Ga4b Prelaw Thursday KSLM r IKGW SO ke NBC 8:00 Hop Dan-lean Stan ol Today I Trrry and Pirates Knoi Manning :SI.V- i Superman Newa (Sky King I Mulo B:30 Capt. Midnight Songa I Jark Armstrong j Newa 5:38 Tom Mil Newa ( Bt Frlenda ( Newa 6:00 Gabriel Beattcr I Mlo nail I Ranee Riders Dick Rayroei 6:1V- Orrhratra I Mimic Mall I Motorlflt I Dick Hayntes fl:So- Songa I Grand Marquee Veterans I Crltna Photog, 6:4S Songs Grand Marquee I Town Meeting 1 Crime Photog. 7:00 Newa I Abbott A Costello Town Meeting I Radio Digest 7:15 News Abbott A Costello j Town Meeting ) Radio Digest 7:.1ft Playboya Orchestra I Town Meeting I Pliona Again 7:45 Playboys Orchestra ( Newa I Phone Aialn S:flO I Sound Off Supper Club I 'n' Abner I News 8:15 Sound Off Fleetwood LawtonjSonaa ( Jark Smith Show 8:30 j Orchestra Aldrlch Family I T.B.A. I FBI 8:45 Orcheitra Aldrlch Family T.B.A. FBI 0:00 I News (Burns and Allen (Work Shop Ellerj Queen 9:15 James Crowley J Burns and Alleo Work Shop Fllery Queen 9:30 Muflle Noab Webster Newa ' Fires of 9:45 I Orchestra I Noah Webster News Inspiration 10:00 Fulton Lewla. Jr. I New Flashes News I Five Star Final 10:15 News I Sports H Tim j Symphonette 10:30 News I Eddie Cantor Concert Roar j Symphonette 10:45 Safety Program I Eddie Cantor Conrcrt Hour I Tcias Bangers 11:1)0 Open Uovst News Concert Hour Serenade 11:15 Open House Orchestra Concert Hour Orcliestta 11:30 Open House Orchestra Orchestra Air-Flo 11:45 News Orchrstra Orchestra Air-Flo 12:00 Sign Off 1 Sign Off X-tra Hour I Silent Friday 6A. M. to 4:45 P. M. 6:00 News Jumpln' Jacks Bugler X News 6:15 I Timekeeper Dare West flintier X Western Stars 6:30 March of Time Newa Bugler X ROIN Klock 6:45 Newa News Bugler X KOIN Klock 7:00 I News Farm Time Roundup Boys KOIN Klock 7:15 Rise and Rhine Farm Time Martin Arromky News 7:30 Rise A Shlna Old Songs James Abba News 7:45 March of Time News Market Reports Fact Finder 8:00 I Dr. Louis Talbot Fred Waring Breakfast Club Consumer News 8:15 Dr I.oui Talbot Fred Waring Breakfast Club Art Baker 8:30 Pioneer Songs Jack Berch Breakfast Club Grand Slam 8:45 I Victor Llndlahr James Abbe Break fast Club Rosemary 9:00 J Camera Club Oregon Caravan Krnney Baker Kate Smith 9:15 Show News Kenney Baker Aunt Jenny 0:30 I Pastor's Call Words A Muslo Breneman's Bfst. Helen Trent 0:45 Art Baker Words A Musle Breneman's Bfwi. Our Gal Sunday 10:00 News MaTlTnee fGalanDk Big Slater 10:15 ninn fifnga Mattlnee I Ted Malone Ma Perkins 10:30 Orchestra Tropics 1 My True Story Dr. Malona 10:45 Orchestra Joyce Jordan My True Story Road of Mfe 11:00 Walts Time (Today's Children I nymna 2nd Mrs. Burton 11:15 Muslo Women In White (Melody Perry Mason 11:30 I Oucen for a Day I Masquerade ! Matrntng Post Lone Journey 11:45 Queen tor a Day Light of World Ethel tt Albert Rose af Dreams 12:00 Pioneer "News I News I News 12:15 I News Ma Perkins I Ur n' Tn-iy Comr and Get It 12:30 ( Hillbilly Serenade I Pepper Young Edwin C. Bill Boh A Vie 12:45 Variety Show I Right napplneas ) Come and Get It Sing 1:00 j Jamboree Backstage Wife I Tommy Bartlet House Party 1:15 News Stella Dallas Tommy Bartlet House Party 1:30 I Turner I.oremo Jonea Kay West Newspaper of Air 1:45 I Turner Young Wldder Kay West Newspaper of Air 2:00 I Your Neighbor When a Girl WhHt's Dolo' School of Air 8:15 I John J. Anthony Portia Faces Mfe I l.ndfes School of Air 2:30 Accident Just Plain Bill I Bride and Groom Meet the Missus 2:45 Orchestra Front Page Bride and Groom Meet the Missus 8:00 J Red Cross I Road of Life I Ladles Be Seated j News 8:15 (Orchestra Lora Lawton Ladles Be Seated I Eveltn Winters 3:3( I News Aunt Mary Dorothy Dlz Songs 8:15 Four Comers Dr. Paul Muslo I News 4:00 I Fulton Lewis. Jr. Woman's Secret Rhythm Range 