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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1947)
J M) Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE by owner: 4 bedrm. home. 5 yrs. old. Li v. rm., fplace., din. rm., kit. 2 bedms. At bath on main floor, 2 bcd rms. At part plumbing upstairs. Full bsmt. with air cond. oil lurnaoe & fplace. Could make recreation room. Lu lot, enclosed. Near high school At other schools. Price 114,750. Ph. 26B92.a70' BY OWNER: 3 bedrooms, basement. 2250 . Chemeketa St. a73 RESIDENCE BUSINESS ZONE 4 BDRM. homo with dble. plumbing, base ment, furnace, fine business location. Price (10.500 A REAL BUY. Call D J. Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 Liberty St Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5338 N. SALEM THIS 6 rm home located close-in on . larKC corner lot, convenient to schools, full basement, auto-oil heat, dble. en rage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Call Dale L. Shepherd with r ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 a65 Mckinley school 8PI.ENDID 6 rm. English home with auto-heat, rumpus rm., flee. h.w. heat er, U e. living rm., dining room with bay window, brkfst. rm., 1 bdrm. down and 2 up, dble. plumbing, dble. garage. Call Coburn L. Grabcnhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. . 7772 a65 HOMES FOR SALE Phone 9510 Phone 6155 16900.00 NEW 2 BDRM. South. Floor furnace, nice lot, wired for range, auto, water htr , convenient to school, store At bus ser vice. Completed soon. O.I. only. Should go at $650.00 down. $7000.00 NEW S bdrm. North. Large lot. E!ec. wa ter htr. Wired for range, unfinished upstairs. Should go O.I. at $750.00 dn. $5500.00 BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. North, targe lot. elec. water htr.. wired for range. Ready to move into Terms. S8G50.00 J'EW 1 bdrm. N.E. Dandy location, part hardwood floors, auto, heat, auto, wa ter htr., unftn. upstairs. Completed soon. Buy it now and choose your own colors for Interior decoration. Terms. Should go a. I. at $850.00 down. For additional Information call ABRAMS As SKINNER, INC. 411 MASONIC BLDO. PH. 9510 INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOR "67 REALLY NICE HOMES 6 BEAUTIFUL large rooms, all hdwd., fplace, unfin attic, dandy rumpus rm., with fplace. and shower In basement, auto, furnace, double gar. Restricted i acre. Everything choosy folks de sire, $15,500, north. ' BRAND NEW B LARGE rooms, plus utility, hdwd., fireplace, plenty closets, oil furn., dou ble gar. Dandy home on restricted acre. $12.000 North. FEW DAYS ONLY! WELL LOCATED, well built, strictly mod. 2 B.R. home, 5 yrs. old, full base., saw dust furnace, close schools, bus. South. Price $10,500. ft BDRM. home, barn, double gar., street paved, close bus, store, schools, Vj acre in city. Price $4300. B.R. plastered home near Master Bread. $5250. $2000 Will handle. OWNER LEAVING IMMEDIATE POKS. of this 5 TOOm tin ' finished but very livable home, N.E., gas rnnge, gas water heater and oil cir. heater, all for $4000 ',1 cash. WELL BUILT UNFIN.. NOW occupied, 5 rooms. Elec tric water system. Cement found. Houso wired for range. 'A A. Very good buy. 13650; $1000 down. Take pickup truck or car as part payment. f B.R. home, paved street, close bus, store, school. Also '.4 acre and In city. 14200. S B.R. all first floor, plastered, lot 60 x 200, berries, fruit, school, bus, store, $4750. JUST LISTED A R year old. well built, strictly modern 2 B.R. home. North. Price $10,500. C. H. SANDERS-231 N. Hlgh-5838. a60 "C" KILGORE SIMM DOWN on this 2 B.R. home, good location North part of town. Full price 14500. "C" KILGORE taiKHl DOWN, 6 yrs. old, 5 room home with full bsmt., fireplace, all the fea tures of a good home. "O" KILGORE NEW, VERY nice 2 B.R. home, elect, heat, hwd. firs., U.R. it garage. Cor. lot. Small down payment. Full price $7750. "C" KILGORE tlO.SOO. BEAUTIFUL 3 B.R. home With hwd. firs., fireplace, large windows, cor. lot in North part of city. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 5 B. 12th Open Bun. P.M. Ph. 4B55 2J42 a. commercial St. a 87 WE HAVE some mighty line homes and priced right. Sea Luse Realty, Oregon Bldg., 7952. a85 VIEW PROPERTY. 3 bdrms., 1 down. 2 up. $1500 dn. will handle. Bal. S55 per mo. Full price $7250. 4 BDRMS.. SOUTH WALKING DISTANCE from Capitol bldg. Income on rented rms. $141 per mo. Bathrm, up it dn. Completely reno vated it redecornted Inside it out. Auto, oil furnace, 1 blk. from grade sell. Unfurn. $8750. Completely furn., $1100. Call for Mr. Isank. M. O. HUMPHREYS Si CO., REALTORS 2288 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24506 a67 h'EW ULTRA modern 2 bdrm. plastered home. Excellent location. All elec. Ph. "33. a67 2 BDRMS. IN CITY limits. Full bath. Completely redecorated. New roof. Cement foun dation it garage. Full price only $4500. $2000 dn. will handle. M O. HUMPHREYS ie CO.. REALTORS 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 a87- R..KHI. s bdrm. home. hwdflrs fire". Place, V. blinds. 2 lots, oil heat, 3mm. Poss. This can't last for the price they are asking. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 25B30 sOT iim. furnished 3 b.r. home on 'i aero, very well located on highway, auto, gas furnace. This Is a good buy SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland ltd. Phone 3255. Eves. 8415 S.6T O.I. OR CIVILIAN VIEW HOME SOMETHING DIFFERENT At priced for a O.I. Iran. Excellent finish work throughout, cove ceilings, auto, hea: attractive fireplace, utility, garage A: above all one of the most beautirul shaded view lots you have ever seen. $8750. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 7057 67" ONE OF THE FINER HOMES In Engle". wood dist. Beautifully landscaped cor ner lot. Finished bsmt. with fireplace, auto, heBt. large living room. Must be seen to be appreciated. $16,800, SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355. Eves. 8415 a67 MODERN X b.r. 5 year old home con veniently located on helgMg In S. Sa lem. Full bsmt., fireplace, 8.D. heat large lot. Excellent price. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 1365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355. Eves. 7057 . 67 EXCELLENT 3 BEDRM. HOME NEAR LESLIE school, fireplace, hwd firs., basement, $2500 down. bal. like rent. Immediate possession. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 3 N. High St. Phone24793 a67- SUBSTANTIAL 3 BEDRM. HOME FAIRMOUNT DIST. Largo L.R., fireplace dining rm., hdwd. firs., modern kitchen' basement, sawdust or oil furnace. Dbl garage, large lot with fir trees. Let us show you this home. $11,750. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a67 I250 DOWN. Lovely New Home. Plastered walls, hardwood floors, modern In ev ery respect. Ideal place for young cou ple to start or elderly couple to re tire. Only $5800. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 3210 331 N. High St. aB $6950 BARGAIN NEW t B.R. home, L.R., DR.. Kit. it bath, hwd. firs., elec. cooking At wtr. htg. and elec. heat, Igo. lot with wal nuts St filberts, near Kelzer School. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 3310 337 N. High St. a 68 Journpl Want Ads Pay Oregon, Monday, Mar. 17, 1947 FOB SALE HOUSES EXCELLENT SUBURBAN BUNGALOW 3 LARGE bdrms., spacious living rm. with fireplace, dining room, large kit. ii nook. ldry. rm.. hardwood lira, tnrougn out. Elec. heat, dble. garage, lot 100 x 200, new home. Imm. Poss. None belter for $9850. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High St. a CLOSE IN HOME LOCATED N. in No 3 business zone, large lot, good 3 bdrm. home, redecorated thru-out. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, base ment, dble garage. Price ONLY $10, 500. Call Richard E. Grabcnhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5089 aC5 SUBURBAN HOME LOOK THIS over, beautiful modern 5 rm. home with approx. 1 ac. of ground. 32 cherry trees, 2 walnut trees. Paved road, on bus line. Price $10,000. Call O. H. Grabcnhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 a65 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 $7i,0 3 BEDROOM house, double plumb ing, LR, DR, K, la stories, fir floors, electric cooking and water healing. Ga rage. Immediate possession. MHtO ONE STORY, 3 BR. Bath. LR, Di nette, K, Basement, electric cooking and automatic sawdust heat, plastered inte rior, garage c to bus and schools. SIWMIONE STORY, 2 BR, Bath. LR, K, Nook, Venetian Blinds, Fireplace, elec tric cooking, double garaRe, close to bus and Schools. Fenced-in back yard. $81003 BEDROOM house, Bath, LR, DR, K, Nook, Vj Basement, plastered inte rior, fir floors, electric or gas cooking, automatic oil heat, bus and schools close, nice lawn and shrubs. Garage. W0.10 MODERN 2 BR homo, LR, Dinette, k, Venetian Blinds, Bath, HW and Fir floors, plastered Interior. k basement, electric cooKlng and heating, garage. Immediate possession. $92.10 BUNGALOW style. 9 BR, 'LR, DR. K, Nook, Venetian Blinds, Fireplace, plastered, new roof, 2 room apt. above garage with full bath, nice yard. ,KHUTWO LOTS. 2 BR home, LR, DR. t, Venetian Biinas, uascment, hw floors, plastered interior, Fireplace, electric cooking, automatic oil furnace, garage, bus by dour, nice lawn and shrubs, fenced. S!)!f. 10 THREE NICE sized bedrooms, LR. DR, K, Nook, Venetian Blinds, Bath, Basement, HW floors, immediate pos session, very well located, garage, large garden snnce fencer in. SJIUim TWO BEDROOMS down. 2 BR up, LR, K. Nook, Venetian Blinds, Base ment, plastered Interior. HW floors, Fircplnce, 7 years old, electric cooking and water heating, automatic oil heat, Garage, bus by door. Immediate pos session. Sll.tlitll BEAUTIFUL 2 BR home, one story, HW floors throughout, coved cell ing In LR. and DR. Venetian Blinds, K. Nook, plastered interior, electric cook ing and heating, bus by door. Immedi ate oo&sesslon. $10.500 WELL LOCATED. 3 BR home. t'S stories, den and sewing room, hn, nam, DR, K, Venetian Blinds. Fireplace, HW and Fir floors, plastered Interior, elec tric cooking automatic sawdust heat, fiarane. nice lawn and shrubs. 1 1. 300 ONE STORY. 2 BR home, LR, DR. K Venetian Blinds, Bath, upstairs unfinished, plastered and papered inte rior, composition roof, new house. Fire place, electric cooking and heating, at tached garage. Utility Room, good loca tion, close to bus and schools, nice yard and shrubs, back yard fenced. SII.'JOO ONE YEAR Old, 2 BR home, Bath, LR, DR, K Bullt-lns, Venetian Blinds, good neighborhood, carpeting from wall to wall, Utility Room. Fireplace, plas tered, electric cooking. Garage, lawn is in, can have almost Immediate posses sion, most of furniture can be purchased extra. $12,000 PRACTICALLY new, 4 BR home. Bath. LR, DR. K. Bullt-ins. Venetian Blinds. HW floors, plastered interior. Electric cooking and heating. Garage, fully and completely furnished with all new furniture, possession 2 weeks. $i:t,on3 BR, Bath, LR, DR, K, Venetian Blinds, plastered interior, hw iioors, electric cooking and heating, Garage, coved ceilings in LR, nicely arranged, good location, large Utility Room, Insu lated and weathers trip nod. SlK.flllO ALL Furnished. 2 BR, Bath. LR. DR, K, Built-lns, Nook, Venetian BlindB, 2 Fireplaces, Bnsement and Party room In Basement, electric cooking and water heating, oil furnaco heat. Plastered in terior, HW and Fir floors. Garage, close to bus and school. Immediate possession. $11,500 I BR, 2 stories, double plumbing. LR. DR. K. Nook, Bullt-ins. Basement, electric or gas cooking, composlticn roof, plastered and papered interior. Fire place, double garage, extra large lot, creek property, large closet space, extra rental which is very neat and nicely ar ranged, LR, K, Bath, 1 BR, never been lived In. $IH,tJ,,.T 2 LOVELY bedrooms, new home. Bath, LR, DR, K, Nook, plastered Inte rior, HW floors, 2 fireplaces, large den with fireplace, electric cooking and heating, double garage, Immediate pos session, landscaped but lawn not in. $10,000 NEW 3 BR home. 2 stories, HW iioors,' plastered, double plumbing, LR, DR, K, Nook, Venetian Blinds, Base ment, single garage, electric cooking and heating. TERMS. $-.,ll0 TWO STORY English Style, 2 BR down, 2 BR up, double plumbing, LR DR, K, Built-lns, Nook, Venetian Blinds, Basement, cooking electric, automatic oil heat, double garage, plastered, HW and fir floors, view property, party room in basement with fireplace, car peted from wall to wall, Filipino Ma hogany in den, range and refrigerator and main iioor drapes go. KH.iwo TWO STORY. Spanish style, 1 BR down, 2 BR up. double plumbing, LR, DR, K, Nook, Venetian Blinds, also a Den. plastered. HW floors, tile roof. Fireplace, close to bus and schools. Drapes and carpeting go with home, beautiful lawn and shrubs, sprinkling system and fish pond. Hot water heat ing system with radiation In every room. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 Phone Evenings 6901 - 7163 - 4937 - 9340 a68 TWO HOUSES In West Salem, near Can nery. Some terms. Priced $4900 and $4300. Call BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High street a66 ED BYRKIT. REALTORS PHONE 59BI $.V00 FURNISHED 1 $4 BOO unfurnished: li acre. 2 bedioom house In Kelser. $cjuk ON BERRY ST. One year old. one bedroom house, nice living room, kitch en, utility, auto, gas piped furnace. Furniture can be bought. S71MMI ONE ACRE, two bedroom house, in side plumbing. Paved road. Close to school, cast 501100 N. CHURCH. 3 bedrooms, dining room, living loom, fireplace, nook, base ment, oil furnace. $9500 N. 2lMh. 2 bedroom, unfinished up Insulated. Dining room, rireplace, hdwd. floors, full basement. S. D. FUR. SlI.MHt ENCiLEWOOD. 6 years old. 3 bed room home, unfinished up, lg. living room, fireplace. Insulated, electric heat. This Is nice. $13,000 ENfil.EWOOD. 