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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1947)
Suicide Sets Fire to House Albany Franklin George ! Wilson, 54, Brownsville, fatally 1 shot himself with a .22 caliber rifle late Tuesday afternoon, after he had soaked his home with diesel oil and set it afire, it was reported Wednesday by Deputy Sheriff George Miller, who investigated. According to the officers Wil son and his wife had separated three weeks ago and he had previously threatened violence to his family. The officers reported that after Wilson had soaked the in terior of his house with oil he went to the home of his step daughter, Mrs. Edith Deardorff, taking with him his .22 rifle During an altercation he shot at Mrs. Deardorff, the officers allege, with the bullet barely missing her. Mrs. Wilson strug gled with Wilson to obtain pos session of the gun. She broke a window to attract neighbors. Wilson, it was reported, left the house and returned to his home and started the fire and then shot himself. Deputy Coroner Summers re ported the interior of the house was destroyed. Mr. Wilson was employed as ka donkey operator in the log ging industry. Graveside serv ices were held at the Union cem etery at Crawfordsville Thurs day. He had lived in Ocean Lake before coming to Browns ville in 1941. Missionary Society Hears About India Jefferson Mrs. Charles Hart reviewed two' chapters of the study book, "India at the Threshold," at the regular meet ing of the Christian Missionary society held in the church par lors. Mrs. Lee Wells and Mrs, Hugh Bilyeu were hostesses for the covered dish dinner. Mrs. Ernest Powell led the devotions, using as her topic, "The Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and storm,." During the devotions Mrs. Gilbert Looney sang, and poems were read by several members. Mrs. Guy Aupperle was pro gram leader; presenting the topic, "Walking India Roads, Keeping Pace With the Time.-' Others taking part were Mrs. E. B. Knight and Mrs. Charles Hart. Mrs. Gilbert Looney also sang a special number. Temperance Union t units Are Together Aurora Mrs. Ruth Tooze, state president of the W. C. T. U. was the principal speaker at the combined Hospitality and Fran cis Willard tea given at the home of Mrs. A. J. Knutzen in Canby. The offering received was suffi cient to pay the Willard, Stev ens and Hospitality funds dues. Group singing was followed by an Easter message by Rev. F. M. Knoll. Mrs. George Pope and Miss Phyllis Battleson sang. Mrs. Tooze spoke chiefly of former world conferences and of those of Oregon who plan to attend this year. Mrs. Tooze also stressed future legislation work for the unions. She ex pects to leave soon for Washing Ion, D. C, and Asbury Park, N. J., for the world conference of the W. C. T. U. ; . Twenty-nine attended the af fair. All officers of county units will hold an executive meeting at the home of Mrs. John Koehler in Canby the last week in March. i There are more than 640,000 Species of insects in the world. i Works Soothing Magic In ARTHRITIS PAINS , Need the Fastest Relief, Longest Heat Comfort j that can be found -thousands of sufferers now ttum to OINT-EASE for greater relief because it contains not Just one or two, but FOUR great - pain-relieving medicines which bring ALL THEIR 1 STRENGTH AT ONCE to relieve such miseries. .For fr0 tamplm writ OINT-EASE 38 A St..HaUowU, OINT-EASE 'Main, ft f HOOSCHOLO APPLIANCES RPAIRD We are especially well equipped by experience, skill and facilities to service all the electrical appliances in your home. Mixers, irons, toasters, heaters, motors, fans, etc., are repaired, ser viced right by us. Mrs. Wilson Given Handkerchief Shower Bethel Mrs. Ralph Wilson was surprised with a handker chief shower at a card party at her home. She will leave in a few days to attend the Farmers Union national conference at St. Paul. Minn., as a junior