j-i Z-Capllal Journal, Saem, Oregon, Monday, Mar. 1 0. 1947 Independence Store Is Sold; Independence T. J. Primus wnd sons, Clarence and Harold, purchased the A. L, Thomas & tCo., hardware and implement Jfctore. ' u Mr. Primus has resided in this community for nearly 21 years jjmd has been a Successful farm aer, and lor the past eight years jjias been engaged in business tin Dallas. His sons Clarence "nd Harold are both graduates tPt the Independence high school "where they were prominent in Athletics and FFA and 4-H club uwork. Clarence has operated JJhe Primus farm three and one rtialf miles north of Independ ence for the past eight years and nalso the Roy Houck farm which they purchased a few years ago. Srlarold attended Oregon State eollege for two years and served Jjn the armed forces during the last war. The purchase of the business includes the transfer of the lease "en the Masonic building, occu pied by the store, which is lo cated on Main street, with 98 foot frontage. A. L. Thomas, who died on February 4, had just started his 32nd vear in operating one of the best hardware businesses in the Willamette . valley. Mr "Thomas, who had been em- ployed at the store for many 'tyears by the J. D. Hibbs 4 Co purchased the store after the death of Mr. Hibbs. 5 Primus announced that the business of the store would be JJcontinued along the same lines ws it naa oeen ana inai tne same "personnel would be maintained awhich includes John Eckel, who is in charge of the office and bookkeeping department. Eckel "took business administration at Slutgers University in New Jer ey and he and his wife and two children have been here for the past six months; George Noyes, floor salesman, is a local boy, Uiaving graduated from the Inde pendence high school; Mrs. C. D. Dlitchey in charge of the culinary and household department has 3een with the firm for the past four years; Kenneth Byers, who ias been employed as a me chanic since his return from ser 'vice in the last war; Harold 'Traylor, who has been the parts man for the past three years, and Grant Byers, mechanic who assists part time. Mr. Primus and sons are being assisted and advised for the next few months by Law rence N. Simon of Salem, who retired two years ago after suc cessfully operating the Salem Hardware store for 27 years. The consideration of the sale was not made public. Sanfiam Rebekahs Plan Social Night Mill City Santiam Rebekah Lodge met In regular session with N. C. Vera Hathaway and V C. Frances Merrill presiding During the good of the order Virginia Hoeye presented a piano solo and Georgia Shane entertained with several read ings. Announcement was made of the Three-Link's monthly meet ing scheduled for March 14 at the home of Ida Fleetwood. Members are planning a card party Saturday night. March IS, to be held in the Odd Fellows hall. Noble Grand appointed the following refreshment commit tee for the next meeting night which will be the social evening of the month: Bertha Baltimore, Natalie Swift, Dean Jackson, Frances Merrill and Lois An dersen. Pedee The Radio Study club met with Mrs. Verl Skeels. Lunch was served to Mrs. Jack Wells, Mrs. Glenn Edwards, Mrs. J. W McCormack, Mrs. Elton Zuven, by Mrs. Skeels. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Dyce spent the weekend in Porlland wilh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A Burbank, and attended the wed ding of her cousin, Miss Hope Yost, and Dale Boyd. They will make their home in Porlland Alberta Ronco of Falls City has been slaying at the Earl Gage home, while Mrs. Gage has been having denial work done. Mrs. Rittie Kerber's home was t scene of a quilting bee when two quilts were tied for relief work, and one for Mrs. Kerber Mrs. Vickers. Mrs. Blankenbak er, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lacey, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. John, Mrs. Worri er, Mrs. Dodge were present. Mrs. Howard Perry, wife of the local pastor, is recovering from a major operation at Ihe Balem General hospital at Sa lem. Why Thousands of Doctors Have Prescribed PfWffm (CAUSED BY COLDS 9mmrmm must b food when ttioo nnda erf Doctor hT prescribed li for o many yerm. rnrrvflsur aeti at one Jo rlltrrt such coughing, it actually looMu phlegm and mnkMi it eler to rmiM. Soft and etfctit for boih old nd joucf. PUatamt Uuting, omi Missionary Society Meeting in Country Silverton Mrs. Gus Herr will be home hostess for the mission ary society of the First Christian church Tuesday afternoon of this week at her country residence. Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of the Christian pastorate, is an nouncing a pre-Easter series of special meetings each evening from March 28 to Easter bun day. The members of the church board will hold a special meet ine tonight (Monday) at 8 o'clock. Porter Is Injured Working in Woods Silverton George Porter, native of Silverton, ex-service man. was painfully injured last week while employed in the woods for the Oregon-American logging company near Verno- nia, and is confined in the For est Grove hospital. The mother and brother of Porter, Mrs. Josie Mires and Frank Porter, both of Silverton, drove to Forest Grove Thursday lo be wilh the injured man They reported him suffering several broken ribs, an unde termined injury to his right arm, and severe body bruises. He told his relatives that he was struck by a falling tree and was saved from more serious injuries in being able lo roll into a deep depression in the ground of the hillside as he saw the tree falling his way. Lansing Gives Talk On Auto Accidents Silverton Capt. Waller Lan sing of the slate police was a speaker at Monday's noon lun cheon at Toneys, his topic: "Au tomotive Accident Situation, ' Girl Scouts sang a few numbers and Miss Hannah Olson explain ed the significance of Girl Scout week in a brief talk. S. L. Almlie, club president, named Harry Carson, Dr. P. A. Loar and Tom Anderson lo rep resent the men's group at the Community Chest organization meeting at the Chamber of Commerce meeting under di rection of George Manolis, this tveek. R. B. Duncan, chairman, an nounced the annual Ladies' night to be held Monday eve ning, March 24, at the Silver ton Country club beginning at 7:00 o'clock. Duncan and his committee assistants have plans well completed for the affair. Special guests were Major John George, with Dr. E. L. Henkel and Dr. W. E. Grogrod- rian, guests of Dr. P. A. Loar. Salem visitors recently were K. B. Kugel, Larry Ballmer, Don McCargar and Chester Ham blin. Clear Lake The Improvement club met with in all-day meeting at the church dining room with a stork shower for Mrs. Marian Jones Those present were Mrs. Kim ble, Mark Jones, Mrs. Vernon Sorensen, Mrs. Hazel Clement, Mrs. Bertha Bair, Mrs. Arthur Sorensen, Mrs. John Bair, Mrs Tex Attkensen, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Bud Attkenson, Mrs. Wheelan, Mrs. Zornes, Mrs. Slolk, Mrs Smith. An administrative council meeting was held Thursday al Ihe church. The spring rally of Ihe mis- sionrry society will be held in Salem. All women wishing a ride, please notify Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Bertha Bair and Ken neth, Mr. and Mrs. John Bair. Ruth and Roland, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bair and Jackie mot ored to Pratum Sunday to at tend the birthday dinner of Mrs. Pratum. Mrs. Joan Pugh has returned home after an extended visit al the home of her son in Salem. A Stanley Products demon stration with Mrs. England as demonstrator was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Sorensen. Independence The regular meeting of Adah chapter. No. M. OES, will be held Tuesday evening with the degrees of the order lo be exemplified. Re freshments will be served fol lowing chapter. SAN FRANCISCO 885 DALLAS 3560 oipot ricKtr ornct 175 S. High Phone 3815 Bethel Local Has Delegates Bethel Lloyd Beullcr, Cen tral Howell, and Minalce Spranger, Bethel, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Wilson, junior leader, are being sent to the Farmers' union national confer ence at St. Paul, Minn., this month, it was brought out at the March meeting of that organiza tion here. Gus Schlicker, slate vice presi dent, reported on the legislative hearing on the PUD bill. He