Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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    OSC Casts Eye Toward
Regional Hoop Playoff
Corvallis, Ore., March 10 (U.R) A confident Oregon State col
lege basketball squad, wearing the Pacific coast conference crown
and led by a carrot-topiped tornado named Ephriam (Red) Roclia,
today cast an eye toward the regional NCAA championships in
Kansas City. Hopped up over their amazingly easy two game
, Osweep over the University of
Hoop Classic
Cards Form
New York, March 10 P) The
cards for college basketball's
blue ribbon events, the NCAA
and National Invitation tourney,
virtually were completed today
following the week-end selec
tion of North Carolina State and
Bradley to the NIT.
The only vacant berths, two
in the NIT and two in the
NCAA, were expected to be fill
ed within a day or two. It was
believed the next bids will be
given to New York quintets
St. John's of Brooklyn and
either Long Island U. or City
College. Syracuse, Connecticut
and Santa Clara still have a
Five teams definitely have
j been named to the NCAA. The
champion St. Louis Billikins of
VJhe Missouri Valley conference
'and Oklahoma, Big Six winners,
will meet in a playoff game
March 17 for the right to repre
sent district five. Columbia,
Easten intercollegiate champ,
appeared to have the inside
track in district two. The fourth
district, only other section with
out a representative, was slated
to select its team today. Six
schools were under considera
tion with Wisconsin, Big Nine
winner, given the best chance.
Russell and
Steiger Lead
Jack Russell and Joe Steiger
defeated Bob Burns and Jim
Sheldon 3 and 0 over a wind
swept Salem Golf club course
Sunday forenoon in the second
round of the annual "Winter
Slicker" tournament playoff.
The victory placed the Russell
Steiger duo out in front with a
total of six points although
Bill Schafer and Floyd Baxter
are a close second with 5 Vz . The
latter blanked Bob King and
Floyd Kenyon, 3 and 0 Sunday
Because of heavy rains there
was little competition over the
week-end although there were
a few matches in the sweep
stakes tournament.
Pro Casaba
Series Tied
(By the Associated Press)
The professional basketball
league playoffs were knotted to
day with the regular-season
leading Portland Indians com
ing back from two successive
playoff defeats to tie the Bel
lingham Fircrests with three
wins and two losses.
Portland capped its three
Same streak yesterday with a
44-43 win over the Vancouver
Hornets. Saturday the Indians
had downed the Canadian five
53-38 while Seattle fell before
Bellingham 67-58 with the vic
tors' Gail Bishop potting 34 tal
lies. Kramer to Quit
Amateur Game .
New York, March 10 (P)
Jack Kramer of Los Angeles,
who added the national indoor
tennis championship to his turf
court title over the week-end,
plans to quit the amateur game
after this year and he already
has his successor as American
court king all picked out.
He is young Bob Falkonburg,
also of Los Angeles, who ad
vanced to the finals of the 44th
annual indoor tournament here
Saturday only to go down be
fore Kramer's smashing attack,
6-1. 6-2, 6-2.
.. Woodburn Boys of the bas
ketball squad at Woodburn high
school who received awards Fri
day morning at assembly were:
Daris Olson, Eugene Andrews,
Marion Shaw, Ray Dryden,
John Mathews, Glen Stone, Jim
Gay, Russell Baglien, Paul Jew
ell, Dale Yuranek, Loren Lip
pert. The awards were present
ed by Coach Jiggs Burnett
kottlcd mdor
Los Angeles in the PCC play
offs, the Beavers were packed
and ready for a flying trip east
and glory in the regional play
offs which start March 21.
Oregon State, winners of the
Northern division title and rated
among the top teams of the na
toin, smothered the Bruins, 63
46, Saturday night. The night
before the same UCLA five
bowed, 69-52.
No single individual could
claim direct responsibility for
the victories, which had their
root in superior and nearly
faultless offensive coordination.
Coach Slats Gill called the
turn after the game when he
labeled the Beaver five "the
best offensive team I've ever
They simply turned on the
steam and dissolved the Bruins
defense as they blasted a path to
the coast title.
Rocha, the lanky Hawaiian
beanpole', and the Bruin's great
Negro Center Don Barksdale,
provided the real competitive
thrill of the series in what could
have been billed "the battle of
the giants." The OSC center
finished the season with a grand
total of 247 points, closely fol
lowed by Barksdale with 226.
Oregon State turned Satur
day night's game into a scoring
picinc in which it allowed the
score to be tied only once.