4:15 I Itei Miller News Northwest Today Melody 4:30 I Ertklue Johnson Life Beautiful I Norlhwesterners I I, Inner Awhile 4:45 Buck Rogers News Tennessee Jeb. Reports iateM Pat tern J - ffiv R2401 PATTERN Crowning Touch! Vivid crocheted flowers plus a wisp of veil ing and you hnve this smart hat for the new season. "The beau tiful flowers, crocheted of wired chenille, are easy to make and the height of feminine flattery. Add this to your spring wardrobe! Pattern envelope No. R2401 cuiiiL-ie ciuciicuiiK ana iinismng directions. To obtain this pattern send 15c in COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Roberts, Salem Capital Journal, 828 Mission Street, San Francisco 3, Calif. fPWlSW 9HhpWApslEnNE3 ACROSS Steal Marks f woutiUa 8b. Weu re a war 86. Hofuaiil 87. Salt nutmhi vurluiK 38. Heart-Bhuped 39. Portable brd 40. City in Now York state 41. Novel boino 13. Nine-part com position 14. Obstruct 15. Coal-mining town In MotiU fastener PnnnKvlvnnl- J Hilllil- riu IT. Bone of the 45. Along U'R 46. black bird 19. On the ocean 47. Notion 2i. Verily 61. HunUng 22. Aloft expedition 23. Rend 63. Nut 25. Type measure 65. Greek letter 26. Paid publlo 66. Growing out iiotlcoa 63. Dlrken'g pen 29. Theater bo name 80. Gained SB. I.nlr Ji. narrates HRain 83. Pertaining to the Pranks. 60. Put Into type oku in 61. Female sheep ' z 3 wt 5 u I7 lA w$ I" -x Wk , . mm w& fBEliI il I w--jt immfam W " IP57 I I I ,A 111 I V,siA P. M. KEX 1100 ke. ABO IKOIN 70 kf CBS Nfl It2dni contains stitch illustrations and Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN 1. Iltiutu prlno 1. Individuals I. Cow abed ptiL e itililHsStl o ' V E r r a t eHpIT l l mJ?Hs n a psHt e pIl o'Fh "n R J MA N E t3S3 RLOpKIs a TIn t s S k AlL0pUclRl053 p a tWtqpo1n OIPIS E R I jAT0plE P I C A g ptH(t a r o kENi oreTlUsle1w 4. Bend tn timber 6. Qoverna 6. Article T. Waste t. Steps for croa Ing a fence 9. Father: Arabia 10. Slander 11. Golf tiaxaxds 16. Chart IS. Past t. Floor cover! nfr 1, Feminine name 26. Pertaining to the winds -8. Land moasuree 27. llout out 28. Trailing branch 30. Mnglctan'a attck 38. Prepare tor publication 38. Withers 34. Ball of thread or yarn 36. Kule 38, Byatem of signals 40. Dei'p gorne 42. Sat tor a portrait 48. Scorcer 44. Pronoun 46. Sun god 48. Sun-dried brick- colloO K. 8ultlclent; poetlo 50. Woodworking; tool 51. Device foi stir ring the air 54 Hrnl 67. VVhlla Journal Feature Donald Duck The Nebbs TU4T1- V00 MISSED it.pob.cousimY6001 n rrcocirr CTATnvic f Little Orphan Annie The Gumps Mutt and Jeff Mi-v'tv I'Vllpr (0 ASK PUP TO FOR THE NIGHT. Henry By Carl Anderson - . j . . , rn L fciiwi-SWMW wett!7TrLe wiixtT they cwrr7MMhvi arwio, tik. I MIGHT OS WELL MAKE UP MY - WILL JUST EE OUT OF OH, THE SYrCHOffE ITS MY YOU HAVEKT REAO MANY I MIND "TO rr-lU. JUST HAVE BUT WHAT THE PAPERS FOR A J WILL GET SOME STRIP I CONTRACTS-THEYRE ALL I TO STOP ORAWING FOR FIVE ABOUT YOUR WHILE-" NO ONE ELSE I OTHER ARTIST TO tean.-rff ABOUT THE SAME-'tlTTLE I WEEKS OR SO-TILL MY HAN0 COMC STRIP?. CAM DRAW IT-. WE J CARRY OH-TMEY SW(TOV1 WIDGET" BELONGS "TO TMT tek IS a k, AGAIN, HARRY- CAN LOSE A FEW J WON'T LOSE A SW''i;lll SYNDICATE. LOCK, STOCK 'V- n - - sfat . MAYBE I SHOJLP JsAP.' ACCORDING HOW IONGCANeT TILL THEN ScVIStoI Stf ( 5?nS' YOUS&T DOING KERG IN ) ucne To wrtA"LFoR?1poH YoU CAN'T 60 TKINKS HE CAN GET 4' HAURV' DROP IN AGAIN WASHINGTON "f!j1L', tyTNOTrilN'' IN THERE IN To SEE THE T GTA 1 SOON!-- T SWf hPl I f tO ASK PUP TOTOvTN i 1 flf!A FOE THE NIGHT, BUT ) NO FIAE. TO PUT HIM. Tarznn WHILE TANTOR GRA2EP, BLISSFULLY IGNORANT OP THE HUNTERS JUST BEHIND THE RIPbE--- jQrna Of 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Mar. 20, 1947 By Walt By V00T?e NOT HEPV NO.WUWS TO HAM UNSO.A A QSO? vAReYOl By Harold Gray By Gus By Bud Fisher By Gene STAY BUT WHY. not: By Edgar Rice JANE LAY ON HER LITTER UNP6R THE WATCHFUL BUT WEARY EYES OF HE SUARCS. fV, f AUKT MINNIE IS TAKJNs . tANyN. C,rOfN T2L J J,eJ"J f jnnAstaJ.