18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Mar. 20, 1947 Apple's Name First on List Memorial to service men and women of this country, who took part in World War II and past wars, is the Patriots' Transept, proposed southern arm of the unfinished Washington cathed ral, where will be enshrined the names and war-service records of members of the armed forc es. The late James Edgar Apple, seaman, second class, USNR, will be the first Salem man to be enrolled on the permanent National Roll of Honor. The name of the former navy man was submitted to Rev. Mer ritt F. Williams, canon of the cathedral and chairman of the national war memorial commit tee by an aunt of young Apple. Mrs. Cecile Pelley Larson of The Dalles. The Salem man. who had received the Presiden tial Citation and the Purple Heart, lost his life in action on January 9. 1945, during the Bat tle of the China Sea. The transept in the War Me morial chapel in which will be enshrined the names and ser vice records of honored war vet erans, has already had more than $275,000 expended for con struction of its foundations and lower works. It is one of the next cathedral units to be erect ed with funds now being raised in a nation-wide five - million -dollar - campaign. Five addi tional bays of the cathedral nave are also immediate objectives in the current building fund cam paign. Roman military forces were finally withdrawn from England in 408 to defend Rome against the attacks of Alaric. III -4 - Falher-in-Law of Princes Dies Poor Sacramento, Calif., March 20 (U.RI Funeral services were held Tuesday for Edmund K. Stallo, who died in poverty Sunday in the county hospital at the age of 84. He was the father of two beautiful and fabulously wealthy daughters who married Euro pean princes. A familiar figure in the New York and Ohio society a genera tion ago, Stallo married Laura McDonald, daughter of Alexan der McDonald of the Standard Oil company. Their two daugh ters were subsequently adopted by the McDonalds and made heiresses to a $30,000,000 fortune. Patriots' Transept, proposed southern arm of the unfinish ed Washington cathedral, where will be enshrined the names and war-service records of members of the U.S. armed forces. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritoting? Dnn't b. .mbarrasserl by loose false teeth Hipping, dropping or wabbling srhen you eat. talk or laugh. Just sprin kle a little FASTKETH on Tour plates. (This pleasant powder gives a remark- noie Benne 01 inata camion, inn secur ity by holding plates mora firmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty tasta or feeling. It's alkaline (non-aeld). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. Adv. The elder daughter, Laura, married Prince Francesco Ros pigliosi and the younger, Helen, married Prince Michel Murat. After the death of his wife, Stallo married Mrs. May Har rington Hanna, who had divorc ed Dan R. Hanna, son of the U.S. senator from Ohio. They later were divorced. In 1940, he was committed to the Napa, Calif., state hospital from Marin county. During a court hearing, it was brought out that he had begged lodging Mill City Retail Lumber Co. LUMBER SHINGLES Phone Mill City 344 I OK U&Hie. 1 i,c 'Ti Don't Be Like The Three Little Monkeys. Do SEE and HEAR our answers to your problem of cheap transportation and do TELL your friends and neighbors. STOP or Shrock's and see our pots. LOOK at them and see if they aren't the answer to your search for reason able transportation. LISTEN to the way that they can be purchased on terms. 1934 Chcv, 5 fin. This one needs a lot of oriri and ends. lf)33 Plym. Sdn., runs (food, has good outside but needs uphnlUerr. 1930 Ford A roach, also runs food. Fenders are loose and has an asphalt top. 1934 Plym. Sdn. Needs a front bumper; has rood sealed beam lights and runs O.K. 1936 Chev. Cp. Here is a (rood little ear. Former owner says It uses no oil. 1932 Plym. Sda. Rebuilt motor, food transportation but rough Inside. 