4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR QUICK SALE: ISO buys full size linaieum top omce aesic. tau aitt. nan lEASY WASHER, double laundry tray, boy s bicycle, rn. fni ait. o;ju. 1102 15 GAL. CROCK with lid; baby pen; fruit jars, aaou t'airgrouna raaa. nau FURNACE with some pipe. Sawdust burn er controls, gi. buio. bus waier heater. One ordinary hot water tank. All used. In good cond. Lloyd Rein- holdt, 560 S. list. Ph. 3148. n59 DOUBLE BUD. wooden boxes, all sizes. Ph. a-ssea aiter & p.m. nsa NEW SADDLE with special features. See at 1875 N. 4th. . e n59 LG. FRANQUETTE walnuts. ml. Wal lace rd. Ph. 2-3826. 35c lb. nGl USED LUMBER. Ph. 9495. n6l' TEXAS CRYSTAL wax (white) Bermuda onion plants Just arrived, set yours now, Puritan Cider works, West Salem n61 STEEL clothes line posts and swings. Steel frame 16-ln. wheel trailers, $40. One narrow axle boat trailer $25. One heavy duty trailer axle. Chev. wheels, 82530 tires. 1700 N. Front. nSl SHEEP fertilizer. Sack or bulk. We liver. Pb. 3424S. n60 FOR SALE: 55 Angle Dozer Cletrac 8 ft, blade. Recent complete recondition. No longer needed, 13000, also 3 bottom Oli ver No. 316 Plow, all new replacements and first class condition, 1125.. A-L. C Stock Ranch, 1 mile south Alsea, Ore n59 ELECTROLUX complete with attachments, $69.75. Sales service it repairs. Limited amt available. 175 3. High. Ph. eoaa. n76 NAVAJO RUGS & South High. Ph. r.addle blankets. 175 088. n76' COW FERTILIZER, $5 a yard or i0 a load. Phone 7330, n75 GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shovel & drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND AND ORAVEL CO Pb B541 4fl DAHLIAS CtLADIOLAS 881 Rosemont, i-l W S. Ph. 4325. n73 RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749. I S CIIARIS FOUNDATIONS, girdles & bras. V- Dresses & lingeries. Ph. 9405. n69 f SUNBEAM, Universal, American Beauty ' J. Onrl Irnm iliim Jtr. triual Irnni V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. i AUTO. WATER IIEATEKS, gas it elec. Sizes to meet your needs. Choice of makes. Said As installed. Prompt serv ice. Parmenler Plumbing A; Heating 2180 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 8627. n65" SHOWER CABINETS, sold it Installed, prompt service. Parmenter Plumbing it Heating. 2380 rairgrounas tia. fix. owi n65' SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented. Cash paid for machines, regardless of condition. Ph. 7871 or write W. Daven port, 1930 North 18th. Work Guar. n62 VACUUM CLEANERS Tubular type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n6.T HOT PLATES, single and double burner YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 RADIOS, record players for immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 f TRANSPARENT Plastl-Kote for draln- Doaras, iioor.i ana mruitura. f YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ,& 255 N, Liberty PALLETONE washable, one coat, oil paint t for walls, ceilings and wallpaper, dries -h in one hour A EATER APPLIANCE CO. 5 255 N. liberty n63' k PLASTI-KOTE PAINT, the cellophane j finish, for floors, furniture, automo biles, on wood, metal, concrete, linoleum. 6 YEATER AFFLIAMCE CO. i 255 N. Liberty H831 X.E.S. LAMPS and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty TELEPHONE and intercomm. seta. , YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n63' RESTAURANT GRILL, automatic elec tric 24 Inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 35b N. Liberty I LOOM WIRE 12-2 and 14-2. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty i WALNUT SHELLS, 12 sacks for 1.00 S3 ton. Kiorfeln Pack Co.. 460 H. Front, LANTERNS Navy and railroad types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n( FLASHLIGHTS complete with batteries, guaranteed forever lights requiring c batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Q63 DOOR CHIMES electrical and me- ohanlcai. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 TOASTERS 2-sllce, $2.10. 4-sllce, 13.85 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n63" ULTRA-VIOLET (sun) lamps and Infra red (heat) lamps, heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty n63' FRUIT JUICERS and wall type can open ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n3 ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, mantle and wall c'ocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 SETFAST CANVAS PAINT makes your awnings, lawn furniture look Ue new YEATER APPLIANCE CO, ' 255 N. Liberty oH LIGHTING fixtures for kitchen and bath room, fluorescent and Incandescent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I" 25 N. Liberty r SO, 40, 50, AND fid-GAL water heaters for immediate delivery YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n83 WASHING MACHINES, full size Little Olant laundry tray type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63" PLN-UF and TABLE lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63' -? FOR YOUR CABIN at the coast, a radio that assures good reception. "The Trop ic Master. 1 i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 FANS, KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust, oscillating desk models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25b N. Liberty nfl3 ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS aU types YEA 1 ER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 "g TRICYCLES at J14.95. ii YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Lioerty ELECTRIC butter churns with Jar. