i Society, Edited Parties Set To Precede Trotters Dance Several pre-dance parlies are being planned to precede the Trotters Dancing club affair Friday evening at the Crystal Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lafky will entertain at their North 20th street home for a number of their friends. Guests will num ber 40. Mr. and Mrs. Lafky are taking several guests to the dance, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Morris Mc Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Lcland Sarff, Miss Maria Dare and Jo seph Felton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orren will be hosts for an informal parly at their home before the dance. Bidden are Mr. and Mrs. Holly Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. M c C a f f er t y, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heater and Mr. and Mrs. Loring Gricr. Gervais Scene of District Meet Woodburn Evergreen chap ter, No. 41. Order of the Eas tern Star, will join with Gervais chapter of Gervais and Venus chapter of Donald in a district meeting at Gervais Friday night for inspection of the worthy grand matron. Mrs. Lorcna Mc Nair of Ashland. Monday evening, March 10. the regular meeting of Ever green chapter will be held at the Masonic temple, beginning with a no-host supper for mem bers and families at 6:30 o'clock. Following the chapter meeting there will be a program for members and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Morris and Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jones will be in ' charge of the arrangements for the supper. ... Goodwill Club 'At Yenckcl Home Lincoln Twenty-three mem bers and guests attended the February meeting of the Lin coln Goodwill club, for which Mrs. Nels Yenckcl opened her home. Mrs H. W. Ashford was . co-hostess. Mrs. Harold D. Burns, president, presided at the meeting. Plans were made for the luncheon for Federation of Rur al Women's cfubs at West Sa lem club rooms, April 2 for which the local club will be joint hostess with the Brush College Helpers club, Spring Valley Home Missionary soci ety, Spring Valley Sunshine club, and Wallace Road Sweet Briar club. Mrs. Walter Brog and Mrs. Nels Yenckel were appointed as a committee on arrangements to. work with the other club committees for the luncheon. ... Entraining Sunday for Cali fornia will be Miss Janet Bow er and Miss Mary White, who plan a two weeks' visit. En route south they will visit for a week in San Francisco, where they will be registered at the Stewart hotel. The last week will be spent in Los Angeles. During their stay there they will be at the Mayflower hotel. Mrs. Paul Patterson Speaks At Meeting of Woodburn Club Woodburn An interesting meeting of the Woodburn Woman's club was held Wednesday afternoon at the library club rooms, be ginning with a no-host buffet luncheon at 1 o'clock. Decorations were In the St. Patrick motif and humorous exhibits from Ire land created much amusement. Mrs. E. J. Allen and Mrs. William Peltz presided at the urns and- Mrs. L. B. Detweiler and Mrs J. C. Wageman were in charge of the buffet table. Speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Paul Patterson of Hills boro. She was introduced by Mrs. L. B. Detweiler, program chairman, and spoke on educa tion. Mrs. Ralph Moody of the Red Cross talked briefly on the X-ray mobile unit which will visit Woodburn March 19 and 20. Members were asked to sign 100 per cent for the visit of the unit. Musical numbers on the pro gram for the afternoon includ ed two piano solos by Janie Mc Grath; two piano solos by Su zanne De Armond; and two numbers by the Woodburn high school chorus. The club voted to turn over the sum of $169.89, the net pro ceeds from the Colonial ball, to the Settlemier Park association and the sum of $90, proceeds from the Martha Washington tea. to the library board. Mrs. Frank Covey, Mrs. L. B. Detweiler, Mrs. Hartley LeFeb vre, Mrs. William Pellz, Mrs. Alice Rogers and Mrs. Theodore Peterson were appointed as the nominating committee to select officers to be voted upon at the Come in and get a LOAN iOOro IOOO OR MORI Auto Personal Cmuneieial (LditPiaa INCONPORATKD SALEM AGENCY: 