12 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES . t BEDRM. mod. home in West Salem lor sale by owner this weeK only, i-or in formation write Box 263 Capital Jour nal, a" i?wwi 2 BDRM. Llv.. dinette, kitch., bath, . utility, garage, hdw. fir., auto. heat. .-.new, poss. Immediately. f'ooo DOWN. 3 Bdrm., kltch, llv., bath, .. . ftarage, Englewood. 410..VM). EN CLE WOOD. 3 bdrm.. llv. r. ,:.DR,. kltch.. bath, hdw. fir., utility. - garage, unfln. attic, msuiaiea, new. Vnirtatrnnri K GOOD lots, paved at. $650 ea. Call Schmidt. nSNKBAL REAL ESTATE - Rm. 10, Ladd St Bush Bids. Ph. 7770 tve. w 1 1 X BEDRM. house, double garage, base ment, two lots, small garage house (or rental. 1186 8th St. West Salem. Ph. -w R231. a62 .... 35500 S RMS. (3 BEDRM S. NF.W GAS range and all Iloor coverings ,j included, immediate roaaessiun. WIT.I.AMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 a60 TriinNTHHED HOME JfillfHl WILL BUY this one bdrm. home with cement basement, furnace, elec. stove Sz refrigerator, paved st. East Front. North Salem. f . call D. J. Dawson with vf r.UXRirNHOBST BROS.. REALTORS 13 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131: Eves. 3-5338 attu RESIDENCE St BUSINESS J GOOD 4 BDRM. home with basement. ; furnace. located In business zone on ' DOE North in the Oity. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price $10,500. GOOD VALUE. Call D. J. Dawson with 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 2-533" N 17th STREET this MonERN 2 bdrm. liom 6 yrs. old. Auto-gas heat, den, Venetian Blind, hdwd. floors thru-out. fireplace. SCE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS t 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131: Eves. 3-4457 60' COUNTRY HOME THIS BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm. home, very - modern, overlooking the Willamette - River. Picnic grounds with barbecue .-'pit. boat wharf, tennis court, ige. aoie, garage. If you are looking for a coun try home SEE THIS TODAY. FOR APPOINTMENT " Call Dale L. Shepherd with r.- ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 3-4437 $2,100 WILL HANDLE COLONIAL-TYPE 4 bdrm. home, 1 bdrm, down and 3 up. dble. plbg., fireplace. " auto-oil heat. elec. h.w. heater, wired for elec. range. Home m spirnditi cona. " Price $9500. QUICK POSSESSION. " Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS '""134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 G. I. HOME LOCATED IN S Salem In good district. new 5 rm. homes with unfln. upstairs, i hdwd. firs . elec. heat, many bullt-ins, --plenty of closet space.. Large utility rms.. elec. h.w. heaters, garages tached. Price $8000. Close to schools and bus. Call Coburn L, Orabenhorst. with . ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS . - 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 a60 " MODERN HOME 'BEAUTIFUL modern home. 6 Ig. spacious 4rms., 3 bdrms., dble. plbg., full base 1 ''merit, oil heat, fireplace, In basement, ; living rm. and dining- rms. are carpeted. " "Truly a beautiful home In a fine locn tlon. Corner lot, nice view. dble. ga ""rage. SEE THIS TODAY. YOU WILL 'LIKE IT. Call O. H. Orabenhorst. Jr., with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 2-2!48 a00 M7IHJ- TERMS. Bus St sch. close. 117004) RMS. 2 lots On valley town), v. Almost like rent to right party. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE " 1,2 8- Llbfrty Ph. 7113 a 00 1I0.7.M1.0O BEAUTIFUL 2 B.R. With Hdw'. "i firs., fireplace and full basement, "nicely ' landscaped, garden planted, close to " school and bus. Immediate possession. l7.wo.oo B.R. with full basement, saw dust heat, close In on bus line. IF YOU want a 3 or 4 bedroom home, we have several nice ones at the right . price. THOS. A. ROBERTS. REALTOR Formerly of Hawkins St Roberts See MR. CHIPMAN Phone 4108 aSl LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS BUY WITH CONFIDENCE THIS TOPS THEM ALL. Lovely plastered . cottage. Living room, dinette, kitchen, . bedroom, bath, bullt-ins. closets; full - 'basement, garage Conveniently located on bus line and close to stores. $4800. IDEAL FAMILY HOME. 3 spacious bed- i-rooms, large living room, dining room . kitchen, closets, bullt-lns. Has new roof - .and cem. foundation; large lot; double garage. ISOCO terms. COMFORTABLE RENT BEATER Almost 111 furnished. 3 nice bedrooms, living -.room, dining room, kitchen, pantry double garave: large corner lot. Thut Is , your invitation to light-hearted living. S7250 terms. KEW ULTRA MODERN RANCH TYPE. Spacious living room, dining room, very modern kitchen, 2 lovely bedrooms; wardrobe closets, bullt-lns, large utility - room. Enclosed patio finished In knotty . pine. Attached garage. Located In one ,or Haiem a nicer neighborhoods. $13,800. nCALL or SEE - James B. Hartman or K. N. Voorhecs With LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS (31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Ph, 9261 a62 2 HOUSES TOTAL $8.10(1 A S-ROOM HOUSE and a 4 room. ILive ..jn one and rent one. Call "CRAIG." BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210; Eves. 5053 337 N. High St a62 MARCH SPECIALS BDRM., L.R., Kit., bath. $4600. BDRM.. L.R., Kit., shower. $4750. 'i A. 1 bdrm., furn. $3800. NEW 2 BDRM. Hdwd. floors. $5950. 3 BDRM. View. $7130. 2 BDRM. Chemeketa St. $7500. ? BDRM. N. Furn. $0250. t BDRM. 7 yrs. old. S. $10,730. OENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10 Ladd it Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 v a62' ' , REALLY NICE HOMES S BEAUTIFUL, large rooms, all hwd.. - fplace, unfln. attic, dandy rumpus rm.. , with fplace, and shower in basement, f auto, furnace, double nar. Restricted . 'i acre. Everything choosy folks desire. I $13,500,. north. , BRAND NEW f LAROE ROOMS, plus utility, hwd.. flre I place, plenty closets, oil furn., double t i nr. Dandy home on restricted k acre. $12.000 North. , FEW DAY ONLY! ftKLT LOCATED, wrll bulll Mrictiy mod. I 2 B.R. home, 5 yrs. old, full base., siiw I dust furnace, close schools, bus. South. , Price $10,500 B.R. HOME. barn, double gar., street m paved, close bus. store, schools, V acre tn city. Price 14300. 1 R.K. FLASTERED home near Master . Bread. 15250. !2000 will handle. T OWNER LEAVING MEDIATE POSS. of this 5 room unfln I ished but very liveable home, N.E., got I range, bra water heater and oil ctr I heater, all for $4000 cash. I WELL BUILT fNFIN., NOW occupied. 5 rooms, elect. water system, cement ' found., house I wired for range, 3 acre. Very good a buy. $365011600 down. I CLOSE ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL 4 U.K. PLASTERED home, 3 nice ground floor apartments, each apt. has 2 B.R. I upstairs, each have separate entrance, I lull base., shade, fruit, bus. Close store. rhools. 18000 '.4 ensh. ,C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 j , afll' FOR SALE by owner. 2 bdrm. home. Mod., I cute. A bargain. Owner leaving town. I Imm. poss. 1535 Sixth St., W. Salem. a64 fi.H.10.00 QOOD 3-Bdrm. sub. homo on . s. Summer near bus line. Call Mr. WALTERS. ! HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY .Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. 1 i Phong rT": EvM' 25280 a6a IBE THIS beautiful home on Kingwood ' Heights. Wooded acre overlooking all i Balem and The Cascade Range. Llv. rm. 1 18x33, fireplace, oil furnace. 3 bdrms. I Price 116.400.00. Call Mr. WALTERS I - HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3731 Eve. 2?: 80 a03 Oregon, Tuesday, Mar. 11, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES 4iso,00 2 BR. HOME. Liv. rm., kit., close to ach. it bus. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549; Eves. 25091 a82 NEAR GRANT SCHOOL $38(10.00 .f BDRM. HOME. Llv. rm., Din. rm.. Kit., Dble. garage, lg. lot. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekeia St. Phone 21549; Eves. 25091 a62 $10,7.10.00 NICE a BR, home. Llv. rm.. kit., nook, hwd. firs., frplace, lg. bsmt., turn., close to sch. St bus. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549: Eves. 25091 a62 01 00.0ft 4 BDRM. HOME with liv. rm.. dn. rm.. kit., bath. Hwd. firs., fireplace, sawdust pipe furn. In full fin. bsmt. Dble. Karaite, pv. st. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemrketa St. Phone 3791: Eves. 9441 a62 51.1UO.OO I BDRM. HOME. L. LR.. Kit., bath. Nice level landscaped lot, lg. aa- raze, very good location, pv. st. Call RAY DAVIS HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793; Eves. 3441 a62 $7(100.1)0 i BDnM. HOME close to MrKin ley school, large lot. all kinds of fruit. 1mm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Con'l St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 9536 a62- jhhimi :t BDRM. home, all on one fir., full bsm'.. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. CO-n'l St. Pil. 4590; Eve. 9536 a62 s7iiwiftrB!lhM. HOME In good" location hwd. firs.. V. Blinds. Coved ceillnas, fireplace, bsmt. with oil furnace. Imm. Poss. Hurry, thii rnn't last. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'i St Ph. 4590; Eve. 9536 a 6 12 MOM) 2 BDRM. HOME close to bus and store. Imm. Poss. Easy Terms. Hurry! Hurry! OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 9538 a82 $fl7r,0 BDRM. HOME In Ko liter District, close to school St bus. Is A. Good terms. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com') St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 9536 aS2 t.-,(Kf 2 BDRM. HOME in Kcis-er Dlst.. hwd. firs.. Elec. heat, beautiful kitchen Insolated. Oood terms. This Is the best for the money. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'i St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 9536 a62 LOVELY 2 bedroom home In McKinley School Dist., hwd. firs., fireplace, coved ceilings, full basement. Imm. Poss. Oood term.. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 9S33 a82 SPECIAL We have a 4 bdrm. home In the north part of town, fireplace, hwd. firs., basement, automatic heat, corner lot. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 9536 n62 SUBURBAN EAST, close In. 5 rm. 6 year old home on '.4 acre, well landscaped and near bus. This one Is well worth looking at for $7350. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3235. Eves. 7057 a6l A NICE HOME. 3 B.R.'s. lg. living rm. with fireplace, dining rm., V. Bids., convenient kitchen. Basement with saw dust furn. Located N., priced right at $10,500'. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 841ft FURNISHED THREE B.R. Colonial homo on one acre, all excellent furniture, bsmt., furnace, fireplace, dble. garage. Well worth $10,600. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 8415 a61a SEE THESE I BDRM. home South. Lot 50 X 100. Well built, $3500. Gas stove and floor cover ings go Don't miss. 2 BDRM. home on Va acre North. Imm. poss. $4500. Clean throughout. Drapes and floor coverings. FULLY FURNISHED. 3 Bdrm. home. No. Best of furniture. Well worth the money. $5775. I BDRM. home South on !i acre, U block to buv $5800. i BDRM. home South. Full basement, fireplace. 17950. Double xnrage, out door fireplace and a well Improved yard. Bus one block. One of the best. SEE BILL STEWART WITH MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S, Commercial Phone 4217 a61' PHONE 9510 OR 6155 O. I. HOUSES $300.00 DOWN. 2 bdrm. hse. Large llv. rm., good size kitchen, plenty of built Ins. Elec. water heat., elec. heat. Well it elec. pump, lot 80 x 160. 5 minutes from town. N. Full price $5300.00. IWoo.oo DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hse. Llv., dineite & kitchen. Wired for elec. range. Elec. water heater, gas floor furnace. U acre E. Close lo Pen 4 Cor. Full price $6750.00, $000.00 DOWN. New 3 bdrm. hse. Elec hent, large kitchen, good sized llv, rm. Attached gar. with utility rm. Highland dlst. Full price $6900.00. S8no.oo DOWN, New 3 bdrm. 1 storv hse. Llv. rm.. din. rm. it kitchen. Bullt-lns. Trays, elec. water healer, attached gnr. Auto, oil heat, largo lot, rich soil. Cen tral wnler sistcm. In Carlhaven Subd. Kolzer Dlst. Full price $850n.00. $81)0.00 DOWN. New 3 bdrm hse. Hiproof style. Attached gar., utility rm.. hwd. firs., auto. heat, bus at door, grade school 2 blks. S.E. Full price $8500.00. $8oo.o DOWN. New 2 bdrm. lise. Simce floored In attic. Can be two bdrms. Hwd. firs. 'r. large liv. rm. it hall. Din ette is kltch combination, utility rm., Ailto. heat. N.E. Full price $8900.00. $800.00 DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hip roof hse. Llv. rm . dinette, attached gar., auto, heat, lartte lot. Full price S9000.00. ALL OF THESE houses are worth the sell ing price and should easily go a. I. For Add. Inform. Call ABRAMS it SKINNER. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 or 6155 Mlg. Lans Insurance a61 FOR SALE 3 Bedroom house, big living room-kttchen and dimim room com bined. Part basement with new air con dition furnace. Located on Highway. North. For quick sale on account of death In the family, will take $6000.00. THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR Formerly of HawKliu it Roberts SEE A. A. LAR&EN PHONE 4109 tt'JSO. NEAT, attractive home In W. Sa lem. Has L.R.. K. with nice bullt-ins. dinette, B.R. it Bath, attached garage, corner lot 60 x 100. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4131 a61 $10,000. MODERN 3 B.R, home close to Lenlte Jr. High. Fireplace. H.W. floors In living room. Full basement, house newly decorated and can give Imme diate possession. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 a61 FOR SALE: Modern 2-bedroom house, hot water neater, oil floor furnace, attach ed garage, $71.00.00. Phone 2-5203. a60 BETTER BUYS BY BOURNE ' EXCLUSIVE. SOIMN). SUBURBAN EAST. 4 years old, good plastered 3 bedroom home, conciete foundation, has about 800 sq, feet of floor space, living and dining room, has extra space for ad ditional bedroom, garage, 1 ncre good soil about 3 blocks lo bus. Cook stove goes with property. Immediate posses slon. SUBURBAN EAST S734W. Two bedroom modern plastered house, large garage, barn, poultry and brooder houses, fruits, nuts, garden paved rond. bus by door, about 3 blocks to school and grocery stores. EXCLUSIVE SOUTH. ' acre. 2 bedroom home, automatic heat, hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful kitchen, patio, dou ble garage, family orchard, 65 feet frontate on highway 99. priced to sell. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE. NEW two bed room home, hardwood floors, cove ceilings, near school and bus. Immedi ate possession, should go O.L If neces sary. $800 down, or good other fi nancing erms can be arranged. $8350. PARKING FOR CARS JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR PHONE 6216 1140 NORTH CAPITOL SO FOR SALE HOUSES BEST BUY IN SALEM ACRE it 4 B.R. HOME. 2 blks. from Fairgrounds Rd. Corner. Reflnlshed in Fatrgrounda Corner, Reflnlshed In side it out. Lge. L.R.. D.R., K. it 4 B.R.. double garage, paved street. 16500. NEAR HIOHUND SCHOOL A VERY WILL CONST. 3 B.R. HOME. Lge, L.R., coved celling, fire pi., Vene tian bids,, basement & furnace, lge. lot. well landscaped. Innned. Poss, $10,500. Terms 13:100 dn. bal. at h. RADIANT HEAT. ULTRA MODERN 2 B.R. HOME. Last word in mod. const. Fully Insulated. Wall to wall carpeting. , Luc. L.R. with fircpl., D.R., very nice K.. Venetian bids., garage, cor. lot, edne o: Englewood dist. $11,200. KEIZER 'a ACRE it DELUXE HOME WHEN YOU see this, you will say, '-Here Is the most beautifully finished it best const, home for the money." Lge. L.R.. DR., 2 B.R.'a, K., bath is utility rm. Tiled fircpl., hdwd. firs, throughout, coved ceiling Venetian bids., dble. ga rage. IMM ED POSS. I This is new, will stand a 90''o O.I loan. $11,300. LARSEN HOME it LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings-Personal Service Branch Office-2605 Portland Rd. Ph. 24085 Unlimited Parking a6I $6850. NEW attractive 2 B.R. home with attached garage. Lot 100 x 150. This home Is complete In every way and ready to move into. Located close to 4 Corner. Call O. V Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 ,a61' OWNER OFFERS BEAUTIFUL VIEW, 'i ac. 3 bdrm. home. U-shaped kit., lg. dining nn lg. liv. rm. with fnlncc View windows. Comb, tub it shower bath. Full bsm't. with party rm. A: fplace. Auto, oil air con ditioned heat. Dble. gar. Nice lawn it rockery. Price SI4.500. CALL MR. BISHOP. Ph. 7770 between 8 a m. it 5 p m. a ED BYRKIT. REALTORS $4750 FURNISHED 2 B.R. Oil heat, gas ratine, elec. refrir. 11700 rtnwn hoi tin per month. S3I0O ENGLEWOOD. 1 yr. old. 2 B.R., L.R. is kitchen, bath Elec. heat. Lot 45x150. 1 blk. to bus it school. $6300 MODERN 5 room house, plastered. Bsmt., auto heat. $08501 YR. OLD. 2 B.R. home, hdw. floors, elec. heat, garage attached. Ex cellent location. $10,000 PARK AVE. 2 B.R. down, 3 B.R. up. L.R.; D.R., kitcli., nook. Hdw. floors, fireplace, oil furn. Insulated it weather stripped. Large lot. $11.300 ENGLEWOOD. Very attractive 2 B.R. all electric home, V-blinds. On a fine lot. 511,300 SUB. '4 acre on bus line it pave ment. New, very modern 2 B.R,, bath L.R. 14x22. D.R.. fine kitchen, den In knotty pine with fireplace. Garage 20x30 with utility. A real home. Insulat ed it weather stripped. I a. 000 NEW, modern 2 B.R. Large L.R., den. D.R. it kitchen. Unfinished tip stairs. B.smt. with oil furnace. Lot 122x160. On hill. S-J.l.ooo FAIRMOUST Hill. A fine home In excellent location. 3 B.R.. sun room, large L.R., lame entry hall, breakfast room, kitchen. Lower floor hardwood, carpeted wall lo wall. Triple plumb ing, oil steam heat, double garage in basement. Corner lot 110x140, beau tifully landscaped. Sprinkling system. ED BYRKIT, REALTORS .739 Chemeketa St. Phone 8981, Eves, 3434, .fli $'8(K) rm. house, i acre. Not modern. Terms. $3000 unfinished 5 rm. house on good street. $J!i5U I ACRE east Small modern house ! $41100 2 BEDROOMS. Immed. poss.. Paved street. 1 WWUO1 ACRE north. 2 bedroom house. S3IMI) SIJM DOWN. New. Hdw. floors uw.,., .-.uiiLiit-tuii, oairm. IfilHMI IVl-rmt- ... . . . .... , Fiuceny. a op a room .. viuc in. west oaiem. Permanent S7ji50 NEW 2 bedroom modern plast. ALSO TWO beautiful homes on King- onowii Dy appointment only. T.j mueuKAVE. REALTORS 133 Edgcwater. Phone 5109. a61 $iC00, M A. and new moricrn t no home close in East. Hardwood floors. Elect, water heater. Wired for range Venetian blinds. Attached garage. Im- $1030. Vj A., a good 2 B.R. home on bus line south. Immediate possession, $3330 NEW 2 B.R. home on large lot n in h material to finish. T ...... rDje very easy. h - L AT, attractive late-built home r v,uac lu rtU1urn scnool. This has B.R.. bath. L.R., kitchen comb, wired for range. Here is a well-built Sl8.0. CLLAN mid attractive 2 B.R. home - i.e. .u enm, on uus line. Elect water heater, wired lor range. Immediate WWO NEW modern 2 B.R. home North -.v.. u.iiiuuiiicu upstairs. Large lot narawooa noors. oil furnace. Elect. rtf.f. "CULrr' "a ior range. Immc diate possession. Stanley Brown with .STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTnn.ct 153 S. High St Pnone 4m J RM. MI)V hnmo on".' J. .... "J uuvrrion. j rm. nu- ni rent 4 Ttn- )t- lQt $85007 908 RcseTve St. "T "6Ui.B nunuui. RM. house on 1 acre ot good soil, elec. . i '". "- neater, Vene- "7V00 "im d0Wn' lot"1 prlM' .ti T!2E 5EAL ESTATE MARKET 3 N. Huh St, Phone Km .an. !"" ?.? "OMK by owniT. KelMTdlrt '. 2165 N. Church. .an .11500. Ml. kno ,m Iun "baTe'nTent. " mnc. I'll. O ISO, a(J0 $1000 down, ft rm unfinished hse. At- na muucrii const, "'a A. with trow. Paved rd. 1 ml. out. Clt, .ter OLSON & REEVE. REALTORS ..JLComTPli. 44Mev. 9538 a0 BV OWNER: Unfinished houV wltliTwln vSt. "",""". ro"' 'h bathroom I.xtures at cost. Call 1658, West Salem. .ai ' S'", noi'SK. "! rae, woodshed. La.m n. oi Aionmoutn St., In- dependeuce. Ph. 41 betore S p.m. 1 PARTI.- FURNISHED house In Stajton, Oreson In henrt ol urowln, clu, con sisting of 5 room house, 4 lots 50x100. Ideal lor one who wishes to invest for Income, within 30 miles of Dotroll dam ,c0,"slru"n. Priced at 15000 3rd reel frontane near nubile, high & parochial schools. II Interested write ' Wallers, 823 Pearl, Apt. 5. Eu gene. Ore. " 19 '-"AN first moruag... BYRKIT li POTTS SMChemeketa phone 5937 a- JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone laas HOUSE HUNTING ISN'T EASY. ErhSI''l"'!o ',B ,U" lnu'le1. NEW, 3 R.R. home, earner ...J., n.. I h i D'' b,"ra,nt, fireplace. Ven. NKHI.y' DECORATED. 2 B.R. home, full 0l.MK.. 'if '" 1X01 3 B R- hem?, plaster- .' "- """. "'11 basement, paved sts nice lawn, outdoor fire- Illflrtv Prli tin rffi FINE res. dist. 3 B.R. home. lie. L.R.. nuu., nana. rirs.. nice fireplace, full basement, utility rm. St den. Pricn sn tn BR.'i nd den Dbl. plbg., near high Sa'esmen: "Habby" Haberniclit "nd"on Phone 24683 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 43S Court Phone 7flUB itn I nrDRM. older type home, fireplace, oil uuuuiu piiimoina, large lot. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N Hlg.i St Phone 247D3 aRII BV OWNKR: 4 rm. house. Elec. water upnirr. new apt. size elec. ranie. Con venient kit. Nice bullt-lns. Pi ac. land. Beautiful building site overlooking Polk county hllh. 2 mi. from city center on 8. River rd $5000 cash. Ph. 8860. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 6o rw i rtvt w uuu H Ki UH i 3 BV OWNER: a bdrm. home, yri. old, uuie. itaifiKr, var tiuurs iiiroutnoui. fireplace, auto, oil heat, elec. h.w., dble Plumbing, full basement, 2 Irga lots or about 1 A. Beautiful vtew, $17,500 Shown by appointment only. Ph. 8393. a0 FOR SALE HOUSES FURNISHED. SUBURBAN. $3000 SMALL bedroom suburban home, about a years oia. narawood floors, elec. wa ter heater, wired for range, complete ly furnished for $3000. k acre of land. located Just South of town, sub. bus service. LE.E OHMART it CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a BUSINESS ZONE A WELL ' constructed 6 room home, 3 bedrooms, gas heat and gas water heater lot la 55 x 74, only 3 blocks from city center. Future business pos sibilities. $6750. LEE OHMART it CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a' JUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN LOCATED ON main road, suburban bus service each hour, a modern 2 bed room home, about 5 years old, has V. blinds, elec. water heater, tot Is 66 x 105 well landscaped, very neat and clean. $9750. LEE OHMART to CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a BRAND NEW 5 BEDROOMS. Insulated, elec. heat. South. Full bsmt., gar., 1mm. pom. Fuil price $6950. WEST SALESf MOD. NEARLY new. 3 bedrm. house with lg- lot it gar., paved st. Full price $7750. N. CHURCH ST. $ BEDRM., bsmt., furnace, some furni ture, paved St., garage, lawn, shrubs, elec. water htr., close to school, bus it shopping dlst Full 'price $5900. LANA AVE. i AC. MOD, 2 bedrm. house. Very well constructed. Paved st., bus at front door, several out bldgs. A good value for 17900. HOLLYWOOD DIST. REDUCED TO $6500, 4 bedrms., com pletely redecorated it painted, ' ac. lot. Paved St., close to bus, school it store. LOTS OF LOTS. $450 up. See us before you buy. M. O, HUMPHREY & CO.. REALTORS 2286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 a61 SPECIAL I BDRM. HOUSE. Mod. Good lot. Close to bus and store, $3850. 3 BDRM. HOUSE, near McKinley school. A barsiin $5500. 7 RM. HOUSE, & rms. furnished, 120 ft. frontage on pvd. st., dble. car., Irult and nut trees. $6950. NEW HOUSE, short distance from town. 28x30. Hwd. floors. Oood lot. Nicely furnished. All good furn. Oood for G.I. at 56250. R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR 176 S Com'l St Ph. 8841 a62 REIMANN - RE7MANN - REIMANN REALTORS LOTS OF LIVING AT THIS PRICE $6150 2 BEDROOMS, large living room and kitchen with fine bunt-ins. run bath, range, circulator and floor cov erings so. Beautiful yard. Good sur roundings. Possession right away quick. It's good. 525 MR. NU-COMER MOVE RIGHT IN NO FURNITURE needed. This 4 bedroom is comDle'.ely furnished, electric range, Maytag washer, furnace heat. $2100 down, $50 a mo. f6000, 317 COUNTRY CITY M lt.ES northeast of Salein. 9 acres, l'a acres producing filberts. Very pleas ant 3 bedroom home. Up to date oil furnace. Pine utility room. Desirable bath. On pavement. Bus by door. $12,500. 816 REDUCED $2000 DOWN, $50 a month. Reduced $500 to $6350. 2 bedrm. home tn east Salem, Paved st. Some furniture goes. Full basement. Fine yard and trees. This Is a SNAP. NEW HOUSE EAST BUILT TO live In not to sell. 3 bedrms. Deluxe kUchen with new Westinghouse range. Grand bath with built-in tub. Auto, oil heal. Oak floors thru-out, l'a lots, $3750 down and move right In, 224 ATTENTION O. I.S YOU CAN get a G. I. loan on thla new all-electric home. Hardwood floors. Full bath. Excellent kitchen. Really good. $8950. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 So. High Evenings 3621 Phone 9203 a00 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS AT CITY LIMITS, bus service, $350 & up. With city water R. E. MEREDITH 176 S. Com'l St. Ph. S841 aa62 PLAN TO BUILD S.W Lot 50xOC. North, terms. Sioo Corner lot, 48x100, terms, SH.Kt Lot 76x80. North, terms. $1050 Oood lot. North. RIVER FRONT LOTS 133x300 FT. facing on river, restricted district North. Large native trees, some fruit. Road two sides. A rare find. Price $2000. O. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 aa61 WELL LOCATED East. 75 Ft. frontaae. Price $600 to $700 per lot. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 aa61 SACRIFICE BY owner. Choice view lot In Cascade terrace. 80 x 170. $1000. Ph, 4886. fta64 LOT IN BUSINESS zone, 80 x 275, rail road and paved street. $3500. Ph. 2-5024 aa60 FOR SALE FARMS DAIRY FARM 15 ACRES, cleared St fenced. 10 Jersey & Guernsey cows. 19 stanchion barn, 30 tons hay, 3 other farm buildings. 1 McCormack-Dcering milk machine. 5 room home. $9500 $4000 down. 821 OWNER RETIRING 80 ACRE chicken farm. Gross Income last year $14,200 on $22,500 investment. 1P00 laying hens. McCormlck-Deering tractor, manure spreader. Allls-Chal-mers combine and all necessary farm machinery included In above price. Oood buildings. 1001 RFIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Phone S203 b60 16 ACRES FAMILY ORCHARD, considerable timber, beautiful 3 bdrm. home, hrdwd. floors, fireplace, wired for elec. range. 3'i ml. from Salem. M2.000. ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM 341 State. Rm. 4 Ph. 6963 b80 EVERYTHING'S THEREI JUST MOVE INI 5 ACRHS, good subdivision property. On uarden rd. 6 yr, old, 1'? story home. Lee. L.R.. D.R., Kltch. ft Nook. 9 good Bra., unfln. attic (flooring there). 3 A. fine Boysenberries Furn, Includes elec. refrig. it range. For 10 da. only, $10,500. 1 NEW LISTING! S.E. OF SALEM. 80 A. cult. Mod. 5 rm. hse.. Ige, barn, 2 chick, hses., several brooders. All fairly new bldgs. Family orchard, some crop seeded. Ford Furge jon trictor & full equip. Also, complete Turkey equip. Good terms can be ar ranged. If YOU want a GOOD farm, see thLs right away. TODAY WE RECEIVED A LETTER (JIVINO US permission to sell one of the nicest ranch farms we have had. Lo cated 16 MI. west of Salein, 24-63100 acres., We know this Is an exceptional buy, and, necessity forces the owner to sell. For detailed information. PH. 7696. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Ph. 7696: Res. 35141 b62 $,110017 a. N.E. ot Salem, 'i ml. from city limits. City water, paved road. S2.H10 lo A. on Hw. 99-N, hw. frontage. r.a a. 4 mi. irom lab Bank, all in cherries, apples and small fruit. $4500. R. H. COPPOCK. REALTOR 410 Oregon Bldx. Ph. 8902-5514 b60 S10,5no.oo8 OOOD acres, live stream. 4 bdrm. .nadern home and It. hip roof barn. A real country home. Priced below market. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793: Eves. 9441 b62 JO AC. farm 3 mi. from Liberty can nery. $3250. H. E. Freetag, 483 N. 18th. b62 APPROXIMATELY 5 ACRES MODERN i BDRM. house, several out buildings, all land tn prunes, plums, cherries it apples. Located In Dallas city limits. City water it lights. This is a real buy at only $6000. Call for Mr. Diaak M O. HUMPHREY fc CO., REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 3:86 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4596 bS2 56 ACRE DAIRY li MILES from city limits northeast. 7 room modern home. 30 x 45 modern milking barn. dbl. garage, poultry house, machine shed, hog house. 15 cows milking, 3 heifers, bull, Burge milker, tractor, plow, roller, hay chop per, harrow drill, etc.. all equipment and stock toes, every thins lo star; right In Priced right. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355. Eve. 34479 MI Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE FARMS JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 1696 II A. No. NEW 4 rm. hse., att. gar. good well, all yr, creet through property. Suitable for sub-dlvlslon, $16,000. 1 A. W. Oood berry ground (2 A. Boy senberrles), good 4 rm. hse., wired for range. Chick, hse- Price $6000. JUST A 3 rm. hse., BUT a very good FARM! 53 A. Wm. silt. 30 A. cult.. 16 A. R.A. cherries, lnterset with wal nuts, 4 A. filberts. Nut dryer, tractor at equip, ban a couia oe suo-aiviaea Price $12,500. SEE US for profitable farms In the How ell Prairie Dist. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 4S5 Court Res 25141 Ph. 7606 b60 NELSON PARMS BEPORE YOU BUT a farm or acreage check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson it Nelson, Mason I o Bids,, Ph 4410 b FOR SALE: Mwoo. 6'i acres prune trees, pears, apples it cherries. 48 walnuts & some filberts. 8 room partly furnished house. Electric water As bath. 3 nice cabins. 12 x 20 chicken house. Barn with room for 2 cows Sc team. Oood well with automatic deep well pump. Im mediate possession of house it place, Corners grade school. 6 mi from city centers on paved road. South from Sa lem on 99E. Teke right hand road at Dickson's store to Sunnyslde school, turn right and go west 100 yds. b63 FOR SALE ACREAGE s RM. USE. 2 Acres, nice lawn it shrubs, all for $12,300.00. This can be bought on good teima. L. Rm.. D. Rm.. Bit I. nook, 1 bdrm. St bath down. 3 bdrms. ud. Hwd. firs., full bsmt.. furnace. elec. wtr. heater. In city limits. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549: Eves. 9441 bb62' 10 ACRES of Strawberries, first good year. good terms. Hurry, tnia can't Last. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 9536 bb62 $16700. BY OWNER. i A. 2 bdrm. home, L.R.. D.R., kit. with noon, utility rm., v. hlinds. drilled well. elec. water sys tem, fruit room In garage. Poultry hse., 24 x 30. barn, fruit trees, l dik. to sch, it store, bus by door. Ph. 21318. bb62 FOR SALE by owner. 10 Ac. mixed heavy producing fruit, mostly Royal Anne cherries. Close in. Priced right. Liberal terms. Ph. 23759. popj 9'j ACRE SUB-DIVISION CLOSE TO school, paved rd., well drained. good soil, N.E.. easv to suoaiviae. a bargain at $6300. Terms can be ar ransed. M. O. HUMPHREY it CO., REALTORS 2286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 bb62 in A. fi rm. house with bath. furn. In eluded. 12 ml. S. Salem on 99E. See Jack Hardwlck at Puritan Market,, w, Salem. bb62 SUBURBAN HOME MODERN HOME built In 1945, 3 bedrooms. one very large, kitchen, dining room, hnth utility room. ' basement, fur nace, fireplace, large garage, small barn, chicken house, 16 acres, about i in cultivation, balance in timber, 3' miles from down town. Plums, prunes, apples, cherries pears and walnuts. Priced $12,000. Easy terms. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 34479 DDHl TODAYS BARGAIN! ACRES, very small house, mighty fine drainage and but! fling sue, an in large filberts, apples, walnuts. Oood spring. Oood tractor and equip. All $6300. Trade city. 5 ACRES. 1 A. timber, l'l A. cherries, 2 B.R. house, paved road, bus. $5000 cash. 20 ACRES, all cultlv., spring. 5 room house, old barn, gar., chick house, some equip. $6000. NORTH-EAST 5 ACRES, fine soil it location, on bus. 2 A. berries, good 7 room house, good barn. 2 large chick, houses. $10,000. 1 ACRE. West. 2 B.R. home, elect. $3730, trade for more ground. See Mr. nelson with C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 bb61 REALLY A WONDERFUL COUNTRY HOME LARGE LIV. RM.. din. rm., nook. Beauti ful tile, bullt-ln kitchen. 4 bedrooms and den and bath. Plastered. Full base,, furnace. Dbl. gar. Trees, fruit, nuts. About 2 acres, frontage on 3 roads. In city sen. dist. Sub. it sch. bus. Close In. All this In excellent condition lor $12,600. $8500 down will handle. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 bbCO FOR MARION COUNTY'S outstanding acreage buys, go to Dickson's Market. 12th St, Cut-off and 99E, then 3li ml. south on old 99E to DeWltt sign. 2V4 A. or more, at money saving prices and easy terms. Beautiful scenic views, fine soil, all In production. Phone 5355 eve. bbSl DRASTICALLY REDUCED 3 ACRES suburban property, acre bea ver dam. Everytmng goes on tnis one. 5 rm. hse. with fireplace, completely furnished. Tractor, farm tools, hand tools, family cow. 74-ft. well. elec. pump. Several outbldgs. Family or chard and berries. Enough cord wood cut for 2 years. Full price $9,600, re duced from $11,000. M O. HUMPHREYS St CO.. REALTOR 3286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 bb60 FOR SALE: U acre land with 57 foot drove wen located on E. Garden road, near in-egle school. Bus line, gas line. x wo stores close by. A good buy. In quire at Chefs store, or see Earl Tuck er, i mile S of store, 7th house on road. Cash buy. bb63 ABOUT SIX ACRES, river bottom garden land, near Jefferson. $3400. Lawrence Edholm, Broker. U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Albany, Oregon. Phone 45. bb62 ACREAGE WE HAVE two good buys In small. acre ages. One 10 A. truck farm all equipped with garden tools such as cultivator, sprayers, scales, it everything you need to work place. 2 hses. One 5 rm. Full basmt is fur. One large 2 rm with bath it toilet. Deep well. Spring. Overhead Irrigation system Variety of market able fruit. Owner Is bick, must tell. Full price $8500 THEN 8'i A. which Is a nice small acre age close to school; near store and 3 blks off paved rd. Family orchard. Com fortable 5 rm hse with bath St toilet. Telephone. Also hu small hse. Good barn it chicken hse. Spring. This own er has gone to Calif, and says sell. Price $6500. Both places located about 7'i ml. S.W. Salem. OLSON St REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l Ph. 4590: eve. 9536 bb60 SI80O. 3 ACRES close in South. Has 3 bed room home. Oarage. EI. water system but city water avatlable. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. HlBh St. Ph. 4121 bbSI REAL ESTATE $3500 30x140 FEET of excellent garden soil, about six miles out. a neat 3 bedrm. home, auto, water system, oil circulator. S6650 ONE-HALF acre north of Kelse- three bedrooms, plastered. Venetua bunds, wired for range and water heater, oil circulator, new chicken house, family orchard. $9800 A NEW nicely planned home, all electric heat, wired for range ana water neat er, hardwood floors. Insulated and weather stripped, two bedrooms and large unfinished attic. $10,500 NORTH 18th ST., En r le wood district, two bedrooms, unfinished attic, hardwood floors, wired for heat, range and water heater, attached garage, insulated and weather stripped. Loan of S6300 may be assumed. Will sell furnished If wanted. $11,500 VF.RY attractive three bedroom home. large lot 66x325. nicely landscaped. This home has all electric heat, wired for ragne and water heater, double garage, good small chicken house, lots of fruit and a good view, SALEM REALTY CO. C. W. Bartlett. Realtor 149 N. High St. Ph. 7660 Eves. 6198-24773-25580 c61a MONET TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6 Call lor details BYRKIT POTTS 339 Chemeketa. Phont 598) ' fl' To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS HOME AND 695 PER MO. INCOME HERE IS an opportunity to buy a home with your Income. A modern plastered home with Uvlngroom, dlnlngroom, kit chen, bath, utility room, 3 bdrms., on 1st floor, 2 bdrms. up, full bsmt., close to state office bldg. and Willamette Uni versity. Only $7500. 3 BEDROOMS ENGLEWOOD A GOOD substantial home with hdwd. floors, fireplace, livingroom, dining room, kitchen, bath, 3 bdrms.. glassed in dinette with view of nicely landscaped back yard with outdoor fireplace, fish pool and patio, full bsmt., oil furnace, attached garage, on bus, near school and stores. Priced to sell. $11,600. 1 ACRE KEIZER 3 BEDROOM bungalow with unfinished attic, part bsmt. (toilet to be Installed), wired for range, elec. water heater, variety berries, tree fruits and nuts, $5500. 30 AC. FARM EQUIPPED, $8000 30 ACRES, 6 room modern house, 36x36 barn (8 stan. with drinking cupsi, chicken house, garage, 2 good wells with 3 auto, pumps. 27 good large wal nut trees, 5 mixed cherries, filberts, acres oats and vetch, 4acres oats, $7t acres summer fallow, pasture wftj spring, John Deere tractor and all necessary eautp. plus additional horse- drawn equipment, 1 registered milking ngrt norn cow piub nay in oarn, OUTSTANDING SPECIALTY CROP FARM 108 ACRES Newberg soil with 80 acres cropped to carrots, beets, broccoli, as paragus, cau 14 flower and other vege- laoies, is acres gooa marketable tim ber, 7 room modern plastered home. utility room. dble. garage, etc., water right, creek 2 Irrigation wells, ma chlnery avail., farm produced $18,000 this year. Total price $30,000. IF THESE do not meet your requirements ten us wnat you want. We probably have It listed. We now have more than 100 farms and acreages. NELSON St NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg.. 498 State St, Ph. 4419 or 4623; eves. 31350 C60' WANTED REAL ESTATE "LARGE or small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your prooertv witn, us. LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca62 DO YOU WANT TO SELL? WE HAVE a buver with $1250 and $100 per mo. for 3 bnrm. house ner cltv school In good district, call "CrMg" 337 N. High St. Ph. 3310: eves. 5053 .13 ca62 I WANT A HOUSE $5000 TO X7AOO. Will pay $2000 down. bal. $50 month. Write In full. Box 284. Cap tal Journal. ca62 WNTEn The bent acreage and home that $10,000 will buv close to Salem. C. H. SANDERS, 331 N. High 5838 ca83 WE ARE in need of good homes to ell In or near Salem It you wish to 11 t your property for stle. nee GRABENHORST BROS . REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Phone 4131 ea VETERAN'S wife and 3 yr. old daughter in need of small apt. or house. Phone 2-4479. ca FOR PROMPT and courteous service list tour property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Ral E't Broker 555 N Liberty Phone 7337 ea ATTENTION OWNERS OWINO to our strategic location on high way 99":. we have commenced to get m numbe of out-of-state buyers We need HsMnge on good farms, city homes acreage and any ktnd of a business that you wanl to sell We aold over one million dollars In property In '48 and wa will really appreciate your listings 8UTXIVAN REALTY. INC. REALTORS 330$ Portland Rd Ph. 3355: 34479 ea LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA- LEM REALTY CO O W BARTLETT REALTOR. 149 N. HIGH ST. PR. 7660 ea NOTICE! If your property Is for vale rent or exchange. Ust it with ui we have til kinds cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S High St a WANTED TO BUY: From owner, city lot near bus. & down, bal. terms. Ph. 25471. ca61 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE: Good family home for small modern home, prefer N. or close In N.E. No agents. Box 281 Capital Journal. cb60 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $8500 INVESTED WILL give you an apartment to live In and $135 a montn income rrom a otner units. Owner's equity $4900 on which a trailer will be taken to $3000, 748 WELL STOCKED $6900 Orocerv and service station on highway, well stocked ana doing a cash business. 5 year lease. Living quarters. 704 DOWNTOWN CAFE $0800 Caters to working men. Doing a good paying business. Counters and booths. Some terms. 708 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Ph. 9203 cd60 WAREHOUSE & COLD STORAGE PLANT EQUIPPED for fruit handling, turkey- killing, warehouse space, has lull con crete floors, large cold storage space, spur tracks on both sides of bldg. 10, 000 sq. feet of space. FOR DETAILS Call O. H. Orabenhorst, Jr., with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eves. 2-2948 ed60" MODERN COFFEE SHOP BUS STOP and ticket office on 99E. $12,700. 57 seating capacity, stocked and equipped. Nice living quarters, 10 yr. lease. Reasonable rent. Owner said grossed $50,000 In 1945. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 cd60 FOR SALE One of Salem's leading restaurants. Inquire F. E. Kenyon, STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121. Res. 3407 cd62 OROCERY, RESIDENCE it OAS STATION INCLUDES bldg., equip, and about 1 acre. Approx. gross income $1500 per mo. Stock at Inventory about $2000. 6 rm. living quarters, elec. water heater, wired for elec. range. Union Oil prod ucts. ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM 341 State Rm. . 4 Ph. 6963 cd60 WANTED: GROCERY Store business In Salem or vicinity. Write box 345 Capi tal Journal cd62 BEAUTY SHOP. $3200.00 FULLY EQUIPPED for three operators. Doing good business. Located In nice district of Portland. Call 8924 between 2 & 4. , cd62 $7350 FULL PRICE SM. LUNCH rm. All equipped. Situated on bbe North. This place pays off, all property goes. Ask for Mr. Corey. 2 UNIT COURT PLUS MOD. 3 bedrm. house, completely lurnisned with new furniture. 1 Ac. highway frontage. Lc. gar. Out bldgs. Can be changed Into 3 more cabins. Also room for about 13 more new cabins. A bargain at $14,000. Call tor Mr. Isaak. NTNE AC HIGHWAY FRONTAGE SOUTH. DBLE. highway frontage. Well drained, last place for business near highway between Salem St Albany. Ex cellent location for business or motel. 