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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1947)
v B Capital Journal, Salem, Mrs. Durbin ' Is Honored 1 With at Home ( By Jean Taylor i Mrs. Frank Durbin was hon ' ored Sunday afternoon when her i ton-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Dolph Craig, enter- i tained at their country place in j compliment to her birthday an- , niversary. About 70 guests called be- ' tween the hours of three o'clock i and five. J Pouring the first hour was i Miss Beulah Patterson and Mrs. 1 Karl Steiwer presided at the , urns the second hour. Assist ing in the dining room were the ! honor guest's granddaughter, i Prudence Craig and Roma j Nelson. Assisting about the rooms , were Mrs. Frederick Deckabach. Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Miss Pru ' dence Patterson, Mrs. Raymond ; Boneste and Mrs. Frank Decke bach. I Woodbum Unit ; Fetes Birthday Woodburn The regular i meeting of Woodburn auxiliary ' of the American Legion followed ! the birthday dinner, with Mrs. Harold H. Henry presiding. J Mrs. Myrtle Krueger of Salem, i district president, was a special J guest and gave a talk on the i work of the unit, j! Mrs. Nettie Johnson reported , that Miss Ardell Rudi, a junior ' at Woodburn high school, had J been selected to attend the Girl i State camp this summer, and ! that Joyce Graham of the Lin coin school had been chosen to ' receive the 4-H scholarship to summer school. 1 Th mivtliarv vnfpH a 25 rpnt ,' Increase in dues for 1948 to in- elude the National News maga J zine and also voted to contribute to the Red Cross and cancer ; drive. t Announcement was made of J the visit of the X-ray chest mo. i bile on March 19 and 20 and reg lstration blanks were given out. , Officers will be elected at the next meeting, April 9, and the I refreshment committee for that meeting will be Mrs. Walter ! Miller, chairman, Mrs. Jack i Cannivet, Sr., Mrs. Jack Canni ! vet, Jr., and Mrs. Oscar Ronge. The monthly sewing meeting will be held April 23. Troop Ten to !Give Program Girl Scout Brownie Troon No 10 Will provide the program at the March 19th meeting of the sponsor, the Westminster guild of the First Presbyterian ehurch The girls will show what if "means to be Brownie." The troop project Is corres ponding with the Benoit family in Domnom Le Dieuze, France. The troop sent four boxes to the Benoits for their Christmas project. Members of Troop No. 10 are Mrs. Paul Dale and Mrs. James Clough, leaders, and Brownies Anne Heltzel, Sondra Jochim sen, Kaye Tomlinson, Gene Ann Tupker, Jean Lidbeck, Phoebe jJ!J Lou Braun, Jeanine Abrams, 1 Kathleen Spong, Sally Cox, Janet Hamblin, Glenda McCor lr.,i mick, Elaine Morrow, Kathy n; Busick, Nancy Payne, Jo Ann j Hoover, Judy Bone, Diane Clough, Karen Obrist, Dorothy JLee Stewart, Judy Dale, and a visitor during the legislature, f Janet Hellberg of Astoria, r". ... Held at the Masonic temple ,;; Tuesday night at 8 o'clock will f ; be the regular meeting of Chad- wick chapter, Order of Eastern m Star. SALEM ACTIVE CLUB Presents Sam Gordon the. Kibitzer in Person Bridge Instruction Series March 24, 25 and t Salem Chamber of Commerce f to It p.m. Benefit Children's Milk Fund Tickets en Bale Nt edham's Book Store Oregon,' Monday, Mar. 17. 1947 Follises Return From Eastern Trip Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Follis returned last week from 2U month tour of the south and east. They visited in Iowa, Chi cago, Wilmington, Dels., New York, Washington, D. C, Philadelphia, going on to Miami, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cuddy, who formerly lived in Salem. From there they motored through the Everglades to Kev West, then returned to Salem by way of New Or leans and California.. Auxiliary Elects Officers at Meet Meeting at the American Le gion hall in West Salem Thurs day evening members of the West Salem VFW auxiliary elected officers for the coming year, with Jeannette Van Santen named president. Other officers elected, all of whom will be installed at a joint session of the post and aux iliary Aoril 10. were senior vice Dresident. Gladys White; junior vice president, Juanita uoerner; chaplain, Elizabeth Hoffman; treasurer, Lena Osborne; con ductress, Eleanor Miller ana guard, Mabel Mauk. During the meeting, at which Mrs. Marie Hansen, district pres ident, was a visitor, Eleanor Mil ler, chairman of the VFW aux iliary Americanism essay contest, reported on the contest. Other committees made their reports