444 Cmtir Strut TiL by Jean Taylor, Phone 3573 Home Rites Wed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cooper, in Salem, were Tech. Sgt. and Mrs. Alfred Shinokis. She is the former Evelyn Preston of Tacoma. He is military instructor at Ballarmine high school in Tacoma, where they will make their home. (Jesten-Miller studio) -UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Campus Clippings By Jean Swift It is said that "all good things looks as if the short spring spell we had is living up to that saying . . . although we all hope it isn't true. This week marks the beginning of the Red Cross drive on the U. of O. campus. Programs have been given all week long including a terrace Evelyn Thomas Is May Queen Woodburn Miss Evelyn Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin N. Thomas of 1104 North Third street, was elected as May queen by the student body of Woodburn high school Wednesday. Senior princesses, the other two candidates for qdeen are Rose McCIain and Winona Brueninger. Princesses elected from the lower classes are: Junior. Ardell Rudi and Wynona Cole; sophomore, Pat ricia Thompson and JoAnn Gre gory: freshman, Jcanette Hove and Lavonne Sleeper. The date for the May day fes tival has been set for May 23 Mrs. Helen Bower, girls' physi cal education instructor, will be in charge of the program. The PEP club met Wednes day at the Gold Arrow with Dr. Frank W. Parr as speaker. He discussed education bills in the legislature. Hostesses were Mrs. Lillian Williams and Mrs. Elsie Carpenter of the Riverdale school. From Baltimore has come word of the birth of a daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs. William Mel ville, Jr. (Shirley Hunt), at Johns Hopkins hospital. The lit tle girl is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. William Melville of Baltimore. next meeting, April 2, the an nual election. The resignation of Mrs. Wal lace Jones from the civic com mittee and Settlemier Park as sociation was accepted. Mrs. O. L. Withers was appointed dele gate to the park association and Mrs. J. W. Richards was ap pointed to succeed Mrs. Jones on the civic committee and as al ternate to the park association. Guests were Mrs. Louise Pfaf finger, Mrs. Nellie L. Phillips, Mrs. Wib Chambers and Mrs. A. Allen. Mrs. Pfaffinger and Mrs. Chambers were received into membership. The club voted lo purchase new dishes for Ihe kitchen and a committee was appointed to study the possibilities of buying a new electric range and im proving the kitchen facilities. Members were reminded that the annual dues are payable by the April 2 meeting. COUPON Snnrt Mil., coupon with 11.00 (or col- Irctlmi of 30 Hybrid Gladtolui mif 1 nut it it lo bloom this summer. Post . pn id wltli rilrecticm.v I Uonvcrtun Bulb Gardens y Beaverton, Oregon 4I6S rtXi 1 coMPm on it mm ; 1 .' 'V CASH MnrtMrPenewita rVA5 N ,ou srA - GIT 15 met. 1 12 imp. $100 $ 7.82 $ 9.26 . 500 3S.10 46.30 I y-J2l $1000 76.H 92.89 Prampf, cMveiWeiif j fri'ewdV tfvt'c I j must come to an end," and it wdance, afternoon entertainment at the Side, and talks given by students at the various living or sanitations at lunch time, all to raise funds for the Red Cross. Bill Bishop, known on campus as "Bish the magish, ' has been feature entertainment for the drive. Tuesday night the winter Choral Union concert look place at the Igloo . . . Harriett Huston, Miriam Shellenberger and Eliz abeth Nelson added their voices to the mixed chorus of 180 stu dents. Mrs. Oliver Huston, Mrs. George Nelson motored to Eu gene for the excellently per formed concert. Jim Gilbertson spoke on the subject of "Labor-Management Government" when on tour with the university symposium team last week. The group trav eled into southern Oregon where they talked at five high schools and the Klamath Falls Kiwanis and Rotary clubs. Norman Bislv op and Walter Mead also took part in speech activities last week when the annual intercol legiate speech tournament was held at Linfield college. Nor man participated in the junior men's sections of memorized speaking and speeches of occa sion and Walter took part in senior men's group discussions and impromptu