"10 Capita Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES BEST BUY IN SALEM 4 ACRE St 4 B.R. HOME. 2 blks. from Fairgrounds Rd. Corner. Reflntshed in Fairgrounds. Corner. Refinished In side it out. Lge. L.R., D.R., K. St 4 B.R., double garage, raved street. $6500. NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL A VERY WELL CONST. 3 B.R. HOME. Lie. L.R., coved ceiling, flrepl.. Vene tian bids., basement it furnace, lge. lot, well landscaped. Immed. Poss. J10.S00. Terms $3200 dn., bal. at 5i. RADIANT HEAT. ULTRA MODERN i t B.R. HOME. Last word In mod. const. I Fully liuulated. Wall to wall carpeting. Lge. L.R. with flrepl., D.R., very nice I K.. Venetian bids.. garage, cor. lot, edge of Englewood dist. (11.200. KEIZER ACRE St DELUXE HOME WHEN YOU see this, you will say, "Here la the most beautifully finished St bent const, home for the money." Lge. L.R., D.R.. 2 B.R.'s, K.. bath St utility rm, iv Tiled flrepl., hdwd. firs, throughout, ..coved celling. Venetian bids., dble. Ka raite. IMMED. POSS.I This Is new, will itand a 90 O.I. loan. $11,300. LARSEN HOME St LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings-Personal Service ; Branch Offlce-2605 Portland Rd. Ph. 24035 Unlimited Parkin? a61 SUBURBAN EAST. Close in. S rm. 6 year old home on Vn acre, well landscaped " and near bus. This one ii well worth looking at for 87350. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS , 1365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 7051 aBi- A NICEl6ME.-3rRT'"sit. living rm. with fireplace, dining rm V. Bids., convenient kitchen. Basement with saw dust furn. Located N.( priced riant at $10,500. r SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS -3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3235. Eves. 841 a61 FURNISHED THREE B.R. Colonial home on one acre, all excellent rurniiure. "'bsmt.. furnace, fireplace, dble. garaae. Well worth io.600. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. f REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 8415 aui- LOTS OF LIVINO AT THIS PRICE ffiHAfl. 2 bedrooms, large living-room and kitchen with fine built-lns, full bath. range, circulator and floor coverings go. Beautiful yard. Oood surroundings. 'Possession right away quick. It's good. ' 225 MR. NU-COMER. MOVE RIGHT IN VO FURNITURE needed. This 4 bedroom home Is completely furnished, electric range. Maytag washer, furnace heat. 12100 down. $50 a mo. $6000. 317 COUNTRY-CITY ..ft MILES Northeast of Salem. 5 acres, l's Acres producing Filberts. Very plea sant 3 bedroom home. Up to date oil furnace, fine utility room. Desirable hath. On pavement. Bus by door, $13, 500. S16 (8500 INVESTED WILL GIVE you an apartment to live in and (133 a month Income from 5 .other units Owner's equity $4900 on which a trailer will be taken to $2000. 748 REDUCED flOftO DOWN, $50 a month. Reduced $500 to $6350. 2 bdrm. home In East 8a- lem. Paved st. Some furniture goes. , Full basement. Fine yard and trees. This IS a SNAP. 244 ATTENTION. G.I.'s TOU CAN get a G.I. loan on this new . all-elcctrlc home. Hardwood floors. ' Full bnth. Excellent kitchen. Really gQOd. $8950. 248 DAIRY FARM , 16 ACRES, cleared St fenced. 10 Jersey! , Guernsey cows, in aiancmon nam, . .30 tons hay. 3 other farm buildings. 1 . .McCormlck-Deer. milk, macli. 5 room home. 9500. (4000 down. 821 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Phone 9203 a59 SEE THESE I' BDRM. home South. Lot 30 100. Well built. (3500. oaa stove ana iioor cgier hiRs go. Don't miss. bdrm. home on Vi sere North. Imm poss. (4500. Clean throughout. Drapes and floor coverings. VIILLY FURNISHED. 2 Bdrm. home. No, hpl of furniture. Well worth the money. 778. ,. ut II BDRM. home South on acre, la block to bus. 55800. 4 nniiiw home South. Full basement. ftrenlnce. 17050. Double garage, out- ' door fireplace and a well Improved yard - Bus ono block. One of the beat. SEE BILL STEWART WITH MORRIS REALTY CO. t70 S. Commercial Phone 4217 a6l fOR HOMES moderately priced or lor higher selection see . Luse Realty. Oregon Bldg. 7952 a59' ftANDY ACREAGE close In With good bldgs. and having excellent prospectus conducive to Investment. Luse Realty. Oregon Bldg. 7952. a50 PHONE 9510 OR 6155 O. I. HOUSES tiHMI.no DOWN. 3 bdrm. hse. Large llv. rm.. unnd size kitchen, plenty of built- ,.lns. Elec. water heat., elec. heat. Well Sz elec. pump, lot 80 x 160. 5 minutes ivm invn N. Full Drice $5300.00. filto.00 DOWN, New 2 bdrm. hse. Llv.. dinette Se kitchen. Wired for elec. range, u-nior heater, aas floor furnace 4 acre E. Close to Pen 4 Cor. Full nrlro 11575(1 00. l(M).oo DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hse. Elec hnm la mo kitchen, aood sized llv. rm Attached gar. with utility rm. Hignland dist. Full price (6900.00. SROO.OO DOWN. New 2 bdrm. 1 story hse. " Liv. rm.. din. rm. St kitchen. Built-lns. ,lTrays, elec. water heater, attached gar. Auto, oil heat, large lot, rich soil. Cen tral water sjstem. In Carllinveii Subd. vniTir nut. Full price (8500.00. fttoo.on DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hse. Hlproor -style. Attnchrd gar., utility rm., hwd. firs., nuto. heat, bus at door, grade sriinnl 2 b ks. S.E. Full price auu.uu, ttuli.OO DOWN. New 3 bdrm. hse. Space floored In attic. Can be two bdrms. Hwd. firs, in large liv. rm. St hall. Din "ette St kltch combination, utility rm., num. heat. N.E. Full Price (8900.00. fxoo.oo DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hip roof hse. Liv. rm.. dinette, atiacnea nr., num. "heat, large lot. Full price $9000.00. ALL OF THESE houses are worth the sell ing price and should easily o G.I. For Add. Inform. Call A BRA MS A- SKINNER, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 or 6155 Mtg. Loans Insurance a61 i'ORSALE 3 Bedroom house, big living i .room-kitchen and dining room com bined. Tnrt basement with new air con dition furnace. Locnted on Highway, North. For quick sate on account of death In the family, will take SfiuOO.oo. THOS. A. ROBERTS REALTOR Formerly of Hawkins St Roberts SEE A. A. LARSEN PHONE 4109 a 60 .V..10. NEAT, attractive home in W. Sa lem. Has L.R., K. with nice built-lns. dinette, B.R. A; Bath, attached garage, corner lot 60 x 100. Call O. V. Hume with " STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS -153 S. High Phone 4121 a61 iliUHW. MODEIIN' 2 B.Rhoiiieclose to Leslie Jr. High. Fireplace, H.W, floors , In living room. Full basement, house , newly decorated and can give lmmc t dlate possession. , Call O. V. Hume with , STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 B. High Phone 4121 a61 fHH.Ui. NEW attractive 3 B.R home with 150. This home Is complete in nery way and ready to move Into. Located close to 4 corners. Call O. V Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 a6I ' HOME BAROAIN3 MOD. fi KM. home located N. Hdwd. His., t 1 bedrm. down, 2 up. Large rms.. bane ' ment, sawdust heat, large lot. Let me i show you this home. It's a real value. - Price 110.500. f . RM. HOME located N.E. all on one . iflr., basement, furnace, unfln. attic. .Extra lot. Good location. A bargain I At $7509. I i Call O. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. with t GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS I 1134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves, 2-2948 a.S9 MODERN HOME BEAUTIFUL RUNG-style homr, 8 rms. I with small den. 3 nice bed rms, Hdwd. , (fir, throughout, elec. heat. elec. wa I iter heater. Fireplace, lots of butlt-lns i :A: closet space. Tile bath. Covered pa I ,llo, Double garage. 4 A. of ground on I .bus line. Look this over. ; , Call G. H. Grabrnhorst, Jr., with , , GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS , ,134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2948 j , a59 FOR SALE: Modern 3-bedroom house, hot water hrater. oil floor furnace, attach ed garage, $1500.00. Phone 2-5303. a8Q Oregon, Monday, Mar. 10, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES BETTER BUYS BY BOURNE EXCLUSIVE. M00O. SUBURBAN EAST. years old. good plastered 2 bedroom home, conciete foundation, has about 800 so., feet of floor space, living and dining room, has extra space for ad ditional bedroom, garage, 1 acre good soli about 3 blocks to bus. Cook stove goes with property. Immediate posses- SUBURBAN EAST ir,00. Two bedroom modern plastered noose, large garage, barn, poultry and brooder houses, fruits, nuts, garden paved road, bus by door, about 2 blocks to school and grocery stores. EXCLUSIVE SOUTH, 'i acre. 2 bedroom home, automatic hent. hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful kitchen, patio, dou ble garage, family orchard, 65 feet frontage on highway 99. priced to sell. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE. NEW two bed room home, hardwood floors, cove ceilings, near school and bus, Immedi ate possesion should go G.I. If neces sary. ?800 down, or good other fi nancing terms can be arranged. $8230 PARKING FOR CARS JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR PHONE 8216 1140 NORTH CAPITOI. a60 OWNER OFFERS BEAUTIFUL VIEW. ac. 2 bdrm. home. U-shaped kit., lg. dining rm.. It. hv. rm. with I place. View windows. Comb, tub St shower bath. Full bm't. with party rm. St f place. Auto, nil air con ditioned heat. Dble. gar. Nice lawn St rockery. Price $14,500. CALL MR. BISHOP. Ph. 1110 between 9 A.m. St 5 p.m. a ED BY R KIT, REALTORS SI7K0 FURNISHED 2 B.R Oil heat, gas range, elec. refrff. $1100 down, bal. (40 per month. SAHKi ENGLEWOOD. 1 yr. old. 2 BR,. L.R. St kitchen, hath Elec. heat. Lot 45x150. 1 blk. to bus St school. $fi.loo MODERN 5 room house, plastered. Rsmt., auto. heat. SC8.-.0 I YR. OI.D. 2 B.R. home, hdw. floors, elec. heat, garage attached. Ex cellent location. Sin.OOU PARK AVE 2 B.R. down. 2 B.R. Up. L.R.. D.R., kltch., nook. Hdw. floors, fireplace, oil furn. Insulated St weather stripped. Large lot. S1 1. MM) ENGLEWOOD. Very attractive 2 B.R. all electric home. V-bllnds. On a fine lot. $11,fi)0 si'B. '4 acre on bus line A: pave ment. New, very mortem 2 H.n., oath, L,R. 14x22, D.R., fine kitchen, den in knotty pine with fireplace. Garage 20x30 with utility. A real home. Insulat ed St weather stripped. SI-i.IMMr NEW. modern 2 B.R. Large L.R.. den, D.R. St kitchen. Unfinished up stairs. Bsmt. with oil furnace. Lot 122x160. On hill. $23.000 FAIRMOUNT Hill. A fine home in excellent, location. 3 B.R.. sun room, large L.R.. large entry hall, breakfast room, kitchen. Lower floor hardwood, carpeted wall to wall. Triple plumb ing, oil steam heat, double garage in basement. Corner lot 110x140, beau tifully landscaped. Sprinkling system. ED BYRKIT, REALTORS 310 Chemeketa St. Phone 8981, Eves. 3434. 61 S'istin i RM. house, 'i acre. Not modern. Terms. K30MI UNFINISHED 5 rm. house on good street. s:t!(.Vr 1 ACRE east. Small modern house. ery good. gllino t BEDROOMS. Immed. poss. Paved street. Vjmi ACRE north. 3 bedroom house, ne soil, paved road. SA!t.oX 12.10 DOWN. New. Hdw. floors. Modern, southeast Salem. $C(HKl INCOME property. 3 bedroom home. Close in. West Salem. Permanent renter. 8:7.10 NEW 2 bedroom modern plast. home. Elec. heat. North. ALSO TWO beautiful homes on King- wood Hts. Shown by appointment only, WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS 1233 Erigewater. Phone 5109. afll $'600. V A. and new modern 3 B.R. home close In Enst. Hardwood floors. Elect, water heater. Wired for range. Venetian blinds. Attached garage. Im mediate possession $1030. A A., a good 3 B.R. home on bus line South. Immediate possession. $3:i30. NEW 2 B.R. home on large lot unfinlihed. Some material to finish. Cculd be made liveable very easy. $30,10. NEAT, attractive late-built home and 1 A. close to Auburn school. This lias BR., bath, L.R., kitchen comh. Wired for range. Here Is a well-built plastered home on good foundation. SIH.Ifl. CLEAN and attractive 2 B.R. home 6 yrs. old Enst, on bus line. Elect water heater, wired for range. Immediate possession. WIM. NEW modern 2 B.R. home North with unfinished upstairs. Large lot. Hardwood floors. Oil furnace. Elect, water heater. Wired for range. Imme diate possession. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 133 S. High St Phone 4131 Evenings 2556t a60 RM. M l)N. home In Silverton. 3 BPt. and cabin to rent. 4 rm. apt. for owner. 2';i a., shrubs, fruit, nuts, bids $8500. 908 Reseive St. a0 NEAR SWEGLE SCHOOL R RM. house on 1 acre of good soil, elec water system, elec. h.w. heater, Vene tian blinds. $2500 down, total price. $7400. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hiah St. Phone 24793 a60 NEW MOD. HOME by owner. Keizer dist Ph 8847. Res. 2165 N. Church. a60 50,100, R RM. ENO. type, attic, dble. garage. PI $7 000 OWNER LEAVING. Two bdrm., large living room, kitchen with nook, large garage, 5 English Walnut trees, city bus in front of door, SnlflO t RDKM. home, furn., north. Own er leaving town. This Is good turn. Thb house Is priced to sell quick, so don't watt, xr.',.VH) BUYS this lovely view home, built 1 yr.. elec. heated. Insulated, most mod- irn kitchen, double plumbing, 2-car garnffe bus In front of door. 10 ACRES of strawberries In Keizer dist These are certlf'eri plants, first good year. Don't wait, come and see us. sjt.00 BDRM. home close to Richmond school, hdw. floors, fireplace, full base ment. Im. poss. Easy terms. $1000 2 BDRM. home south, close to school and bus Im. pops. Easy terms. M130 BUYS THIS 3 bdrm. home In Ketzer dist. Elec. water heater, close to school. im. poss OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l St. Ph 4500 Eve. 2.1830 a59 BY OWNER. New 2 hdrm. home East. Plastered, partly furnished. Ph. 3-5007 a 59 HOUSES $1000 DOWN. 5 rm unfinished hse. At tached gar Modern const. ai A. with trees. Paved rd. 1 mi. out. City water Bus. OLSON St REEVE. REALTORS 915 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590; eve. 9536 aflO BY OWNER: Unfinished house with win dows, shingled roof with bathroom fixtures at cost. Call 1659, West Salem gRl 1 ROOM HOUSE, dble garage, woodshed, $11800. Located at 261 Monmouth St., In dependence. Ph. 41 before 6 p.m. 61 PARTLY FirRMsnrn house In Stayton, Oregon In heart of growing city, con sisting of 5 room house, 4 lots 50100 Ideal for one who wishes to Invest for Income, within 30 miles of Detroit dam St road construction. Priced at 16000 3rd street frontage near public, high St parochial schools. It interested write E. B. Watters. 