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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1947)
i Hasty Dinners Unit Theme Lansing Neighbors home ex tension unit met Friday at the Mayllower hall, with Mrs. Ben Rathjen and Mrs. R. H. Ballard presenting the project "Compa ny Dinners." Suggestions were given for dinners which could be prepared in a hurry, types of dishes which could be prepared the day before a dinner, and new ideas for special company dishes. Mrs. V. E. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Zina Sharpnack will attend the project leaders training meeting on March 21. Two members were received Into the unit: Mrs. Estella Stev ens and Mrs. Paul A. Weil. Spe cial guests invited were: Mrs. R. W. Kruger, Mrs. Alma Blacklaw, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. Earl Strick land, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. J. P. Ler mon and Mrs. W. C. Rambo. The next meeting of the unit will be held April 10 at 1 p.m., at the home of Mrs. I. H. Sion, 220 Evergreen avenue. The dem onstration on "Furniture Ar rangement" will be presented by Miss Eleanor Trindle, home dem onstration agent. Tests for TB Made Monday Tuberculin tests for members of the Sophomore class at Salem senior high school were made Monday by staff members of the Marion county department of health. During the child guid ance clinic conducted late last week at the health department, 22 children were examined and conferences held with parents by Doctors Herman Dickel and Wendel Hutchins of the Univer sity of Oregon medical school and by Dr. Lawrence Riggs, psychologist of Willamette uni versity. Health department activities for the balance of this week: Wednesday: Physical exam inations, diphtheria immuniza tions and smallpox vaccinations for first graders 9 a. m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. at public and parochial schools, Stayton. Thursday: Well baby clinic, 9:30 a. m. health department. Friday: Adult clinic, includ ing food and milk handlers. Saturday: Adult clinic, 8:30 to noon; child guidance clinic, 1 to 5 p. m. at health department. The wild goose has about 12, 000 muscles, 10,000 of which control the action of its feathers. DON'T THROW YOUR WATCH AWAY! WE FIX THEM WHEN OTHERS CAN'T! GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING Acts AT ONCE to RelieveiancU'Loosen' DAD COUGHS (CAUSED BY COLDS) rsKTtmam must be good when thou sand! upon thousands of Doctors have prescribed It for so many years. (PERTtrsaiM acts at once not only to re lieve such coughing but also 'loosen phlegm' and makes It easier to raise, fiafe for both old and young. Plea ant taitinff. DtDTIICCIU&. All drugstores. rtn I UOOiriC When Buying Fire Insurance SAFETY, your first consideration. SERVICE, your second. COST, your third. General America (Stock) Company thru Huggins Office offers all three, with a 15 saving on preferred risks. CHUCK f 4 OREGON'S LARGEST SALEM AND 129 North Commercial St. Mifi! aching muscuT) tcY V. ARE My T -5 'f'TJtl jo mbii. r mtm mm m MENTH0LATUM quick-' Oregon's Lawmakers by Murray Wade Senator Lev WALLACE Voald extend vote to those 18 Y"-s oFac. ' -HoruJ.O. JOHNSON Chairman Mllltavx n4Votamn4Anair cotnmihtao. tie is jifttML Mith the y povoV ysxpmisinti his luiowladgt, Miss Truman Successful in First Effort, 15,000,000 Listen Detroit, March 17 U.B Margaret Truman was to return to Washington by plane today after launching her professional sing ing career in a nationwide radio broadcast last night. The Amer- can Broadcastine system esti-?- mated that 15,000,000 persons listened to Miss Truman, the first child of any president to seek a professional career. Her first performance was re ceived favorably by the major ity of music critics, many of whom said the 23-year-old sing er needed additional study be fore starting on the operatic career she had dreamed of for 10 years. Miss Truman said she had no immediate plans except "to get little rest." She talked with her parents by a three-way tele phone hookup last night the president at Key West, Fla., and Mrs. Truman in Washington and then said laughingly "they were just as relieved as I am that it's all over." Thinks Parents Prejudiced Her parents liked the perfor mance, she said, but of course, they're a little prejudiced." Dr. Karl Krueger, director of AMYOUPAU due to MONTHLY LOSSES? You girls and women who lose much during monthly periods that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" this may be due to lack of blood-Iron. So try Lydia E. Pinkham's TABLETS one of the best home ways -to build up red blood In such cases. Pinkham's Tablets are one of the bestf blood-iron tonics you can buyl Lydia L Pinkham's TAOICTS Organic Fertilizer Very good for lown ond gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere in Salem. 