and the "secret pals" names were revealed. Refreshments were served following the business session by Nellie Noteboom and Jeannette Van Santen.. The next meeting will be a so cial meeting with the post in charge of arrangements. ... Compfire Girl The Tacoda group met with their guardian, Mrs. O. D. Youngquist. Thty discussed Birthday week and selected Blanche Clifton to represent the group in the Camp Fire window Saturday. March 22. They en joyed out-of-door games after the business meeting. They also worked on their dolls for the exhibit. The Tanda group in West Sa lem met at Mrs. C. A. Rust's home, guardian. Birthday plans were discussed and Kay Muhs was chosen, to represent the group In the window for Birth day week. They are planning a meeting for their mothers n March 28 at the eity hall. The Okiciyapi group met at the United Brethren church. New officers are president, Arda Lien; vice president, Jo Ann Miller; secretary, Edna Walling; treasurer, Marilyn Harr; scribe, Carta Maercklein; sergeant-at- arms, Carol Schmidt. The group is planning a wetner roast and hike in celebration of Trip Day Friday during Birthday week. They will eat three meals out of doors, one of the requirements for Woodgathers rank. Members of Mrs. . M. W. Ready's Blue Birds met at her home and practiced songs for Vespers service. Sheila Zrery talked about plans for Birthday week. Mrs. W. R. Criswell's group of Ducky Doodle Blue Birds met at the home of Elizabeth Walton. Twelve members were present. They sang songs and played games. Puerto Rico is the most moun tainous island in the South At lantic. Camp Fire Cooks The Tanda Camp Fire group cooked and served a meal toward their Woodgatherers' rank. Camp Fire Girls this week are celebrating the 35th anniversary of their founding. At the head of the table is the left to right, Janice Feller, Clarine Hartwell, Carolyn Seay and Carol Hewitt. Mrs. George Hewitt is guardian of the group. (George Garden Club Discusses Show Independence The regular meeting of the Independence Garden club was held with Mrs. Grover Mattison, Mrs. Glen Smith and Mrs. W. F. McBee as hostesses. During the business meeting plans were discussed for the an nual spring flower show to be given April 14 at the gymna sium at the grade school. Mrs. C; O. Eloper and Mrs. Grace Carter are the committee in charge of arrangements. .... State Officer Visit GAR U. S. Grant circles of the Ladies of GAR were hostesses at a noon luncheon at the YWCA in honor of the department pres ident, Mrs. Blanche DeLano, de partment secretary; Mrs. Rose Garrison, Mrs. Lillian Bain and Mrs, Onez Lovely, all of Port land; Mrs. Gail Alderson, de partment chaplain of Dallas Mrs. Luella M. Wolf, department vice president, of Albany, as well as Mrs. Maude Leeper, Mrs. Ruth Peacock, Mrs. Gladys Moench and Mrs. Winifred Pratt, all of Albany. Hostesses were Mrs. Mary Mann, Mrs. Louise Hall, Mrs. Angie Layton, past president; Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, Mrs- Lina Taylor, Mrs. Mable Taglio, Mrs. Mabel Bogynski, Mrs. Clara Jones and Mrs. Dallie Fon iator, Mrs. Rose Garrett, all of the Salem circle. Orf March 13, some of the members of U. S. Grant circle accompanied the department president to Dallas for her offi cial visit. Shower Honors Mrs. Irwin Lund Mrs. R. M. Schino and Mrs. Donald Muellhaupt were joint hostesses for a shower honoring Mrs. Irwin Lund. Pink and blue decorations were used in the living and dining rooms with a buffet luncheon being served at a late hour. Those honoring Mrs. Lund were Mrs. Ted Brandt, Mrs. Clarence Jackson, Mrs. Ivy Hall, Mrs. Joyce Jordan, Mrs. Bud Schmidt, Mrs. D. C. Henry, Mrs. Grace Bishop, Mrs. Blanche Branson, Miss Dell Tobin, Miss Leona Hawks, Miss Sadie Wei glenda, Miss Luella Haugen, Miss Lois Crockett, Miss Irma Reischke, . Miss Cathryn Cox, Miss Lenore Kilgore, Miss Grace McMillian, Miss Thelma Strand, Mrs. Nellie Amell and Miss Jean Youngkin and the hostesses. WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE State ti Liberty Ph. 3118 Don't miss the Dog Show, Fair Grounds, March 22-23, Lions Club. So elegant HEN R.tck, rick pink with femuiUf. Minor-brig TwiaM Liptick $1.75. Jwm a9tLtMfr milk Tmimcot 76. Ltqumr, 60c Lifitk, $1.90 pUs tar PI president, Beverly Kayser. From Woolery, Roberta Boyer, Jeanne Hewitt photo) Mrs. Odgers to Head Chapter J Woodburn Mrs. Fred T. Od gers was elected president of Chapter J. of the P. E. O. Sis terhood at the annual election of officers held Thursday night at the home of Mrs. E. J. Allen Other officers named were Mrs Walter S. Scarborough,, 'vice president; Mrs. Kenneth Thomp son, recording secretary; Mrs Kenneth McGrath, correspond ing secretary; Mrs. E. J. Allen, treasurer; Mrs. H. F. Butter- field, chaplain and Mrs. Jack Barnes, guard. The officers were installed by Mrs. Barnes, the retiring presi dent. Delegates elected to attend the state convention were Mrs. Od gers and Mrs. Scarborough. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Jess Fikan and Mrs. H. F. But terfield. .... Delphian Club At Dale Home Independence The Delphian Book club met at the home of Mrs. Jane Dale in Monmouth with 18 of the 20 members pres ent. There was one guest, Mrs. Fred McNelly of Monmouth. Mrs. E. M. Ebbert was co-hostess. Mrs. D. A. Hoag reviewed "The Lost Woods," by the na turalist, Edwin Way Teale. Mrs. Hoag also gave facts of interest concerning nature stu dy. . Woodburn The WSCS of the Methodist church will hold its regular monthly meeting Tues day afternoon, March 18 at 2:30 in the church. Mrs. C. Gies of Salem will be the guest speaker and will talk on her recent trip to Mexico and exhibit articles collected during her travels. Mrs. Ralph Kleen of Salem will sing. ; ' ... Mrs. Henry Chezum will en tertain members of the Tuesday Sewing club at her home in Nor way street Tuesday afternoon. THE OREGON BOB 1 50 101 i.JV styles Machine Perma nents Phone 7953 f.r .vp.intMtiil "Clrcnlette" is the finest of all . Permanent Waves, Exclusive Miller's lleftaty ShB Ro.rn t Miller BIO. oquent flic Mmriaj M tint vtaV kt m aail, Tlt-ligkt em lip. so el YU National WRC Officers Are Honored Recent social event was the luncheon and reception given by members of Sedgwick Women's Relief corps at the VFW hall honoring the national president of the organization, Mrs. Alice Larsen of Minot, N.D., the na tional chairman of the execu tive board, Mrs. Agnes Lindall of Portland and the department president, Mrs. Golda Kyle of baiem. The program for the after noon consisted of numbers by rne balem nigh school choir un der the direction of Miss Lena Belle Tarter, vocal numbers bv Miss Arlyne Hilfiker, accompa nied by Miss Gustafson and Miss iuueua ranter; lap aances oy Miss pat zosei; and a vocai numDer and reading by T. A. Penland of Portland. Among the GAR officers and department officers and past department onicers in attend ance were T. A. Penland of Portland, senior vice command er of the national GAR; Mrs Julia Sutter, Mrs. Cliff Kerns of Washington, Mrs. Annie Ro esch of LaGrande, Delia Hem- bree of McMinnville. Marv aennase oi ligard, Mrs. Ellen are Zeller, Diva Rounds, Eve lyn Hayes, Margaret Rilea. Le. ona Godfrey, Margaret Burton, Rebecca Pool, . Cora McBride and Marie Green, all of Port land, Dollie Brown of Corval- lis, and Sarah Peterson. Hannah Beard, Florence E. ShiDD and Rose Hagedorn, all of Salem. ... Department Officer To Make Visitation Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet the evening of March 21 at 8 o'clock at the woman's clubhouse. Mrs. Esther Agnew, depart ment president, will make her official visit at the meeting which will be preceded by a no host dinner at 6:30 o'clock. Res ervations are being made with Mrs. Madeline Nash. ... Troop 13 of the Brownies met with their leader, Mrs. Clarence Wilcox, and assisted by Mrs. Loyal Warner, at the First Pres byterial church. After a short meeting, the troop visited the downtown fire station. To show their appreciation to the fire de partment, two of the Brownies passed cookies around to all of the firemen. The troop then visited the Girl Scout windows on display at downtown stores. Pringle Pleasant Point social club will hold a luncheon meet ing at the home of Mrs. George Grabenhorst at 1855 Fir street Thursday, March 20. 1 THAT'S We Have We Have We Have We Have 79c each We Have V9?0RP The High Quality FERTILIZER 25 lb. 1.50 50 lb. 2.50 100 lb. 4.00 We furnish spreader free with job We nave . 18x30 Baked Enamel We Have STEEL SINKS . 