- v stS'A U SFr2SZJ?.rAE-'Z (ftWM CANT THINK. If EINSTEIN 1 R V I nMC OOT m 1 OF IDEAS UKE. A PRETTY J Disney Hess OSO IS K' 'OOYCX),( CONVERSATION,)! KNOW UWl WHAI INTERFERENCE J VJUFS . AMD OW VMEAHS' Edson 15 J if" A, T rrA A I BORROWED A FIFTY-YEAR-JHAND IT OVER. UNCLE OLD NEWSPAPER FROM ftlM-I'LL TAKE IT TO THE LIBRARY FILEf? AND iHIM WOTUIWrt I IIC HAD A PUBLISHER. Ul- MINfc Kt-VKINT IT NtWbRAPER ID KEEP nrir ii imimiimiffl a in i b iiitAak m n tf jn And Furthermore Jeff Is No Politician Even with rue i itti c nirtnl U Byrnes Burroughs SENSING THEIR FATIGUE FROM THE ALL-NIGHT VIGIL AND FINDING MOST OF TXE PAIN GONE FKCW HER ANKLE, JANE PLANNED A RUSE. Pae A Chip Off the Ole Blockhead A New One Clause Digging Up a Dead Issue FRIEND A FRESHLY PRINTED VKSUN UP TO THE Booked for the Night Jane Confuses the Guards )eUKg-j!H vs. Claws the Ladies SUDOENLY SHE STOOP UP. DANCE ON By Florence Theel Chapter 14 "Of course, you have to stay here, kid," Bert said. The brothers stood looking at each other before them all: Paul, well-groomed and confident, Bert in the rumpled tweeds he'd driven from the desert in. His look tried to tell his brother that he understood how Paul felt about Eileen, and that it was really all right with him. 'We re going to miss you, though, Paul." Paul tugged at the handker chief in his coat pocket. "A drummer's not important, any way. The Vets' Bureau can sup ply somebody to take my place." "Nobody can do that, kid, and you know it." Even though Eddy and Bert were closer to each other, Bert was very fond pf Paul. "Getting up the band was Paul's idea in the first place," he told the others. Paul grinned, taking off his coat. "Well, you can't hate me for that considering the way his coat upon a hanger. "By his coat upon a hangar. "By the way, Eileen was asking for you." "She was!" Paul put his coat in the closet. 'I think you ought to see her, boy." Suddenly Bert felt like a heel. That note he'd left under Ei leen's door, saying to forget him what a weakling's subter fuge! She had a right, at least, to know why he'd broken things off. He looked at his watch. She'd be coming from the office now. Hurriedly he changed his shirt and necktie. 'You fellows are staying for chow aren't they, Mom? If I'm not back, don't wait for me. I'm going for a walk." He was at the corner when Eileen got off the Alvarado bus, fastening her dark green topper against the dampness of the eve ning. Her hair curled like a golden brim around a smart brown hat, and her brown eyes lit with pleasure as she saw Bert standing there. 'Why hello! I thought you were in Palm Springs. What are you-doing here?" His spirits lifted, as always, at sight of her. "I'm taking you to dinner. Where's a quiet place that we can talk?" There was tenderness in her uplifted glance, a troubled ques tion, too. "No place is very quiet at this hour. Lines are waiting everywhere." She said, after a brief pause, "I've got something in the refrigerator at the apart ment, Bert. We could be quiet there." 'Well, okay if you'd ra ther." He took her arm. It was walk ing up steep Maryland Avenue, the day he'd been discharged from the army hospital, that Bert had suddenly realized that he loved Eileen Farwell. And, now, entering the cozy sitting room she'd furnished with things left by her mother, Bert had an overwhelming longing to take her in his arms and tell her so again. But he held him self in check. He struck a match and, stooping, lighted the wall heater. 