1936 Chrv, Coach. This one needs a front tire, front fender and seat covers, but runs O.K. 1935 Ford Sdn. This one has been around and knows how to lay down a smoke screen. 1936 Plym. C'pc. A Rood running little coupe, hut the brush paint Job leaves something to be desired. 1937 Tcrraplane Sdn. If this one can be started, It is a goad buy at the price that we have on II. 1936 Terraplane Cpe. Paint job Is had but otherwise runs good. 1936 Terraplane Coach. This one is real buy If you want good dependable transportation. 1931 Plymouth Sdn. Four-cyl., reconditioned motor, good tires, nerds upholstery and a couple of windows. In the parlance of the used car business, the above cars are known as "clunkers" or pots, These are cars that will give good dependable transportation If It is remembered that these are not new cars and consideration Is given toward what may be expected from them in the way of performance. These cars are priced right and may be your answer to your problem of getting from one place to anotner. AVE AT HROCK'S On the same lot twelve years Listen KSLM, 12:45 noon Tues. thru Saturdays. Thursday night studio broadcast, Oregon Playboys, 7:30 to 8:00 Chemcketa & Church Sts. Phone 7922 or (Gar.) 8502 You can't buy a better wax yet It COSTS lOe LESS I i I I 9 I shines and wears I wears and shines fi Use on at! floor. Just sprpafi tt g and forget it. Saves time ! Save. work ! Saves wear I In local Jails. In 1945, he waf discharged as improved. The funeral services and cre mation were arranged by a San Francisco woman whose Identity was not disclosed. fJ PAINT Sfl NOW! 50 EP"t PAINTERS M'jiy ON OUR fjwl STAFF I yrWM For Quality Jl Work, Phone II 340 Court Street Phone 9221 That's right! OLD ENGLISH saves you 10 or more on every pint you buy. Made of imported Carnauba Wax, high-quality OLD ENGLISH dries quickly to a brighter, longer-lasting lustre. Old Enaligli NO RUBBING WAX OWSngJieh. The earliest known use of anl-lago. A stone earvlnf depleting! on the site of the ancient city mal glue was at least 3.300 yearslthe process of gluing was foundof Thebes. HOMI KONOWICS DIIECTOK, tHM H.0UKIN4 MtlLS CO., StATTll, WASH. FISHER'S HOT CROSS BUNS TOP EASTER BREAKFAST SPECIALS When you lem "The Break fast Event of the Year," serve traditional quality too Hot Cross Buns made with En riched Fisher's Blend Flour. ''Just follow this recipe and it's easy", says Mary Mills, Fisher's home economist, "to have your best breakfast ever!" HOT CROSS BUNS Easy to Matte 2 cakes Compressed Yeast V cup lukewarm Water 1 cup Milk a cup Shortening lt cup Sugar V hp. Salt I cup Water J UV dVl to 7 cps Fitber'i BtenJ Flour 1 tip. Cinnamon 2 tjps. Nutmeg 1 cup chopped Citron Crumble resit and soak in lukewarm water. Scald milk. Pour over fat, lugar, and salt. Add water and cool to lukewarm. Add yeast. Beat eggs. Add to mixture. Sift and measure flour. Stir in 4 cups of flour to which the spices and citron have been added, beat well. Add remain der of flour, making a soft dough. Place in a greased bowl and cover with waxed paper. Let rise until double in bulk (about one hour). Make into rolls, place on greased baking sheet two inches apart, cat crosses on top with scissors, and let rise until double in bulk. Bake five minutes at 425" F, and 15 minutes at 350 F. Frost with powdered sugar icing in shape of cross. 2V5 doz. buns. TRY IT ONCE BUY IT ALWAYS I "IT'S THE TOPS"... HOMEMAKERS PRAISE FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR Morning, noon, and night. Enriched Fisher's Blend Flour is the secret to baking suc cess, say thousands of smart homemakers. The uniform blending of this fine flour makes it equally as good for cakes and pastries as it is for breads and rolls. Protect your other ingredients by using this uniform quality flour and the Mary Mills approved reci pes that come with every sack. Whatever the occasion, what ever you are baking, you can always depend on Fisher's Blend Flour for "pastry praise." I Hour J IN JARS Strict mtfof luppIei arc tlU Umitd, Hilli Bret. Coff In cam may not awoyi b obtainable. "YOU JUST THIS IS TWO GRINDS 1. Regular Grind 2. The New Drip and Glass-Maker Grind n5 IN CANS . ,1 s V i of a bvvN m r . . . w PHONE 3161 FOR FREE DELIVERY If PEACHES Del Roque In Heavy Syrup Free Stone Halves . 