1800 ft. frontage. Can be sub-divided. Well St creek on property. M. O. HUMPHREY it CO., REALTORS 3286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 34596 cd61 ARE YOU looking for a business of your own? we have - gift and appliance store In a good down town location that is priced right. Plenty of shelf and storage space. Large stock inven tory. $17,500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 336S Portland Rd. Ph. 3253; eves. 8415 cd6P $13,000 APT. HSE. close In. 5 apts.. bath for each, furnished, sawdust burner, fur nace, rent under OPA $165. Terms. APT. HSE. 3 apts. furnished, close to bus. gas heat throughout, rent $155. Price (U.S50. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage St. , Ph. 3733 erifll A WISE INVESTMENT THIS DOUBLE house of five rms. each, both have 3-bdrmi. and bath, splendid location close to Hollywood, basement and furnace Rents for $80.00. live in one, rent o'her at $40.00. $7900.00, te.ms at 4 on $3350.00. If Interested don't deljy- See P. G. Delano or Vlck Bros.. 290 N. church. Phone 510. d60 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO BUY: Motel. 2, $ or 4 unit. Must be less than $10,000. On Highway 99E, north if possible. Want to manage motel for rent ot place to live. Fam ily of 4. Contact me at O. E. Cole, Salem. Oen. Del, cd61 FURNITURE FOR SALE 12 x 15 WOOL rug, daveno set, 3 lamp tables it lamps, coffee table, book case, dining rm. set. Ph. 34631. dfll WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7596 Statt Street Furn 1900 State da WHV TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright Phone 7511. HIGHEST PRICES paid Phont Glenn at wooary Auction Market Ph alio da1 FOR SALE IIVESTOCK YOUNO family type Guernsey cow. Just iresn. m. j, box 5BB, ist nouse s. Liberty school on right. e61' LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows St boars at your farm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandllsh, Rt. S, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147 ea70' WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. 1650 Lancaster Dr., Salem. Ph. 31345 morn, or eves. ea77 RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any furs, west side Fur Co., West Salem. eb82a WING'S RABBITRY pays highest prices for rabbits, 4 to 6 lbs. 3985 State St. 1 blk. E. of 4 corners. Ph. 109F5. eb80' FOR SALE WOOD DRY WOOD St sawdust. Ph. Maker 7868. eeSS FRF.sn cut sawdust, $8.00 load. Im mediate del, Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 6533, ee66 GOOD dry 16-ln. slab, $8.50 load. Ore gon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee66' TRI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Load $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16' Slab Wood it Edgings Heavy 4 fl Slab PHONE 6883 We Glvt S&H Oreen Stamps ee77' 4 CORD ON NTTE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB St EDGINGS. PH. 6663 ee77 3 CORD LOAD, 16 In. slab St edgings, IS load. Imm. del. Ph- 5533. Oregon Fuel Co ee73' INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block. Double load $30.00- 1mm. del. Ph. 346, Yamhill, Ore. ee76' WANTED ALL KINDS of Cattle and Hogs. Will call at farm Write E. L Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Drive. Sa'.sm. Ph. 31345 morn, or eves. ee70' MILL WOOD. $6.00 loan. Ph. 5853. ee62 16 IN. OAK, OLD FIR St maple. Arnold Phillips. Box 361, Turner. Ore. ee61 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab good for furnace Ph 7731 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN St DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and dlesel oil. Ph. 3-4031. ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 34031. FOR SALE POULTRY 10O0 CAPACITY starting battery, 10 grow ing batteries, poultry picker. Best offer takes. Geo. Box Rt. 1 Box 371, Phone 3-3184. 162 YEAR AROUND Cash Buyers St whole salers, poultry, eggs St turkeys. Also North West brand quality feeds. North West Poultry & Dairy Products Co., 1505 N Front St. Salem. Ph. 7007. f73 BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly In seven varieties. New Hampsmres always available In chicks Growing pullet any age. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery f WANTED HELP MAN, preferably over 40, for route work In Salem. Minimum earnings, $i.5D nr. Car essential. Call between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. J. R. Watklns Co., distribu tor, 1717 Center. Ph. 5305. 62 WANTED Salesman to call on profes sional men and business houses. Must be willing to travel and must have a previous record of high sales. A good, permanent, well-paring Job tor the right man. Write full details to Post Office Box 349, Salem, Ore. 862" GOOD DEAL for right man. Salem Rock Wool Co. 1535 Broadway. Ph. 3748. g MEN TO work in strawberries on farm. David Schafer, Star Rt., siiverton. gno WANTED Exp. lubrication man. Oood salary, steady worx, right party, wai ter H. Zosel company, Chemeketa and High streets. 61 WANTED: Licensed beauty operator. Part or full time. Phone 25173. g61 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY IF YOU ARE a salesman or would like to be, e have three positions open. Av erage earnings $75-$100 wkly. We teach you. furnish trans. Must be neat, free to travel. Mr. Frailer, Salem Hotel. g61 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad In Educational Column. 64 EXP. WAITRESS. Anchor Cafe. 3405 Portland Rd Ph PRESSER: Experienced preferred. Apply Stayton Cleaners, Stayton, Ore. geo VACANCY. RAWLEIGH Route has Just become available south part PoiK County. Excellent opportunity. Car Necessary. Write Rawlelgh's Dept. ORG 135-189. Oakland 7, Calif. (60 PERMANENT POSITION as building cus todian for public agency. Experience not necessary. Make application, stat ing qualifications, to box No. 279 Capi tal Journal. 62 ARE YOU a former Navy or Coast Guard Veteran, with any of the following ratings? RADIOMAN. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN'S MATE ELECTRICIAN'S MATE YEOMAN. AVIATION RADIOMAN. OR FIRE CONTROLMAN. IF SO YOU ARE probably eligible for en listment In your old rate at the same grado up to first class. Several other rates also open to first class. First as signment in this district! Base pay for first class Is now $135 per month, plus longevity. You still get the tree medical ana dental aid for self and dependents, family allowances and sea duty pay. 30 or 30 year retirement. Your former ser vice counts toward pay and retirement. 20 year retirement now pays $138 per month for life. All pay 1$ Income tax free. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUTURE CONTACT your local recrultinc United States Coast Ouard stations at Rm. 33, 360i, state St.. Salem; P. O. Bldg.. Eugene, Ore g FORMER NAVY and Coast Guard Petty Officers. MOTOR MACHINIST MATE. QUAR TERMASTER. STOREKEEPER, CAR PENTER'S MATE. AVIATION RATES, PHARMACIST'S MATES. VACANCIES now exist tor men who held these rates. Army and Marine Corps Veterans also eligible for enlistment. FOR FURTHER information, contact: U S. Coast Guard recruiting stations at Rm. 32. 