823 Pearl, Apt. 6. Eu gene. Ore. a63 MONEY T O I.O AN on Mrst " mor tgag C a 4 to 6 CaJl for details. BYRKIT St POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phone 5937 joe Hutchison" kealtor ! 455 Court Phone 7696 HOUSE HUNTING ISN'T EASY, j CAN WE HELP YOU? EXCEL. OLDER type hse., fully Insulated close in. (5850. COZY, CAPE cod. newly decorated, well built. (5500. I NEW, 3 B.R. home, corner window, kit chen, elec. fireplace. $6900. B.R. home, basement, fireplace, Ven ! blinds, reduced la.inn NEWLY DECORATED. 2 B.R. home, full casement, plus Income of (65 mo. from Pt. tn back A tnnit lvtmnt tatnn OWNER LEAVING! S B.R. home. nlntrJ ed, hdwd. firs., fireplace, full basement, paved sts nice lawn, outdoor fire place. Price 110.000. FINE RES. dist. 3 B R. home. lg. L.R.. nice D.R. St Nook. hdwd. tin., nice fireplace, full basement, utility rm. St den. Price $13,750. I B.R.'g and den Dbl. plbg.. near high school. Price 115.000. SaWmen: "Habby" Haberntcht Myles Henderson Phone 34683 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phong 1696 60 FOR SALE HOUSES FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT 4 BEDRM. older type home, fireplace, oil furnace, double plumbing, large lot. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N High St Phone 24793 a60' BEAUTIFUL TRACTS this Side ol Keizer school. Just put on the market, as1 low as jazs each. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR Ph. 4728 147 N. Commercial St. a59 BY OWNER: 4. rm. house, Elec. water heater. New apt. size elec. range. Con venient kit. Nice built-lns. l'i ac. land. Beautiful building site overlooking Polk county hills. 2 mi. from rity center on S. River rd. (5000 cash. Ph. 8860. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. &60 3 BEDROOM house located East Just off Center St. Hardwood floors in L.R. 6z D.R. 1 block to bus. Nice lot with shade trees. Immediate possession. Price (6300. FAIRGROUNDS ROAD 6 room house with full basement, wired for range, electric water heater. House is located on the lot In such a manner that a small business building can be built facing Fairgrounds Road. A good buy for $7300. JUST LISTED Modern 3 bedroom house located North. 17 x 21 L.R. with fire place, D.R., hdwd. floors, wired for range. Full basement with furnace. Ex-1 celient condition. Price tl0.500. R OSTEIN St ADOLPH, INC. UO'.i N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves 8314 a59' SPECIAL Sfttoo. 3 BP RMS on one floor. Large Uv im, din rm, kit. bath. Hwd firs in LR St D rm, fireplace, sawdust furnace, Richmond district. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3193 Eves. 944j 59 SO.iOO. Z BDRM HOME with unfin attic. LR. Din rm, kit. bath, full fin. bsmt. pipe furnace, elec wtr heater, large lot. well located. Immed poss. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3798 Eves. 9441 I SB300. NICE S RM home with full bsmt 3 blks from Englewood sch. $2000 down. bal 50 mo. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtots 341 Chemeketa St Ph.3193 Eves. 3-5260 a59" &5H00. 3 BDRM home on lg lot close In north. Double garage. A good buy. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 2-5260 a59 A REAL NICE 2 bdrm home In best loca tion. Just 4 blks from Leslie Jr Hi. Hwd floors, basement, sawdust furnace. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3193 Eves. 2-5260 a59 600. NEAR CATHOLIC sch, Nice clean 4 rm cottage. Oil circ heat. This Is the choice of location. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph 3-1549 Eves. 2-50B1 a59' $i:t,mm. near nth St Market. Lovely lg liv rm with fireplace at hwd floors, din rm, kit, 2 bdrm dn, unf attic. Frplc bsmt rumpus rm. Well landscaped grounds. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph 2-1549 Eves. 2-5091 ft 59' OPEN 2 TO 5, 661 Gerth Ave., West Sa lem. Owner leaving town, homey bedroom home with reasonable down payment, oil furnace, automatic hot water. Immediate possession. a59 BY OWNER: 2 bdrm, living rm., nook, kit., utility rm. One rental. Lot 100 i loo. Some trees 1339 Franklin, West Salem. 59 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. home, 6 yrs. old, dble. garage, oaK noors tnrougnoui, fireplace, auto, oil heat, elec. h.w.. dble. plumbing, full basement, 2 Irga lots or about 1 A. Beautiful view, $17,500. Shown by appointment only. Ph. 8293. A60 FURNISHED. SUBURBAN. $5000 SMALL 2 bedroom suburban home, about 6 years old, hardwood floors, elec. wa ter heater, wired for range, complete ly furnished for 15000. ',i acre of land, located Just South of town, sub. bus service. LEE OHMART A CO.. REALTORS 471 Court St. Phone 4033 or 9680 a BUSINESS ZONE A WELL constructed 6 room home, 3 bedrooms, gas heat and gas water heater, lot is 55 x 74, only 3 blocics from city renter. Future business pos sibilities. 6150. LEE OHMART St CO., REALTORS 417 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a JUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN LOCATED ON main road, suburban bus service each hour, a modern 3 bed room home, about 5 years old, has V. blinds, elec. water heater, lot Is 66 x 105 well landscaped, very neat and clean. 19750. LEE OHMART St CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 a- BRAND NEW i BEDROOMS. Insulated, elec. heat. South. Full bsmt., gar., 1mm. poss. Full price $8950. WEST SALEM MOD. NEARLY new. 3 bedrm. house with lg. lot St gar., paved st. Full price $7750. N. CHURCH ST. S BEDRM.. bsmt., furnace, some furni ture, paved st.. garage, lawn, shrubs, elec. water htr., close to school, bus St shopping dtst Full price $5900. LANA AVE. '.4 AC. MOD. 2 bedrm. house. Very well constructed. Paved st., bus at front door, several out bldss. A good value tor 31900. HOLLYWOOD DIST. REDUCED TO S6500, 4 brdvni.i., com pletely redecorated St painted. S ac. lot. Paved st., close to bus, school A; store. LOTS OF LOTS. S450 up. See us before you bu: Ph. (2500 WILL HANDLE COLONIAL-TYPE 4 bdrm. home. 1 bdrm down and 3 up. db' plumbing, lire place, auto-oil heat. cler. h.w. heater, wired for elec. ranee. Home In splen did cond. Price $9500. QUICK POSSES SION. Call Coburii L. Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 3. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 1712 O.I. HOMES LOCATED S. In good district, new 5 rm. homes with unfin. upstairs, hdwd. firs., elec. heat, many built-lns. plenty of closet space. Lame utility rms., elec. h.w. heater, garage attached. Price $8000. CIos to schools and bus. Call Cnburn L. Grabenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Llbeity St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7172 a39- COUNTRY HOME DUTCH COLONIAL. 