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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1947)
10:. 11:1 "t7 7: 10 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES $5250 WILL BUY : FIVE RM. house close In. Llv. Rtn., Din rm.. 2 bedrms.. sleeping porch, base ment. In business dtst. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Neodham, 341 State St. Room 4, a58" $ifiiM). V A. and new modern 2 B.R. home close In East. Hardwood floor, -Elect, water heater.' Wired for range. .Venetian blinds. Attached garage, Im mediate possession. flUftU. VI A., a good 2 B.R. home on bus. I line South. Immediate possesion. fi'.m. NEW 2 B.R. home on large lot unfinished. Some material to finish. TjT(j .Could be made liveable very ey. u'.t NEAT, attractive late-built home qvj and 1 A. close to Auburn school. This Wired for range. Here is a well-built $,mtt. CLEAN and attractive 2 B.R. home i : 6 yrs. old East, on bus line. Elect water heater, wired for range. Immediate I possess 10 II. J9I.1U. NEW modern 2 B.R. home North ..(With unfinished upstairs. Large lot. Hardwood floors. Oil furnace. Elect, wnler heater. Wired for range. Imme diate possession. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Pli one 4121 Evenings 25561 a60 FOR SALE BY OWNER ft BKDRM. mod. home, newly decorated, 657 N. 20th St. No agents. a58 $500 DOWN $40 A MONTH tnOD !i room unfinished house. Next to city' limits. Park Ave. between IX St. & Market. 247 a58 ATTENTION O. I.'s you CAN Bet a a. I. loan on this new, all electric home. Hardwood floors. Full .bath, Excellent kitchen. Really good. 58950. 248 REIMANN REAL ESTATE (.201 S. High Ph. 9203 a58' VERY PLEASANT LOTS OF LIVING AT THIS PRICE $6850 t BEDROOMS, largo living room and klt "ciien with fine built-ins. Full bath. Ransce, circulator and floor coverings 'bo. Beautiful yard. Oood surroundings, 'Possession right away quick. It's good. '225 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. H.jh Ph. 9203 a FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT 4 BL'DRM. older type home, fireplace, oil furnace, double plumbing, larcc lot. .. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St Photic 24793 aGO ' NEAR SWEOLE SCHOOL 8 RM. hotne on 1 acre of Kod soil, elec. "water system, elec. h.w, heater, Vene tian blinds. $2500 down, total price, $7400. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET '433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a60 A FINE 3 bedroom home, hardwood floors, full basement, spacious rooms, lots of built-ins and linen space. A modem homo In every way. Oarase attached. Immediate- possession, $12,000.00 with , terms. A FINE 4 bedroom home In North Salem. Bus by the door. Hardwood floors in , living room and dining room. Full base vincnt, corner lot. Oarage. Immediate possession. To be sold at a sacrifice price. Call at once on this one. WE HAVE other good listings also. Call at your convenience. , McFARLANE is RAWLINGS . REALTORS , LOANS is INSURANCE ;Phone 6732 2115 State St. a58 $xii(li. NEW. 5 lee. rms. Plus utility rm. Plenty of closet space it built-lns. At tached gar. V. blinds. Weatherstrlpped tiiroiiRiiout, cms floor lurnace. Sec a 1385 Baker or call 4505. a58 NEW"HOUSE. $5000 VJiRY EASY terms may be arranged to right party. Near y f n shed but eludes some materials (now livable). Bus is school close. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 a58 ,70i) TERMS. Bus As Sch. close. fl7m 11 RMS. 2 lots lin valley town) Almost like rent to right party. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE '172 S. Liberty . Ph. 7113 a58 BY OWNER. New npaclnusra7ichstylo .nome, uuu icet oi flour space, living, ..dining, kitchen, lots ot bullt-lns, 2 bedrooms, utility, larao bath, attached garage, oil floor furnace. Insulated and .weiithrrstripned. hardwood floors, elec tric hot water heater, one block from bus. Will go G.I. 3265 Knox Ave, .blocks N. of Center, 1 block E. .Park. a5B N. CAPITOL ST. ENG. -TYPE home, 0 rms., I bdrm. down, 2 up, hdwd. firs., cozy brkfst. rm., fire place, auto-oil heat, wired for elec. range, elec. h.w. heater, fenced-in yard. Priced to rpII at $12,000. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 858 " OA. HOMES LOCATED SOUTH In good district. New s rm. nomes with unfin. upstairs, hdwd. flrs., elec. heat, many bullt-lns, plenty of closet space. Large utility rms., elec. h.w. heater, garane attached. Price $8.--000. close to schools and bus. Call G. H. Orabenhorst. with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS .134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Evca. 7772 n58" CO U NTH Y 11 0 ME DUTCH COLONIAL, 4 bdrms., double plumbing, spacious rms. throughout, auto-oil heat, rumpus rm. in basement, dble. BarnBC outside fireplace, beauti ful grounds. Close to schools and bus. ' Call Coburn L. Grabcnhorst, with , ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 413U Eves. 7772! a 581 MODERN HOME BEAUTIFUL HUNGAI.OW-stylo home. 6 ,rms. with small den. 3 nice bedrms. nawa. urs. tnrouBhnut, elec. heat, elec, walcr heater. Fireplace, lots or built ins As closet space. Tile bath. Covered .j'utio. Double garage, '.-j A. of ground. .mi una mir. ijook mis over. . Call G. H. Grnhenhorst. Jr., with f ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2048 j a58 3UBURBAN HOME LOOK THIS over, beautiful mod. 5 rm (home Willi approx. 1 A. of armmH 41 cherry irees. 2 walnuts, (niraiie, paved "n-iiii, vn pus nnc. rnce 310.000. ' Cnll o. H. Gralienhorrt, Jr., with GRAnENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-20-18 ' a.i8 HOME BARGAINS MOD. fl RM. home located N. Hdwd. firs $1 bedrm. down, 2 up. Largo rms., base (ment, sawdust heat, larso lot. Let mc .show you this home. It's a real value. I'i'ice JUi.liOO ff'RH. HOME located N.E., all on one nr.. .bHAomnit, furnace, unfin. attic. ExtrB ,ioi. uooa location A bargain at $7500. I Call O. H Orabenhorst, Jr.. with . CiRAIlKNHOnST BROS., REALTORS 1,134 S, Liberty 31, Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-2048 a 58' N. summer" RT. y drcnrnied. Can he bought furnished. ' Cnll Dale L. Shepherd, with GRAniCNHORST BROS.. REALTORS '131 3. Liberty St, Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 afifl i S. SALEM ejlIlltM. bitng.-lypo home, 6 yrs. old. in ,vrry excell. cond.. hdwd. firs, through out, 2 fireplaces. Venetian blinds, auto il heat, c oso to schools. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. t Call Dale L. Shepherd, with ! ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS .134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457! ! a;8 ' MODERN HOME BEAUTIFUL MOD. home, 6 large apaclou: this,, j norms., dble. plumbing, full wnnf-iiu-in. ou neat, nreplace in base ment, living rm. and dining rm, are VHipeted. Truly a beautiful home in a line location. Cor. lot, nice view, dou- u. hbhihf. otii Tina TODAY. YOU s Call Ot. H. Orabenhorst, Jr., with I GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS o.i4 s. Liberty St. Ph. 4131, Eves. 2-394R J BAB . view"homb" BEN VISTA Park late-bullt 5 rm. home Vtln el. heat, 2 nico bedrms., fireplace rouble garane, cor. lot 70 x 100 ft. Jinmrd Possession. J c'l Richard Orabenhorst, w th .ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS r34 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131. Evea. 3-5089 . . a58 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. I Oregon, Saturday, Mar. 8, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 HOUSE HUNTING ISN'T EASY. CAN WE HELP YOU? EXCEL. OLDER type hse., fully Insulated close in, $5850. COZY, CAPE Cod, newly decorated, well built, $5500. NEW, 3 B.R. home, corner window, kit chen, elec. fireplace. $6900. 8 B.R. home, basement, fireplace, Vcn. blinds, reduced, jh;iuu. NEWLY DECORATED, 2 B.R. home,, full basement, plus Income of $65 mo. from ant. in back A good Investment, $9500. OWNER LEAVING! 3 B.R. home, plaster ed, hdwd. firs,, fireplace, full basement, paved .its. nice lawn, outdoor fire- .000. i1 dlst. 3 B.R. home, lge, L.R., nice D.R. is Nook. hdwd. firs., nice fireplace, full basement, utility rm. at j den. Price 913.750. I B.R.'g and den Dbl. plbg., near high school. Price $15,000. Salesmen; "Habby" Habemlcht Myles Henderson Phone 24682 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 a60' FOR SALE: Modern 2-bcdroom house, hot water heater, oil floor furnace, attach ed garage, $7500.00. Phone 2-5203. a60 BEAUTIFUL TRACTSTiiisside of Keizer school. Just put on the market, as low as $525 each. W. G. KRUEGER, REALTOR Ph. 4728 147 N.Conimercial St. a50 BY OWNER: 4 rm. house, Elec. water heater. New apt. size elec. range. Con venient kit. Nice butlt-ins. IV ac. land. Beautiful building site overlooking Polk county hilb. 2 ml. from city center on! S. River rd, 55000 cash. Ph. 8800. from! 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' 7RM. MDN. home In Sllvcrton. 3 rm. apt. and cabin to rent, 4 rm. apt. for owner. 2V-i a., shrubs, fruit, nuts, blclgs. $8500. 908 Reserve St. a69 SIK0O 3 BEDROOM plastered house, with L.R.. D.R. and Kit. All on one noor. An extra lot goes with the place. Located East near slate hospital. This Is an older type home in pood condition. R OSTEIN ii ADOLPH, INC. 110'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 858' OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1 TO 4 P.M. 1845 NO. COTTAGE ST. VERY LOVELY 2 bedroom home, large liviiiK room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bath, hardwood floors through out, Venetian blinds, lots of closet space., trumn ood finish, wired for range. elect, water heater, elect, furnace with air conditioning and germicidal lamp, full basement, attached garage, fine lawn is shrubs. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE Phone 7327 a.iB' i BEDROOM house located East Just off Center St. Hardwood floors in L.R. D.R. 1 block to bun. Nice lot with shade trees. Immediate possession Price $8500. FAIRGROUNDS ROAD B room house with full basement, wired for range, electric water heater, House Is located on the lot in such a manner that a small business building can be built facing Fairgrounds Road. A good buy for $7500, JUST LISTED Modern 3 bedroom house located North. 17 x 21 L.R. with fire place, D.R., hdwd. floors, wired for range. Full basement with furnace. Ex cellent condition. Price $10,500. ROSTEIN is ADOLPH, INC. 110li N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 a59 EXCLUSIVE LISTINOS NEW S BR HOME, cpmb. LR is DR. Kit, utility. Batii, att garage, oil fir. lurn, elec. W. heat, hwd firs, 5 apple trees. 65x150 lot, close to Leslie and McKlnlcy schools. Should go G.I. Located at 265 Fairvlcw. Reduced for quick sale. Price $B250. 'J UK USE, furnished. Incl. elec. range, refrig, wash, mach, and many other items. Room in front to build another hse. located at 1026 Elm, West Salem. Reduced to $4500. CUTE 3 ROOM Garage House, nicely fin ished, wired for elec. range, elec. W heat, on good lot. located at 1375 Frank lin, W. Salem. Prico $4300. HANSEN'S REAL ESTATE Plionc 2-4566 971 EdKCWatcr St, a58' SPECIAL Sh;hiii. :i bdrms on one floor. Large llv im, din rm, kit, bath. Hwd firs In LR & D rm, fireplace, sawdust furnace, Richmond district. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 3703 Eves. 9441 59' atom. 2 BDitM"iibME"wrtirinifin attic? LR, Din rm, kit, bath, full flu. bsmt, pipe furnace, elec wtr heater, large lot, well located. Immed poss. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY j Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 EvcSi 8441 a5fl n::on. nice ft km home-witnrunbsint ! 3 blks from Englewood sch. $2000 down, bal $50 mo. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY I Realtois 341 Chemeketa St. I Ph. 3793 Eves. 2-5260 a59 WHno. 3 BDRM home on Ig lot close" In norm, uouoie garage. A good buy. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3793 Eves. 2-5200 a59' A REAL NICE 2 bdrm home in best loca tion, jusi 4 blks rrom Leslie Jr Hi, Hwd Moors, basement, sawdust furnace, Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtor 341 chemekota St. P1,L!I,? Evcs 2-5200 aSO' 5(10110. NEAR CATHOLIC sch. Nice clean rm couage. on circ heat. Tills is the choice of location. Call OMER, HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 2-1549 Eves. 2-5001 a59 $13,000. NEAR 17th As Market. Lovely llv rm with fireplace ie hwd floors, din rm. kit, 3 bdrm dn, unf attic. Frplc in bsmt rumpus rm. Well landscaped grounds. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Pl2-1519 EVCS. 2-5091 a3 OPEN 2 TO 3. 601 cierthAve..' West Sa lem. Owner leaving town, homey 2 bedroom home with reasonable down payment, oil furnace, automatic hot water. immediate possession. a59 BY OWNER: a Mrrn7Hvlng 'r"rnTnook, i kit., utility rm. One rental. Lot liin Sonic trees 1339 Franklin, West I Salem. a59 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS uy OHM.R; 3 bdrm. home, 6 yrs. old. dble. garage, oak floors throughout, fireplace, auto, oil heat, elec. h.w., dbln. plumbing, full basement, 2 Irge lots or HouuL i a. tieautmu view, $17,500 Shown by appointment oniy, Ph. 8293, a60 FURNISHED. SUBt)hHAN7iRnnn SMALL 'i bedroom suburban home, about o years oia, narawood floors, elec. wav ilt urntnr, wircn lor range, complete ly rurnished for $5000, i acre of land, located Just South of town, sub. bus service. LEE OHM ART it CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 96H0 t BUSINESS ZONE room homi .i bedrooms, gas heat and gas water heater, lot is 55 x 74. only 3 blocics irom city center. Future business pos sibilities. 6750. LEE OHM ART ,fc CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 0680 a JUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN LOCATED ON main road, suburban bus service each hour, a modern 2 bed room home, about 5 vrnr nlrf ha. u blinds, elec. water heater, lot Is 66 x 105 well landscaped, very neat and LEE OH MART & CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 $.800. KKIZLR. j a., partly furnished 2 B.R. home. hdw. floors in L.R. and dinette, nice kitchen, all elect. You will ji-o una nomc. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd Phone 3255. Eves. 8415 ar8 W EST SALEM. SIX RoomsT' all on" "one floor, 3 B.R. fireplace, full bsmt,, wir ed for range, new paint, new roof. $6950. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3355.Evfs, 7057 a58 VERY SUBSTANTIA"!. Iinll SK GOOD DISTRICT, well landscaped lot. large fir trees. Extra large living rm.. fireplace, dining rm., hdv. floors, 3 bedrms., bath, modern kitchen, Vene tian blinds, shown by appointment. $11,750. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hlah St. Phone 24793 a5ft Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES $5000 EAST Vt acre new 2 B.R. home, modern with shower, wired lor range, elect, water system, close to bus. Don't wait on this one. Call today, SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd Phone 3255. Eves. 7057 a58 SI0O0 B.R. bungalow, bath, L.R,, K.t llr floors. Terms 3 walnut trees and holly tree McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 Evenings 4937-9340-7163-6901 a58 $510. 2 B.R. bungalow, bath. L.R.. K.. nook, composition roof, oil circulator, I car garage, close to bus and school, gas range goes with house and oil tangs. McKILLOPS REAL ESTATE 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 Evenings 4937-9340-7163-6901 a58' BiMO TWO story house. 3 B.R.'s upstairs. u easement, bath, L.R.. K cooking ana water heating, electric, now rent ed. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 Evenings 4937-9340-7163-0901 a58' ifl.WO. 2 B.R bungalow, plastered inter. lor. fir floors, bath. L.R., D.H., K., oasement. i car sarase. immediate pos session, fruit and nut trees, nice yard ana snruos McKXLLOPS REAL ESTATE 189 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 Evenings 4937-9340-7163-6901 a 58 S7M0, 2 BEDROOM bungalow, bath, L.R.. K.. nook, Venetian blinds, basement, wash tra-s hwd. and fir floors, fire place, plastered interior, double garage, fruit room attached, fenced-in back yard. Will sell electric range extra. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 Evenings 4937-9340-7163-6901 a58 NEW MOD. HOME by owner. Keizer dlst. p" SB""- Rea. 2165 N. Church. aGO IfliiOO, R RMENoTty pe. f uli basement attic, dble. garage. Ph. 5188. a S3 S70HO OWNER LEAVING. Two bdrm.. large living room, kitchen with nook, large garage, 5 English Walnut trees, city bus In front of door. $5750 2 BDRM. home, turn., north. Own er leaving town. This is good turn. This house Is priced to sell quick, so don't wait. $12,300 BUYS this lovely view home, built 1 yr., elec. heated, Insulated, most mod-1 t-rn kitchen, double plumbing, 2-car garage, bus In front of door. 10 ACRES of strawberries in Keizer dlst. These are certlf'ed plants, first good year. Don t wait, come and see us. SSSiHi 2 BDRM. home closcto Richmond scnooi. iidw. floors, fireplace, full base ment. Im. poss. Easy terms. $4000 2 BDRM. home south, close to school and bu; Im. poss. Easy terms, $G;.1Q BUYS THIS 2 bdrm. home in Keizer dlst. Elec. water heater, close to school, im. poss OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'J St. Ph 4500 Eve. 25830 a50' BY OWNER, New 2 bdrm. homo East, Plastered, partly furnished. Ph. 2-5097, a59 HOUSES $1000 DOWN. 5 rm unfinished hse. At tached gar Modern const. i'i A. with trees. Paved rd. 1 mi. out. City water Bus. OLSON & REEVE. REALTORS 945 a. Com'l. Ph. 4590; eve. 9536 a60 5K.-)(i. NICE 2 B.R home, bungalow style, oatn, Jj.k. U.K., k., hwd. floors, plas tered Interior, basement, automatic oil heat, double garage, immediate posses sion, McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 Evenings 4937-9340-7163-6901 a58 $unr;i. TWO bedroom bungalow, bath. .it U.K., k., Venetian blinds, full basement, trays, electric cooking and water heating, garage, House 7 years old. hwd. floors, fireplace, plastered in terior. Terms 14 down and balance at McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8820 EvenmEJ 4937-9340-7163-6901 a58' PHONE US OR COME IN, WE HAVE vi i Y kiaiMNUS, SUBURBAN, FARMS, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. LOTS. AND ACREAGES. NOW IS THE TIME IU C1KT FARMS INTO SHAPE FOR PROFIT ON CROPS. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High Phone 5131 or 8020 Jivenings 4037-0340-7163-6901 a5B' BY OWNER: Unfinished house wfth wln- auws, sningiea roor with bathroom fixtures at cost. Call 7859, West Salem. a61 7 ROOM HOUSE, dble garage, woodshed, nuu, ut;nifa m zoi Moninoutn St., In dependence. Ph. 41 before 6 p.m. a61 FOR SALE by owner: Mod. 2 bdrm. home. wn. ui.r. mmcnea gar. priced lor 1mm. sale. Can be shown any time. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call 2-3612. fl58. PARTLY FURNISHF.n house In Stayton, wiuKun in ijeari or growing city, con sisting of 5 room house, 4 lots 50x100. Ideal for one who wishes to Invest for Income, within 30 miles of Detroit dam A road construction. Priced at $6000 3rd street frontage near public, high it parochial schools. I( interested write E. B. Watters. 823 Pearl. AdL. li. Kit. gene, Ore. aez MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages io d n van ror details. BYRKIT St POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phone 8937 a FOR SALE LOTS BUSINESS SITES NORTH COM'L. St. 50 X 130 ft. No. 3 .one. i-rice iujuu SOUTH ISTH St. 50 x BO ft. No. 3 zone. punier oi urice s in no. south I2TH st.-J2 x ioo ft. No. 3 zone. Corner lot. price $3500. SOUTH l';TH St. 124 X 160 ft. No. 3 li cit-, bor ipi- inr. i-prni'4. south i-rni St. 200 X 140 ft. No. a zone. Corner lot. Terms. SOUTH 11TII St. 100 x 100 ft. No. 3 zone Price $3500 SOUTH IITH St. 50 X 100 ft. No. 3 zone. Price S1500. i,"u, x au it. No. 3 zone. rill, i JJUU Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty. St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 777: aa38 BY OWNER: City lots, near Englewood school, $700 ii up. Easy terms. Ph. 7805. aa59 OWNER HAS Bought a ranchT"MusV'sell his beautinu New Home at 395 South 24th street W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR ...Pll-J738. 147.N' Commercial St. an5B S-.'.MHI. GOOD LOTS next to R R. Suit- able Tor warehse, etc. Paved st. Call OMER, HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY 5i"UoOI!r.. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1549 Eves. 2-5091 aa59 FOR MARION COUNTY'S outstanding ViV a ' uicKson s Market, m oi-. uiu-Dii auo vi)K, then 2si south on old 99E to DeWitt stun iu or more, at money saving prices and easy terms. Beautiful srenlc views, fine ., in inuuuuuon. rnone 6355 eves. aa61 .. lot: S725. Pavement, side- "Kins, water, dus. school ( blocks away. Call between 4 and 6 p.m. LOT IN BUSINESS zone. 80 x 275TraiN wbu tiu tjiru sireei. S3SU0. PH. 3-5024 aa60 I BEAUTIFUL restricted lot In khm, 108 x 148 Has 9 walnut trees, placed natii, ivi ouiiaing. Pine oo it. st, ironi. priced to sell by owner. 