Finns, Dragons Post Wins As Hoop Tourney Opens Vikinqs in Action With jTeddie Quint J By Chris Kowilz Eugene (Snccial) The Salem JVikings were scheduled to tan gle with Coach "Roland Rotirkc's Ttoosevoll high Teddies of Port Sand in an opening-round battle "pt the Oregon state high school basketball tournament in gi gantic McArthur court here at $:30 Wednesday afternoon. The annual hoop classic opened with Jtwo games Tuesday night, when (the proverbial strong Washing Ion Colonials of Portland de feated Astoria's Fishermen 30 28 and Hood River's rugged Blue Sragons measured the Redmond Panthers 41-29. Eugene (S p e e i a 1) Cub 4 Houck and Dick Mane, for- wards on the Salem' hiirh Vik J inr baseball squad, were scheduled to appear in the Vik starting lineup opposite Roose . velt high of Portland Tucs- day, Salem Coach Harold I Hauk said Monday night. Both Houck and Mase are recover- ing from cases of the flu. Houck did not make the trip 1 here with the team Monday. but traveled here by himself J Tuesday morning. i Washington and Hood River "thus became the first two teams Jo advance into the quarter-final round. The Colonials and Dragons will square off at 3:15 y.m. Thursday. Different Ball Club Astoria, looking like an en tirely different ball club than Ihe one which absorbed two Josses at Salem early this sea son, threw a big scare into the fast-breaking Washington five early in Monday night's fracas. The Fishermen held a 13-10 lead at the end of the first quar ter. Since showing in Salem. Jhe Finns have added a smooth working weave to their offon sive attack a weave which fends Fred Ihandcr. Bill Korpela and Stan Grimberg moving around the court like Ihe stream ers on a May pole. This type of offensive thrust paid off heav ily for the Finns in the initial canto, but the Washingtonians' fast-break earned higher divi dends in the second period Coach Arba Ager's Portlandcrs took a 25-20 halflime advantage Astoria was held to but eight points in the second half as the Colonials rolled to victory. Ray Folcen, all-city Colonial center, was a dead-eye demon from the corners Monday as he led the winners in scoring with 13 points. Top man for Astoria was Grimberg with 10 tallies. Ditto Fracas The second till of the evening that pitting Hood River opposite Redmond, progressed in a man ner much like that of its pre decessor the losers-to-be jump ing off to an early lead, and the winners doing the nucleus of their damage in the second half It was 7-3. Redmond, as the first quarter ended. The Dragons, a hefty lot of footballers who at times Monday night looked like they forgot they weren't on gridiron, hadn't scored a field goal in that lead-off canto. Red mond built up a 15-8 lead mid way in the second quarter, thanks mainly to some brilliant play by Bob Harmon. But Hood River, with Lloyd Buettgen- bach, who plopped in a total of 18 points Monday, leading the way. forged to the front at 17-15 as the period ended and stretched its advantage steadily during the second half. Stanley Sturza, a cool ballplayer but plenty ag gressive, led the Panthers' pa rade with 13 counters. The Slate W e d n c s d a y's tournament schedule: 1 p.m. Coos Bay vs. Molalla: 2:15 p.m. Sandy vs. Rainier: 3:30 p.m. Roosevelt vs. Salem: 4:45 p.m. Hillsboro vs. Newberg; 7:30 p.m. La Grande vs. Eugene: 8:45 p.m. Lebanon vs. Klamath Falls. WASHINCTON !t!l 58 ASTORIA Shollen 5 F 7 Korprla WVbh 6 F S Thunder FoWn IS C fi I.OBtlr Keller S O Syvanrn White t a 13 Ortinbers Washington subs Oodaer, Heluh. Nel aon 7: Astoria subs Kit'elxon, Wolfaram. Morse, Pekkela. noon river ti in hi; n mono OXenry ft F 3 HIbba RnristPT t F Harmon Rut! tKPtihrtch I C Fox Winter AG 11 Sturm F. Woody G 2 Yountt Hood Rlvr sub.sBnui.sirT 1: Redmond mbs Daron 2. Short 4. Griffin. Tree Surgery Topping or Removing of Dangerous Trees Chos. Sullivan Thone 9680 between 9-6 Neuman Co. CONSTRUCTION PAINTING PLASTERING STUCCOING Brick and Stone Work Maintenance and Repairs Phone 7031 -21650 3800 D Street 1 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday. Mar. 12. 