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63' IRON AND EXTENSION CORDS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25ft N. Liberty j SAUCE PAN PRESSURE COOKERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63' .4 IRONING BOARD pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. V 255 N. Liberty l ELECTRIC AND gas water heaters. .Uso repair wont. BOWEN BROS. Plumbing and beating 855 N. Commercial Ph. 7215 n1 ELECTRIC HEATER OK, 3000-watt, 220 volt, heavy duty, fan type, $66.50. Mitchell Radio is Appliance, State and 19rh. Phone 7577. n C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines. Parts for all makes. Ph. 5765. 1940 N th. n76 HEAT VOUR home electrically It's con venient, clean economical Se us for free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N Liberty WE BUY & sell furniture, tools, stores dishM, motors, radios, electric appii anee. household goods KLIGMANS 2B5 H. Commercial. Phone B885 n "ffffffff j WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT POWER mach. suitable for drapery as jjhp covering woric. box 378, Capital .Journal. nt59 b ANTED: Burlap and Cotton hat n Kinds. Willis Kelley Ph. 23la. na38 ' USED FURNITURE. Phona fllBi. PERSONAL READING, know the truth, 2361 State. p61 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Bx. 721 P271 AUTOMOBILES mm FORD with good tires, radio & paint Job very good. S500. Call between 6 it 7:30 p.m. 286 South 16th St. q61 CLEAN 1937 Ford Tudor, rebuilt motor, radio and heater. 4145 North River Rd. q61 HMfi PAN AMERICAN house trailer, 27-ft. 1984 State St. q60 '41 PONTIAC Torpedo deluxe 8. Very nice. $1250. 39 BUICK special 4 door scd. Very clean. J975. '37 FORD 3 door 85. (!50. 30 CHEV. 2 door St. 1550. LONG CAR SALES Silverton, Ore. q61 '41 BUICK Spec. Sedan. Call fnlTN2 1 at St. Ph. 5551 aft. 5 p.m. 0.61 1941 CHEV. by owner. " Ph79668. q61 '33 TKRRAPLANE coupe, very clear, good rubber, motor and transmission re cently overhauled (200. John Steele, Rte. 9 Bo 45. -i Ml. N.E. Swegle Sch. q59 ROOMY IK ft. furnished house trailer. Reasonable. 555 Marlon St. qfil 1942 FORD H4 ton flatbed, perfect motor, 2 new tires $lisfi 2445 n. Church. Ph. 25021. q61 l!):li FORD panel job, 1450. 1144 Center. 8030. q61 FOR SALE: Best 1932 Ply. in country, Excellent cond. Rdstr. Complete over haul, A-l tires, top, paint, body. Heat er, radio, sealed beams. Call 9309 after 5:00. '3f HUDSON 4-door sedan. Good condi tion. Can be seen after 5 p.m. 168S N. 18lh. Phone 7968. qGl '37 CHEV. panel delivery. New paint, good cond. mechanically, good tires. B. F. Ensley, 771 B. 21st St. q81 OWNER MUST sacrifice new clean '45 OMC i-ton pickup. Equipped with heavy duty motor, heater, defroster, overload springs, spare tire & canopy. 95 rubber, only 13.000 mi. on motor. For further information call 3078 or 3495. Can be seen at 520 Hood. No dealers, q61' CIl I LD LESS ' COUPLE wish to adopt in" fnnt or baby boy up to two years of age. Write Box 192, Waldport, Oregon, or call 21368 in Salem for details. p63 IBaP CHEV. coupe. 5 good tires. Good running older, 75. Practically new daveno, Call eves, is Sundays. 3200 N. 4th, q60 '34 FORD coach, good cond, heater, good rubber, 525 S. 19th. q60 '29 CHRYSLER roadster, recond, good rubber. 525 S. 19th. q60 FOR SALE: '37 Dodge sedan, extra good tires, rair motor. Geo. Stanley, 309 Ma- pie, uanas, ure. '35 FORD 2-DR. sedan, good cond, $350. 1620 Ferry, apt. 2. q60 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1939 V-8 Deluxe sedan, good condition. J875. 2 ml on Wallace road. R. P. Barnwell, Rt. 1, Box 201. Salem. q60 '37 2-DOOR Chev Sedan. Good condition throughout. S700. 645 Bryan St., Wood burn, Ore. q6l CLEAN '37 DODGE 4-dr, R it H. Ne tires, Ph. 804 after 5 p.m. q62 PRIVATE OWNER. 1938 Olds coupe, $650. Phone 2-6785. Call after 6 p.m. q59 FOR SALE: Good 1929 Chevrolet sedan. Can be seen anytime at Rt. 9, Box 3. First road east of Krueger four cor ners, 3rd bouse on the left. q65 FOR SALE: '32 V-8. $300 cash. Inquire 1764 Market St. Private owner, q59 TRAILER HOUSE, factory built, 12 ft. Indian. Ideal for sportsman. Sleeps 4. Heating & cook stove, sink. etc. Heavy undercarriage. Light to tow. Spare wneel it tire. Cheap permanent home for z 3825 N. Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-5807. q59' '35 STUDE, good cond. 102 Park Ave. q59 MUST SELL '32 Chev. sedan. Good cond. throughout. 507 N. 19th. Ph. 2-4045. q59 "SPRING BARGAINS" CHEAP 1931 BUICK COUPE pickup. 1931 CHEV. 2-dr. 1934 OLDS. 1936 TERRAPLANE. 1938 FORD Deluxe 4-dr. Come in and see us. 1935 PONTIAC 2-dr. 1935 PLYMOUTH COUPE pick-up. 1937 FORD 85 4-dr., A-l cond. New radio ana tires 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE, A-l. 1940 FORD COUPE, good cond. 1941 FORD 2-dr,, good cond. 1941 FORD 4-dr. Deluxe sedan. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 So. 12tb St., Salem, Ore. q59 '41 CHEV. 5-pass. cpe., radio, spotlight, heater, tog lights. Also '42 Ford six pickup. 1848 Court St. See after fl CASH FOR your Car. Ph. 7437. q59 12TH STREET Salem's new USED CAR CENTER 7 BIG CAR LOTS 7 Before you buy or sell come out and see us. STEVENS USED CARS 678 S. 13th Street 12th Street Used Cars 688 South 12th Street A. B. C. MOTORS 785 S. 12th Street EVEHSON MOTOR CO. 795 S. 12th Street SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th Street DICKS USED CARS 1890 S. 12th Street CHEFF1NQ USED CARS 1898 S. 12th Street q73' '48 DODGE CUST, 4-dr. Rd, htr. Call 3796. 