4 bdrms.. double plumbing, spacious rms. throughout, auto-oil heat ni minis rm. tn basement, dble. garage, outside fireplace, beauti ful grounds Close to schools A: bus. Ca 11 Coiiurn L. Orabenhorsl . wit Ii GRABENHORST BROS,. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 777? a.VP NO3BUSINESS PROPERTY $0300. I bdrm. home located close tn on S. High St. Full basement, furnace A fireplace. $lt.ooo. 4 BDRM. home with larse oreek frontage, carpeted, furnace, fireplace, home In exrellent eondlt ion. Call Dale L. Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 a39 S. SALEM MOD. S RM home, basement, auto-oil heat, hdwd. firs., rtreplace. large lot. See this before you buyl Price 19500. Call Richard E Orabenhorsl. with GHABENHOR3T BROS.. REALTORS 134 3. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5083 a JO' N. CHURCH ST. S BDRM. home, auto-oil heat, fireplace. re-decorated, nice yard Se location Price (8900 See Richard E. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Th. 4131. Ev. 2-5089 a39 RESIDENCE BUSINESS GOOD 4 bdrm. home with basement, fur nace, located in Business Zone on 99F north tn the city. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. Price 310.500. A GOOD VALUE. See D. F. Dawson, with ORABENHOR8T BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 3-5338 59 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE LOTS WELL LOCATED East. 75 Ft. frontage, Price $600 to 1700 per lot. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4131 aa61 SACRIFICE BY owner. Choice view lot in Cascade terrace, 80 x 170. $1000. Ph. 48B6. . a64 BY OWNER: City lots, near Englewood school, $700 St up. Easy terms. Ph, 7805. aa59 OWNER HAS Bought a ranch. Must sell his beautiful New Home at 395 South 24th street W. G. KRUEGER, REALTOR Ph. 4728 147 N. Commercial St. aa59 $3500. 5 GOOD LOTS next to R.R. Suit able for warehse, etc. Paved st. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1549 . Eves. 2-5091 aa59 APPROxfwiATELY-5ACRES MODERN 2 BDRM house, several out Duuaings, all land in prunes, plums, cherries Ac apples. Located in Dallas city limits. City water Ar lights. This is a real buy at only S6000, Call for; Mr. Isaak. M. O. HUMPHREYS it CO.. REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd Ph. 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4596 bS9 i LOT IN BUSINESS zone SO X 275, rall- roaa ana pavea street. (3500. Ph. 3-5024 aa60 FOR SALE FARMS APPROXIMATELY 5 ACRES MODERN 2 BDRM. house, several out buildings, all land in prunes, plums, cherries St apples. Located In Dalla; city limits. City water St lights. This is a real buy at only $6000. Call for Mr. Lsaak M. O. HUMPHREY Ar CO., REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 228B Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4596 b6; 56 ACRE DAIRY (i MILES from city limits northeast, room modern home, 30 x 45 modern miiKing barn. dbl. garage, poultry nou&e, machine shed, hog house. cows milking, 2 heifers, bull. Surge milker, tractor, plow, roller, hay chop per, harrow, drill, etc.. all equipment and stock goes, everything to star! rignt in. Priced right. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 24479 b61 OWNER RETIRING 80 ACRE chicken farm. Gross income last yrar 614.200 on $32,500 investment. 1,- 8uu laying nens. McCormlck-Dcering tractor, manure spreader, Allis-Chal- mers Combine and all necessary fan machinery Included in above price. Good Duuamss. loot REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 s. High Ph. 9203 b: JOE HUTC H ISON R EALTOR 435 Court Phone 7696 II A. No. NEW 4 rm. hse.. alt. gar. good well, all yr. creek through property. Suitable for sub-division, $16,000. 2t A. W. Good berry ground (3 A. Boy scnberrles), good 4 rm. hse., wired lor range. Chick, hse. Price 16000. JUST A 3 rm. hse., BUT a very good J ARM! S3 A. Will, Slit, 30 A. cult.. A. R.A. cherries, Interset with wal nuts, 4 A. filberts. Nut dryer, tractoi Se equip. Land could be sub-divided. Price $12,500. SEE us for profitable farms in the How ell Prairie Dist. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Res. 25141 Ph. 7896 b60' NELSON "FARMS BEFORE YOU BUY a farm or acreage check our new list or more than 10C properties. Copy available on request Nelson St Nelson, Masonlo Bldg., Ph 4419. b FOR SALE: 680i. B'i acres prune trees. pears, apples Sc cherries. 48 walnuts St some filberts. 6 room partly furnished house. Electric water St bath. 2 nice cabins. 12 x 20 chicken house. Barn with room for 2 cows St team. Oood well with automatic deep well pump. Im mediate possession of house St place. Corners grade school. 6 mi from city centers on paved road. South from Sa lem on 99E. Teke right hand road at Dickson's store to Sunnyside school, turn right and go west 100 yds. b63 -C" KILGORE SPECIALI SPECIAL! HURRY FOLKS if you wish a bargain In an excellent 24 A. modern farm, tine location, good soil, all In crop and fruit, 5 A. prunes, 3 A. cherries. Very good 3 bedroom home, completely furn ished with new modern furniture. Bath, new plumbing, wired for range, elec. water system. Big barn, garages, ma chine shed, other out buildings, all in good repair. New tractor and disc. Un expected other business demands own er's full attention. Priced to sell quick, below actual value. Possession at once. This is one of the best diversified farms In the valley. We know it's a money maker. Priced at only $15,000. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 435 S. 12th Ph. 4855 2342 S. Commercial St. h.i9 FOR SALE ACREAGE ACREAGE 10 A. LOCATED S. all under cult., drilled well on property. View property. Price (3250. Call Richard E Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5089 bb59 SUBURBAN HOME MODERN H03IE built In 1945. 2 bedrooms, one very large, kitchen, dining room, bath, utility room, 'i basement, fur nace, fireplace, large garage, small hnrn, chicken house. 16 acres, about 1 in cultivation, balance in timber, ili miles from down town. Plums, prunes, apples, cherries, pears and walnuts. Priced $12,000. Easy terms. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355. Eve. 34479 bb61 FOR MARION COUNTY'S outstanding aerepse biiys. go to Dickson's Market. 17th St. Cut-off and 99 E. then 2 mi. south on old 99E lo DeWitt sign. 2',i A. or more, at money saving prices and easy terms. Beautiful scenic views, tine soil, all in production. Phone 5355 eves. bb61 DRASTICALLY REDUCED ,1 ACRES suburban property, li acre bea ver dam. Everything goes on this one. 5 rm. hse. with fireplace, completely furnished. Tractor, farm tools, hand tools, family cow. 74-ft. well. elec. pump. Several outbldgs. Family or chard and berries. Enough cord wood rut for 3 years. Full price $9,500, re duced from SI 1.000. V O. HUMPHREYS CO. "MHlo 2286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 bb60 2 ACRES BERRIFS PLUS ABOUT U acre for bldg. site with 75-ft. frontare on pavement. $1800. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 112 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 bb5 FOR SALE: ' acrr land with 57 toot drove well, located on e. uarcien rona. near Swegle school. Bus line, gns line. Two stores close by. A good buy. In quire at Chefs store, or see Earl Tuck er, 'i mile S of store. 