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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1947)
First Methodist Rites In early February rites at the Carrier room of the First Methodist church, Miss Rumona Nadine Hud dleston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Davis, became the bride ot Edlin Leonard Peterson of San Francisco, son of Mrs. Gladys Peterson of St. Helens. She teaches in St. Helens, and will join her husband, who is with United Air lines in San Fran cisco, in early summer. (Kcnnell-Ellis studio) "6 Capital Journal, Salom, Ore., Wednesday, Mar. 12, 1947 AAUW Plans Fellowship Meet On Saturday By Jean Taylor The Saturday afternoon luncheon meeting of Salem branch, AAUW, is the annual fellowship meeting of the group. Miss Beryl Holt, fellowship chairman, is arranging the pro gram for the 1 o'clock gathering at the Marion hotel. Melvin H. Geist will sing, ac companied by Mrs. Geist. On the program will be thumbnail sketches of the AAUW followship and interna tional students of the organiza tion, presented by members of the Salem group, Miss Lillian Davis, Mrs. Melford Nelson, Miss Mary Anderson, Miss Mil dred Christenson, Miss Helen Pierce, Miss Lois Hamer, Mrs. S. A. Massee, Miss Lenore Head ley, Miss Carolyn Wilson. Miss Joy Hills will also re view "While Time Remains," bj Leland Stowe. -Marion Auxiliary Initiates Members Marion auxiliary 661 to the Veterans of Foreign Wars met Monday evening at the V.F.W. hall with the president, Mrs. Genevieve Olson, presiding. Initiation was held for Mrs. June Wallace, Mrs. Helen Frad, Mrs. Phyllis McCormack, Mrs. Helen Bales and Mrs. Betty Hansen. Committee reports were given by Mrs. Ivcll Haley, finance; Mrs. Arwin Strayer, American ism: and Mrs. Charles Hunt, re habilitation. Mrs. Clarence For bis, senior vice president, gave her annual report. The sewing club will meet Friday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Nell Benoit, 244 E. Miller St. Mrs. Betty Wieprecht was a guest from Meadowlark auxil iary. Plans for the annual bud dy poppy sale are being made by the chairman, Mrs. Mel Cle mens. Marion auxiliary presented two flags each to Keizer and Roberts schools. Mrs. Orville Miller received the special prize. There will be an election of officers at the next meeting, March 24th. . Mrs. Sullivan to Head Alpha Gams Alpha Delta alumnae elected Mrs. J. Wesley Sullivan presi dent Tuesday evening when the group met at the home of Mrs. A. M.' Nelson. Miss Elizabeth Odle was co-hostess. Other officers elected for the coming year were Mrs. M. D. Thomas, vice president and Mrs. Robert Tiernan, secretary-treasurer. The hostesses served a dessert supper with decorations in the St. Patrick's. day theme. Present were Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mrs. Herman Jochim on, Mrs. Calvin Kent, Mrs. J. Wesley Sullivan, Mrs. Stuart Thede, Mrs. James Turnbull, Mrs. Robert Dunniway of Port land, Mrs. Fred Rawlins, Miss Marion Hess and the hostesses. The Women's Relief Corps Aid society will meet with Mrs. Laura Tandy, 1945 South 11th street Thursday with cards from 2 o'clock until S. No-Host Dinner Precedes OES Woodburn About 80 mem bers and families of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, enjoyed the no host supper which preceded the regular chapter meeting Monday night at the Masonic Temple Mr. and Mrs. Ora Morris were in charge of serving, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and other members. At the regular meeting which followed the supper it was voted to invite Venus chapter of Don aid, Laurel chapter of Canby and Orchid chapter of Molalla to be guests at the next meeting March 24 and to Invite Chad wick chapter of Salem and Ger vais chapVr of Gervais to be guests on April 28. Appointed as the refreshment committee for March 24 were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bishoprick, Mr. and Mrs. Tom DeArmond and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan DeAr mond. An invitation was road to the instituting ceremoni'.s of Sweet Home chap'-v at Sweet Home. Oregon, on April 5. The birthday