Lew Beck, OSC guard, won
the individual scoring honors
with 18 points. Forward Cliff
Crandall and Rocha followed
him for the Beavers with 15 and
12 points, respectively.
Forward Johnny Stanich led
the scoring for the lowers with
14 points, closely followed by
Barksdale with 13.
Smoker Success
At Jefferson Hi
Jefferson The smoker held
early this week by the "Varsity
J" cleared $112. Students from
Aumsville and Scio took part
in the boxing and wrestling pro
gram. Results:
James Watson. 51. James Ramscyer, 49
draw; Alfred McCann, 110; David Ar
nold 120.. draw; Jack Bowen 126. Jim
Prokop 126, draw: Bob Hiagins 125. Rich
ard Rlggs 126. declsioned Hiftgins; Bob
Laurie 130, tko over Jim Hardwlck 131;
Lee Gtlmour 136, Lyle Gilbert, Aumsville,
136, draw.
Gene Pilclier 155, Bob Johnson 183,
double knockout, comic, Mutt and Jell;
Ronald HiKsins decisioned Cliarlcs Blay-
lock; Krossman, Scio, Todd, Sidney, draw;
Tommy Mlchle HO. Carl Ramscyer 140.
draw; Bill Goar, Bob Laurie 130, wrestling
match, draw; Ramon Pruiett 160, Jim
Schwab 160. draw; 'Charles Frletan and
uimora Page, comic, draw; Tom Hard
wick 150. dectsloned Earl Crenshaw 155:
Wllford Haworth 140. TKO over Jimmy
Asniu in, scio; Dean Atmoy 145. decl
sfoned Ray Bartose, Aumsville 145.
Exhibition Jim Lafkey 175, Willamette,
decisioned Ktllinger, Aumsville, 175.
Snare Victory
Miami, Fla., March 10 (Pi A
pair of former Texas caddies,
Ben Hogan and Jimmy Demaret,
joined the slim ranks of golf's
all-time greats yesterday by de
feating Lloyd Mangrum and
Lawson Little' three and two to
win the .$10,000 international
four-ball golf tournament for
the secod consecutive year.
Col. Eddie Eagan is chairman
of the New York boxing com
mission. Boiling, Leaking
Need the Attention of
Our Radiator Expert
We have complete facili
ties with which to repair,
clean and flush radiators
and cooling systems Let
us prepare vour car for
better driving.
In at 8:00, Out at 5:00
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Loder Bros.
465 Center St., Salem, Ore.
Phone 6133 S467
atffcorlty of rht CocaCofa Company by
Salem, Oregon
I ' I
Warlord of Mazelaine, won best in
Mrs. Richard C. Kettles, Jr.,
Salemite Ralph Ayres to Make
Debut in Armory
Ralph Ayres of Salem will make his debut in the armory
fight arena Wednesday night against Pat Kelly of Portland in one
of the four round bouts preliminary to the Snooks Lacey-Bobby
Richards 10 round main event. Matchmaker Tex Salkeld will
nit Ted Damico, light heavyweight against Nick Burley of Port
Yandie Lands
College Post
Seattle, March 10 VP) Len
Yandie, former Gonzaga uni
versity athlete, has been
named head basketball and
baseball coach at Seattle col
lege, Father Francis Logan, S.
J., athletic director, said Sat
urday. The appointment is
effective immediately.
Yandle's coaching back
ground includes two years at
Spokane Junior college, a sea
son at Multnomah college, St.
Martin's and Portland univer
sity. He recently coached the
Salem and Spokane entries in
the Pacific coast professional
basketball league.
PG Tournament
Program Drawn
Miami, Fla., March 10 (U.R) A
schedule of 22 spring and sum
mer golf events, offering $277,
500 in prize money, was an
nounced today by PGA tourna
ment Manager Fred Corcoran.
Four remaining winter events,
when added to the fall sched
ule, will bring the total prize
money offered, in 1947 to more
than $500,000. The final win
ter tournaments are scheduled
at Jacksonville, Fla., Greens
boro and Charlotte, N. C, and
Augusta, Ga.
The spring summer schedule i
included: t j
July 16-19, $10,000 Canadian;
open; Aug. 7-10, $10,000 Spo
gane, Wash., round robin; Aug.!
14-17, $10,000 (tentative), at!
Portland, Ore. i
Radio Singer Phil Harris has
entered several tennis tourna
ments. H. G. EWING
Income Tax Counselor
Expert Accountant
Let me keep your books. Any
size business.
, 2120 Myrtle Ave.
