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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1947)
Dewey Program "Fully Accepted Albany, N.Y., March 19 WV The republican-dominated New York state legislature ended a turbulent 11-week session today after approving all of Gov. Thomas E. Dewey's legislative program, including a record $870,800,000 budget and a bill to outlaw strikes by public em ployes. Even as the lawmakers pre pared to return home, the dem ocratic minority, organized labor and civil service groups hurled fresh attacks at the Dewey administration. The senate adjourned at 1 a.m. and the assembly at 3:08 a.m. (EST). Democratic legislators, in a parting shot at the potential 1948 republican presidential nominee, assailed the Dewey ad ministration for the no strike measure and the record high budget. before members of their own units. Those women attending are asked to bring a sack lunch. Coffee will be provided by mem bers of the county home exten sion committee. Arrangements for this meet ing are being made by Miss Elea nor Trtndle, home demonstra tion agent. Members of the county committee who will as sist her with the meeting are: Mrs. Verny Scott, of Sublimity, MrsR. E. Chittenden of Roberts, and Mrs. Frank Way of Central Howell. Infernal Parasites On Stock Program Livestock breeders and feed - ers in Marion county will dis cuss tick and lice control and treatments for internal para sites when they meet in Salem, Thursday evening. The Salem Chamber of Commerce rooms have been arranged for 7:45 p.m. Thursday, March 20. As cisting in the discussion will be Robert Every, extension ento mologist, Oregon State college and Dr. J. N. Shaw, veterinarian at Corvallis. The possibility of arranging custom sprayers to go from farm to farm and spray flocks of sheep will be discussed, re ports Ben A. Newell, assistant county agent. Some workable plan for such an undertaking may be developed. Care of the Feet lo Be Demonstrated "Care of the Feet" will be the project presented at the project leader training meeting to be held at the YMCA on March 21. The meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. and will close at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Myrtle Carter, extension specialist in clothing and home furnishings at Oregon State college, will give the dem onstration. Two representatives from each of the Marion county home extension units will at tend the meeting. Later they jwill present the demonstration Dr. Mulbrath to Address Rose Club Salem rose fanciers will have an opportunity to hear one of the greatest authorities on rose culture in the Pacific northwest Thursday night when Dr. - J. A Mulbrath of Corvallis will ad dress the regular meeting of the Salem Rose society at the YMCA Dr. Mulbrath is rosarian of the Corvallis Men's Garden club and has for years been a regular con tributor to the "Proof of the Pudding" department of the Rose Magazine, official publi cation of the American Rose so ciety. All persons Interested in roses are invited to attend the meeting which is scheduled to open at 8 p.m. Three Boxcars and Power Shovel Buried Astoria, March 19 (A") A land slide buried three railroad cars and a power shovel and seri ously injured two men near here yesterday. They were Charles Seder- strom, shovel operator, and Nick Anderson, oiler, both of Astoria. They were working near a cut, loading fill material for the fepo kane, Portland and Seattle rail road, when thousands of tons of rock and sand slid down toward them. They leaped from the shovel, but were hit by rolling boulders. Youth Handles Show Dogs Children's handling of show dogs will again be a feature of; the annual all-breed dog show to be held this week-end at the State Fair grounds. In a competition Sunday at 8:30 p.m. prize trophies will be awarded to youngsters judged best in their presentation of dogs in the judging circle. Besides the grand trophy, other prizes will be awarded winning chil dren in each of four groups, the boys and the girls fcfctween ages S and 12 and the boys' and girls' groups between ages 12 and 16. Dog judging in al! classes of, the six main groups will be con-' tinuous on Saturday and Sun day, beginning at 10 a.m. each day and going through late eve ning. Final judging of the best dog in the show, from the six dogs which win top honors in the main groups, will be con ducted Sunday night following the children's event. More than 450 dogs are enter -ed in the show this year, the largest entry list in the history ot the Salem show and (he larg est list in any western dog show this year. They are entered by various breeds and classifica tions within the following main groups: Sporting, hounds, work ing, terriers, toys and non-sporting. AdduI 30 breeds wiil be rep resented in the show, ranging from the familiar and popular spaniels and terriers to the "barkiess" Basenjis, massive Great Danes and St. Bernards, eieat white Pyrenees, tiny Chi- huahuas and many others. VIsiton in Pedee Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Aashicm of Salem, accompanied by her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green of California, vis ited with friends here recently. Aashiem was formerly proprie tor ot the confectionery and Green operated the garage. Retail Sales in Wes! Show Strength San Francisco, March 18 "f j 'Sales by 8883 independent re tailers in the 11 western states in January, as reported by the department of commerce, show ed an average higher increase over January of 1948 than did the nation as a whole. The increase or the western jslales was 29 percent while for Capita! Journal, Sa!em. Ore., Wednesday, Mar. 33, 1347 5 (he nation it was 25 percent. $23.245,734, Oregon ihird with The western sales -were valued Si 4,J77,385 and Colorado fourth at $187,802,441. wtth $11,848,711, A total of 287 slaves in Mon-i ' tana showed the sharnest sain v"'n snaxes s)iea their skins, over January of 1948, averaging the covering of the cornea IR iwfwnt Mah tw( omttd ul UE J5 snen iwitii a 37 percent gain and Ore gon third with 33 percent. As was to be expected with its Jaxge population California led the group in volume with a total sales valuation of 5327,892,945. Wartiingto'i was second with M M B A Three Days' Cough is Your Danger Signal Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel Serm laden phlegm, and aid nature soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Chest Colds. Bronchitis wmmmmmmmmmmmm "WE MANUFACTURE IT IT HAS TO BE GOOD!" For all types of radios and radio-phono-groph combinations see us. You'll find us cour teous and prompt , . , with o worm welcome al ways awaiting you. ATTACHED IN 3 minutes You Save Time and Money WHEN YOU 8RING YOUR Shoe Repairing MILLER'S You'Jl have experts renew your shoes with feather or composi tion, Full Soies, Half Soles, Composition, Leother, Top Lifts, Toe Tips or Heel Lifts, et a cost adjusted to thrifty budgets. Th rftnemd foe tMtwL ferttW Xaithlavd" Brand iarm sd 1 oroator tiicm rt. Tb tm)j way to b ur of jour applf ot & high quality d hackd hf th t fax reputation ot America' leading cda It to ORDER NOW Se your aarbr Natthnia. Kta datr or writ to ... MOM on ffc baq ts 7 out 9ufcW lo GOOD FARM tI in ALL 7 Km, Northrup, King fir Co. ALBANY OREGON In 194? It to wi to plant Notthtand 9tom and ! umM as soii-biiHd ing rotation crops. sum won ccweespoNOMstr low Make your purchase from and have your instaliation completed by an authorized Ford dealer. Volley Motor Co. 375 Center, Salem. Ore. MEMO TO: Mr. Property Owner SUBJECT: USG CEMENTiCO Take Three Steps in One Use USG Cementico or USG Exterior Texotite: 1. Protect your woUt and basement againtt moisture. 2. Soys on your point ond pointing (citi. 3. Give your building fong-fived beauty with y e f nine ovoilobfe color). Lf.S.G. waterproofs cement i pumice stacks, concrete arti brick. KEITH BROWN LUMBER FRONT AND COUHT STS. YARD PHONE S183 1 1 "1 s I Special Hobby Week Program 3t 6;30 TONIGHT Presented oy Peacock Geoners "According to the Record' KSLM 1390 ON YOUR DIAL Vvisa ' 1 23531 TrT-rfr I 1 I I ""' T in in mi tmi m ijTrr "ninn "lint 1 1 D i iiihiihii n tmrn i "it CHEER UP YOUR SHIRT FRONT! ti BOLD, COLORFUL PILGRIM DELUXE V Js All PRINTS J Splash brightly into Spring with Pilgrim Deluxe t tCI YCt 1 TJJMhLi Riviera prints in new Springs patterns and colors. Jkll WHtltMsDi vffln & Xt Smooth celanese rayon acetate yarns, wrinkle re- f a f'v. I &k sistant lining, white rayon tipped ends. They tie y iJ(j SfSnrvS v. Ji VI gracefully and will really spai'k up your shirt front tm nu Y s Ai- i TSiA forSpri,,s' ' 1 rn ' VOJP "'W -r5Sv tfrffg!?. f if" riS' r For That Successful Look, Choose FINE PILGRIM HATS Southwest Flight model with a young man styie for all mm. Lightweight fell, narrow band, leather sweatband. Q t A Blues, greys and browns. Sizes 81 to w 6.95 Brown Cmtom Toe Round Out Your Wardrobe with PILGRIM SHIRTS Tney go piaers in siyiB. Choose from or varied seiection of piain roiors. irpt anti neat patterns. You'iS like Shem She more ym wr them they stay fresh longer. 484 Stotc Street