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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1947)
Skits and Scratches By Fred Zimmerman Capital Journal Sports Editor If one bases conclusions on the amount oi experience ol the players involved, then the Le banon Warriors should oe neara from next season, or more par ticularly so the following year For. of the squad of 10 players who forced Klamath Falls to extend itself to the limit in the recent tournament, six are soph ormores and have two years of scholastic competition ahead. Three are seniors and the other is a junior. Coach "Swede" Mullikin said this was the year for his Newberg quint if they were to annex a state title They didn't make the grade, ev en though they were strong enough to blast Salem's chances and then put a scare into the Pelicans in the semi-finals Five of the Tigers who met Hood River in the consolation tilt Saturday night are seniors. What about the champion Marshfield squad? Coach Bill Borcher loses just two men Dick Mobley and Bill O'Neal, Don Bruce, an important cog in the Pirate machine, has an other year. Borcher put a good team on the floor r.t Eugene one that showed the effects of coaching by an ex-Webtooter. Once in possession of the ball they wasted little time in mov ing down the floor. They will be dangerous next year. Klam ath Falls will be hit hard by graduation since eight ot the runners-up have completed their competition, Eugene loses seven and Coach Harold Hauk will need five replacements for Dick Allison, Roger Dasch, Dick Hendrle, Bill Hill and Dick Mase. Returning will be Hugh Bellinger, Dave Chamberlain, Carlos Houck, Jack Miller, Ralph Morgali and Waldo Un ruh. The Vik "B" string that went through the season unde- leaiea snouia provme a nice batch of recruits. "How come Newberg didn't rate higher than. Salem when it came to passing around the trophies?" several followers of the court game have inquired. It does seem a bit paradoxical that the Vikings, who were nosed by Newberg should wrap up the fourth place trophy while the Tigers, even "though they took part in the scrap for third position, scarcely rated. The ba sic reason rests in" the number of games a team wins or loses. The Vikings lost but a single contest out of four played, while Newberg suffered its second de feat at the hands of Hood River. A quint that is twice beaten is considered entirely out of the running. J "Couldn't have been improv ed upon," commented Vernon Gilmore, boys' physical director Ifor the Salem schools, as he an swered a question as to his im pression of the tournament. "It was an outstanding show in all department's, f mean no reflec tions against Willamette; they pimply didn't 'have the accom modations to care for the crowds." Gilmore praised the (iriaiuivi- in wmcn ine cugene tournament was organized and handled and the accommoda t i o n s provided the teams. J"There was no need for the teams to fight their way through k crowd in order to reach the dressing rooms, and once there, they were not bothered bv hangers on." Gilmore beeves ine ucKei prices were too high and expects the board of con trol to come down a bit next year. And now it's baseball, soft ball and track. Walt Erlckson, wno concludes his brief engage ment as a collegiate coach next June, takes his Bearcats out to George Alexander's big house at the end of State street next Saturday afternoon for their Initial aklrmish. rnn ,-- formance is scheduled for the Jollowing Saturday. Up to this week there was little chance to get outside and s. what rnuM be accomplished. Pitching seems io oe me Dig question mark. Harold Hauk will probably give his boys a week's rest be ore turning out for diamond Practice. ' HUB! iMilHBSBiMMBiMMK Warren's RADIO SERVICE 2017 Fairgrounds Road in th Heart of Hallvwoui ImmpHint aariMr-K -n .. 9 radio. We pick ud and 1 ucuvcr, a YOUR NEW CROSLET f is wow Available PHONE 7681 ' Neuman Co. CONSTRUCTION PAINTING ; PLASTERING STUCCOING I Brick and Stone Work r Maintenance and Repairs Phone 7031 .21650 3800 D Street 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. Mar. 18, 1947 Oklahoma Sooners Will Meet Beaver 5 Friday Kansas City, March 18 UP) The Big Six conference champion University of Oklahoma Sooners,. a solid and methodical team from, the last substitute player up, will meet the Oregon State Beavers in the second game of the w stern regional N.C.A.A. play off Friday night. Coach Bruce Drake's Sooners were forced to burn little energy in defeating a cold St. Louis university billi ken quintet, Missouri Valley con ference champions, 47 to 41, last night in a tussle for the fifth district spot in the four-team, two-night regional playoffs. St. Louis kept pace with the Sooners for the first ten min