Hollywood District
Phone 25479
H Now! mk
law. For your spring painting. Jobs r ' 1 """IpB
will be handled in rotation as IVlSH
"" soon as the weather permits. 'j. ''fj'n jf"
- Inside Work Right Now h) ?Bf
Nothing Down, F t'' II
L 72 Months to Pay U JffffM
340 Court Street
land in another ot the prenms
and will add a curtain raiser to
the card early this week.
Ray Garcia, always a willing
scrapper, is working overtime
for his six round engagement
with Dick Abney and the wild
swinging Mexican middleweight
claims he will hang a sleeper
on Dick's jaw before the bout
is very far along. However,
Abney has shown vast improve
ment in recent weeks and has
been a hard boy to lag.
Up in Portland Lacey, an
acknowledged boxer of consid
erable ability, is preparing to
take revenge against Richards
for the latter's 10-round deci
sion gained approximately
year ago. Lacey's title, gained
since Richards took off for the
east, will not be at stake,
circumstance that led Richards
to insist that he be given a con
tract for a second meeting with
Lacey should the latter lose
Wednesday night.
Indoor polo is played on an
area about one-third the size
of an outdoor field.
for all makes radios
Phono-Radio Combinations
Electric, Battery Portables
AC-DC Table Sets
Dominion 2-Burner
, Hotplates, $10.95
NUTONE Door Chimes
$3.95 up
$39.95 up
Consoles and Table
Fresh Batteries
Photo & Electric Supply
252 North Church Ph. 6874
Journal Want Ads Pay
Phone 9221
pardonably proud boxer.
show for his owners, Mr,
at the Westminster show.
Hillers Cop
'B' Bunting;
Dayton 3rd
Arlington, Ore., March 10 (U.R)
The Pleasant Hill basketball
team today was the Oregon state
class "B" high school champion
after squeezing out a 33 to 32
victory over the Union Bobcats
here Saturday night. Star of
the Sea high from Astoria won
third place by defeating Park-
dale, 35 to 30. Myrtle Creek,
surprise club which lost to Park-
dale in the opening, became the
consolation winner by topping
Dayton, 36 to 28.
The "B" school coaches' asso
ciation, which will affiliate with
the Oregon State Coaches' asso
ciation, was formed at a special
meeting. Tom Johnson, coach of
Grant Union, was named presi
dent and Marvin Vancil, Arling
ton mentor, was chosen secre
tary. Eagles Even
Ice Playoff
Portland, Ore., March 10 U.R)
The Portland Eagles came up
in overtime to edge a 6 to 5 vic
tory over the Vancouver Can
ucks in the Pacific Coast Nor
thern division ice hockey lea
gue play-off here last night be
fore 3500 fans.
The Portland win evened
the play-off at one game each.
Vancouver having won Thurs
day night. The two teams will
meet in Vancouver Thursday
and Friday in their 3 out of 5
Last night's game was fairly
rough with hard checking
throughout. Vancouver's Mc
Dougal scored the tying goal
one second before the whistle.
Pat Desbiens placed the win
ning point for Portland in the
How you can help YOU IS
With the President's proposal for
the discontinuance of Selective Service on
March 31, America will rely on voluntary
enlistments for the maintenance of the
Regular Army at authorized strength.
In view of world conditions today, this is
a step of the gravest importance to every
American citizen. Never before in history
has any nation raised and maintained a
million-man army by the volunteer system
alone. Our ideals, our belief in individual
freedom, our safety and our duty to pro
mote world peace all are bound up in this
This is your Army, and voluntary enlist
ment is your choice. It must not fail. With
your help it will not fail. The Army must
continue to provide adequate .occupation
forces overseas, to supply these forces, and
to help in keeping America strong and secure.
Your help and understanding can do
much to encourage a steady flow of 3-year
voluntary enlistments, necessary to sound
training and the efficient performance of
the Army's task. .
PGA Golf Dates Listed 1
Portland, March 4 UP) Ten
tative sites for three major Pa
cific northwest golf tourna
ments sponsored by the Profes
sional Golf association were an
nounced yesterday. They are:
Northwest section PGA qualify
ing rounds and championship,
May 16, at Tacoma, probably
over the Tacoma Country club
course. Pacific Northwest pro
amateur, Sept. 25-26, Hayden
Lake course, near Spokane. Pa
cific Northwest open at Port
land, dates undecided.
12 Bowlers
Break 600
In City Meet
Twelve bowlers posted series
scores of over 600 in singles
competition of the annual city
bowling tournament which drew
to a close on Capitol alleys Sun
day night. Joe Coe's 660 took
top honors for the meet, while
Hi Haman's 652 ranked second.