380'i state st saiem, ore.: P. O. Bldg., Eugene, Ore. g STF.NO. AND bookkeeper combined. For general orriee worx. Must be perma nent.- Box 280, Capitol Journal. WANTED Young woman with training In sewing. Interested tn learning the tailored slip cover trade. Opportunity for advancement. Oood pay. See Mrs. Thomas at Elfstroms drapery dept. f60" WANTED Young man with car tor out side circulation work. Must be a good solicitor. The man for this position win be given the opportunity to aa vance and work his way up In the department. Must have at least high school education. This posltoa paya good wages to the right man. State age, experience, married or single in first letter to Box 269, capital Journal WANTED: Barber. Brooks. Ore. Weekly guarantee. Ph. Salem HU, iso I WANTED HELP EXP. LaD for fur repair a alterations. Price's 135 North Liberty WANTED POSITIONS HOUSEWORK Day or hour. 832 North Liberty. h60 PRUNE. PEAR. THRIP SPRAYINO AEROSOL GENERATOR FOG MACHINE. $4.00 per acre plus ma terial cost. Approx. $2.00. Ph. 31308. 3410 Sunnyvlew. h65 GARDEN PLOWING it discing. Ph. 36617. R, A. Brown, 100 Lansing Ave, 1.65 BOOKKEEPER WITH considerable expel rlence available. Oood refrences. Box 358 Capital Journal. h85 WANTED: HOUSEWORK or care of In valid by the hour. Ph. 2-6930. h65 ELDERLY LADY for companion It an other. Call at 739 N. Liberty afternooiM or 1176 Marion eves. h63 MARRIED VETERAN, varied experience, wishes work on Saturdays, Box 286 Capital Journal h62 WILL CARE for 1 or 2 children in my home week days. Have 3 year old daughter. 520 Kingwood Ave., West Salem. h60 WILL DO Job typing in my home. Ex perienced. 520 Kingwood Ave., Wext Salem. hBO WANT-HOUSE WORK byhour.-" Mri7Ro neker. 1173 S. 15th. h6l CLEANING OR Ironing by the hour, by capaoie woman. Fn. 56a7 before noon. h60 WANTED, by elderly lady: Housekeeping for elderly gentleman or couple. Call 345 Kearney. ndO CHILD NURSERY St kindergarten at my home, 1761 s. Liberty, Ph. 21866. h63 WILL BOARD children between 4 St 7. Approved home. Route 4, Box 473. Salem-Dallas highway. h61 ALTERING St sewing. Ph. 3-6034. h60 FOR GARDEN spading call 25018. Il64 CALL 2-2S6'2 for your spring sewing St alterations. All work promptly done. 3155 N. River Rd. h77 WANTED: Garden plowing and discing, Garden fertilizer tor sale, delivered, can 50F3. Salem. Hollls Bice. h74 GARDEN PLOWING St disking. Ph. days 9880, eves. 2-2957. h73 CABINET WORK, materials for kitchen bullt-lns. doors, drawers, tables built or replaced, and other Items made to your specifications Window screens now aiailaole. Convenient location, 4 block from Ladd As Bush Masterwooda Cab inet Shop. Precision craftsmanship. 164 S. Commercial. Ph. 5398. Free estimates, h71 GARDEN PLOWING St discing. Ford trac tor. Ray Sattcr. Phone 22504. h70 PLUMBING SERVICE by licensed plump ers, tlx a raucet or open a drain. Re pair a leak or make an alteration. Prompt attention on both minor St ma jor plumbing problems. Parmenter Plumbing As Heating. 2380 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 8627 h65 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter call Shrock Motor Co 8303. EDUCATION WILLIS PIANO STUDIO FOR GIRLS BEGINNERS and advanced. Ph. 36560. hh65 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint write ror Talent Test. (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 356. Capital Journal. hh64 FOR RENT ROOM FOR rent. 275 N. 23rd. Tele. 26945. J61 3 SLEEPING rooms, close in, women only. . winter. JB2 SLPG. RM. Men. 448 Center St. In alley. near woodrow Bldg. No drinkers. J65 6 RM. house partly furn. St acreage in oeuerson. can alt. 6, Ph. 34091. J62 SLEEPING ROOM. 710 S. 13th St. J61 LARGS store room or group office space room, aiso Basement storage. 475 Ferry St. STATE FINANCE CO.'. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 4121 j61 ' SLEEPING rooms. Auto. heat. 2131 Center st. ynone 25693. jsi SLEEPING room for girls. 992 N. Cottage. J61' SLEEPING ROOM for 2. Man St wife or l or z women. Bath connecting. Kit chen privilege. No drinking or smoklnr. 785 N. 30th St. J81 NICE SLP. RM. In quiet mod. home. no . irnurcn. J60 LIGHT H.K. ROOM, employed middle ageq laqy. bm ferry. J60 HEATED Sleeping room for girls. Single ac a Qouoie. 1775 Fir St. J60" 3 PAINT SPRAY outfits. Ph. 2-4546. J72" ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent, oil. a. u. ruin, Dttl n. I ID fn. 4692. GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff FLOOR gander for rent. Montgomery wara. t WANTED TO RENT YOUNG vet and wife need furn. apt. No hhiuich, pets, smoxing or orinxing. Can Phillip Boyer, 7231 days, 8477 nights. H65 PERMANENT BUSINESS man needs one or two oearm. nouse immediately. Near Hollywood. Local ref r ?.;.. Box 285 Capital Journal. ja62 FURNISHED OR unfurnished home by re- sponsioie siate employe and family. Will give excellent local refrences. Phone "331. Jft62 S BEDROOM house. Middle aged couple. io cnuaren. wo pets. No smoking. No drinking. Need It by April 10th. Best ot references. Permanent. Call 6397. JaflS SMALL APT. by employed gentleman. Call Mr. Logan at 3512. Ja62 WANT GOOD pasture for yearling helf- er. rn mjbb. aio rairview Ave. Ja62 YOUNG WILLAMETTE U. veteran and wue wisn small apt. Call 4171. Ext. 460 days or 4360 Eves. Ja65 VET STUDENT and wife want 3 or 4 rm. apt, wue wonting. Ph. 24445. Ja61 OIL CO. employee, wife, 3 mo. old baby. urBcnt.y ncea pi, or nouse, preferably furn. Ph. 3-5183. ja60 MAN WANTS private parking place for ic, new i-rauer nouse. rnone 4141. Ja60 3 OR 4 BEDROOM house, furnished or partly lurnunea in Salem or suburban. , Reliable party, executive with Colum- v bla Metals Corp.. Snlem, Ore. Address P. O. Box 360. Telephone S249, exten- alon- 3. ja6o ELDERLY COUPLE must have 4 rooms lurnisnea immediately. E. F. Dorlarque. icno o. commercial. Ja63 SHELL OIL CO. employe needs turn. apt. or iurn. nouse. Phone 8436. Ja61 state rwnn i . bpl. ciosc in. exceuen; care. Ret. Phon 7033. ja61 REWARD: State employee needs 3 bed 7033. Ja61 room unfurnished house. Phone STATE EMPLOYEE urgently needs turnuneo. it oarm. nouse. 2 small dren. Ph. 2-1041. chll JaSfl WANTED By gentleman, employed, 3 or j loom turn. apt. rirst iloor or base ment If possible. Call before 6 p.m. Hammond i Vibbert Elect. Co. Ja61 ROOM AND BOARD WILL BOARD 3 elderly congenial ladies wno win share room. Ph. 36761. Jj62 ROOM AND BOARD in nice home on ous line, pnone 2Q764. jjsa LOST AND FOUND FOUND: FEMALE Black Cocker. Phone 3155. k61 LOST: MON. morning, lady's Hamilton wrist watcn. Reward. Ph. daytime 4ise. k62 LOST: WALLET, Imp. papers, reward. Ph. 8036. Jack D. McKenzte. k63 MISCELLANEOUS DOES YOUR roof leak? Use 100 as- pnaii sningies. unharmed by any wea ther, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men For FREE esti mate ohone 7177. Westarn Auta Sup ply CO, m79 CALL 3365 for prompt oil burner service, after a p.m Call 3-5287 m62' (Continued on Page 13)