leader. The guests were Mrs. Nile Hil borne, Mrs. James Lauderback, Mrs. Warren Creech, Mrs. Charles Sappingficld. Mrs. John Hain, Mrs. George Hain, Mrs. Arno Spranger. Mrs. Roy March and and Mrs. Wilson. The show er was presented at the supper hour. Soil Conservation Topic for Meeting Stayton According to Harry Stewart, president of the West Stayton irrigation district, there will be a soil conservation meet ing Friday night at 8 o'clock at the West Stayton school. The county agent of Marion county and a man from Corvallis will be present to talk on the sub ject. Anyone interested is wcl- no SINUSES DRAIN RELIEVES Sinus Headache Beginning Colds Hay Fever Symptoms PROMPT ACTION. ..SOOTHING IN EFFECT NON-IRRITATING. ..INEXPENSIVE At Your You Can Exchange IL'fC Green Stamps for Useful Articles Here! Yes, we now have a Men's Basement Department, where you can buy the best for less ... the best in work clothes ... the finest quality men's furnishings. Here you'll find famous brand name merchandise, priced to suit your budget. Advertised below are just a few of the many warthwhilel savings you'll find in this newly opened depart ment. Plan on shopping Always outstanding, real first-quality values Can't Busi'Gms are even greater buys now! CANTbustem V UNION MADE 1 " WORK CLOTHING Close,tight-weave fabrics. Plenty of handy pockets. Full cut. "Permasize" Shrunk won't shrink. Every strain point reinforced. "Gold Label" Blue Bib Over all, the best there is. Rail road high back. Rule and plier pocket, hammer strap. Laundry proof buckles 53 25 "Copper King," the Cham pion Waist. pvcrall. Heavier than 1012 oz. blue denim. Taped crotch gives comfort able riding seat. Smooth, bur nished copper rivets . $3.25 "Frisko Jcens," the original and only genuine, extra heavy-duty black work pants. Brutes for wear. Tough yet good looking for after-work wear -$3.98 Carpenters' Overalls. The original swinging nail pouch overalls. Heavy white duck. Quilted double knees. Right and left rule pockets and hammer straps Improved "V" neck bib. $3.98 ALWAYS THE Remember Your Extra Savings Are Drive Opened At Woodburn Woodburn The Red Cross drive for a quota of $2500 opened in the Woodburn area with Mrs. Eugene Stoller as chairman. A meeting of the chairman, captains and workers was held Monday night at the library to outline the campaign with Mrs. Fred Bynon of Salem as speaker. Miss Gladys Smith is captain of the west side of town and sur rounding area and her workers include Mrs. Martin Spitz, Mrs. Arcuie vlurphy, Mrs. Harris Nel son, Mrs. Marshall Hicks, Mrs. Burton Willcford, Mrs. W. S. Mc clain, Mrs. Leslie Paulson, Mrs. C W. Kersten, Mrs. Roy Arney, Mrs. J. M. DeGuire, Mrs. Balrot, and Mrs. Zora McGonegal. Captain of the east side area is Mrs. Melvin Johnson and work ers are Mrs. Ray Trullinger, Mrs. Sam Benson, Mrs. Jacob Webber, Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Steve Bauman, Mrs. Roy Seely, Mrs. Russell Yoder, Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs. Paul Mag nuson, Mrs. Julius Granner, E I P $ Druggist Worth's Dept. Store k a early for choice selection. Sanforized Blue Bird Cotton Broadcloth Pajamas Sizes A. B. C. D You'll find these handsome broadcloth pajamas exceptionally comfortable. They are full cut, neatly tailored, coat style top . . . drawstring waist trousers. San forized for permanent fit. They come in pleas ing colorful stripes, sizes A, B, C and D. It is I 1' ;W Men's , I Work Sox 29c Comfortable, durable work sox of natural cotton random mix, re- " infjreed heels and toes. Sizes 10'i to 12. Mrs. Carl Guslalson, Miss Joan Gregory, Mrs. Homer Wads worth. Mrs. William Peltz, Mrs. John Kosse, Mrs. Harold In gram, Mrs. Harold Ticknor, Mrs. O. R. Schcrvem, Mrs. Wil liam E. Dunn, Jr., Miss Virginia Kirsch, Mrs. Fred Schindler and Mrs. William Nelson. Down town headquarters arc located at the "Hall of Beauty" next to the First