Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 07, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Woolens in AAU Meet Finals;
Vikings Eye Tourney Clincher
Page's Move
Into Finals,
59-50 Win
Portland (Special) Page
Woolen Mills of Salem and the
powerful Oregon Lumber Sales
outfit of Eugene clash in Port
land's armory at 8:45 Friday
night in the championship tilt
of the Oregon-Southern Wash
ington AAU basketball tourna
ment which opened with a field
of 16 teams last Sunday. Win
ner of the Page-Eugene contest
will represent Oregon in the
national AAU playoffs at Den
ver. The Woolens and Lumber
jacks came through with vic
tories over a pair of Portland
teams In semi-final action
' Thursday night. Page's contin
ued their torrid tourney scoring
pace, which has averaged 60
points per game in three con
tesls, by romping over Semler's
Yanks 59-50. Club Mecca's
Portland team was knocked out
of the title chase by Eugene
57-48. The two Portland squads
vie for third and fourth places
at 7:30 Friday.
1 Page's got off to a bad start
opposite Dnc Semler's Yanks,
and were trailing 11-17 as the
first quarter ended. Frank Page,
who led the winners' scoring
parade wilh IB points, then
spearheaded a Woolen rally as
the Salemites overtook their foe
and posted a 34-25 halftime ad
Vantage. Semler's threatened
seriously In the fourth period,
but Page's pulled away from a
45-41 lead to stretch the mar
gin beyond the danger point.
, Top man for the losing quintet
with 18 points was Forward
Norm Fisher. Center AI Mc
Rae of the Woolens bucketed 14
' In Friday's title contest, Eu
gene will sport three tall men
''up front" in Forwards Fox and
Burris and Center Bonney, and
a hard-driving guard in Bobby
Anel, who'll be remembered as
one of the stars of University of
Oregon's 1039 national hoop
Champions. Chuck Taylor of the
Eugencrs might also bear watch
ing. Taylor dunked in 16 points
against the Meccas Thursday.
PnRC 16 1
Snlslrom 6 1
McRarr 14 1
n. Gr-mmell I c
6(1 SEMI. KH'S
18 Fi.ihrrr
8 Le Ijpur.otl
13 Fields
Wolf 13
10 Slirpliprd
1 sub.v -CUllf 2. Parker 2. Sr
hrrn 2: Spmlcr subs Ercig, Holliuasworili
I, Mink.
Garcia Signed
To Meet Abney
Ray Garcia, whose willingness
to mix matters has made him a
popular scrapper as the result of
his numerous appearances in the
Salem arena, will be Dick Ab
ney'i opponent for the six round
aemi-final bout on next Wednes
day nlghfi VFW fight card,
Matchmaker Tex Salkcld an
nounces. The match will pre-
oede the Snooks Lacey-Bobby
Richards 10 round main event.
Sam Duncan, local boxing
manager, believes he has a com
er in Ralph Ayrcs of Salem and
hopes to match him with some
suitable opponent for one of the
four round preliminaries.
Neii man Co.
Brick and Stone Work
Maintenance and Repairs
Phone 7031 -21650
3800 D Street
In a factory or business of
any size, the best remind
er is the human, voice.
Efficiency increases when
talk-back and paging sys
tems are installed. Con
sult Morrow Radio re
garding the most worka
ble system for you.
urn: !; m.mH i
8 Capital Journal, Salem,
Union Defeats Dayton, 37-33,
In Opening-Round Meet
Arlington, March 7 (Pi A high-scoring Pleasant Hill quintet
became even more the favorite in the state class B high school
basketball tournament today as our teams reached the semi-finals.
Pleasant Hill, 51-40 winner
Perry Named
'Cat Captain
Bob Perry, a junior from St.
Helen's will lead next year's
Willamette university basket
ball squad in the role
tain. He was named
position this week by
low Bearcats. Players
to letters as a result
of cap
to that
his fcl
entitlcd of this
year's competition have been
announced by Coach . Elmer
Schaake. They are: Don Bar
nick, Bob Baum, Marshall Bar
bour, Ray Fedje, Marvin Good
man, Bob Medley, Bob Perry,
Duane Ragsdale, Ron Runyan.
Wes Saxton and Manager Paul
Molalla Nabs
Tourney Spot
Molalla Molalla high school
qualified for entrance to the
state basketball tournament
with a 42-37 victory over Mil
waukie in the third game of
their playoff in district 12.
M o I a I I a's last - half rally
proved too great for Mil
waukie's stellar center, Ted
Lodcr, to overcome. Loder
nevertheless scored 19 points.
Dragons Close
Casaba Sched
Dallas Afler dropping its
chance to enter the state tourna
ment by losing in the first round
of the district 8 tourney in Mc
Minnville to the Mac Grizzlies.
