrs. Edna Ross has as her house guests Mrs. A. M. Nichols and son Charles, from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knutson have started construction on their new home which is located on property recently purchased from Mrs. Edna Ross. Knutson's sold their home in Mill City and must give possession soon. Jo Slater of Mill City has pur chased the lath mill which is operated in connection with the Sterling-Holmes mill from Bert Wilson. Wilson will return to his former home in Greenville, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garri son from Cutler City, arrived in Gates Sunday and are mov ing into their new home recent ly erected here. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Shearer will occupy their new home just completed this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker and family of Stayton were Sun day visitors at the home of her narents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap, Unionvale The March meet ing of the Unionvale Commun ity club will be held this Fri day evening. The Red Cross Sewing club will furnish the program. Works Soothing Magic In MUSCULAR PAINS Nted tht Fastsst Rsllaf. longest Heat Comfort that can ba found-thousands of sufferers now turn to OINT-EASE-for greater raliat bcuult it contain not lust one or two, but FOUR great paln.rallcwlngmtdklntf which bring ALLTHEIR STRENGTH AT ONCE to ralleve such miseries. For It aampia urifa OINT-EASE 36 B """"-OINT-EASE Bids Being Sought For Ballston School Dallas The joint Polk Yamhill school district No. 9 and 76 (Ballston) is advertising this week for bids on the erection of a new school building, accord ing to Mrs. Opal Lux, clerk, route 1, Sheridan. L. P. Bartholomew of Salem is architect for the structure. Bids will be received by Rob ert Patty of route 2, Amity, chairman of the board, until 8 p. m. on April 18. Company Dinners Are Demonstrated Victor P o i n t Mrs. Myra Fischer opened her home to members of the Union Hill ex tension unit on Tuesday. "Com pany dinners" was demonstrat ed by project leaders, Mrs. A. T. Savage, Mrs. Orlo Humphreys assisted by Mrs. W. F. Krenz. The dinner as demonstrated was served at noon. Mrs. W. M. Tate, chairman, presided at the business meeting. Plans were made for handling the registra tions for the Homemakers festi val, April 9th, at the. Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in Salem. Mrs. Carrie Townsend presented a short St. Patrick's program. Present were Mrs. W. M. Tate, Mrs. Henry Tate, Mrs. A. T. Sav age, Mrs. W. F. Krenz, Mrs. J. C. Krenz. Mrs. Arlo Humphreys, Mrs. V. D. Scott, Mrs. Byron McElhaney, Mrs. A. N. Doerfler. Miss Anna Doerfler. Mrs. M. M. Gilmour, Mrs. J. N. Doerfler, Mrs. Floyd Fox, Mrs. Theodore Fisher,, Mrs. Carrie Townsend, Mrs. H. E. Hubbard, Miss Elisa beth Krenz. Mrs. Oswald John son, Mrs. Henry Erickson, Mrs. Marion Fischer, Mrs. J. O. Dar by, and Mrs. Myra Fisher. Mrs. J. O. Darby will be host ess with Mrs. J. J. Doerfler at the latter's home on April 15 at which time they will present "Care of the Feet," as project leaders. Silverton Team Will Give Drill Silverton The local drill team of the Royal Neighbors McGrath Camp No. 5225, has received an invitation to attend the Hillsboro district conven tion April 15, to direct a fancy drill with the team. The group plans a card party Tuesday evening, April 8 at the MWA and RNA hall to secure funds for the general expenses of the lodge. Mrs. K. V. Hinckley, now of Lomita, Calif., has written the members for a transfer to the California camp. Mrs. Hinckley has recently recovered from a serious case of pneumonia. A communication from another member, Mrs. Anna Rebham, was read at the last meeting, stating that she was touring Mexico at the present time and was much improved in health. Mrs. Mary Moser now of Dallas Church Class Frolics Monmouth The Young AHulf flnsc nf th Rnntist church entertained at a party in the church. Mrs. Russell Hollinshead was in charge of arranging the games which comprised the ev ening's entertainment and Mrs. Art Swindcl had charge of the refreshments. submitted to major surgery at Salem General hospital where she will remain for at least two weeks and would appreciate messages from her local fel low members. Mrs. Gus Herr Is oracle of the lodge. Addition Adjoining Dallas Opens Soon Dallas The Park View ad dition to Dallas, lying on both sides of a