r August Vollmer Mayor Riley Calls Vollmer Portland, March 18 (Pi- Mayor Earl Riley said Monday he had engaged August Voll mer, Berkeley, Calif., to survey and reorganize the Portland po lice department. Vollmer, chief of police in Berkeley for 27 years, has sur veyed some 200 police depart ments. fondness for chess led to the arrest of a Denver bank man ager who was held today as a Colorado fugitive in the alleged embezzlement of $9,600. The suspect, Franklin G. Hop kins, was held for arraignment Thursday when he appeared In felony court. After receiving a description of Hopkins and his habits, po lice watched chess clubs throughout New York. They found their man Saturday night in one of these clubs. Police sail he had more than $1,000 in his pockets and approximate ly $6,000 was hidden in his bag gage. Two strong currents cross each other in the Bosporus, surface current flowing out of the Black sea and a bottom cur rent flowing Inward. ondness for Chess eads to Arrest thi complaint herein. Defendant!. TO: Gloria Shannon, Warren Shannon, Mildred Davenport Uilmu, John Doe Malanaa; Nettle Lueai, Char lei Lucaj. Ir win W. Oeer, Cryitle (Jeer. Ralph Oeer Nellie Oeer, Pearl Oeer, Jane Doe Oeer Ida Clrmer, Vance Clymer. Musa Oeer Rrt ner Nellie Oeer. Harry Dabney. New York, March 18 (U.B A Br?.w.n- ""V Je n!l LEGAL Irrigation Board Bill Gets Full Vote The senate Monday unani mously passed and sent to the governor a measure to create a state irrigation board which will have power to consolidate irrigation and drainage districts into water conservation districts The commission will be com posed of members of the state board hydro-electric commission and the state engineer will act as chairman. Under terms of the measure three or more irrigation and drainage districts who can use a common water system may petition the irrigation board re questing consolidation into a conservation district. Hearing on proposed merg ers will be held to give landown ers of the districts an opportun ity to voice their opinions. No tices of the hearings will be published in a newspaper of gen eral circulation for four weeks prior to the hearings and a ma jority vote of the property own ers of the districts will be ne cessary to approve the merger. Jennings Lodge Visit on Grand Island- Mr. and Mrs j Roy E, Will, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil will, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Will., Jr., were Sunday after noon guests of their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Leonard Will, Sr., at Jenning's lodge. IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOR MARION COUMI. NO. 33.819. SUMMONS Frank 8. Bowers and Carrie V. Bower, huaband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. Gloria Shannon and Warren Shannon, her hus band; Mildred Davenport Malaria and John Do Malarial first name unknown), her husband: Nettie Lucaa and Charles Lucas, her husband: Irwin W. oeer ano Crystla Oeer, hit, wile; Ralph Oeer and Nellie Oeer, hu wife; Pearl oeer ana Jane Doe Oeer (first name unknown), hi wife; Ida Clymer and Vanca Clymer, her hus band: Mary Brown and Benjamin Brown, her husband; Musa Geer: Bert Geer and Nellie Oeer, his wife: Mary Geer; Ruth Kephart and Leonard Kephart, her hua band; Harry Dabney; Archie A. Geer and Cora Geer. his wife: Daniel H. Crouter; Elinor O. Mackie and Bernard Mac tie, her husband: bi B. Dunnlniton and R. Dunnlniton, her husband; Carrie Maud Crouter: Margaret Crouter; Eleanor L. d Pol and Germain de Pol. ner nusnana: Marcla Hamilton Crouter; Robert Wtllard Crouter: Robert warren crouter ana Alene Crouter, hi wife; Daniel D. Crou- Mary c. eiu: Paul tt. crouter ana Julia M. Crouter. his wife; Dora E. Crou ter; Alfred B. Crouter and Dorothy Crou ter. his wife; Junia F. Allen and Melvin O. Allen, her husband; Legrand Crouter and Elizabeth Crouter, his wife; Eugenia Lan gille and H. S. Langille, her huaband; and alio all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described n Dunnlniton. R. H. Dun nington, Margaret Crouter. Eleanor h. de Pol. Germain de Pol. Mareia Hamilton Crouter, Robert Willard Crouter. Robert Warren Crouter. Alene Crouter. Mary C. Ellis, Paul H. Crouter. Julia M. Crouter. Junia F. Allen. Melvin C. Allen. Legrand Crouter, Elisabeth crouter, Eugenie umw ille. and H. S. Langille ana au otner per sona or parties unknown claiming any H.ht mm iLt lien or Interest la the real property described in the complaint herein, defendants above named: IN THIS flAMS ur i nr. ainim r OREGON, You are required to appear and answer the complaint mea again jou in the above entitled Court and cause on or before four weeks from the date ot the first publication of thia summons and, II you so fall to answer, for want thereof. the plaintiffs will apply vo me iu i the relief prayed lor in their