10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Mar. 19, 1947 Sgt. Gimpelson Back in Salem, But Baseball Dog Is Not With Him Over six years have passed and a war has been fought and won since Master Sgt. Sam Gimpelson remembered by many Salemitcs for his black Belgian shepherd dog that used to play on the post office lawn, was on army recruiting duty in Salem. Last week the sergeant turned to Salem to become a member of the recruiting staff here, with 25 years of duty with the army and 28 months of over seas service behind him. Not with him now, though, is the little black dog who about a year ago passed on. The sergeant and his dog in those days made great sport for spectators, when the ser geant would throw a ball as high as the statue of Justice atop the courthouse and the dog, time after time, would catch it with rarely an error. Gimpelson, assigned to re cruiting duly here in 1939 and 1940, was first given recruiting duty in 1936. He continued in that field for three years after leaving Salem being sta tioned at Boise, Idaho, all of that time. On leaving Boise however, his recruiting duty ended with the European thea ter his next assignment. He first went to North Africa, tak ing part in that campaign and then went to Italy with the Fifth army. Returned to the United States in 1945 with the first shipload of men leaving the ETO after V-E Day, the sergeant since being back 'in this country had been stationed at separation centers, until about a month ago when he was again assigned to recruiting duty and ordered to the Oregon recruiting dis trict. At the time of receiving that assignment he was at the separation center at Fort Sheridan. The recruiter wears besides his ETO ribbon the pre-Pearl Harbor ribbon, Victory ribbon, American theater ribbon and Good Conduct ribbon, and has two battle stars, one for the North African campaign and the other for the Rome-Arno campaign. Presbyterians Have Plan for Union Philadelphia, March 20 iJPj The Presbyterian church in the U. S. A., and the Presbyterian church in the U. S. (Southern) announced Wednesday agree ment on a revised plan of re union which will be submitted to the general assembly of the churches late in May. Presbyterian church in the U. S. A., said at the same time it "will continue to be receptive toward any suggestions looking toward union which may come from the Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. A." Smiths Card Hosts Independence Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith were hosts at their home for the regular meeting of the Owl Whist club with five ta bles of whist enjoyed.. Added guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lorence, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence DON'T THROW YOUR WATCH AWAY! WE FIX THEM WHEN OTHERS CAN'T! GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING Harwood and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McBee. High scores were won Just like new again ! POLISHES FURNITURE I0ES SCRATCHES! m by Mrs. Blanche Kirkendall and R. M. Walker. AswStrea6ess AE ROMS ST GLASS CLEANER WINDOWS Keeps windows, mirror, - t -oil glass sunaces- ,52T crystal clear i I OMss B Doctor said, "Start -kirn off on dorderisl' Dennit Is Our first baby and you can imagine how fussy I was about his formula. The doctor suggested Borden's Vitamin D Evaporated Milk. He said it now has three times as much Vita min D as before and that every pint contains 400 units a full day's supply. Dennis certainly has done well on ik He's a sturdy little fellow, growing straight and strong as can be! P. S. to Mothers l Borden' a Vitamin D Evapo rated Milk la accepted by the American Medical Aaaooiation, Council on Food and Nutrition. And myl Wfat good soups Borden's makes I With a stock of Borden's Evaporated handy on the shelf it wasn't long before I found out what a help it is in cooking. My husband and I both love cream soups and chowders, and Borden's is just the thing for them. It makes them so rich and delicious, and it blends like a dream never separates or curdles. Wait till you try it! fOR A WQNDSRFUL tf1RTy SOUP TRY ms " Corn Soup 4 tablMpoona butter 2 tablrapoona chopped flrrvn pepper 1 tablespoon ml urn! onion 1 tniBpmm chopped pursley. If dealrrd Uj Itaapoorta salt Js tcnnpnoit popper 4 tnblnpoons flour 1 144 enn Iturdrn'a Vitamin l Kvuporoted Milk 14 flips water or corn liquid and water 1 cup whole kernel corn Melt butter. Add green pepper, onion, parsley, alt, and pepper. Cook over low heat until vege tables are tender (about 10 minutea). Remove from heat. Blend in Hour. Gradually stir in Borden's Evaporated Milk and water. (Notice how smoothly Borden't blendi in I) Add corn. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until smopth and thickened. Makes 4 delicious one cup servings. O The Borden Company No finer milk in any can! Montgomery Ward Will Insulate Your Home Insulate now for year oround comfort! Wards experts will do the com plete job. Have it done now on our Monthly Pay ment Plan. For details and free estimates phone Mr. Griffen. Phone 3194 Wake up to NisTLEs...in your coffee ! I Smooth and thick as country cream! Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. You can be sure of meat that's tender and juicy every time! w BIB BOA im BAES . BBf If your family loves tender, juicy, flavorful rib roast now's the time to get acquainted wich Safeway Guar anteed Meat. Choose one of the fine roasts we offer. It must please. you, or your money back. To make this guarantee possible, Safeway buys only the top gov ernment grades of beef . . . prepares it with special care ... so it reaches you at peak perfection, always. Un less you find the meat delicious, Safeway returns your money . . . without return of the meat. BEEF RIB ROAST ib.49 Beef Short Ribs Lb 2 Ideal for braiiing or boiling Boneless Beef Cubes Loan pieces of tender meat ' JA For a good stew! Lb. "f Tr Lb. U. S. Government Graded "CHOICE" and "GOOD" Standing Fresh Ground Beef L.39 Ground fresh daily from fresh meat BEEF POT ROAST ib. 42' Juicy Tender Blade Cut U. S. Graded "CHOICE" and "GOOD" Fresh Beef Tongues Cook and serve Jf( hot or cold Lb. jF njCT) Fresh dressed Sliced Bacon Lean Lb. 79 Sea Foodt . CHINOOK XX SALMON Lb. OOC Fiesh Oysters Cc Medium sites Plat Od Fillet of Sole No bones no waste Lb. 45 Fresh Crabs Good sites lots of meat Lb, 29 (jJssJl and fiatuM- in. ouA, "Shocuaf. Suction.- rC I Regolor-dnp or qJc TASTY MAID SNOW FLAKES M.t 'Lt- 21c AIRWAY COFFEE Frvik whoU bn & 39' it- $1,s NOB HILL COFFEE FrMtt wtiol bM 42' 83' Canterbury Green Tea 22' Cocoa OUR MOTHM1 MANO lb.15' Gr-ham Crackers lS35r J 23c Soda Crackers Soda Crackers American Cheese A lb. 49c Pabst-ett Cheese Sools.23e Cheese Spread ame7,c7n 2 for frWMKA KAFT pimento tor ? for L-IlCeSC SPREAD AMERICAN GLASS Cream of Wheat Sir" Bran Makes Rath or 1-lb. 33 Fischer's 2-lb. 65 Carte Tillamooli brand For Stews or Fries! 29c 29c Pure Lard Oysters Tea Biscuits Cornbread Mix MILK 4 A AO Specially Can C Priced Only 4)4$ American Specially Per Jk fr Priced Pkg. brand Cinch brand Easy to use Pkg. Case CHERUB M JAe (Tall cans) for tff Of 48 cant Borden's or Nestle's Canned Milk, (all can 13c 19c '5.85 '16' Green Beans mJ? 20 Green Beans FRENCH STYLE CAN 19 Sauerkraut Juke LIMY CAN H Special! Ne. 2 Q QCc Gardeatide PEAS 12 Grn Beans Apricots viM 26' rilMTiAC SUN PAX NO.fr( tiKiTrc5 ROYAL ANNES JAR 43 Pear Hahres 39 Vegetable Soup HEsta ' W Beef Extract ..y. 33' Cereal Tray CROCKER IN ONE 24 Ralston Cereal o,nrser 6.23 Tay Oeaner new, 25' Granulated Soap W Sl34' Washing Suds SKI Diaperwite rC CLEANS AND DEODORIZES i-.ce 4 Bleaches rK6 OOART IOT71E 13c Dog Food ACME IRANO R A CAN 7 Sprt Sfamp No. 53 for Smgmr . EXPIRES MARCH 31 SlCTED SPRING PRODUCE The season's finest in farm-fresh fruits and vegetables Fresh California Lb ASPARAGUS Desert Sweet Grapefruit Tina fioicdesA 6-JasaM fisas GO TOGETHER LIKE HAM AND EGGS I Fresh Peas lb. 16V2c 9 New Potatoes Lb 9C 3 - 5c . 17 12' For the Vitamin C yoe need! Crispy Celery Caulifower Green Cabbage .b 5i2 Green Onions Lb.22( Radishes CRISPY FRESH Lb. Artichokes Lb. 18 Avocados TJZ "-42 NOW. . 400 UNITS OF VITAMIN D PER PINT