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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1947)
vArrest Law To Have Study ' Basic police law will be taught by Captain Eugene W. Ferguson, Portland police bu reau, at the second class of the Oregon regional police school in Salem, to be held Tuesday after- ' noon, March 11, according to Chief F. A. Minto. At this class the officers of Marion, Polk. Clackamas, Wash ington and Yamhill counties will be given instruction in an important phase of police law known as the law of arrest. The origin and history of the law; importance of knowledge of the law to the police officer; and '. what the law is are some of the main headings which will be covered. Captain Ferguson will review for the student officers basic definitions of terms in criminal law and will give answers and discuss such questions as: What constitutes an arrest? Who can make arrets? When and where can arrests be made? Can an ar rest be made without a warrant? What degree of force can be used in effecting an arrest? Classes of the current train ;ing series will be held in Salem con successive Tuesday after- i noons through April 22. -'Black Market in Babies in Oregon Portland, March 10 UP) An Oregon "black market" in babies is reported by Ruth Fagan, Sal vation Army representative of San Francisco who heads that organization's 11 hospitals in western states. She told the organization's di visional congress here that "we know money has changed hands" and that most of the adoptions were by independent placement. Funeral Services For Mrs. Gilliam Funeral services were held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Mon day morning for Mrs. Adella M. Gilliam, late resident of 776 South 12th street, who died at a local hosDital Thursdav. Offici- I ating at the service, which was followed by interment in Bel- ; crest Memorial park, was Dr. Jo seph Adams. Born March 4, 1870, in Pama county, Iowa, Mrs. Gilliam came to Oregon with her parents in 1884. She was marrie din 1886 to Elmer E. Gilliam, who died in Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt Carrie Chapman Caff Passes New Rochclle, N.Y., March 10 (IP) Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, 88, who entered the fight for world peace after her unflag ging crusade for women's suf frage had succeeded, died yes terday of heart disease at her home here. Only two days before, she had told her biographer, Mary Gray Peck, that she hoped to live to see the United Nations become a "going concern." "With the passing of Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt, an era in our national life comes to a close," President Truman said in a telegram delivered yester day to the Catt home." " . . . She will be widely mourned and long remembered." 1932. Mrs. Gilliam was a mem ber of the First Methodist church. Surviving are a daughter, Velan Gilliam ,of Salem; a son, Uenzel Gilliam of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Daven port and Maude Brunott of Port land; two brothers, Charles Moy of Salem and William Moyer of Hoquiam, Wash.; and a grand son, William JS. Gilliam. Youths Study Soil Saving Spokane. March 10. fP) Northwest farm youngsters,. who have the biggest stake in the fu ture of the land, are beginning to develop an independent in terest in soil conservation. M. D. Butler, extension soil conservationist at Washington State College, believes organiza tion of the state's first 4-H con servation club at Ellensburg marks another milestone in the struggle to save the soil. A sim ilar club is planned for Spokane county and conservationists hope such groups soon will be springing up throughout the northwest. "The interest being shown by these young people in conserva tion has a slightly different slant from that of their parents," Butler says. "The young pco pie seem to realize that it is to their personal interest to be able to farm high producing land. They are looking to the future while many of their parents and grandparents arc beginning to look into the past. The 4-H club development is only one of several projects launched to teach children this basic lesson of conservation; That human life still depends upon the land