35 to 32, Dallas high's basket
ball quintet will close a success
ful year Friday evening against
Independence. The evening will
consist of both A and B games
on the Dallas maplecourl with
the preliminary contest starting
at 7 p.m.
Casino Battles
Costello Cruz
Portland, March 7 (IP) Two
Californians head the bill in the
Portland boxing card tonight
Costello Cruz, Los Angeles light
heavyweight, against Jimmy Ca
sino in a 10-round bout. Dick
Wagner, Oregon City middle
weight, will meet Steve Moran.
Seattle, in a six-round semi
Blended whisky. The
Oregon, Friday, Mar. 7, 1947
over the previously unbeaten
Chiloquin team which had cap
tured 25 straight games, will
play Parkdale in a 7:30 p.m.
contest today. Pleasant Hill will
be seeking its 19th consecutive
win. The other semi-final game
will send a tall, smooth-working
Star of the Sea (Astoria) team
against Union at 8:45 p.m.
In games yesterday Parkdale
nosed out Myrtle Creek in the
final 20 seconds with Bill An
drews sinking the winning
field goal. Slar of the Sea drub
bed John Day, 36-16, holding
the eastern Oregon team to five
points in the second and third
quarters. Union overcame an
early deficit to defeat Dayton,
In the consolation round to
day Chiloquin will meet Myr
tle Creek at 2:30 p.m. and Day
ton will play John Day at 3:45
tnion :ii sa DAYTON
' 4 Sherman
P 4 Coburn
c 6 Little
O 12 Lorenzen
G Clurk
n Mather 3.
Winter 8
MrBriclp 14
Roll Again
Salem's annual city bowling
tournament swings into its sec
ond week-end of action Satur
day and Sunday on Capitol al
leys. Singles and doubles com
petition will occupy both days'
action, with firing scheduled to
open at 7:30 Saturday. Includ
ed in the doubles entries is the
Ernie Barbarino-George Mirich
duo, which captured second
place in this year's state tour
nament at Seaside. Stiff compe
tition from the team of Walter
Clinc, Sr., and Don Poulin is
expected. In team lourney keg
ling rolled off lust week-end,
Good Housekeeping copped the
Class A crown while the Class B
title was awarded to Lutz Flor
ist. Cupboard Cafe and Goldies
of Silverton copped runner-up
honors in the Class A and Class
B meets respectively.
Gates Quits Coaching
Job at Pacific U.
Forest Grove, Ore., March 7
Mi Resignation of Oswald 'D.
Gates as Pacific university coach
and physical education depart
ment head was announced yes
terday, effective Aug. 1. He did
not disclose his plans.
sliaight whiskies in this product an 57 months or
Meet, High
School Court
Salem's Vikings, top-heavy fa
vorites to win the district 11
crown, can clinch that title and
the berth in the state high school
hoop tournament that comes
with it by defeating Sacred
Heart Academy in an 8:15 con
test in the high school gym Fri
day night. The SHA crew, once
defeated in the district's double
elimination tourney, needs a pair
of victories over the Viks in or
der to gain a ticket to the state
meet. If the Academy five should
score an improbable victory Fri
day, Salem and SHA will meet
again the following night to de
cide the district crown.
KSLM will carry a play-by-play
account of Friday's Salem
high-Sacred Heart Academy
basketball contest, beginning
at 8:15. Gordon Allen will do
the sportcasting.
The Vikings trimmed Coach
Ollie Williams' Sacred Hearters
54-19 in a previous tournament
outing. Interest in Friday's SHS-
SHA hoop show may center
around Sacred Heart Center Tom
Johnson's efforts to continue his
titanic tournament scoring per
formance. Johnson has netted
51 points in four tourney tilts to
date an average of 13 counters
per game. His lowest showing
was against Salem, when he hit
but eight points while switched
to a forward position.
Wall, Zaharias
In Golf Finals
St. Augustine. Fla., March 7
(U.R)-Only Mary Agnes Wall of
Menominee, Mich., stood be
tween Babe Didrikson Zaharias
and her seventh straight winter
golf crown today as the two
teed off in the finals of the Flor
ida east coast women's tourna
ment. Mrs. Zaharias disposed of
Britain's Marion Ruttle, 3 and 2
yesterday while Miss Wall elim
inated Polly Riley of Fort
Worth, Texas, 4 and 3.
Going to Reroof?
We may not be able to do any business with you, but it
certainly won't do any harm to get our prices and inspect
our Vermont slate-surfaced fire-retardent roofings.
Remember slate does not oxidize and sluff off our roofs
like a rock surfaced roof, filling down spouts and gutters.
Willamette Valley Roof Co.f Inc.
30 Lana Ave.
moit old. 35 jtuljM whiskies; (5 frain
The Willamette Amusement company baseball team of Salem
may not win the Oregon State semi-pro league pennant in the
local club's initial venture into that fast loop during the'upcoming
season, but the Salem entry will at least have all other seven
clubs of the circuit beat on two matters: (1) The Salemites will
be the best-dressed club in the circuit and (2) they'll have the
best home ball park, Geo. E. Waters field.
