( 2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Mar. 12, 1947 Melting Snow Shows Delects " Dallas The city is beginning J to iron some of the "bugs" out 'of its storm sewer system alter jthey became apparent with the i snow s melting early mis year. ' While the new cross-town i storm sewer was running far Jless than half full, some home i owners reported that their base ' menls continued to flood and J city councilmcn placed the blame on too small intersecting sewers. i Now under construction on ! Clay street is a larger intersect ting storm sewer which will con- !nect catch basins for three t blocks. It is expected to elim 'inate flooded conditions that i were apparent at Hayter and ' Clay streets especially and will i be a step towards putting a final Iston to basement flooding. Cnn- trading to do ditch digging for the sewer is Telford and Quil l,liam of McMinnville with Guy's ' Hardware laying the concrete tile, which graduates from 10 i inches to six inches. J Water mains have been re- i placed on Church street, north jof Washington, according to C. ill. McCleary and work will be Jgin soon on new South Hayter i street mains. Replacement of rather ancient water mains on iFairview avenue between Oak Jdale and Maple will be under taken next with the McMinn ville firm doing the digging and ,crews of the water commission 'laying the mains. I CatcH basins and storm con inections to the big storm sewer have also been provided on Church street from Oak to Academy. : Waldo Hilislnvifes jPublic Club Night J Waldo Hills The general i chairman of the committee in charge, Ralph Egan, and his as sistants, Mr. and Mrs. Dan F. Hillman, are announcing that , every one will be welcomed at the Friday evening March 14 i meeting of the community club 'at the community hall. J; A 7:30 no-host supper will be i featured. An old time dance J with the Evans' six-piece orches tra mrnisning the music from J 9 to 12 o'clock. , H. A. Barnes, club president, ' George Hall, vice president, and ( Mrs. Ted Riches, sccrelary-treas-rurcr, as official hosts will re J ceive the guests and help with i plans. ..Shower Is Offered Mrs. Don Sundstrom i Falls City A shower was 'given Mrs. Don Sundstrom at (!the country home of her moth J cr-in-law, Mrs. Sundstrom, at JCoopcr Hollow. Refreshments i were served. Those attending and bringing gifts were Mrs. Fred Dornheck ' er, Mrs. Dick Murphy, Mrs. Bill i Dean, Mrs. Phillip Murray, Mrs. J.S. Sundstrom and Mrs. L. C. i Westbrook, all of Falls City. J Mrs. Robert Sundstrom of Dal i las, Mrs. Sundstrom of Cooper ' Hollow. Teachers Get Raise From Amity Board ' Amity At the regular school board meeting this month all teachers of the Amity Union J high school faculty were offered contracts for the coming year. A 25 percent wage increase was i voted. Teachers are: R. Menegat, principal; Mary Hammack, so- cial science; Matilda Jones, commercial; Ruth Richter; home economics; Edna Stroul, Eng- lish; Raymond Stephens, coach i and Henry Tempas, agriculture. The Place SHATTUC'S Rarbequed Crab Baked Ham Choice Steaks Pan Fried Chicken A Mill frsat Falrrronndi entrance n Bllrcrto oaf 0aa t :3ft Cleied Mondy I'd on MtSS WILLS TWILIGHT TIME 30 MINUTES OF RELAXED, MEDITATIVE MELODIES FROM THE FINEST MODERN MUSIC . . . POPULAR STYLIZATION OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS. Presented by WILLS MUSIC STORE 7:00 P.M. Tonight and Every Wednesday d)(D) i Willamette Valley'i Most Powerful Station 1000 Watti Gravel Operations Resume This Week Independence The Indepen dence Sand & Gravel plant re sumed operations this week after being shut down for about three months during which time the bunkers have been com pletely rebuilt. During the time when the bunkers have been idle sand and gravel have been supplied to customers from the stock piles on hand. Claude Skinner, manager of the plant, states that the plant is now in first class shape and expects a busy season this year. Mill City Campaign Starts This Week Mill City The current Red Cross drive in Mill City, spon sored by the Santiam Rebekah lodge of Mill City, with Mrs. Darrell Andersen as campaign chairman, is getting under way this week. Mrs. Andersen an nounces the following co-work ers: Mrs. Frank Jackson, Mrs. Clayton Baltimore, Mrs. Cecil Lake, Mrs. Leland Bassett, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Lester Hatha way, Mrs. Wallace Henderson, Mrs. David Epps, Mrs. Frank Merrill, Mrs. Robert Swift, Mrs. Dclos Hoeye and Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood. In charge of the Gates collections is Mrs. Ruby Horner, and in Idanha Mrs. R. C. Haseman. Unionvale Carol Sue Launer, fourth grade Unionvale school student, has been absent more than one week because