7th house on road. Cash buy. bb63 ABOUT SIX ACRES, river bottom garden land near Jefferson. 34i0. Lawrence Erfhotm. Broker, U. S. Nat l. Bank Bide. Albany. Oregon. Phone 45 bh2 MiKW." 6 BPRM plastered home with L.R.. DN rm. Kit. Bath, full fin. osmi, iur nace. t acre east on pavemt. A good buy. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 bbS9' ACRES on Hollywood Dr. witn room hOUSe. Li.K . U.K.. Ml., rwi mniie cv uttlltv room. Good water system, gas cooking. Oarage, chick, house, barn. Fruit, nuts St berries. On bus line. A good suburban home for S8000. ROSTF.IN ADOLPH. INC. 110'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 bbS9 ACREAGE WE HAVE two good buys in small acre ages. One 10 A. true farm an equippea with garden tools such as cultivator, sprayers, scales. everything you need to work place. 3 rises. One 5 rm. Full basmt St fur. One large 3 rm with bith toilet. Deep well. Spring. Overhead irrigation system Variety of market able fruit. Owner is kick, must sell. Full price J8500 THEN H'i A. which Is nice small tcre- age close to school, near store ana s blks ofr paved rd. Family orchard. Com fortable 5 rm hse with bath St toilet. Telephone. Also hu small hse. Oood barn St chicken hse. Spring. This own er has gone to Calif, and says sell. Price (650ft. Both places located about 7i mt. S.W. Salem. OLSON St REEVE, REALTORS It a. Com'l. Ph. 4590; ra. 3I bbSOa I FOR SALE ACREAGE S48O0. S ACRES close in South. Has 3 bed room home. Garage. El. water system but city water available. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 bbfll BY OWNER: l'j A. edge ol ctty, garage some lumber, well, pump. 100 ft. new hose. $1930. Terms. Ph. 7805. Other acreage. bb59 REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS OWN YOUR OWN REAL VALUE In this well-located subur ban home; near bus and store; 4 rooms and nook; built-lns, plumbing, and wa ter system. Large lot. For quick sale $:(800 cash $2000. SPECIAL in a good residential district. Welt arranged 3-room cottage; built lns; fireplace. Price only $4750. $50() fl-KOOM home. Good foundation; iiew roof; double garage. On bus line, close to Kchool and store. This will sell quick; call us NOW. DISTINCTIVE RANCH TYPE. Large liv ing room witn urepiace; dinette; 3 spa clous bedrooms with wardrobe closets; bath with tub and stall shower. Kitchen and bath finished in colo-tlle. Elec. heat; completely Insulated. Nicely land scaped. $12,600. Call for appointment. i ACHES very good soil; neat 2 bedroom home; large garage; pump house, with new elcv. water system. Near bus line. $4000 $1500 down, balance $25 a month. l ache adjoining city limits. Large, three-bedroom home; living room with fireplace: dining room; kitchen with many bultt-ins; full basement. Good barn. $9000 itcrmsi and the keys are yours. CALL or SEE James B. Hartman or K, N. Voorhces with LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS "31 years of dependable service lo home owners" 344 Slate St. Ph. 9261 c59 FOR SALE: 120 acres land with piling St poles. Five mi. E. Mill City on Linn Co side. C. D. Johnson. c59 MONEY TO LOAN on rtrst mortgages. 4 to 6 Call tor details. BYRKIT St POTT 339 Chemeketa Plioni 5981 VVANTEDJtEAL ESTATE "LARGE OR small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 ca5ft WE ARE in need of good nomes to -cell in oi near Salem If you wish to dt your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty Si. Phone 4131 ea VETERAN'S wife and 3 yr. old daughter in need of small apt. or house. Phone 2-4479. FOR PROAIPT and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VQLK-EL. Real Estate Broker 555 N. Liberty Phone 7327 c ATTENTION OWNERS OWING to our strategic location on high way Q$K we have commenced to get numbe- of out-of-statg buyers. Wa need listings on good (arms, city homes. acreage and any kind of a business that you warn to sell. We sold over one million dollars In property Id 46 and wa will leally appreciate your listings SULLIVAN REALTY. INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd Ph. 3255; . 2447B LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA LEM REALTY CO. C. W BARTLETT. REALTOR, 149 N. HIGH ST PH. 1660. ea NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8 High St NEL SON NEWS HOMES that people with $150 to $250 per month Income can reasonably ex pect to pay for out of their incomes, are still greatly in demand. AN EMPLOYE of a business accounting firm who expects a visit from the stork needs a larger home. A LIGHT Industry employe with a Brit ish bride needs a modest home. A SPORTING goods store employe and his wife with their first baby who have been living in a small apartment needs a home at around $6000. A YOUNG couple husband recently dis charged from the armed forces employ ed In cabinet shop now living wtlh parents needs a home in about $5000 bracket. WIDOW of retired farmer wants a 3 bedroom home North or South at $7000 cash. THESE ARE only samples of 13 people who nave called this weeK lor help to find homes of a type that we do not now have listed. Information that will help us to help them will be greatly appreciated. NELSON Si NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo, O. Nelson Specialising Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4632; eves. 31350 ca59- WANTED TO BUY: From owner, city lot near bus. U down, bal. terms. Ph. 25471. ca61 WHO WANTS $500 CASH FOR one acre more or less within b miles of Salem. Write details Journal Box 282. ca59 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE: Good family home for small modern home, prefer N. or close In N.E. No agents. Box 281 Capital Journal. cb60 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $7250 FULL PRICE SM. LUNCH rm. All equipped. Situated on 99E North. This place pays off, all properly goes. Ask for Mr. Corey. 2 UNIT COURT PLUS MOD. 3 bedrm. house, completely furnished with new furniture. 1 Ac. highway frontage. Lg. gar. Out bldgs. Can be changed into 2 more cabins. Also room for about 13 more new cabins. A bargain at $14,000. Call for Mr. Isaak. NINE AC HIGHWAY FRONTAGE SOUTH. DBLE. highway frontage. Well drained, last place for business near highway between Salem St Albany. Ex cellent location for business or motel. 1800 ft. frontage. Can be sub-divided. Well St creek on property. M. O. HUMPHREY St CO., REALTORS 2286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 cd61 BUSINESSbPPORTUNITIES A LIVABLE house on 3 lots, only 5 blocks from court house, In business zone. $5,000. A GOOD 3 bdrm. home, oil heat, on 99E. large lot. large enough for a busi ness and home both. SEE WM. BLIVEN L. C. COONEY, REALTORS 429 ORE. BLDG. PH. 79U6 Cd59 ARE YOU looking for a business of your own? We have a gift and appliance store in a good down town location that Is priced right. Plenty of shelf and storage space. Large stock inven tory. $17,500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3353; eves. K41S cd61" BUSINESS BLDG. ON COME. ST.. one-story. Income $100 per month. Price $16,000 cash. See D. J. Dawson, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eve, 25338 cd59 THIS IS HOT GROCERY store and meat mkt.. highway location. In fast growing part of town. (86.000. Gross business for 1946. $100,000; stock and fixtures. Living Quarters. Good lease. Make an offer. 