e- M IKSLM Tuesday P. M, XT IKGW IS." KEX IIMI .:( Rep Harriet!! rt:lf- i Superman :8ft- , CftPt Mldnlli g:4.V- Tom MU J:fto- Newt tlft- Orrhratr -aft I Amer. Fernm I Amer. Forum I Start of todat I Hair with ladle Date with Judfc I A mot 'n Andy I Amm 'n And? I Flbhrr & Moll? I Fibber A Mnllj 7:0O i Amer. Forum IHA Newt VJH Med Rdei .1:45 ' Red Ryder B:0l) I Ho rue In Conn try Newt i:t& I Hautt In Country I Supper Club 1:30 The Falcon Rudy Valtea I Bob Rope I Rob Hope Red Skrllon 1 Red Skrllon I Terr A Pirate I Sky Kin t Jack VmMroni Re Friends I Runic Rldera 1 Mr MolorlM I Rea Maupin I Rex Maupin I Hank D'Amlra llank D'Amlro llvHrnt j Newi I Knot Mannlns I Vo Top I Vnt Po . Miile I Story Tone World FlIrM One World Flifbl Open llearlni l Oprn Hrarini I The Falcon ud.v Vallee I l.iim A hner Snmi I Dark Venture ' Dirk Venture I News Mel Blind Show I Mel Blano Chow t:0O :43 New Jame Crow Sports Orcbeatra Quli or t Cltle I Quit of t Cille I Hollywood The I Hollywood Thea Ronton SrinphonT W Town notion Symphon ni Town Rotton STinphnnvi Slncm Boston Smphonyi Rainbow 10:30 10:45 It :0ft-11M8-11 : So il: 4.- Nrw i S'ew Fit the i Newt Newt t Sportt Mum Newt I Orrhettra I Concert Hour Orehettra I Song I Concert Hour Open Rooia Open Rout Open Bona Newt Sfrn Off l Fire lar Final Veteran I Orehettra t Teat Rantar I News I Concert Hour Serenade I Orrhettra I Conrert Hour I Serenade I Orehettra Orchestra Air-Flo i Orrhettra I Orehettra I Air-Flo . Sim Off I Extra Roar i Silent Wednesday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. :fM Newt Timekeeper 6:3ft I March of Tim 6:4ft I Newt I Juntpln' Jtrkt I Rajtler X I Onve Wett 1 Busier X t Newt ButlerX I Reveille Roundup f Ruder X ! Newt I Western Start KOIN Klork I KOIN Kloek 7:00 I Newa 1:1ft I Rita A Rhine 7: SO Rita ft btoa T:4& I Newa I Farm Time Roundup Royt KOIN Kloek Farm Time I Martin Arirnnnky I Newt The Old Sonet James Abbe I Newt I Newt j Market Report I Faet Finder S:00 Dr. Talbot It: IB Dr. Talbot 8:Xn Soniri :4ft f Lindlahr :Ao I Orehettra, ,.t:lft I Show :80 I Pastor'a Call t:45 Art Baker 10:00 10:15 10:45 I Fred Warlnc Brraktatl Clob I Fred Waring I Breakfatt Club Jack Berch I Breakfatt Clob I Jamea Abbe f Breakfatt Club " Oreaon C ravin TRenny Haker ( Newt I Kenny Raker I Wordt and Mutle I Rreneman' Bft I Wordt and Music f Breneman'n Bfst I Consumer Newa Art Baker I Grand Slam I Rotemary ! Kate Smith I Aunt Jenny I nrlen Trent Our Gal Sunday Newt Matfne I Glan Drake Bins Stnra I Matinee Ted Ma lone Orehettra J Tropical Fchoi I Mt True Story Oibettra Joyce Jordan My True Story 11:00 Walta Tim ,11:15 I Romance 11:110 ( Queen for Day 11:45 ) Queen for Day 12:00 I Top Trade lt:15 I Newt It: SO ) Serenade 13:45 Variety I Torlat'a Children t Hymns J Women In White I Melody t Masquerade I Listening Pott I Lite of World 1 Ethel and Albert I News ; Walter Kern an I Ma Perklna I star ot .'tni Prpper Young I Edwin G. Bill I Right lo Rap'nrta Come Gel It 1:00 I Jambore 1:161 Newa 1:30 I Orchestra ' 1:45 Orehettra (Barkstaae Wife Rartlett Stella Dallas Rartlett l.nrenre Jonm I Kay Weil I Wldder Brown I Kay Weil I Big Shier I Ma Perktna I Dr. Malone Road of Life 2 Mra. Burton t Perry Mason Journey My Dreamt Newa Come Get tl , Boh St Tie. I Melody t Rooe Party I Newa t Newspaper or An I Newspaper of Air 1:00 Bill Gwyn 1:15 I Bill Gwyn S:S0 I Rearta Desire :4ft Rearta Desire 1:00 Muslo I Road of Lire S:lft Mueio I.ora Lawlon 1 S:30 News f Aunt Mary i:45 Orcheil ra fPaal When rlr! Marries j What'a Doln' Portia Faces Ufa I What'a Doln' Just Plain Bill I Bride. Groom I Farrell Bride, Groom I School or Afr I School of Air I Meet the Misant Meet the Missus j Ladles Be St ited jl.adles Be Seated I Dorothy Dla Mutlo I Newa I Frelyn Winter I Soma I Newt 4:00 j