j 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. Mar. 20, 1947 East Salem Parent Teachers Make Plans for Health Clinic East Salem, March 20 At the regular monthly meeting of Swegle PTA Tuesday afternoon the first plans were made in preparation for next year's parent-teachers activities. The fol lowing nominating committee was elected: Mrs. Clinton Ken nedy, Mrs. O. E. Slocum and Mrs. Clifford Yost. As the state books close March 31, the presi dent, Mrs. George Standly, and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Percy Castle, finished the yearly re ports. The association has had lis largest number of members this year, 144 paid-up member ship cards were Issued. Final plans were made for the first East Salem child health or well baby clinic to be held at the schoolhouse April 3. This past week East Salem school that will become a part of the Salem city school system on Monday, March 24, by vole at the recent election were In spected by Frank Bennett, su- Opportunity for Independence Leading Western Life Insur ance company is seeking a full time District Manager for Marion County. Position offers lifetime se curity, with SALARY and COMMISSIONS. NO limit to your income. You are covered with SOCIAL SECURITY, GROUP INSURANCE, plus a RETIREMENT INCOME aft er 20 years. Experience desirable not re quired if you think you can qualify. Send brief outline of your personal history to Box 303 Capital Journal perintendent of the city schools; Connell Ward, clerk of the dis trict, and Joe Drake, building custodian. Principal of Swegle school, Mrs. E. M. Bankston, reports that the regular school activities planned for this time of the year will be presented as usual this year. There will be the May day program and members of the seventh and eighth grades this week have chosen their queen $100 a Month fory Life and princesses and master of ceremonies. The following points were considered in voting for the queen: dependability, citi zenship, cooperation and per sonality. Marilyn Kufner will act as queen, Phyllis Radey and Geraldine Bales, princesses, and Douglas Pike, master of cere monies. John King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd King of Swegle, has been absent from school for sev eral weeks because of illness, and Janice Casey, a primary pupil, is absent this week, be ing ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jensen of Swegle spent this past week-end in Fleorencet, the home of their daughter and family. Garden Road Neighborhood club will meet Friday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles E. Siegmund on Garden road. Mrs. Harold McMillin opened her home Tuesday for an all day meeting of the Four Corners Home Extension unit. Plans for participation in next month's homemakers' festival were made. A committee appointed to decorate the hall for the fes tival included Mrs. Dale Jeffries, Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mrs. Roy Stewart. To maxe corsages Jor guests were Mrs. Harold Colgan, Mrs. Ralph King and Mrs. Lloyd Mitchel. Mrs. Ralph Mercer and Mrs. Warren Shrake were project leaders for the "Company Din ners" theme. Dinner was dem onstrated, cooked and served to all present. I Jean Scheel, OSC specialist in information methods, accompa nied by Miss Eleanor Trindle, county home demonstration agent, were special guests. Present were Mesdames Wal do Miller, Hardie Phillips, Roy Krasch, L. J. Shrake, W. E. Pe derson, Charles Warren, Jess Mcllnay, C. R. Osborn, Ralph King, Stuart Johns, Wilfred Wil ier, L. C. Mitchel, William Brown, Ernest Walker, Clifford Morris, Rex Morris, L. J. Stew art, C. A. Barney, E. A. Snook, Arlo McLain, Henry Hanson, Ervin Sunderlin, Nettie Shrake, Lloyd Lee, Dale Jeffries, H. W.' Senate Places Curb on Debate The senate curbed debate to day, limiting each senator to five minutes on any one bill. The action came after the sen ate had spent all day yesterday debating three bills. The house took similar action 11 days ago. The house bill to Increase the Snook, Warren Shrake, Ralph Mercer and Harold McMillin. The Golden Years Plan gives you: 1. Definite monthly income for life when you wish to retire. 2. Protection for family now; 3. Pays double for accidental death before retirement age. 4. Builds up large cash reserve. 5. Pays steady income if you are permanently disabled. Staiviiaiid iNSIJ IIANCE Company Chas. S. McElhinny Rm. 7 Woodrow Bldg. 444 Center St. The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. OFFERS YOU GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makes of automobiles. This week we are introducing our newly-equipped TUNE-UP DEPARTMENT. We can assure you efficient and cour teous service. Drive in and out the same day. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 500 Block, North Commercial Street Knowledge Through Your Druggist The progress made all over the world in the field of me dicine is your druggist's progress, its benefits are his to share with you. Rely on us tor Accurately Compounded Prescriptions DRUG STORE 1890 rreierl.lloiii Acenratelr Filled 1941 Orltlnal fellow Fr.nl Dr.. Caody Store la Salem. I Sole Atenta for Penslar Remedlea In Marlon County. 135 Nortb Commercial St. Phone 8191 or vn f number of highway commission ers from three to five was vir tually killed when the senate state and federal affairs com mittee recommended unanim ously that it be defeated. The house Dassed and spnt in the governor bills to let county courts change their courthouse sites, provide for an interim committee to study highway problems, and ask congress to maintain the school hot lunch program. Roman farmer, let land nn which grain was grown lie fal low in alternate years. 10th Annual ALL BREED DOG SHOW Sponsored by Salem Lions Club Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23 (All Day) In Grandstand Building of State Fairgrounds Admission 50c, including tax (Children under 12 admitted free if with parents) PARKING UNDER COVER 450 of the west's FINEST DOGS entered. J OMETH ING NEW HOME ! In our Drapery Department... GlOStfEEV $124 m yd. for DRAPERIES, SLIPCOVERS, VANITY SKIRTS, BEDSPREADS Rayon Priscillas CRISS-CROSS 48x90 75x90 96x90 Cotton Priscillas CRISS-CROSS 34x54 42x81 42x81 48x90 63x81 75x81 75x90 80x81 96x81 Yardage to Match Nylon Priscillas, 43x81 Nylon Yardage Ninnon Yardage Rayon Marquisette Cotton Marquisette, 3 widths String Lace Yardage Organdy Yardage Grenadine Yardage Point de Esprite Yardage Spun Glass Yardage Plastic Yardage Kawseal Kitchen Curtains, 34x45, 34x54 Rayon Panels Ninnon Panels Cotton Panels Lace Panels little down on a big bill ' ...And There's Something New for You Here at GEVURTZ QUILTED CHINTZ READY-MADE DRAPES WINDOW SHADES o CARD TABLE COVERS WOOL BLANKETSo BEDSPREADS BED PILLOWS Woven Crashes in natural and colors Slip Covers, florals and stripes in companionate patterns in crashes Glosheen and Chintz Striped Denim for Slip Covers and dining chair seats Rayon Faille, Damask Yardage 54-in. Upholstering in mall Bincatelle, Rayon and Wool Herringbone Festoon Rings Shower Curtain Sets Shower Curtain Rings Kirsch Double and Single Sash Rods and Cranes, Extensions 3-8 Brass Rods Kirsch Wooden Pole and Pole Sets Pin Hooks Crinoline and Simplette 48-in. Sateen Lining Moss Fringe, Ball Fringe Cable Cord OPEN AN ACCOUNT tills PUT YOUR CREDIT TO WORK OPEN AN ACCOUNT 275 NORTH LIBERTY