5 to 6 eves. $2295. , q59 WOODRUM'S Trailer Shop. Hubbard, Ore Ph. 2603 Hubbard. We do all Kinds l repair work on all makes of bouse trailers, also new tops put on, and painting. HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling oody and fender repair .painting. "Give Shrnrk a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR CO. '02 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN - SERVICE - PARTS Ab used motorcycles bought solo i t paired SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 - Salem FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years ana NO Commission! Leo N. Chllds, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 r5 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 6th FLUOR GUARDIAN BLDQ License No. M-159. 8-164 INCOME TAX LOANS S25 ' O 150 OR MORE on signature, fur niture or auto No outsiders. Friends or employer not notified. $8.38 a mo. re pays $100 loan In full In 15 mo. You get full amour of ioan. 4 out of 5 who asK tor a loan, get it. Call today. Per sonal Finance Co E. Gallinger. Mgr 518 :tat St Room 125. Lie. 8-123 " 165. r63 MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE IF SOU are capable of building 10 to mo nouses eaiem or vicinity during 1947 and need financial assistance, Contact Us. We are also Interested In financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE COH Lie S216M222 163 8. High St Ph. 4121 r- GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS S-138 and U-338 and ROV H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOAv 136 S Commercial St Tel 9168 $ MONEY $ ' REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE PTNANCB CO., REALTORS Lie 8-216 M-222 153 S High St r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4l,ir. and 6 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason cash for Real Estate Contracts tnd Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Truft Bldg Ph 7162 M Journal Want Ads Pay Directory ACCOUNTANTS 5IONTHLY Bookkeeping service, including balance sheet, tax returns. G. E. Crock ett. Ph. 2-2829. 082 ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX. - GEN. ACCOUNTING, AUDITS CAIN'S ACCOUNTING Service. Rm. 131 Pacific bids., 518 State St. Salem, Ore. Ph 5990. Res. 6217. 077 a!Ttob1ukes MIKE PANEK 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 6161. B r ake it Wh e e 1 aligning specialist. 075' APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-5100 074' EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Pb 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. o76' AUTOMOTIVE JUST A MILE from high prices. Delmar Auto Rehnishing. 3995 E. State St. Body & fender repairing, auto painting. Ph. 2-5913. Free estimates, all work guaran teed. 2 day service. o76 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7838 Night, 24417. 333 Center. CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENSLEY. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 7176. 077 BULLDOZERS BULLDOZING Leveling, clearing teetb for brush, lrgll Huskey. 305 Falrvlew Ave Ph 23146 Salem. o60 BRICK WORK ROCK "i BRICK work. Ph. 8"84oT" CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N. 19th St. Ph 4071, o63 DELIVERY S ERVICE SALEM D. LIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. o74 EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery Ph 7000. 175 N. High. J62 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons, buckles covered. Altera tions. 2395 N. 4th. Phone 3900. Mrs. H. M Allender. o64 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service, Ph. 3058. LEE CROSS. 1360 N. 17th. o76' PETTYCREW'S Greenhouse, 200 kinds of plants In season. 1028 S. 12th. Ph. 25900. 073 PEMRERTON'S FLOWER SHOP. 1980 S 12th. 082- BREITHAUPT'S for flowers. Dial B19S o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME, Ph. 3672. o DAULING Farm products & bldg. ma terials Chnstensen it Gilbert. 2445 n Church Ph. 2-5021 064 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free del 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. o75" LEVELING ND DOZING SILT & GRAVEL aar den sand. Leveling it dozing. Bosley ie Meyer. Ph, 3046 or 2-2160. o7B MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER, 925 Saginaw. F7838 o81 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. o70' PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. PAINTING AND decorating. Roy Hanson. Ph. 25838. Rt. 1, BOX 406-A. 078 PAINTING SERVICE. Competent work manship. Reasonable rates. Prone 3-8a&, 071 GOOD WORK, low prices. Chet Horn, Phone 5313. ofl6 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph 9513. 857 Shipping. o63 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. 074 PAPERHANGING PAPERHANGING & decorating. Ph. 5522. o73 EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood- worth. Phone 3015. Q321 PLOWING A DISCING GARDEN plowing it discing. George Wil son. Phont 58F15. oBO PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt serTtet. Larry Travlss. 1029 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. 061 PRUNING A TREE TOPPING PRUNING it tree topping. Ph. 7330. o6B RADIO TUBES RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd. Salem, O80 RADIO REPAIRING QUICK, DEPENDABLE, saves you money RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd., Salem V o80 REFRIGERATORS GENERAL REFRIGERATION CO. Repair St Installation, commercial A domestic Ph. 8963. 069 SAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel A dragline excavating Walling Sand A Gravel Co Phone 8561 o SECRETARIAL STENOGRAPHIC service. Eves., week ends. 8288. 066 SEPTIC TANKS MIKE'S Cesspool & Septic Service, mod ern equipment. 1079 Elm St. W. Salem. Ph. 9468 or 5327 075" KENNETH HAMEL, 1143 8th St., W. Sa lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. o64 SEPTIC TANK, drains cleaned. Pb. 9633. 1067 Elm. Jack Boening. o82 RO TO- ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate Prompt service. Ph. 5327 or 0488. o81 SIGNS , AND SHO-CARDS Eldon Scott Ph 3635 07fl SPRAYING AND PRUNING SPRAYING AND pruning. L. W. Caudle. Phone 7900. 