1947 1 WINTER CARNIVAL QUEEN Marjorie Shenton of Wlnniper wears her crown and carries skis as she reigns as queen of the annual winter carnival at Banff, Alberta. Eugene (Special) The caliber of basketball displayed in the first two games of the 1947 state high school basketball tourna ment here Monday night shouldn't be bragged about by any of the four participating teams, but offsetting this was the color, drama and suspense that has predominated all 27 previous state casaba classics. Monday's crowd was about half students and half adults, but when the Redmond Panther aggregation trotted onto the floor for their nightcap battle with Hood River's Blue Dragons, we'd have sworn the whole place was swarming with Redmonders. The townspeople in that small Central Oregon city had gotten be hind the team 100 percent since the Panthers upset Bend to gain a state tourney slot. Eugene Band on Hand Eugene high school's band was on hand to add to the color as well as the noise of the opening night session. Redmond's band, bedecked in bright purple uniforms, likewise did its share of tooting and drum-hammering. Informal Coaches' Confab Coaches galore mentors of teams In the tourney and out of the tourney sat together in a section in front of the scorer's table. Salem Coach Harold Hauk and Vik Athletic Director Vern Gilmoi'c were chumming it up with Rex Hunsaker and Tom Drynan of the Albany Bulldog coaching staff. (Albany, inci dentally, did not qualify for a tournament slot this year). Dallas Dragon Coach Bob Daggct was here, too, seen with none other than Jim Aiken, new grid boss at U. of O., the school that's host ing this huge hoop parly. This Is the Life They treat the sporlswrllers like kings around this town. At McArthur court, site of all tourney games, mimeographed ros ters of all teams, compiled in the form most convenient for any scribe, had been placed in each space of the long press row, where there's plenty of telephones handy to call up the home town daily with the glad or sad news. And just exactly eight minutes after Ihe first game ended, every person in the press row was handed a box score of the game just completed. The sports scribe's score book is becoming extinct. Downtown, at the Eugene hotel (shh, in room 723) is the "press room." We failed to notice any type writers, but there were several leather-upholstered davenports, an oversize couch, a table of food and a well-supplied bar, all at the free disposal of the press and radio men. McArthur Court Hot Hottest thing in the tournament in its opening day of firing was McArthur court itself. By the time some kind person opened a few windows shortly before the outset of the second and final game of the evening, more than a few ties had been looscnd due to the heat. The temperature during the initial game was warm on the playing floor, loo that was evident when one noticed the moisture on the players' uniforms. Dolan Loses To Aurel Toma Scuttle. March 12 (ft Joey Dolan, Spokane's high-ranking featherweight, dropped a 10 round decision last night to MEN! They're Here! ADAM Hats Genuine Fur Felts Executive $7.50 'Majestic $6.00 Exclusive ill United Shirt Shop Exclusive Agents 331 State Salem Ore. KRISS ROSS By Chris Kowitz Aurel Toma. as the 122-pound Romanian staged a final two round rally that had Dolan in trouble. Toma was the aggres sor throughout the bout despite having a cut opened above his eye in the fifth round. Golfer Jimmy Demaret is 33 years old. . . . ana with a demonstration of I N T E RCOMMUNICA TION SYSTEMS or TALK BACK SYSTEMS ... in valuable to YOU in your office or factory. Our products manufactured by us with an experienced staff of experts to keep them in efficient operation. Of let us serve vou Lacey Faces Richards In Armory Main Event It will be an overweight affair Wednesday night's 10-round main event between Snooks Lacey and Bobby Richards hut there is every indication that it will be a scrap worth watching. Richards beat I.accv in Portland several months ago by a fairly close margin and the negro boxer has been anxious to get Rich- Eagle Rally Nips Canucks Vancouver, B. C, March 12 (U.RiThe Portland Eagles slugged in three goals in the final pe riod last night to defeat the Vancouver Canucks 4-3 in a Northern division Pacific