represented the Oregon Far mers' union in the place of the president, Ronald Jones, who was away. He was accompanied to the hearing by Arno Sprang er Walter Baker reported on the state convention at Albany. Mrs. Wilson gave the junior re port. Several others spoke briefly on the convention and offered the constructive criti cism that there were too many guest speakers and that impor tant business was put off until late on the last day and then rushed through without due con sideration. Lois B. Hamcr of the Marion county Red Cross spoke. She was invited by Mrs. John Hain, chairman for the Bethel district drive. Delores Spelbrink gave two groups of piano accordion selections. It was announced that on March 24 free chest X-rays will be given at three locations in Salem in hope of checking TB in this area. Vernon Johnson and Mrs. Roy Marchand conducted the meet-1 : . nti- l T 13 Ctf. ruthers led in group singing and devotions: Paul Perlich served as conductor; Mrs. R. A. Tansey. Mrs. Gus Schlicker, Mrs. E. H Tarpley were in charge of serv- ln8' Hubbard Organizes Newest Legion Post Hubbard The organization meeting of Hubbard post, Amer ican Legion, was ncia ai me Pythian nan. lemporary om- ccrs were elected to serve until the regular election of officers in May. They were: commander, Berl Applcfiate; vice commander Tony Painter; adjutant, O. A Soderholm; sergeant - at - arms. Hugh Wells; finance officer, Frank Anderson; historian. Kenneth Lemen; chaplain, James Loop; executive committee, Lee Bowers, Fred Strubar and Leroy Vrendenburg. Mr. Todd, area commander. and Adjutant Milton McCoy of Woodburn were present. Mrs. Bert, Applegate, Mrs. John Stauffer and Mrs. Leroy Vredenburg served refresh ments. The next meeting will be held March 14. It is desired that each of the 37 charter members bring a prospective new member. Irish War Bride And Babe Arrive M t. Angel Mrs. Arbrose Schaecher and infant daughter, Katherine Pamela of Killcline, Ireland, have arrived in New York on the USS Erickson and were met in Portland Friday by her husband and relatives of Ml. Angel. They will reside in Mt. Angel. Ambrose Schaecher and and Kathleen O'Connor were mar ried February 3, 1045, while Schaecher was serving wilh American forces in England. Schcchcr arrived here in No vember. 194S, and their child was born March 5, 1046. Mrs. Schaecher is the daughter of Katherine O'Connor of Killc line. WILL OSBORNE and His Orchestra Salem Armory Thur.f March 13 15- 15 ARTISTS 8:30 r.M. Adm. $1.50 Inc. Tax Union Hill Group Plans Hall Repair Union Hill The Home Eco nomics club of the Union Hill grange will meet .at the hall at 10:30 am. Wednesday. Repair work on the hall will be done. A no - host luncheon will be served at noon by Mrs. W. M. Tate and Mrs. Sam Atkinson. Miss Alice Jaquet will call a short business meeting in the afternoon followed by a flower exchange. Court Marion Meets Mt. Angel Court Marion Catholic Daughters of Ameri ca will hold its regular busi ness meeting on Monday eve ning in the club rooms. All members may bring sewing for the sewing session following the meeting. The inquiry class will be held in the music room, con ducted by Rev. Father Damian. -Mat. Daily from 1 P.M. NOW! RECKLESS ADVENTURE! BOID 2 S foe eturnoA unfejristoj lUrring LOUIS BARBARA HAYWAPD BPITTOfi CO-HIT! Opens 6:45 P.M. NOW! Wallace Beery Margaret O'Brien "BAD BASCOMB" Olivia De Havilland "TO EACH HIS OWN" Opens 6:45 P.M. Now! L ii m and Abncr "PARTNERS IN TIME" Bob Livingston "LARAMIE TRAIL" Oprns 0:15 r.M. DEANNA DIIUBIN "BECAUSE OF HIM" Jack Haltr - Francei Lanriord "PEOPLE ARE FUNNY" Chocolate Dipped Peanuts PoUnd 49c Selected peanuts, freshly roasted and thickly coated with rich blended milk chocolate. Reg. 75c Lb. Chocolate Fruit and Nut Flake Rich blended milk chocolate, generously F f studded with raisins 'and nuts lb. OVC 69c lb. Fancy Hard Mix 49c pound Fresh Candy Bars, 5c ea. Large assortment of popular brands. Fred Meyer Candy Section Spring Day 8c to 15c Value CIGARS This group of good cigars includes 8c Mark Twains. 10c Bar risters. 10c Sanchez Y Hcrmanoes Standards. 