726 WELL STOCKED $H!W0 Grocery and service station on highway. Well stocked and doing a going cash business. 5-year lease. Living quarters. 704 DOWNTOWN CAFE $6800 caters to working men. Doing a good paying business. Counters and booths. Some terms. 706 AUTO COURT $10,000 will get possession of an auto court that win net $boo a montn in winter. $11,000 in tourist season. Near Salem. 720 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Ph 9303 cdSfl" COFFEE 'SHOP. APTrOPPORTUNITY HOUSE AND bus. bldg. $650 income per mo. prospect. Priced to sell. In diversi fied agricul., lumbering town. Fred An derson. 753 Mill St.. Sheridan. Ore. cdS9 FOR SALE: Service station downtown. Good business. Well stocked and equip ped. Long lease. Total price $4850. Box 377, Capital Journal. d59 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO BUY: Motel. 3, 3 or 4 unit. Must be less than (10,000. On Highway 99E, north If possible. Want to manage motel for rent of place to live. Fam ily of 4. Contact me at C. E. Cole, Salem. Gen. Del. cd61 113,000 APT. HSE. close in. 5 apts., bath for each, furnished, sawdust burner, fur nace, rent under OPA (165, Terms. APT. HSE. 3 apts. furnished, close to bus, gas heat throughout, rent Jlo5, Price 11.830. MELVIN JOHNSON 349 N. Cottage St. Ph. 3723 cd61 A WISE INVESTMENT THIS DOUBLE house of five rms. each both have 3-bdrms. and bath, splendid location close to Hollywood, basement r.d furnace Rents for (80.00. live in one, rent o'her at $40.00. $7900.00, te.ms at 4 on $3350.00. If interested don't delay. See F O. Delano or Vlck Bros. 29iN.Church. Phone 5710. cd80' INCOME PROPERTY close-In on North Com'l. Large house with 5 rooms for owner and 2 furnished apts. Also small furnished houses. Good rental district. Price $11,000. Terms. ROSTEIN St ADOLPH. INC. HO'.i N. Commercial Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 cd59' ANYONE WANTING an ideal place for a Nursing Home, this is it. 8 large rms, full bsmt, furnace. This is one of the best built hses in Willamette Valley, Nice grounds St shrubbery. This hse is modern in every way. Located about 8 mi from Salem on Hwy 99E. $19,000, Good terms. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1549 Eves 9441 cd59 GROCERY it general store in a prosper ous community near Salem. Nice fix tures, good clean stock, living quarters, Priced to sell. Write box 266. Capital Journal. cd59 FURNITURE FOR SALE FIVE ROOMS OF GOOD PRE-WAR FURNITURE!!!! Beautiful 2 pc. wine-colored Living Room Suite $99.15 4 pc. Walnut Bedroom Suite complete with box spring St tune rap ring Malt $139.00 8 PC. Maple Dining Room Suite. .$89.00 Child's Wardrobe $16,75 Blue Daveno in excellent condi tion (59.75 Pair of Twin Beds $25.00 Bookcase, walnut finish 19.75 6 way floor lamp $19.00 Small 7 pc. dining set with 6 'leaves M4.7S Good pre-war chest of drawers $8.50 Odd Walnui buffej $19.75 Nice 3 pc. Walnut Bedroom Suite complete with spg. it malt. $79.00 Library table-desk (9.75 A few good full size renovated mat tresses, each $10.00 BRIGHT-FURNITURE 453 Court Phone 7511 d59' 13 x 15 WOOL rug, daveno set. 2 lamp lames &t lamps, correc table, book case, dining rm. set. Ph. 24631. dfil WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7596 Stale Street Furn 1900 State da WHY TAKE less for your furniture 7 See Rusa Bright. Phone 7511. da HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone ale no h! Woodry Auction Market Ph 8110 da AUCTIONS LANE SUDTELLS COMMUNITY AUCTION WED.. MARCH 12 AT 10 A.M. St 7 P.M. LOCATED l'J MI. E. OF FAIRGROUNDS ON SILVERTON RD. PH. 6098. 5 PIECE bedroom suite, Hnrtman ward robe trunk, chairs, tables, fireplace screens, davenports, uavenos. washing machines. 5-ft. elec. refrig., beds, dishes, canned fruit, stoves and misc. articles. 1 model M Farmall. One Sampson tractor, one 3 bottom 16-ln. Case plow, one 3 bottom 14-ln. Allls Chalmers plow. Cultivators and har rows. Day old and veal calves. 20 head of feeder pigs. Weiner pigs and sows. One milking short horn cow. milking 5 to 6 gals, ner day. Springer heifers. A good selection of other rows, bulls, feeder stock. dd59 FOR SALE IIVESTOCK YOUNG family type Guernsey cow. Just fresh. Rt. 3, Box 588, 1st house s. Liberty school on right. e61 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows Si boars at your farm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandllsh. Rt. 9, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 35th. Phone 8147 ea70 WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. Wilt call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. ea77 RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any furs. West Side Fur Co., West Salem. eb82 WING'S RABBITRY pays highest prices for rabbits. 4 to 6 lbs. 3985 State St. 1 blk. E. of 4 corners. Ph. 109F5. eb60 FOR SALE WOOD FRESH cut sawdust. $8.00 load. Im mediate del. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ec66 GOOD dry 16-in. slab, $8.50 load. Ore gon Fuel Co. Ph, 5533. ee66 TRI CITY FUEL 2 Cord Load $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16' Slab Wood Sz Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONB 6683 We Glvt SAH Green Stamps ee77 4 CORD ON NTTE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB Se EDGINGS. PH. 6683 ee77' 3 CORD LOAD, 16 In. slab St edgings, 18 load. Imm. del. Ph. 5533 Oregon Fuel Co ee72 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block. Double load $30.00. Imm. del. Ph. 346, Yamhill, Ore. ee76 WANTED ALL KINDS of Cattle and Hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. 1650 Lancaster Drive, Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves, ee70 MILL WOOD. $6.00 load. Ph. 5852. ec62a 16 IN. OAK, OLD FIR St maple. Arnold Phillips. Box 261, Turner, Ore. ee61 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab good for furnace Ph 7721 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A DRY WOOD and sawdust. Btove oil and diesel oil. Ph. 2-4031. ee GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 24031. FOR SALE POULTRY YEAR AROUND Cash Buyers St whole salers, poultry, eggs St turkeys. Also North West brand nuality feeds. North West Poultry St Dairy Products Co., 1505 N Front St. Salem. Ph. 7007. 173' BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly In seven varieties. New Hampshlres always available tn chicks Growing pullets, any age. Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery. f FIRST GENERATION ChrlstVNew Hamp shire pullets, day old or started. Boy lngton's, 3710 State Street. Ph. 4969. t CUSTOM DRESSING or chickens nay number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale out specialty Phone 32661 Lee'a Hatchery 1 WANTED HELP WANTED Exp. lubrication man. Good salary, steady work, right party. Wal ter H. Zosel company, Chemeketa and High streets. g61 WANTED: Licensed beauty operator. Part or full time. Phone 25173. SI- YOUNG MAN. age 25 to 35, with check ing exp. & some knowledge of teed business. Must be willing to take over delivery route In St around city. Apply at Marlon Feed St Seed Co., 338 Ferry St., Salem. S9 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY IF YOU ARE a salesman or would like to be. e have three positions open. Av erage earnings ("5-1100 wkly. We teach you, furnish trans. Must be neat, free to travel. Mr. Frailer, Salem Hotel. g61 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint ee Talent Test ad tn Educational Column. a64 GIRL OR woman, general housework, stay nights. 695 N. Liberty. a64' EXF. WAITRESS. Anchor Caft. 3405 60 Portland Rd, Ph. 90S9. j WANTED HELP PRESSER: Experienced preferred. Apply Stayton Cleaners, Stayton, Ore. VACANCY. RAWLEIGH Route hai Just become available south part Polk County. Excellent opportunity. Car Necessary. Write Rawletgh'a Dept. ORC 153-189, Oakland 7, Calif. g80' pi: r mane n tTp ostt i on as building c u todian for public agency. Experience not necessary. Make application, star Ins qualifications, to box No. 279 Capi tal Journal. g62 ARE YOU a former Navy or Coast Guard veteran, with any of tne following ratings? RADIOMAN, ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN'S MATE ELECTRICIAN'S MATE YEOMAN. AVIATION RADIOMAN. OR FIRE CONTROLMAN. IF SO YOU ARE probably eligible for en listment In your old rale at the same grade up to first class. Several other rates a ho open to first class. First as signment In this distrlctl Base pay for nrat class is now $135 per month, n us longevity. You still get the tree medical ana dcuta aid for self and dependents, family allowances and sea duty pay, 20 or 30 year retirement. Your former ser vice counts toward pay and retirement. 20 year retirement now pays $128 per month for life. All pay Is income tax free. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUTURE CONTACT your local recruiting United States Coast Guard stations at Rm. 33, 3601! State St., Salem; P. O. Bldg.. Eugene, Ore FORMER NAVY and Coast Guard Petty Officers. MOTOR MACHINIST MATE. QUAR TERMASTER. STOREKEEPER, CAR PENTER'S MATE, AVIATION RATES, PHARMACIST'S MATES. VACANCIES now exist tor men who held these rates. Army and Marine Corps Veterans also eligible for enlistment. FOR FURTHER information, contact: U. a. oasi uuara recruiting stations at Rm. 32. 3603 State St., Salem, Ore : P. 0.Bldg., Eugene, Ore. g STENO. AND bookkeeper rTomblned" For general office work. Must be perma- ticuL. ovf. iow. apuoi journal. WANTED Young woman with training mi Bewing, interested in learning the tailored slip cover trade. Opportunity nir Ruvanccmem. uooa pav. see Mr, Thomas at Elfstroms drapery dept. 860- WANTED Young man with ear for out side circulation work. Must be a good solicitor. The man for this position will be given the opportunity to ad vance and work his way up In the department. Must have at least high school education. This poslton pavs good wages to the right man. State ae, experience, married or single in first letter to Box 269, Capital Journal. WANTED exp waitress, between 25 St 40 yrs. oia. (40 week, call in person. Brooknook Restaurant, Brooks, Ore, g59 WANTED: Barber, Brooks, Ore. Weekl: guarantee. Ph. Salem 9072. g60 EXP, LADY for fur repair a alterations Price's. 135 North Liberty. c WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE for 1 or 3 children in my home week days. Have 2 Is year old daughter. 520 Kingwood Ave., West Salem. h60 WILL DO job typing In my home. Ex perienced. 520 Kingwood Ave., West Salem. h60 WANT HOUSEWORK by hour. Mrs. Ro- nr-Ker. 1173 S. 15th. h61 CLEANING OR ironing by the hour, by capable woman. Ph. 5657 before noon, hfiO WANTED, by elderly lady: Housekeeping lor elderly gentleman or couple. Call 345 Kearney, h60 PAPE RHA N GIN G b painting. 3199 Broad way. Dave Dehut. h59 CHILD NURSERY Sz kindergarten at my nome, noi s. Lioerty. en. 21866. n6J WILL BOARD children between A St 1. Approved home. Route 4, Box 473. Salem-Dallas highway. b.61 ALTERING St sewing. Ph. 3-6934. PLASTER Contracting. Phone 2-5106. h59 GENERAL hauling. Indepen h59 dence. TOP SOIL St Bar run gravel, Bsmt, ditch ing St general excavation. Bulldoger work. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Ph. 2-4367. h59 FOR GARDEN spading call 35018. h64 CALL 2-2503 for your spring sewing St alterations. All work promptly done. 3155 N. River Rd. h77 WANTED: Garden plowing and discing Garden fertilizer for sale, delivered. Call 50F2, Salem. Hollis Bice. h74 GARDEN PLOWING St disking. Ph. days 189. eves. 2-3957. h73 CABINET WORK, materials for kitchen Bunt-ins. doors, drawers, tamea Duiit or replaced, and other items made to your specifications. Window screens now available. Convenient location, H block from Ladd St Bush. Masterwoods Cab inet Shop. Precision craftsmanship. 164 S. Commercial. Ph. 5596. Free estimates h71 GARDEN PLOWING Se discing. Ford trac tor. Ray Satter. Phone 32504. h70 PLUMBING SERVICE by licensed piumrf- ers, fix a faucet or open a drain. Re pair a leak or make an alteration Prompt attention on both minor A ma jor plumbing problems. Parmenter Plumbing Se Heating. 2360 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 8627 h65 AUTO PAINTING Just h shade better by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 8303 b EDUCATION UNCLE SAM" JOBS! Start $1736-(3021 year. Permanent Appointments, Yearly raises. Veterans get preference. Com mon Education .usually sufficient. Pre pare now for next Oregon examina tions. Sample coaching with' full par ticulars. 32 page booklet on Civil Ser vice FREE. Write today. Box 239 Capi tal Journal. hh59 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or .paint write for Talent Test. (No Fee). Give ase and occupation. Box 236. Capital Journal. hh64 FOR RENT LARGE store room or group office space room, also basement storage. 475 Ferry STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 J61' SLEEPING rooms. Auto. heat. 3131 Center . Phone 25692. J61 SLEEPING room for girls. 992 N. Cottage. J61 SLEEPING ROOM for 2. Man it wife or 1 or 2 women. Bath connecting. Kit chen privilege. No drinking or smoking. 785 N. 20th St. J61 NICE SLP. RM. In quiet mod. home. J60 745 N. Church. LIGHT H.K. ROOM, employed middle aged lady. 645 Ferry. J60 HEATED Sleeping room for girls. Single St a double. 1775 Fir St. i60 FURN. UPSTAIRS sleeping room tor em- Ployed lady. Ph. 6996. 