072- JANITOR SUPPLIES. J. R. Boone Chem ical Co., 1790 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 21492 o63' TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage. Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points Larmer Transfer it Storage. Ph. 3131. o UPHOLSTERING RECOVERING, tailored slipcovers, refln tshing and repairing furniture. Phone 2-4670 1390 Madison o67 VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER owners. Wf will service your Hoover cleaner com plete for $2.50 Plut paru U required Hogg Bros. Ph 9149 0 WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Pb. 5965. WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph. 5600. -o82a WELL DRILLING CHESTER J. PUGH. Rt 2, Box 288B. Ph. 2-3412, Salem. 076 J A SN'EED A RONS Well drilling 2505 Brooks Si., Sale in, Phone 6809 070 WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe, Rt. 6, Box 575, Salem. 1 mile East of Lancaster drive on Auburn rd. Ph. 25198. 082' WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING, floor waxing. Com mercial A residential. Fa, 2-133, tta- Jim Window Servic. ott Market Quotations Portland East side Market Best local and mid-Columbia bunched, green onions sold at 65c a dozen at today's session of the Portland Eastside Farmers' Wholesale Produco market. No. 1, medium sited onions were quot ed at $1.20-1.30; No. 2s were quoted at 65c; 3-inch sized bulbs were quoted at Si. 50-1.60 a 50-ib sack. Best parsnips wholesaled at $1 a lug. Best carrots were offered at 60-70c a lug Topped turnips were valued at $1 a lug with bunched stock selling at 85c $1.10 a dozen bunches. Best lots of No. l potatoes sold up to $2.50 a hundredweight. Local and mid -Columbia spin urn was offered at $1.50-$2 an orange box, Portland Produce Excnamt Butterfat Tentative isubject to Imme diate change) Premium Quality maximum Portland 86-89c; first quality 85-8Sc ib.; dec on d quality 80-83c; valley routes and coui'try points 2c less than first, or 83-86c. Butter wnolesale t.o.o. bulk, 68 .0. cubes, AA, 93 score, 77c; A, 92 score, 77c; B, 90 score, 75c; C, 69 score, 73c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 42-49C; Ore gon loaf, 43-53c; triplets, 39b-50l,iC. Eggs To wholesalers A trade large 45 !i-46ic, medium 43 1 j -44 'ac; email tpullet). 41-42; B grade large, 38-42 42ic. ttia Purchases tiom larmers. Current receipts 37-4 1c, buyers pay 3-3 la c dot. below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery egga Portland Dairy Market Butler Prices to retailers: Grade A A carton, 82c: AA prints, 81c; A prints, flic; A cartons, 82c; B prints, 79c; one fourth poi.:id cubes. U cent higher. Ebss Prices to retailers. AA large. 49- 50c; A lame 47-48c: AA medium. 45c; mediums, 44-45c; A small, 44c dozen. Car ton.- 2o additional) Cheese- -Prices iu retailers Portland Oregon singles, 43-54c lb.; Oregon loaf 46-56C; triplets, 43 -54c. Poultry: Live Cbtckens No t Leghorn broilers 1 to 2 lbs. 25-27c lb.; fryers 2 to 3 lbs., 24-25c; 3 to 5 lbs., 27-35c lb.; roasters, 4 lbs, and over 37-35c; roosters and slags 12-15c lb.: colored all weights. 27-28c. Rabblli Average to retailers 46-50o lb; dressed- prices to urooucers. 43c. iryeiti live white 20-24o lb.; colored, 17-21o ib Vegetables: Artichokes 4 do. $4.75-5.00: S dot., 15.60-6.00; Cal. 4 dot. $4.50-4.75; 3 doz., $4.75-5.00. Asparacus Calif., No. 1, mediums, 29 31c; smalt, 2 7-2 9c; crate, S 10-11. Beels Calll., bunched. 4 doz., ja. 50-6. 00. Broccoli IB bunches. $4.25-4.75. Brussei Sprouti $2-i.25. Cabbaie Hound nea a. 80 lb crates small $2.50-75; California crates, $3-3.75; ren 10-I5c lb.; California No, 1, $3.50-4; kraut, $1.65-1,78. Carrots Calif., 6 doz., $4.50-5.00; 50 lb. sacks, $1-1.50. Cauliflower Cal., trimmed std. crates. w.iv-j.in, Koseourg, ore., $2.10-2.25 I crate. Circ. bunch, $1.15-65. Celery Heart material. 4-6 doz.. $4.50- 5.00. Pascal, crates, $5.60-75; std. crate, Pascal, $5.00-5.50; sturdy crates, $5.50-6. uucumDera uaviiornia notnouae, lugs, $9-9.50- Oregon hothouse. 45-50c lb. Garlic Oregon white 25-30c lb.; Calif.. ;b-juc id. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz., $4.00-4.50; 6 dor, $3.75-4. Onloni Oregon yellows. No. 1, a lncnes and larger, $1.65-75 aO lb. sack; mediums Sl.30-35; Calll. white globes $2.65-75. Green Onions Calif.. 10 doz crates, $6.35-50; local, 75-60c doz. bunches. Parsley Local 75-8uc dozen Parsnips Local, $1.00-1.25 lug. Peas Imperial Valley, 30 lb hampers, $4,85-5; Calif, hampers, 14-15c lb.; Calif, crates, 13-14c lb.; tubs. 38 lb., $4-4.25; 30 lb. crates, $3.50-3.75; few high as $4,15. Pepqerb Mexico, 45 lb. $8.50-9; 100 sc. 19-20o ib.; Calif., 45 lb., $7-7.50; loose, 23-25 cents. Radishes Calif., $5.50-6. 10 doz. orates. Rutabagas si. 15- 1.2o lug Spinach Calif., crates. 4 dot. bunches, $2.50-2.75; Mid-Columbia, $2.25-2.40 20 b. box. Squash Dantsn rugs. $1-1.15; orange boxes $2.50-2.75; Hubbard, Marblehead, 6-7o lb.; Calii., banana, 4-5c lb.; Calif. succnuu, S4.so-5.00 a 26 lb. lug. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey, 20 ;b. oasket, $5-5.25; Calif., Louisiana yams, $4.50-4.75 Tomalops Repacked. $5.50-75: Mexican. as ix, $5.00-50; repacked. $5.25-50; 20 tubs, tt-i. j; nonius o.jo-a.ou on iracK. Turnips Bunches, $1.10-25 doz. bunches $1 35-50 lug; Calif., bunches,' $1.25-1.50, fresh Fruit: Apples Oregon delicious, f. A f $4-4.25 uox; cnoico j yd-to; urtieys, w. and p. comb, grade, $3 15-25; New tons, 1. and. f., $1.75-2; w. tnd p., $4-4.25. Avocidti California Feurtes. sizes 16, JO 34, 30 $4-4.25 box; choice, S3.75-85. Bananas Bunched, $3.25-3.50; out nanos, si3.oo-l3.