15c Guesta Key Victorias and many others. Limit 10 cigars. v90?uce Vuedex Cigarelfe Case, 25c Light weight plastic in assorted colors. Holds full package of cigarettes. $1.50 Value Rogers ": Genuine leather zipper closing. Has extra pouch inside to insure your tobacco stays fresh. Cigarettes $1.39 Camels. Luckv 19c Strike, Old Gold. Philip Morris, Raleigh, and many carton today and save 6c. You will find fresher cigarettes at Fred Meyer. At Fred Meyer Tobaccos Card Club Is Dined Gervais The community card club met with a no-host supper served by Mrs. Perry Seely, Mrs. Minnie Kelsy and Mrs. Cecil Coly. Later ten ta bles of "500" were played and high scores went to Mrs. R. Run corn and Ward Lundy, second prizes went to Mrs. Florence Bressler and M. D. Henning. The club will meet again March 11 when Mrs. Sumner Stevens, Mrs. M. B. Lucas and Mrs. Er nest Andres will be hostesses. NOW! NORTHWEST PREMIERE SHOWING! he scoop OF THE . s 1 CENTURY! , M-G-M's J7E A:-.-; Starring Brian DONLEVY Robert WALKER riu. Tom DRAKE Beverly TYLER Audrey TOTTER Hume CRONYN EXTRA! Cartoon Comedy News $1.59 Assorted Salted Nuts, $1.25 pound $1.20 Box of 24 Limit 1 Box Sale Specials Tobacco Pouch, 75c Cm. 200 pkg.2for29c others for your selection. Buy a ENDS .TODAY I 1 Linda Henry H Darnell Fonda 9 B "MY DARLING CLEMENTINE" I 8 ALSO I E "DRESSED TO KILL" f STST I A MISBEHAVING Fk I f HONEY, . . 1 I I . 4- Wi I M Jill I IK L0VB "S" ru,,rtB M"fi AMERICAN PLAN II 1 Anna Rex 8&JJ:Mjs.& Neagle Harrison in "A Yank In London" . " FRED MEYER Drugs-Toiletries-Cosmetics AT LOWEST PRICES 75c Fred Myr Brewer's Yeast Tablets 2S0 tablets 59' Contains vitamins Bl and B2 plus all other factors of the B Com plex natural to Brew er yeast. At Fred Meyer Drugs 65' Mistol Drops 2 ounces A 59' Plain or with Ephedrlne. Aids In the relief of minor Irritation of the nose due to colds, nasal congestion. At Frtd Mtytr Drugs $3.25 Fred Mtyir Cartifiad High-Poteny Multi vitamins 100 Capsules '2.79 One capsule a day supplies nine vita mins. At Frtd Mtytr DrUKt $1.00 Pertussin At Frtd Mtytr Drug Harriet Hubbard 1 S3 f iJjjtW5Sa For coughs jpwlljffi due to colds. Pfe 89 Ayer Discontinued Items S1.50 Cake Make-Up Pond's Angel Face It's new! Sensational! It's Angel Face Pond's wonderful new make itn that goes on without water. Easier to apply than cake make up. Not drying. Carry Angel Face in your handbag it doesn't ipili At tri Meyer Drt Our Prices Are Lowest We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities No Sales Made to Dealers Fred Meyer 148 NO. LIBERTY ST. 75 Fred Certified 250 Tablets 5-Grain tablets for the relief of simple head aches, aches and pains accompanying the com mon cold and neuralgia. Fred Meyer Drugs Triple Approved For Quality For Value For Price Limit 3 At Fred M 75 Fred Meyer Antiseptic 16 ounces Doan's Kidney Pills Limit one 39 19' Ideitl for mouthwash, gargle, and infectious dandruff. At Frtd Meyer Draft A favorite remedy for many years! At Fred Mtytr Druf 86c Glover Shampoo and Hair Dressing Combination 69' Edna Wallace Hopper Twin Treatment Special Offer, $1.20 Value 60c Homogenized Facial Cream 60c White Clay Pack tS 89e At Fred Meyer Drugt Mjeissi a.'i.-r..iia. t Remember the Red Cross 49 $1.75 Bath Puff, 75c 50c Aristocrat Talcum, 21c At Fred Meyer Drugj 89c Open 9 to 6 Daily Meyer Aspirin 27c "0c Heav) Mineral Oil 16 oz. 32' A ftentle lubrlcnnt, crvstal-c 1 e a r. and hlRhlv refined. An Ideal mild laxative for the whole fam ily. At Fred Meyer Drugs 50c Green Seal Witch Hazel 0,33' Processed for purity by ultra violet rays. At Fred Meyer Drugs Soluble Saccharin Va Gr. Tabs Effervescent 1000 Tablets 99c TSo Frtd Msytl Beef, Iron & Wine FfoeTe" Blades Singk r Double Edgt 5'i 10', 13 23" At Fred Meyer Drugs Micromatic Blades 12 for 49 Stock up now! Get genuine Gem qual ity. Get the perfect fit of genuine Gem 6Udei. Stock up now, generously. At Fred Meytr Drugs Tattoo Nail Enamel 39 Ko blurred tdxet. no ahaky tmeart w i i b Tattoo'i parteetlv bal anced, itritnv lined brush. Now you ean ibdIt attoo'i amooth S I 49' I V fAvalatabla -. 1. tonic pre para- 4n.k m tlon. M" nl Hi imJg At Fred Meyer hJ Drugs P 4 JJKP. I t"