( ILL BOARD 3 elderly congenial ladies who will share room. Ph. 26761. JJ63 fooM AND BOARD In nice home on bus line. Phone 2(1764. JJ62 tOST AND FOUND LOST: License plate 234033. Please notify ;j. C. Mitchell, 843 S. Liberty. Ph. 5127. 1 f lOST: Brown zipper billfold. , checks. Generous reward. L. f- 1070 Electric Phone 4616. (600 & S. Rund. h63- V LOST: Brown billfold Sunday night. Con- t .t uins valuables. Reward. Phone 7438. 5 pine st k63! -: LOStTSioN. morning, lady's Hamilton - wrist watch Reward. Ph. daytime 4166. I 1 k62 I .nT-' wallet, imp. papers, reward. Ph V BOSS. Jack D. McKenzle. k62 t MISCELLANEOUS FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. JlKVS HATS cleaned and blocked. 11.00. LES SPR1NOER. 464 Court St. m87" I BLACK COCKER at stud. AKC reg. Call - 9353 after 5:30 p.m. rn66 DOES YOUR roof leak? Use 100 as ; , phalt shingles. Unharmed by any wea- ther. rain or shine. Fireproof Installed i by experienced men For FREE est!- 1 mate phone 7177. Western Auto Sup- .yi ply Co. n?9 ' CALL 825 for prompt oil burner service. : after 5 p.m. Call 2-5287. m62 ! noME GUARD" Home Insulation, pro- 'e tects your family against extreme ; , temperatures pays for Itself by saving 'S up to 33Var of your fuel bills. Free Estimate. Western Auto Supply Co Ph. 7177. J"71 JiEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Dreadnaught Sander by hour or day t'v Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. r m70 ifiMirE niTlLDING Block. Insulate as i you build at no additional cost. See us 12th St. at Vista Ave Call Eves 8904. m65 TF NET IAN BLINDS Laundored expert! y Call us for prompt, efficient service THE VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY St CLEANERS Phone 6903 nT UEAT your home electrically It's con- 4 venlent clean economical See us !oi ? rree estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE J CO. 253 N Liberty n' I HEAVY IIAULING excavation and road building, land clearing aozer wut ditching basement excavation, sand gravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement. SALEM SAND St ORAVEL CO. 1405 N FRONT ST SALEM OREGON Phone 9408 or 31924 m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY S EM LER DENTIST Adolpb Bidg. State St Commercial Su SALEM Phone 8311 m I DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice, rn. auuu. moj- I OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS j J2-IN. MulUplcVsaw. Cherry City Garaee. NEW WALL type dial telephone. John Flnlay. pn. oa4 jeiierson. no LAWN MOWER. Splendid cond. Ph. 4791. no S TERFECT DIAMOND In platinum ring, Over 140 carats. Must sell in 30 days. Attorney will show ring. Box 389, Capi ta! Journal. n64 'i DOLLY DECKEL Super Sport, F2:8. color, ;f ramie finder. 120 roll, comner shutter, S leather case. In good condition. 1535 . g North 10th. Sat., 4-8 p.m. only. n64 1 MEDIUM SIZE Howard upright mahogany 4 piano, nice tone, exl. cond. $400. Ph. .il 3374. 830 JSOl 64 fl (Tne 7-TUBE Sllvertone console radio in i good shape. $20. 113 Abrams Ave. Ph. i 4907. n64 5 ONE 20-YR. guaranteed Fowler elec. wat- er tank. Still in crate. Price $100. 90"xl2' 4 steel truck bed with side racks, $50. ?j 350 gas or oil stove tank, $40. One , 750x20 in. truck tire, tube & wheel J Almost new. $45. Phone 1661. SUverton 1 n67 a FEEDER PIGS, collapsihlc baby buggy, bassinette. 3880 Center St., Salem. n64 B-ROOM oil circulator, practically new 3760 Monroe Ave. Phone 23713. n64' GOOD 2-wheel trailer, $30. 1925 Maple. nG4 i-WDEEL steel body trailer. 840 S. 10 CEMENT blocks, 6x6x12. Never used. Phone 26709. n62 BARGAIN: New mahogany table. 40" by 60". Can extend to 78" or 96". Ideal for beach or mt. cabin or large din ners. See at Gilbert's, 1965 Fairgrounds Road. "67 NEVVMXpfE-flooring, $35 per 100. Ben Bello. 1-3 p.m. week days. 3110 Mission. n64 ROY'S OIL Burner Sales St Service. All kinds of burners, pipes it fittings of all sizes. Pine threading. 942 N. Com!. Phone 8427. J167 SEPTIC TANK cleaner. Complete with pump and hose. Ph. 2al80. 3715 Commercial n64 BRONZE BUSHING STOCK Is" lo 3" cored end solid. 50c lb. Also castings in brass and aluminum. Salem Brass Foundry, 3220 State St. n67 ECKO PRESSURE Cooker $10.00. 1780 N 18th. Ph. 3-1484. n62 I BII.TWELL daveno & chair. 1 bod, spring & mattress. 1 Estate wood cir culator heater. All In good cond. 1505 Alt?er. N. of Aluminum Plant. n64' DO IT WITH MONEY ESTABLISHED bus., corner, house and brick bldt. Priced to sell. $650 net month Income prospect, apartment and coffee shop, in aerlcul., lumbering community. Sheridan, Oregon." Fred Anderson. 753 Mill St. n63 HOLLY TREES. This Is your opportu nity to get beautiful select English holly trees for your orchard or yard at reasonable price If you will come and dig your own. Every tree will produce berries. J. T. Meeker, South Main street, Dallas. One mile from downtown. n66 DESKS, several to choose from, 15 to $45. 3035 Portland Rd. n63 50 LB. ICE BOX, good cond., $7. Stroller St high chair, each $5. 1985 Royal 3t. Phone 4613. n83' TUPPIES, males St females. Salem Vet erinary Hospital, Portland Road n64 YOUTH BKD Ss Innersprlng mattress, j baby crib with mattress. Rocking chair. K 504 N. 14 tii. Downstairs apt. n63 ALUMINUM sheets, 4x12 feet. Cheap. 305B Warner Street. n6il TRAILER HOUSE, 1946 Burdette model. Lots of builtins. Butane gas. Price $1450. Mr. Dornbusch, 1855 N. Coml n63 WILTON RUC. 9x12. $50. Enameled bed Sz dresser, $20. Hotpoint elec. iron, Red fox fur $aP. Man's new loafer Jacket, mcd size, $7.50. 4360 N. River Road. Phone 23950. n63' GOOD USED man's Champ bicycle. 326 Union or Ph. 25456 after 3:30. n63 NOW AVaTlable: Concrete drain tlfe building blocks, sewer, culvert, lrri gallon Sz well pipe Fresh regular Keene Sc Portland cement, white sand, rein forcing stppl. mesh sash, expansion Joints. OREGON GRAVEL CO., .1405 N. Front. Phone 3417. n36' 80 BASS Galanti accordion. In good cond. Nice tone. J. W. Huffman. Rt. 8, Box 800. M mi. west of Keizer school. n66 ONE WESTINGHOUSE electric stove, 3 mos. old, gas hot water heater. High land Market. 