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif. 24, 8 oz pkgs. $4.85-1. Graperrult Texas pinks, 70's and larger, $4-5.73; 80'8-96's, $4.75-5.75; 112's, $4.00- 4.25 directory; 4CME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed A polished Ph. 3337 N41 Court, uansdoo. Oulbertson and Mather PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE Phone 4457 o WOOD SAWING R, B. Cross, Ph. 8178. LODGES Prn fcpni a 1 rvrrtor nf TTq trine ni aat a every luesaay at a p.m. More man a miuion memoers. " I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday night. Visi tors Welcome. Third de- 61 Salem Lodge No. 4. A.P. & 'A.M. Wed., March 12. E. A degree, 7:30 p.m. 61 Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, Stated meeting Tuesday. March 11. 7:30 p.m. 60 Kingwood Lodge No. 204, A.F. f& AM. Stated communica tion Monday eve., 7:30 p.m. 59 LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE CHURCH STREET FROM PINE SlKbtl TO HICKORY STREET Notice is hereby given thai the common council of the city ot Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to improve Church street rom the south line of Pine street to the south line of hickory street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except 'he street and alley intersection the ex Dense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing saJd portion of nftld street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street witn a 6-inrh Portland cement concrete pb ment twmty-four feet wide, In accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the common council February 19, 1047. which are now on file in he office 01 the city recorrte and which hereby are made a part of this notice. The common council hereby declares its purpose and Intention of making cne above described Improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment. By order ol the common council Feb ruary 19. 1947. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof Is Feb ruary 26, 1947. 59' NO. Notice Is hereby given that the final account of Dorothy G. Middleton, as ad ministratrix of the Estate ol Lloyd A. Duncan, deceased, has been filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Saturday, the 15th day of March, 1947. at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. in the Court room ol said Court at the County Court House, in Salem, Oregon, has been duly ap pointed by the Court as the time and place for the bearing of objections to such . final account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person Inter ested In such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and con text the same. Done this 10th day of February, 1947 DOROTHY, O. MIDDLETON, Administratrix. E. L. CRAWFORD Attorney .or Estai e. First National Bank Bldi.. Salem. Oregon Feb. 10 17 24: Mar. I 10 Lemons Calif., 300-360'!, $7.50-7.95: 2s, $6.00-6.25. Limes -California 15 tuba ol 6 limes. $2.75-3.00 Oranrei California navels, lffl'i and larger. $5.75-6.20 box; smaller. $4-6.15; 200' s, $5.50-95; 252-288's, $4.-4.75; 200-220'S, $4-4.95. Pears D'AnJou, $4.7-85, wrapped and packed; oose, $3. 3b: Bosc, loose. $2.75-3; Yakima. $3-3 25 Persimmons Calif, lues. $3.23-3.50 Pineapples Cuban, 9-13's. $4.40-50. Rhubarb Extra fancy. $2.40-50: fancy. 12.00-10; choice $1.75-80; Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 15c lb. Quince Local 23o V Packed Veietables cellophane wrapped. a dozen: Broccoli. 12 oz.. 11.75-1.85; spin ach, 24 12-nz. $2.15-25; brussei) sprouts, O-oz.. $3.20-35. Garlio Cloves 30 1-oa packages, $1.66 1.75 Drebsed Mealsi Veal Heavy top quality 2fic; top qual ity light, 30-32C lb.; B. 24-26c: C. 22-24c: cull. 18-20C lb. Hors Block butchers, packer style, 125-160 lbs.. 37-38r; over 213 lbs., 36-37C1 sows, all weights, 30-350 lb. Lambs A A, 3B-40c; A. 37-38C! B, 3t-30C C. 28-30c MuKon 10-lSo lb., according to quality and weight Beer Best quality, 30-33c; B. 25-26c; O, 20-22c: canner and cutter, 18-10c; bo .ogna bulls. 25-2Gc. Wool Cascara Bark: Casrara Bark Oreen B-SCi dry. 20e Wool Valley coarse and medium grades 45c Ib Mohair 40o Ib on 12-mnnth growth Hitlrs Green heef, 12-13c; calves, 34c lb Kip hides, 21c. Rendered Inrdlble Fnls 12o Ib The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F.O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally I Vi cents higher than F OJ1 plant quota tions Chlcaeo Grain Chicago, March 10 IU.PJ Cash grain sales: Wheat: Nominally strong: no sales. Corn: Strong; 3 yellow 167-171: 4 yel. low 159';-168!;: 5 yellow l.iO'i-1581 sample grade yellow 119't-MO: 3 while 174-174'i; 4 white IGO'i; sample (trade white 131'i. Oats: Strong; 1 mixed heavy 101 105; 1 white heavy 101-106: 1 white 101- 103; 2 white iooii-102'.i ; 1 special red heavy 101-104 Barley: Malting 150-190; nominal; feed 1 30-HO. Chlesiso Livestock Chioago, March 10 ('Pi (USDA Sal nble Iiohs 6500, total 9n00; slow and un even: welRhts under 250 pounds steady to 25 cents lower early; later sales 25 50 cents lower: with weights over 230 pounds and sows also 25-50 cents lower: ! some bids off more on weights over 250 pounds; top 29.00 sparingly; bulk good and choice 180-240 pounds 28.25-28.75; good and choice 250-300 pounris 27.50 28.25; 300-380 pounds 27.00-27.75; most good and choice sows 24.75-25.25. Salable cattle 17.000. total 17.000; sal able calves 1200. total 1200; moderately active; slaughter steers and yearlings steady to 25 cents lower; heifers mostly steady; cows slow; medium and good beef cows weak to 25 cents lower; can ners and cutters about steady; two loads choice 1170 pounds fed steers topped at 29.00; few loads choice steers and long yearlings 26.50-28,00; bulk medium and good beef cows weak to 25 cents lower; canners and cutters about steady; two loads choice 1170 pounds fed steers top prd at 29.00; few loads choice steers and long yearllnns 26.50-28.00; bulk medium and good 20.50-25.00: good and choice fed heifers 22.50-26.00: few good cows up to 18.00: canners and cutters 10.50 12,50; bulls steady; vealers weak to 1,00 lower at 27.00 down; stock cattle active, firm. Salable sheep 3500. tolal 5000; not fully established; most bids 25-50 cents lower; 23.50-23.75 bid on good and choice fed wooled lambs; held around 24.00; scat tered lots medium and good wooled lambs: held around 24.00; scattered lots medium and good wooled lambs about steady to small killers; few decks sold 22.60-23.00; other classes scarce; deck cood and choice fed ewes held around 10.50. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., March 10 (VP) Wheal: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 89.00; barley No. 2-45 lb. b.w. 69.O0; corn No. 2-e.y. shipments 65.00; No. 1 flax 8 50. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.27; soft while (excluding red) 2.2B; white club 2.28; western red 2.28. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.28; 10 percent 2.31; 11 percent 2.40; 12 percent 2.50. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 2.40; 11 percent 2.50; 12 percent 2.55. Today's car receipts: Wheat 3: barley 1; flour 3; corn 7; oats 1; mlllfeed 5. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., March 10 (U.fii Livestock: Cattle salable 1500; calves 300. Market higher; asking full advance on dairy "f0 !. two luuua huou 10 cnoice ren sleers 23,50; medium to Rood grades 20.00-22.00; good heifers 20.00-21.00; com mon to mediums 14.00-lB.00; asking around 10,50 to 1.7.00 for canner and cutter cows; medium to good beef cows mostly 15.00-17.00; young cows to 17.50; good beef bulls steady at. 16. 00-15.50; good to choice vealera 2X00-25.00; extreme top 26.00. Hogs salable 500. Market very alow: IMflJlt. htrtu Inur,.. .-I,. ... . . ., . . top 29.00 sparingly; most good to choice .uu-.uu . UIU ao.oii uuwn; goon 10 cnoice feeder pigs quotable 26.00-26.50 or above. ....... moiM Buuiii fiicaay, quality considered; top 50 cents lower; wiuii.u icu minus 41.,-jiwz.uu; me dium to good grades at heavy weights 20.011-21 Ofl- onnrl In V,1 .. 9.00; commons down to 6.50. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised ! dally.) Retail Prlcea Rabbit Ferds Pellets, 13.95 cwt. Kkk Mash 4. 40 cwt. Dairy Feed (3.55 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens, No. 1 28c lb.; No. 2, 24c; Colored fryers, No. 1, 30c ib ICrrs ' liuyrrs' Prlrrs White and Brown extra lnrgc grade A 41c; mcd. 37c; standards, 36c dozen; pullets, 30c; crax, 30c. Wholesale Price Large, 44c dozen, mod Butter Wholesale A, 81c. Retail Grade A, 86c. Butterfat Premium, 87c; N. 1, 86c. No. 2, 82c. Markets Briefed (By the United Pressi Stocks irregularly higher In quiet trading. Bonds irregularly lower; U. S, governments did not trade. Curb stocks irregularly lower. Silver quoted in New York at 83. cents a fine ounce, off 2lh cents. Wheat futures closed up 97k to 10 cents. Guests Moseng Home Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moseng had as their house guest over the week-end a sister of Mrs. Moseng, Mrs. Raymond Powell, of Lakeview, formerly of Silverton. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH, s pleasant alkaline (non acid) powder, holds false teeth more firmly. To eat and talk In more com fort, Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH o. your plates. No gummv, gooey, pa'.y tajite or .'eeling. Checks "Plate oilor" tdenture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug a tor a. Grain Futures Continue High Chicago, March 10 (U.R) Grain futures smashed current highs on the board of trade today in the wake of increased bread prices and further foreign de mand for food. At the close, wheat was 9!s to 10 cents higher, corn 6 '.a to l's cents higher and oats five to six cents higher. Barley was six to nine cents higher. All deliveries of wheat shot up the 10-cent limit during the ses sion. March wheat reached $2.74 a bushel, the highest of any wheat future since 1920. The other contracts scored their highest since 1917. July and May oats soared their daily six-cent limit and reached their top prices since the 1920 season. March oats reached $1.03 a bushel. Corn futures scored seasonal highs. New York Stock Quotations (By ths Associated Press) New 7ork &--Closing quotations today Allied Chem it Dye American Can 93 Am Power & Light 14 S mer rel it 1'el 167N Anaconda Copper 38 s; Atchison 8(i4 Bendlx Aviation 34U Bethlehem steel go Boeing Aircraft ., 2(1 California Packing an-, Canadian Paclflo 12S J I Case .1i Chrysler Corp 84 Commonwealth A Sout 3'i L nsolidated Kdi.sor . 21- Consolidated Vultee 16 ra Continental Insurance 50"4 Crown Zelleronch 30 Curtiss wrtghi b D iglas Aircraft 67 !, Duponi de Nemou-i 183 aeneral Electrto .ifi'i General e'oods 41 General Motor 59 Goodyear 1'ire 55. Great Northern pfd 42 International Harvester ao'.i Int Paper pid Johns Man villa 127i Kcnnt'coti 45' Long Bell A S Maytag ll'-j Miami Copper 10 Montgomery War 57 Nash Kelvlnm-or ' 16'i National Dairy 32 !a N V Central 18'i North Am Co '2H'i Northern Paciflo 19 Pac Amei Fish Pacific ttas Eleo 41 Pacific T it T 108 Pan American 13; Penney J 0 43' 3 Radio Corp 0 Rayoniei 2W Kayonler Pfd 37'j Reynolds Metals 30' ; Richfield 15 Safeway 23' Sears Roebuck 35N Sinclair Oil 15'i Southern Pacific 40 Standard Brands 33 Standard Oil Calif & Stewart Warner 17 Studebaker 21'it Sun Mining 12 Union Oil 21 Union Paclflo 124 '.i United Airlines 2! United Alrciaft 17 united States Steel 