National Bank where contributions may be left or at the Independent office. Boy Scouts Guests Monmouth Boy Scout Lead er K. A. Crank was host to 10 members of his scout troop Mon day evening on a trip to Salem FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarass Many wearers of false teeth have suf fered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wabbled at Just the wroner time. Do not live tn fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, the alka line, (non-acid) powder, on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly so they feel more comfortable Does not sour. Checks "plare odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. Adv. STOP At Shrock's LOOK At Our Priced LISTEN Good Transportation Ifttl Ford Sedan Plymouth Sedan I3S Plymouth Sedan 1034 Plymouth Sedan Better Transportation IflWf Plymouth Coupe, healer WX DeSoto Sedan, overdrive m DeSoto Sedan l!Cl Chevrolet Sedan 1937 Dodge Coupe, heater Best Transportation !: Fc-rd Coach, heater 1940 Mcnury Sedan, RAH 1940 Hudson Coach, RAH Chevrolet ft pass., RAH 1041 Olds Sedan, RAH SAVE AT HROCK'S On the same lot twelve years Listen KSLM, 12:45 noon Tucs. thru Saturdays. Thursday night studio broadcast, Oregon Playboys, 7:30 to 8:00 Chemekcta & Church Sts. Phone 1922 or (Gar.) 8502 MEN'S CLOTHING DEPT. BASEMENT LOCATION $398 striped Sanforized White Broadcloth Harcourt Dress Shirts $2.98 Sizes 14'2tol7 Attractive white dress shirts, full cut, neatly tailored, . with non-wilt collar, box pleat front; Sanforized for permanent fit. Launders nicely, gives long, satisfactory service. Men's Canvas i Work Gloves 19c Sturdy 1 0-ounce can vas work gloves, well made. Appropriate for all types of work, styl ed with well fitting knit wrist. A real buy at this price. BEST FOR LESS! Green Stamps When You Buy Here! where they enjoyed an evenlngi spent swimming at the YMCA pool. ! The height of an ocean wave! in feet is roughly equal to one- j half the wind velocity in miles, j Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin! Zemo A Doctor's invisible liquid promptly relieves itch of skin irrita tions due to external v p mm cause. In three sizes. Mm EL I VI 3 EXPERT BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS Painted for YOU In your favorite HUE. James H. , Maden Co. - 2955 Silverton ltd. Salem, Ore. Th. 24123 Selection of Medium Cars. To Our Suggestions to ward Solving of Your transportation pro blem. 1!:t:i Ford Sedan 1fi:t(l Hudson Coupe 1!i:t7 Hudson Coupe, 11W7 Hudson Sedan l'):t FcrtI Station Waion, RAH WW Ford Sedan t!t:ii Ford Coaeh. RAH I :):;; Chevrolet Coupe !!: Dodge Sedan, BAH ill Chrysler Hiehlander. RAH Hill Plymouth Spec. Deluxe Cch RAH l!if: Ford Coarlt Dili Hudson Comm. Sdn.. RAH. o'drlve 11)11 Chevrolet 2 Door, one owner car We Give and Redeem I ifl?M" Green Stamps ; as Extra Savings : Here! j Men's Shirts and Shorts 69c r Sizes small medium and large. Long-wearing knit cotton shirts and shorts, comfort able fit. Made to give satisfactory ser v i c e. Shorts have full elastic waist. Of Course Kay's for Easter Clothes Coats and Suits Dominate the scene. See our new ultra-feminine suits and coats. All lovely enough to dramatize important moments. i Pen a !i AvMX x 0pen a i'l I 2 1 SSI' II ! 1 j Now! '! vi I Account! I :; p "riM r p Ira wk'AI t : l; I 24.95 29.95 f !' 34.50 39.50 k . Others to 79.50 I j YOUR EASTER DRESS is here We are featuring a very large selection of dresses . . . large ship ments are received daily, assuring you of a grand selection. KAY' 460 State Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Add the Spring touch to your suit . . . with a soft, feminine blouse. You'll find the one perfect for you in our exciting new collection. Tailored to complete a suit or team with a skirt. Modestly priced in our Blouse Shop. Do stop in soon! 2.98 3.95 4.95 to 9.95 Street Thursday, Mar. 13, 1947--3 I 1 .-r .Si I'l tmr., ,