800 Highland Ave. n62 4 USED 5-panel doors, including com plete hardware. Two 6x2'4". two 6x2'8" $: each. Tel. 21601. 1940 8. Church. n63v FOR SALE: F:ve set of slight lyiisc'd sink or laundry tray swing faucet. Also used gas ?. ater heater, cheap. Call Graber at Price Shoe Co., Salem. n63 SPRAY" "PAIN T outfit. Complete with at tached pressure tank. h.p. Excellent for interior work or auto painting. Used 3 times, $60. m. W. wood circulator. $15. Phone 25130. n63 GOOD white formal. 250 6. Cottage. Site 15. 112.50. n62 ENTIRE STOCK of drugs, sundries Si fixtures including soda fountain St equipment complete. Ph. 5468. n63 it?F.D BRICK. 3c each Howard Cline, f 1038 flthSt. W. Salem. n62 C.P. ELEC. Refrigerator. 3 pcT davena set. Modern Cabins U ml. North Brooks. . 89E. U65 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LARGE SIZE Evans oil circulating heater with fan. Phone 6019. no CREAM SEPARATOR, Economy King. 660 lb. size, electrically driven, oniy sunni ly used. (90 Phone 9386. 310 Palrvlew Ave. n ROCK 'ILL EVERBEARING strawberry plants. 433 a nth, rn. aasan. HOTPOINT ELEC. stove, single bed. mat tress Ss spring, dining room taoie misc. 1450 N 6th. D.62 b1ltVELL DAVENPORT and chatr. Post war quality Exc. condition. 9 x 13 Ax minister rug A. Smith. 2S9 Strand Ave. near Perry and S. 15th Sts. Afternoons. n62 TIIERMO-LITE fireplace fixture now on display at 1117 Edgewater. Call Par ker's Service. 5189. n65 ROCK LI. Eerbearlng strawberry plants W. O. Pounds. Rt. 2. Box 155. Salem. l'A ml. straight west of Keizer school. n64 LADY'S SOLID Eold top $64 set Ever sharp pen and pencil, J25. Ph. 3804. n64 CURTAINS WASHED and stretched. 395 South 22nd St. n64 ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good -for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere In Salem. 6 sacks 95.00 1 ton $10.00 Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY n64' ELECTROIX'X complete with attachments. S69.75. Sales service St repairs. Limited a rat availaole. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. n76' NAVAJO RUGS St South High. Ph ij saddle blankets. 175 COW FERTILIZER, 15 a yard or $9 a load. Phone 7330. n75 GARDEN sand gravel, crushed rock Shovel & drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 6511 DAHLIAS - GLADIOLAS 881' Rosomont, n73 W S. Ph. 4325. RIVER SILT Phone 3-1749. CHARIS FOUNDATIONS, girdles At bras. Dresses St lingeries. Ph, 0495. n09 SUNBEAM, Universal. American Beauty St Rod irons, steam Si travel irons. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty. n69 AUTO. WATER HEATER, gas St elec. Sizes to meet your needs Choice of makes. Smd St Installed. Prompt serv ice. Parmenter Plumbing St Heating 2180 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 8627. n65 SHOWER CABINETS, sold St Installed. prompt service. Parmenter Plumbing St Heating. 3380 Fairgrounds Ri Ph. 8627 n65 SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented. Cash paid lor machines, regardless of condition. Ph 7671 or write W. Daven port, 1930 North 18th Work Guar. n62 VACUUM CLEANERS Tubular type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty HOT PLATES, single and double burner YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty nfl3 RADIOS, record players for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n TRANSPARENT Plastl-Kote for boards, floors and furniture YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63' PALI.BTONE washable, one coat, oil paint for walls, ceilings and wallpaper, dries la one hour YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N .liberty n63 PLASTI-KOTE PAINT the cellophane finish, for floors, furniture, automo biles, on wood, metal, concrete, linoleum YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n63 I.E.S. LAMPS and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 TELEPHONE and lntercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n63 RESTAURANT GRILL, automatlo elec tric, 24 inches square YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25b N. Liberty n63J LOOM WIRE '12-2 and 14-3. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n83 WALNUT" SHELLS. 13 "sacks for "l.OO $3 ton. Kiorfeln Pack Co. 460 N Front LANTERNS Navy and railroad types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n63' FLASHLIGHTS complete with batteries. guaranteed forever lights requiring uo batteries YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 DOOR CHIMES electrical and me chanlcai. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty TOASTERS 2-slice, $3.10. 4-slice. YEATER APPLLANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n63 ULTRA-VIOLET (sun) lamps and Infra reo (heat) lamps, heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Libert; n63 FRUIT JUICERS and wall type can open ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty c3 ALARM CLOCKS, electrlo desk, mantle and wall Cocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n3 SETFAST CANVAS PAINT makes your wnlnss. lawn furniture look like new YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63- LIGHTING fixtures for kitchen and bath room, fluorescent and incan descant YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n63a 10, 40, 50, AND GC-GAL water heaters for immediate delivery YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. Liberty n63 WASHING MACHINES, full size Little Giant laundry tray type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty r PIN-UP and TABLE lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty FOR YOUR CABIN at the coast, 8 radio that assures good reception. The Trop ic Master. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 FANS, KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust, oscillating desk models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n63 ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS all types YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty nB3 TRICYCLES at $14.95. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Ltoerty ELECTRIC butter churns with Jar. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty IRON AND EXTENSION CORDS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SAUCE PAN PRESSURE COOKERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty n63' IRONING BOARD pads and covers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n63' ELECTRIC HEATER G E., 3000-watt. 220- voit. neavy duty. Ian type. $66.50 Mitchell Radio St Appliance, State and iurn. mono oil. C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist, i ao not sen new machines. Parts for all makes. Ph. 6765. 1940 N 18th. D76 BEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient clean, economical See us (o: Iree estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty a WE BUY St sell furniture tools, stove dishes motors radios, electric appli ances household goods KLIGUAN 9 385 N Commercial Phone 98B5 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BEST TRAILER house $100 cash win buy. Phone 34S4. na64 WANTED: Men's costume of the 1825 to 1850 era for Stephen Foster concert by Business St Professional Women's Club. Phone 3245 or 4098, na63s WANTED: Good used rug, 12x16. Must be in good cond., reasonable price. Call 24786. na63 WANTED: Burlap and Cotton bags. tl) kinds. Willis Kelley Ph. 23159. na8" USED FURNITURE. Phone 9155. PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. PC Bx. 734. P271 PROFESSIONAL ADVISER Formerly Mrs. Martin, announces new location at 1271 Chemeketa street. Appoint ments this week. 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. p64 CHILDLESS COUPLE wish to adopt In fant or baby boy up to two years of ite. Write Box 192, Waldport, Oregon, or call 21368 in Salem for details. p63 AUTOMOBILES '11 FORD, 85 roarh. super deluxe, R. A; H. 3830 Monroe Ave. q64 lit BL'ICK. Brand new cond. Ph. 6500. Excellent q64 19.'l. 4 dr. Srdan. Good condition, ttres line. J400. 150 Williams Ave. q6 14 FT. Factory Built trailer, furnished. 1750. Also 16 ft. Covered Waicon 1850. Out Silverton road to Williams Ave. 150 Williams Ave. Dale Runner in camp. q64 3fi FORlpaneL $45ol 1144 Center. q64 SPECIAL 1011 PONTIAC SEDAN $1095.00 HOLLYWOOD MOTOR CO. 1785 Fairgrounds Rd. q64 '41 CHRySRoyair-door-sedan7Pluld drive. R. A- H. HOLLYWOOD MOTOR CO. 1785 Fairgrounds Rd. q64 '42 FORD-SedanR. & H. HOLLYWOOD MOTOR CO. 1785 Fairgrounds Rrl. (j64 FOR SALE or trade for cattle, 1937 4 yd. dump truck. Has 1941 motor, good tires. Ray E Cross, Rt. 6, Box 284B. mi. S. Fruitland school. q64 SACRIFICE lgslTPlymouth-4 dr. sedan. In A-l shape, Inc). new rubber. Motor overhauled. Private party will sell. Ph. 24649 eves, or call 2600 S. Summer. q64 MUST SELL '35 Ply. 4 dr. $375 or best titer. 199 N. Lancaster Dr. q62 FOR SALE: '42 trailer house. Furn. Sleeps 4. Gas stove, oil heater. 1830 N. 23rd. qS4 TRAILER HOUSE at Rt. 5, Box 390-A. 1 mile east or Rickey school. q64 iliniu;RCURY' 4 dr. 5fdan.Radio, heat er. Excellent cond. $1195. Rt, 1, Box W8-A. Wallace Rd. q63 36 PACKARD 4 dr. sedan. Good cond. Clean throughout. 370 Belle vue. q64 '37 V-8 83. Radio, heater, Good cond. $475. After 5 p.m. 806 N. High. Ph. 5498. '38, OLDS conch. Radio, heater. $695. 1515 Bcllevuc before 7:00, q64 '40 CHRYSLER Windson 4-dr. sedan. Ra dio, heater, overdrive. Price S1250. Call Johnny Murphy. Ph. 914 SILVERTON. q64 'II FOUR DR. Mercury. Privately owned. Reasonable. 12th St. Body & Paint Shop. q63 9:i0 AUSTIN cpe., fair cond.. $95. L. P. Zielke, Rt. 3, Box 903F. Ph. 22578. q65 ARE YOU LOOKING. FOR TRANSPORTATION? LOOK THESE over. Choose the car you want. We will make you a good deal Yes, we give terms. 1930 DeSoto Sedan. 1031 Mode A Ford Sedan. 1929 Model A Ford Sedan. 1931 Model A Ford 2 Dr. Sedan. 1927 Chrysler flatbed. Your Kaiser-Frazer dealer. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Ph. 7001 q63 TRAILER HOUSE 16 ft., factory built Sleeps 4. Refinished Ss recovered Inte rior. A dandy. Only $785.00. KINGWOOD USED CARS 1221 Edaewater St. W. Salem q63 '41 CHEV. Very clean. Low ml. Private owned. Call Al, 3169. q62 l:C FORD, S300. 1935 N. 5th 1037 FORD 2 d transportation. '. Good rubber. Good Ph. 25046 aft. 6 p.m q63 31 DODGE pickup, side racks, late motor, good cond. $325. 310 Madrona Ave. q65 "49 CHEV. flatbed truck, good cond. $250. 1980 S. 12th St Ph. 23346. q62 SELL 1034 Chevrolet, 90 pet. rubber heat er, good motor, good condition. $295. Ph. 22643. q62 TRY IIAMM'ii GARAGE for those" hard to get parts. Few cheap dependable cars. '37 Chev. sedan. '35 Chrysler cpe., '28 Chev. tudor, '37 Chev. pick up. "We pay highest prices lor wrecks. Through West Salem, 1 mile on Dallas highway. q63 4'i CHEV. 4 yrd. dump truck, Rt787Box 1518, Hollywood Dr. q62 FOR SALE OR TRADE 193(1 CHEV. 4 door sedan. A-l condition. Motor overhauled. Fair rubber. New paint Job. Theo. Muyskens, Route 1 Box 237B, Salem. Oregon, q62 IMfi INTE RN ATIONAL pickup, Arthur Basset, Mill City. q65 MUST SELL '35 5-pass. Ford COUpe. 1150 Holi St., Hollywood dist. q63 l:m DODGE sedan Very clean. See Ray Etter at Shrock's Paint Shop. Ph. 21423 or 24313 eves. q63 1 !? :uC H RYSLER Airflow! Good con d i. Breitenstein, Sublimity, Ore. 1 mi. N. q63 AUBURN roadster. 1635 S. Capitol eve nings. q63 CLEAN. Vt? DODGE 4-dr, R Sz tires. Ph. J804 after 5 p.m. New q62 FOR SALE: Good 1929 Chevrolet sedan. Can be seen anytime at Rt. 9, Box 3. First road east of Krueger four cor ners, 3rd house on the left. q65 12TH STREET Salem's new USED CAR CENTER 7 BIG CAR LOTS 7 Before you buy or sell come out and see us. STEVENS USED CARS 678 S. 12th Street I2th Street Used Cars 688 South 12th Street A. B. C. MOTORS 785 S. 12th Street EVEtfSON MOTOR CO. 795 S. 12th Street SQUARE DEAL USED CARS U5S S. 12th Street DICKS USED CARS 1890 S. 12th Street CHEFPINO USED CARS 1898 S. 12th Street q73 WOODRUM'S Trailer Shop, Hubbard. Ore Ph 2603 Hubbard. We do all kinds -f repair work on all makes of house trailers, also new tops put on. and painting. q63 HUDSON SALES SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates - overhauling - oody and fender repair painting 'Give Shrock a try and you'll know why " SHROCK MOTOR OO Phone 6502 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - SERVICE - PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought old repaired SHROCK MOTOR CO Pbont 8502 flalem FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or fsim properties: loans made as small as $500. See us about refinanc ing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 414 G.I LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION 4 LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 r62' AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CKSDIT CO fttb FLOOR -GUARDIAN HI.nO License No U-159 8-154 $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages ni Contracts STATE PTNANCE CO., REALTORS Lie S-216 M-232 153 S High St r" MONElT" FOR EVERY PURPOSE IP YOU are capable of Building 10 to 100 houses Salem or vicinity during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Us. We are also Interested In financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE PINANCE CO Lie S216M223 153 & High St. Ph. 4121 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS S-138 and M-338 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S. Commercial St, Tel, 8161, FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'.?. and 5 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts fend Becond Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bidg. Ph 7162 r INCOME TAX LOANS $25 O OR Ml'KE on signature, fur- nltu-s or auto. No outsiders. Friends or employer not notified. $8.38 a mo. re pays 1100 loan In full In 15 mo. You get full amour of oan. 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan, gel It. Call today. Per sonal Finance Co E. Oalllnser, Mcr 518 tat St. Room 125. Lie. 6-123 165. r63 Directory ACCOUNTANTS MONTHLY Bookkeeping service, including balance sheet, tax returns. G. E. Crock ett. Ph. 2-2629. 082 ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX. GEN. ACCOUNTING, AUDITS CAIN'S ACCOUNTING Service Rm. IS1 Pacific bidg.. 518 State St. saiem, ore. Ph 5990. Res. 6217. 077 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 5161 Brake St Wheel aligning specialist. o75a Ari'LIAN'-E REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-5100 074 EXPERT BEND IX and commercial and domestlo refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Centur Ph. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9631. o76' AUTOMOTIVE JUST A MILE from high prices. Delmar Auto Refknishlng 3995 E. State St. Bol Ss fender repairing, auto painting Ph 2-5913. Free estimates, all work guaran teed. 3 day service. o76' MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 783B Nliilit, 24417 333 Center. BRICK WORK BOCK& BRICK work Ph. 8840. 066' BULLDOZERS BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskcy, 30a Fairvlew Ave. Phone 23146. Salem. oSG GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph 25379 o64 CHIMNEY SW EEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY. 771 3. 21at. Ph. 7178. o77 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Ph 4071. 063 DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM D LIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church Phone 4711. o74 EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery Ph 7000. 175 N. High. J62' DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ins buttons, buckles covered Altera tions. 2395 N. 4th- Phone 3900. Mrs- H. M Allen der. o64 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 076' FLORIST PETTYCREW'8 Greenhouse. 200 kinds of plants In season. 1028 S. 12th. Ph. 25909 73 PEMBERTON'S FLOWER SHOP. 1980 S. 12th. o82- BREITHAUPT'S for flowers Dial 9195 o' FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672 0 HAULING Farm products St bids, ma terials Christ onsen Si Gilbert. 2445 is Church Ph. 3-5021 o84 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WAT KINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free del. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. o75 LEVELING AND DOZING SILT St GRAVEL garden sand. Leveling Ss dozing. Bosley Si Meyer. Ph. 3046 or 2-2160. 079 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS."P. U. HAUSER, 825 Saginaw. P7B28 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phono 4069. MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Qultar Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. o70 PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. PAINTING AND decorating. Roy Hanson. Ph. 25838. Rt. 1. Box 406-A. o78 PAINTING SERVICE. Competent work manship. Reasonable rates. Prone 2-4895. 071 GOOD WORK, low prices. Chet Horn, Phone 5313. 066 PAINTING AND PAPERIIANGING. Free estimate. Ph 9513 857 Shipping. o63 PAINTING St PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PATE RHA NG I N G PAPERIIANGING St decorating. Ph. 5522. . o73 EXPERT PAPERIIANGING. H. J. Wood worth. Phone 3015. o82a PLOWING St DISCING GARDEN plowing Si discing. George Wil son. Phont 58F15. o8C PLUMBING TLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Traviss, 1029 Highland Ave. Ph, 8601. , 087 PRUNING A TREE TOrPING PRUNING St tree topping. Ph. 7330. o68 RADIO TUBES RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd. Salem. RADIO REPAIRING QUICK, DEPENDABLE, saves you money RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd., Salem O80 REFRIGERATORS GENERAL RE FRIGE R AVION CO. Repair St installation, commercial Si domestic Ph. B963. 069 SAND Si GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL crushed rock Shovel & dragline' excavating Walling Sand St Oravei Co Phone 8561 o SECRETARIAL STENOGRAPHIC service, ends. 8288 Eves., weck- SEPTIC TANKS SIIKE'S Cesspool Ss Septic Service, mod ern equipment. 107Q Sim St. W Salem. Ph 9468 or 5327 o75 KE NN E T II HAM E L, 1143 Tth St.. W a lem. Ph. 7404 Guaranteed service. o84 SEW ERS SEPTIC TANK drains cleaned. Ph. 9833. 1087 Elm. Jack Bocnlng. o82 RO TO-R OO T E R RE W E R SERVICErSew. ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate Prompt service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. o81' SIGNS AND SHO-CARDS Eldoo Scott 076 Ph 3635 SPRAYINGAND PRUNING SPRAYING AND" pruning. L Phone 7900. W Caudle 072 JANITOR SUPPLIES- J R Boone Chem leal Co.. 1790 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 21492 o63 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal. Driquels Trucks o Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Linen for housennd good to California points Larmer Transfer Si Storage Ph. 3131 o UP HOLSTER I N CJ RECOVERING, tailored slipcovers, retln- tshine and repairing furniture- Phone J-4670 1310 MadlAOn 067 VACUUM' CLEANERS HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER owners. w will lervlce your Hoover cleaner com plete for (3.50 plui part U required Hogg Bros Ph 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FEE E est ima les.T P U LLMANTph. 59"fl5. 08 ! Market Quotations Portland KasUide Market Best luas of parsnips sold at II or more at today's session of the Portland EastMde Farmers Wholesale Produce narKd. Topped turnips were quoted at 75-B0c luc. Local tnd ir id-Columbia green onions sold at 60-6jc a domi bunches. Portland Preaace Excbeage Butlerfat Tentative tsuoject to Imme diate chance Premium quality maximum: rtland 65-8c: first quality S3-6SC ID.; :ond quality 78-"9c; valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 81-S3c.; Butler wnolesale i.o.o. buik, as ,o cube.i. AA. 93 score. 73c: A. 92 score, 73c: ! 90 score. 71c: C 89 score, 69c. Cheese Selling price to Portland' wholesalers: Oregon singles 42-49C; Ore gon loaf, 42-52c; triplets. 39-50Vic. Ecsi To wholesaler A grade targe 45'.-46'iC. medium 43,a-44'Jc; small (pullet). 41tt-42tt; B grade large. 38-43 Sic 43 Vic. Ebss Purchases rtom termers. Current receipts 37-41c. buyers pay 3-3'jC dot. below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery egge Portland Dairy Market Butler Prices to retailers: Or. Je AA carton, 78c: AA prints, 77c: A prints. 77c; A cartons 78c; B print, 7oc; one fourth pa id cubes. 4 cent higher. Eggs Prices to retailers, AA largr, 49 50c; A larse 47-48c; AA medium, 45c; A mediums, 44-45c; A small, 44o dozen. Car ton." 3 4c additional) Cheese- -Prices to retailers Portland: Orcnon singles. 43-54c lb.: Oregon loaf. 46-56c; triplets, 42'A-54c. Poultry: Live Chickens No I Leghorn broilers 1 to 2 lbs. 27c lb.; fryers 2 to 3 lbs., 24-25c; 3 to 6 lbs.. 37-35c lb., ron.sten 4 lbs. and over 27-35ci roosters and stags 12- 15c lb.: co'ored nil weights, 2!)-30c. Rabbit Average to retailers 48-aOo lb; dressed prices lo producern 4;ir iryei llvo white 20-340 lb.; colored. 17-21o ib vEetahlni Artichokes 4 don. S5.00-5.2S: 5 don. (5.60-6.00; Cal. 4 doi. $4.50-4.75; 5 doz., (4.75-5.00. AspnraRus Calif., No. 1, mediums, 29 30c: .small 27-29c: crnte, 110-10.50. Beets Calif . bunched 4 dot.. b.5O-6.00 Broccoli 18 bunches, $4.25-4.75. Urussei Sprouts (2-2. 2B Cabbage Hound neaa. 80 Ib crate small J2. 50-75; California crates. S3-3.7S; red 10-15c !b.. California No. 1, $3.25-3.50; kraut, $1.65-1.70. Carrols Calif., 6 doi., $4.75-5.00; 50-lb. sacks, $1-1.50. Cauliflower Cal.. trimmed std. crates, J2.25-2.j0; Rpseburg, Ore., (2.25 a crate. Circ. bunch. $1.15-65. Track sale, $2.25. Celery Heart material, 4-8 doz., $4.50 5.00. Pascal, crates, $5.50-75; std. crate, Pascal, $5.00-5.50: sturdy crates, (5.50-6 Cucumber California hothouse, lugs. (9-9. 20. Oregon hothouse. 3 doz.. $13-14. Garlic Oregon white 25-30c lb.; Calif.. 28-30c lb. Lettuce Calif., -4 doz., 53.75-4.25; Track sale. (3.00-3.25; Art?.., 4 doz., $3.50-3.85. Dried Onions Oregon yellows. No. 1 and larger, $2.35-2.50; mediums. (1.50-1.75; tmck sale, mediums. $1.60; 3-inch, $2.25 2.35. Green Onions Calif.. 10 doz crates, $6.35-50; local. 75-SOc doz. bunches. Parsley Local 75-8oc dozen Parsnips Local, $1.00-1.25 lug. Peas -Imperial Valley. 30 Ib hampers. $4 85-5; Calif, hampers. 14-15c lb.; Calif, crates, 13-14c lb.: tubs, 28 lb., $4-4.25; 20 lb crates, (3.50-3.75; few high as $4.15. Pepper Mexico. 45 Ib. $8.50-9: 10C C 19-2llc lb : Calif. 45 lb 17-7.50: loose 1 23-25 cents. Track sale, (11.50 a 45 lb. crnte Potatoes Deschutes russets, No. 1 grades, (3.50-3.75 100 Ib. sack; 25-lb. sacks. 95-98c. Bakers, S4.25-4.50: Yaki ma. (3.30-3.40; Texas. Florida Bliss Tri umphs No. 1-A. $3.25-3.50; No. 1-B. 43.20 3 25. Track sales, Bliss Triumphs, (3. Des chutes No. 1. $3.25: Baker dlst., $2.90. box. Local. The Dalles. $2.25-2.50. Radishes Calif., (5.50-6. 10 doz. crates. Rutabagas $1.15-1.35 lug Spinach Calif., crates, 4 doz. bunches, $3.50-2 75: Mid-Columbia (2.25-3.40 20 b. box; local, The Dalles, $2.25-2.50. Squash -DnniKT. tuns ti-i in. orange boxes $3.50-2.75: Hubbard, Marblchead, 6-7o lb.; Calli., banann, 4-5c lb.; Calif. Zucchini, (4.50-5.00 a 20 lb. lug. Sweel Potatoes Callfornln Jersey. 20 ,b. DIRECTORY WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph. 5600 082 WELL DRILLING CHESTER J. PUGH. Rt 2, Box 288B Ph 2;3412, Salern o76 J A. SNEED St SONS Well drilling-2505 Brooks St.. Salem, Phone 6809 070 WElXmULUNG " M D? Enloe. Rt. 6, Box 575, Salem. 1 mile East of Lancaster drive on Auburn rd. Ph, 25198. o82 WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING, floor merctai St residential Ph lem Window Service raxing Com 3-1343 Ua o63 ACME WINDOW CLEANERS Window walls Si woodwork oleaned floors clean ed waxed St polished Ph 3337 S47 Court uangdoo Oulbertsoo and Matber PROFESSIONAL CLEANING) SERVICE! Phone4457 WOO DS AW1N G r7B. Cross". Ph. 8178. LODGES Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pjn. More than a million members. A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.P. & visN, A.M. M. M. Degree Friday, A March 14, 7 p.m. 63' LEGAL I NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE IIICKORV STRKKT FROM FIFTH STREET TO MAPLE STREET Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Inten tion to improve Hickory street from the east line of Fifth street to the west line of Maplo street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the 'xnenso of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving r,ald portion of said street with a 6-lnch Portland cement concrete pave ment thirty feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the common ctiuncll March 5. 