MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR . 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8BMLER DENTIST Atlolpb Bid, atatt & Commercial 8u ' SALEM Phone 8311 m t)EAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed oo moment a notice. Ph. oooo, mos FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BLUE BILTWELL davenport ts chair set. Like new.' Also occasional chair. Ph. , 21048. nSfl' UNDERWOOD STANDARD typewriter 130. Also sawdust water heater, com plete lift. Ph. 21606. n5B GOOD COATS, suits, dresses. Slie 13 to : 14. Shoes size 64 to 7V4. HaU. Very reasonable 1330 Baginaw. now i NEW SADDLE with special features. See I at 1875 N. 4th. n59 FOR SALE: Eureka vacuum cleaner, good condition, $12.50. Phone 7882. P. R. Birch, 1085 Highland Ave. n39 FOR QUICK SALE: 350 buys full size nnaieum iop omcc nca. . EASY WASHER, double laundry tray. bov a mevcie. rn. ait, o.ju. u . IS GAL. CROCK with lid; baby pen; fruit Jars. 2200 Fairground road. n59 I FURNACE with some pipe. Sawdust burn ; er Ss controls. 20 gal. auto, gas water heater. One ordinary hot water, tank. All used. In good cond. Lloyd Rein- holdt. 500 S. 21st. Ph. 314B. noB' DOUBLE BED, wooden boxes, all sizes. Ph. 3-5688 after 5 p.m. ,"aH WOOD RANGE, nam el, insulated uven, warming oven, copper eoll, reasonable. Ph 8744. n81 ; LG. FRANQUETTE walnuts. Rt. 1, Box 197. l4 ml. Wallace rd. Ph. 2-2020. nor ! 1841 model Vacuum cleaner. Ph. 2-4728. n58 BEVY-DUTY paint outfit complete, with Vt h.p. gas motor and Storm cylinder boring bar Ask for demonstration. Fred Anderson. 753 Mill St., Sheridan, Ore. n58 RAVE APP. 90 med. fir trees suitable for lumber, l'i ml. soutn pringie acnooi, U ml. west Good road In, Lester Dav ison, Rt. 3, box 28A, Turner, Ore. n5B PRACTICALLY new Orosley gas range, jieo. Gas side arm for hot water tank. Phone 2-9178. n58 ONE YEAR old size baby bed Ac mattress. In good cond. J10 Ph. 24283. 4025 Ear' Ave. nsB' USED LUMBER. Ph. 8495. TEXAS CRYSTAL wax (white) Bermuda onion plants Just arrived, get yours now, Puritan Cider works, West Salem. n8l' 8TEEL clothes line posts and swings, Steal frame 16-ln. wheel trailers, (40, ' One narrow axle boat trailer 625. One heavy duty trailer axle. Chev. Wheels. 825x20 tires. 1790 N. Front. ti61 GOOD electric range. 345 Park Ave. 11581 MONT A Q cook stove and colls. Also Montag circulator heater. 1785 South Capitol St. 1157 SHEEP fertilizer. Sack or bulk. We de liver. Ph. 24348. n60 OIL Circ, 2 barrels, stand, fittings, filter. 20 ft. copper tubing, all complete and in excellent working; cond. $90. Ph. 21281. &57 IT'S HERB LINOLEUM by the yard. Also rugs, new davenos, $59.76. Swing rockers, (44.75. Garbage cans, (3.95. Chrome chairs, (8.85. Usdei chests, (5. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. SUMMER THE STORE that bargains built. Terms, trades, parking. n57 BOCKIIILL Everbearing strawberry plants. W. O. Pounds, Rt. 3, Box 155, Salem. lft ml. straight west 01 Keuzer scnooi, n58 ONE 40 -FT. extension ladder, like new, For sale cheap. For Information call 2-5564. n57 BOYAL 10, typewriter, J40. Call at 428 ore, Biag. s to 4. nai' 2000' 1x10, 1000' 2x4, 800' 1x4. 200 sq. ft. Celotex. All unused. 180 Stortz Ave. Sat urday or Sunday. Goes at cost. n57 HOWARD upright piano, mahogany finish, W excel. ond.. nice tone, 830 N. 20th. Ph T 3374. n67 AIRLINE Console radio, US. 830 N. 20th, Ph. 3374. n57 2 BLDGS.. 10 X 20 is 184 x 12V4. barb wire, cold water separator. Ph. 21230 Eves. Rt. 8. Box 518. n57' SHEPHERD Collie puppies, males and fe males. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Fort land Rd. n57 FOR SALE: 55 Angle Dozer Cletrao 8 ft, blade. Recent complete recondition. No longer needed, 13000, also 3 bottom Oli ver No. 316 plow, all new replacements and rirst class condition, 1125. A-L. o, Slock Ranch, 1 mile south Alsea. Ore. n59 ELECTROLUX complete with attachments. $69.75. Sales service is repairs. Limited amt available. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. n76' NAVAJO RUGS At saddle blankets. 175 South High. Ph 6088. n76' COW FERTILIZER, (5 a yard or (9 a load, pnone 7330, nvo1 GARDEN sand gravel, crushed rock Shovel At drag-line excavating WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL OO Ph B661 DAHLIAS GLADIOLAS 881 Rosemont, WS. Ph. 4325. nJ3 RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749. no9 CHARIS FOUNDATIONS, girdles & bras. Dresses it lingeries. Ph. 9495. n69 SUNBEAM, Universal, American Beauty & Rod Irons, steam As travel Irons. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n69 I AUTO. WATER . HEATERS, gas it elec. Sizes to meet your needs. Choice of I makes. Soid it Installed. Prompt serv A Ice. Parmenter 'Plumbing At Heating I 2180 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 8627. n65 i SHOWER CABINETS, sold Sc Installed, I prompt service. Parmenter Plumbing it Heating. 2380 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 8627 3 n65 ! SEWING MACHINES repaired and rented. Cash paid for machines, regardless of condition Ph 7671 or write W. Daven port, 1930 North 18th Work Guar. n62 VACUUM CLEANERS Tubular type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 HOT PLATES, single and double burner YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 RADIOS, record players for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty nfl3 v-i TRANSPARENT Plastl-Kote for drain II boards, floors and furniture. 1 ? YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nfl3' t FALLETONE washable, one coat, oil paint xor waiis, ceilings ana waupaper. aries in one hour YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. liberty n6S ;.. PLASTI-KOTE PAINT the cellophane j finish, for floors, furniture, automo- .3 dubs, on wooa, metai, concrete, nnoieum YEATER APPLIANCE CO. .r 255 N. Liberty n63 - I.E.s. LAMPS and torchlers. 