anniversary of the worthy patron, George D. Jones, was the inspiration for an original program, featuring birthday cards and stories on the month of t March, arranged by Miss Zoa Lowthian, with several members taking part, and closing with the singing of "Happy Birthday." Reports on tne district meet ing at Gervais were given by Mrs. Nettie Johnson and several other members. After the chapter meeting an evening of cards and other games was enjoyed. The Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble club will meet with Mrs. Eva Craven, Thursday for a noon, no-host luncheon, at her home at 1080 Fir street. Mrs. Bartelt Hostess for Miss Rogers In compliment to Miss Janet Rogers, whose marriage to Har rison Wilder will be an event of March 21 at the First Con gregational church, Mrs. Jack Bartelt (Shirley Parker) will be hostess Thursday evening, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Parker, in South 23rd street. Guests will gather at 7:30 o'clock for dessert, after which the evening will be spent in- formally. A miscellaneous shower will fete the bride-to-be. Guests will be Miss Rogers, her mother, Mrs. Nels Rogers, Mrs. A. B. Searcy of Vernonia, Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs. Calvin Crawford of Eugene, Mrs. Ralph Smithers, Mrs. Ronald Runyan, Mrs. John Copenhaver, Mrs. Lloyd Griffiths, Miss Jean Row land, Miss Carmen Campbell, Mrs. Clifford Parker and the hostess. Catholic Daughters of Amer ica will meet Wednesday eve ning at 8 o clock at the Wo man's club. Rev. John Walsh of Silverton will show motion pic tures of his travels through the Holy Land. In observance of lent, there will be no refresh ments. Mrs. Earl Snell will preside at luncheon Thursday afternoon honoring members of the Town and Country club. Additional guests will be Mrs. Carl Cham bers, Mrs. George Flagg, Mrs. Arthur Rahn and Mrs. Ernest R. Fatland of Condon. Venetian Blinds -ELMER- (The Blind Man) WEST SALEM 1545 Plaza St Ph. 7328 Slats in Aluminum, Steel and fcWoocl Choice of Tape Color. E Call Any Time for Estimate measured and installed -OREGON STATE COLLEGE Campus Clippings By Helen Paulson Beaver spirit hit the peak of the year Friday and Saturday nights when our team beat UCLA and won the Pacific Coast championship. "Spec" Keene, OSC's newly appointed athletic director, was welcomed by the students at Friday night's game. The Mortar Board ball Saturday night was one of the biggest and best dances of the year. . . "Evening in Paris" was the theme and the decorations were comprised of different types of perfume bottles about four feet high . . . dating was in reverse for the dance as this is the one time during the year that girls can ask the man of their dreams to a big dance . . . the girls com pletely took over by getting the fellows corsages, calling for them (in borrowed cars), tak ing them to dinner, and paying all the bills for the evening. One girl was told by her date's fraternity brothers that he wasn t quite ready ... he unally came downstairs about 15 minutes later . . . when she asked why he had been so late, he told her he had been doing his Monday's algebra assign ment . . . another girl was told that her date would be down in a few minutes as he was just putting the final touches on his nails . . . although many of the fellows made the girls feel ill at ease when they called, the girls got even by pinning clever cor sages (which the girls spent most of the day Saturday mak ing) on their dates just before dinner. Peanuts, popcorn, cigarettes, chewing gum and everything imaginable were made into cor sages for the dance . . , one cor sage consisted of three balloons with a huge bow tying them to gether ... a Fiji was seen wear ing a tiara of red roses in his hair. . . . Former Salemite Cal Curtz was wearing a lei of pea nuts and pink carnations . , . several fellows had the thrill of having their first orchidsl . . . "Don't be an old shoe" is the favorite expression of a fellow who was wearing a corsage made from a little shoe which had a baby orchid tucked in the top. . . . "Wine, Women and Song" was depicted