and that the land is washing and blowing away and wearing out at a rate which Now You Can Get Quick Relief From Coughs Resulting From Colds Upper Bronchial Irritations Why hack, hack, hack yourself to pieces? One dose of Bron-chu-line Bmulsion gives you unmistakable relief a few doses may relieve it entirely. Contains no chloroform or narcotics and no sweet sugary syrup. Not habit forming. But if you want something real for a really nasty cough resulting from a cold, get a 66 cent bottle of Bron-chu-line Km ul a Ion from any good store on our guarantee of unmis takable satisfaction or money back. Capital Drur Store 'form The use of special, mod ern equipment, together with experienced skill as sures superb Fender Re pairs with real dispatch here. Colors matched per fectly. IN AT 8 OUT AT 5 Convenient CREDIT TERMS Gladly Arranged Satisfaction Guaranteed 19tb TEAR SERVING SALEM COMMUNITY EXPERT UADI0REPAIR,NG good selection of New Radios ALL Quality -Merchandise MITCHELL'S State at 19th Phone 7577 threatens eventual extinction ofl the race. Schools are beginning to in corporate courses in their cur ricula to show rural and urban youngsters alike the problem of erosion a problem which Dr. Robert Maynard Hutchins of the University of Chicago considers fully as critical as the problem of the atomic bomb in the world's future. Guests Flee Hotel In Perfect Order York, Pa., March 10 W In a manner likened to a well-rehearsed fire drill, approximate ly 175 partly-clad guests of the Hotel Colonial fled the structure in the pre-dawn darkness as flames wrecked the upper floors of the seven-story building, causing an estimated $350,000 damage. The fire was discovered at 2:58 a.m. yesterday by a motor ist driving through Continental square in the heart of this east ern Pennsylvania city. The hotel is located on the square. DO YOU OWN A STOMACH that torments you because of ex cess acid and gas? Fastest relief with TEBSIN TABLETS or mon ey back. Non habit forming No Soda No Laxative. Ask Your Druggist for TEBSIN! Spare Stamp 1 1 ! For 10 Pounds Washington, March 10 (U.R) The office of price administra tion announced today that spare stamp 11 in ration books will become good on April 1 for 10 pounds of sugar. Stamp No. 53, now good for five pounds of sugar, expires on March 31. OPA said that barring unfore seen circumstances, it will be possible to make another 10 pound stamp valid on July 1. The OPA intends to allot 35 pounds of sugar to housewives this year. Stamp No. 11 will be valid un til Sept. 30. It will cover both regular home use and home can ning needs. OPA, however, may not be around during all of this year. A senate-house conference has approved a deficiency appropri ation bill directing that OPA be ended by July 1. Some con gressmen claimed that the re duction in funds would end the agency in a few weeks. The senate banking commit tee, however, has approved a bill transferring sugar controls to the agriculture department. Mrs. Heath Dies at Portland Church Silverton, March 10 Mrs. Ida Tuggle Heath, 73, former Silverton resident, died sudden ly Sunday night shortly after she reached the Laurel Method ist church in Portland for the services. She was a charter member of that church. Mrs. Heath was born in Mon licello, Ky., February 26, 1874, and came to Silverton with her Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Mar. 10, 1947 5 parents when four years old, moving to Portland 29 years ago. Her husband, B. C. Heath, died in 1925. Surviving arc a brother, Jack Tuggle, Silverton; three nephews and five nieces. Services later from the Mt. Scott funeral home in Portland. The word India is a Greek corruption of the Sanskrit word meaning river. BARGAIN SALE Owner Leaving Household furniture. Persian rugs. Office desk and chair. After 10 o'clock Monday. Marc!- 10. 850 Thompson Ave. Each of our repair men has 15 years' skilled ex perience behind him that's why radios repaired at Morrow sound like new. We also manufac ture radios and phono graphs as well os loud speaker systems for offic es and factories. ! Now Available! ! PLATE I GLASS i ; Up to 96 Inches Square II Prompt glass replacement service real glaziers using hijhest giade glass solves your glass prob lems when you call on us. Sizes up to 96x96 Inches Trade In Your Old Tires With New SEIBERLIHG ffffff jSV Pue4en, TIRES . JM I Guarantee I "Sr..