utes, but the Big Six club spurt ed from a 13-13 tie to a 29-18 lead by halftime and then coast ed to victory. Terald Tucker, who averaged 13.7 points per game in leading the Big Six conference in scor ing tallied 15 points, 12 in the first half, to pace the Oklahoma attack. Bob Bergstrom and Paul Val enti, assistant coaches at Oregon State who scouted the Oklahoma team, spoke highly of the Soon ers. "Oklahoma is a good basket ball team, especially defensive ly," Bergstrom said. "And Tuck er is one of the best big men I've seen in a long time. They'll be plenty rugged for us Friday night." Racing Schedule Plan Suggested The house judiciary.committee today recommended that the State Racing commission be au thorized to set dates for horse and dog racing meets, but that the meets be held between' May 1 and Nov. 1. ' ' . Fixed race meet dates' 'had been included in a bill which also would increase the state's take on pari-mutuel revenues:'.- The commission would riot be allowed to schedule races when state and county fairs are being held. Holm Works Out With Beaver Nine Riverside, Cal., March 18 U.R) Billy Holm, veteran Portland catcher who was forced to fore go most of the spring training because of illness, worked out with the Beavers today for the first time this season. He arriv ed in. camp yesterday. Manager Jim Turner nomi nated Veterans Ad Liska and Roy Helscr to be on the mound. for the Beavers in the exhibi tion game here tomorrow against the Cleveland Indians. The Beavers went through a stiff workout today with em phasis being , put on batting. Indians Remain In Court Running Portland, Ore., March 18 (Pi The Portland Indians remained in contention for the profession al basketball league - playoff ti tle today after a 71-58 triumph over the Bellingham Fircrcsts The latter, which defeated Port land Saturday 57-49,. needs but one win to clinch the playoff title. Gail Bishop, Fircrest sharpshooter, potted 25 points for individual honors yesterday. There are nearly a score of living species of penguins MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream OQc Quarts are only ' wwl SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem Made to Measure At No Greater Cost to You DRAPES SLIP COVERS VENETIAN BLINDS SernnH Flnnr 240 Court St. Ph. 9221 WIB MKH COWtSPOMXNOtr tow KHAUADON BOM Make your purchase from and have your installation completed by an authorized Ford dealer. Valley Motor Co. J75 Center, Salem, Ore. - fcddie Erautt is one of the rea sons why Warren C. Giles, president of the Cincinnati en try in the National league be lieves the Reds will do much better than their critics admit. Erautt of Portland, Ore., won 20' games for the Hollywood Stars last season. Duck Pin Rolling Peacock took four duckpin games by default over Simmons, while Ladd & Bush won four over the Homestead in a similar manner at the B & B alleys. The Deaconess club took three out of four from Oregon Flax. In dividual high game. Alma Penny, .241; .second, Juanita Lindlcy, 215; individual high scries, Alma Penny 626, second, Ethyle Williams, 619; team high game, Peacock 919, sec ond. Deaconess; team high scries, Peacock .2656, .second, Deaconess. Mill City Rockets Wind Up Season Mill City The Mill City Rockets laid away their baskets ball equipment last week after winning two games on succes sive nights. They first downed the Oregon State Guard, 96 to 32 with Dan Serry leading the scoring bee with his 32 points. The following evening the Rockets topped the Mill City high school Timberwolvcs, 59-40. Serry duplicated his point making by again pitching in a total of 32 markers. Canadians Sweep Portland, March 18 (P)Ca nadians swept all but one title in the finals of the annual Ore gon badminton championships here yesterday. The lone trophy to escape the Maple Leafs was the mixed doubles, won by Maxine Cruikshank and James Paull of Seattle. BRAKE 2 ADJUSTMENT 3 95c FOR YOUR SAFETYI Afiresfonc RAKE IEUNI rot fOIDJ, rtYMOUTH and CHIVIOIET . :-' .'.' ' 0W $13.95 5B SHAKE STATION.Jllf'' Pick-up and Delivery Service Firestone Stores .195 No. Liberty ' HEALTH No drofts, no cold floors, therefore less colds and sickness. COMFORT More even heot throughout your home in winter 10. .to 15 degrees cooler in summer. ECONOMY $45 to $65 in fuel savings per year in the '' overage home. Rock. Wool is -not merely flameproof it is absolutely and PERMANENTLY FIREPROOF! METAL INTERLOCKING WEATHERSTRIP A tight seal against, drafts around doon and windows without binding or (ticking. CAMPBELL ROCK WOOL CO. 1132 Broadway, Soltm Phone 8494 Hear. Crosby.; Como, Sinatra and Russell ot 6:15 P.M. ' evry Mondoy ond Friday, KSLM Louis' Victim Not Yet Named New York, March 18 W) Joe Louis will make the 24th defense of his world heavyweight