Radio Program Wednesday P. M KGW Zt 'KEX R :11ft- Newi ft :1ft Saprrman h Kr3fl Capl MidnUhl ' 5:45 I Tom Mil i Stun of Todai l Sonet 1 Newt JrlW New I tSHIt t NfWi i T.B.A. 6:45 ' Orchestra I nnffv't TtTern ntiffv't Tavern Mimlral Musical 7:ftft I grot land Yard I Frank Marian 7:15 I Scotland Yard i Frank More an 7:3ft Clarii Kid I Krr' Knllrar 7:15 I Cisco Kid 1 Kvier'a Knllrae j-uuein envelope io. complete airecnons lor crocheting To obtain this pattern, send 15c "ber. your name, address and . :0ft-I Name of I Supper Club 1 'b Abnfr Newi AtAY 'VlKV T I V2 J T1 ' IT iT J Uvi1' I, :I5-I That Soni I Flnrtwonrt l.nwlnn ! Sunt. I Jar. mlth Shew A VZl IV 3-12 f I I L EytfiM fJ fcZ3 V !H:S0 i its no to VoutK I OlMenlee I WIHIe Piper I Dr. CbrlMlan X "W0 T cJL tTV--- " W I 1 ,1 .8:45 1 Us1 Up to Voulh ' r.llde rulcey tVHIIe Piper I Dr. Chrlttlaa " f VV 1 X " fl ' Prl 9:flft Newt I Omnia" Day Bini Crobr i .lark Cimbu ''T- vsw,,, XrrC-X T 3 I 9:1lt- I Pictorial flrnnii Day I Blna Crnthy ! .lark Car on C (H 9:S0 I Orrhettra I Ill Attnmry Henry Morgan IN. W. Nelnhhort . ffT T r, 'Qg" '9:45 I Orchestra I Dial. Atlornry I Ilrnry Morgan IN. W. Nclihbori wu ! tnw nra,k, fu.u 0:fH Fulton Lewla, Jr. j'NVw Flanhet TNwii I Fir star Final ' , .7-..; , L li?T tw' "r1' Tlm' IXVy Henry By Carl Anderson I0:3ft 'Newt I Orch. I Concert Hour Orcheilra 10:45 I Orchestra I Band Wagon I Concert Ifnnr I Tri4i Rangera r1" " i . . . . , iim.h.... j, , . - - - , J1:ftn j Open TTnnta I News J Concert IToiir Army Xv x. 1 V 11:1ft Open Honta Orrhettra I Concert Hour I Orchestra 1 x,. j" Y TV I A yy' J,l :80 Opei) Oouit I Orchestra I Orchestra Afr-Flo A p" V V ,11:45 I Newi Orchestra I Orr.hrstra I News J tfCCO) I 1 r j A i P 13:00 ! Sign Off 1 SlgnTotf X-TralTonr 1 Silent " fK ' ' -1 ' sYrd V "X"-- Thursday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P.M. S QOA)CU U riMSA "V-L iNrws Mnack.- Bugler X - 1 'II 'XXA '))) ) TPh WT V SWl V :I5- I Music TlmrkeePi I Dare West Bwgler X Western Rtara jSW) FREE ) )K v ) IT "S Vt fl-JW- Marrb of Time I Newt I Bugler X I KOIN Klork -X TODAV ,WV? S C v v v ' Vv Z-J . Nrr s. f fit.S- i Newt INewii I Bugler X KOIN Klork TfCX T ' V XZTlLh UTXri J ITT "7:ft0 I Newt Farm Tlmt I Roundup Boti 1 KOIN Klock . ll (SST' V OS I t ' A-ySle I I I Mv? V' ' :15- Rl and hlna I Fsrm Time (Martin Agronskv Newa ) ' cfXTWJV . .OaLJ? W vTr ' K-W X 7:30 iRIsa A Shin. I The Old Songt ) Jamea Ahhe I Newt fc l" lLsJ-it ajv'y . s , fYi J $W A. if Y 7:45 Farm anil Home Ncwa I Market RepoMt 1 Fact Finder 1rJ X " ' I CNaV ' " T f?QClr C UHWw (Jt W -L -L iL 'L. J :00 I naven of Rest I Fred Waring I Breakfast Club I Consumer Xawa F Vffy XT &CLa ) TJ" - 8:15 Haven of Sett (Fred Waring ) Breakfast Club Art Baker J. MT) JJ- 1 ' cvVC 8:30 Sin I Jack Berrh Breakfast Club (Grand Slam f rA k. ( W. 1 -...v Tj c'h Vorf ) pyZ-JLJ hff Ju A- 8:45 Vic LlnJIahr Jcrees Ahbe I Breakfast Club ) Rosemary r4rf V AJTl Vjs-- Jy) Hy iK' " VvEir 9:00 I Orchestra Oregon Caravan iKcnney Raker I Kate Smith fl) mm-m " :15 (Merr GrlfMo J Newt Kenney Baker Aunt Jenny v C--7 !' 