Futon Lewis Jr. :io Be Miller d:S0 j Eraklne Johnaon 4:45 Buck Rogers I Woman'! Secret Rhythm I News I Nnrlhwest Today I Life Beautiful Northwetternera I Newa .Tennetsee Jed Range I Melody j Rfbla t Meditation XateJt PattefHJ j Journal Feature Pae JO Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday", Mar. 11, 1947 I Jin'' Duck By Walt Disney The First Rpbin 7 FMl SAILE IOOpowj A5COZV As mm V-MEKES OJ? MONEV ! ) pT ONJ THE COBkjSS OP X FKmSoAX Rfif Y I I OutOC, SiWWC TWE KEV ) OK AKOP El, WsO VOU J Ti j 1 -fT'V-, V TTUAT COZV UTTlE fS VOMT KEV i ' 1 XjrjgtjgjSrr -mesti ...iTaQPai j' i Hcnrv By Carl Anderson R2272 rattcrn No. R2272 Tours for the Sewing! Make your bedroom as beautiful as you have always dreamed by using this pattern and colorful fabrics. Just these few changes can make a room look completely redeco rated. Easy to make and especially lovely for spring! Pattern envelope No. R2272 contains full Instructions for . planning and making bedspread, skirt and draperies. - To obtain this pattern, send 15c in COINS, eivfncf nnifpin num. ber, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Roberts, aptuu ournai, 040 mission oireet, san Francisco 3, Calif. ACROSS IX Egypt tan eolaf L Limb dlak ' 4. Dnlt of l!trl. By cai oapacltr S3. Poem t. Grown boy 14. Nasally 12. Flab kkm Sj. Seized U. Form of UtaJ 38. Ahead dfonaa 14. Onre lined meiaJ 16. Wins 16. Cloilng parts of mualcaJ composition IT, Uncooked 15. On to whom (roprtar la naaad t Otildaa SJ. Leut roonta: abbr. It, Jewel '24. Sunshad IT. Dinner oooraat 3D. Poor iv 4L Singing volo 43. Serpenu 44. Seal 4ft. Repeat 4a. Three- dlmanalonaj BO. Allow St. Kind of racial 3. Card gam Put on IT. Silent: muafcftl (. And not SO, Ex latency 1. Growing ont S3. Unci Tom'a Pt P SilA utIIb I N I T SORe WNANTM A R T E PBO P CC3 siB(SilIIS "eHfi v a peBs a a Bom b a aHs u r a m s1MTr 1 pB A R 1 c IHk mows TflT A R ABE S A U tu N 2 T tllE RR rs t e e rp e e Solution of YtUrdiyt Puxzlo ClA AR m ST W A A L mTe T A V CO L5 T Y t. Born it lnl.rpr.tat Arohal. ' I I iS 1 I I7 lfl ' ' " 71 w71 W m w w 'mw i" mm sip" sr psr Sap? w ww 4 95 7 'M ' Hi Si Sa W P35 sr ps; igr J- I O. Uak. Into Uatb.r DOWN I. Ruialan a t. Part vityi t. Dlm.nalon 4. Faca ot s.nu k U.dlclnai puuit (. IVa. 1. Humbl. . Dlallk. I. Kind of .h.rrr 10. Bandaxa. u.. II. Lai. lnt.llls.ne. It. Popular jargon SI. Epocb S3. Formatt.. H. Blind (tar Sk Coral liland Sft. Irld.K'.nt a.n 31. Tak. a. on.'. owo St. Thick St. Blmlh St. Hunter of rod.nta IT. V.ntur.a 40. Authorltatlv. prrolaalois tl. Cotton otb Ik Bll.nt 4T. Fufti mt it. Sill; tl. Pint irar4 hi. Solitary H. Whili It. Kw atw tl. Ali.rlan aeanort it. Conl.mpUbl f.llow ' HELLO - PAPERHAN&ER I'D LIKE YOU TO COME OVER AND PAPER HENRY'S ROOM - PLEASE ' TO 5 t he Nebba By Hess No Progress fVESlM V 1 TUAT SEEMS TOYNOTWING BUT AR60, JUST1 CtEAR VfltBUR QRCOMSTANTIAL Ar.,Enilur ieix & WILBUrL IN TWE ERSO J EVIDEr4CEJO C"NDP SUD Js AJTAIRBUT (WITNESSES SLEBEBR?vrp . WHAT ABOUT AND NO ) -J,Z. 'J I'M IKICUNEO TD BEVIEVE WILBURS TWeOKV-TMATTHE REAL CROOKS ARE USNI5 HIM FOR A PALL GUV CONVlNCED I DO WUEKI VOU C BUT 1CAKTT1 COME TO A LOOK FOR A ..Pe0- DEAD END? LIVE LEAD! ) A ANYIHINOI IV I . 1 - ' y 1 1 m . 