1380 North 17th. .;, FOR SALE FARMS JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR , ourt Phone 7696 I A. No. NEW 4 rm. hse., att. gar. good rn, an yr. crccK through property. Suitable for, sub-division, $16,000. I A. W. Oood berry ground U A. Boy- smoerriesp, good 4 rm. hse.. wired for JUST A 3 rm. Use.. BUT a verv frnnri FARM! 53 A. Win. silt, 30 A. cult.. 16 A. R.A. cherries, interset with wal nuts, 4 A. filberts. Nut dryer, tractor equip. Land could be sub-divided. Price $12,500. llS for proflt"Wa farms in the How. Call Henry Torvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 453 Court Res. 25141 Ph. 7696 b60 NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUY a farm or acreage olwk our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson it Nelson, Mason lo Bldi., Ph. 4419. b FOR SALE FARMS FIVE ACRES LOCATED ON 99E South about 300 ft. frontage. See ALLEN JONES or MRS. NEEDHAM. 341 State St. Call for Ernie Miner. b58 FOR SALE: $0800. 6'4 acres prune trees. pears, apples it cherries. 48 walnuts is some filbert. 6 room partly furnished house. Electric water 6s bath. 3 nice cabins. 13 x 20 chicken house. Barn with room for 2 cows is team. Oood well with automatic deep well pump. Im mediate possession of house 6s place. Corners grade school. 6 mi from city, centers on paved road. South from Sa- icm on uuis. Teke right hand road at Dickson's store to Sunnyside school, turn right and go west 100 yds. b63 APPROXIMATELY 5 ACRES MODERN i BDRM house, several out buildings, all land in prunes, plums, cherries 6s apples. Located In Dallas city limits. City water & lights. This is a real buy at only $6000. Call for Mr. isaax. M. O. HUMPHREYS At, CO.. REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd Ph. 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-45BS b59 "C" KILGORE SPECIAL! SPECIAL! HURRY FOLKS if you wish a bargain in an excellent 24 A. modern farm, fine location, good soil, all In crop and fruit, 5 A, prunes 3 A, cherries. Very good 3 bedroom home, completely furn ished with new modern furniture. Bath, new plumbing, wired for range, elec. water system. Big barn, garages, ma chine shed, other out buildings, all in good repair. New tractor and disc. Un expected other business demands own er's full attention. Priced to sell quick, below actual value. Possession at once. This is one of the best diversified farms In the valley. We know it's a money matter, iriceo at only $15,000. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Ph. 4855 2342 S. Commercial St. b59" 56 ACRE DAIRY Vt MILES from city limits northeast, 7 room modern home, 30 jc 45 modern milking barn, dbl. garage, poultry house, machine shed, hog house. 15 cows milking. 2 heifers, bull. Surge milker, tractor, plow, roller, hay chop per, harrow, drill, etc.. all equipment and stock goes, everything to start right in. Priced right. SULLIUAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eve. 24479 b58 BARGAIN. GOOD stock, sheep and dairy iaim, utf a. Easr on pavement, close to scnooi. 75 A. in cult., bal. timber and past. Some old growth fir. Well fpncprf everlasting spring with 4000 rt. or l'-j-inch pipe. Water and elect, to all bldirs. Old 3-B.R. home, fire place, oatn, wired Tor elect, range. Phone, good 2-car gar., family orchard, 12-stanchion barn, machine shed, con crete floored poultry hse. Grass seed netted $4500 last year. Ideal strawberry sou aome oouom land. Sle.500. LARSEN HOME is LOAN CO. 164 S. Com'l. Ph 8389. Eve. 7440 b58' FOR SALE ACREAGE DRASTICALLY REDUCED 3 ACRES suburban property, acre bea ver dam. Everything goes on this one. 5 rm. hse. with fireplace, completely furnished. Tractor, farm tools, hand tools, family cow. 74-ft. well, elec, pump. Several outbldgs. Family or chard and berries. Enough cord wood cut for 2 years. Full price $9,500, re duced from $11,000. M O. HUMPHREYS ic CO.. REALTOR 2286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 bb60 ACREAGE WEST OF SALEM MODERN 5 rms. and'ground, walnut trees, $8500. Terms. ' fl RMS. and bath, trees. $5700. Terms can he arranned. These Join and' can be bought together. , WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 bb58 2 ACRES BERRIES PLUS ABOUT '4 acre for bldg. site with lo-n, i roniuRe on pavement. $1800, WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 bb58 TEN-ACRE HOMESITE ALL UNDER cult., fine view of valley, mtns. and city, excellent berry and fil bert soli, drilled well. Price $3500. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst, with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eve. 7772 hb58' FOR SALE: Vi acre land with 57 foot move wen, located on E. Garden road, near Swegle school. Bus line, gas line. Two stores close by. A good buy. In quire at Chefs store, or see Earl Tuck er, mile s of store, 7th house on road. Cash buy. bb63 ABOUT SIX ACRES, river bottom garden lano, near Jefferson. $3400. Lawrence Edholm, Broker, U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg.. Albany, Oregon. Phone 45. bb62 JWHIO. fl BDRM plastered home with xjin rm. K.H, natii. full fin. bsmt. fur nace, 1 acre east on pavemt. A good ouy. van Kay DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 3703 Eves. 9441 bb59 t'.4 ACRES on Hollywood Dr. with 5 room nouse. l.r... D.R.. Kit.. 2 bedrooms & utility room. Good water system, gas rooking. Garage, chick, house, barn. rruit, nuts & berries. On bus line, good suburban home for S8000. ROSTEIN & ADOLPH, INC. HOla N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 hboO' t AC. NEW 2 rm. house is bath. Wired for elec. range Ae water heater, elec. heat. $3950. 1025 Monroe Ave. bb58 ACREAGE WE HAVE two good buys In small acre ages. One 10 A. truck farm all equipped with garden tools such as cultivator, sprayers, scales, iz everything you need to work place. 2 hses. One 5 rm. Pull basmt it fur. One large 2 rm with bath Ac toilet. Deep well. Spring. Overhead Irrigation system Variety of market able fruit. Owner is sick, must sell. Pull price tbooo THEN i A. which Is a nice small acre age close to school, near store and blks off paved rd. Family orchard. Com fortable 5 rm hse with bath & toilet Telephone. Also has small hse. Good barn & chicken hse. Spring. This own er has eone to Calif, and savs sell Price S6500. Both places located about t.j ml. s.w. Salem. OLSON iz REEVE. REALTORS D45 S. Com'l. Ph. 4590; eve. 9536 bb60' sr.. -in a. mostly timber. located 7 S good home needs some finishing uooo nnrn on place. Priced right. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd Phone 3255. Eve. 8415 bb58 .AHCiE NEWLY redecorated home locat ed east on 2 A.. 1 B,R. down. 4 up. Nice Kitchen and nook, very large L.R. it D.R. Full basement with furnace, land surveyed tor subdividing. Priced righl at $12,300. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS .3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255. Eves. 8415 bb58' SUBURBAN HOME MODERN HOME built In 1945. 2 bed rooms, one very large, kitchen, din ing room, bath, utility room, ,i base ment, furnace, fireplace, large garaae. small barn, chicken house. 