of severe cold. She is under care of a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jones and daughter Cherry of Shedd were overnight guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Launer. Miss' Bonnie Shelburnc visit ed Miss Margaret Faetel at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paetel at Tigard Friday. Margaret is a former Unionvale student. She recent ly broke one of her ankles and with a cast to be removed soon she was able to attend school without missing but three days Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shel- burne and family accompanied her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trent and son of Bellevue to Bonneville dam Sunday. Woodburn Firemen Select Committees Woodburn Standing com mittees for the year for the Woodburn fire department have been anniunced by the presi dent, Bud Forgard. The follow ing appointments were mad?: Finance, Floyd Maricle, chair man, Charles Blinn, Oscar Blan- chard; entertainment, Leslie Paulson, chairman, Charles W. Smith, James Petshaw, Ed Mc Clure; grievances, Warren Barnes, chairman, Vic Duffy, Tom Oslrum, baseball, Leonard Petshaw, chairman, Dean Leigh ty, Albin Halter; Boy Scout com mitteeman, James Petshaw, Highway Groceries Bought by Rivenes Woodburn O. M. Rivenes and his son, Mike Rivenes, have purchased the two grocery stores of Clarence Hammett on the highway north of Woodburn and at Hubbard and took over last week. O. M. Rivenes was for some time proprietor of the Grill in Woodburn and Mike was four and a half years in the service. Hammett is in poor health and has entered a hospital. to Go Is CHATEAU Cocktail Lounge Dancing Program Given By Girl Scouts Jefferson The Girl Scouts of Jefferson observed the 35th an niversary of Girl Scouting, by presenting a program at the reg ular meeting of the PTA, held in the school gymnasium. Mrs James Blackwell, Jr., is district president. Girl Scouting was in troduced in Jefferson three years ago, and is carried on by volun leer leaders. Awards were presented to the various troops: the Tenderfoot Scout Girls were presented Scout pins, and they included Yvonne Rosenau, Laura Lee Ti ger, Lucile Bentley, Anna Mae Ross, Jo Ann Johnson, and Myr tle Norton. Badges for hostess, cooking and explorer, were given to Shirley Bentley, Janie Hutch ings, Mary Belle Ricks, Cather ine Spechl, Marie Specht. Mrs. William Brown is leader of troop 11. Mrs. C. J. Thurs ton, leader of troop No. 3, and the girls gave the scout prom ise, and laws; and ' also sang, "O Susannah." The Brownie troop No. 4, with Mrs. Gilbert Looney leader, gave the can dlelighting ceremony which is held at their regular meetings, also sang the Brownie Smile song. They were assisted by three girls of Scout troop wo. 5, of which Mrs. Herman Wilson is the leader. The Boy Scout court of honor included Leo Weddle, UUDert Looney, Irvine Wright, and Jack Parrish. Harry Michelson, district commissioner, presented the charter for the local Boy Scout troop to Jack Parrish. Before the close of the meet ing Mr. Michaelson showed mov ing pictures of the boys' camp at Camp Pioneer. Awards were also given members of the Boy Scouts. Refreshments were served in the home economics room by the hostess committee, Mrs. Paul Smith. Mrs. Mack Hamby, Mrs. Albert Meyers and Mrs. Joe Vasek. Marion Initiated into the Farmers1 Union at the last meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith of Stay ton and William Wetzler of Marion. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Calavan were called to Portland to attend the funeral of Mr. Calavan's niece, Mrs. Ruth Davidson, of Seattle, and also visited with Mrs. Calavan's daughter, Mrs. William Winkler, and Marjory Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morgan and family, who have been liv ing on the George Christenson place, have purchased a home on the hill above Marion from Mr. Snider of Turner and are mov ing there this week. Warren Gray spent a lew days in Portland attending the Pacific Co-op convention. Guests at the Herman De- Laugh home were Mr. and Mrs Elmer Curne, Joyce Walt and Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Colgan and family of Salem. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William and Mrs. H. Loretz were Mrs. Ernest Currie of Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Loretz of Cloverdale and Mrs. Erma McFall of Eugene. Brown Family Moves Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown moved to Elgin, Ore., where he has bought a machine shop, and will be in business this week. He has been at the Golden Gate Hop ranch for the past three years, ever since he returned from over seas service. They will live in the Dr. Bennett home for a while as Dr. and Mrs. Bennett are taking a vacation while he is recuperating from a' recent ill ness. WILL OSBORNE and His Orchestra Salem Armory Thur.f March 13 15. 