'Your place keeps nice and warm, with the sun shining in all day." Eileen took off her wraps and brought glasses of tomato juice from the little kitchenette. This will tide us over, while the chops are broiling." She sat beside him on the sofa and, af ter a moment said, "Your note didn't really fool me, Bert. I knew there was some other rea son why you rushed away like that." 'I suppose Paul has told you?" She nodded. "I made him tell me, Bert." She looked down and then raised her lovely, guile less eyes. "I told him that I love you, Bert that we love each other." "You told 'him that! Why- he's crazy about you, too, Ei leen." She let that pass. "You've been trying to throw us togeth er a long time, haven't you?'' she said gently. "Did you really think a girl's affections could be switched around like that? Did you think I wouldn't stand with you, in a little trouble?" Room and Board NOW. LISTEN. -rtXl'RE NOT JESTING ?--OU SAY YOULLSIVE SlOO IF I CAN ANSWER. YOUR. RIDDLE? WHAT HAS Z FEET -YOUTHS AND 6 EYES? DM--LET ME SEE."- AH-LM"THATS A DIFFICULT ONE THE DESERT AP Ntwiftolurti "It's a big trouble, Eileen. Suppose the desert doesn't fix me up? It isn t fair to hold you to your promise." She smiled and, leaning to him, kissed his cheek. "You could never talk me out of keep ing it, darling." Her brown eyes twinkled. "Not unless you've met some glamor girl down there you'd rather have." "As though there ever could be anyone but you!" Gladness surged into his heart. He took her in his arms and kissed her. "It would be like losing my right arm, honey, to give you up," he said unsteadily. And then, for the third time that day, Bert told about the nightclub he was going to open in the deserted hacienda near Palm Springs. Eileen listened, enthralled. Have your own business be side your own orchestra. Bert, that's wonderful!" "Tony Perrelli's coming in with us investing money. He's going to sing for the customers, too." Her eyes were glowing. "I could come down with your mo ther week-ends, and sing for ' you, too." "Mother's going back with us on Monday, to take measure ments for curtains and things. ' 'Then in that case, I'll just take my portable sewing ma chine and we can make the cur tains right there." "But what about your job?" "I have 12 days' accumulated sickleave. I'll speak to Mr. Morse tomorrow get every thing cleaned up by Saturday." "The women in my life are angels!" An hour ago he was sure that he had lost her, and now he held her in his arms. Maybe when people loved each other this way, nothing could ever separate them. Love was binding, strengthening. The sound of sizzling in. the oven brought Eileen to her feet. "The chops!" she said. And dashed out to their rescue. And something about her movement suddenly reminded him of Gloria deSylvia. He frowned, jabbing his hands in to his pockets, as he followed Eileen to the kitchen. Funny, he should think of that girl now! (To be continued) SIZES 12-44 Early Cotton Crop Wonder ful for the house now, and for all day summer expeditions, this dress boasts dancing ric rac ac centing its major features, the button-down shoulders and car-, ry-all pockets. No. 2134 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, and 44. Size 36 requires 4 yds. 35-in., 3V4 yds. ric rac. Send 20c for PATTERN, which includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, address and i)' style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include postal unit or zone number tn your address. Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. By Gene Ahem SUKP ITS Tm ICU T AINY C1VIM' & HUNNERT DOLLARS JES' TUH ANSWPB A Pinn c SO EASY YER BRAIN COULD MtjfaER IT OUT LAYIN' i jf jwn wrrun rr cucm S ETTIN ' UP TUH STRETCH J JWV Jt