- . w I"""-,:,. "" b"'r If : Tir war SPECIALS Tire Hand Pumps 98c Tire Foot Pumps . . f .98 Side Car Carrier 3.98 Repairing J? fl ube Vulcanizing xj rvecnarging ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION Your BEST Investment for HEALTH No drafts, no cold floors, therefore less colds and sickness. COMFORT More even heat throughout your home in winter 10 to 15 degrees cooler in summer. ECONOMY $45 to $65 in fuel savings per year in the average home. Rock Wool is not merely flameproof it is absolutely and PERMANENTLY FIREPROOF! METAL INTERLOCKING WEATHERSTRIP A tight seal against drafts around doors and windows without binding or sticking. CAMPBELL ROCK WOOL CO. Phc 8496 1132 Broadway, Salem Hear Crosby, Como, Sinatra and Russell at 6:15 P.M. every Monday and Friday, KSLM Plan Now for a Beautiful Lawn This Summer! READING MANUAL LAWN MOWERS 24.75 All steel construction, with rubber non-slip tires that protect your lawn. Easy-to-grip handle, 'tem pered steel blades. Doilish and OO OC Gold Seal Mowers Zi7 J Rubber tired, all steel construction. Atomite Electric Rotor Mower 59.30 Monitor Gas Rotor Mower 153.00 tf 411 Weed-No-More 2.90 Q, Covers 6400 sq. ft. Gardencrest Lawn Seed 65c PkK. VIGORO Plant Food rke' 45c 1 lb. 10c ATTENTION DAIRY FARMERS! MILLERS FEED MILLS Complete Willi hay and grain screens, feed table and sack cr. Eliminates feed waste, saves time and labor, increases milk production and betters all around condition o dairy herd. Simple, all steel construction prevents mechanical trouble. No. 5 27-Inch Mouth 605.00 No. 6 23-Inch Mouth 517.00 THEY'RE HERE! Delco Water Systems Pumps 350 1 (Sft Gallons per Hour. ... ItJ I ow V With motor and 42 gal. tank. Ideal for farm home use, service stations, any place where a shallow well pump is needed. Includes 42-gallon prcssuie tank and 'i h.p. 110-volt motor. Visit Our Second Floor for Values in Housewares KEITH BROWN o LUMBER YARD FRONT AND COURT STS. HARDWARE LUMBER - PHONE 916S MILLWORK GLAZING -' 1 ' " s-&a" -SS3E3lfe A LARGER BUILDING i Here is a 20'-wide steel building, available in various lengths to meet your needs, that gives you steel construction at its best. The sturdy, adaptable "Quonset 20" is fire-safe, rot-proof, sag-proof, lermitc-proof and age-resistant "better from the ground up" yet it costs no more than an ordinary building of comparable size. We ask you to inspect the "Quonset 20" foot by foot and feature by feature, and see how much more value it offers for the money. The interior is clear-span, permitting full use of every inch of space. The framing is sturdy, efficient Stran-Steel arch-rib construction uniform in quality and strength with its patented nailing groove that permits exterior covering and interior fixtures to be nailed directly to the framing members, simply and permanently. The siding and roofing are high-quality sheet steel, proof against wind, weather, fire and dry-rot . . . easy and economical to maintain. Safeguard your farm profits and property with these stronger, longer lasting, fire-safe buildings. Tested and proved in the tens of thousands of military "Quonscts" produced by Great Lakes Steel Corporation for the armed forces, the "Quonset 20" and the larger "Quonset 40" are available now to meet your building requircincnts ... let us give you complete information on them. "Quonset" buildings and Stran-Steel framing; are products of Great Lakes Steel Corporation, a unit of National Steel Corporation 40 wide and in lengths to meet requirement ; clear-span interior through Stran-Steel irclWih construction; four windows, ventilating lotiveri and 12'xl2' free-rolling door in each end-panel ; sheet steel exterior. Additional windows can bs accommodated simply on sides standard insulating hoard can be nailed directly to (he interior of Stran-Steel arch ribs. Fire-infe, low-cost; low maintenance, speedy to erect. TITAN METAL PRODUCTS CORP. RALPH W. BENT Local Representative Salem, Ore. GIL WARD 340 Court St., Salem Phone 7192 Chemeketo at Hight St. Rt. 9, Box 455 Phone 4189