15 -ARTISTS Grade School Pupils Granted Street Use Independence Indepen dence grade school pupils are enjoying the use of C street which was granted them by the city council for skating between the hours of 8:30 to 9 a.m., from noon to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 3:45 p.m. The street is roped off with red flag markers and not only provides a fine place for skating but greatly assists in the safety of the children playing on the adjacent ground, according to A. D. McAnear, principal. Broadacres Forms PTA for District Hubbard A Parent Teachpr association was formed at the Broadacres school last week. Mrs. W. A. Terhune of Jeffer son county council PTA, presi dent, installed the following of ficers: President, Mrs. Rozman; vice president. Mrs. Warren Hi inn- secretary, Mrs. Roy Lenhardt; treasurer. Mrs. .Take Rnnnln- historian, Mrs Felix Hassing. iwenty-seven charter mem bers registered during the eve ning. There were four visitors. Teachers, at Broadacres are Mrs. E. T. Rose and Mrs. Blake. Anon TemDle No. 24 Pvthinn Sisters, met in regular uin Tuesday evening, March 4. r ony-iive members were present. Guests were 29 mem bers Of Una.temnle in Alirnn and 18 members of Home tem ple in Silverton. Honors were given to Helen Wrightman. Home: E mma Snv. der, Una; Cobie de Lespinassi, Anon. D.D.G.C. Amy Snyder an nounced the district rnnvonfi to be held in Aurora May 14 and assigned Arion temple's duties. Mrs. Horner Honored With Birthday Party Slayton Friends and rela tives garnered at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Hafner Pri'rln,, evening to help her celebrate her birthday. High score in the card games was won by Cliff Stuhr and low bv Walter Hafnpr Re freshments were served. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hafner. and daughter Sue Ellen; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lahr, David and Judy; Her bert Stuhr, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cremer. Max Hafner 7lilr anrf Bob Cremer, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stuhr, Jack and Betty; John Hafner and the honored guest. Today & Thur.I IOVE COMES CCD. BY FAST MALE1 CO-HIT! Love and Laughs!! Anna Neagle Rex Harrison 'A YANK IN LONDON' ZOWIE! STARTS I I . TWO TERRIFIC FUN - FEATURES! Polk Project Leaders Busy Dallas Polk county home ex tension units will have demon strations on conserving time and energy in housekeeping by Mrs. Viola B. Shaffer, home demon stration agent, and food demon strations given by project lead ers this month. Independence unit project leaders, Mrs. Orley Brown and Mrs. Zack Bartel, will demon strate "Main Dish Meals" on March 13 at the home of Mrs, Grove Peterson at 10:30. Orchard Heights unit leaders, Mrs. Cleo McMorris and Mrs Mildred Wilson will demon strate at Mrs. Wilson's home at 10:30. Kingwood Heights project leaders, Mrs. Mary Damrell and Miss Fern Morgan, will demon strate on March 19 at Mrs. Dam rell's home at 10:30. Fort Hill project leaders, Mrs. Alice Henthorn and Mrs. Paul ine Newbill, will demonstrate at the Grange hall on March 25 at 10:30. Rickreall project leaders, Mrs. Ida Ragsdale and Mrs. Lula Irv ing, March 27 at the Rickreall Grange hall at 10:30. Mrs. Shaffer will meet the Monmouth unit on March 18 at the high school homemaking room at 1:30 to give "Conserve You" demonstration. Landscaping Topic For Aumsville Unit Aumsville The extension unit met at the Rov Hnneh home for its monthly meeting. Miss Rasmussen presented the subject "Landscaping" to the following members. Miss Minnie Peterson, Mesdames Iv an Putnam, Johnson, Mickey, Kuhns, Nichol, Fough, Wright, Hough, Gildon, Martin and Roberts. The next meeting will be held at the Charles Wright home, the subject "Company Dinners." Mrs. Heckart Given Bithday Surprise Sunnyside A group of rel atives and friends assembled for a surprise birthday part? for Mrs. Ray Heckart at her home. Honoring the birthday anni versary were Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Voss of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cole, sons Tom my, Gary, Billy of Rosedale; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bunse: Mr. and Mrs. George Heckart; Mr. ana Mrs. Clayton Bunse, sons Dickie, Dale, Donnie; Larry Joe Heckart, Ray Heckart. Opens 6:45 P.M. Now! Mickey Rooney - In Technicolor -"National Velvet" William Gargan "Rendezvous 24" Opens 6:45 P.M. Now! Music and Fun! Hoosier Hotshots "National Barn Dance" William Boyd "Call of the Prairie" PHONE 3467 MATINEE DAIlV FR6M 1 P.M. CS4cUm( Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kurre and daughter Linda, and Mr and Mrs. E. E. McNabb of Klam ath Falls were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurre, Mrs. Gail Prather and Mrs. Ed Prather spent the week-end at the coast visiting at the Jack Sullivan home. Mrs. Sullivan is Mrs. Ed Prather's daughter and lives in Reedsport. DeLores Hultman was home over the week-end. She brought a girl friend, Vera Bishop of Coquille as her guest. She is al so attending college at Oregon State. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams of Eugene had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Adams' parents, Mr and Mrs. Leland Prather. Little David Wells had a seri ous accident while playing in the barn and fell on a pitchfork. He has lost the sight of one eye. He is in the hospital and doc tors hope to save the eyeball. Mrs. Elma Bratton and Miss Etta Wells of Chehalis, Wash., drove here to attend the wed ding of Donald Wells and take their mother, Mrs. Myrtle Wells home. She has been visiting her sons, Clifford and Orville here for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauger entertained Sunday at dinner. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krauger and daughter Ha and John Kafferty of Salem. Buena Vista Local Offered Reports Buena Vista Farmers Union met with a no-host dinner, about 30 attending. Jonas Grabes gave a full report on the state con vention held at Albany. Mrs. Carrie Withrow also reported and had the secretary read Pat ton's speech given at the con vention. The union allowed $20 on the new stove to be purchased for the hall, also $3 for the Red Cross. Program consisted of pi ano solo, Mrs. C. O. Johnson; vocal solos by Mrs. Perry Wells. Mrs. Martha McGowan did some cartoon drawing from "any an gle three lines." Elza Long is program chair man for the April meeting and Addie Harmon, Mrs. C. Savage, kitchen committee. NOW! ' MOM'. hie B!S(S: OOHLEVY WALKER t IHBBM"IMUa.IIIljU( t Extra! Cmedv Cartoon-News 1 A NEW GANG, WITH ORIGINAL "DEAD END" KIDS, ROUGH HOUSING RIGHT INTO YOUR HEARTS! AND DICK TRACY TESS, JR., VITAMIN, ALIVE ON THE SCREEN IN ATHRILL FILLED BATTLE AGAINST CRIME! JNEWS FLASHES! P-82 S FIGHTER FLIES NON-STOP 8 5 8 ; HAWAII TO NEW TURK! ENGLISH ROYALTY IN? $ 'SOUTH AFRICA!. ..S g SPORTS! PIRATES ANDjj! BRAVES TRAIN IN FLORI-5 2 J DA! 239 FOOT JUMP WINS J $ NATIONAL SKI TITLE! j iff- ?TA ANITA 'CAP! Purebred Livestock Brings Good Price Sunnyside Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Taylor attended the Inland Empire Aberdeen Angus association show and sale in Spo kane, Wash., and the dispersal sale of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc Farland.Jaynbee ranch, Sand point, Idaho. Judged grand champion heifer by Jos. Muir, Washington State college, "Zada of Hyalite," own ed by Harrer Bros., Bozeman, Mont., sold for $1300 to Law rence Mellergard, Ellensburg, Wash. Grand champion bull, Matty's Elite, owned by A. M. Matsen, Bickelton, Wash., and J. W. Freeman, Baker, sold for $1150 to Jim Boyle, Palouse, Wash. Paul H. Taylor of this com munity purchased a heifer "Jaynbee Ebard Blackbird," at the McFarland dispersal sale, carrying service of "Brant of Clay 2nd," who was purchased for $3300 by Mathews, of Cal gary, Alberta, Canada. Woodburn Applies For Church Building Woodburn An application has been filed by the Woodburn Church of God for the construc tion of a new church building. estimated at $23,000, with the Oregon district OPA office. The proposed structure would have a seating capacity of 318 in the main auditorium and ample Starts Friday! IPS : WAT 2v fMf DARRYL Elsinore WARNERS ,PHONE3467 JL Jefferson Rev. A. E. Bashford, loca chairman of the Red Cross drive in Jefferson, has named his workers in the various districts. It was decided to have those' who are registering persons for the chest x-rays March 31, to also solicit for Red Cross con tributions at the same time. Jefferson's quota is $500. The city council at its meet ing accepted a strip of land to be made into a city street, be tween the residence of Mrs. George Mason and Ernest Pow ell and L. R. Reynolds proper ties, west of Union street. Mrs. Frank Rehfeld has re turned home from Holyoke, Colo. Her brother died before Mrs. Rehfeld reached her des tination. class rooms. It is planned to be erected on the site of the pres ent church building at Third and Grant streets. Definite plans will be announced later, according to the pastor, Rev. M. W. Skinner. Opens 6:45 P.M. Ml GOIDII DANNY Wlm 1HE KID ii Co-Feature "Gun Town" - Kirby Grant PnxJwctd by F.ZANUCK Directed by EDMUND GOULDING Screen Play by LAMAR TR0TTI Prom the Novel by trV, Somerset Maugham's THEATRE 8:30 P.M. Adm. $1.50 Inc. Tax 1390 on Your Dial ' M