71 Warner rfrothers 15 West Eleo Mfg Co 25 Woolworth 50 Landing Aid for Airports Advanced Washington, March 10 (P) Government and air transport officials have agreed on a tem porary program to make mili tary GCA (the talk-down bad weather landing aid) available immediately to civilian fliers in emergencies. Until now, commercial and private planes have not been able to use military GCA for lack of common radio frequency for communications. Under the new proposal, as outlined to a reporter by both industry and government offi cials, scheduled airline planes which can install equipment for the military emergency frequen cy (140.58 megacycles) will do so. Other commercial planes will use a frequency which is now generally available to them (3117.5 kilocycles), and the army and the navy will install this frequency on a temporary basis in the GCA units. Warning Against Teacher Strikes Portland, March 10 (P) A warning against further strikes by school teachers has been made by the national president of the AFL American Federation of Teachers at a teachers' union meeting here. "A few more may bring re pressive legislation in many stales, Joseph Landis, the un ion head, lold Portland members Saturday. He said that the relationships between teachers and their boards of education was differ ont than that existing between industrial employers and work ers. "Industry can up its prices or juggle its income to pay high er wages; school directors can not," he said. 0 $ttmntf SUp Scratching! Try Thii For Quick im and Comfort Here Ia a clean, powerful, pene trating oil now dispensed by phar macists everywhere at trifling cost that brines speedy relief from Itch ing and torture of externally caused skin troubles. Moone's Emerald Oil soothes the hinp and torture, helps promote more rapid healing. Get Moone's Emerald Oil at Capital Drug Store. Money back If not fully laU&fled. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Mar. 10, 1947 Vi Williams Says Mrs, Broadhurst Made First Advances to Him Vale, Ore., March 10 (U.R) A young chauffeur, accused of mur dering his wealthy employer so he and the boss' wife could get a $150,000 fortune and live together, today told a jury that Gladys Broadhurst made the first ad- varices. Alvin Lee Williams, 23, the chauffeur, testified that Mrs. Broadhurst, 40, on trial for the murder of Dr. Willis D. Broad hurst, Caldwell, Ida., and he took a trip to California last August, before the slaying. Williams told the jury he hardly knew Mrs. Broadhurst, comely accordionist who has had seven husbands, when he agreed to drive her to California while Dr. Broadhurst stayed in Idaho. "We drove lo Reno the tirst day, went to a movie and re turned to the car, parked on the northern outskirts of Reno," Williams related. "When we got in the car, she said I looked a lot like one of her brothers. Then she asked if I minded if she gave me a kiss on the cheek. 1 told her 1 didn't care, so she kissed me," Williams, accused of shooting and beating her husband to death, testified. The next time, she kissed him on the mouth, the cnauneur said. "What was the effect?" Dis trict Attorney Charles Swan asked. "That's something I can t tell you I don t know how to ex plain it," Williams replied. The next day, after "bunking the car that night," they drove to Truckee, Calif., where they stayed at an auto court. We slept together in a pup tent for the next three nights when Mrs. Broadhurst told me she was afraid to sleep alone," Williams indicted for the actual slaying, but who will be tried later, testified. Williams testified thev went lo Snnramnnto. where he met Merle Lincoln, Mrs. Broadhurst's fifth husband, and that Mrs. Broad hurst said he was a twin brother of her fifth husband and that Lincoln "was attempting to take the identity of her fifth husband, who died overseas." At Sacramento, Williams and Mrs. Broadhurst stayed in a ho tel together and at one time he was "accused of being Dr. Broad hurst and didn't deny it." RilvoMnn Perrv Hayes was reported admitted to the Silver ton hospital Saturday under treatment for injuries received in an accident. He was released to return to his home Sunday. Details of the accident were not disclosed. Births, Deaths Drallift Mrs. Glftdm Huff ..,. r-.irf... Huff In rcS dPllt Of viirlfnrH at. R local hospital, MftTCll . Survived by a brother, George Witter of Meriford. Slilpinein nan ueuu iun - Medlord by cioiiKii-uarricR. tunim services and interment. Hrrliert Blaine l.lllaril ua.-hrt main Llllard. late resident or the Delvlew hotel, Sunday. March 9, at the age of 62 years. Survived by his fe, Bertha u. uiuaro 01 daughters, Mrs. Emm K-ay 01 i-arunim and Mr. Elsie Harless of Salem; two iriuunrih Mllarri of Long Beach, Calif., and Earl Llllard ot Corvallls; mo ther. Mrs. Nancy ft. myior. " p T.illnrri: a brother Newt Llllard ol Swectwoter, Tenn.: three sisters, Mrs. Maude Nichols of Clarendon, Texas, Mrs Nora Bllling.tly of Farwell, Texas, and Mrs. Jewell Balton of Canyon, Texas; and eight grandchildren, ftniiouiiuriuciio services later by Clough-Barrlclc compa ny. Koss Kmery Porter AL 1B2S North IflLh street, March 10, nnx Emery Porter, late resident ot 11)7 S.E. Ifitll street, Portland, at the age of yeiir.v survived dv his y Porter of Portland; a son, Emery John Porter of Ashland: a daughter, Esther Hay Hetmsoth ol Bend; a granddaugh ter, Janice Dale Porter of Ashland; a brother, Grant. Porter of Gordon. Ncbr.; four sislers. Mrs. Don Long ol Beaver ton, Oregon, and three other sisters In Sioux City, Iowa: and a half brother, Ir vln Clark or Sioux City, Iowa. Announce ment or services later by W. T. Kigdon company. Mrs. Elltnlirth K. Hennlea Mrt. Elizabeth K. Hennlcs. at the resi dence, route 1. Tunifir, Sunday, March !). Mother ol Elmer P. Hennles of He inet. Calif., and Albert Hcnnles, Louis liennles and Mrs. Mary Standley, all ot Tiirnrr: and sister ot Mrs. Anna Allen and Mrs. Mary Smith, both of Lo,i An itrles. Also survived by 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Services will bo held Wednesday, March 12, at 2 p.m. at the Clouah-oarncK. cnapei. Ira Baker Ira Baker late resident or Liberty, nrmnn nL a local hospital, Monday March 10. Announcement of services la ter by ClouKh-BarncK company. Mtv K. (Auntie) Brook In this city Tlmr.