I Salary Increases Seen Sure Following Approval in Senate j Salary increases for state officials, state police, supreme court ; justices, circuit judges and district attorneys were virtually cer tain today of getting legislative approval after the senate, in two 1 hours of arguing in a caucus, House Passes Zoning Bill ' The county zoning bill, de signed to control the growth of areas adjoining cities, was pass ed by the house Monday after noon with only five dissenting votes, and was sent to the sen ate. The bill would provide for county zoning c o m m i s s i on which could adopt zoning regu lations, but an election would have to be held in each county before it adopted zoning. The bill is the result of a two-year study of the problem, i Rep. John R. Snellstrom, Eu gene, told the house that the worst problem is in the rapidly growing Willamette valley counties. He said 26 states have similar legislation, but that the bill is not as drastic as laws in other states. ? Rep. W. W. Chadwick, Sa lem, chairman of the house county affairs committee which drafted the bill, said the bill jtakes out most of the features Voting against the bill were Reps. J. E. Bennett, R. A. Ben nett, and Joseph E. Harvey, all of Portland; Earle Johnson, Cor vallis; and Harry R. Wiley, Le banon. . Pressure on Bill Charged by Solon ' Charges of "pressure" on a , bill relating to advertising by cosmeticians were thrown about i in the house Monday after which the bill was passed by a vote of 45 to 13 with two members ab sent. ! Argument began after Rep. F. II. Dammasch, one of the spon tsors of the bill, objected to what ;he termed the "emasculated" form in which the committee had placed the bill. f "If you want proof of the power of the press, you have proof here.V he declared. Rep. Frank Van Dyke of Med ford, a member of the judiciary committee which reported out the bill, leaped to his feet, de ;nied that the press had influ enced members of the commit tee, saying that he had "misgiv- a mgs about the bill from the ivme it made an appearance in file legislature. "And if you want the facts," Van Dyke said, "there was a great deal of pressure for the passage of this bill. In fact there were threats made against mem bers that we would not be re turned to the legislature if this bill was not passed and I will reveal the names of those who made this threat to any member of this house if asked to do so." Senator Dunn's ; Condition 'Fair' ' The condition of Sen. Austin Dunn, Baker, who was taken to ' a hospital Sunday after becom i mg ill in his hotel room, was ) described as "fair" today by hos t pital authorities, who said doc i tors have not yet learned the I nature of his ailment. i They said he rested comforta . I bly last night. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem 33c approved the schedule adopted by the joint ways and means committee The only important change made by the senate was to give circuit judges $7,500 a year, or $500 more than the commit tee recommended. The judges now get $6,000. The state's top salary would be that of the chancellor of higher education, who gets about $12000 a year. His salary would remain unchanged, and the sen ate tabled a move to cut 'his salary down to the $10,000 that the governor .would get. The governor now gets $7,500. In the next lower bracket of $8,500 a year would be the seven supreme court justices Then, at $7,500, come the Secre tary of State, state treasurer, at torney general, public utilities commissioner, highway engineer and state health officer The raises, most of which are substantial, are designed to bring state salaries into proper relationship with each other. and in line with other states. Senate approval today was only a formality, after which the bills go to certain approval in the house. The bill to increase from $3,- 000 to $6,000 the ceiling on vet erans' farm or home loans bare ly squeaked through the senate by a 16-11 margin and went to the house. Sixteen is the num ber of votes needed to pass i bill. Bills to create the state parks department under the highway commission and to relieve the state postwar development di rector from serving as Willam ette basin commission secretary were passed by the house and sent to the governor. Governor Earl Snell signed bills to create a state commis sion to buy federal