3 bedroom stucco home. La. living and dining room. Tire place. Electric heat, nice and clean. Insulated steel sash windows. I5,.'iO0 FAIRMOUNT HILL. Lg. bungalow type home. Extra large cr. lot, nice trees. SID.oon EAST. S bedrooms. It. living room, fireplace, lg. dining room, full basement, dbl. ga raae. nice medium size barn, 4 ac. orchard, 9 ac. In all. Living stream ED BYRKtT. REALTORS 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 8981 Eves. 3434 a66 BARGAIN 8 RM. MOD. house, garage, fruit, etc. Inside City and 5 Acres. For only $10,000.00. Vi down. NEW 3 RM., BATH, '-j Ac. Terms. $3700.00. EXCLUSIVE 4 B.R., unfin. house, ft Ac, North. Only $4300.00. TRADE 4 ROOM BATH, Fruit. Paving, N. Salem, for 2 B.R., small acreage, close in. BUY. TRADE OR SELL See E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Com'l Ph. 25497 a66 ItY OWNER: Will go O.I. New 2 bdrm ranch style home. Attached garage. In sulated, wealherstrlpped. hardwood floors, electrlo h.w. heater, oil floor furnace, lots ol built -ins, Immediate Pom. One block Irom bus. 3365 Knox Ave, 2 blocks N. of Center, one block E. of Park. a 66 BY OWNER: 2 bedrm., living rm., nook Kit., utility rm. one rental. Lot 100 x 100. Some trees. 1339 Franklin, West Salera. 5i FOR SALE HOUSES SPECIAL: By owner, Q.I. or civilian. 2 well constructed new homes, 2 bed rooms down, living room, bath, kitchen utility it dinette. 14x38 finished up stairs, completely Insulated. Willam ette silt soil. Will sell my large, well constructed home at 35 Lansing Ave. Also lots with well water or without. Be owner. a 63 FOR SALE: $5250. In Catholic commun ity. 6 room house, 2 large lots, elec, gas. city water and sewer. Filberts, pears, prunes, apples, cherries and granes. All spaded, early garden in Consider trade for acreage. Leo Pank ratz, Mt Angel Across Irom Burger Packing Co. a65 BY OWNER BEDRM. home, all on one floor. rm., L . im.. partly hdw. floors. Fire place. Full bsmt., oil furnace. Lg. lot, pvd. alley. Gar. Auto, sprinkling svs tern. 1025 N Church. a6S WE SHOW WITH PRIDE TO SEE Is to want to own this well- constructed -completely furnished nom in Enalewood. Spacious rooms, full hnsement oil heat, double garage. Dou ble plumbing, income possibilities If desired. Beautifully landscaped. $12,000. ANOTHER HOME of similar proportions in Highland district. $9500. A. E. DANIELSON, REALTOR 168 N. 12th St. Ph. 24483. a65 $13503 B.R. home. Llv. rm., kit., close to schl it bus. Call OMER. HUFF REAL' ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 Eves 25091. a65 NORTH 4th STREET CLOSE TO Highland school. Corner lot. paved st. 2 bedrm. house, lull Dase ment, bus by front door. Reduced lo 17500. I M. O. HUMPHREYS As CO., REALTORS 2288 Fairgrounds d. pn. auo. ato- JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Q. I. PREFERRED LOVELY NEW 5 rm. home, unfin. up stairs. OH fl. furnace. O.I. down pay ment. $850. Open, for Sale to the pub lic. Price $8500. MAKE AN OFFER OWNER LEAVING! LET us show, you this nice 3 bdrm. homel AS A HOME-OR-AN INVESTMENT! 5 BEDRMS-, fireplace. Can be used as a rooming hse. or easily made into 4 ants. At present, very su IV able for Jarge lamlly, Price $9500. BEAUTY-COMFORT-CONVENIENCE NEW HOME. 3 bdrms. Nice kitchen, party room. Unfin Up. Hdw. firs., oil furn ace and 'i A. KNOTTY PINE DEN NEW HOME. Stucco, Maple As Hemlock firs., dbl, garage. Ige. lot. EXCLUSIVE 3 B.R. home, new. Nice fir. plan, unfin. up. Kelzer DtSt. J8500. Salesmen: "Hubby" Habernicht Miles Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Res. 24682 Phone 7606 a66" M A.. KEI.ER DIST., BY OWNER: Ultra modern 3 bedrm. home, L.R., D.R.. kit. nook, full basement. Dbl. garage, chick house, filberts, walnuts, fruit, nice shrubs. ',4 ml. W. of school. Imm. pose. Inquire 1025 N. Church. , a65 NEAR GRANT SCHOOL $5800 ,1 BEDRM. home. Llv. rm., din rm.. kit., dbl garage, lg. lot. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph 21549. Eves. 25091. a65 $10,750 NICE 2 B.R. home. Llv. rm.. kt., nook, hdw. firs., fireplace. Lg. bsmt. Furn Olqse to schl. At bus. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 25091. a65 MAKE OFFER ON THESE NICE HOMES $7900 NICE 2 bedrm. home In a swell location. LR., kit., tile drainooards din. rm., haw. firs, thruout, fireplace, Pipe furnace it trays In full fin. base ment. DANDY 3 bedrm. home. SS500. L.R., D.N.. kit., bath, fireplace, full fin. basement, sawdust pipe furnace. Pavement, bus. close to schl Nice dist. $0100 GOOD 4 bedrm. home In hus. dist. Llv. rm., din. rm., kit., bath, v blinds, sawdust pipe furnace In full fin. bsmt. A good place. Call RAY DAVIS HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3703. Eves. 9441. a65 G. I. ONLY: New 5 room mod. house. Utility room, attached garage. Extra lge. lot. Elec water htr., floor fur nace. I bought house on G.I. loan but leaving town Furnished or unfurnish ed, 325 Park Ave.. Salem. ' a65 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS OWN YOUR OWN $3800. TERMS Large living room, dining room, kitchen combination, bedroom, built-lns and closets, utility room, dou ble garage. Lot about 65 x 150. Just E of town. NEAT 3 BEDROOM HOME: Living room. large kitchen, elec. h.w. heater, 2-car garage, large lot. Located on bus line and close to school $5500. Move in soon. SEE THIS LOVELY HOME. It has a large living room, bedroom, bath, very mod ern kitchen and nook with pecan floors downstairs. 2 bedrooms upstairs. Utility room. att. double garage, large fenced-in ynrd. All for $7500, FAIRMOUNT HILL DIST. Spacious living room with fireplace, dining room, kit chen, 3 bedrooms, closets and bullt-ins. att double garage: full basement. Large .beautifully landscaped yard. Call for an appointment to see this. $11,750. CALL or SEE James B Hartman or K. N Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph. 9361 ft 65' 3 BDRM. house, walking distance, Irge lot, N.. by owner. Ph. 21048. aes- WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU can buy modern new 2 bedrm. home Elec. heat, elec. hot wa ter heater, lg. lot Price S6950. GEO. D. ALDERIN. REALTOR 431 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 5780 Eves. 2-1462 a66 VERY NICE 2 B.R. home. L.R. with fire place, large kitchen, nice bath, hard wood floors throughout, full bnsement, snwrtint :urnre with fan nri Mmr. mostat, laundry trays, newly deco-.-itrd. this Is a !ate built house and In excell'-nt condition Only $10. 750.00 Near MrKlnley and Leslie schools. VERY LOVELY 2 bedroom home. L.R with fireplace. DR., nice kitchen wired for range, bath. hardwood floor throughout. Venetian blinds lots of closets, rull basement with elect, water heater and elect air conditioned fur nace with germicidal lamp, attached garage fine lawn and shrubs Th!. home Is al' newly decorated. If you are looking for a better than average home, this Is It OLDER TYPE home. LR.. DR.. kitchen nooK, a B.R.'s. bath, den, newiy decor ated, full basement, oil furnace, gas water heater, leundrv trays, gas range aprinkling system This home la close In north ano a buy at $9500.00. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on these three CLOSE IN home with an income, L.R Wltn lireplnce, 2 bedrooms, bam, Kit chen. dlntte, full basement, sawdust furnace, laundry trays, plus a 2 room furnished ant rentlnr for $65 a month This is well worth the price of only $0500.00. FLOYD VOI .K EL REAL ESTATE Phone 7337 a5 46900.00. NEW 3 B.R.'t, Elec. heatlnr. fully insulated. All Piaster interior. Att. garage, bus at door. North Call "CRAIG." BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3310. Eve. 5053 337 N. High Street a65 SPECIAL HOUSES that are completely furnished. Available for 1mm. poss. 1 2-bedrm. house, 2 yrs. old, hwd. floors, excellent Cond. S6350, 1 2-BEDRM. house, very clean. If. lot, t blk. city bus $6950, 1 S-BEDRM. house, V ac. land. N. ot town $7230 R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR 176 S. Com'l. Ph. 8841 a65 BY "OWNER: 3 rra home. 810 of an A Floor coverings oil circulator, elec. water system. Wired for range. $3250 3985 Pleasant View Drive. Phone 21101 a6 NORTHEAST SMALL, NEAT home, has 1 bedroom, liv ing room, kitchen, bath and utility room, has hardwood floors in living room and bedroom, flrrplace, car port. 147'tV LEE OH MART & CO.. REALTOR? 411 Court Si. Phone 9680 or 4033 a FOR SALE by owner. 5 rm. mod. house Oil furnace fireplace, hwd. floor m L rm., unfinished attic, gar., some fruit trees. 14M) Market St. Ph. 8750. See tenants (or price. os FOR SALE HOUSES BETTER BUYS BY BOURNE Phone 8216 Phone 8216 EXCEPTIONAL HOME LARGE NEW home in an exceptional setting, nice grove of trees, paved street, city bus by the door, large living room, very nice dining room, big kitchen, two large bedrooms down stairs, plenty large enough for twin beds, two rooms upstairs partly finish' ed. an insulated house, having double plumbing, electric heat, well built. hardwood and fit floors, large double garage wl'.h finished upstairs. See this, It's different. Immediate possession. The price is right $11,600. $3000 DOWN BRAND NEW 2 bedroom modern home East, plenty of room to finish two more bedrooms upstairs. Attached ga iuvc, large lot This home will go u.i. 11 necessary. Arrangements have been made at 4i interest to finance balance above $2000 Total price $8000. G. I. SPECIALS (2) TWO bedroom homes at Pen 4 Cor ners, brand new, hardwood floors. $700 down. $1500, $2500 DOWN WE HAVE several good two, three and four bedroom plastered homes that can be purchased for a small down pay ment, balance like rent. 5 ACRES SUBURBAN MODERN 3 bedroom home, electric heat, a grand kitchen with plenty of built lns, double garage, poultry house, good barn, insulated fr.uLt feousef 1 block off 99. school bus by the door, ground all plowed and ready for planting. Immediate possession. $6950. FARMS 50 ACRES. Excellent Improvements. 2 houses, fruits, berries, close In to Sa lem, paved road, some equipment, an excellent dairy set up, $24,500. 30 ACRES, modern 3 bedroom home, or chard, berries, Irrigated, good bean land, $10,600 $4000 10 ACRES, 214 miles Northwest of Wood burn, 2 A. cane berries, 2 room house, well, small barn and chicken house, good soil, good terms. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR Phone 8216 1140 N. Capitol a67 NORTH CLEAN, S-ROOM home, living room, din ing room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, part basement, some furniture Included for $5750. Nice lot. LEE OHMART it CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 96S0 or 4035 SUBURBAN NORTH SMALL HOME, has 1 bedroom, living room, kltcnen and bath, some furniture goes, has garage, 1 acre of good rich soil $4800. LEE OHMRT it CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. ' Phone 4036 or 9680 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to 6 Call for details. BYRKTT at POTTS ' 339 Chemeketa Phone 5937 a $03.10.00 GOOD 3 -Bdrm. sub. home on S Summei near bus line. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 7393. Eves. 25260. a6S' SEE THIS beautiful home on KIngwood Heights. Wooded acre overlooking all Salem and The Cascade Range. Llv. rm 10x33, fireplace, oil furnace. 3 bdrms. Price $16,400.00 Call Mr. WALTERS HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. ' Phone 7393. Eves. 25260. a65 7 RM. MDN. home In Sllverton. 3 im. apt. and cabin to rent, 4 rm. apt. for owner. 2'a a. shrubs, fruit, nuts, bldc.. $8500. 908 Reserve St. a69 $0500, II RM. ENO. tvpe, full basement attic, dble. garage. Ph. 5189. a6S WELL LOCATED SUBURBAN HOME AND INCOME $13,000.00 WELL LOCATED SUBURBAN property with incomb. one mod ern home consisting of 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kit chen, nook, bullt-ins, basement, fire place, electric cooking, automatic saw dust furnace, double garage, electric water system. All rooms are large and this home wa built for the home of the builder 6 years ago when it was possible to build good homes, also there Is another home on the proper ty now rented for $25.00 per month. Also If desired there is room for sev eral more cottages to be constructed This property is located on main pav ed highway and close to Salem. Terms can be arranged on this property. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 109 8. High Street , Ph. 6131 Ph. evenings 9340-4937-6901-7163 a65 $enoo 7 rm. hse. on Mission st. Bath, In very good condition, 1 nice lots, dou ble garage, several trees, close to bus At schrjl, urefk lot. MONEY TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cittage St. Ph. 3723 a65 FOR SALE LOTS ONE-HALF ACRE GOOD LOCATION, East, best of soil. growing community. Price $395. $00 down, balance $16 per mo. Call D J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5338 BB65 CANDALARIA HEIGHTS BEN VISTA PARK MTN. VIEW TRACTS DON'T FORGET these names) Salem's finest view property. For appointment Call Dale L. Shepherd with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S, Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 aa65a PLAN TO BUILD? ffl.lO LOT 50x90. North, terms. S'ftO CORNFR lot 48x100. terms. SH.MLOT 76x80. North, terms. $10.10 GOOD lot. North. RIVER FRONT LOTS 133x300 FT. facing on river, restricted district North. Large native trees, some fruit. Road two sides. A rare find. Price $2000. C. H. SANDERS-231 N. Hlgh-5838. aa66 BEAUTIFUL RESTRICTED lot In Kelzer, 108' x 148' with 9 walnut trees. High ground, close to school, on 60' street. This week only $950.00. 1260 N, 17th St. aa70 WALNUT PARK lot, Center between 23rS it 24th, N. front, 52x100. Only $1225 Walter Socolofsky, Real Estate. Ph. 8835. a a 65 CHOICE BUILDING lots, $600 to $850 Water available Park and East Fred erick Sts., just off Center St, Inquire owner, Dinlel B Klclhege, 3149 Cen ter St. Tel. 3337. aa65 FOR SALE by Owner Good view lot. 68 x 199. Cascade Terraces. Make offer. Phone 2-6631 aa65 FOR SALE FARMS FARM BEAUTIFUL $15.730 VERY MODERN home built In 1940, att. garage, barn, chicken house, shop, machine shed, drilled Irrigation well, 34 acres in all, 3 acres of cane berries, family fruit. Lays 11 ml'.ei N. on pavement ie la the nicest place for the money we have ever l.sted. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. J355. Tves. 24479 b67- A GRAND FARM fully equipped; new tractor and house full of new furniture. 6 room ranch home, all remodeled, plain but comfortable. New elec. water heat er, elrc. and kitchen range. 