In doubles kegling, Millard
Pekar and H. Gustafson teamed
up to cop high score, an 1146.
Other single scores In the select 600
circle were John Frlesen 840. Foreman
635. W. Larson 632. Park Thede 921. J.
Olorit 620, Miirdock 610, L. Mccluskey
618. J. Nuber 605. Keel 602, V. Ferry 601.
Ranking behind the Pekar-Gnstafson
duo in doubles competition were Ross,
ErtsRaard 1116, Maln-Kirchner 1101.
Parker-Kresh 1101 and Wherley-Page 1002.
Hoppe on Top
In Cue Tourney
Chicago, March 10 (U.R) Wil
lie Hoppe, White -Plains, N. Y.,
perennial billiard champion,
was the only undefeated contest
ant in the world's championship
three-cushion billiards tourna
ment. Toppe, who has won the
three-cushion title four times,
was left alone in the undefeated
class when Willie Mosconi, Kan
sas City, handed Arthur Rubin,
New York, his first defeat of the
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Mar. 10, 1947 5
ND All-Star Quintet
San Francisco, March 10 (U.R) Two of Oregon State's great
est all-time basketball players today topped the annual United
Press All-Northern division Pacific Coast conference cage)
team for the third time.
Ephriam "Red" Rocha, the Beavers' brilliant six-foot,
eight-inch scoring champion, and Lew Beck, possibly the
west's finest guard, won all-star berths for the third year
after leading OSC to the title.
The All-Northern division team:
Ephriam Rocha, Ore. Slate F
Rob. Sheridan, Wash. State F
Jack Nichols, Wash. C
Lew Beck, Ore. State G
Stanley Williamson, Ore. G
Four Skiers Assured of Places
On American Olympic Ski Team
Sun Valley, Ida., March 10 (U.R) Three western skiers and
14-year-old Andrea Mead of Pico Peak, Vt,( were assured of
berths on the 1948 American ski team today after walking off
with top honors in the combined downhill and slalom trials on
tricky, Mt. Baldy here Sunday. Robert Blatt of Stanford univer
sity and Jack Reddish of Salto
Lake City were certain of
places in the men's division
while Grctchen Frazer of Sun
Valley was expected to be
selected for the women's divi-;
sion along with Miss Mead. Of
ficials were expected to an
nounce the full team of 12 men
and eight women today.
Blatt, who placed second be
hind Gordon Wren of Denver
in the slalom Sunday and third ;
in the downhill Saturday, was;
rated first in the combined re-i
suits with a low score of 314.'
Reddish, who won the downhill,'
had 315.
Miss Fraser topped the wo-'
men's combined results with a :
low 259. The Vermont entry i
was second with 261. ;
Combined results for men Included; 1
Don Amlck. Washington Ski rlub. 326; :
Bob Bowles, CiiHcnrii Ski culli, Portland.
Ore.. 329; Gene GUlis. Sun Valley, :i34. 1
Men's slalom results Included: Bill ,
Bowes. Cnncnde Ski club. 1:58; Gcnp Oil- :
lis, Sun Valley. 1:58.4: Recs Stevenson.!
University of WnshiiiRton, 1:82.4. Women's
slalom results ineliidrii: Mary Alice Peel, I
Washington State college, 1:90.8.
When you discuss this subject with your
sons, brothers, husbands or friends who may
be considering an Army career, bear in mind
the advantages offered by a 3-year enlist
ment. Among them are the choice of branch
of service and of overseas theater where
openings exist, and the opportunity for
training in valuable skills at Army schools.
It is a high tribute to the loyalty and spirit
of the American soldier that two out of every
three men in the present Army are veterans
men who have known the hardships of war
and have chosen to continue their service.
A job in the new Regular Army is a good
job a job that compares favorably with the
average in industry, and has more oppor
tunities for promotion than most.
You can help by giving your respect and
support to the man who enlists voluntarily
to do his part in carrying out your country's
world-wide obligations to build a peace that
will endure.
Cliff Crandall, Ore. State
Sam White, Wash.
Ken Hays, Ore.
Robert Jorgenson, Wash.
Morrie Silver, Ore. State
All-American Footballer Doc
Blanchard is a shot-putter on
the Army track team.
Very good for lawn and
gardens. Also very
good mulch.
Delivered anywhere in
6 sacks, $5.00
1 ton, $10.00
PHONE 8127
Journal Want Ads Pay
if V