complaint, namely, for a decree quieting title In plaintiffs in and to the following de scribed real property, to-wit: ' Beginning at a point which la 50.00 chains Eaat and 39.50 chains South from the quarter section corner between sec tions 20 and 21 in Township 7 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridi an in Marion County, Oregon: thence nnnln Wash 30.00 RtialnB. tO the NOIth- west corner of a certain tract of land conveyed to A. A. Geer by deed recorded July 20, 19U, In Vol. 213. Page 504, Deed Records for Marlon County, Oregon: thnnce running South along the west line of said tract, 15.00 chains: thence running East 33.00 chains, more or less, to this Southeast corner of A. A. Deer's land; thence North 18.90 chains, more or less, to the center of the County Road; thence East along the center of the road 2.16 chains; thence South 88 dec 30' East along the center of said road, 14.84 chains to the center of a County Road; thence South along the center of said road, 31.48 chains, more or less, to the South Boundary line of the Ralph C. Geer Donation Land Claim; thence South I deg. 30' West along the center of said road. 4.00 chains: thenee West t the West side line of said road; thence South S deg. 30' West along said West Una 5.11 chains; thence West 29.20 chains, more or less, to the East line of the E. F. Colby Donation Land Claim; thence North along said East line B.H chains to the Northeast corner of said Colby Claim; thence West along the North line of said Claim, 40.00 chains, more or ieu. to the Southwest corner of the Ra'ph C. Geer Donation Land Claim; thence North along the West line of said Geer Claim, 30.50 chains, more or less, to the place of beginning, and for such other and further relief as may toe lust and equitable. This summons is served upon yon by publication thereof In the Capital Journal, a newspaper published and of general cir culation in Marion County. Oregon, by order of Hon. Oeo. R. Duncan, Circuit Judge, the date of said order being the 28th day nf February. 1941. The first publication of this summons ts March 4 1941, and the last publication thereof be April 1, 1947. CHAS. J ZERZAN. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Pacific Building, Salem, Oregon. March 4. 11. 18. 25; April 1. e PAINT NOW n 50 Expert PAINTERS ON OUR STAFF For Quality Work, Phono Us 340 Court Street Phone 9221 OIL FLOOR FURNACES For Small and Medium Sized Homes. Not a Circulator Under the Floor, But a Real Fur nace. Automatic Controls Room Thermostat. Limit Controls. Metering Valve. D. E. Cooper & Son 540 Hood Sr. Phone 3603 Heating Is Our Business HOUSCHOLO CLCCTRIC APPLIANCES RPAIRD We Ore especially well equipped by experience, skill and facilities to service all the electrical appliances in your home. Mixers, irons, toasters, heaters, motors, . fans, etc., are repaired, ser viced right by us. Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, 255 N. Liberty. Salem, Ore. Phone 9412 RCPLRCC ANY CRYSTBL Any watch crystal of any size, inapt or color can be replaced here perfectly and promptly. ll'lt'.'HHI SIEH3U Good News to All! BERNARDTY, Custom Tailor and Furrier, can now make a suit, regardless of the price you can afford to pay. Our prices on ladies' and men's suits range from $50.00 up to $200.00. We have about 2,500 patterns to choose from of domestic and imported fabrics, quick service and guaranteed workmanship of the finest quality. If you cannot afford right now a new suit of clothes, we will be glad to renovate your suit so you can wear it and t shall still look presentable. Try BERNARDTY, TAILOR-FURRIER, and you will not be disappointed. Tailoring from a Patch to a New Garment BERNARDTY, Tailors-Furriers, Inc. Room 200, First National Bank Bldg. Phone 21995 if L. mmmmmmmammmamm ?I8 f Everybody's talking about their satisfaction with Our Radio Repair Service. Each of our men has had at least fifteen years ex perience in this work. Take advantage of our prompt, convenient pick up and DELIVERY Serv ice DAILY. . Let us serve you. res- v., m. i rfw nrnnnnrmn nnn ninn nnn t W Tk 4 V lllfllllllllllllHIBH IflHIIBI U U II II im " " hu hum iimPj ray X .vfM nil II llll Hill III I II lllllll II I MM .11 in 1111 I A and Tinas our wny 11 TV PHILIP MORRIS 1 l MAII IK V.6. At T" -X t0? - f wA Oy-. f : IS so much betfer to smoke! V ! s'j -jLs5s ( It's the only leading cigarette made differ- 9 ently," Johnny informed him. "And this exclti- fff"r& I s'tve difference means the Philip Morris smoker 'Xjdf I I really gets what other smokers only hope to fyi' get better taste . . . finer flavor . . . perfect jgi te rj smoking pleasure." W . I f H Right, Johnny! If every smoker knew mr I J f 'mmssm what PHILIP MORRIS smokers know-they'd j 1 M spS g hir rn r U. 0 0 n). -J u u u u u u i ii I u uuu v a J v. a-j vul ACWAYS BETTER BETTER ALL WAYS ml