Party for j Mrs. Barclay On Thursday Mrs. Charles A. Barclay will be comp 1 i m e n t e d Thursday evening when two young ma trons, Mrs. Richard Graben horst and Mrs. John Steelham mer entertain at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. U. A; Vandeneynde, in E street. A shower will fete Mrs. Bar clay following dessert served by the hostesses. Contract bridge will be in play during the eve ning. Guests will be Mrs. Barclay, Mrs. Roy Simmons, Mrs. James Barclay, Mrs. James Haley, Mrs. Robert Barnett, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs. Eric Allen, Jr.. Mrs. E. H. Burrell, Mrs. Gene Van deneynde, Miss Jean Taylor and the hostesses. Troop Four Sets Scout Observance Monday, as part of their ob servance of Girl Scout week, and honoring the troop's birth day anniversary, troop 4 of Sa lem Girl Scouts presented a copy of the Girl Scout handbook to the Salem public library. Representatives of each of the four patrols in the troop made the presentation, accompanied by their leader, Mrs. Hal. M. Ran dall. The girls taking part in the presentation were Merlene Phillips of the Busy Beaver pa trol, Darlene Loose of the Clover Leaf patrol; Dorothy Tonning of the Gay Sad Sacks patrol. Col leen McNeil acted as spokesman for the group. Troop 4 will also celebrate Girl Scout week by having a fa ther and daughter banquet. The affair will be held Friday in the First Presbyterian church. Dor othy Tonning will act as toast mistress for the dinner, and will give each girl an opportunity to "pat Dad on the back." In compliment to the troop's birthday, which coincides with Girl Scout week, a candlelight investiture ceremony in which all 24 members of the troop will take part, will follow the dinner. During the ceremony, Lianne Leonard, Nancy Lidbeck, Mary Rauk and Ann Woodmansee will receive their Girl Scout pins. All plans for the dinner and program were made by the girls, assisted by their troop commit tee and their leaders, Mrs. Hal. M. Randall and Mrs. Mark As- trup. Miss Evelyn Hennessey, field director of Santiam area Girl Scouts, left by air Saturday for Asilomar, Pacific Grove, Calif., for a two weeks' refresher Girl Scout training course. R9AYFI0WER MM Macleay Club Is Entertained Macleay Entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Mc Morris Saturday night were members of the Macleay 4-M club and their husbands. The evening was spent in playing cards with prizes won by Mrs. O. L. Martin and M. M. Magee. A late supper was served by hostess. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Morris were Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Nile Hilborn, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kephart, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Martin. Doughton Boy Party Honored Mrs. Millard Doughton was hostess Saturday afternoon at a party complimenting the birth day of their eight-year-old son, Kenneth. Games were in play and prizes awarded the winners. Ice cream and cake were served later in the afternoon. Pink and white combined in the color scheme. Guests were Kenneth. Jimmie Hardie. Julius Hilfiker, Bilhe Hilfiker, Bruce Sharkey, Dickie Engdahl, Dickie Armstrong, Bil lie Drakely, Jimmie Friesen, Harlos Shrock, Wallace Costello, Bud Ruth and the honor guest Birthday of Matron Feted Mrs. William Newmyer, worthy matron of Salem chap ter, Order of the Eastern Star, was honored Saturday evening with a birthday party at the re gular meeting of the chapter, held at the Masonic temple. Committee in charge was headed by Miss Ruth Moore, as sisted by Mrs. Mona Yoder, Mrs. Harry Lucas, Mrs. John Gray bill, Mrs. Charles Boyer, Mrs. Jennie Reimann, Mr. and Mrs James Darby and Philip Yoder. Mrs. Delight Skewis sang, ac companied at the piano by Mrs Harvey Gibbens. Presentation of the gift was made "In the Heart of a Rose," the theme. It GIRLS! WOMEN! TRY THIS IF YOU'RE NERVOUS, CRAN KV, TIREP-OUT On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of The Month! Do female functional monthly dis turbances make you feel nervous, fidgety, cranky, so tired and 'drag ged out' at such times? Then do try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable 2135 Fairgrounds Road SALEM At Your Store or at Your Door Guest Dinners Are Affairs Of Week-end Honoring Mrs. Van Svarerud, houseguest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sears, Mrs. Fred Viesko enter tained Monday evening at a din ner party at her country home. The evening was spent inform ally. Covers were placed for Mrs. Svarerud, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sears, Dr. and Mrs. James Sears, Mrs. C. G. Hilti- brand and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riches were hosts Saturday evening for an informal dinner party at their home in North Summer street. Following buffet dinner hour, cards were in play. Covers' were placed for Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Heinlein, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Webb, Mrs. Abncr Klein, Mrs. Vi Schaeffer, Mrs. Al Adolphson, Harold Mark, Robert Riches, Patricia Riches, David Riches and Bill Heinlein. The West Salem VFW auxil iary will meet Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock at the West Salem Legion hall , for a regu lar business meeting and elec tion of officers. Guests last week at the Mil lard Doughton home were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Richard D. Jewett, and their four-months-old son James Richard, of Medford. was given the worthy matron by the five star points, Mrs. James Darby, Mrs. Harry Lu cas, Mrs. John Graybill. Miss Helen Fletcher and Mrs. Charles Boyer. Refreshments were served in