3 new bed room suites, daveno it chair, etc. Older type barn In good repair, poultry house. pump house with new Meyers deep well pump, new case Tractor. 6 A. good bear ing prune orchard, some cherries, open land seeded to fall grain, 11 nice neat ranch with potential cash Income, lo cated in Polk county, tiled and well drained, ready to move tn. $14,750. 837-A DAIRY FARM 15 ACRES, cleared Az fenced. 10 Jersey At Guernsey cows. 19 stanchion barn. 30 tons hay. 3 other farm buildings. 1 Mc-Cormlck-Dcertng milk. mach. S room home. $9500-94000 down. 821 OWNER RETIRING 80 ACRE chicken farm, Orosa income last year $14,200 on $22,500 Investment. 1800 laying hens. McCormlck-Deerlng trac tor, manure spreader. Allls-Chalmera combine and all necessary farm machin ery included in above price. Good buildings. 1001 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 8. High Ph. 9203 b65 ft" ACRES. i cultivated. "In timber Neat 4 room home. Small chicken house. Elec. water system. Place completely fenced. $5750 LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9361 b6$ NELSON FARMS BEFOR YOU BUY ft farm or acreage check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson A Nelson, Masonic Bldg., Ph. 4419. b FOR SALE FARMS "C" KILGORE TRACTOR As equipment, 4 BR home, fam ily orchard, barn and milk house, lots of other buildings, 54 acres, 6 A. In berries, S A. Alfalfa, 30 A. seeded to oats it vetch, bal. seeded to past. Will, silt soil, 7 ml. from Salem on paved rd. $27,000. 'C" KILGORE 80 ACRES mostly Wapato soli, 3 BR house, large barn, some beaver dams, priced at only $15,000; $7000 down. "C" KILGORE 74 ACRES Irrigated. 60 A. cult., 4 BR house, gar., barn, fenced it cross fenced, $11,000; $6000 down. "C" KILO ORE OWNER LEAVING, 105 acres, 50 A. cult., bal. timber it pasture. Modern 2 BR home with fireplace. Yr. around creek, nice location on 99 -E 80. $17,000. "C" KILGORE 80 A. bottom land on this 290 A. place. 7 room house, 27 A. hops. For more information drop In or call "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 So. 12th. Open Sun. P.M. Ph. 4855 2342 So. Commercial St. b67" McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 NICE HOUSE and 10 acres good soli, 3 BR up, 1 BR down. House Is 8 years old, oil heat, electric light. Bath, Basement, Garage, Barn 30 x 50, Poultry House, Acres cultivated 10, 1 acre orchard, 1 acre sweet clover, all under Irrigation. Nearly new tractor, disc, plow, harrow, and a good cow. $14,000. Terms, $5000 down, balance $500 a year plus 5 In terest. THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE LIST ING. CALL US FOR AN APPOINT MENT TO SEE IT OR DRIVE BY AND THEN CONTACT US. Formerly Route 5, Box 59. Now Route 9, Box 338, Salem. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE PHONE 5131 or 8620 Evenings 0340-4937-0901-7103 b66 FOR THIS MONTH ONLY 55 A. ON LAKE LABISH. 11.8 A. BEAVER DAM, PRODUCED A GOOD CROP LAST YEAR. 43 A. BENCH LAND IN STUMP AND TIMBER. LAYS VERY NICE. No bldgs. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 4ao Court Pho. 7696; Res. 25141 b66 JOEmJTCHIBON ' REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7698 FARM MINDED? 160 A, 11 Mi. from Dallas. Lge. hse., not mod. 24 A. cult. Price $4750. Brokers Invited. 24.63 A. All cult. New. mod. 6 rm. hse.. 3 Bra. Good barn it poultry hse. New Case Tractor it disc, hand tools. Near ly all NEW furniture. An excellent buy at $14,750. 80, A. Amity it Choc. 4 rm. hse., good barn, and poultry hse. Wheat, oats, rye grass, family orchard, Price $10,000. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Pho. 7896; Res. 25141 b66 5 ACRES, nicely located on Lancaster Drive, good garden soli, well drained (no bldgs.). $3500. 10 ACRES, east near Auburn School; short distance from pavement on good gravel road; about three acre timber lot. $3500. 7M ACRES east, mostly In fruit and nuts. $4500. 5 ACRES full bearing walnut orchard. east. SMJQO. 15 ACRES, fair two bedroom home, 4 'A acres good prune orchard, variety other fruit and nuts. Full price $6500. $2000 will handle. 33 ACRES. One of the finest views in the valley. About six acres Boysenberrics, two acres strawberries, twenty acres oats and vetch. Oood Ford-Ferguson trac tor, disc and tiller. Three bedroom home, double garage, barn, poultry house. A delightful farm at $14,600. SO ACRES. 40 acres cultivated and In crop, balance timber and pasture, six acres (on ditch) can be Irrigated. Good 8-room home, largs barn and outbuild ings. $14,500. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 Eves. 6198-24773 b65 FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 ACRES of Strawberries In Keizer Dis trict. This is the Best Investment In Salem. These are alt certified plants, first good years. Don't Miss this. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 , bb67 $6ftfl0 SVS A. Good hse., barn and Chick en nse.. close in. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 946 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4690; Eves. 25630 bb67 $0500 81 ft A.- 1-4 rm. hse., wired for range, Elec. Hot Water heater. Elec. water syst, from good spring. Barn, chicken hse., 1-2 rm. hse. near school. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 bb67 FOR SALE: 2 coast opportunities. 40 acres unimproved land, some merchantable timber, several acres natural cranberry bog. On gooa county road. ALSO 80 acres. Unimproved, near Lin coln Co. beach resorts. Nice stream through tract. About 35 A. rich bottom balance timbered upland. For further Information, address P. O. Box 283, Sllverton, Oregon. bb66 TWO ELEGANT acreages close In and can be subdivided lor nomes and business. LUSE REALTY Oregon Bldg. 7B62 bb65 "C" KILGORE 7. A. CLOSE IN. City water, beautiful fir grove, uoi. gar., Darn, cmciten nousc. Home is owner occupied At very nice. Kit., DR.. LR., BR., den At full, bath down. Doors At woodwork down are polished gumwood. Lg. liv. rm. with fireplace it view of mts. At city. 2 BR. As full bath up. Full bsmt.,. auto, .oil heat. Priced at only $19,500. "C" KILGORE 35 A. 19 A. seeded oats As vetch. 6 A. berries. No bldgs. Priced at $60QD. . "C" KILGORE . 13 A. AT AURORA. A rm. house. $7000. "C" KILGORE 15 A. FILBERTS, 4 rm. furnished house. Priced at only $9000. "C" KILGORE NEW S RM. HOME, all new furniture Inc. elect, range is ref., A. fcn Kelser Dlst. Priced to sell at $11,500. "C" KILGORE THE IMPROVEMENTS are worth the price asked. Yr. around creek. 6 A. seeded pasture. Pole corrals, barn is floored it celled, new chicken house, 2 rm. shop. Very neat, modern house, elect, heat, lg. liv. rm. with fireplace. Beautiful lawns with underground sprinkler sys tem. This 10 A. $12,000. "C" KILGORE 5 A. WITH 3 A. In Boysenberrics and Strawberries, neat little home with LR, DR, Kit. 1 BR & Utility porch. Place is all fenced. $5750. "C" KILGORE 10 A. FENCED, 4 A. cleared, 1 A. family orchard, bal. In timber it pasture. Eng lish style house 4 yrs. old. A good buy at $5750. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 So. 12th. Open Sun. P.M. Ph. 4B56 2342 So. Commercial St. bb67 BEAUTIFUL" COUNTRY" HOME TWO ACRES, some timber, llvo creek. 