16 acres. aoout 7 in cultivation, balance in tim ber, 3'i miles from down town. Plums, prune, apples, cherries, pears and wal nuts. Price S12.000. Easy terms. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eve. 24479 bb58' 14 PLUS ACRES NORTH. 3's cres boy senberrles. 3 acres strawberries. 1 4 acres 8 year filberts, 3 acres cherries, very easy terms. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd, Phone 3355. Eve. 24479 bb58' ACRE SUBURBAN 5 MILES east of down town, 3 bedrooms. large living room, dining room, kitchen, utility, 2 baths, hardwood floors, plas tered. S basement, barn, chicken house, rabbit hutches, garage. Well worth the $11,000 asked. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3353. Eve. 34479 bbS8' REAL ESTATE APARTMENT HOUSF. good Income prop erty near Stale House and University, on bus line, $13,000. Will grant aome terms. I HAVE a number of 9 and S bedroom homes priced to sell. For particulars CALL R. H. COPPOCK, REALTOR 210 Oregon Bldi. Ph. 8902-5314 C&l I REAL ESTATE IN TOWN ALMOST ONE ACRE, 3 bdrm. home, one floor. Full oasement, lurnace, laundry trays, city utilities, barn, chicken house, ga rage. 12,700. 804 ( ABOVE WEST SALEM THIS spacious but not large country iiuine is ia mm. irom L,aaa & Bush bank, one acre, 4 bedrms., tile in kitchen. The full basement has ga- ise. une luniHce, snop ana playroom. Gracious living for $9500. 805 COUNTRY CITY 3 MILES N.E. of Salem, 5 acres, 1 acres producing filberts. Very pleas ant 3 bedrm. home. Up to date oil furnace, fine utility room, desirable bath, on pavement. Bus by the door. $12,500. 16 DAIRY FARM 15 ACHES, cleared and fenced, 10 Jer sey and Guernsey cows, 19 stanchion barn, 30 tons hay, 3 other farm bldgs.. 1 McCormick-Deering milk mach., 5 room home. $0500. $4000 downs. 821 YES OUT OF THIS WORLD , THIS NEW home is so unusually unique and beautiful. It is difficult to de scribe, 3 bedroms, two fireplaces, verv spacious rooms. All electric, even the furnace. Sun porches. $24,000, 315 MR. NU-COMER, MOVE RIGHT IN NO FURNITURE needed. This 4 bdrm. is completely furnished, electric range. Maytag washer, furnace heat. $2100 down. $50 a mo. $6000, 317 CLOSE-IN NORTH ONE OF THE older, but verv livable nomes, ? oarms., cnna s playroom, sun room, urepiace, generous closets, hdwd. floors, full bsmt., auto, oil furnace, $0000. 320 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS MARVELOUS VIEW EVERYTHING you could possibly expect fio.ouu. oarms. iui REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Ph. 9203 c58 NELSON NEWS GOOD. CLOSE IN N., $9500 SUBSTANTIAL plastered home with large L. R.. D. R., Kit., nook, "oath, utility rm.. 3 bdrms. it den, all on 1st fir., hwd. firs., fplace, full basmt., auto, oil furnace, garage, large lot, near schools is on bus. 3 BDRMS.. ENGLEWOOD A GOOD substantial home with hwd. firs., fplace, L. R., D. R., Kit., bath, 3 bdrms.. elasscd-ln dinette with view of nicely landscaped backyard with outdoor fplace, fish pool is patio, full basmt.. oil furnace, attached garage, on bus, near school 6s stores. Priced to sell. $11,600. CHOICE CROISAN CREEK TRACT ' 5 AC. with unfinished 1 story home on excellent tract, very suitable for subdividing. $5200. HOME is INCOME OFF WALLACE RD, 5 AC. exceptional garden soil, new 2 bdrm. home, garage, chicken house, pump is fruit hse., 2',i ac. excellent f yr, peacnes. jbboo. SUBDIVIDE ON WALLACE RD. 23 AC. Willamette silts all cultivated, Just tunes irom cuy, win Denent from uivision at. nridge, only $500 per acre, ideal for building contractors and sub dividers. IF THESE do not meet your requirements tell us what you want. We probably have it listed. We now have more man aou rarms and acreages. NELSON it NELSON Chet I. Neii-on Thco. G. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg.. 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622 . Eves. 21350 c58" LEO N. CHILD8.INO REALTORS OWN YOUR OWN REAL VALUE In this well-located subur- oan nome; near bus and store; 4 rooms and nook; built-ins, plumbing, and wa ter system. Largo lot. For quick sale $3800 cash $2000. SPECIAL in a good residential district. Well arranged 3-room cottage; built ins: fireplace. Price onlv 147Rn. $,ono 6-room home. Good foundation: new roof; double garage. On bus line, close to school and store. This will sell quick; call us -NOW. DISTINCTIVE RANCH TYPE. Large liv ing room with fireplace; dinette; 2 spa cious bedrooms with wardrobe closet.? bath with tub and stall shower. Kitchen I and bath finished in coIo-Mle. rctn heat; completely Insulated. Nicely land scaped. $12,600. Call for appointment. 1V4 ACRES very good soil; neat 2 bedroom home; large garage; pump house, with new ciec. water system. Near bus line. $4000 $1500 down, balance $25 a month. I ACRE adjoining city limits. Laree. three-bedroom home; living room with fireplace; dining room; kitchen with many num-ins; lull basement. Good barn. $9900 (terms) and the keys are yours. CALL or SEE James B. Hartman or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners' 344 State St. Ph. 9261 c59 $3700 FULL PRICE 4 RM. unfin. hse. North on 2 A. ground $4500 FULL PRICE NEW HSE. on U A. ground. N. $1000 down will handle, easy terms. $450 EXTRA LARGE lot N. $9000 FULL PRICE COMP. FURN 2 B.R. mod. home on 2 A of choice ground. N. New sub-division just across the street. ASK FOR Mr. Carey. M. O. HUMPHREYS St CO., REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. ,7820 zauij i-airgrouna Rd. Ph. 24596 c58' FOR SALE: 120 acres land with piling is poies. rive mi. u. Mill city on Linn Co side. C. D. Johnson. c59 MONEY TO LOAN on ' first mortgages. to can ror detail BYRKIT 6m POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phone 5981 WANTED REAL ESTATE LARGE OR small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 State S Ph. 9261 ca59 WANTED: An apt house or city court, wnn montniy rentals, win trade new home in A-l location. Box 270, Capital Journal. ' ca58 WB ARE in need of good homes to veil In or near Salem If you wish to Ut your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Phone 4131 ea VETERAN'S wife and 3 yr. old daughter in need oi small apt. or house. Phone 2-44 79. FOR PROMPT and courteous service lint your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 555 N. Liberty Phone 7327 ca' A TTENTTON OWNERS OWING to our strategic location on high. way 991 we have commenced to get a "nmoe oi out-or-state Buyers we need tlsMnsf on good farmtf citv homes. -i crease and any kind of a business that you want to sell. We sold over one million dollars in property in 46 and wb win realty appreciate your listings SDTXIVAN REALTY, INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3265: oea. 1447S LIST WITH SALEM TO BELL 'EM. LEM REALTY CO. O. W BARTLETT. HbAXiTOR. 