'i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I 355 N. Liberty y TELEPHONE end lntercomm. sets. " YEATER APPLIANCE CO J 255 N. Liberty RESTAURANT GRILL, automatlo elec 1 trio, 34 inches square. : YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n63' . LOOM WIRE 13-3 and 14-2. I YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 7 255 N. Liberty n63' WALNUT SHELLS, 12 sacks for 1.00 S3 ton. Kiorfeln Pack Co.. 460 N. Front. . r LANTERNS Navy end railroad types. J YEATER APPLIANCS CO. 255 N Liberty n63 FLASHLIGHTS complete with batteries, J guaranteed forever lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n63 ,i)OOR CHIMES electrical and me chanleai. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n63 TOASTERS 2-slice, 13.10. 4-Sllci, 13,85 IBATEK APFUANCE CO. 255 N Liberty n63 I ULTRA-VIOLET (sun) lamps and Infra I J rf , 'heati tamps, heating pads. if YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 25 N. Liberty nu FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS iHUIT JUICERS and wall type oas open era, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, mantle and wall c'ocks. Y EATER APPLIANCE OO. 3W N. Liberty n63' SBTFAST CANVAS PAINT makes your awnings, lawn furniture look like new YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 255 N. Liberty n6S LIGHTING fixtures for kitchen and bath room, fluorescent and lnc an descant. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N. Liberty n63 SO, 40, 50, AND 66-GAL water beaters tor Immediate delivery YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 WASHING 5IACIIINES, full size Little Giant laundry tray type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n63' PIN-UP and TABLE lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N Liberty n6S' FOR YOUB CABIN at the coast, a radio that assures good reception. "The Trop to Master." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 FANS, KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust, oscillating desk models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 063 ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS all types YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N. Liberty n63 TRICYCLES at 114.95. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC butter churns with Jar. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63' IRON AND EXTENSION CORDS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SAUCE PAN PRESSURE COOKERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty n63 IRONING BOARD pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n63 ELECTRIC AND gas water heaters. .Uao repair work. BOWEN BROS. Plumbing and heating 355 N. Commercial Ph. 7315 n1 ELECTRIC HEATER G E., 3000-watt. 320 volt, heavy duty, fan type, $66.50. Mitchell Radio is Appliance, State and 19th. Phone 7577. n SPARK OIL heater, practically new. 2020 Warner St. n58 ROY'S OIL BURNER SERVICE 942 N Commercial Phone 8427 HIGH PRESSURE burners, floor furnaces, boiler tor radius heat, 8 In. furnace stovepipe, fittings of all kinds, galva nized pipes it fittings, and cook stove. n57 O. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines. Parts for all makes. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. n78" HEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us fo: free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty n' WE BUY & sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes motors radios, electric appli ances household goods fCLlOMAN'S 285 N. Commercial. Phone 9885. n' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT POWER mach. suitable for drapery is slip covering work. Box 278, Capital Journal. na59 TRADE locker at Citj Ice Works on Cen ter St., for locker tit 4 Corners. Ph. 66F3 after 5 p.m. naS7 WANTED: Burlap and Cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kelley. Ph. 23155. na68' USED FURNITURE. Phone 9185 PERSONAL READING, know the truth. 2361 State. p61 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Bx. 721 P271 AUTOMOBILES NEW 16 FT. bungalow- trailer house. Llnco axle, good tires, (700. Olaf Hel geson, Oervals. 0.57 CLEAN '37 Ford Tudor. Rebuilt motor. Ra dio it heater. 4145 N. River Rd. q58 1044 LIGHTHOUSE Trailer. Eastern built 25 ft. Sleeps 4 Butane, good condition, completely furnished, excellent tires, only $1650. If sold this week. MarJorle Jones. 150 Williams Ave. q58 '37 3-DOOR Chev Sedan. Good condition throughout, (700. 645 Bryan St., Wood burn, Ore. q80 CLEAN '.17 DODGE 4-dr. R is H. New tires. Ph. 3804 after 5 p.m. Q6U FOR SALE 1 1934 Chev. 2-door, excellent condition. Good motor and tires. A. Dornbuach, mile north and U mile east Kelzer school. Rt. 2, Box 26K. q57 PRIVATE OWNER. 1038 Olds coupe, 3650. Phone 2-6785. Call after 6 p.m. q5B FOR SALE: Good 1929 Chevrolet sedan. Can be seen anytime at Rt. 9, Box 3. First road east. of Krueger four cor ners, 3rd house on the left, q6S FOR SALE: '32 V-8. 300 cash. Inquire 1764 Market St. Private owner. q59 TRAILER HOUSE, factory built. 12 ft Indian. Ideal for sportsman. SleeDs 4. Heating is cook stove, sink, etc. Heavy undercarriage. Light to tow. Spare wheel is tire. Cheap permanent home for 2 3825 N. Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-5807. q59 '3S STUPE, good cond. 102 Park Ave. q59 MUST SELL '32 Ohev. sedan. Good cond throughout. 607 N. 19th. Ph. 3-4045. q59 1928 CHEV. sed.i 1931 Pont, sed.; 1931 onry. pick-up. Bee at 34 Park St, be tween Center and D Sts. q58 "SPRING BARGAINS' CHEAP MM BUICK COUPE pickup. 1 CHEV. 3-flr. 1934 OLDS. 1936 TERRAPLANE. 1938 FORD Deluxe 4-dr. come in and see us. 1935 PONTIAC 3-dr. 1935 PLYMOUTH COUPE dIcIc-ud. 1837 FORD 85 4-dr., A-l cond. New radio ana tires. 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE, A-l. 1940 FORD COUPE, good cond. iwii fvku a-ar., good cond. 1941 FORD 4-dr. Deluxe sedan. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1165 So. 12th St., Salem,, Ore. q59 FOR SALE: 1941 Olds 76 sedanette ex cellent conaiuon. Hyaro-matlc, radio, heater, J1400.00. 3245 Knox Ave. 2 blocks N. of Center, 1 block E. of Park. q57 TRAILER HOUSE, factory built, sleeps 4, . lurn. 1947 license, etc. $695. Ph. 21200. q57 1930 CHEV. pickup, 1720 Lancaster Dr" q57 NEW 16" house trailer. Masonlte exterior! Plywood inside. Sleeps 4. Sink, built Ins, well lighted. Llnco axle, new Fire stone tires. $1150. 1835 Court St. q58 HOUSE TRAILER about 7 X 14. with 16 in. wheels is tires fair. Price 1335. Can be seen 190 South Knox St. Monmouth. 1 blk. South of bank. qss HUDSON. 