159' Iisr. RM. for employed man. Bus by door. 991 Mill St. J59 SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. Private bath. On bus line. Phone 7739. J59 3 PAINT SPRAY outfits. Ph. 2-4546. J12 ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent. sell. H. O. Push. 681 N. 17th Ph. 4692 J67 GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff FLOOR sander for rent Montgomery Ward. WANTED TO RENT FAMILY MAN needs house by April 15. Will pay 6 mos. or more rent in ad vance. Ph 3-4673. Ja59 VET STUDENT and wife want 3 or 4 rm. apt. Wife working. Ph. 34443. Ja61 OIL CO. employee, wife, 3 mo. old baby. urgently need apt. or house, preferably furn. Ph. 2-5183. Ja60 MAN WANTS private parking place for large, new trailer house. Phone 4141. ja60 3 OR 4 bedroom house, furnished or partly furnished in Salem or suburban. Reliable party, executive with Colum bia Metals Corp., Salem, Ore. Address P. O. Box 269. Telephone 9349, exten sion 2. Ja60 ELDERLY COUPLE must have rooms furnished immediately. E. F. Dorlarque 1I?5 S. Commercial. Ja63 HAVE YOU EVER slept on your relatives hard daveno? Vet and wife desperately need an apt. ox hou. Pa. 1173. JtM WANTED TO RENT SHELL OIL CO. employe needs furn. in!, or furn. house. Phone 8436. JaCJ STATE EMPD cple. urgently need furn. apt. cloie In. Excellent care. Ref. Phone 7033. iatil REWARD: State employee needs 3 bed room unfurnished house. Phone 7033. Jaiil STATE EMPLOYEE urgently needs un furnished 2 bdrm, house. 3 small chil dren. Ph. 3-1041. Ja66 WANTED By gentleman, employed, 3 or 3 room furn. apt. First floor or base ment If possible. Call before I p.m. Hammond Vibbert Elect. Co. ja61 YO UNG WILLAM ETTE U. veteran" an d wife wish small apt. Call 4171, ext. 460, days, and 436'J eves Ja.'i9 LOST AND FOUND FOUND: 3155. LOST: White Maltese poodle dog. Reward to finder. 645 Pine St., or phone 7391. k59 LARGE, BLACK Spaniel, straved from B. Salem. Child's pet. Ph. 21603 before 5. or 1245 Vista Ave. Reward. k59 MISCELLANEOUS DOES YOUR root leak? Use 100 as phalt shingles. Unharmed by any wea ther, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men For FREE esti mate phone 7177. Western Auto Sup Ply Co. m19 "HOME GUARD" Home Insulation pro tects your family against extreme temperatures pays for Itself by saving up to 33'a of your fuel bills. Free Estimates. Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. m19 NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Drcadnaught Sander by hour or day. Western Auto Supply Co. Ph, 7177. m79 PUMICE BUILDING Block. Insulate aa you build at no additional cost. See us for free estimate. 12th St. Block Co. 12th St. at Vista Ave. Call Eves. 8904. m6.V CALL S'ISS for prompt oil burner serv! after S p.m. Call 2-5287. m63' 162 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. $1.00. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m61 VENETIAN BLINDS Laundered expertly. Call us for prompt, efficient service. THE VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY A CLEANERS Phone 6900 m HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See js for free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCES CO 255 N Liberty na HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, dozer work, ditching basement excavation, sand, gravel, crushed rock mason sand con crete mix cement SALEM SAND S GRAVEL CO 1403 N FRON-r ST. SALEM OREGON Phone 9408 or 21924 m DENTAL PLATE REPAnt 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 8311 m" DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment', notice Ph. 5000. m63 FOR SALE (MISCELLANEOUS NEW centrifugal elcr. pump, shallow well. Firtex, 16-ln by 8-fl.. 4-ft. by 8-ft.. some used. Also Shcetrock. Nine squares shakes. Rt. 7. Box 434M, McCain Ave., off Silverton Rd. nfll REMINGTON portable typewriter, 8-pr. mod, walnut dining room suite, like new. Good used davenport and chair. G.E. elec roaster and stand. Elec. vacuum cleaner, table model radio. New metal bunk beds. Rerord cabinets. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N, Summer Terms, Trades, Parking n59 S5 PLYMOUTH radiatorTVrL-2223i7" n61 ROCKHILL Everbearing strawberry plants. W. O. Pounds. Rt. 2, Box 155, Salem, l'.a mi. straight west of Keizer school. n64 FOR SALE: Cocker Spaniel puppies. Phone 2285I! (161 LADY'S SOLID gold top $64 set Ever sharp pen and pencil, S25. Ph. 3804. n64 CURTAINS WASHED and stretched. 3f)5 aoutn a una at, nfl4 ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere In Salem. 6 sacks $5.00 1 ton $10.00 Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY n64 MOHAIR DAVENPORT and chair, 9x12 Axminister burgundy rug. kitchen sink and fixtures, gas water heater. Ph. 6574. n59 40-fW WINCHESTER rifle. Extra barrel snens. inquire 2209 Mill St. aft. 3 p.m. n61 WIIIZZER MOTOR bike. Good cond. Lots ot extras. JH5. pn. 8317. n61 DESKS, $1H to $45. Several to choose" irom. 3035 Portland Rd. ndl PREWAR WALNUT bedroom suite, twin Deas, inner spring mattresses, vanltv, chest. $175. Evenings after 6. 225 S. Lancaster Drive. n6I CRAFTS 51 AN TABLE saw. 1 h p. motor. Kie. l box 166B. 1 mi. W. ot Stayton. n59 USED II i 1! rug. Oriental pattern. J25 rn. boot. nS MODERN SW ING rocker, daveno. Ph. 9615 or call garage house in rear 538 State St. nai MONTAG wood range, colls, water tank? ai cona. sbo. pn. 26662 after S p.m. or Sat.and Sun. 1030 N 21st. n60 PRETTY Duncan Phyfe table, 8 chairsT icnaonaoie. ill. oaiJ. n60 TWO WHITE collie Puppies. Eligible to register. Your choice or three. Excel lent for house pets or stock dogs. Roger Weaver. 355 Park Ave. Ph. 2-1959. n60 NEW A.B.C. Elec. Washer. 481 N. winter" neo 1 SHEET S x 4 X 8 plywood. 461 N. n60 SUITS. COATS, dresses, size 13-14, 481 8 FT. PLATE glass show case. For sale reasonaoie. K.eizer Korner Store. Across from Keizer school. Rt. 8. n60 FOR SALE: Sessions electric clock, air plane design, like new. 635 N. Com mercial. n60 J65O0 CONTRACT 6'i int.. balance from a $l6.o00 sale. Phone 5085. n60 BUERCHER trumpet case. Priced right. Phone 2-5790. n60 APPROX 7000 lbs 16 gauge copper clad incim, iu' id. aieci saw, 3 h.p., 10" blade, 8 ft table, adaptable for either rip or cutoft sawing. Electro-Watt. Inc. Ph. 2-4135. '80 ROME BEAUTY apples, 75c and $1 bit! ouv imctiy. sung ooxes. n60 NEW LIONEL auto, lumber dump car. Law. oo onenon at. pn. 8282. n59' ALL ENAMEL Montag range, polished cacci. oaKCr. Pn. 3-1273. n60 SINGLE Sleep Master mattress. Like new" maw oimmons springs At bedstead, tn gle. 2140 Mill. n6j 2 PAIRS RAYON Brocaded drapes, lined inner nnea, Burgany red is bufr Ph. 8119. n60. OUTBOARD mtr boat 13'i feet long. 36 in. beam, red cedar planking and 3.3 h.p. mtr. North on 99 East to Kickback Serv. sta. at totem pole, turn right I mile, turn left on gravel road. 6 th hse on left. Phone 3-1136. n60 COCKER SPANIEL puppies. Reg. stock. van an. a p.m. n60 5, SO x 16 TIRES. 2 tubes In fair cond. $5. 41 iu a. winter, pn. 6002. n60 PIANO BOXES Heavy construction. Ph! neo SLEEPING ROOM. 710 S. 13th St. SMALL OIL circulator, 1-S room, I3o! co-6-Air electric radiator heater, cost $32; sell $12. 710 8. 13th St. n60 BLUE BILTWELL davenport it chair set. Lixe new. Also occasional chair. Ph. 3108. n5 OOOD COATS, suits, dresses. Size 12 to 14. anoes sire 6'a to 7'. Hats. Very reasonable 1330 Saginaw. nS9 WOOD RANGE, enamel, insulated ven. warming oven, copper coil, reasoaaoie. Ph 8744. nil. FOR SALE: Eureka vacuum cleaner, good conauion. 112.59 Phone 7883. F. R. Birch. 1085 Highland Ave. nS9 (Continued pn Page 11) i