title on June 26 in Yankee stadium but who the party of the second part will be was still a big ques tion today. ' Joe's managers, Marshall Miles and John Roxborough announc ed plans yesterday for the Brown Bomber's third postwar cham pionship engagement and at the same time emphasized that this will be the only time he will lay the qrown. on the line this year. They virtually ruled out all other potential challengers ex cept the survivor of the oft-postponed meeting between Bruce Woodcock, the British Empire champion, and Joe Baksi, the Kulpmont, Pa., coal miner, now scheduled for April 15. Sports circles in England gen erally agreed that it is doubtful that Woodcock will meet Louis. Both Woodcock and his . mana ger, Tom Hurst, hedged when asked whether Bruce would make himself available if he got past Baksi. Umpqua Closing Program Ditched The senate fish and game com mittees failed to reach agree ment Monday after more than an hour's discussion of the bill by Sen. Thomas Parkinson, Rose burg, to close the Umpqua river to commercial fishing for five years. Parkinson, said that unless something is done to protect the stream, "its future will be doom ed to both sportsmen and the commercial fishing interests." Sen. William E. Walsh, Coos Bay, suggested closing the river to anglers as well as to commer cial fishing, while Sen. Merle Chessman, Astoria, said the bill was unworkable. Cobbs Decide to Call Off Divorce .Redwood City, Cal., March 18 (U.R The Ty Cobb divorce suit was called off today. Mrs. Cobb, wife of the for mer major league hero, gave instructions to her attorney to dismiss the divorce complaint which she filed last week. She said no deposition would be taken from the "Georgia peach." . "We are .discussing things,'' she added. Portland Puckmen Mold Game Lead Portland, March 18 (P) Port land held a one-game lead in the Pacific coast northern division hockey playoffs today after a third period rally last night netted them three goals and a 4-2 decision over Seattle in the opening game of the final best-of-seven playoff. The two teams tangle again Wednesday night in Seattle with the third game Thursday in Portland. BE COMFORTABLE MAN ' in tbh smtkentie . yc camp it SACROILIAC SUPPORT j Htlps Itt w rin rfini, wk back, Mggiog mclf. AvaiUbU ia all Tk dttfibU lacing adjawmtflt PNThIm "cimm fit." Light, oy tt Mf l!t for ficint control Often pmerltttd by phyticiiBt. Witletfs CAPITAL DRUG STORE State at Liberty "On the Corner' ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION Your BEST Investment for State Senate Spares Lives of Sea Lions The sea lion had a new lease on life today after the senate de feated, 15 to 12, a bill to permit killing of sea lions in all places except in the vicinity of Sea Lion caves in Lane county. Sponsors said the animal was killing too many fish. Softballers Plan Big Year Ten clubs were represented Monday night when initial plans for the 1947 Softball season were discussed during a conference held at the YMCA with Charley Baker, president of the loop, presiding. First definite action was the announcement ot a sin gle, round spring, training .sea son scheduled to open April 14. That Salem will be an active bidder for the 1947 state tour nament was indicated when the local organization declared in favor of such a move. Presi dent Baker will name a com mittee to work toward such an objective. The 10 teams involved were Knights of Columbus, Master Bread, Rawlins Realty, Eagles, Mootry's, Campbell's Rock Wool, Golden Pheasant, Paper makers, Salem Navigation, Vet erans of Foreign Wars. Shkor Achieves Biggest Upset Boston, March 18 (U.R) Dur ing Boston's most turbulent night since the Revolutionary "Tea Party," big Johnny ShkoV stopped fat Tami Mauriello in the eighth round at the arena last night, precipitating a min iature ring riot and later guer rilla warfare among henchmen of the two heavyweights. Shkor, a blond giant who was a 3-1 underdog, achieved one of the biggest upsets in New Eng land heavyweight history by giv ing the high-touted Mauriello such a bloody battering that a commission physician ordered the bout stopped before Tami of New York could answer the bell for the eighth round. Atherton Award Los Angeles, March 18 (U.R) Donald R. Aries, Washington State college basball pitcher, to day held the 1947 Edwin . N Atherton scholarship, given by the Pacific coast conference in memory of its late commissioner Thrifty Buyers Shop WOODROW'S Willard Batteries Kelly - Springfield Auto-Tractor and Truck Tires Shatter Proof Auto Glass R. N. Mason Paints Unpainted Furniture and Mirrors. Charge accounts welcomed. WOODROW'S 450 Center St. Phone 4155 WHILE YOU WAIT i I SPECIAL! I W H I L E - U - W A I T j Department Store AT MODERATE COST! LEATHER OR COMPOSITION HALF-SOLES LEATHER OR COMPOSITION HEEL-LIFTS TOE OR HEEL PLATES, ETC. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Add. to the purchasing power of the Family Budget Have old shoes RENEWED at MILLER'S Inly Kaintuck Has Close Squeak New York, March 18 (Pi It was a sight to see. That is, the virtual collapsfe of mighty Ken tucky against Long Island uni versity in their national mvita- jlion basketball tourney game at Madison Square .Garden last night. Regarded as the top collegiate outfit in the United States, the Wildcats from the Bluegrass country blew a 19-point second half lead as LIU put on a thrill ing rally that tied the score at 62-all with 25 seconds left. It is a testimonial to- Ken tucky's class that two quick baskets by Wah-Wah Jones and Jack Tingle in the remaining 25 seconds gave the Wildcats a 66:62 triumph. Nevertheless for a team like Kentucky to lose a 19-point lead ,in the second half is tantamount to a col lapse. Gunnarson Hurls Winning Baseball Fullerton, Calif.. March 18 (iPl The Portland Beavers downed Los Angeles, 6-1, in an exhibi tion game here yesterday, and Beaver Manager Jim Turner ex pressed relief about his left field. Johnny Lazor, ex-Boston Red Sox player whose defensive abil ity had been on the uncertain list, turned in a spectacular per formance in left field, snaring three fly balls against the boards. Two Los Angeles runners were out each time. Jack Salveson, opening on the mound for Portland, allowed seven hits in five innings. Carl Gunnarson, taking over for the last four frames, retired the first eight batters and was touched for only one hit. Sacramento Turns 5 to Wenatchee Sacramento. Calif.. March 18 (U.R) Five Sacramento Solons were released to the Solons' farm, the Wenatchee, Wash., club in the Western Internation al league, Manager Dick Bar tell announced. Sent to Wenatchee were In fielder Gene Gaviglio, Hal Rhyne, Jr., Doug Williams, Robert Williams and Outfielder Ted Greenhalgh. Sacramento crosses bats with the San Diego Padres here to morrow. for AT Bearcat Netmen Report for Work With four letterroen on hand the Willamette university tennis squad isbrushing up for its first meet of the year with College of Puget Sound here April 4. The lettermen are Bill Bon- nington, Dale Bates, Dave Bris tow and Bill Cook. Prof. Lestle Sparks will coach the squad. Willamette Track Squad Organizes Practice on a five day a week basis is the schedule for some 30 aspirants for Willamette uni versity's track and field team, announces Coach Elmer Schaake who met with his men late Mon day. Salem high's newly con structed track will be used part of the time. The Bearcat squad includes 10 lettermen: John.Macy, Don Preiss and Ron Runyan, dis tance; Herb Johnsrud, Bob Don ovan and Ernie Miller, weights; Marv Goodman and Larry Mc Keel, sprints; Chuck Furno. broad jump and Don Tasker, hurdles. A triangular meet with Lewis & Clark and Pacific will open the season, April 19. DUCK PIN BOWLING WE ARE NOW OPEN WEEK DAYS 4 P.M. to 12 SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS.... 1 P.M. to 12 We have here in Salem 10 of the Finest Duck Pin -Bowling Alleys in the Northwest for Your Pleasure B & B Bowling Court 335 North High St. Tom 10th Annual ALL-BREED DOG SHOW , Sponsored by Salem Lions Club Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23 (All Day) , In Grandstand Building at State Fairgrounds Admission 50c, including tax (Children under 12 admitted free if with parents) PARKING UNDER COVER 450 of the west's FINEST DOGS entered . CLOTHES HAMPER Special this week A OK reduced this week from 5.95 to "f T 3 ELECTRIC SILEX COFFEE lOOC MAKER .... IZ.7D SILEX COFFEE l TC MAKER ELECTRIC m QE- , IRONS '... 4,73 and up ELECTRIC HEATING m ff PADS t,yU and up CHAMPION OUTBOARD MOTOR, iaa r f 4.2 h. p izy.uu B.F.GOODRICH COMPAK ttC ff RUBBER BOAT ID,UU RITTENHOUSE DOOR Z. C f CHIMES O.DU and. up SEAT CUSHIONS 2.29 B. F. GOODRICH BICYCLES 41.25 Buy on Our Convenient Terms - t .. 198 So. Commercial Mel Hein Added To Dons' Staff Los Angeles. March 18 u.R Mcl Hein, 37, leading center of pro football for 15 years, was nHHpH in thp Los An&eles Dons1 coaching staff today as an as sistant coach. General Manager Harry Thay er enirl hp Pnnph Dud DeGroot and Hein met in Chicago during the all-America conference meeting last week and reached an aereement. Terms of the con tract were undisclosed. Hpin all-nro center eieht timps. U now in Sehenectadv. N. Y., concluding personal busi ness and will report nere aDoui May 1. AMERICAN LEGION WRESTLING TONIGHT 8:30 Salem Armory Main Event Tag Team Jack Klser and Frankle Hart vs. Benny Trudcll and Herb Parks Buok Weaver vs. Grey Mask Bill Weidner vs. Dory Funk ELTON OWEN, Matchmaker Wood, Owner Phone 9071 Phone 9156