1987 with 1940 motor, R 4pH, clean, Hincock station, 846 N. High. 158 1935 CHEV. Sedan. Good condition, tires and battery. Price 1450. Ttarold Jones, 160 Williams Ave. Q5g ROUSE TRAILER. 14 ft. F.B. Sleep 3. Newly painted outside, fully furnished, absolutely no Junk. Price $675. Blanche Snyder, 150 Williams Ave. a58 1W STUD. Pres. Sedan. New battery. Mcam units, gooa iires, ciean car. Phone 23049. Rt. 9, Box 92. q37 '38 OLDS coach, radio, heater 755. taio Mcmew, Beauty Nook. q58 43. FORD sedan, radio and heater. '4 HUDSON sedan, vacumotive drive, overdrive, radio and heater. 41 CHRYS. Royal sedan. Very clean. 35 CHEV. cpe. HOLLYWOOD MOTOR CO. 1786 FAIRGROUND ROAD q57' BY OWNER, '37 Chev. 2-dr. Good eond. iax a. win. .tcb. xn. lOdv. qj)8 '41 CHEV. 5 -pass, cpe., radio, spotlight, heater, fog lights. Also '42 Ford all pickup. 1848 Court St. See after 5 P q57 1395 GOOD CHEV. standard 2-dr., new urea, special at elbner MOTOR CO., 362N. High. q57 SEE IT. drive it and you will want to ouy ror omy 11009. '12 Willys sedan Call 3435. Q57 AUTOMOBILES 1943 ALMA Trailer house. Good cond. Elec. brakes, ex. rubber. 1984 mate at. q57 1037 LINCOLN Zephyr, clean, good condi tion. Black, radio, heater, fog light, 5 tires. $850 8 to 10 a.m. and Sun. p.m. Phone 2413. 605 So. Water St., Silverton. Ore. Q&8 1040 DODGE convert. 5 pass. New paint St top. Hancock Ser. Sta., 546 N. High St. Ph. 2-1446. q57 '34 V-8. '33 Mercury mtr., cut down model A and T rdatr. body, mechanically per fect, See after 5. 1925 Chemeketa. q57 1041 SPEC. DeLuxe Chev. coach. Radio, heater, A-l tires, 46,000 actual miles. Private owned, stored at Herrall Owen's from 8 a.m' to 4 p.m. Call 6550 eve Price 11395 q57 CASH FOR your Car. Ph. 7437. Q59" '34 DODGE pickup, rack, late motor, good condition. (350.00. 310 Madrona Ave. q58 TRAILER HOUSE: 18 ft. Furnished. Good tires, air brakes, licensed. Reasonable. 2 ml. south. ,4 ml. east of Aumsvllle. Inquire at Ed Gilbert's. QS8 12TH STREET Salem's new USED CAR CENTER 7 BIG CAR LOTS 7 Before you buy or sell, coma out and see us, STEVENS USED CARS 678 S. 12th Street 12th Street Used Cars 688 South 12th Street A. B. C. MOTORS 785 S. 12th Street EVEHSON MOTOR CO. 795 S. 12th Street SQUARE DEAL USED CAR? 1155 S. ,12th Street DICKS USED CARS 1890 S. 12th Street CHEFFING USED OARS 1898 S 12th Street q73' '48 DODGE CUST. 4-dr Rd, htr. Call 3796. 3 to 6 eves. (2295. q59 WOODRUM'S Trailer Shop, Hubbard, Ore Ph 2G03 Hubbard We do all kinds -f repair work on all makes of house trailers, also new tops put on. and painting. q63 HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates - overhauling body and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why " SHROOK MOTOR OO Phone 8503 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - SERVICE - PARTS AD makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired SHROCK MOTOR OO. Phone 6503 Salem TRAILER house, 16 ft, (700. 575 Colum bia. q59 1934 CHRYSLER C.A. 8, four door sedan tltes like new, radio, heater, fog lights, nice car. Must be seen to be appreciat ed. Call before 8 p.m. 2557 Lee St, q57 1936 PLYMOUTH rumble seat coupe. Good tires, motor, radio. Excellent perform ante, 1130 Chemeketa. Phone 9701. q58 '35 FORD CPE. Also '41 DeSoto. Reason able. 880 S. Com'l. q5S 1036 CHEV. Standard. Just overhauled it new paint Job. Fair rubber. Ask for Roy at Frank Dooiittie Center com' I. 458 SELL TODAY: '40 Studc. Commander, 6 cylinder, 4 dr. R, H Ac Od. New tires, good cond, (1025. 633 N. Front. Ph, 6131. q58' 39 CHEV., radio, heater, 3 new tires, good cond. see irom 2 to 6 p.m. 1545 N. 16th q58 BY OWNER 1948 FORD. Super Deluxe Coupe Sedan. Very clean, good tires, heater, flee at 3365 Portland Rd. FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Yaars and NO Commission! Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 rSI AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 6th FLUOR -GUARDIAN BLDO License No. M-159 6-154 INCOME TAX LOANS (25 V O t'iSQ OR MORE on signature, fur. nlture or auto. No outsiders. Friends or employer not notified. (8.38 a mo. re pays 1100 loan in full In 15 mo. You get full amou- of ioan. 4 out of 5 who bsk lor a ioan, get it. call today. Per sonal Finance Co.. E. Galllngcr. Mgr 518 jtat- St.. Room 125. Lie. 8-122 " 165. MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE IF YOU are capable of building 10 to iuu Douse DBiem or vicinity auring mi ana aeea unanciai assistance. Contact Us. We are also Interested In financing one or two large apartment no use units. STATE FINANCE CO.. Lie S216M322 lB3a High St. Ph. 4121 1 GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-138 and M-338 and ROY H. SIMMONS msURANCK AND LOANS 136 S Commercial St Tel 9168. 1 J MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOAMS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and contracts STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Llo S-218 M-222 153 S High St FARM AND CITY LOANS VA and t YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts ana second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 207 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph 7162 Directory ACCOUNTANTS MONTHLY Bookkeeping service, including oaiance sneet, tax returns. G. E. Crock ett. Ph. 2-3829. p82 ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX, GEN. ACCOUNTING, AUDITS CAIN'S ACCOUNTING Service. Rm. 131 racmc oiag., 0I8 state St. Salem. Ore Ph 5990. Res. 6217. o77 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 6161. Brake is Wheel aligning specialist. o76' APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 3-5100 074' EXPERT BENDIX and commercial itnri domestio refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Oenter Ph. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. o76 AUTOMOTIVE JUST A MILE from high prices, Delmar auio Kenmshins. 38BB e. state St. Body Si fender repairing, auto painting. Ph. 2-5913. Free estimates, all work guarnn teed. 2 day service. o76 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE 333 Center. Phone 7838. CATERING GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 25379. CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned, ENSLEY. 