in a cor sage by a scroll of music, lip stick prints on a handkerchief, and a miniature bottle of wine. Last Wednesday Portia White thrilled students and townspeo ple with a wonderful concert . . . she has a very pleasant, rich and flexible voice. . . . OSC Mothers might be interest ed to know that the San Fran cisco Symphony orchestra has been scheduled to give a con cert during Mother's Week-end May 8; 9 and 10. Since next week-end is 'closed week-end," no social events will be scheduled and Oregon Staters County Agent Guest Speaker Harry Riches, Marion county agent, will be guest speaker of the Stayton Garden club at its meeting Friday evening, March 21, at the home of Mrs. Andrew Fery and Miss Edna Fery. Mrs. Jo Carrick will be assistant hostess. Speaking on "Soils," Riches will demonstrate soil testing. Members are asked to bring a pint of soil, gathering from the top to about 10 inches deep. will put their noses into the books for the week-end (theo retically at least) . . . everyone is looking forward to spring vacation which lasts until March 31. Mrs. Ward Inglis will speak on "Color Harmony the Border" and will have ch?rge of the spring flower exhibits. Each member is to bring one or be fined. The petunia pledges will be counted and the prize awarded to the member securing the most pledges. Mrs. A. D. Gard ner, Jr., horticulture chairman, will take charge of any garden ing problems presented by the members. Mr. and Mrs. Wesey McWain (Charlotte Halseth) are parents of a boy, Gary Allen, born Sun day at Salem General hospital. Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Halseth and Mr. and Mrs. Homer E. McWain, the little boy weighed nine pounds. 40-VIEW LOTS-40 in Sunrise Heights Addition For Sale by Owner An exclusive residential district, in the City of Salem. Some of the most beautiful building sites in the Willamette Valley. For Choice Selection ' Buy Now PHONE 9232 OR 3424 IN BOTTLES AND AT FOUNTAINS Pepai-Cola Company, Long Island Oily, N. Y. Franchised Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Salem, Ore. k Three Days' Cough is Your Danger Signal Crcomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expe. germ laden phlcRm, and aid natun to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding: you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to nave your money duck. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Chest Colds. Bronchiti' on your trip EAST extra rail fare! For Fashion-Slim Hips It's Girdles from Wards "Vanity" girdle or rayon batiste with firm front boning. Elastic side panels and gores. Nude. Sizes 3.98 Comfortable rayon satin full hipped girdle talon zipper closing; heavily ribbed, 16" and 18" length. 9.97 Controlling roll-on girdle that's es pecially fine for junior figures. In tearose. Small, Medium and Large. Roll-On Panty Girdle 1.9C 1.98 A ftw of tht thrills m Southern Pacific: MT, SHASTA SHASTA DAM SAN FRANCISCO IAKI TAHOI RENO OREAT SALT LAKI DEI MONTI SANTA BARBARA YOSEMITI BIO TRIES IOS AN6EIES HOLIYWOOO PHOENIX TUCSON IL PASO CARtS.HO CAVERNS SAM AilTONIO HOUSTON NEW ORLEANS When you go East, you might ns well get all you cau for your money. And it's pretty hard to find a bigger bargain than Hub: On your roundtrip ticket to Chicago, New York and most other eastern destinations, you can go or return via California for not one cent extra rail fare. tf your destination ia New York, you can see New Orlonns for no added rail fare. P S. A thrilling sidetrip to Carlsbad Caverns National Park costs only $10.63 all-expense from El Paso. S-P 9.97 j Lightweight girdle with "Talon" zipper closing. Hinge bones at top to prevent rolling. Nude. Sizes 2532. 5,00 lit! y 7 5.00 Practical . . . Pretty SILK HOSE FOR SPRING "mm In 98c Ever know of a woman who had too many hose? No, there probably isn't one in town! But here's your chance to become the lady with a sufficient supply . . . Wards Hosiery Dept. has Silks! They're good-looking, sheer, full-fashioned . . . ond the shade heroic so lovely for Spring! Sizes from SV2 to 10V4. Th friendly Southern Pacific C. A. 1. ARSON Phone 4408