contemplated exten sion of Hayter street from Mill to Academy and south of the city park, will be opened up as soon as plat maps are recorded. The property will include 32 lots and is owned by Miles Run nell of Dallas. The street on the end of Hay ter will be put through as part of the forthcoming paving Im provement program, slated to begin .in early April. Ralph Howe has completed a survey of the addition and the Ted Cooper agency will offer the lots for sale. Junior Aid Meets At Buss Residence Monmouth The Junior Aid society of the Evangelical church met at the home of Mrs. W. A. Buss with Mrs. Harold Buss assisting. One visitor, Mrs. Seward and 17 members were served a covered 'dish dinner. Mrs. E. A. Stebbins reported that cretonne for curtains had been purchased for the church balcony. Devotionals were led by Mrs. M. B. Layton. Blocks for a Dresden plate quilt were donated the club by Mrs. W. A. Buss, and members each turned in quilt blocks toward a quilt to be completed for a sale planned to be held in the early fall. Mrs. Ira Davis of the wel fare committee reported that three girls' dresses had been completed. It was announced that the April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lena Hamilton with Mrs. McCoy as sistant hostess. ENDS TODAY! Gary Jean COOPER ARTHUR in "THE PLAINSMAN" -AIso- "JUNGLE PRINCESS" TOMORROW! TWO GREAT WESTERN HITS... With All Your Favorite Stars!! HIT NO. 1! Songs! Action! JM Romance! Roy Rogers Dale Evans -in- "SAN FERNANDO VALLEY" Hit No. Z Fun! Thrills! Music! Gene Autry Smiley Burnette Ann Rutherford -in- "COMING ROUND THE MOUNTAIN" Now! A Real -gPVMTO Double Thrill! Mat. Daily From 1 P.M. Roy and the Gang! Plus Suspense! CAN A MAN Trepubiic picture Plus! Latest News! Cartoon "Talking Magpies" .aJB3fW tW 41 ANO NOT mi 11 mm I The Alabama, Confederate Si rnldincf shin ranturnri and ' stroyed 70 Union ships during, the Civil war. 1 ' SIS rj OPENS 6:45 P.M. Now! Henry Fonda Dorothy Lamour "CHAD HANNA" Dennis O'Keefe "HER ADVENTUROUS NIGHT" OPENS 6:45 P.M. Now! Larry Parks Yvonne De Carlo "THE DEERSLAYER" Wild Bill Elliott "TUCSON RAIDERS" ROWDY I TWO & FISTED I WALLY I AT I HIS LOVABLE BEST! NOW! .... i i : .' i WALLACE BEERY yum : 1 Ha EDWARD ARMLD DEAN STKKWEL ALIKE MacMAHON Co-Hit! Fun Music! "VACATION . DAYS" OPENS :4S r.M. ContUnca Cnmmlnas 'BliMtfrit" CO-FEATURE RT Rotars - "Gabby" Hayes "RAINBOW OVER TEXAS" The Atlantic is the sallies! ocean; second is the Indian, and then the South Pacific. Grangers Will Meer Union Hill The Union Hill grange will meet at 8:30 o'clock Friday night. Mrs. Orlo Humph reys will present the Future Farmers of Silverton on a pro gram preceding the business meeting. Degree work will be exemplified by the Silverton grange team. Luncheon committee includes Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Krenz, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Krenz. Unionvale S t a r 1 1 n g Palm Sunday, March 30, and continu ing to Sunday, April 6, pro-Easter services will be held at the local church each day. Rev. Eldon Furman of Louisville, Ky., will be the speaker. . His wife will accompany him and she will have charge of special services for children each afternoon. bxb mem cotttwoNUNGir tow MSTAIXAnOM txntA Make your purchase from and have your Installation completed by an authorized Ford dealer. Valley Motor Co. S7S Center, Salem, Ore. DINING at hattuc'j Chateau a Delightful Pleasure DANCING at the Sweetheart Shoes By Pennant Block Patent Sandal in that New Round Toe. Medium or high heel. Tan Calf Sling with high cut front for instep comfort. ARBUCKLE'S, INC. 481 State St., Salem. IF IT'S FOR Bikes... t Yes, you'll find horns, headlights, speedometers . . . and best of all, plenty of shiny, new "Hawthornesl! at Wards NOW! "Hawthorne" Bikes Boys, girls full size balloon tire models each has headlight, chain guard, re flector. Only 10 down! Balance Monthly. 42.75 Klck-Up Stand Strong coil spring holds arm up when parking your bicycle. Fits all bikes. . 49e Bike Speedometer "Cadet" mod el! Checks speeds and mileage. Easilyattached.BuyoneNow!4.50 Headlight & Carrier Throws a 400 ft. beam of light! Case holds battery. White enamel finish. 1.85 Bike Carrier A gleaming, black enamel carrier of heavy gauge cold rolled steel. Easily attached. "5o its Wards! a Popular Pastime Opsn ;JO r.M. COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1 i