surplus prop erty, provide that only licensed laboratories may make pre-mar ital blood tests, and increase physicians license fees from $5 to $10 a year. The house agriculture commit tee voted to introduce a bill to tax all wine sold in Oregon 5 cents a gallon. The will would raise between $25,000 and $30,- 000 a year, and the money would be used to control pests and dis eases which attack cane fruits Michigan First to Enter Seattle, March 11 W) Univer sity of Michigan, runnerup in the Big Nine conference, is the first of an expected 25 entries to make official entry in the national intercollegiate swim ming championships. YGSUR TIME m If OUR mam Have your watch kept in precise condi tion in our fully stocked, equip ped shop. De pendable re pairs by exact ing watchmakers. Where are you going? Grey hound serves all America, con necting the major cities and " thousands of communities along 75,000 miles of highway. And when you're ready to leave, Greyhound's well-timed schedules will fit right in with 5 your travel plans! Let your Greyhound agent help plan your next trip for maximum pleasure at minimum cost! C. T. Reaney, Agent 228 North High Phone 5054 5c Tax on Wine Proposed in Bill The house committee on ag riculture Monday voted to' in troduce as a committee measure a bill imposing a five cent a gallon tax on all wine consumed in the state of Oregon to pro vide a fund to study and combat diseases of cane fruits. The proposed bill would au thorize appointment by the gov ernor of a wine council to be composed of two farmers, two berry growers, and one wine processor to work out the dis ease combat program. The tax would be collected by the state liquor commission and funds derived from the tax turned over to the stale agri culture department to be dis bursed in accordance with re commendations of the wine council. Church Fights Three Bills Portland, Mar. 11 (fft The Rev. Gilbert B. Christian, exe cutive secretary of the Oregon Council of Churches, asked all protestant ministers in Oregon today to protest three bills now before the state legislature. Christian accompanied a let ter to all the state's ministers with a report compiled by Roy M. Lockenour, Salem, Willam ette university professor and chairman of the Council of Churches legislative committee. Lockenour condemned H.B. 81, which would license slot machines, H.B. 203 and H.B. 207, which would provide for licensing of clubs which he charged "would knock the Knox law higher than a cocked hat." The Great Lakes are in the U.S. zone of lowest annual evaporation. Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, 255 N. Liberty, Salem, Ore. Phone 9412 LEGAL NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE HICKORY STREET PROM FIFTH STREET TO MAI'LE STREET Notice is hereby iclven thai the com mon council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Us purpose and Inten tion to improve Hickory street from the east line of Filth street to the west line of Maple street at the expense of the RbuUinu and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city or Salem, by brlnslnK said portion of said street to the established grade, constructliu cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 6-lnch Portland cement concrete pave ment thirty feet wide, In accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the common council March 5, 1947, which are now on file in the office of the city re corder and which hereby are made a part of this notice. The co.nmon council hereby declares Its purpo.se and intention of making the above described Improvement "by and through the street Improvement depart ment. By order of the common council March 5, 1947: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is March 11. 1947. 70' NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMTROVE CLAUDE STREET FROM FORD STREET TO i:iRD STREET Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem, Orefion, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Inten tion to Improve Claude street from the east line of Ford street to the east line of Twenty-third street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, ex cept the street and alley intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bring ins said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with an asphaltic concrete pave ment thirty feet wide, in accordance with the plans ftnd specifications therefor which were adopted by the common coun cil March 5, 1947, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which hereby are made a part of this notice. Tlie common council hereby declares! its purpose and intention of making the1 above described Improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment. By order of the common council March 5, 1947: ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is March 11, 1047. 