1947, which are now on file in the office of the city re corder and which hereby are made a part of this notice The co.nmon council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention of making the above described improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment. Bv order of the common council March 5. 1947: ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Hate of first publication hereof is Match II. 1047. 70 CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be rerelvert by Mr. Arthur Sportsman, Clerk at Sweet Home, until March 31. 1947, 8:00 p.m. for the Addition to the Sweet Home Union High School, School District No. 2. Linn Coun ty. Oregon, and wilt then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received alter the time fixed for open ing will not be considered. Plans, specifications and form of con tract documents may be examined at the office of Freeman and Haylip. Assoc. Archts.. 304 Postal Building, Portland. Oregon, and a set of said plans, specifi cations and forms may be obtained at the office of Mr. Arthur Sportsman. Clerk. Sweet Home, Oregon, or at the office of Freeman St Hay.illp, Assoc. Archla., 304 Postal Building, Portland, Oregon, upon a deposit of 15.00 which will be refund ed up on the return of the plans and specifications within a reasonable time. Ea h bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond 'with authorized surety company a surety i made payable to the Owner in the amount of not less than bcr of the amount of the bid. Surety bond ior bonds i will be required In accordance with the terms of the contract documents. The School District No. 2, Linn County. Oregon, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour st for the openings thereof or before award of contract, unless said award i delayed for a period exceeding 30 davx. MR. ARTHUR BPORTBMAN, Clerk First publication March 13. 1947. Becond publication March 20, 1947. basket. (5-5.25: Calif.. Louisiana yams. !4. 50-4. 75. Texas. 14.00-4.15. Tomatoes Repacked, (5.50-75; Mexican, as is, repacked. (5.25-50; 30 tubs, $4- 4 20: asking $5.25-5.50 on track. Turnip Bunches, $1.10-25 doz. bunches. $1 35-50 Iur: Calif., bunches, $1.25-1.50. resh Fruit: Apples Oregon delicious. I. St I.. $4-4.35 box. choice $3 75-85; Ortleys. w. and v. comb, grade. (3 15-25; Newtona. ( and. f.. $1.75-2; w and p.. (4-4 25. Avoeidi Caiitorm feurtes. sizes JO 24. 30 (4-4.35 box; choice. (3.75-85. Bananas - Bunched. (3 25-3.50: eut hands, (12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Datei Calif. 24, 4 OS pkgs. $4.85-8. firaprfrull Texax pinks, 80'3-96's. I (4.75-5.75; small. (4.00-4 25. Lemon Calif., 300-360'S. (7.50-7.95; 432 .S. (6.00-6.25. Li roe California 13 ' tuba of 9 limes I $2.75-3.00 Oranges California navels. 200' and larger. 6.35-6 60; 352 s and smaller, (5.40-1 5.60: 28B's and smaller, (4.50-5. Pears D' An ou, (4.75-65. wrapped and packed; oose. (3.35: Boso, loose. (2.75-3: Yakima. S3-3 35 Perilmmoni Calif, lugs. 13.25-3.50 Pineapples Cuban, 9-12's, (4.40-50. Rhubarb Extra tanry. S2.40-50; fancy. $2.00-10: choice (1.75-80; Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 15c lb. U u In re Lorn! 2U-3C tu Packed Vegetables Cellophane wrapped a dorrn Broccoli 13 oz,. (1.75-1.85: spin ach, 24 l2-o?,. (2.15-25; br asset) sprouts. 8-oz. (2.30-35. Grlle Cloves 30 l-os packages. (1.05- 1.75 Dressed Meatit Veal Heavy top quality 26c; top qual ity light. 30-320 lb.; B. 24-26c: O. 22-24c: cull, 18-20C lb. Hnes - Block butchers, packer style, 125-160 lbs , 37-38r: over 213 lbs., 36-3 1c: sows, all weights, 30-3.Sc lb. Lambs AA, 38-40c: A, 37-38C! B, 34-36c C. 28-30C Mutton 10-15o lb., according to quality and weight Beef Best quality, 30-32ci B. 25-28ci O. 20-22c: canner and cutter, IB-19CJ bo .ogna bulls. 25-26c. Wool Caseara Unrki Cnseara Bnrk Green 8-8SC1 dry. 30e Wool Valley coarse and medium trades 45c lb Molialr -40c lb on 12-mnnth growth Hides Green beef, 12-13c; calves, 43c lb. Kip hides. 23c. Rendered Innllble Fa ta 120 Ib The ebove prices quoted to the whole sale trade are FO.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally m cents higher than POJl. plant quota tions Chtrago Livestock Chiraco, March 13 Tt fUSIIAl Sal able hogs 5000, total 8000: moMly steady: top 28.00 but little above 27.75; hulk Kood and choice 180-260; pounds 27.25 27.75: 260-300 pounds 26.75-27.50; few 300 400 pounds 26.25-27.00: sows steady: hulk good and choire 34.00-24.25; few choice lightweights 24.50. Salable cattle 6000. total 6300; salable calvf.s BOO. total 800: slow: ktllniK clnssi-s mostly steady; medium and good beef cows steady lo weak: bulls about steady; load low-choice 1290 pound fed steers 26.00; load 1150 lb weights held slightly higher; average-medium to top-good Mcers and yearlings weighing 1 100 lb 20.50 25.00: choice 975 lb fed heifers 35.50; most medium and good beef cows 13.50-16.50; few strictly good cows tip to 17.50: din ners and cutters 10.35-12.25; ftood weighty sausme and beef bulls 16.00-35; lew lfl.50: vcalcra steady to 1.00 lower at 16.00 down; only add head choice 26.00; stock cattle continue very scarce. Salable sheen 40000. total 4300: bid ding. 23.25-50 on good and choice led wooled lambs: held fully steady at 23.75 and better load mostly good and rhoico 111 lb fed wooled lambs with muddy fleeces 23.10; package good and choire yearling wethers steady at 30,00; with "few yearlings ewes at 18.00; slaughter ewes steady; few good to choice 10.00. Pnrttand Grain Portland. Ore., March 13 (Tf Wheat futures not quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2-3H lb. white 09.00. Br.rley No. 2-45 lb. b.w. 65.00. Flaxseed 8.50. Cash wheat (bid!: Soft while 2.32; soft white (excluding rexi 2.33. White club 2.33. Western red 2.33. Herd red winter: Ordinary 2.33: 10 per cent 2.37; 11 percent 2.45; 12 percent 2.55. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 2.40; 11 percent 2.43; 12 percent 2.52. Today's car receipts: Wheat 8: barley 1; flour 5; corn 4; oats 1; mlllfecd 7. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore., March 1.1 (UHt Llveslork: Cattle salable 200, Calves 50. Market less active, but early sales about steady. Few medium steers 19.00-24.00. Ooort steers held above 22.50. One sizeable lot 660-lb mixed steers and heifers 21.00. Lightly sorted at 20.00. Medium heifers 17.00-17.50. Canner and cutter cows 10.00-13.00. Fat dairy-type cows 13.50 15 50. Medium sausage bulls 13.50-14. 5U. Medium good beef bulls to 16.50. Choire vcalers scarce, quotable to 26.00. Few common to medium grades steady at 16.50-22.00. Hogs salable 50. Market slow. Few sales s'.cady. Odd good to choice 210-lb butchers 28.50. Medium to good sows 23.00-24.50. Good to choice feeder pius quotable 26.50-27.50. Sheep salable and total 50. Good to choice wooled lambs scarce early. Sal able around 21.50. Oood to choice ewes quotable from 8.50-9.00. Mrs. Kenneth Mason Dead of Rifle Shot Mrs. Kenneth Mason, 29, was found dead from a gunshot wound about 8:45 o'clock Thurs day morning at the home the Masons had just bought and moved into at 2200 Laurel ave nue. A .22-calibre rifle was near the body. Police and the coroner are investigating on the presumption that the death was by suicide. The body was found in the kitchen by her husband, Virgil Kenneth Mason, when he arose from bed. Mason is employed at the Salem post office. Their small daughter, 5 years old, was at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ecker, 1529 North Fourth street. Mason could give no reason for her taking her own life, but said she had been despondent for some time. They had just purchased the home and it was the first night spent there. Navesink Light, N. J., with 25 million candlepowcr, was for. merly the most brilliant light house in the U.S.; it now oper ates at 5000 candlepowcr. Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights Doctore ear roqrkldner contain IS mllei of tiny tube or Alters which help tn purify the blood and keep you healthy. When ther e1 tired and don't work right in the daytime, many people have to set up nights. Frequent orgcantjpejaaKeswith smarting and burning aomeUmeg showa there if tome thing wroruf with your kidneye or bladder. Doa't neitleol this condition and losovaiuable, reetf ul steep When disorder of kidney function permiU poisonoua matter to remain in your blood, il may also cause nagiring backache, rheumatia pains, lee; pains, loss of pep and enertry, a well in, puffin ta under the eyes, headaches Uid dlxiinest. Don't wait! Ask your drutrgfit for Doan'l Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 60 years. Doan's give happy relif and will help the 16 miles of kidney tubes flush out poiionoua waste from your blood. Get Doaa'e Pills. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Grain Futures Show Advance Chicago, March 13 (P) Grains advanced sharply in the latter part of the trading session on the board of trade today. Wheat and corn moved ahead under persistent buying. Export interests were good buyers of corn. Oats tended to lag. Wheat closed 4U-814 higher, March S2.69'2, corn was 54 6'.R higher, March S1.71-S1.71 Vs, and oats 1 b to 5 cents higher, March 97',8-98I4. Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, March 13 f.-T) Cautious stock market opera tions, stemming from uncertain tics, surrounding the adminis tration's new foreign program, today brought one of the lowest sessions of the past year al though prices generally were on the upside. While declines were plentiful, plus marks predomin ated near the close. Transfers tapered to around 650,000 shares. Rising inclination were exhi bited by Santa Fc, Pennsylvania Railroad, Atlantic Coast Line, Pullman, Virginia-Carolina Che mical common and preferred, Montgomery Ward, Douglas Aircraft, Boeing, U. S. Gypsum, Eastman Kodak, Owens, Illi nois, Sunray Oil, Goodyear and American Smelting. School Bill (Continued from Page 1) for the federal social security board and Frank Sever, legal advisor to the tax committees of the legislature. An opinion of the supreme court, holding that county aa thorities were not required to levy funds for public welfare as directed by the state welfare board but in accordance with the financial ability of the county, brought about need for a uniform method of meeting federal requirements to insure federal aid to the stale. Members of the subcommit tee include Mr. Sever, Kimmel Starr and Miller and Miss How ard. It is expected that a bill will be ready for submission to the ways and means commit tee by Saturday. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Balem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Rovlscd dally.) Retail Prices Rabbit Feeds Pellet. 13.95 cwt. Fx Mash 14.40 cwt. Dairy Feed $3 55 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 28c lb.; No. 3. 24c; Colored fryer. No. 1. 10c Ib Ebks Buyer' Prleei White and Brown extra targe grade A 42c; med., 37c; standards, 3 Be dozen, pullets, 30c; crax, 30c. Wholesale Price Large. 44o dozen, med Biiller Wholesale A, 77c. Retail Grade A. R2c. Butterf at Premium, B3c; No. 1, 82c; No. 2, 78C. Hogs are reasonably safe from poisonous snake.i because of their thick skin and layers of fat under the skin. Births, Deaths Death Fred Bar Fied Bay, late resident of Warrington, Oregon, at a local hospital. February 22 Survived by a brother, W. E. Bay ol Carlln, Nev. Graveside services will br held Friday, March 14, at 10:10 a.m. at L lie IOOF cemetery. Direction Clough-Bar rick compa'.iv. Mrs. Op.il Mar on Mrs. Opal Mason, at the residence, QUICK RELIEF FRGrrl Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FreeBookTallsofHomeTreatrmntttiat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Ovor two million bottloaof UmWILL-ARD TKKATMiONT ha volition eold forri'liMfof symptoms of (listroHHarlsinK from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcere duo to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upaet Stomach, Gaialnets, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., duo to Excoia Acid. Hold on 16 lavn' trial 1 Ask for "Willard'a Mt stage" which fuih jcplaiaa tide treatment Iree at FKF.D MLYF.li, INC. I'I.UKV'8 Dlllifi STOKE Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall. u our Chinese m edtes Amarlng success for 