4 -room house Includes furnture, elec. water system, double garage, good fish ing it hunting. This must be seen to be appreciated. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham, 341 State St., Room 4. bb65' CHOICE SOIL NORTH 20 ACRES, 2 A. timber, 6 room plast. house with shade, barn. Several acres berries. $18,000, terms. 20 ACRES, all cultlv., spring, 5 room house, old barn, gar., chick, house, some equip. $6000. 19 ACRES, Very small house, mighty fine drainage and building site. All In large filberts, apples, walnuts. Good spring. Good tractor and equip. All $6300, or trade for city. 8 ACRES, 1 A. timber, 14 A. bearing cherries, 2 BR house, paved road, bus. $5500 i cash. NORTHEAST 8 ACRES of fine soil and location on bus. 2 A. berries, good 7 room house, good barn. 3 large chick, houses, Price $10,000. 1 ACRE, WEST. 2 B.R. home, elect. $3750. Trade for more ground. See Mr. Nelson with C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 x bb66 R EDUC ETH ECOST OFLI VINO EASILY DONE oo this 3 acres, east; 1H acres filberts; lovely six room home, hardwood floors, electric cooking and water heating; double garage and out buildings. It's very nice for $10,500. Trade lor home In town. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High Phone 7660 Eves. 6198-24773 bb65' FOR SALE by owner. 10 Ac. mixed heavy producing fruit, mostly Royal Anne cherries. Close in. Priced tight. Liberal terms. Ph. 25739. bb63 FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE by owner, 4U ac. Inside city limits, on hlway N. Ideal location Ipr nursery, nest 01 sou. 37 W AC. About 2 ml. East. Perfect sub division. School adjoining. 80 AC. Within 20 mln. drive of Salem. $135 per ac. $5000 dn.; bal. $1200 yr. inclu. Interest. Excellent soil. Ph. 4423. bb67 REAL ESTATE SPECIAL $6830. 2 BDRM. home close to school and bus, large living rm., with fireplace, V. Blinds, large Kitchen with nook, bus In front of door. Don't Wait, this Is the place. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS Ph. 4590. Eve. 25830. 945 8. Com'l St. c67 $7000. 3 BDRM. home close to"MckinIey sch., large lot, beautiful yard. Imm. Poss. 1 OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 25830 c67 $10,500. 3 BDRM. home close In, hwd. firs., V. Blinds, fireplace, coved ceil ings, full bsm't, large lot, small down Pymt. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS 945 6. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 25830 c67" $6750. 3 BDRM. home in Kelrer District, close to school and bus. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 25830 C67" $13,500. 3 BDRM. home, 1 yr. old, flre" place, Elec. heat, double plumbing. Most modern Kitchen In Salem. Bus In front of door. You can't build this house for the price. OLSON AND REEVE REALTORS' 945 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 25830 c6T NELSON NEWS BIO HOUSE, BIG LOT, NO. A MODERN plastered home, L. R., D, R., Kit., 1 bdrm. down, 3 bdrms. it bath up. concrete foundation, dbl. garage, large lot. Ideal for gardening, berries. 2 blks. to bus, on paved at., $6500. CLOSE IN, ON 1 FLR. NEARLY ALL close In homes In Salem are 2 As 3 story bldgs. but here Is one with 3 bdrms. is den, plus spacious L. R., D. R.. Kit., nook, bath As utility, all on 1st fir., hwd. firs., fplace, has full basmt. with auto, oil heat, garage, on large lot, only $9500. GOOD KEIZER HOME ALL ON 1 FLR., L. R., D. R Kit., 3 bdrms., bath As utility rm., 1 14 ac. ground, river, good ground with several . bearing fruit it nut trees, near school, bus it store, $0450. GOOD POLK COUNTY FARM ALMOST 35 AC. with newly remodeled As redecorated 3 bdrm. home, bath, fruit rm., etc., large 13 stan. barn, 2 garages, pump At tool hse., 4 wells, grain, cher ries, prunes, pasture, complete with new Case tractor At equipment, all new modern furniture. $14,750. IF THESE do not meet your requirements tell us what you want. We probably have It listed. We now have homes, acreages and more than 100 farms listed. CORRECTION IN OUR Sat. Ad the wrong house No. was given. The house we wanted you to drive by Is 1435 N. nth. Be sure to look at that at your earliest conven ience. NELSON As NELSON Chet I. Nelson Thco, G. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg.. 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622, Eves. 21350 c65a HOMES $4350 NICE 1 B.R. on Mi acre close In East. Immediate Possession. $4850.002 B.R. In good condition close to school and bus. $7000.00 COMFORTABLE 3 B.R. on H acre with barn and poultry house near school. ACREAGE $6500.0010 ACRES with nice 5 room home. Plentv of outbuildings, creek and spring. Black soil. $7360 8H ACRES, good berry land. 2 B.R. home with elec. heat, barn and poultry house on 99E. WE HAVE a beautiful 3 B.R. modern home located In the center of 10 acres of orchard with a creek thru corner. This home has Just been completely redeco rated Inside and out. 20x30 barn. 2 room house, cow just fresh and 24 red chickens and tractor go with place. You have to see this place to appreciate It. Close"'to Salem on 99E. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MACHINE SHOP In logging town doing $1500 per month gross. $6500.00. ' STORE, HOME and service station doing good business in small town. Death of husband, reason for selling. $7500.00. THOS. A. ROBERTS. REALTOR Formerly of Hawkins Ac Roberts SEE MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4109 c66 40 ACRES: Good soil, a lot of good tim ber. $4000. Close in, no bldgs., nice loca tion. NICE HOME In Rick re a 11, $4500. Fruit. betrles. about V acre. LOVELY Dutch colonial home. $17,000 This place has all that It takes. Call ED SMITH HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St Phone 21549 Eves. 9441. c65a A NEW 2 bedroom home with nice view. At Pen 4-Corners. Heady In two weeks. $6950. 33 ACRES Ip Keizer district. $800 per acre. Excellent for subdividing. OLAF THONSTAD, REAL ESTATE 941 N. Capitol St. Phone 7903. c70 MONEY TO LOAN on ftist mortgages 4 tO 8t. Call for detH BYRKTT A POTTS $39 Chemeketa Phom 6981 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO buy from owner. 5 or 6 rm. house not over 10 yrs. old. Pay cash. Box 293, Capital Journal. ca66 'LARGE or small we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, list your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca68 WE ARE In need of good homes to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list ' your property for sale, gee GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea FOR PROMPT and courteous servica list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 555 N Liberty Phone 7327 ca ATTENTION OWNERS OWING to e-ur strategic location on high way 99K we have commenced to get a numbe- of out-of-state buyers We need listings on good farms, city homes, acreage and any kind of a business that you want to sell. We sold over one million dollars In property In 46 mnd we will really appreciate your listings StTLUVAN REALTY. INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph 3255: eves. 24479 ea LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA LEM REALTY CO. O. W BARTLETT. REALTOR. 