771 5. 21st. Ph. 7176. 077 BULLDOZERS BULLDOZING Rd. bide., land clearing, leveling, loeging, etc., Ige. or small lobs. George Wlrth. 340 Plymouth Dr Ph. 2.367 038 BULLDOZING Leveling, clearing teeth for orum iTgu tiusKey. 306 Fairview Ave Ph 23146 Salem. oBO BRICK WORK ROCK A BRICK work Ph. 8840. 0661 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph. 4071. 063 DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM D LIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 s. Church. Phone 4711. o?4 EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery Ph 7000. 175 N. High. 362 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING button holes, hemstitch ing buttons, buckles covered. Altera tions. 3395 N. 4th. Phone 1900. Mrs. H. l Aliender. o4 Feed Grains Show Strength Chicago, March 7 UP) Feed grains exhibited greater strength than wheat on the board of trade today. Prices swung over a wide area in all pits, but gen erally corn and oats held above the preceding close while wheat was below yesterday's finish, During the session, all defer red deliveries of corn and all deliveries of oats except Sep tember reached new seasonal highs. Wheat closed 2 Va lower to 1 V4 higher, March S2.81-2.6Hfc. In the cash market No. 2 red wheat sold at $2.686, a new 27-year high. In some parts of the United States, lightning strikes electric transmission lines an average of once a year for every mile of line. DIRECTORY EXTERMINATORS COCKROACn EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3068. LEE CROSS. 1260, N. 17th. 076 PETTYCREW'S Greenhouse. 200 kinds of plants in season. 1028 S. 12th. Ph. 35909. o73 FEMRERTON'S FLOWER SHOP. 1980 S. 12tti. 082 BREITHAUPT'S for (lowers Dial 9195 0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME. Ph. 3672 0' HAULING Farm products it bids, ma terials Cbnstenscn lb Gilbert, 3445 N Church Ph. 2-5021 06 4 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free del 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. o75' LEVELING AND DOZING SILT A GRAVEL garden sand. Leveling is dozing. Bosley is Meyer. Ph. 3046 or 3-2160. o79 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER, 925 Saginaw. P7828 81" MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. ofl2 MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. o70 PAINTING PAINTING. Call for Jack. 4001. o78 PAINTING AND decorating. Roy Hanson. Ph. 25B38. Rt. 1, Box 408-A. 078 PAINTING SERVICE. Competent work manship. Reasonable rates. Prone 3-4895. 071 GOOD WORK, low prices. Phone 5313. Chet Horn 066 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Fre estimate. Ph 9513 857 Shipping. o63 PAINTING PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PAPERHANGING PAPERHANGING b decorating. Ph. 5522 073' EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. J. Wood- worth. Phono 3013. 082 PLOWING & DISCING GARDEN plowing is discing, George Wll son. Phont 58F15, 08O PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travlss. 1029 Highland Ave Ph. 8601. 06I PRUNING & TREE TOPPING PRUNING is tree topping. Ph. 7330. 068 RADIO TUBES RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd. Salem. 08O RADIO REPAIRING QUICK, DEPENDABLE, saves you money RAY MOORE. 3270 Portland Rd., Salem REFRIGERATORS GENERAL REFRIGERATION CO. Repair sc installation, commercial St domestic Ph. 8063. 069 SAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL crushed rock. Shovel & dragline excavating Walling Sand fe Gravel Co Phone 8561 0 SECRETARIAL STENOGRAPHIC service. Eves., week ends. 8288. 086 SEPTIC TANKS MIKE'S Cesspool it Septlo Service, mod ern equipment, mm mm at. w. eaiem. Ph. 9468 or 5327. o75' KENNETH HAMEL. 1143 8th St.. W. Sa lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service, o64 SEPTIC TANK, drains cleaned. Ph. 9833, 1067 Elm. Jack Boenlng. 082 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Prompt service. Ph. 5327 or 8468. oBl SIGNS AND SHO-CABDS Eldon Scott Ph 8635 076 SPRAYING AND PRUNING SPRAYING AND pruning. L. W. Caudle. Phone 7900. o72' JANITOR SUPPLIES. .7. R. Boono Chem ical Co., 1790 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 21493. o63 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL' a DISTANCE Transfer, storage, Burner oils coal, briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines Tor household goods to California points. Larmer Transfer is Storage. Ph. 3131. 0 UPHOLSTERING RECOVERING, tailored slipcovers. refln ishlng and repairing furniture. Phone 2-4670 1340 Madison. 067 VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACItT") CLEANER owners, wt wilt service your' Hoove) cleaner com plete or 12.50 plut- Part U required Hogg Bros. Ph 9149 0 WEATHER STRIPPING ' FREE estimates. T, PULLMAN, Ph. 5065. WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph S600. - o83 WELL DRILLING CHESTER J. PUGH, Rt 3, Box 288B. Ph. a-3412, saiem. o76 J "A. SNEED A SONS Well drilling 2505 Brooks St., Salem, Phone 6809 o70 WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe, Rt. 6, sox 575, saiem. 1 mile East of Lancaster drive on Auburn rd. Ph. 251D8. 082 WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING, floor waxing. Com mercial it residential Pn. 3-1342 Ha lem Window Service o63 4.CME WINDOW CLEANERS Windows walls A woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed waxed A polished Ph 3337 47 Court uansdoo Oulhertnoo and Mather o WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross, Ph. 8178. LODGES Fraternal Order or Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pjn. More than a mimon memoers. A Pacific Lodge No; 50, A.P. & VTSY'A.M. P. C. degree Friday, March 7, 7 pjn. 67 A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201. VT5V Stated meeting Tuesday, AA March 11, 7:30 pjn. 60- Market Quotations Fortland Eatttlde Market General prices ruled at today's session of the Portland saststae rarmers wnoie sale Produce market. Chives were offered at 11.50 ft flat. Portland Product Exo&ansa Butterfat Tentative (suojeot to Imme diate change) Premium quality maximum Portland 86-890: first quality 85-680 ib.i becond quality 8083c: valley routes and coui'try points 2c less than first, or ss-Bflc. Butter Wholesale t.o.b. bulk, 68 D cubes, AA, 93 score, 77c: A, 92 score, 77c; B. 90 score. 