6000 years in China No matter with what ail ments your are afflicted -dlsordera I sinusitis- heart, ones liver Kidneys ' gas. constipation uHera. dlaoetee. ! rheumatism sat) and oladder tevet i skin female complaints CHARLIE ! CHAN CHINES IIF.HB ou OlMce Hours BUS. ITuee. and Hat enly 1M N Com mf rein Phone ZlftM. A LEAL OR Wanted: Walnut Meats Pieces and Willamette 305 South Cottage Street Salem, Thursday, Mar. 13, 1947 19 2200 Laurel avenue, March 13. Survived by her husband, Virgil K. Mason of Sa lem: a daughter, Meredith Mason of Sa lt m: parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ecker of Salem: and two sisters. Announce ment of services later by dough-Bar-nek company. Ira Baker Ira Baker, late resident of Liberty, Oregon, at a local hospital, Monday, March 10. Announcement ol services la ter by Clough-Barrick company. Mrs. Betty Lewis Mrs. Betty Lewis, at 11 SO Third street. West Salem, Tuesday. March 11. Mother of Mrs. Jim Harris ol Carlsbad. Calif., and sister ol Charles Colman of Scio, Oregon. Also survived by one grandchild. Annouiiccm-ii. of services later by Cluugh-Barrick company. Fred Klinshell In thi city March 12. Fred Klinsbell, late resident of route 5, box 252, Salem, at the age o' 64 years. Survived by his wife. Mrs. Emma K. Kllngbell: and five sisters, Mrv H.iUie Loomis and Mra, Groice Nelson of Enderland, N.D., Mrs. Charles Pike of Superior, Wise. Mrs. Art Tupner of Santa Cruz. Calif., and Mrs. Alvena Midland of St. Paul, Minn. An nouncement ol services later by W. T. Rlgdon company. 51 ra .Mary Lou Glasgow Mrs. Mary Lou Glaaow. at the rent rirnce at 12)5 Nonh 16th street, Wednes day. March 12. Survived by a brother, Gtorge W. Ashman of Lebanon, and sev eral nieces and nephews. Services will be held al the Clough-Barrick chapel Fri day. March 14. at 3 p.m. with Rev. Charles Caiter officiating. Interment in the Lee Mission cemetery. Mrs. Regena Fautner SUverton Mrs. Itenena Fautner. 58, died at the hospital Wednesday night. She came here from Canada 23 years ago. She was born In Ru&sln, March 31, 1889. Survlng are the husband, John Fautner and a cousin, Mrs. J. S. Cun ningham, of Portland. Recitation of the rosary Friday night at 8 o'clock at Un ger's mortuary. Mt. Angel, with funeral services from St. Mary's Catholic church Saturday at 0 o'rlock and final rite at Calvary cemetery. Mt. Anjei, unuer tho direction of linger. Vernon Dixon Kiivrtnn Fimernl services for Vernon Dixon, who died March 8. will be held from the memorial chapel oi tne k-k- an funeral home Saturday ai ociock. Rev. B. F. Browning olltclating ana burial la the SUverton cemetery. Mrs. Minnie Maeke aiavtort Death claimed Mrs. Minnie Mackey, 88, a pioneer woman of the Black Hills In South Dakola. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. John Konola in Lead, fi. D., February 26 lollowing a long Illness. Mrs. Mackey had many relatives In Marion ounty. Born n Kuurtane, uniana, way 25. 1861, she migrated to America in 1891, settling in the Snoma community. Thero she was married to William Mackey. who died in 1316. She was a member of the Apostolic Lutheran church. Funeral serv ices were held In Snoma on Sunday, March 2. with burial in the cemetery there. She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Emil Hapsen, Lend. S.D.: Mra. Edwin Prothro. Detroit. Mich.; Mrs. Joe Burch, Stayton. Oregon: Mrs. C. C. Flnley, Mis souri Valley. Iowa: Mrs. Kunola; two sons. Ccrbett Mackey. Newell, S. D.; and Matt Mackey. Cedar Blulis, Neo.; aiso jl grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Fltiaheth llrnnles Turner Mrs Elizabeth Hennlcs. wile ol the late Louis E. Hennirs, died in a con valescent home near Turner March 9.' Elizabeth Weber was born October 30. 1868, In Prlmros-. Iowa. In 1893 she married Louis E. Hennles. Coming to Oregon In l they located on a farm near Turner. They remained there 35 years, observing their golden wedding anniversary in 1043. Mr. Hennles died In 1944. She is survived by three sons, Elmer of Hemet, Calif.; Albert and Louis of Turner; a dauit liter, Mary Standley Turner, and 10 grandchil dren. The body was cremated. ' ' Mrs. fienrgia Anderson Albany Mrs. Or org la Anderson, 57. route 3, Albir.y, died at the Albany Gen eral hospital Tuesday. Funeral services tire to be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Haley Methodist church. Burial will tie In the Pine Drove cemetery. The Fisher funeral home will conduct the services. Mrs. Anderson was born In Halsey Janu ary 15, 1890. She has made her home in Albany for (ho past 30 years. She Is sur vived by her husband. Samuel Anderson, Alva C. Lecper, Swiss Home, Is a brother. Rose M. Cairn Portland At her home here March 10, Rase M. Cairo, former resident of Salem, Oregon, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziclmskl of Salem. Surviv ing are her husband, Gene Cairo of Port land: two nous. Gene Cairo, Jr., of Port land; Edward Cairo of Portland and now a student at Willamette university; three .sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Domogalla, Mrs. Ap.nes Flelin and Mrs. Cecelia Fielln. fll of Salem: and aix brothers, Joseph Zlel- mskl. Bert Zleltnski. B. C. Zlellnskl. Ed ward Zlellnskl and Paul Zlellnskl, all of Sh.rm, and Marl In Zlellnaki of Los An geles. Recitation of the rosary at the McOlnnts and Wllhelm chapel at 8037 S.E. Mllwaukle, Thursday, March 13. at 7 p.m. Renuiem mass at the St. Agatha church at S.E. 15th and Nehalem streets Friday, March 14, at 10 a.m. Stop Scratching! Try Thia For Quick Ease and Comfort Here Ls a clean, powerful, pene trating oil now dispensed by phar macists everywhere at trifling cost that brings speedly relief from itch ing and torture of externally caused skin troubles. Moone's Emerald Oil soothes tho itching and torture, helps promote more rapid healing. Get Moone's Emerald Oil at Capital Drug Store, Money back If not fully satisfied. Organic Fertilizer Very good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere in Salem. 6 sacks, $5.00 1 ton, $10.00 PHONE 8127 West Mushroom Company Amber Halve Grocery Co. Oregon Pbont 4146 mm i