6 sacks, $5.00 1 ton, $10.00 PHONE 8127 West Mushroom Company CHBT? UPSTATE AGENCY COOS BAX - Dial 9119 ' GOT HER CHEST IN A VISE? INSURANCE Poor little chest muscles so tight from coughing it hurts her to breathe? Quick, Mentholatum. nub on chest, back, neck. Its gentlystimulating action helps lessen congestion without irritating child's delicate normal skin. Its com forting vapors lessen coughing spasms. S1I4T. TIM MtalAoUtua Omoput. Iu i I askad. to has done semes the Detroit Symphony orches tra with whom Miss Truman ap peared as a guest star on the "Sunday Evening Hour" (ABC) said, "I was very happy and proud to have presented Miss Truman at her debut. I think she will have a great career." The studio audience was lim ited to some 30 newspaper cri tics, photographers and radio representatives. They were ask ed not to applaud. Monmouth The Tanda group of Campfire Girls and their leader, Mrs. E. Evans met at the home of Paula Rae Searing. Fol lowing a short business meeting games were played and refresh ments were served by Mrs. D. H. Searing. We Do ricrure u Framing,' Too! 340 COURT STREET FOR A", so" .L. r www Sanders Edgers Polishers Dutch Boy No-Rub Wax Gym Finish Pale Floor Sealer, and a complete line of Dutch Boy varnishes and floor fillers. McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 NORTH COMMERCIAL 2.59 per Gal. BE THRIFTY AND SAVE HAVE Your Shoes Repaired AT DEPARTMENT STORE Guaranteed Service! Leather or Composition Half Soles Heel Lifts, Toe Tips While You Wait Service Are your shoes run down at the heels? Do they need soles or other repairing? Don't worry just bring them to MILLER'S. WALKER would have to ' think lone?iflweve name one wno more valuable to ttui state. Willamette and OCE In Speech Tourney Missoula. Mont., March 17 M Out of state entries for the speech, tournament at Montana State university tomorrow and Wednesday will include Gon zaga of. Spokane, Washington State college, the University of Idaho, Northwest Nazarene, Northern Idaho, Monmouth, (Ore.), College of Puget Sound, Oregon State, Willamette, Lin field, Seattle Pacific and Seattle college. . RADIO TUBES for all makes radios GAROD Phono-Radio Combinations Electric, Battery Portables AC-DC Table Sets Dominion 2-Burner Hotplates, $10.95 NUTONE Door Chimes $3.95 up AUTO RADIOS, Used $39.95 up Consoles and Table Fresh Batteries WIGGINS Photo & Electric Supply : 252 North Church Ph. S874 RENT WMWM Farm Budget Split Threat Washington, March 17. U.R) A sharp congressional wrangle which threatens to split both parties is developing over the size of the agriculture depart ment budget. A House appropriations sub committee will begin closed hearings tomorrow on the de partment's request for $947,000, 000 to operate until June 30, 1948. Rep. Jamie L. Whitten, D., Miss., a member of the sub committee, said that the Repub lican majority already has de cided "arbitrarily" to cut the request 40 per cent in line with the general GOP economy drive. He said this would wipe out the school lunch program which provides hot lunches at cost for school children and cripple the farmers .home administration and the rural electrification ad ministration. Whitten said the Republican intentions were disclosed by subcomrstittee Chairman Everett M. Dirksen, R., 111. He conced ed that some cuts probably should be made in the depart ment's requests. But he said he would oppose the sweeping reductions proposed by Dirksen. He apparently will have some support from Chairman Clif ford R. Hope, R., Kans., of the House agriculture committee. Hope said he would ask permis sion to appear before the group before it takes any final action. He was