7.00 4-Inch Crum Cup Strainer for links 3.00 Full Chromium Plated Swing Spout Mixing Faucets. .8.95 and 9.95 Leaving on Trip To New Orleans Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bur ton, Mrs. Helen Taylor and Mrs. Melvin Marker are leav ing Tuesday for an extended vacation trip to New Orleans, planning to be gone at least two months. The travelers, in New Orleans, will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ricks, sister f. and brother-in-law of Mrs. Burton and daughter and son-in-law of Mrs. Taylor. En route to that city they will if stop at Lodi and Los Angeles for a visit with relatives and also at Phoenix, Ariz. While in the south they plan to mo tor to Miami, Fla. Silver Tea to Be . i i at Independence mrfononrfpnoo The annual silver tea eiven for the benefit o the Independence Woman's club will be an event of Tues day afternoon at the Woman's club. A special invitation is ex tended to anyone interested in the welfare of the library to attend. A special musical program is being planned by Chairman Mrs. M. J. Butler and will in elude vocal solos by Mrs. Paul Dodd, numbers by the high school clarinet quartet and se lections by the string trio com posed of Mrs. Ed Wunder, Mrs Collis Marsters of Dallas and Mrs. Melford Nelson. Calling hours will be from 3 to 5 o'clock and visitors may visit at any time between those hours. Hostesses will be Mrs. R. M Walker, Mrs. E. E. Addison Mrs. A. L. Harding, - Mrs. Cor- rie Hubbard and Mrs. John Holechek. .... Salem unit. No. 136, Ameri can Legion auxiliary will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the Floral room of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss initia tion and installation to take place in April. A program has been planned and refreshments will be served. The Beauty Bar Phone 3925 201 1st Natl Bank Bldr. Operated by Nan Williams and Zana Hales Featuring Nestle Permanent Halliwell Cold Wave Other Permanent! JS and np Opa Wi. Era. br Appointment RIGHT! Heaviest Gauge Aluminum Roofing Sizes 26x72 Inches 1.95 26x96 Inches 2.55 26x120 Inches 3.20 26x144 Inches 3.90 Best Grade Composition Roofing 45 lb. roll 2.29 55 lb. roll . 2.49 Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable Sixes 14-2 6'ie 12-2 8 Vie ft. 10-2 He ft. Extra Heavy Galvanized STOCK PAILS 7.50 for 10 Hi-Speed DRILL SETS 7 in set from 1-16 to V Inch with stand 1.95 Alumnae Plans For Opening O f Exhibit On the- social calendar for Wednesday afternoon between the hours of 3 and 5:30 o'clock is a tea for which the Alpha Chi Omega alumnae will be hostess at Elfstrom's art gallery The affair to which the public is invited is being-given in con nection with the opening of the snowing of "Drawings in Color" by Esther Buckley. Mrs. Buckley, alumna of the sorority, is the wife of the di rector of the Silver Falls Recrea tion area Her drawings are of wild flowers native to Oregon and are done In colored pen cil. Presiding at the urns during the afternoon will be Mrs. Rob ert Elfstrom, Mrs. George Alex ander, Mrs. Lestle Sparks, Mrs R Ivan Lovell and Mrs. Fred H. Thompson. Members of the committee arranging the tea are Mrs. Roy J. Rice, Jr.. chairman Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Lewi? Griffith. Mrs. John Minto and Mrs. William L. Phillips. ... Entertained at a 1:15 dessert luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Dougherty on Clax ter road Thursday afternoon will be members of the Hayesville Woman s club. Assisting host ess for the meeting to which members are asked to bring their favorite receipes are Mrs. Bruce Willis and Mrs. G. Farmer. Keizer Ladies Sewing club will meet Thursday, March 20 at the home of Mrs. R. S. Mel son for an all-day session. A no host luncheon will be served at Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, Z55 N. Liberty. Salem, Ore. Phone 9412 Time bring fur coat to Wards for Cleaning By Wards own expert furriers! Wood pow. der is gently sifted through the fur, then blown out with air guns. This removes moth larvae, dirt and grime, leaving the natural oils essential to your furs! beauty. Storage In Wards specially constructed vaults. Where the temperature and humidity are rigidly controlled. Here your furs are pro tected against fire, theft and loss and insured, if desired, for a small fee. Mrs. Atkinson " Entertains Club Mrs. Wallis Atkinson enter tained informally in her Acad emy street home for members ol her book and sewing club. The green shamrock motil was used for table decoration and favors. Members present were Mrs. Orland Cox, Mrs. William Hyder Mrs. Loyal Looney, Mrs. George Smalley, Mrs. D. D. Smalley, Mrs. Mable Wolfe, Mrs. George Pickens and the hostess, Mrs. Atkinson. The past presidents club of the Woman's Relief corps will meet with Mrs. Bessie Martin, 1196 South 14th street, Tuesday for a no-host luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUBONWICKS VVapoRub Now on display hi our sbtwrioffl. Mezzanine Floor 340 Court St. J your : Focused Fashion ifflriHia. WALLPAPERS m