speaking. The weekend found Ray Far mer, Tom Kay and Reed Nel son in Salem . . . and on the golf course. Jean Fidler has been do ing excellent work in sculptor ing and plans to do a little spe cializing in the course. Janet Kirk was stunning in a forest green satin gown when she ap peared in the fashion show last Thursday. Alden Sundlie and George Moorhead received var sity numerals for their perfor mances in northern division swim meet competition this sea son . . , Something to be proud of. The social calendar has many house dances and firesides Graduation Watches. Lay-It-Away Now. Take your pick. Beautiful New Designs. Prettier than Our prices are reasonable. A large stock of watch bands I II IJ EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING good selection of New Radios ALL Quality Merchandise MITCHELL'S State at 19th Mrs. Avison Is Party Hostess Wednesday evening hostess was Mrs. J. Bothwell Avison, who entertained at her country home in compliment to Mrs. C. O. Rinehart. her mother, who has been visiting at the Avison home and returns to her home in Pendleton on Monday. Guests played bridge during the evening, which was climax ed by a late dessert. Bidden by the hostess were Mrs. Rinehart. Mrs. B. F. Wil liams, Mrs. Daye Idleman, Mrs. Irvin Hill, Mrs. Douglas Thomp son, Mrs. Paul Wolfe, Mrs. Tom Dunham, Mrs. Burt Walker and the hostess. Lake-Banton Nuptials Read .Toffnrsnn Of interest was the wedding of Miss Dorothy Ban ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Halph Banton of Amany, ana Donald Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lake of Jeffer son, an event of February 23 at 3 o clock in the r irst iviemo dist church in Albany. Rev. Edward Terry read Ihe double ring ceremony. ) Thp hririe given in marriage bv her father, wore a gown of ivory satin with lull court train, long sleeves, low neckline, witn satin bow at the waistline. She wnrp a full length veil, the head dress held in place with orange blossoms. She wore pearls, a Bifl of the brideeroom. and also a pin with ruby and pearl set tings, which was worn Dy ner orpat 0ranrlmother at her wed ding. She carried a white Bible, topped with an orchid, with streamers of satin ribbon tiea with bouvardia. Mrs. Gayle Markas of Corval lis was matron of honor, and wore a blue jersey net dress, ,inth fittori hnrlii-p and full skirt. and carried a pink satin muff with satin streamers and a pinK camellia on the muff. Miss Lois Burris and Miss Marilyn Burris, bridesmaids, of Salem, cousins of the bride, umrp nink nreanza dresses. Each carried a blue muff, with blue streamers, and ornamented with a pink camellia. Each wore camellias In their hair. Little Shyla Bryan, Portland, flower girl, wore an aqua taf fpia dress and carried a pink net parasol filled with rose petals. Lighting the candies were Miss Betty Persons and Miss De Ette Gott. Harold Weir of Portland was hpet man fnr the bridegroom. Attendants were Frank Gil- more, Salem, and Cecil Gill, Eugene. Ushers were Gale Marks and William Banton. A reception in the church parlors followed the ceremony. Mrs. Del Silver was in charge rt (ho tfnpst hnnk. Presiding at the tea and coffee urns were Miss Lottie Morgan and Miss Zella Burkhart. Serving were Mis Lillian Earnest and Mrs. Millard F. Willis. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. u. Glenn Holmes, Mrs. Mox Ho flich, Mrs. Neva Anderson, Miss Jerry Jensen, Miss Jeanette Bar ker, Miss Patricia Barker and Mrs. Louis Babcock. Mr. and Mrs. Lake will make their home in Jefferson. scheduled for this weekend . . . the last open weekend before those finals again . . . Karl Nyberg & Son Public Accountants and Income Tax Counselors 417 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3122 term The use of special, mod ern equipment, together with experienced skill as sures superb Fender Re pairs with real dispatch here. Colors matched per fectly. IN AT 8 OUT AT 5 Convenient CREDIT TERMS Gladly Arranged Satisfaction Guaranteed 1Mb TEAR RERVINO SALEM COMMUNITY Phone 7577 Pre-Xuptial Event Honors Bride-to-Bc Silverton A pre-nuptial linen shower complimenting Mrs. Maude Price, fiancee of Warren Duncan of Lebanon, was