1 1 Little Orphan Annie wow! JUST LOOK or VtJUP KAN, MAIL.' LITTLE WIDGET THE WOIP ro GOH" LIKE A HOUSE OPIOEJ By Harold Gray Poet Mortem EH? OH. SURE BUT I HflVEMT U ANY TIIV FOR POM LETTBJS NOW' r I rIVE GOT TO FINO THffT CIRL u THONK HEP FOR SfiWINQ ME I FROM THAT MOB WHEN THAT I OLD HAG PUSHED THAT BRAT I I WITH THE TRICK LEG INTO J -THEN STARTED SCREECHING THAT fO RUN OVER. HER "SON- WANTED TO SHAKE ME DOWN-' IT LOOKED BAD TILL SHE CAME ALONG - DANCE ON THE DESERT By Florence Theel A N.wtU.tur.i l'he Gumps By Gus Edsoa Mystery Unfurled B$M M-NO OSMJS M THIS BOX.' f Vrt LEFT HIS f UNCLE W0NPERFUL MUST INVENTION HER6?1 D HEWeNSJfBIi i f EOF r tiull and .ieff By Bud Fisher Maybe Jeff's Got a Slight Touch of Pinafore MUTT 1 KPnTfY some poems i'm GONNA SELL To THE NEWSPAPER- LISTEN 1 TOOK MV AUNTIE RIDING. IN THE COLD AND IcV I PUT HER. IN THE R.UM.BLE SEAT WATCHED Y DO YOU CALL THAT J VoUR HANDWRITING ) OH.THATlS piiiatkJiiJ BREEZE 1 STUFF POETRYr r IS AWFUL! NOBODy r ALLKIfeHT.' W I IMASlNt f , T-S WILL BE ABLE A POET HAS F SOrAEDAV I . TV f .... .1 - fl ia 1 rr"T- II HcK'lar Fellers By Gene Byrnes The Nose Knows WHEN MARY COLLINS . oCHNOZXLE FULL tlC THIS V AHE'LL THINIC fM A ReaLAK. V OUTDOORS FH END.' WHEN MARY COLLINS CiETsNi, A SCHNOZXLE FULL OF THIS IS r w s 1 i w r MpOag, PLACE FOR. AN VT IK, h Cjfial outdooe man .Vy r $T 'J I is OUTDOORS.' HL5W' alLQ-CLf Chapter 6 Paul opened the car door with a flourish. "Hop in, Eileen, m'vaurneen. You're riding witn your agent and manager." With an apologetic look at Bert, Ei leen got in. Bert rode on the back seat with Eddy and Paul s drums, trying not to mind too much that Eileen, looking lovely as a princess, was having such a good Mme with Paul. She had n't told his brother, evidently, about their talk their pledge that night in her apartment,! before she'd met . Paul. Well.i he'd played in the open, any-j way. He'd promised Bert com-j petition at the outset. And he'd seen to It, very cleverly, that I for more than a week Bert and Eileen had not been alone to gether. , "Maybe it's for the best," he thought dismally, as he listened to their laughter. "Best for Ei leen, anyway." What right had he to think of love and mar riage, when he still had to re port weekly to the army doc tor; when he had no prospects of financial security beyond making good with this ' little six-piece orchestra? He felt Eddy looking at him, understandingly. Gad, were his thoughts that plain! "Don't be worried, Bert," his brother said. Everything's going to be okay." Bert forced a cheerful grin. I was just wondering whether the other three would be there on time." They were waiting in Pete's car, outside the Wiltshire Park hotel, when they arrived. Cap tain Martyn, smiling and ur bane in evening clothes, was at the door of the banquet room to greet them. Dinner was near ly over, dancing would start at nine. Bert touched his forehead in a mock salute. "The Alvarado Merry-Maker reporting, Sir, The captain eyed their smart new uniforms with evident ap proval. "Very handsome turn out, Very professional looking." "We're a professional outfit,' Paul said with an Impish grin "Very sweet of you to sing for us. my dear," he said to Eileen Dark blue velvet proscenium curtains made a rich frame for the orchestra upon the stage. They looked all right, Bert felt, and appearance counted for a lot. And, judging by the de mand for encores, their playing was all right, too. He was con ducting, playing solo passages on , his soxophone, when the score demanded. "They like us, fellas," h said jubilantly, at the first intermis sion. "Maybe well enough to let us play their other dances." Must be lots of clubs like this we could play for," Paul said enterprisingly, "if we go after them." "You're the boy to do it," Phil sa i d, recognizing leadership. "How about -ou being business manager?" Paul looked pleased. And Bert was pleased, too, when he saw how well Eileen's songs went over with the Rotarians. He pursued her Into the wings, after sustained applause. "They love you, Eileen! Come on back. and give them another chorus." "Oh, Bert I'm so happy!" She was so near, so lovely. Her eyes were wide and lit like stars. Resolutely, Bert turned from her radiance. He took her hand and pulled her back, with him, upon the stage. At midnight, as they put