the dining room, decorated in pink and white flowers, after the meeting. Mrs. Newmyer cut and served the birthday cake presented in her honor. Mrs. Gertrude K. Gilbert be came a member by affiliation; Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mar tus,' Mrs. Doris E. Anderson, Vern Reimann, Walter Karstens and W. L. Thomas became members by initiation. Compound to relieve such symp toms. It's famous for this purpose! Taken regularly Pinkham's Compound helps build up resist ance against such distress. And that's the kind of product you should buy. Thousands have re ported benefit! Worth trying. VEGETABLE 'COMPOUND HP iBiilllS Meets Its Quota for Quality Every bottle of Mayflower Milk is up to the highest standards of purity, freshness and flavor. That's because Mayflower Milk comes from the finest herds and the cleanest dairy farms in the Northwest is pasteurized and bottled by the newest type equip ment and delivered with the greatest expediency. Please Return Your Empty Bottles Housewarming Surprises Pair A group of their friends hon ored Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wads worth recently with a house warming for their attractive new home in North 22nd street. The evening was spent infor mally and later, refreshments were served. About 16 were among those present. Camp Fire Girls Visit Capitol Hostesses for three groups of Portland Camp Fire Girls were members of Mrs. Richard Krie sel's Weyahnah group from Sa lem. The groups, assisted by Mrs. Clyde Johnson and Mrs. S. L. Auman. were on hand Sat urday morning to greet their Camp Fire friends at the depot and to assist them in locating the various points of interest they were scheduled to visit in Salem. Their first visit was a tour of the capitol where they were greeted by Gov. Earl Snell. Next on the agenda was a visit to the state library and to the blind school where Walter Dry had made special arrangements for them to see the facilities and to observe a student at work. As a conclusion to their stay in Sa lem they were guests of Henry Chezem of Sears Roebuck, who conducted a tour through the store. For the lour they received an honor toward their rank re quirements. Mrs. Lynn Darcy of the Port land council and committee of awards from Portland was in charge of arrangements and was assisted by Mrs. C. P. Langdon, Mrs. Cecil Griffith, Mrs. H. W. McGeorge, Mrs. H. E. Linens, Mrs. Ebena John, Mrs. Alger Ryan, Mrs. L. R. Edminster, Mrs. Wilbur Myers. Mrs. Lloyd Has- scll, Mrs. T. E. Dittebrandt. An old-fashioned lea and tea cup reading will be held at the Stoddard home, 1420 North Fourth street, Wednesday after noon between 2 and 4 o'clock. Be Quick To Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop If your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to takeachance with anymedl cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of tha trouble to help loosen andexpel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspecial process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to eell you a bottle ul Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way ii. Quickly allavs the coueh. ner- I mitting rest and sleep, or you are to i cave your monejt back. (Adv.). Phone 9205 Geist Home Is Reception Scene Dean and Mrs. Melvin H. Giest entertained at their home in West Lefellc street with an informal reception Monday eve ning honoring Professor Ralph Dobbs, following his piano con cert in Waller hall. Professor and Mrs. Dobbs re ceived informally. M a r c i a Maple, daughter of the Howard Maples, opened the door and as sisted in the dining room. The Little Garden club ofj Salem Heights will meet for a j St. Patrick's Day luncheon I Thursday at one o'clock at the j home of Mrs. Homer McWain uuuuuuiii Hie rresuyiei ictn Aid society will observe the 57th Woodburn The Presbyterian Permanent s of soft enchanting Beauty at Extraordinary Low Prices Our Special Machine WAVE 2.50 Complete ARISTA-The Ultimate in MACHINELESS PERMANENTS 495 Complete The Wonderful Amon Cold Wavy, Special 7.95 MODERN BEAUTY Closed 179 N. Liberty Ordinary oil worked fairly well in Uncle Charlie's Chalmers -but... Mil lit anniversary of its organization at the regular meeting Wednes day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the church social room. There will also be the annual election of officers. Hostesses will be Mrs. Alfred Moon, Mrs. Archie Mur phy and Mrs. Jane Mack. DON'T THROW YOUR WATCH AWAY! WE FIX THEM WHEN OTHERS CAN'T! GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING ... , I JOUmal Want AOS ray COLLEGE Saturdays Phone 8141 TOP AT THESE SIQNS vJX Today Uncle Charlie's car needs oil that r jlk more 'u")r'cae TOP AT THESE SIQNS LUXiUllJt&J Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Mar. 11, 1947 T I WHILE YOU WAIT ! S3 il CDFCII SPECIAL! Il WHILE Department Store AT MODERATE COST! LEATHER OR COMPOSITION HALF-SOLES LEATHER OR COMPOSITION HEEL-LIFTS TOE OR HEEL PLATES, ETC. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Add to the purchasing power of the Family Budget Have old shoes RENEWED at MILLER'S j Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Neodi There's better than 2009S more power under the hood of Uncle Charlie's modem car. That's why it take RPM Motor Oil's added compounds to check motor dangers that old-fashioned oils can't stop. These wear-saving "extras" end carbon and sludge troubles, make RPM Oil cling to hot spots ordinary oils leave bare, eliminate rust, corrosion, foaming. Try "RPM" it's the finest motor protection money can buy. "RPM" keeps cars young FOR STANDARD OF - U - WAIT AT CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS 5i-