" 3 it i t fsmfs1 Ifmrnul. .Slalom Armti FVltf f f isi? ERMINE, CHINA MINK, SEAL! 1947-48 FASHIONS ARE HERE! These new furs are only one day from Broadway or Fifth Avenue, New York ! Think of it! In New York yesterday, yours today! This fast service assures you not only the best of current styles, but the lowest prevailing prices! Come to Miller's tomorrow and select that -finer fur you've always wanted , . , furs are no longer a luxury . . . furs are a necessity ! They're a luxury if you compare them to other apparel ... a neces sity if you are style conscious! Beige Ermine . . China Mink . . Hair Seal . . . $1200 969 .... 399 Tax Included EASY PAYMENTS AVAILABLE "Every Fur Guaranteed" l )M ill a' A I 17 mm GtZ Hi two BrandiM 1.95 Sheer .Simulated beauty! So chic on Suit and Dresses. .-, forTowuWear, . . Days and Evenings, too.' three Brand 2.95 one Brand Jewelry Department Main floor A SALE OF FINE PILLOWS Priced 1s Off! Want to purchase good bed pillows and save one-third on your purchase . . . come to Miller's Saturday and see this great sale of fine bed pillows ! 50 GOOSE DOWN 50 GOOSE FEATHERS . 75 GOOSE DOWN 25 GOOSE FEATHERS 10 DUCK DOWN 90 DUCK FEATHERS 13 OFF Manford and Justin McCariy Casuals Are Here for You T I omorrow Right out of national magazines . , . come these new frocks to Miller's and at lower than what you'd expect to pay prices ! Come Be Fitted Tomorrow! i IU (OrJl An n n.i U i ' . .-4- $i2,s Ti I ill. Manford has taken your beioved casual and given it new airs. , deep sleeves, flapped pocket and unpressed pleats This go everywhere casual comes in holiday hues Sizes fo-io "SIDE INTEREST" 'ROSENHOtZ'S VOYAGER" BY SIDE INTEREST . . , Justin MeCarty takes rayon gabardine . , . Rosenliolz's Voyager . . . and uses it most unexpectedly, and alarmingly. Cap sleeves to show off a pretty arm . . . and a flattering cut to the side, with brilliant contrasting color .under the buckled tabs. Beige and cocoa, 9's to 17'. 2nd floor. V2 Price Closeout j ST. PATRICK'S AND EASTER GREETING CARDS HERE! Chouse your Si, Patrick's ami Kaster greet ing cards early and have adequate choice of many designs! Now displayed in gift shop ... main tttmr, CRYSTAL IVY VASES $1.25 to $5.95 . . . for your floral arrangements these crystal ivy vases are truly smart and in very good taste. SALE! tf lt mV; L EDITH LANCES AND GLAMOUR BRAS . . . Paperweights $1.00 lie h.ze V . z. 2ND FLOOR tteu?! JACQUELINE COCHRAN FILM MASQUE Ask for It in CosmUks Dept. Sno fail p;!jMrweighls hi oval piass pat Utssk, Choice of "scenes." Crystal Mirrors . $2,95 24x3SMmjh fnut crystal minws m this special clearance tomorrow at S2.95. Use tbesp for boih praetieai and decorative inirijoses. Gift shop, Monogramming Service Always a mark f distineliois Have yoor gilts rfiHisKrammei in the newest siyie lettering at IVIiliers. Slaiiooery . . . mutch clips , . , coast ers and napkins. Gift shojs- GIFT CLOSE-OUTS! Choice for 50c Here's a quick clearance of odds ist Use gift shojs? Lamp Isases! Iif)ks: Note pagst-r: Gift si!ii. Ash trays! Serap- i'ictui-es, etc., etc! PLASTIC FABRICS 69c yard Here's your opportunity to make your own shower curtains and bathroom window drapes. Also aprons . . . shampoo hoods, baby things . . . capes and many, many other articles. This plastic fabric comes in plain shades and prints. Main floor fabrics dept. HOSIERY AND SWEATER MENDING Wasil a repair job that is invisible to the best of eyesight? Then come to Miller's hosiery and sweater repair depart ment and see for yourself Use fine work turned out here. Ioi!t throw that sweater away that has a worn elbow, or a siiajfged place in it , . . have it mended the expert way , . at Miller's.