9:30 Pastor's Call Words A Musle I Rreneman'i Bfst. I nelen Trent CahL- O 9:45 Art Baker I Wordt A Music I Brcnrpian'i Bfst. 1 Oar Gal Sunday " i. "S-12 ANDBraiOM 10:00 wl j School 7lalnbrak. BlTRlster 1 " ' 10:15 Bine Slngt I Srhool (nill l.ant Ma Terklna The Ncbbl Rv Hpqa Thi Wav Olli 10:SO- I Orchestra I Trople fchoea M Story Dr. Milon. " n-vm ay neSB 1 niS nay UUl .10:45 Orchestra Joyca Jordan I My Story" Road of Ufa !!;! ! SSTKHIT. I SPTSfK "SjS15" P 7i frl I l?2!SK,,uTCAN,rMKEl I sBPirewNS mejou,i mmosti .PPwiYgu i . rirssn I 1T:3I- Qan for nT I M,aofr.d I l.l.lrnln. Po.t Un. L. I SO1" 1 TRVIMS TO J WEiO NER CAMTlHtVEPE4.CEFERS0r.l f5AVSO IrJ TME J Jf LSZ-SSsJ II. 45- Queen for Ply 11.11. of Worm F.lhri .n Alb.rl R... of Mm SEH V ,'T A LOCATE IT OM ijAlL OUfA. AND OUET IKI MV VSdT ORDQJS VF'BST PLAC5PS1 J5:?!Z , I ?.'"".";: ',w . ,UE0 ISTH6 6KI0 -0"V JUIS DASRAM klT y OWN CEIL I f "TO TURN f ,.5" ' IS. IS Newi Mb Perklltl Star, of TodF Come and 301 Ii DCfSicrrco P ?3fo T jfcJ ,011 lr -inr' ' 13:30- 111111,111, Seren.d. Pepper Yp, rd. Rill RhTthm iRSSISIER f J I ffifelAww JJTl lfct'te'StJi 1 KjFiii I !BBtl 12:45 Variety Show Rlthf to Hopptnt Dare Roao Rbytbm fa. AB I fS'Ull tMPTr IT ' I aalyi'V'gJ jAy:RWk I nA fTT , 1:00 iJamborea Barkataae Wlfa I loinmlo ifamet Honaa Partr Jkm? 1 ifS?! IllJLiil fcr " Jaj FwS SVTW I aTTT l:f Newa Stella Dallaa Tommle Bartlet Hooaa Parla fN I - M f V fil Uj TIM NaTl W L4&j2 I ;1:30 Oreheatra f.orrnto Jonea I At Homo New.paper of Air ' A I , . J S I B-JyTl f ''tv UliSji ll! Jt??M1& aSTWB 1 - I Orebealra IVIdder Bro-n At Homo Neitapapar of Air V-CV IVo'N.' I afvl?V Ti ' 11 I "" l7'rl aM'& fj. 1 I 'it s" rtta' FM"'."f 14" ' S'E"! ! a!' C'4aarV AStjS IJv V) ! V. Ba t JbXT A iV 1:30 Heart, flealra .lull Plain RIM BHd flroom j Meel'lh Mla'a.a . f IVX. 'lrft R FlVVl'f- Vwf ' alGV I- 1 1 Jblafll D . :4S- Bearla De.lra Fronl Pa. Farrell BrMaJmjjMeellhojllaaca ' LN&2'fe ll I J S" VI - 'TTl IV f K iflP. 1 0 , :00 Muilo Road ofl.W. f.adlea Ba Sealed I New, A 7 .11 I J 'O , YVS? Q "ratS JLJ(V i' a Aaa. ' (tTT . i ii- N'" "'' INorlh.e.l Today I One for Rook 1-aMaaaIii ifatTt iJUl LlEtCL!iir aBam-lalawaal F awdlalaaMaaaaMaaaaaJ I BT J "M 1 lChr'"m" I'"" Beautiful I Norlhtrealemera I Tracer of . .... T T T ; r " . :4s- i Bud. Boaer. i Nr.. . T,nnei.d I L..i p.ra.n. t-ittle Orphan Aimi. By Harold Gray She Went That Way I f a. a. IrTI !j ""V"' ' TB SOSS SHE DOESfn-rwELL, THEfTTI I" 'T THfiTS flZ-l IOEA-ftL"Nl I f tj-SI 1-M' af. 1 THAT COD T OH, I THOUGHT OP "THAT VHIr' n LIVS ON HIS BEAT MOV8E SHELL I III GO TO THAT CORNER-ANO I II f fyil m MW M t 1 WW J I B OUGHT TO I He SOYS SHE CALLED HIM OftH HE'S 6URE I JUST PASS THAT Jf I I WAIT- ILL VMAIT ALL A jttt) to tr t H t btf fleV I I know who I bv name--hes seen her ggjg happened to ) wt- w f I 1 oav-all NK3HT-FOR A I 1 1 LSHE "J BflrrE?ME PLACE'"BUT jj 1 BE PASSING Jk AGAIN- 1 I Jif 'P ' HE K" J : mmmmmA w si mi ' MKM By Gus Edson Too Little, Too Late - symti'Vm'NMj-mm spools of wire-- mwm , is an old-fashioned 't""j n " "' 1 "1 ' a-onniiiHii.imiaaa-r I I m I I Hai aJaaaaaal aaaaaueaaal TaaajjjaMaaBaaaaaaaaaall 1 . Those large loose stitches go so quickly, you cn crochet the . .. . . " n . . , jacket and snug-fitting booties in no time! A lovely and practical ,Ul a"d Je" By Bud Flsher So Ho! Jeff Is Strictly a Five-Day Weeker et. i . hi """idi, o-,o ivussion otreei, aan t rancisco 3, Calif. u, IT lM Y-arV 1A?viQ .V ITv LeW 1 W riITm" lA R MflF A R A DgiM ANl S Ffv l-l'.ji!),-J -bKn --al- i yr'f rT-H tfe jMM M.MigaE?g 9Mmrr r stating p THEy 1 1 iSiAi s.r w ACROSS I. Bottom of tha feet IS. ProTlded 19. Not right 42. Cost home 43. Dutch city 44. Gastropod niolltiftkt 45. American actor 41. Greek mythologicaJ hero CO. NeKatlva 61. UprlKht 63. Urging 66. Ltkoly 67. Smoothly ftoltte Rhteat atar iflneral aprinea 4 Lragenda t. Obese 12. Automnbtla t 13. Old-worn anlah . 14. Palm leaf , 36, Lady dab H. Craze , 17. King Arthur'! lanca IS. RulTa ' SO. Scheduled 22. Salt 2a. South American country 14. Make belt eve ' SS. Took tha chief meal II. Assist S3. Highway Si. Cancel , 15. Ex lata oonataltaUoa 0. Chum 1. Coma tn ' f I3 U K ? F I'"' -fr ' I" 1 Wr Mir 0 1 -0t ww la sfisr ' 31 W' 33v?73? zmw wmw 3 pr m z m'mr i-i - Ml Y IS" ZZZWZzZZW IF nw 1 1 1 mr IIWi te ARC I Yrr and lra(." RU- Kim I -lark 4rmlrona Frlrndi contains stitch Illustrations and the baby"s set. in COINS, ffivlntf natfprn num. Dinah ah.ra Jf.A W1 VUtJy 'SCRcTANT VE FA Cl0 YajToSl U rSSyTv " I Pol o- Gold Dlnah Rhora LoVl) ,.el5M vs cbSL.V ff3 U ft JWiTf. I l.onv Ranarr I Drranilni QO&'S PqS '?!' I C iWj "C lyAJSlj. zone number to Peggy Roberts, 1" w r c tt i -i v. tv;w v IV I fl 1 I II Ml --l Wl - n i j I iPiaTrIaiIoTlii siaIlIaTdi I M4ViaWaiW!ffl rC- fcXr, I I I ferMaS1 6 l E M i rijk s l n o Rejfla.' Fellers By Gene Byrnes No Score p o nWt aTcTe" tWn o b E N Slle NAT Elltf V A 1 7JI I IrjETEMRTETpIlBUTlAlNl JU ' WELL HCW y- -v r WCkNDenPUL.' X X BUT TEACHER. Ii I . TfTM rro Vperfect, CdA THAT deserves a (, bound TOoS.OMMe)7 ' Solution of Varterday'i PuiiK t 'Awn IN SCHCCa. J Nor A iin&lc. ( half- oollab-spf, that vnu V - V .ni J 4. .' . H. B, Stowa character L BaahaJ 64. Headline 46, Period of Una DOWN t Gael 1. Couple t. Stirred op 4. Old Dleoee of needlework i. Genua of diicki 4. Cotton-aaedlUdi machine 1. Llaplng L Cloaed tlrhUr I. Lot 10. AleritaMn. 11. LeOOk -tlf 19. Small rug L Dry 24. Buckete 26. Asrended IS. Mldrta- 27. Valleva 29. Suppreat tit pronouncing 30l Postpone 32. Writing tab) 17. Organs of certain In-ccia 40. Dimly 41. Season 43. Lured 4S. Glrle 47. K-k drink . Dwarf SI. Chancea S3. Brilliant colored fiat. 51. At any tint M. New star IS. Mixture of Mark and white II. Luson native Jo u nta I Fea tu re Donald Duck fnw" i r r .. i i i i i it ii ii ii in . ?t in i ii mi i i ' r T 1 1 Vv w f; He) '-mjmul 15 .. .. bv.iLoo .SX kia IoiuitOW 1 CTNT A. NT vrci W AMr it mn 1 ten i'i i ccun tocu T . ..,r- Y vaVUAT frlA I I- . . . N II nnni -,w.. . iH; .w .. on fjjivn ui" I 1 ONLY I I mfe 11 PAPER ON WEDNESDAY J ATTmNOTH'-4 ri wT I i!-TiiPsrAV- V2aC- V7 L I :w Vf V vl iV VSLPe By Ednar Rice Burroujrhs Manzen Takes an Advantage MINS.,f SEP tfit VjEEKji'' , V J I I WITH ONE BLOW HE FELLED ONE Tfl l55'i! -- fS!fr,L Vrt fromtirri&th'wn tllia iyStany'manJIalmeo at JWfE I ' - ' I HAD PROPPED w THEIR AIIPST. liTtrSJVT BfflSr-S -.WiVft I 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Mar. 12, 1947 riy Walt Disney m Pae Spellbound DANCE ON By Florence Theel Chapter 7 Mrs. McLane's boarders were lingering over Sunday dinner, quite agog over the