Coast ice hockey league playoff game before 5,500 fans at the forum here. The Canucks opened the scor ing with two goals in the first stanza. The teams counted one each to give Vancouver a 3-1 lead at the end of the second frame. The Eagles started to move in the third period and scored the three markers to clinch the contest. The teams renew hostilities here Friday night. Portland now has a two to one lead in the best-of-fivc series. Ski Meet Set For Ruud Runs Sun Valley, Idaho, March 12 P) Top European and Cana dian talent was pitted today against the American skiers most likely to gain berths on the U.S. Olympic ski team in a spe cial invitational open slalom on Ruud mountain. The select field comprised 34 of the world's greatest skiers from this country Canada, Switzerland, France and Norway. Making the run between the gates for the Americans will be the three men and three girls who took honors in the Olympic trials here last week-end. The selection of the final team has been postponed until after the Harriman cup races this week end in which 30 of the trials finalists will compete. They in clude Gretchen Fraser of Van couver, Wash. 86 proof. 63 grain neutral ipirili. vards m the ring with him ever since. And as far as Richards is concerned, he wants a crack at Lacey's northwest feather weight championship. With this in view Richards insisted that Matchmaker Tex Salkeld draw up two contracts one for Wed nesday night's bout and the other for a title bout in case he decisions Lacey. Lacey predicts, without res ervation that there will be no need for a second bout, for he feels sure he will win so de cisively that Richards will lose all interest in further contests. The semi-final, a six-rounder between Dick Abney and Ray Garcia, promises to be as enter taining as the main event. Ab ney has grown progressively stronger in ring strategy in re cent months and Matchmaker Salkeld believes he has a real future. ' The three preliminaries: Ralph Ayres, Salem, vs. Pat Kelly, Portland; Gene Damico vs. Aaron Hamilton, Portland: Nick Damico vs. Mike Burley Portland. NIB Tourney Resumes Firing Kansas City, Mo., March 12 U.P Sixteen teams from 13 states which survived their first test with scores ranging from 44 to 113 points moved into the second round of the National In tercollegiate Basketball tourna ment today. The top game of the day for spectator interest pitted the fa fored Marshall College of Hunt ington, W. Va., against Hamline University of St. Paul, Minn. The West Virginia team moved into the No. 1 spot Monday by setting a new tournament scor ing record of 113 points in elim inating its first round opponent. Hamline knocked out the Uni versity of Mexico 71 to 49 last night. 'Crests Thump Indians Bellingham, March 13 (fP Bcllingham's Fircrests regained the Coast professional basket ball playoff lead last night with a 60-45 triumph over the Port land Indians. Maulin' Manuel Back on Top Of World Bantamweight List Los Angeles, March 12 UP) Maulin' Manuel Ortiz, one of Cali fornia's most popular champions, is back on top of the world's bantamweights. The 30-year-old El Centro farmer regained the crown last night in a tight 15-round squeak over clever young Harold Dade, Los Angeles negro who put up a gallant defense SKI CLUB MEETS The Santiam Ski club will hold its regular meeting at 8 o'clock Thursday night at the Salem Chamber of Commerce, reminds President Harvey Fox. Exhibition Baseball By the Associated Press! New York N 8. Cleveland (Al 3. Detroit (A) 13, Philadelphia (N) 1. Chicago A 7, Seattle (PCD .1. Cincinnati fN 5. Boston A 3. St. Loul (A) 4, Boston (N) 3. Brooklyn (Nt 9, Panama Independent 4. Pittsburgh INI . Philadelphia (A) 3. Chicago IN) 8. Loa Angelea (PCL1 1. 