Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 07, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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    gon City. Th murderer was
found guilty and sentenced to
growing community. JuSge E. P.
Boise was elected president of
the board of trustees and each
of the nine trustees acted as so
licitor to obtain funds for the
institute on February 5, 1855.
Several men donated land, up to
40 acres each, for the purpose
and with this endowment the
academy was laid out on the
south side of the LaCreole on
July 13, 1855. At the same time
the new fownsite for Dallas was
laid out. Lots were offered for
sale at $100 each and later some
Rev, Charles Tale
Back in Pulpit
Rev. Charles Tate, pastor of
the Foursquare church, returns
to his pulpit Sunday after an
absence of six weeks. Mr. Tate
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregcm. Friday, Mar. 5
attended the 2th annual con-i
vention of the international
church of the Foursquare Gospel
held in Los Angeies, where over
1OG0 ministers and delegates as
sembled. In addition to the two ser
mons preached by the pastor, a
report of the progress of the
denomination wilt be given in
the Sunday services.
Poik county had no 3ai! until
1857 but SheriK B. F, Nichols
hired a guard to watch the kill
Commercial and
Lighting Fixtures
For immediate Delivery
Safem Lighting
and Appliance Co.
Temporary Location,
255 N, Liberty. SaSem, Ore.
Phone S1IZ
er. Wimple was hanged by the
sheriff on October 8, 1852.
In all, five hangings are on
record in Polk county and one
has been in California, where
he has been convalescing from
a recent illness.
While in California Mrs. Tate
lynching took place.
Academy Organized
Cynthsan s courthouse was
the scene of an important pub
lic service when a meeting was
called for the purpose of form
ing an academy for the fast-
Most living tissue is compos-1
ed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen!
and nitrogen with oiy small'
admixtures of other elements, t
cabinet-makers, and tavern
keepers, provided they com
mence building at an early date.
were donated to certain indi
viduals, such as blacksmiths.
I' - "
-rim, -- " fiiSW.,- m.i.i 'r ( -- '
Courthouse Starts Feud After the first Polk county courthouse was torn down at Cynthian in
1856, a new structure was erected (above) immediately in the new Dallas townsite. The structure
was surrounded by a board fence and faced on Main street. With its erection came the start of a
feud between Dallas and Independence for the county seat. On June 10, 1889, the courthouse
burned to the ground and is recalled by such long-time Dallas residents as Eugene Hayter, who
was county clerk at the time and still maintains an office in Dallas as a prominent businessman.
Mr. Hayter is the son of Thomas Jefferson Hayter who settled here in 1854. After the fire, the
present stone structure was built on the same spot and today commands the entire block In down
town Dallas.
The Story of Cynthia Ann
Editor's Note: Polk county, through the Dallas Chamber of Commerce, Is planning
for this summer a centennial celebration of the founding of the county, Wca Sherman,
associate editor of the Polk County Itemiscr-Observer, has written an interesting
history of the community under the IntriKuing title in the box above. The Capital
Journal is presenting his story In three installments. Here is the second.
Important, too, in Polk county's early history was the first
provisional county court held on September 6, 1846, at Jefferson
institute with Hon. A. A. Skinner presiding. Benjamin F, Nichols
was sheriff of the county and ; :
John Llye was clerk. During
the next few years court was
held in homes of the settlers be
cause of the need to use the
building as a school.
The Polk district was creat
ed during the first year of the
administration of James K Polk.
On December 22, 1845, by an
act of the provisional legislature
of that date the district was
changed to a county. Through
the influence of Colonel Nes
mith, who was a member of the
legislature, Polk county was cut
from the southern end of Yam
hill county in 1847. Thus this
year, 1947, is the centennial of
the county in its present form.
The centennial of the original
founding of the county passed
in 1945 almost without notice.
Cynthian on the Map
Cynthian was officially placed
on the map when an act of con
gress granted 50 acres of land
for a county seat. In 1851 a
frame building, 40 feet square,
was erected for the first court
house. Order for the building
had been drawn at a meeting
of the county court on May 9,
1851, at the home of John Lyle.
The court consisted of Harrison
wwnvaie, uavia t. j,ewis, rnom
as J. Lovelady, and H. M. Wal
ler, clerk. The building retained
that form until 1854 when a
story and half was added. - ,
Hon. O. C. Pratt presided at
the first district court conduct
ed in the new courthouse. Of 17
men empanelled for the jury, 16
held donation land claims in the
Two murder cases were tried
in the circuit court during the
next year. On April 16, 1852,
Reburn William Everman was
indicted for the murder of C. C.
Hooker, an ancestor of the pres
ent Polk county sheriff, T. B.
Hooker. Everman was hanged
on a gallows erected for that
purpose on May 11, 1852. Serv-
(The Blind Man)
(1545 Plaza St. Ph. 7328
jjSlats in Aluminum, Steel and
wood (Jhoice of Tape Color.
Call Any Time for Estimate
Measured and Installed
ing on the jury that found him
guilty was Joshua McDaniel,
whose name and the date of his
settlement near Rickreall (1844)
remains prominently lettered on
his old barn located on the
Rickreall-Dallas highway. Ever
man was captured at Wolf
Creek, Douglas county, by a
Polk county posse while flee
ing to California. He had shot
Hooker from ambush while the
latter was plowing near Rick
reall. Wimple Bad Hombre
Most of the pioneers came
west as young, hardy, clean and
respected immigrants from the
east, but the name of Adam
Wimple is recorded in Polk
county history as an exception
to the rule.
At 35 Wimple brutally mur
dered his 14-year-old wife, Mary
Allen, whom he had married
when she was 13. It was in the
summer of 1852 that he killed
her, poked her body under their
log cabin, set fire to the house
and rode into the hills -on his
blooded mare.
Other settlers, noticing the
blazing cabin, came and put out
the fire and discovered the body
under the house. Wimple hid
out in the mountains, waiting a
chance to slip away to Califor
nia, but his mare betrayed htm.
The animal broke loose from its
rider and returned to the site
of the cabin. Settlers organized
a posse, followed tracks of the
horse and hunted down the murderer.
A grand jury indicted Wimple
for murder in the first degree
on August 13, 1852. Attorneys
for the defendant, Matthew P.
Deafly and A. B. P. Wood, se
cured a change of venue to Ore
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t's a picture in a lot of ways, this
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You've probably even told
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Salem, Oregon
: 'i