149 N. HIOH 8T PH. 7660 NOTICE! If your property Is for sale rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds cash buyers STATE FINANCE COH REALTORS 153 8 High St ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE MODERN MARKET. Lots of new equip ment. Good lease. Going business. Stock at inventory. Fixtures and equipment, $10,000. No phone Information. 747. THIS IS HOT GROCERY STORE and meat tnkt. High way location In fast growing part of town. $86,000. Gross business for 1946, $100,000; for 1947. Stock and fixtures. Living quarters. Oood lease. Make an offer. 726 WELL STOCKED $6900. GROCERY At Service Station on highway. Well stocked and doing a going cash business. S yr. lease. Liv ing quarters. 704 DOWNTOWN CAFE $6M0. CATERS to working men. Doing a good paying business. Counters and booths. Some terms. 708 NO COMPETITION $15,800. FOUNTAIN Lunch and Grocery business. Restricted location. No com petition. A yr. lease, $85.00. 722 AUTO COURT $10,000 WILL get possession of an Auto Court that will net $400 month win ter. $600 in tourist season season. Near Salem. 748 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 8. High Ph. 9203 cd65 CAFE FOB laJt. Ph. 8027. Cd67 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3 B.R. HOUSE N. for 2 B.R. house BE. Salem. Inquire 1016 Broadway. Ph. 3150, cd70 DOWNTOWN CAFE GOOD LEASE, all stock, equip. At fixtures. good seating capacity. Everything goes ior $40ud, pay $1700 Dn. it take over, SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255, Eves. 8415 cd67' CABINET SHOP At HOME ALMOST ONE ACRE of around with 2 B.R. home built in 1940 As lots of fruit trees. Shop with all equipment, 2 drill presses, jointer, table saw, sander. All goes incld. elect, range. Illness reason for selling. Alt for $8500 or will trade for city home. SULLIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3265, Eves, 24479 cd67 IDEAL COURT SITE 431 FT. FRONTAGE on 99E North. 2.30 acres all In bearing filberts. Furnished modern ranch style 4 rm. home, dbl. garage. Full price $7800. Terms. $3500 down. SULUVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 7057 Cd67 GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY" WITH RENTALS of approx. $500 mo. This is real opportunity for couple wanting permanent Income. $15,000 will handle. Owner should average $8000 annually. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 Cd67 NO. 3 BUSINESS ZONE LARGE 8 KM. homo located on lot 75x125 ft. A good location for any kind of business. A bargain at $5250. DOWNTOWN LOT located close-in North. Size 821, x 165 ft. This lot Is located right in the lino of growth. See this beforo you buy, if you want a real busi ness location. Call O. H. Grabcnhorst, Jr.. with ' GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eves. 2-2048 RESIDENTIAL COURT LATE-BUILT, 10 units, elec. heat, floor carpeted, elec. ranges, utility rms., sprinkling system in yard. Close to schools, business As "bus. Income $375 per mo. FOR DEATILS Call Coburn L. Grabcnhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 cd65 FOR SALE: Small grocery store, In grow ing community. Mi acre land, llvlna quarters, good stock, all for $5900. or ouq down and $50 monthly. Call 4839. cd06 GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY WITH COURT rentals bringing approx $500 month. Real opportunity for cou ple wanting permanent Income. $15,000 will handle Owner should average $8000 net annually. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET sssss 'ji jj1 I Vjswj FURNITURE FOR SALE USED FURNITURE for sale. Call 4201. atarung at 4 0 clock. d66 NEW WALNUT bed, spring 8c innerspring mattress, loao . summer. duo DAVENPORT and chair. Very good cond. COMFORTABLE daveno, practically new. 545 N. Church St. dflfl WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. oKiuHi ruKW-ixuRE co. Phone 7511 da CASH FOB YOUR used furniture. Ph 7598 State Street Furn, 1900 State QIGnEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 6110. da' AUCTIONS LANE SUDTELL'S COMMUNITY AUCTION, WED.. MAR. 19, 10 A.M. A: 7 P.M. LOCATED l,i MI. E. OF FAIRGROUNDS ON SILVERTON RD. PH. 6098 NEW St USED furniture consisting of asvenos, upnoistered chairs, end ta bles, beds, mattresses, tables, chairs, davenports, G.E auto, steam Iron, painted china dishes, 10 cup coffee urn, with creamer As sugar, radios, elec. hot -water heaters, 1 model P. Olctrac tractor In good cond., new blankets, sheets As pillow cases, M h.p. elec. mo tor, spring tooth harrows, plows, cul tivators, 1 Sampson tractor, 13 bot tom 16 In. Case plow, 13 bottom 14 In. Allis Chalmerc plows, many other use ful farm articles. Chickens, Tabblts, ducks, a good selection of veal As day old calves As feeder stock, 20 head of feeder hogs, several good lots of welner Pigs, bred gilts At sows, springer heif ers, milk cows As bulls. We have an order for 50 head of white faced feed er stock. If you have any contact us. LANE SUDTELL'S COMMUNITY AUCTION dd65 FOR SALE IIVESTOCK GOLDEN PALOMINO 4 yr. old stallion. ureen oroxe oarK stem, white tall At mane. Also reg. horse mare. 6 yr. old unbroke. Coal black, white sty on face. Not for experienced rider. Also double horse trailer. Also saddle, blan- Jcet AsbrJdleL Sllverton. Ph. 1661. e67 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows st ooars at your farm or delivered mar ket price. E. O. McCandllsh, Rt. 9, Box 233. across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147 ea70 WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. win can ac rarrn. write e. l enetnen, 1550 Lancaster DrM Salem. Pbu 31345 morn, or eves. ea77 RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any lurs. west side Fur Co., west Salem eb82 WING'S BABBITRY pays highest prices ior raoDiis, 4 to 0 ids. 3885 state St. 1 blk. E. ol 4 corners. Ph. 109F5. eb80 PETS SPRINGER Spaniel puppies, purebred. Fe males $10, males $20. 675 Bteber St., 1 blk. east of Park Ave. ec65 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure- ored. Females $25, males $35. Roy H. Simmons, Rl. 4, Box 270. Ph. 21143. FOR SALE WOOD CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 8444 MILL WOOD. $6.00 load. Ph. 5852 or 6341. ee88 PLYWOOD cores Ac old fir. Ph. 3380. ee86 DRY WOOD At sawdust. Ph. Maker 7868. ee8S FRESH cut sawdust, $8.00 load, mediate del. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. Im- 6533. ee66 GOOD dry 18 -In. slab, $8.80 load. Ore gon Fuel Co. Ph. 6533. te66 TRI CITY FUEL S Cord Load $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 18' Slab Wood 81 Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We am S&H Green Stamps ee77 $4 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB At EDGINGS. PH. 6683 ei77 X CORD LOAD, 16 In. slab Ai edgings, 18 inao- imm. oei. pn 0533 Oregon ruei Co ee72 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block. Double load 120.00. Imm, del. Ph. 346, Yamhill. Ore. ee76 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab, good for furnace Ph 7731 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A DRY WOOD and sawdusk Stove oil and dlesel oil. Ph. 2-4031. ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 34031. FOR SALE POULTRY LEGHORN cockerels. 3c ea. Bring boxes, Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. f76 CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every Wed. Boyington's. 3710 State f89 YEAR AROUND Cash Buyers A whole salers, rou'try. eggs Si turkeys. Also North West brand quality feeds. North West Poultry 5b Dairy Products Co. 1505 N. Front St., Salem. Ph. 7007, 171 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly In seven varieties. New Hampshlres always available In chicks Orowing pullets, any age. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery f WANTED HELP OPENING FOR a Real Estate Salesman. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR Ph 8216 1H0 N. Capitol g67 GROCERY CLERK. Saving Center. Port land Rd. - a" RELIABLE WOMAN to take care of home and children while mother Is In hos pital. Room, board and salary. Ph. 7028 Eves. $67 GIRL OR woman to assist in housekeeping As care of two children, pn. aiaua, goo HOUSEKEEPER In country home. 4 adults in family. $55 per mo . Ph. 17F3 or 9137. R. W. Tavenner. Rt. 4 Box 418. WANTED: MEF to work In hop yard. Ph. 23052 or 9623. John J. Rooerts Co. WANTED: Young man to train for store managership. Age 18 to 27. College ed ucation desirable Box 290, Capital Journal. $66 SALESLADY WANTED for head of sports wear Dept. Experience necessary. Box 291 Capital Journal. $66' EXPERIENCED woman silk finisher, top salary, capital Deiux cleaners, G4s Center St. g69 WANTED: Good male cook. Will give the right man good set-up. Must fur nish references. New cafe. Barber's Grocery, Turner Ore. g67 EXCELLENT opportunity for men 35 or over. Apply mornings, 403 Oregon Biae. g6Sa MECHANIC with truck experience. Must Rtso bo welder. Apply In person. Lyons Garage. Lyons, Oregon. g63 EXP. ALTERATION lady 8s fitter. Good salary. Apply a Sally's. g WOMAN to care for semi-Invalid. Not' Sunday work Phone 6103 after 6 p.m. 1 EXP. HOSIERY mender. Miller's Dept. store. Apply mending counter. $67' EXP. WOOL prcsser. City Cleaning Works, iis utate hi g GOOD DEAL for right salesmen. Salem Rock Wool Co. 1535 Broadway. Ph. 3748. FORMER NAVY and Coast Guardsmen interested in re-enlistment In the Coast Guard service, are urged to con tact your local recruiting office now, for many of the critical ratings of fered previously, are closing fast. For mer FC, RM. AETM, enlisted now as 2nd or 3rd class, depending on former rate. ETM, RDM. SOM, enlisted as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class, depending on for mer rate. PHM's enlisted as HAlo only. All other ratings enlisted as Seaman 1c or Fireman lc. There will be fur ther changes In the near future, to ACT NOW. g- STENO. AND bookkeeper combined. For general on ice wont. Must be perma nent. Box 280, Capitol Journal. g EXP. LADY for fur reparr a alterations Price's. 135 North Liberty c ARE YOUt ft former Navy or Coast Guard veteran witn any 01 tne louowing ratings? RADIOMAN, ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN'S MATE ELECTRICIAN'S MATE YEOMAN. AVIATION RADIOMAN OR FIRE CflNTRDLMAN. IF SO YOU ARE probably eligible for en listment in your old rate at the same grade up to first class. Several other rates also open to first class. First as signment In this district I Base pay for first class Is now $135 per month, plus longevity. You still get the free medical ana dental aid for self and dependents, family allowances and sea duty pay. 30 or 30 year retirement. Your former ser vice counts toward pay and retirement. 20 year retirement now pays $128 per month for life. AU pay Is Income tax lr"' v TAKE CARE OP YOUR FTJTnnie CONTACT your local recruiting United mates coast Guard stations at Rm. 32, 360V& State St... Salem; P. O. Bldg., ' Eugene, Ore ' WANTED POSITIONS LAWNMO WE RS QUICKLY, expertly ground, repaired, pickup it deliver. Sea Ted. Salem Saw Works. Ph. 7603. h70 HOME NURSERY for children 2 to 6 yrs. lig. enclosed back yd. 1761 8. Lib erty. Ph. 31866. h6B BABY SITTING. Ph. 25631. h67" PLOWING As general tractor work. Have u-z. 3ra nouse south of Brooks on Paci fic highway. On right. J. K. Mlnty, Rt. 1, Box 274. Brooks. h90 LANDSCAPING or gardening by hr day, wees or contract, is yrs. exp. pn. 3751, ask for E. V. Wlnegarner. h68 Wanted: Garden plowing with team. 3086 Mission h68 ALTERING As sewing. Ph. 26954. CARE FOR elderly lady or bed patient in my nomc. pnone 8713. 1168 INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. h87 FIRST CLASS carpenter work. New or lemoaei, i-qn ami. jkj7 TOFPING and removing dangerous trees. rnone 22233 h.66 PRUNE, PEAR, THRIP SPRAYING AEROSOL GENERATOR FOG MACHINE. $4.00 per acre Plus ma terial cost Approx. S2.D0. Ph. 21208. 3410 Bunnyvlew. h65 GARDEN PLOWING 8s discing. Ph. 26617. a. a. urown. 100 Lansing Ave. h6S BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expe rience avaiiame. Good refrences. Box 258 Capital Journal, h85 WANTED: HOUSEWORK or car of In- vaiia oy ine nour. pn. 2-8930. h5 CALL 2-2503 for your spring sewing At auerauons. aii worg promptly done. 3155 N. River Rd. h77 X V - viuwuig hud uiscing. uaraen ieriuizer ior sale, delivered. Call B0F2, Salem. Hollis Bice. h74 GARDEN PLOWING Si disking Ph. days aoo, eves. a-awoY. b.73 CABINET WORK, materials for kitchen Duiu-ins. ooora, drawers, tables built or replaced, and other Items made to your specifications Window screens now available. Convenient location. V block from Ladd At Bush Masterwoods Cab inet Shop. Precision craftsmanship. 164 8. Commercial. Ph 6596. Free estimates. n7I GARDEN PLOWING At discing. Ford trac ior. way oatter. pnone 22504. U70 PLUMBING SERVICE by licensed piumo- eis, ux laucet or open ft drain. Re pair a leak or make an alteration. Prompt attention on both minor At ma jor plumbing problems, Parmenter Plumbing As Heating. 2380 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 8627 65 AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better by nmr atwi iau onrocc MOlOr CO 8503, EDUCATION 'UNCLE SAM" JOBSI 8tart SI756-S3031 year. Permanent Appointments. Yearly raises. Veterans get preference. Com mon Education usually sufficient. Pre pare now for next Oregorr examinations. Sample coaching with full particulars 32 page booklet on Civil Serviee FREE. Write today. Box 259 Capital Journal. hh65 .. . w uuiu tun uiKLia BEGINNERS and advanced. Ph. 26560. fih65 FOR RENT ROOM. CLOSE in, comfortable. 1271 Che- mtneia. jg7 APT. FOR rent. 2 or 3 rms. 1820 Ferry ai. to annxers need apply. Ph. 25604. J65 ROOM FOR rent. Ph. 9655. 494 University. J67" 4 ROOM furn. apt. $65. Adults. 770 South uommerciai. jes SINGLE SLEEPING room and trailer house. 940 N. Commercial St. J6 NICE APT. for rent, Unfurn. Ph. 24228. J65 TWO BASEMENT sleeping rooms for men. newiy decorated. Phone 3437. 445 East Myers. 166 LG. 8LPG. im. fu.-n. Employed iadv. rnone oaao. j65" SLEEPING room, double. Automatic heat. aui center st. J65- (Continued on Page 11) i