away tneir instruments, and Eileen was getting her wraps, Captain Martyn handed Bert their mon ey. "A wonderful performance, boys! How'd you like to play lor us the rest of the season? It was what Bert had hoped lor, worked for. but he asked conditionally, "Eileen, too?" "Absolutely!" the captain said, emphatically. "And, here- aiter, witn pay!" we'll be delighted." Bert ac cepted warmly for them all. And when the captain had eone. he asked them, "How about us split ting with Eileen tonight, fel las? She did more to put us over than our fancy uniforms." Only Pete, the guitarist, was unwilling. "I don't see whv we snouia. one otierea to sing free account of us, she s got some paying dates." Don't be a piner, reue, Car olina drawled, good-natureaiy. And so, with five against him, Pete chipped in, and they finally made Eileen see that she had more than earned her share. Bert squeezed her fingers as he handed her the money. You just stay around with us, Eileen, and mayDe someaay you can cut loose for good, from that desk and typewriter." "I'll stay!" she answered soft ly. And, again, Bert had to turn away. A man in a tuxedo stopped them at the door. "If you're open for next Saturday night, I'd like you to play at my daughter's wedding reception. We II be very glad to," Bert began, but Paul interrupted. That would be at union rates, of course." "Of course!" The Rotarian gave Bert a card witn tne ad dress and hour. 'Seven advanced dates! Not bad." Eddy said enthusiastically. Pretty nifty return for fur nishing a little free music for . the Marylanders' party, Bert, said thoughtfully. They really I owed all this to Captain Martyn ' and the club's grand code of helping its fellow-members, along with refugees and disa bled vets. He'd see that he and his brothers played for them of ten, even if the other, three didn't care to give their time. They had made a grand be ginning. It could lead them anv- where! Still, all the rosy pros pects didn't make him exactly happy that his handsome, ban tering brother Paul was again sitting with Eileen going home this time on the back seat. Paul was saying triumphantly, "I told you I'd launch you on a career, didr. t I? "Yes, you did. And thanks a million, Paul, for everything." She added, after a little pause. "It's wonderful when people really mean the things they say." Bert was stung by the quiet words. Were they a rebuke, ac cusing him of insincerity? Well, if they were, he'd have to let it stand. He'd reached a decision tonight. Paul was a better man for her than a disabled vet, like himself. (Tn be continued) 2840 - mm-1 1'arzan By Edgar Rice Burroujrhs Tarzan Plays a Trick WHEN THE PIECE OF PARK STRUCK lafj?lW"ITV4 J4k"Ull I A BEAD LIM9 HUNS DIRECTLY " I I TIWVx i I 1 1 1 lif ti It RCT SLl fWJltfai ' 1 i ANteLt?' FROM SXShT. TL ' LORD AWTIONEP HER TO SILENCE. )V f Siaf W-?MMrBS edxr& -tut- Name Your Suit Four pre- i cious tea aprons designed to cap ture the interest and fancy of everyone. Diamond, club, spade, or heart shape, each is ruffled and offers possibilities for com bining short lengths you may have on hand. Wonderful idea for gifts and bazaars. No. 2840 is cut in one size and each apron requires 1 yard 35-in. ' Send 20c for PATTERN which includes complete sewing guide Print your name, addresa and style number plainly. Be sure to stats size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number In your address. Address: Pattern Department capital Journal, tonight, didn't she. And now, on St., San Francisco, Calif. Room and Board By Gene Ahern BE W IN A JUNGLE WITH A iff WHAT : I S1LLY if SCbulS W DVUH MEAM. f M THRU YOUR. NOSE, M spnrrc Oil I -l ITD BE OKAY TO THINK. IV Ml IU A HEX COULD BE PUT , Tatc 9 ) SSS, M ON ANOTHER GUY,---1 "iff w 'whate fMij'J '