9 N. HIQH ST. PH. 7660. ea NOTICE! If your properly Is for tale rent or exchange, list It with us We nave all kinds cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 3 High St EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE: Good family home for small modern home, close in N.E. No agents. Box 281 Capital Journal, cb60 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MODERN COFFEE SHOP BUS STOP and ticket office on 99E. $12.- 700. 57 seating capacity, stocked and eouippen. nice living quarters, 10 yr. lease. Reasonable rent. Owner said grossed $50,000 in 1945. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 cd58 WAREHOUSE it COLD STORAGE PLANT EQUIPPED for fruit handling, turkey- Killing, warenouse space, has lull con crete floors, large cold storage space, spur tracks on both sides of bldg. 10, 000 sq. ft. of space. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eves. 7772 cd58a A WISE INVESTMENT THIS DOUBLE house of five rms. each, both have 2-bdrms. and bath, splendid location close to Hollywood, basement and furnace Rents for $80.00, live in one, rent o'her at 140.00. 17900.00. terms at 4 on $3350.00. If Interested don't delay. See F. G. Delano or Vick Bros., 390 N. Church. Phone 6710. od60 RUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME PROPERTY close-In on North Com'l. Large house with 6 rooms for owner and 2 furnished apta. Also 3 small furnUhed houses. Good rental district. Price $11,000. Terms. ROSTEIN it ADOLPH. INC. llOli N, Commercial Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 cd59 FOR SALE: Service station downtown. Good business. Well stocked and equip ped. Long lease. Total price $4850. Box 277, Capital Journal. cd59 ANYONE WANTING an Ideal place for a urauiB nome, tnis is it. S large rms, full bsmt, furnace. This is one of the best built hses in Willamette Valley. Nice grounds & shrubbery. This hse is modern in every way. Located about 8 mi irom aaiem on Hwy B9E. $19,000. uuuu icims. uan au SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 2-1549 Eves 9441 cd59' INVESTIGATE THESE VERY GOOD PAYINO GROCERY PLUS $300 per mo. in rentals. INCOME PROPERTY z diocks rrom City Hall. APARTMENTS SPLENDID returns on price asked. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Ph. 24793 cd58 CLEANING and pressing bus., priced right and making nice profit. Lease and fix tures. $5,000. SULLIVAN. REALTY INC. REALTORS 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; eves. 8415 cd58 HOME, GARAGE, SERVICE STA. and property at Keizer. Lot 75x345. House needs some finishing. Garage includes hu equipment necessary to start bus- except hand tools. Station handles unevron products. This is priced right at $9,500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; eves. 8415 cd58' HIGHWAY FRONTAGE, 431 ft. on 99E North, 2.30 acres all In bearing fil berts, 4 room ranch style modern home completely furn., dbl. garage. This property should Increase In value. $7,800. Excellent terms. SULLIVAN REALTY INC.. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; eves. 7057 cd58 GROCERY 6s general store In a prosper ous community near Salem. Nice fix tures, good clean stock, living quarters. Priced to sell. Write box 266, Capital Journal. cd59 FURNITURE FOtt SALE i BED, lnnerspring mattress like new included with 7 piece bedrm. suite. Ph. 3914. d58 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUR used furniture, Ph 7596 State Street Furn. 1900 State da" WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See kusb urjgnt. pnone 7511. da HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at woodry Auction Market Ph 5110. i AUCTIONS FIRST ANNUAL MARION COUNTY HORSE SALE RAIN OR SHINE SUN. MARCH 9 AT 1 P.M. LOCATED AT LANE SUDTELL'S O O M M UNITY AUCTION, l',i MI. EAST OF FAIR GROUNDS ON SILVERTON RD, PH. 6098. CONSIGN YOUR riding is work horses to tnis sale, we nave a good selection of Palemtnos, sorrels, bays, blacks 6s rid ing stock. Good work horses, Shetland Ponies, one pack burro, new 2 horse trailer. Will haul horses if necessary. Come to this sale is bring your horse with you. IN CASE of rain, sale will be held under cover. dd58 FOR SALE IIVESTOCK 4 YR. OLD PALEMINO saddle mare, spir ited, nut saie. jLOts or style. 3 white socks, with or without outfit. Call Sat is Sun. only. Rt. 6, Box 66H. 114 mi, S. Pen 4 corners. e58 NEW: two-horse trailer selling at Sud tells Auction Sunday, March 9. e58 WILL HAUL your horse to is from Sud tell's Auction, Sunday, March 9. Phone 2-354B. e58 3 FEEDER PIGS. App. Wt. 115 to 125 lbs. eacn. Kt. i, box 148. Sflverton. Lloyd A. Howard. . e58 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows uuard at your iarm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandlish, Rt. 9, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147 Ca70 WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. win can at iarm. write J. I. snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem. Ph. 21348 morn, or eves. ea77 RABBITS WE PAY MORE for rabbit skins or any furs. West Side Fur Co., West Salem. eb-82 WING'S RABBITRY pays highest prices for rabbits, 4 to 6 lbs. 3985 State St. i dik. js. oi 4 corners. Ph. 109F5. eb80 PETS COCKER PUPS for sale. Inquire aft 4:30 .mo. Garden rd. ec58 FOR SALE WOOD FRESH cut sawdust, $8.00 load. Im mediate del. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 6533. ee66 GOOD dry 16-tn. slab. $8.50 load. Ore gon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. e66 TRI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Load $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16' Slab Wood is Edgings Heavy. 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Givt SH Green Stamps , ee77 S4 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB is EDGINGS. PH. 6683 ce77" CORD LOAD. 16 in. slab is edgings, $8 load. Imm. del. Ph- 5533. Oregon Fuel co ee72' INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load $20.00. Imm. del. Ph. 346, Yamhill, Ore. ee76 WANTED ALL KINDS of Cattle and Hogs Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Drive. Salem. Ph, 21345 morn, or eves. ee70' MILL WOOD. $6.00 load. Ph. 5852. ee62' 16 IN. OAK, OLD FIR is maple, Arnold rnuups, box aei, Turner, ore. ec6l BONE-DRY mill wood 16' green slas good for furnace Ph 1 7721 te WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and diesel oil. Ph. 2-4031. GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY 24031 FOR SALE POULTRY YEAR AROUND Cash Buyers is whole salers, poultry, eggs is turkeys. Also Nortn west brand quality feeds. North West Poultry is Dairy Products Co.. 1305 N. Front St.. Salem. Ph. 7007. (73 BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly In seven varieties, new nampsnires always available In chicks. Growing pullets, any age. Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery. f FIRST GENERATION Christy New Hamp shire pullets, day old or started. Boy lngton's, S710 State Street. Ph. 4969. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, ny number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 23861 Lee'a Hatchery f WANTED HELP EXP. WAITRESS. Anchor 3405 g60" Portland Rd. Ph. 9089. PRESSER: Experienced preferred. Apply stayton Cleaners, Stayton, Ore. s60 VACANCY. RAWLEIGH Route has just become available south part Polk County. Excellent opportunity. ' Car Necessary. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ORC 153-189. Oakland 7. Calif. 1 60 PERMANENT POSITION as building cus todian for public agency. Experience not necessary. Make application, stat ing qualifications, to box No. 379 Capi tal Journal. g62 GOOD STENO wanted 38 hrs week. Ph. 6464. g58 WANTED Barber for non-union shop in eaiem. box 373, capital journal, gai WANTED HEM ARE YOU a former Navy or Coast Guard Veteran, with any of the following ratings? RADIOMAN, ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN'S MATE ELECTRICIAN'S MATE YEOMAN. AVIATION RADIOMAN. OR FIRE CONTBOI.MAN IF SO YOU ARE probably eligible for en listment in your old rate at the same grade up to first class. Several other rates also open to first class. First as signment in this dlstrtctl Base pay for first class Is now $135 per month, plus longevity. You still get the free medical and dental aid for self and dependents, family allowances and sea duty pay. 20 or 30 year retirement. Your former ser-l Vice COUntS toward tJnv mri rHrm.nt 20 year retirement now pays $128 per month for life. All pay is Income tax iree. TAKE CARE OF Yrmn PllTriPi: CONTACT your local recruiting United uoast uuard stations at Rm. 33, otaie at., aalem; P. o. Bldg, Eugene, Ore FORMER NAVY and Coast Guard Petty MOTOR MACHINIST MATE.' QUAR TERMASTER, STOREKEEPER, CAR. PENTER'S MATE, AVIATION RATES PHARMACIST'S MATFS. VACANCIES now exist for men who held j "aB ii?a. Army ano Marine Corps FOR FURTHER informfltlon t.-'n S. Coast Guard recruiting stations at rem. auu',3 state St., Salem, Ore.; u. oiuK., Eugene, ore. PART TIME doorman. Apply In person. STENO. AND bookkeeper combined. For Bcucitti wince worg. Must be perma nent. Box 280, Capitol Journal. g WANT LAUNDRESS Also relief cook it ir.ght watch. Hill Crest school. Phone 2'3022- B58" WA NTED Young woman with training in sewing, interested in learning the tailored slip cover trade. Opportunity for advancement. Good pay. See Mrs. Thomas at Elfstroms drapery dept. g60' WANTED Young man with car for out side circulation work. Must be a good solicitor. The man for this position will be given the opportunity to ad vance and work his way up In the uirpai wiiem,. Must nave at least high school education. This positon pays good wages to the right man. State age. experience, married or single in first letter to Box 269, Capital Journal. . g WANTED: Experienced alteration woman j nier roster, phone 7741. g58' MAN GROCERY clerk. Middle aiied ex. perienced in meeting the public. Engle wood Grocery. 975 N. 18th. Tel. 2-1077 after 6:30 p.m. g59 WANTED exp waitress, between 25 is 40 yrs. Old. $40 week. Call In oersnn. Brooki;ook Restaurant. Brooks, Ore. 859 WANTED: Barber. Brooks, Ore. Weekly guarantee. Ph. Salem 9073. g60 EXP. LADY ror fur repair alterations Price's. (35 North Liberty e WANTED POSITIONS WANTED, by elderly lady: Housekeeping for elderly gentleman or couple. Call 345 Kearney. h60 PAPERIIANGING it painting. 2199 Broad way. Dave Dehut. h59 EXP. GIRL wishes general office work. write box 27B capital Journal. h58 WANT JOB managing cleaning plant in tsaiem. several yrs. exp. Ph. 2-2941 this week, h58 CHILD NURSERY is kindergarten at my iiuiuc, hoi o. Liioerty. rn, aiBbo. n63 VETERAN interested in restaurant work! years exp. rn. 24644. h58 GARDENS plowed by hour or contract. fn. jzitf. use WILL BOARD children between 4 it 7. Approved home. Route 4, Box 473. Sa- icm-uaiias nignway. har HOUSEKEEPING FOR gentleman or mo- tneriess nome by reliable woman, city vr uuuniry. naa . uommerciai. n5B' ALTERING is sewing. Ph. 2-6954. PLASTER Contracting. Phone 2-5106. h59 GENERAL hauling. Ph. 162J. Indepen dence. h59 TOP SOIL Ac Bar run gravel. Bsmt. ditch ing it general excavation. Bulldozer work. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Ph. 2-4367. h59 FOR GARDEN spading call 25018. h64 CALL 2-2508 for your spring sewing it alterations. All work promptly done. 3155 N. River Rd. h77 WANTED: Garden plowing and discing. uaraen iercuizer ior sale, delivered. Call 50F2. Salem. Hollls Bice. h74 GARDEN PLOWING it disking. Ph. days IB9, eves. Z-2957. h73 CABINET WORK, materials for kitchen built-ins, doors, drawers, tables built or replaced, ana otner items made to yoUT specifications. Window screens now available. Convenient location, A block irom iiaao & uusn. Masterwoods Cab inet Shop. Precision craftsmanship. 164 a. uommerciai, en. 6680. Free estimates. h71 GARDEN PLOWING it discing. Ford trac tor. Ray Salter. Phone 22504. h70 PLUMBING SERVICE by licensed piumo- ers, nx a faucet or open a drain. Re pair a leak or make an alteration Prompt attention on both minor ma jor plumbing problems. Parmentei Plumbing 6s Heating. 2380 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 8627. h65' INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. h58 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Oo B502 FOR RENT NICE SLP. RM. In quiet mod. home. 745 N. Church. J60 LIGHT H.K. ROOM, employed middle aged lady. 645 Ferry. J60 HEATED Sleeping room for girls. Single 6s a double. 1775 Fir St. j60 FURN. UPSTAIRS sleeping room for em ployed lady. Ph. 6996. J59' HSF. RM. for employed man. Bus by J50 door. 991 -Mill St., SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. Private bath. On bus line. Phone 7739. J59 NICE FRONT ROOM. FURN.. PH. is RADIO. ON BUS. $25 MO. CALL 8048, , 58 WANT TO RENT on shares, stocked it equipped dairy farm or general farm, equipped. Box 273 Capital Journal. 158 3 PAINT SPRAY outfits. Ph. 2-4546. J72 ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent, sell. H. O. Pugh. 681 N. 17th Ph. 4692 J67 OOOD USED PIANOS H. L. Stiff FLOOR Ward. sander for rent. Montgomery J1 WANTED TO RENT OIL CO. employee, wife. 2 mo. old baby. urgently need apt. or house, preferably turn. Ph. 2-5183. ja60 MAN WANTS private parking place for large, new trailer nouse. Phone 4141, ja60 3 OR 4 BEDROOM house, furnished or partly furnished In Salem or suburban, Reliable party, executive with Colum bia Metals Corp., Salem, Ore. Address p. o. box 269. Telephone 9249, exten aion 2. ja60' elderly couple must have 4 rooms furnished Immediately. E. F. Dorlarque. U95 S. Commercial. Ja63 HAVE YOU EVER slept on your relatives hard daveno? Vet and wife desperately need an apt. or house. Ph. 7172. Ja59 FAMILY MAN needs house by April IS. win pay 6 mos. or more rent in ad vance. Ph. 2-4672. ja59 WANTED to rent: Small apt or house. No children. Ph. 2-6055. Ja3B WANTED TO RENT: Vet is wife 6s ion need house or unfurnished apt. No bad habits. Please call 6894. Ja58 IS TENANTS looking for rooming house. Will lease from 2 to 5 yrs. Would take house with 2 or 3 apts. Must be within 6 blks. ot city center. No drinkers. What can you offer? Mrs. Lena Spauldlng. 