-.dny. March fl. at I he an of 87 yrnrs. Mazy fc. (Auntie, Brook, late resident of 1320 North Com mercial street. Service.". were held Monday, March 10, at 1 :30 P.m. at the W. T. HlBdon chapel with Interment In thr IOOF cemetery, fie v. Dudley Strain officiated, Why Suffer Any Longer When othri fail, use our Chines m adles. Amnlng success tor 6000 rear IB China No matter with wnal ll menta rour are af flloiad disorder sinusitis, neart. unga Uvar. Kidney gas. constipation ulsera. diaoei, rheumatism, gal) and ladder kin. female complalota CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE IIKKt) CO Office llnura 8 U . Tufi. and Hat. oly t84 N. Commcrtlu. Phone 818.10. ALEU. OKI. Wanted: Walnut Meats Pieces and Willamette 305 South Cottage Street Salem, Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, March 10 UP) Se lected stocks made feeble stabs at recovery in today's market although many leaders contin ued to stumble. Slow dealings prevailed after a moderately active opening. Narrow irregularity persisted until the final quarter hour when offerings picked up a bit. De clines of fractions to a point or so were in the majority at the close transfers ran to around 800.000 shares for the full pro ceedings. On the losinR side were Chrys ler, General Motors, U. S. Steel, Goodyear. Goodrich, Sears Roe buck, International Harvester, North American, Anaconda, Kennecott, Dow Chemical, Gen eral Electric, U. S. Gypsum, San ta Fe, Pennsylvania Railroad, Great Northern Railway, Nor folk & Western and Standard Oil (N.J.). Plus marks were retained by Youngstown Sheet, Montgomery Ward, Allied Stores, J. I. Case, American Telephone, Eastman Kodak, Baltimore & Ohio and Texas Co. Word that President Truman would address a joint session of congress Wednesday on the Near East situation tended to accen tuate Wall street conservatism. Doubts regarding business, tax es and foreign affairs kept tha bearish ranks well populated. Bonds were uneven. Cotton, toward the last, was up $1.60 to $2.40 a bale. The number of ton-miles of freight moved per capita over railroads in the United States rose from 285 in 1867 to 1863 in 1900 and a high point of 5341 in 1944. Obituary Mra. Drill Cflrolhcn Aurora Several hundred person at tended funeral riles In the Canby funeral home Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Delia, Carothera, 70 Needy. Oregon, who died Thursday morning following a brief Ill ness. Mra. Carothers was born August 5, 187B, In France and came to the Unit ed Stales In 1881, to Oregon in 1893 an 4 to Oregon City In 1805. when she was married to Clarence Carothers. In 1903 Mr. and Mrs. Carothers moved to a farm at Needy, where she had since resided. Mr. Carothers preceded her In death lit 1945. She Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Bertha Lofsrrn, and two sons, Ray and Norman, all of route 1, Canby, and by two brolher.i, Arthur Hagen, Needy, and Nunia llngen, South Dakota. Vault In terment was In Rock Creek cemetery nt Needy. Mr. Mary Dunn Hanson Woodljurn Mrs. Mary Dunn Hanson, fin. died at her home In Hubbard Sun day. Born In Eugene, Ind., July 31, 1B6B and came to Hubbard from Parsona, Kan. In 1015. Survived by widower, B. O. Hanson of Hubbard; daughter. Stella Snider of Portland; granddaughter, Opal Cone and great granddaughter, Arlcen Cone, both of Roseburg; four brothers In the east. Funeral services 10 a.m. Wed nesday, March 13 at the Rliuo chapel wllh Rev. N. Wesley Skinner olllclfttUif. Interment In Hubbard cemetery. Mm. Wmonr Mount Kinney Silverton Friends have heard of tha death Friday In Oregon Cily of a nallv claim liter of Silverton, Mrs. Wenona Mount Kinney, 73, final rites held Mon day. Four brothers and two sisters sur vive, William Mount. Silverton. Robert Mount of Cherryvllle, and Dr. Albert and Dr. Guy Mount of Ort-Kon City, Mlnnla Hull and Clara Chambreau, both of Portland. Deafened Now Hear With Tiny Single Unit Science has nuw made it pos sible for the deafened to hear faint sounds. It is a hearing dc vice so small that it fits in the hand and enables thousands to enjoy sermons, music and friend ly companionship. Accepted by the Council on Physical Medi cine of the American Medical Association. This device does not require separate battery pack, battery wire, case or gar ment to bulRe or weiMh you down. The tone is clear and powerful. So made that you can adjust it yourself to suit your hearing as your hearing changes. The makers of Beltone, Dept. 0083, 1450 W. 19th St., Chicago 8, 111., are so proud of their achievement that they will glad ly send free descriptive booklet and explain how you may get a full demonstration of this re markable hearing device in your own home without risking a penny. Write Beltone today. Adv. HEALTH TO YOU WHliN Fissure Fistula Hemorrhoids Prolapse Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. No Hospitalization Quick Kelief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctologlst 218 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon Amber Halves Grocery Co. Oregon Hione 4148