75c: C. 89 score. 73c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 42-49C; Ore gon loaf, 42-52c; triplets. 39-SOc. EkesTo wholesalers. A grade large 43-45c; medium. 434-44&c; small (pullet). 414-42; B grade large, 38-43 We 42 He. Ekci Purchases tiom termers: Current receipts 37-40c, buyers pay 3-3 VaO dos. below wholesale quotation on graded basis tor best hennery eggs Portland Dairy Market Butter Prices to retallerv Grsde A A carton, 82c; AA prints, 81c; A prints, 81c; A cartons, 82c; B prints, 79c; one fourth poimd cubes. i cent higher. Eggs Prices to retailers, AA large, 48 49c: A larze 45-47c: AA medium. 45c; A mediums, 4 4-45c: A small, 44o dozen, Oar- ton 3'io additional) Cheese- -Prices to retailers Portland: Oregon singles. 43-54c lb.; Oregon loaf, 46-56c; triplets. 42-54o. Poultry: Live Chickens No I Leghorn broilers 1 to 3 lbs. 25-27C lb.: fryers 3 to 3 lbs.. 24-25C! 3 to 6 lbs., 27-35C lb.; roasters, 4 lbs. and over. 27-35ci Fowl Lerhorn under 3'.i lbs., I5-17c; over 3 lbs.. I'MBc. roosters and stags 12-I5e Ib.t col ored all weights. 27-28c Rabbits Average to retailers 48-60B lb; dressed print's to nroducers 43c. (ryei live white 30-24c Ib.t colored. 17-21c ib Vecrtnhlps: Artichokes 4 dos. 14.75-5.00: 5 dox.. $5 60-6.00. Asparagus Calif. No. 1, mediums, 40c small. 25-29C lb. Beets Calif . bunched 4 doz.. tS. 50-9.00 Broccoli S3.75-3.90, 18 bunches; $3.75 18 bunches. Brussel Sprouts 12-2,38 Cabbaie Round nead 80 lb crate small s2. 50-75; California crates, 13-8.75: ret 10-15c lb.- California No. 1, 13.50-4: kraut, 81.65-1.76. Carrots Calif.. 6 doz., t4.7S-5.25; 60 lb. sacks, $2.25-3.65. Cauliflower Cal.. trimmed std. crates. $2.10-2.25. Roseburg, Ore., 12.15-2.25 a crate, circ. buncn. 11.15-05. Celery Heart material. 4-6 doi., 14.50 5.00. Pascal, crates, $5.50-75: std. crate, Pascal, S5.00-S.50: sturdy crates, $5.50-6. Cucumber California hothouse, lugs, $9-9.50 Oregon hothouse. 4S-50c lb. Garlic Oregon white 25-300 lb.; Calif., 28-30C lb. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz.. $4.75-5.00. Onions Oregon yellows, No. 1, 3 inches and larger, $1.65-75 iQ lb. sack: mediums 11.30-35: Calif, white globes $3.65-75. Green Onions Calif., 10 doz. crates, $6.35-50. ParsleyLocal 75-8e dozen. Peas Imperial Valley. 30 Ib hamoera. $4.85-5; Calif, hampers, 14-15c lb.; Calif, crates, 13-14c lb.; tubs. 28 lb., 14-4.25; 20 lb. crates. $3.50-3.75: few high as $4.15. Peppers Mexico, 45 lb. $8.50-9; 100 so. 19-200 ib.t calif.. 45 lb.. $7-7.50; loose. 23-25 cents. Potatoes Deschutes. No. Is, $2.00-2.95, No. 2s 90-950 a 50 lb. sack; Wash. Run- sets No. 1 $3-3.25; bakers $3-3.20: Red Bliss, Florida. Texas, 13.75-4 a 60 lb. sack; Oregon Russet no. 1, $2.90-3.10; Ida- no RUSsetS, NO. 1, $2,95-3.15 CWt. Radishes Calll., $6-6.50. 10 dos. eratea Rutabai-as -SI. 15-1.25 lug Spinach Calif., crates, 4 doz. bunches, S2.50-2.75; Mid-Columbia, $3.35-2.40 30 b. box. Squash Dan Mm tugs $1-1 I81 orange boxes $2.50-2.75; Hubbard, Marblehead, d-jo id.; uaiu., oanana, -ac id.; cam. Zucchini. $6-8.50 a 20 lb. lug. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey, 20 ib. basket, $5-5.35: Calif., Louisiana yams, $4.50-4.75 Tomatoes Repacked. S5.50-75: Mexican. as is, $5.00-50; repacked, $6.26-601 20 tubs, Turnips Bunches, $1.10-25 doz. bunches, $1 35-50 lug; Calif., bunches, $1.25-1.50. fresh Fruiti Apples Oregon delicious, t. it t $4-4.25 uox; cnoice S3 75-85; Ortleyn, w and i comb, grade. S3 16-23: Newtons. f. and. f. SI. 76-2; w and p.. (4-4 25. Avooidti Oalltornip Feurtea. sizes 16. JO 34. 30 $1-4.25 box; choice, $3.75-86. Bananas' Bunched. S3 36-3.50) nut hands, $12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 34, 8 uz picas, 84.86-8. Grapefruit Texas pinks, 70's and larger, n-o.io, ou a-uD a, tt. io-o.tai ua a, st.uo 4.25 Lemons Calif., 300-360'S, $7.30-7.95: 432's, $6.00-6.35. Limes -Ualltornla 16 tubs 0) 6 llmea $2.76-3.00 Oraoges California navels, I76'a nd larger, $5.75-6.20 box; smaller, S4-6.15: 200's, S5.5D-95; 252-268'S, $4.-4.7S 200-320'S, $4-4.95. Pears D'AnJou, $4.75-85, wrapped and pacKea; oose. S3.Z&; aoso. loose, 13.75-$: Yakima. S3-3 25 Persimmons Calif, lugs. IS.2S-S.50 Pineapples Cuban, 8-12's, $4.40-50. Rhubarb Extra fancy, 12.40-50; fancy. $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80; Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 15c lb. Quince--Local 2i-3o n. Packed Vegetables Cellophane wrapped a dozen: Broccoli, 13 oz $1.75-1.85: spin ach. 34 12-oz. $2.15-25; brussell sorouts. 9-nz., $2.20-35. Garlto Clones 20 l-oi packages. $1.65- 1.76. Dressed Meatst Veal Heavy top quality 26ci top qual ity light. 30-32o lb.) B. 24-36c: C. 33-24c: cull, 18-20o Ib. Hogs Block butchers, packer style, 126-160 lbs., 37-38c; over 213 lbs.. 36-37c; sows, all weights, 30-35c lb. Lambs AA. 38-40c; A. 37-36CI B. S4-36C C, 28-30C Mutton 10-150 Ib.. according to quality and weight Beef Best quality. S0-32oi B. 35-2601 O, 20-22c; canner and cutter, 18-lBoi bo logna bulls. 25-26C. Wool Casoara Uarkt Cascara Bark Oreen 8-8ttei dry, 90s Wool Valley coars and medium grades 45a lb Mohair 40c lb on 12-month growth Hides Green beef.. 12c; calves. 14c lb. Kip hides, 2lc. Rendered Inedible Fats 12o Ib The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F.O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally lb cents higher than P O J plant quota tions Chlcaro Grain Chicago, March 7 U.R CaBh grain sales: Wheat: Strong; 2 red 268'4. highest since 1920. Ccrn: Strong: 4 mixed lflfi'i: 1 vrl. low 164'; 3 yellow 161-164': 4 yellow 155'4-161'i;: 5 yellow 146-155: aamDla grade yellow 131i-143i ; 3 white 167. Oats: Firm; 1 mixed 100; 1 white heavy LEGAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. on the 13th dny of March. 