39c MACAMIX For Tasty Maple Flavored Syrup 5 PKGS 23c Mayonnaise 25c Kraft's Real Mayonnaise HALF PINTS. . KNOW GOOD COFFEE!" j at DC AC MBBY'S ROSEDAI.E tMJ Tender, Sweet Peas . DICED CARROTS DICED BEETS CRANBERRY SAUCE APPLE JUICE GRAPEFRUIT 3 s2 39c DEL MONTE For Soup or Salads No. 303 glass DEL MONTE For Added Color No. 303 glass 25c 9c 9c 29c NEW WEST FANCY SECTIONS In Syrup ASPARAGUS LoniT Green Sno.i OCEAN SPRAY, Whole berry tin Strained, tin 25c S & W Liquid Apple ql. 38c 2235c 39c No. 2 Long Green Spears tin Deviled Salad Ring Broadcast t March 22, 1947, 1 ublttpoon unflT ored gelatin ' cup cold water yi teetpoon ieli Va tapoandfp mutterd few nrttini pcppr Vi cup Pet Ml lit 2 teblcipoon Tint fur 10 1 j-er. can con denied tomato too Soften gelatin in cold water. Place over boiling water; stir until on solved. Stir in mixture of salt, mus tard and pepper. Add milk. Stir in vinegar and soup. Chill until syrupy; whip until fluffy. Rinse with cold water a lV-pint ring mold or bowl. Fill with gelatin mixture. Chill until firm. Turn out. Serve with macaroni salad. Makes 4 servings. JAM Blackberry Shady Oak 160Z.JAR. No wonder Hills Bros. Coffee Is good. It's a blend of the finest coffees obtain able. Every coffee bean is roasted to uniform perfection by an exclusive Hills Bros, process ControHed Roasting. So every time you make a cup, you'll enjoy the same marvelous aroma and flavor. Always fresh, too, because Hills Bros. Coffee is vacuum-packed in cans and the new Ultra-Vac jars. CHEESE We Carry a Variety of Cheese to Suit All Tastes LANGLOIS IMPORTED ROQUEFORT MONTEREY JACK DANISH BANQUET Plain or with Carraway Seed SMOKEY LINKS PRUNES Blue Tag In Syrup NO. 2Vi TIN. . t9c BeSBiMBMKel CORN Whole Kernel NO. 2 TINS . 29c CHERRIES Red Sour Pitted NO. 2 TIN. . 29c Tillamook Cream ib. 63c It's "PARAMOUNT", of course, for tops In Government Inspected Quality Meats, pro duced and manufactured bv those nationally known packers such as SWIFT, AR MOUR, MOItREI.L, VALLEY PACK and others. And we arc now able at present to sunnly you with these world-famous brands in unlilmited quantities and at prices that will please the most discriminating and thrifty housewife. A few of our. many outstanding values: GENUINE CORN FED BABY LOIN OF PORK, cut and properly chilled by Swift & Company's patented process under strict government supervision. Roast uncovered in a slow oven (325 degrees F), 40 to 50 minutes per pound, or until thoroughly cooked. Serve with baked tart apple. FANCY SLICED SUGAR-CURED BACON You'll like its distinctive sweet smoke taste. SWIFT'S PREMIUM ORIOLE SWEET RASHER CLOVER "A Brand for Every Purse." For dinner, bake M to 1 pound- of sliced bacon in dripping pan in a hot oven about 10 minutes, or until crisp. "It's a Treat." SPRING FRYERS, dressed-, drawn and cut up lb. 65 C YOUNG HENS, dressed, drawn and cut up lb. 47c ROASTING HENS, dressed and drawn lb. 55e WE ALSO HAVE FANCY YOUNG HEN TURKEYS We are still accepting Easter orders on those nationally known brands of hams. Swift's Premium, Armour's Star, Morrell's Pride, Valley Cascade all government inspected. "WALT" STREBIG. BOYSENBERRIES No. 2 tin SPAGHETTI DINNER 39c 25c 53c CRAB MEAT Fancy Meat .... APRIORE JUICE IQr Orange and Apricot, tin I ' C MOP STICKS Head Attached PUMPKIN Fancy No. Z$ tin DRY CLEANER Aunt Sue gal. 69c 17c PIMIENTOS Pec Gee CELERY BITS Doodle Dandy 69c tin 15C jar 19C firm TTTi A tm A T7FTf vT37 MAMS l4 11 260 N. Liberty St. "WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE" FREE DELIVERY Phone 3161 Ample Parking