particularly concerned SAN FRANCISCO 885 DALLAS 3560 PIUS IAX 0POT TICKtT OFFICf 175 S. High Phone 3815 "Tie l' with reports that Dirksen wants to eliminate an item of $19,000, 000 for the department's new research and marketing pro gram. The program is designed to find new outlets for farm products. Hope was the co-sponsor and one of the strongest supporters of the measure when it passed the last congress. Coos Bay Boat Blast Fatal to Crewman Coos Bay, March 17 P) Two unexplained explosions aboard the fishing boat Louhelen Sat urday killed J. L. Castle, Port land, and injured three others on the outbound craft. The coast guard picked up two survivors ana K.. C hhort, Charleston fisherman, rescued a third. All were hospitalized with serious burns. The boat caught fire and the scarred and empty hull drifted onto the beach. The injured: Henry A. Foley, 57, Newport, owner of the craft; Herman Anderson, 54, and Pal mer K. Albertson, 27, Coquille. KEEP YOUR HOME IN THE COMFORT ZONE WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER TIMPIHATUM CONDITION WIIH To economically keep your home in the comfort tone ill year "round, insulate now with PALCO WOOL Insulation. It's the modern, thrifty method of Tern per aiun Conditioning. As it's not too late to investigate, call us today. Ask for copy of House Insulation Manual. Capital Home Insulation Co. Phone 24412 Evening's SALEM, OREGON Our salesman will contact you without obligation NO DOWN PAYMENT 12 to 38 Months to Pay Company ag Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Mar. 17. 1947 7 Little White House Will Become Shrine New York, March 17 ( The late President Roosevelt's "Lit tle White House" near the Georgia Warm Springs hospital for infantile paralysis victims soon will be turned over to the state of Georgia to be maintain ed as a shrine, it was announced today. The modest dwelling will be preserved just as it was when the war-time president died there on April 12, 1945. Bail O'Connor, president of the Warm Springs Foundation which was founded by President Roosevelt, recalled that Georgia already had created the Frank- Venetian Blinds -ELMER- (Tin nils' im WEST SALEM 1545 Plaza St. Ph. 7328 Slats In Aluminum, Steel and Wood Choice of Tape Color. Call Any Time for Estimate Measured and Installed Flexalum Aluminum Slat VENETIAN BLINDS Made to Measure RIGHT HERE IN SALEM Large stock of window shade materials just received. We makt them up to order. Two-day service. Call Us for Weather Stripping Reinholdt & Lewis VENETIAN BLINDS 560 South 21 it Street Phone 3148 BEFORE the New York Stock Exchange admits the securities of any company to its trading list, that company enters into a number of agreements with the Exchange, all in the interest of the investing public. Of these many agreements, the most im portant of all is this: The company agrees to disclose, at regular intervals, the basic facta about its operations and financial condition. Because of this agreement, investors have access to a wealth of essential information. As a result, it is possible to make facts the sole 'basis of investment decisions, so far as securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange are concerned. Understandably, this Exchange cannot eliminate the risks which accompany owner ship of securities risks inevitable in- the possession of any form of property. But its listing agreements do provide for disclosure of facts necessary to good investment judgment. The wise investor seeks these facts ." the reports of listed companies . .. on the financial pages of the newspapers ... at the offices of Member Firms of this Exchange. New York Stock Exchange lin D. Roosevelt Warm Springs Memorial Commission, and that the transfer of the property awaits only the completion of details. Empire penguins weigh as much as 80 pounds. COLOTYLE To make tired, unsightly bath rooms glamorous. The essen tial treatment for new con struction. Everlasting washable beauty. No more painting. Installed complete by our own Colo tyle craftsmen. 340 Court St. Dial 9221 FLEXALUM The new aluminum slat is be ing used exclusively in Salem aluminum Venetian blinds. Let us show you this new slat material. You will be pleased with its quality and price. aprees... 'feci?