1947. and Immediately thereafter publicly opened by the Board of Directors of the Four Corners Rural Fire protection District of Marlon County, Oregon, at the Four Corners Community Hall near Salem in said county and stats, for an Issue of general obligation bonds of said Four Corners Rural Fire Protec tion District, In the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), said bonds to be dated April, 1947, and to mature ser ially In numerical order as follows: $1,000 on April 1, 1948 11.000 on April 1, 1949 $1,000 on April 1, 1950 $1,000 on Aprlt' 1, 1931 $1,000 on April 1, 1953 $1,000 on April 1, 1953 $1,000 on April 1, 1954 $1,000 on April 1, 1956 $1,000 on April 1, 1956 $1,000 on April 1. 1957 Said bonds to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and Interest payable at the Ladd and Bush Salem Branch, O. 8. National Bank of Portland, Salem. Oregon. Said bonds were duly authorized at an election held on February 14, 1947. Bids must be accompanied by certified check In the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars r$250) The approving legal opinion of WInfree, McCulloch, Shuler nd Sayre will be furnished the success ful bidder. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. S. L. SCOTT Secretary-Treasurer Four Corners Rural Fire Protection District, Marlon County. Oregon. Address Routs 6. Box 368, Salem, Oregon. Publication dates: February 21. 1947; February 28, 1947, March 7, 1947. j 1004-1031 1 white 99-loit 2 white heavy 99-1014;; 3 white 97. Barley: Malting 150-190 nominal; feed 130-140 nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicago. March 7 (U.PJ Livestock: Hogs 5500. Slow, some early sales 25 50o lower; later trade and bulk sales 50-75c lower on all weights and sows; practical top 29.00, but one load sold 29.25; bulk good and choice 180-260 lbs. 26.25-28.75; good and choice 260-300 lbs. 27.75-28.50; 300-360 lbs. 27.50-28.00; most good and choice sows 25.00-25.50. Cattle 2000; calves 500. Slaughter cat tle steady and choice grades absent. Me dium and good fed steers and yearlings 30.00-25.00: a load 1200-lb. averages sold 25.00; medium and good heifers 18.50 22.25: good beef cows scarce; common and medium cows 12.75-15.00: canners and cutters 10.50-12.50; good weighty sausage bulls topped at 17.25: good be?f bulls 16.50-17.00: vealers steady to 1.00 lower at 37.00 down: receipts Included 500-7O0 head of replacement cattle direct to dealers. Sheep 1000. Weak to 2Sc lower on scat tered lots and decks of wooled slaughter lambs. Good and choice fed wooled west ern lambs 34 00: load medium and good wooled lambs 23.00 and 50 head common kind were sorted out Ff common wool skins 18.00. Other slaughter classes no minally steady. Portland Grain Portland, Ore., March T fypi Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 3-38 lb. white 66.00: barley No. 3-45 lb. b.w. 64.00: flax seed 8.50. ' Cash wheat 'bid: Soft white 2.31: soft white (excluding rex) 3.33; white club 2 33; western red 2.22 Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.?2: 10 oercent 2.36; 11 percent 3.34; 13 per cent 3.42. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 3.33: 11 ppreent 3.41: 13 percent 3.47. Today's car receipts: Wheat 5; barley 3; corn 6; mitlfeed 7. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., March 7 (UN Livestock: Cattle salable 135: calves 35. Market less active; early sales steady at week's advance, but few lots unsold; two loads experimentally fed steers unsold: heifers scarce: odd good grades up to 20.50: nauner and cuttct cows largely 10.00 13.00: fat. dairy-type cows to 14.00: hea vy Holstelns to 15.50: good beef cows to 16.00; medium to good sausaxe bulls 14.25-15.50; common to medium calves 14.00-20.00: choice vcalers quotable to 25.00 or above. Hogs salable none. Market not tested: good to choice 180-250 lbs. quoted 29.00: good sows 33.30-25.00: good to choice teeder pigs 26 00-36.50 or above. Sheep salable none. Market nominal, good to choice wooled lambs salable around 31.50-22.00 or above; good to choice ewes quotable 8.50-9.00. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New Tork eY -Closing quotations to Allied Chem Dye American Oan Am Power ii Llghl Amer Tel Ac Tel ..... Anaconda Copper Atchison Bendlx ' aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Alrcrart California Packing Canadian Pacific J I Case Chrysler Oorp Commonwealth 6k Sout Consolidated Bdlsor Consolidated Vultee ,. 95 . 15 ,.187i . 39H . flfl . 33' . 90 . 31 . 28Tfc . 12 . 35 . 97 ' . 3'i . 27 T4, . 16 Continental Insurance 51 Crown ZellerDach 31 Curtlaa Wright 5 D iglaa Aircraft 68 Dupont de Nemouri 182 General Blectrlo 36 General Foods 41 General Motor? 59Ai Goodyear Tire 57 Great Northern pfd 43 International Harvester gOH Int Paper pfd Johns Mnnvllle 131 Kennecott 45'u Long Bell A 18?; Maytag 11 Miami ; Copper 18 '4 Montgomery War 58 !i Nash KelvlnatOr mi National Dairy 31 4 N V Oentral 18 North Am Oo SB's Northern Paclflo 19 k Pao Amer Fish Paciflo Oas Blleo 41 Pacific TAT 108 Pan American Wk Penney J O 43 ,i Radio Corp B'i Rayonier 22 Payonler Pfd Reynolds Uetals 32 Richfield 15 Safeway 33'i Sears Roebuck ,.., 36',i ainolair Oil 15U Southern Paclflo 41 Standard Brands 34 Standard Oil Calif 5274 Stewart Warner 17 Studebaker 21 T4 Sun Mining 12 Union OU 21 Union Paclflo 125 V United Airlines 22 United Aircraft 17 United States Steal 72 Warner rirothers 15 West Elec Mfl OO 26 Woolworth SO Markets Briefed (By the United Press) Stocks lower in active trad ing. Bonds lower; U.S. govern ments did not trade. Curb stocks lower. Silver unchanged in New York at 86 Vi cents a fine ounce. Wheat futures closed up 7a cents to off 2 cents. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE CHURCH STREET FROM PINE STREET TO HICKORY STREET Notice is hereby given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to improve Church street from the south line of Pine street to the south line of Hickory street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersection the ex pense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion oi aairJ street to tne estaousnea trade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 6-lnch Portland cement concrete pave ment twenty-four feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the common council February 19, 1947, which are now on file In 'ha office ol the city recorder and which heraby are made a part of this notice. The common council hereby declares its purpose and Intention of making the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement depart ment. By order of the common council Feb ruary IB. 1947. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is Feb ruary 28. 1947. 69 HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Fissure Fistula Hemorrhoids Prolapse Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. No Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynoldi Clinic Naturo-Proctologist 218 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon J Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Mar. 7, 1947 IS Stocks Slump llo 8 Points New York, March 7 W The stock market today suffered its sharpest drop in better than three months with a late selling wave putting the high speed ticker tape behind and throwing a wide assortment of leaders for losses of 1 to more than 8 points. Slipping inclinations were dis played by the majority of pivot als from the start but pressure was lacking until the final half hour when a flood of offerings deluged the floor of the ex change and, for a brief interval, put the recording machinery two minutes late. Dealings then tapered and extreme setbacks were shaded here and there at the close. Transfers ran to around 1,300,000 shares, one of the largest volumes of the past month. American Telephone and Pennsylvania railroad touched now lows for the year. In the sliding division were Great Northern, Santa Fe, Chryslev General Motors, U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Goodrich, U. S. Rub ber, Montgomery Ward, Inter national Harvester, Western Union "A," Anaconda, Kenne cott. American Smelting, du Pont, Dow Chemical, and U. S. Gypsum. Drink Bill Referred The house alcoholic control committee today amended the liquor-by-thedrink bill to refer it to a vote of the people and provide for county option. The measure would permit sale of .hard liquor by the glass in clubs, restaurants and hotels. Salem Markets Completed from reporta ot Salem dealers tor the guidance ot Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Prleaa Rabbit Feeds Pellets, 13.95 cwt. Egg Mash (4.40 cwt. Dairy Feed S3 6b cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 26c Ib.i No. 2, 24oi Colored fryers. No. 1, 30c Ib Bess Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A 40ci med. 37c: standards 36c dozen; pullets. 30c; crax, 30c. Wholesale Price Large, 44o dozen, med ButterWholesale A, 81c. Rctnil Grade A, 86c. Butterfat Premium, 17c; No. 1, 66c; No. 2, 83o. Births, Deoths Births atbb To Mr. and Mrs. OlByton O. Olbb, route 8, a son Edward Alan, Mar. 2. Fearheller To Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fearheller. route 1, Lyons, a son, William Edward, Jr., Jan. 13. Mattlson To Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Mattlaon, 1635 Cross, a daughter, Bharen Mae, Jan. 16 Such To Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Such, 403 North 20th, a daughter, jacfiuenne uarui, Feb. 8. Bspey To Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Bspey. 2455 South High, a daughter, Bar bara Ann, Feb. 6. Qulnter To Mr. and Mrs. Benedict J. Benedict, fltayton, a daughter, Theresa, Feb. 8. McCall To Mr. and Mrs. Jack O. Mc Oall, Stayton, a son, Jack Cavineas, Jr., Fob. 11. Stravens To Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Btravens. route 1, Amity, a son, Thomas Joseph, Feb. 12. Huddlcslon To Mr, and Mrs. Lonnle J Huddleston, route 2, Turner, a daugh ter, Bonnie Lou, Feb la. Blelemeter To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blelemeier, Mt. Angel, a son, Nlckalos Qeorge, Feb. 34. Chnnman To Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Chapman. Turner, a daughter, Patricia Louise, Feb. 21. Laccy To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd T. Lacey, route 1, Aumsvllle, a daughter, Betty Jo, Feb. 26. Arnold To Mr. and Mrs. George Ar nold, 111 Hi Second St., West Salem, a daughter, Norma Jean, Feb. 28. Prince To Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Prince, 241D South Commercial, a son, Oregg, Feb. 37. Lyons To Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Lyons, 1855 North Winter, a daughter, Judith Jane, Feb 1. Sullivan To Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sullivan, 1847 South 12th, a daughter, Nancy Jane, Feb 11. strlckfaden To Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Strlckfaden, 1590 Norway, a son, Terry Leigh, Feb. 9. Barnett To Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Barnett, 435 Locust Bt., a son, David Wayne. Feb. 27. Palma To Mr. and Mrs. Moses M. Palma, route 1, Brooks, a son, Relnaldo Marcos, Mar. 1. Duman To Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Duman, route 1, Sclo, a son, Gerald Hen ry, Mar, 1. Owens To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Owens, route 1, Dayton, a daughter, San dra Marietta, Mar, 3. Wclzel To Mr. and Mrs. Loy E. Weliel, Independence, a son, Steven Loy, Mar. 2. Stnuffer To Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Stauffer, Hubbard, a son, Charles Robert, Mar. 3. Silverton To Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Martin, a son, March 4, and to Mr and Mrs. Charles Cornwell of Woodburn, a daughter, March 6, at Silverton hospital. Woodburn To Mr and Mrs. Waldo Glbbens of Ocean Lake, a daughter at the Salrm Deaconess hospital March 3. First child. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Glbbens and Mrs, Edna Lytle, all of Woodburn Woodburn To Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles B Cornwell of Woodburn, a 7 pound b ounce daughter, March 6 at the Silver ton hospital The little girl has three listers and one brother. Grandparents are the J. Melvin Rlngos and the John Cornwell of Woodburn. Woodburn To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Len ners or Woodburn. a daughter, Margaret Ann, Feb. 21 at the Salem General hos pital. Deaths Cherlee M. Dake Charles M. Dake at his home at Prine vllle, March 4. Survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dake of Turner and two daughters, Barbara Dake of Prinevllle and Imogene Dake of Burns. Wanted: Walnut Meats Pieces and Willamette 30S 8outh Cottage Street Salem, Services will be held Saturday, March 6, At 10 a.m. at the Clough-Barrlck cha pel with Rev, Dudley Strain officiating. Interment In the Odd Fellows cemetery at Turner. Burt B. Flark Burt B. Flack, at his residence at 1066 Cascade Drive, March 6. Surviving are his wlfs, Mrs. Louisa Flack, and a sister, Miss Nellie Flack of Milwaukee, Wise. Services wilt be held Saturday, March 8. at 3 p.m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel with Rev. Seth Huntington officiating. P'ease omit flowers. Masy E. (Auntie) Brooks In this city Thursday. March 8, t the age of 87 years, Mazy E. (Auntie) Brooks, late resident of 1320 North Com mercial street Services wilt be held Monday. March 10. at 1:30 p.m. at th W. T. Rlgdon chapel with interment in the IOOF cemetery. Rev. Dudley Strain will officiate. Adella M. Gilliam Adella M. Gilliam, late resident of 77 South 13th street, at a local hospital, March 6. Survived by a daughter, VeJna Gilliam of Salem; a son, Denztl Gilliam of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Dav enport and Maude Brunotte of Portland: two brothers, Charles Moyer of Salem nnd William Moyer of Hoquiam. Wash.; and a grandson, William E. Gilliam. An nouneemrnt or services later by Clough Barrlck company. Obituary Joseph H. Brewer Stayton Joseph H. Brewer, 64, wha had a drug store at the corner of Third and Water streets in Stayton for many years, but more recently was owner of a store in Tillamook, passed away In his sleep in that city Wednesday. February 26. Funeral services were conducted Sat urday, March 1 at 2 p.m. and burial was in a cemetery in Tillamook. He wa born March 20, 1683 at Jackson, Nebr., son of the late Dr. J. H. Brewer of Sa lem and Mrs Alfina Gotl of Stayton who also is deceased. Brewer came to Oregon In 1890 and passed the state pharmacy board at the aae of 18. He was engaged In the business 40 years. He is survived by his widow. Pearl Brewer: son, Robert Keith Brewer: three grandchildren, Nan cy Kay, Peggy Ann, and Robert Keith, Jr.i sister, Mrs. Mary Tate of Stayton; ne phew, Melford Alien of Eugene. His bro thers. Dr. C. H. Brewer and George H. M. Brewer, preceded hlro in death soma 10 years ago Adah Leone Shrecve Dallas Funeral services for Mrs. Adah Leone Shreeve, 49, wire or Varnum C. Shreeve of Dallas, will be held Friday afternoon at 2 p.m from the Christian church with vault entombment follow ing in the Mount Crest Abbey mausoleum, Salem. Mrs. Shreeve was stricken with paralysis last Thursday evening in her home and remained in a coma until her death Tuesday night. She was born in Dallas March 4. 1808, the daughter ot Henry 0. and Ella N. Campbell. She at tended Dallas schools and graduated front Dallas high school. On November 29, 1922, she was married to Mr. Shreeve. She waA an active member of the Dallas Christian church and was a member and past wor thy matron of Naomi chapter No. 22, Or der of Eastern Star. She was also a mem ber of the Dallas Daughters of the Nils club and of the Portland temple of that organization. Mrs. Shreeve Is survived by the husband, one son, Kenneth, 13, an uncle. Dr. Ralph Hill of Portland, and an aunt, M rs. Minnie Morris Fox ot Portland. Augusta May Berry Dallas Mrs. AuauMa May Berry, 66, wile of Ocorge W. Berry of Dallas, died early Wednsday morning In the Dallas hospital. Funeral services will be held ab 3 p.m. Saturday at the Henkle and Boll man chapel with Fred Towne, pastor of the Christian church, officiating. Inter ment will be In the Salt Creek cemetery, Mrs. Berry was born on May 1, 1880, In the Salt Creek community, the daugh ter of Charles and Florence Dodson Web ster. She was married to Mr, Berry In Eugene In September, 1940. They resided at Delake for a time but came to Dal las four years ago, Mrs. Berry was a member of the Rebekah lodge and of the Evangelical church. Surviving are the) husband, one son, Vernon F. Lamm of Dallas, a brother, F. L. Webster of Al bany and one granddaughter. A nephew, Charles Dake ot Prinevllle, died Tuesday night. Nellie Clirlsllnn Anundson Silverton Funeral services were held from the Memorial chapel of the Ekman Funeral home Thursday afternoon for former local resident, Miss Nellie Chris tina Anundson, 60, graduate nurse, and member of the overseas nursing workers during the first World War. Miss Anund son died March 3 In a Woodland hos pital following a short Illness. She cam to Silverton 47 years ago with her fam ily. Attended local schools, graduated from nursing school, finishing at Sellwood hospital. Portland following her pro fession until the time of the last illness, working in Portland, Seattle and different southern California cities. Her parents were the ate Mr. and Mrs. Tolles Anundson of Silverton. Sis ters and brothers surviving are Mrs. Mabel Morley, Salem: Mrs. Lulu Cason Blaine, Ore.; Mrs. Edna Turner, Port land; Henry, silverton: Ray. Robins. Calif., and Thomas, Sacramento. AH wera prestnt ror ner lunerai services. Final rites. Valley View, Rev. 8. L. Almlie, of ficiating. John C. Zlmbrkk Lebanon Funeral services for John O. Zlmbrlck, 65, prominent business man and past city councilman and mayor, were held at tho Howe-Huston chapel Friday. Rv. LeRoy Crosby of the Spring field Baptist church conducted the rites and Rev. Holly Jarvls of Lebanon sang. Interment was In the IOOF cemetery. Born Oct. 16, 1891 In Park Rapids, Minn., he came to Lebanon 38 years ago, es tablishing a real estate business In which ha was actively engaged when taken by a hfart attack on March 5. Surviving are his widow Boda, and son. Jack of Lebanon: daughter, Mrs. Ruth Miller, Oakland, Calif.; sisters, Mrs. Ellen La Forge, Lebanon, Mr. Laura Emmond, Eugene, Mrs.' Freda Amcl), Beaverton; brothers, Matt of Wlllamlna and Archie and Frank of Beaverlon. US 30 Start them Right with TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER PELLETS OR MASH PLAY SA FE with your chicks thf year. Start them on the road to sturdy health with Triangle Chick Starter carefully balanced ra tion built to supply all their needs for rapid growth during their first 8 weeks, Set your Dealer. TRIANGLE MILLING CO: 65 N. Tillamook St. Portland 12, Ore. Your Triangle Dealer Amber Halve Grocery Co. Oregon Phone 4141 y&" .?f -Sty)