575 Court St. Ja58 WANT SMALL furh. apt. Close in. Em ployed lady. Call 7368 aft. 6. Ja58 STATE EMPD. cple. urgently need furn. apt. close in. Excellent care. Ref. Phone ?p33. ja61 REWARD: State employee needs 3 bed room unfurnished house. Phone 7033. Ja61 Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED TO RENT VET, WIFE is baby must have house oi apt. by Sunday, argent. If you have j place livable to rent, Call 9521. Ask foi Mrs. Wilson. Ja5S' STATE EMPLOYEE urgently needs un furnished 2 bdrm. house. 2 small chil dren. Ph. 2-1041. ja66 WANTED By gentleman, employed, 2 or 3 room furn. apt. First floor or base ment if possible. Call before 5 p.m. Hammond care of Senator Hotel. Ja58 YOUNG WILLAMETTE U. vtfteran and wife wish small apt. Call 4171, ext. 460, days, and 4360 eves Jasa WANTED to rent by April 1 ,2 or 3 bedroom house, permanent, excellent references, Ph, 3095. Ja58 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Glasses in light case. No. 16894. Reward. Ph. 2-1512 aft. 6. k58 LOST: White Maltese poodle dog. Reward to finder. 645 Pine St., or phone 7201. k59 LARGE, BLACK Spaniel, strayed from S. Salem. Child's pet. Ph. 21603 before 8, or 1245 Vista Ave. Reward. k59 MISCELLANEOUS DOES YOUR roof leak? Use 100 as- pnait snmgies. unnarmeo oy any wea ther, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men For FREE esti mate phone 7177. Western Auto Sup Ply Co. m79" HOME GUARD" Home Insulation pro tects your family against extreme temperatures pays for Itself by saving up to 33 of your fuel bills. Free Estimates. Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. m79- NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a urcaonaugnt aanaer oy nour or day. Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. m79 PUMICE BUILDING Block. Insulate as you build at no additional cost. See us for free estimate. 12th St. Block Co. 12th St. at Vista Ave. Call Eves 8904. m65- CALL 3'.65 for prompt oil burner service, alter o p.m. call 3-5287. m62 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. SI.00. LES SPRINGER, 404 Court St. m61 VENETIAN BLINDS Laundered expertly. tan us ior prompt, eiticient service. THE VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY A CLEANERS Phone 6909 m HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See us for free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty -n HEAVY nAULING excavation and road building, land clearing dozer work, ditching basement excavation, laud, gravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement SALEM SAND GRAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM OREOON Phone 9408 or 21924 m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. statfl is commercial Sts SALEM Phone 8311 m DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment' notice Ph. 5000. m63 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MONTAG wood range, coils, water tank, ai cono. $bu. fn. Z6662 after 5 p.m. or Sat, and Sun. 1030 N 21st. n60 PRETTY Duncan Phyfe table, 6 chairs. JcoBuimuic. fa, ouui. n60 TWO WHITE collie puppies. Eligible to register. Your choice or three. Excel lent for house pets or stock dogs. Roger Weaver. 250 Park Ave. Ph. 2-1959. n60 NEW A. B.C. Elec. Washer. 481 N. Winter. SHEET Winter. x 4 x 8 plywood. 481 N. n60 SUITS, COATS, dresses, size 13-14. 481 Winter. fl60 8 FT. PLATE glass show case. For sale reasonable. Keizer Korner Store. Across from Keizer school. Rt. 8. n60 FOR SALE: Sessions electric clock, air plane design, like new. 635 N. Com merclal. n6Q BOY'S BICYCLE, $25. 955 Oamet St. n58 56500 CONTRACT 6 int.. balance froth---- a $l6,o00 sale. Phone 5085. n60 BUERCHER trumpet & case. Priced nGO right. Phone 2-5790. APPROX 7000 lbs 16 gauge copper clad met Hi, iu',9 id. aiecc saw. 3 h.p,, 10" blade, 8 ft table, adaptable for either rip or cutoff sawing. Electro-Watt, Inc. Ph. 2-4135, - n60 ROME BEAUTY apples. 75c and $1 bu. aou vnerry. aring Poxes. n60 NEW LIONEL auto, lumber dump car, luu. oa oueiton ot. fn, aioi, naa' ALL ENAMEL Montag range, polished picci up, excei. oaxer. 2-1273. n60 SINGLE Sleep Master mattress. Like new. io oimmons springs it bedstead, sln gle. 2140 Mill. n6Q PAIRS RAYON Brocaded drapes, lined it Inner lined, Burgany red is buff. Ph. 8119. ll60. OUTBOARD, mtr boat 13Va feet long, ofi in. beam, red cedar planking and 3.3 h.p. mtr. North on 90 East to Kickback Serv. sta. at totem pole, turn right 1 mile, turn left on gravel road. 6 th hse on left. Phone 2-1126. n60 COCKER SPANIEL puppies. Reg. stock. Call 9353 aft. 5 p.m. n60 , 80 x 16 TIRES. 2 tubes In fair cond. $5. 2170 S. Winter. Ph. 6002. n60 PIANO BOXES. Heavy construction. Ph. 2-5578. n60. 8 x IS AXMINSTER rug it nad. Rarlin console, breakfast room set. Ph. 3738. n58" SLEEPING ROOM. 710 S. 13th St. SMALL OIL circulator, 1-3 room, $30. Co-Z-Alr electric radiator heater, cost $32; sell $12. 710 3. 13th St. n60 BLUE BILTWELL davenport is chair set" jjme new. also occasional chair. Ph. 21Q4- n59 UNDERWOOD STANDARD typewriter. ou. iso sawaust water heater, com Plete $15. Ph. 21606. n5g GOOD COATS, suits, dresses. Size 12 to i. emoes size to 7',i. Hats. Very reasonable 1330 Sagrnaw. n59 NEW SADDLE with special features. See at iaia n. n. n59 FOR SALE: Eureka vacuum cleaner, good uuijuiuon, ju.ou. fnone 7882. F. R. Birch, 1085 Highland Ave. n59 FOR QUICK SALE: $50 buys full size linaleum top office desk. Call 3122. n59- EASY WASHER, double laundry tray. boy's bicycle. Ph. 7441 aft. 5:30. n62 15 GAL. CROCK with lid: baby pen; fruit Jars. 200 Fairground road. n59 ' FURNACE with some pipe. Sawdust burn er is controls. 20 gal. auto, gas water heater. One ordinary hot water tank. All used, in good cond. Lloyd Rein holdt, 560 S. 21st. Ph. 3148. n59 DOUBLE BED, wooden boxes, all sizes. Ph. 2-5686 after 5 p.m. n39 WOOD RANGE, enamel, insulated wven. warming oven, copper coil, reasonable. LG. FRANQUETTE walnuts, ltt ml. Wal lace rd. Ph. 2-2628. 25c lb. n61- l41 MODEL Vacuum cleaner. Ph. 2-4728. n58 HE'VY-DUTY paint outfit complete, with '19 n.p. gas motor and storm cylinder boring bar Ask for demonstration. Fred Anderson. 733 Mill St., Sheridan, Ore. n58 HAVE APP. 50 med. fir trees suitable ior lumoer, ia ml. south Pringle school, ml. west Good road in. Lester Dav Ison. Rt. 2, box 2BA. Turner, Ore. n58 PRACTICALLY new Crosley gas range. iou. uas side arm ior hot water tank. Phone 2-5176. n58 ONE YEAR old size baby bed it mattress. ui gooa cono. 10 Pt. 24283. 4025 EarT Ave- n58- USED LUMBER, Ph. 9495. n61 TEXAS CRYSTAL wax (white) Bermuda 011100 pianis just arrived, get yours now, Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. n61 STEE1; clothes line posts and swings. Dice. 1 runic 0-in. wneei trailers, $40. One narrow axle boat trailer $35. One heavy duty trailer axle. Chev. wheels, 825x20 tires. 1790 N. Front. n61 GOOD electric range. 345 Park Ave. n58 ROCKHILL Everbearing strawberry plants. w. u. rounds, Rt, 3, Box 155, Salem. , ml. straight west of Keiier school. (Continued on Page 11)