boys' orches tral debut at the Rotary Club the night before, and their iu ture engagements. Plump Mrs. Van Buren, who headed the table, said gracious ly, "It wouldn't surprise me in the least if you all became as famous as Tommy Dorsey some day." "It might surprise Tommy, though, Bert laughed and, ex cusing himself, left his brothers to gather the rest of the bou quets. He put on a heavy sweat er and went back to the rumpus room In the garage. In spite of their success, he felt dispirited, as gloomy as the damp, sunless November day. He cleared the table top of mag azines and, playing a listless game of solitaire, he thought of Paul and Eileen. A soft knock interrupted his game. He called, "Come in!" and looked up to see Eileen, in a bright plaid rain coat, standing in the doorway with some music In her hand. "Why, hello!" he said in pleased surprise. "Come in out of the cold." Eileen smiled uncertainly. "I brought over some new songs. I thought maybe 'we could try them over." Bert looked at their titles. His eyebrows lifted. "Torch songs? For you?" "I ought to give people what they like songs they expect to hear, shouldn t I? She looked so terribly concerned, Bert had to smile. "Well, take off your coat and sif down. I'll go get Eddy to play for you." "He just went down the street with Paul, to the picture show. I wanted you to play them, Bert," she said forthrightly, "and give me your opinion. Will you?" "Why, sure if you're content with one-hand playing." He folded Eileen's coat and laid It on his own broad comfortable day-bed. Already his mood had brightened. He lit the bridge lamp beside the piano and, with his right hand accompanied her in two obviously unsuitable numbers. She simply couldn't step out of character, enough, it seemed, to put them over. She stood there, waiting his ap proval, but he told her candidly, "These aren't your type, Eileen. You'd better stay with the waltzes and ballads." Eileen flushed. "I borrowed them this morning from Thelma, because several people request ed them last night." Eileen said, unhappily, "My songs aren't right for a band, I know. But I just can't do any other kind, I guess." Why, they liked your songs last night. They kept calling for encores, didn't they?" And then, forgetting his resolve, he said with a rush of feeling, "Don't try to change the lovely thing you are, Eileen." "Oh Bert!" Her face lit as though the sun had suddenly come Into the room. "I thought you'd changed were never going to say things like that again." His hands crashed Into a minor chord. He said, looking down and forcing a matter-of- fact tone, "I'm only saying what I mean, Eileen, Is these aren't your style of songs, at all!" I see." Her voice was small and miserable. He whirled off the piano stool abruptly and strode without his cane over to the window. Eileen stood beside him. What has happened, Bert? What have I done?" "It isn't you," he blurted, turning from the hurt look in her eyes. "It's me. I'm not good for you, Eileen for any girl. We've got to face it, act sensibly. I'm a disabled veteran." She put her hand upon his arm. "I ve Iovedyoufromtheday your mother showed me youri picture, Bert. When you came home and said, that night, you liked me, too