at the home of Mrs. B. Rcnwick, Tues day afternoon, with Mrs. Clay Allen assisting hostess. Guests were members of the former neighborhood club of which Mrs. Price was a member. A late afternoon luncheon was served following the opening of the gift packages. The date of the wedding is not announced. Star Mothers Plan Convention American Gold Star Mothers met Thursday evening at the VFW hall. Plans were discussed for the national convention to be held at Long Beach, Calif., in June. Also made were plans for a cooked-food sale March 14. Next meeting will be March 20, a social meeting and hobo lunch. Visitors from Portland were, from Memory chapter, Mrs. Barbara Ford, national secre tary and Mrs. Betty Owens. From Honor chapter, being formed, Mrs. Sonia Black, pre sident, Mrs. Cox, first vice pre sident, Mrs. Rose Smith, secre tary. From Salem, visitors were Mrs. Betty Hansen, Mrs. Ethel Young and Mrs. Roy Shaw. Open House for Goldenweds Mr. and Mrs. John Hendrick- son held open house Sunday at their home in South Cottage street, celebrating the golden anniversary of their marriage Present were the five chil dren of the couple and their families, Lincoln of Kenora, Ont., Canada, a daughter, Mrs. Eugene C. Merg of Milwaukee, Wis., a son, Henry, on the S. S. California, who came from Wil mington, Calif., a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Savage, who with their two chil dren, motored from Vancouver, B. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hendrickson of Salem and their children, Emery, Audrey, Rod and Mary Ellen. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Theo Kodler and daughter of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sales and daughter from Mil waukie, Ore. About 180 guests called dur ing the afternoon. FEMALE WEAKNESS? This great medicine Is famous to relieve pain, nervous distress and weak, cranky, 'dragged out feelings, of such days when due to female functional monthly disturbances. BD1A . PHIKHAM'S cK "iS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Auto Repair, Body and Fender Work New Manager JACK C. PARSONS S.P. MOTORS 542 FERRY Thrifty Buyers Shop WOODROW'S Willard Batteries Kelly - Springfield Auto-Tractor and Truck Tires Shatter Proof Auto Glass R. N. Mason Paints Unpainted Furniture and Mirrors. Charge accounts welcomed. WOODROW'S 450 Center St. Phone 4155 Flexalum Aluminum Slat VENETIAN BLINDS Made to Measure RIGHT HERE IN SALEM Large stock of window shade materials Just received. We make them up to order. Two-day service. Coll Ui for Weather Stripping Reinholdt & Lewis VENETIAN BLINDS 560 South 21st Street Phont 3148 Mrs. Jerigan Honor Guest Mrs. Francis Jerigan was feted Wednesday evening when Mrs. Robert Bowman and Mrs. John Marvin Richie entertain ed in compliment to her birth day anniversary at the Bowman home in South Cottage street. The affair was a supper party and informal evening. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jerigan, Mr and Mrs. A. L. McCafferty, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKillop, Mr. and Mrs. Holly Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Richie. Woman's Club Meets Monday Silverton Mrs. George Chris tenson, president of the Silver ton Woman's club, is announcing the regular meeting of the group to be Monday, March 10, in a 1:00 o'clock luncheon served in the social rooms of the First Christian church, Mrs. Alf O. Nelson and Mrs. George Ander son the committee on plans. Honored as distinguished guest will be the state president of Federation of Woman's clubs, Mrs. William B. Chandlee of Hillsboro, who will be the fea tured speaker during the dinner program hour. Invited as guests of the club are the members of the Silver ton Junior Woman's club. The Phone 3925 Other Permanents $5 and up Opm Wed. Rv. by Appointment Contractors Home Owners See us for your electrical work. We have the ma terial and the time. Free estimates. Our work is priced right. Karnes Electric Co. Electrical Contracting 2060 N. Capitol PHONE 7566 for Beauty Bar M zoi ist Nan j ak Bank BId. S Operated Q by Nan 1 Tlf Williams V &8 and Zana ' fi Hales ?I Featuring tnU Nestle tv. 3 Permanent -Halliwell Cold Wave FLEXALUM The new aluminum slat is be ing used exclusively in Salem aluminum Venetian blind Let us show you this new slat material. You will be pleased with its quality and price. Alpha Chi Omega ' Mothers' CI ul) Meets Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club met Tuesday evening with Mrs. Norman Kenney and Mrs. Fred Rose as hostesses. Presi dent is Mrs. C. W. Parker and Mrs. A. E. Nelson is secretary. Present were Mrs. W. H. Kirk, Mrs. H. B. Jory, Mrs. Carl Em mons, Mrs. Norman Kenney, Mrs. A. E. Nelson, Mrs. Fred Rose, Mrs. Edward Snyder, Mrs. L. B. Stark, Mrs. Lloyd V. Bell, Mrs. Robert N. Phillips, Mrs. C. J. Kimball and Mrs. Tillie Isham, the last three being new members. Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Os car Johnson entertained Tues day evening at their Evans Val ley home for the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Dokkcn of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Child's Colds Relieve Misery -Rub on Time -Tested WICKS V VapoRub NOW YOU MAY HAVE "GORGEOUS HAIR!" thanks to easy home treatment r r Dry, dull, dandruffy hair? Do this! At night massage ,ltU -,-;r.M",--.lkf A42 medicated Cuttcura Ointment. Next day cated Cuticura Soap. Try this several times results may amaze you 1 65 years" success. Buy at ypur druggist's today. Organic Fertilizer Very good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere in Salem. 6 sacks, $5.00 1 ton, $10.00 PHONE 8127 West Mushroom Company ' J.rQ. riNNMY CO., INC. SATURDAY FEATURES MAIN FLOOR Men's Topflight Shirts Back again are these famous Topflight dress shirts, plain colors and novelty figures, Sanforized for permanent fit, and with Nucraft collars. 1 OQ Sizes 14 to 17. I.70 Men's Seersucker Pajamas For the utmost in sleeping comfort, try these lightweight, durable pajamas. You'll appreciate their easy roominess, and they are so easy to launder. No ironing O AG required. Sizes A to D (34 to 46) Jit" Women's Adonna Panties Our famous brands are coming back gradually, and here is one all the women folks have been looking forward to. Dainty rayon knit undergarments in styles for everyone. Regular CQ. Sizes. Women's Outing Gowns There is still a long season ahead for these warm sleeping garments. Come in and see these and you'll be amazed at the fine quality available for these low prices. Regular 1 AO Ex(ra 1 OC Sizes LOT Sizes I.OJ BASEMENT Oilcloth Yardage Good quality, 46-inch wide oilcloth yardage in colorful print designs. Just the thing to brighten AQ that kitchen table or dinette. Alarm Clocks 40-hour, spring wind alarm clocks. Rich colors with chrome trim. Here's the "eye opener" you have A A C Plus been waiting these long months to find. Automatic Electric Irons A nationally known, fine quality iron. Will press any fabric when adjusted to the proper temperature, with no need to worry about the heat getting out of control. 1 A Af Every home needs one , . . get ypurs today for ' W.T Electric Hot Plates Good quality two-burner hot plates, each plate governed by a tnree-neat control switcn. canning, camping, summer Get yours today for Glass Luncheon Sets. Here's a complete 16-piece luncheon set, 4 plates, 4 salad plates, 4 cups and 4 saucers, in a clear novelty glass. This is good quality "Fire King" ware and is heat proof. 1 O O It's beautiful and durable, and priced at only Standard of Silverton. The Dokkens plan to leave Salem Saturday for a visit with rela- s lives in Northwood, N. D., also ' the hometown of the Johnsons and the Standards. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream OQ Quarts are only WWW SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem Business Women when you get to the point where you "have to got away from it all." this is the place. Quiet charm. Grand food. Breakfast in bed. steam heat. Massage. Send for free booklet: "3 Days of Heaven." Moderate rates. SUNRISE SPRINGS Hubbard, Ore. (Highway 99E) PO box 242. Phone 2503 Send for Free Booklet Fraternal Rings for men. Many styles, 14K gold. Weekly $OQ85 Terms ' 441 COURT ST. Journal Want Ads Pay fcxtra Q. Sizes w x w Yard Tax ideal for summer cooking. cabins, etc. 9.50 '