00 Sunny Morning Flavor hag made Schenley Reserve America's most popular whiskey. Enjoy the matchless quality of its rich body, mellow flavor and rare bouquet. Pre-Wir Quality Jerry Lillie to Boss Bearcat Grid Machine Jerome Cecil "Jerry" Lillie, director of athletics at the Puna hou school in Honolulu, will take over the reigns of the head football coaching position at Willamette university. He was elected to the position during a conference of the trustees held late Tuesday in Portland. At Willamette he will hold the rank of assistant professor of educa tion and will direct track as well as football. His assistant will not be named until Lillie has been given an opportunity to indicate his desires in this matter. The new coach graduated from Grant high in Portland and from the University of Ore gon in 1931 where he was out standing performer in football and basketball. His coaching ex perience includes five years at St. Helens, two years at Bend and eight seasons at Grant high. He transferred to Central Wash ington college in Ellensburg and went from there to Hawaii. His teams have been eminently suc cessful. At Bend the Bears won nine straight and tied in the tenth. During his regime at Grant the Generals tied for the city crown in 1940 and 1941. Lillie holds a master of arts degree from the University of Oregon. Bull, Weaver Score Mat Wins Bull Weidner an i Buck Weav er registered mat victories over the Grey Mask and Herb Parks. respectively, in Tuesday night's weekly professional wrestling party on the Salem armory mat. Weidner's victory came via a foul after each grappler had won one fall, the Mask stopping Weidner with a half crab and being stopped by the Bull's fa vorite offensive weapon, the air plane spin. Weaver had to win but one fall, that by a neck breaker hold, to earn a win over Parks. Time ran out before either matmen could do more damage. George Dusette used a full Nelson to defeat Tony Ross in another armory mat mate Tuesday. Boxing Tourney Opens Portland, March 12 Pl Ti. annual Oregon A A U boxing tournament opens tonight with 25 bouts scheduled. The meet will continue through Friday night. James J. Richardson AAU- chairman, reported 90 en trants were listed to try to make the eight-man team that will represent Oregon at the National tournament in Boston. of the title he lifted from Ortiz two months ago, It was the consensus that if Dade's punches had packed a bit more authority he would still be champion today. The 23-year-old ex-Chicagoan outboxed Ortiz much of the way and landed more punches, but they did little damage. Ortiz, considerably slower than in the heyday of his previ ous 4 Ms -year championship reign, made the most of his blows and was the same old mas ter at infighting, despite the fact he doesn't get around much any more. Schenley Di.tlllert Corp., N. Y. C. Copyright, 1947 Offer to Joe New York, March 12 MV An unprecedented guarantee of $200,000 will be offered to Joe Louis to defend his heavy weight title in June against Southpaw Mclio Bettina of Beacon, N. Y., Bettina's man ager, Jimmy Grippo. an nouncd today. ATTACHED IN 3 minutes You Save Time WHEN YOU Shoe Repairing MILLER'S DEPARTMENT STORE You'll have experts renew your shoes with leather or composi tion, Full Soles, Half Soles, Composition, Leather, Top Lifts, Toe Tips or Heel Lifts, at a cost adjusted to thrifty budgets. jS ' fcT -L t-'l 1 -in taJ4rfTTTTiaW TIME TO GET RID OF WORN-OUT WINTER Complete lubrication according to your ear mtraw factum's specifications. Drain and Husk old winter oil from crcmlccase. Refill crankcaae with new summer oil (Limit, S erts.). Drain and flush old winter lubricant from transtnitv sion and differential. Refill transmission and differential with proper grade summer lubricant. Remore front wheels and repack wheel bearings. Drain radiator and flush with clear water. Inspect tires for nails, cuts, glass and inflate lo correct pressure. 4 6 7 DRIVE m TODAY! 1 IFSl?eOffijO2 STORES 395 South Liberty Dog Show The largest dog show in the history of Salem and one of the largest in the entire north west is developing for March 22 and 23 at the fairgrounds. Harry Willett, chairman of the Salem Lions club committee that is in charge of prepara tions, announces that when the entry list was closed early this week there were 451 dogs listed. This is approxi mately double previous shows. The show will be held In the concourse of the main grand stand at the fairgrounds where there is ample room for dis play. Cornelius Warmerdam is now track coach at Stanford. and Money JG YOUR BRING YOUR to OILS AND LUBRICANTS Phone 9144 H