Well, it made everything different. Every thing! I'm not lonely any more, or restless and discontented. Why, my music teacher says even my singing Is different better." Her voice, her near ness made a pulse throb in his throat. But he wouldn t let his Room and Board HEY LOOK.:--YUH S'POSE DE5E 5PQT5 ON MUH FACE IS DA BESINNIn OF DA CHIEF'S WAPAHOO lltV UC Ol FT rlfcl AAC 7- . ncv muT urMT t;vrt pt I LOOK LIKE A' POPPY-SEEDy BUN f1 as lyETTER, MAKE A DEAL THE CHIEF 1 THE DESERT AP N.wil.olur.i emotions rule his common sense again. He moved his arm free of her hand. He shut his eyes, his fists strangling the longing to take her in his arms. "We're not right for each other," he said, finally. "I I thought perhaps you under stood." He felt the shock go through her, despised himself for wound ing her. "I feel like such a fool," she said in a small, strained voice. "I understand of course." She turned from him and started toward the door. He couldn't let her go like that, so hurt, so disillusioned. "Eileen dearest!" He caught her shoulder. "It's changed everything for me, too just knowing you live in the same world." "Bert oh, darling!" Joyous ly, they went into each other's arms. "I may limp all my life, dar ling. We may never be able to dance together, play tennis do any of the " She slopped him with a kiss. What do any of them matter if we are together?" He held her close. "I love you ou love you!" Hurried footsteps on the con crete walk separated them quickly. Someone hammered on the door. Bert opened it to a well-dressed stranger, who said importantly, "I'm Jack Traynor. Had a helluva time finding you, fella." He flopped into an arm chair, lit a cigarette, and smiled behind the smoke. "I wasn't too high last night to recognize a first-class player when I hear one. 'You were at the Rotarian dance, then, at the Wilshire Park?" Traynor laughed tolerantly. Not me. brother. I was lifting them at the hotel bar, and when I finally navigated to your shindig, everybody had gone home " He handed Bert his card. "I've got a forty-two piece orchestra," he said pridefully. under contract with Monarch Studios. How'd you like to play for me? Union wages keep you busy most of the time." Bert studied the card, im pressed. Any nignt worn con nected with it?" 'Sure, plenty!" Traynor winked at Eileen. "Right away he looks for overtime." (To be continued) Spring Is Here There's a soft , feeling of detail in this charm ing dress with the ruffled and gathered shoulder yokes, becom ing sweetheart neckline, and the smooth, slimming skirt. A dress for your "out to lunch" or "dinner" hours. No. 2174 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18. 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, and 44. Size 36 requires 3 yds. 39-in., 2Vi yds. ruffling. Send 20c for PATTERN, which includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, adHress and. style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include postal unit or zone number in your address. Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Gene Ahern 0- AAY VAORD IT'S SOME SORT OF RASH "YOUR. FACE RESEMBLES AN AIR-RIFLE TARGET . AWP-F-F .T MIGHT BE CATCHING AND WELL BE QUARANTINED iL SUMMON OUR.1 DOCTOR v. WITH