A full set of 15 brand new uniforms, best obtainable, together
with colorful warm-up jackets for each member of the team, have
been ordered by Willamette Amusement sponsors. The uniforms
will be white with red trim, and the warm-ups red with while trim.
Waters Park Available
In negotiations completed yesterday, Salem Senator Business
Manager George Emigh reached an agreement with Curt Fergu
son and Numa Arnold, sponsors of the Willamette Amusement
learn, regarding the use of Geo. E. Waters park by the semi-pros.
The semis will be allowed to utilize Waters field for home games
on any date the Solons are on the road. State loop games will be
played Sunday afternoon, and it is very probable that a few mid
week night exhibition games will be played opposite semi-pro
clubs of other circuits. State league officials will draw up the
loop playing schedule to accommodate the Salem park-availability
situation, i.e., slating Willamette Amusement home games
only for Sundays which find the Senators away.
You Name It
The local semi outfit is still minus a nickname,' but one will be
announced in a couple of weeks, after the completion of an open-to-anyone
contest being conducted as a means of finding a moniker
for the Willamette Amusement team. As a reward to the person
sending in the chosen nickname, club sponsors are offering a
price of $10 'plus two season tickets to all home games. Anyone
can enter as many times as he desires, and you don't have to
send in a box top with your entry. Nickname suggestions are to
be mailed to Baseball Contest Judges, Willamette Amusement
company, 2134 Fairgrounds road, Salem. Entries must be post
marked prior to midnight, March 12.
Willie Hoppe
Among Leaders
Chicago, March 7 (U.B Willie
Hoppe, of White Plains, N. Y.,
and Jay Bozcman, of Vallejo,
Calif., led- the race for the
world's three-cushion billiard
championship today with two
victories each in the 45-game
round robin tournament. Three
of the other eight contestants
still were undefeated with one
victory apiece. They were Ar
thur Rubin, Brooklyn; John
Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles: and
Andrew Ponzi, Philadelphia.
Joyce Looks Good
Hana, Maui, T. H., March 7
(U.R) Bob Joyce, 31-game win
ner for the San Francisco Seals
Phone 9694
neutral spirits. 8S proof.
By Chris Kowitz
of 1945, made his first spring
appearance on the mound in an
intrasquad game here yesterday
and looked impressive in allow
ing only three unearned runs.
Rock Wool Insulation
Moisture Proof & Fireproof
175 S. High St. Salem, Ore.
All workmanship and .
Material guaranteed.
Salem Mgr.
For Free Estimate
PH. 6088
Hi 5
, n
Oregon State-UGLA i
Title Series Opens
Corvallis, Ore., March 7 (Pi The Pacific coast title will be at
stake as UCLA and Oregon State oipen their basketball series
tonight, and the outcome may well depend on an awaited duel .
between the far west's two top point-makers Centers Don Barks
dale of UCLA and Ephriam "Red" Rocha of Oregon State. The
teams are matched so evenly
statistics that many believe the
issue can be settled only
through a tremendous perfor
mance by one of the giant cen
ters. Either is capable of it.
Barksdale, 6 feet 6 inches and
220 pounds, is classed by his
coach, Wilbur Johns, as the best
in the nation. His 16.5 points a
game for a total of 198 is sec
ond in eonfererie southern di
vision history only to the 232
total of Stanford's great Hank
Luisetti in 1938.
Rocha, 6 feet 8 inches but
slender at 175 pounds, has been
the top scorer in the Northern
division the last two -years. He
"Rockwell! Keep your
Signs of the times! . . . Now
showing, "Taste Thrill of a Na
tion" starring that smooth, mel
low old Kentucky gentleman,
TOM BURNS popular Idol of
millions who like good whiskey!
Doubling the double features
H Proof H Grain Neulril Splrili-
Black or Tan
SIZES 5 to 12
Specially constructed for the U. S. Navy
by such famous manufacturers as
totaled 217 this season for an
average of 13.5. Coach Amory
T. "Slats" Gill, who has pro
duced five Northern division
championship teams, rates him
one of the best turned out 'here.
The big question is whether
Rocha's two extra inches in
height can overcome Barks
dale's 45-pound weight advan
tage oryiceverMr
Income Tax Counselor
Expert Accountant
Let me keep your books. Any
size business.
2120 Myrtle Ave.
Hollywood District
Phone 25479
mind on your work!"
TOM BURNS Whiskey Is always
first run In your town with four
star flavor, premier bouquet, and
a taste appeal that's the season's
big hit. Get TOM BURNS in
that photogenic bottle today . . .
It's collossal! It's stupendous!
. . . It's "Man's Best Blend!"
-The Tom Burn! Co., Chlcict, IU.
176 North Liberty
Phone 9065