70 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. "No. 33,819. SUMMONS Frank 8. Bowers and Carrie V. Bowers, husband and wife, Plalntirfs, vs. Gloria Shannon and Warren Shannon, her hus band: Mildred Davenport Malanas and John Doe Malanas (first name unknown), her husband; Nettie Lucas and Charles Contractors Home Owners See us for your electrical work. We have the ma terial and the time. Free estimates. Our work is priced right. Karnes Electric Co. Electrical Contracting 2060 N. Capitol PHONE 7566 Journal Want Ads Pay Luca, her husband; Irwin V. deer and ICrystie Oeer, his wiV; Ralph Oeer and Nellie Geer, his wife; Pearl Geer and Jane Doe Oeer (first name unknown), his wife; Ida Clymer and Vance Clymer, her hus band; Mary Brown and Benjnmln Brown, her husband; Musa Oeer: Bert Geer and Nellie Oeer, his wife; Mary Geer: Ruth Kephart and Leonard Kephart, her hus band; Harry Dabney; Archie A. Geer ani Cora Geer, his wife: Daniel H. Crouter; Elinor C. Mackie and Bernard Mackle. her husband; Isa B. Duimlimton and R. H. Dunnlngton. her husband; Carrie Maud Crouter; Margaret Crouter; Eleanor L. de Pol and Germain de Pol, her husband: Marcia Hamilton Crouter; Robert WUUird Crouter; Robert Warren Crouter and Alene Crouter, his wife; Daniel D. Crou ter; Mary C. Ellis; Paul H. Crouter and Julia M. Crouter. his wife: Dora E. Crou ter; Alfred B. Crouter arid Dorothy Crou ter, his wife: Junia F. Allen and Melvin O Allen, her husband; Li'nrand Crouter and Elizabeth Crouter. his wife: EuRcnia Ltm gille and H. S. Lansille. her husband: and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any rlsln, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real property described n the complaint herein. Defendants. TO: Gloria Shannon, Warren Shannon, Mildred Davenport Mnliina-s, John Doe Malanas; Nettie Lucas. Charles Lucas. Ir win W. Geer. Crystle Geer. Ralph Geer Nellie Geer, Pearl Geer. Jane Doe Geer Ida Clymer, Vance Clymer, Mu.sa Gerr Bert Geer, Nellie Geer, Harry Dabney, Mary Brown, Elinor C. Mackie, Bernard Mackie, Isa B. Duiiniiintoii, R. If. Dun nliiBton. Margaret Crouter, Eleanor L. de Pol, Germain de Po!, Marcia Hamilton Crouter. Robert Willard Crouter, Robert Warren Crouter. Alene Crouter, Mary C. Ellis, Paul H. Crouter. Julia M. Crouter. Junia F. Allen. Melvin C. Allen, Legrand Crouter. Elizabeth Crouter, Eugenie Lan gllle, and H. S. LaiiBllle and all other per sona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest in the real property described in the complaint ! herein, defendants above named; i IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. You are required to appear and j answer the complaint filed anain.st von In the Above entitled Court and cause on or before four werKs from the date of the 1 first publication of this summons and. if ! you so fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for j the relief prayed for In their complaint, i namely, for a decree quieting title In ' Plaintiffs in and to the following de-.; scribed real property, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is 20.00 1 chains East and 29.50 chains South from the quarter section corner between sec tions 20 and 31 in Township 7 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridi an in Marlon County, Oregon; thence running East 20.00 chains, to the North west corner of a certain tract of land conveyed to A. A. Oeer by deed recorded July 20. 1932, In Vol. 213. Page 504, Deed Records for Marlon County, Oregon; tht-nce running South Along the West line of said tract. 15.00 chains; thence running East 33.00 chains, more or less, to the Southeast cornrr of A. A. Geer' land; thence North 16.90 chains, more or less, to the center of the County Road: thence Ea.st along the center ot the road 2.16 chains: thence South 86 dee . 30" East along the center of said road. 14.84 chains to the center of County Road; thence South along the center of said road. 31.48 chains, more or less, to the South Boundary line of t he Ralph C. (Jeer Donation Land Claim; thence South 3 den. 30' West along the center of said road. 4 00 chains: thence West to the West side line of said road; thence South 3 deg. 30' West along said West Mne 5 18 chains: thence West 29.20 chains, more Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Mar. II, 1947 9 or less, to the East line of the K. P. Colby Donation Land Claim; thence North along said East line 9.18 chains to the Northeast corner of said Colby Claim; thence West along the North Hue of said Claim. 40.no chains, more or less, to the Southwest corner of the Ralph C. Geer Donation Land Claim; thence tforth along the West line or said Geer Claim, 30.30 chains, more or less, to trie piace 01 Beginning, and for such other and further relief is i uiflv be just and equitable. j This summons Is served upon you oy : publication thereof in the Capital Journal,! a newspaper published and of general cir culation in Marion County, Oregon, by order of Hon. Geo. R. Duncan, Circuit Judge, ths date of said order being the 28th day of February, 1947. The first! publication of thui summons U March 4, 1947 anrl ths tn.r nuV.lir-.rinn ,u..-r ,rt be April 1, 1947. CHAS. J ZERZAN, ; , Attorney for Plaintiffs, i i Pacific Building, i Sslem. Oregon. t i March i, 11, 18, 25; April 1. BARGAIN SALE OWNER LEAVING All Household Furniture Tuesday, March 11, after 10 Bed Linen Gas Range Office Desk and Chair Persian Rugs FoatorU Cube Cut Glassware China 850 Thompson Ave. C. S. Whircomb Co. NOW OFFERS Lawn Sprinkling Systems Complete Landscape Service Architect and Contracting All work guaranteed Free Estimates Phone 2-1619 Tree Surgery Topping or Removing of Dangerous Trees , Chas. Sullivan Phone 9680 between 9-6 Boiling, Leaking Need the Attention of Our Radiator Expert We have complete facili ties with which to repair, clean and flush radiators and cooling systems. Let us prepare your car for better driving. In at 8:00, Out at 5:00 Satisfaction Guaranteed Loder Bros. 465 Center St., Salem, Ore. Phone 6133 S467 Now Available! PLATE GLASS Up to 96 Inches Square Prompt glass replacement service real glaziers using highest grade glass solves your glass prob lems when you call on us. Sizes up to 96x96 Inches 340 Court St., Salem Thrifty Buyers Shop WOODROW'S for Willard Batteries Kelly - Springfield Auto-Tractor and Truck Tires Shatter Proof Auto Glass R. N. Mason Paints Unpainred Furniture and Mirrors. Charge accounts welcomed. WOODROW'S 450 Center St. Phono 4155 WANTED DEALER For MARION COUNTY FOR THE NEW B0BBI-KAR CALL OR WRITE F. KRONSTEINER Ph. 810R Albany RT. 1 ALBANY OLD THOMPSON II because it's Fine old Glenmore whiskies are blended with the choicest grain neutral spirits and then WED-IN-THE-WOOD...puf back info barrels to assure a perfect union of these famous distillations. That's what makes Old Thompson "A Better Blend For Better Drinks!'' Blended Whiskey, 86.8 Proof 32'i Straight Whiskies 67Vi Grain Neutral Spirits. The straight whiskies in this product are five years or more old. Glenmore Distilleries Company Louisville, Kentucky In charge of DR. FKED FAGELER, Registered Optometrist Associate Registered Optometrists: Dr. M, J. Kelly, Dr. Fred E. Chambers, Dr. Wirt. L. Stevenson, Dr. Harry R. Scribner, Dr. Robert A. Golden (Stefi ana Broken Glasses Lost Glasses. That alwayi happens when you need them most. Protect yourself against this inconvenience, get on extra pair RIGHT NOW . . . lose no time from work or social activities. Take advantage of our Moderate Prices, Liberal Terms. Buy Glosses This Easy Way . . . wear them 30 days before paying One Penny upon approval of credit. No extra charge for credit. DR. SEMLER Uenlist Mil All Work Fully Guaranteed EXAMINATION Don't1 take choneei! At the first sign of eyestrain or ner vousness, come in for FREE Optical Examination. 1 to 3-Day Service Obtain your glosses without delay! Rapid service, absolutely no sacrifice of quality. Come in at your own convenience ... NO APPOINTMENT REQUIRED. it' 3)U 'tV Broken licnsex Duplicated in One lay jldgT WATERS-ADOLPH BLENDED then WED'IN-THE-WOOD in OLD KENTUCKY ... . noumi 8 u S it I UM4tf (mining STATE ft COMMERCIAL