I I1 Locals 'I Certificates of assumed busi ness name filed with the county clerk include the following: Parker's Hollywood Plumbing & Heating company by Robert E. Parker, certificate of retire ment being filed by W. C. How ard. Mortarless Block com pany by W. G. Stanton, box 368, route 9, Salem, assumed name. Retirement from Nite Hawk Cafe, 475 Center street, filed by C. W. Bartlett, Jr. Dance Saturday, Silverton Ar mory. Glen Woodry's Orchestra. 57' Let's go skating tonile at Ca pitals Roller Rink. 57' Lutz Flower Shoppe, 1276 N. Liberty street. Phone 9592. 57 Directors of the Capital City Rabbit and Cavy Breeders' as sociation will meet Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, route 9. box 36, Salem, when discus sion will be had further of the program to establish standard minimum nrices for nedicreed 1 breeding stock, depending on I kage, breed and registration. A I 'committee working on this pro " gram consists of L. S. Randall and Gerald Wing, Salem, and j Lester Keller, Hubbard. The , f regular March meeting of the -i association will be held next f Tuesday at the dairy coopera ! tive buildine and H. G. John- i son, president, Salem, will re - port on what he learned at the 1 rabbit school in Seattle cover- ' ing most angles of housing, feeding, disease, principles of breeding and marketing. Eola Acres Florist. 5730. 57 Dexter lawnmower and grind I ing service. 966 Center. 6833. j 57' J Air, Steamship tickets, Kugel, ' 735 North Capitol. Phone 7657. 57 World fmous Akron Modern Trusses, correctly fitted. Private fitting room. Capital Drug store. 57 Women of Moose lodge mem bers will conduct a card party at the Moose hall the night of March 7. Pinochle and 500 will be played. Hospital and Health and Ac cident Dept. of Mutual of Oma ha, local office 409 Guardian Building, G. J. Becker, mana ger. Phone 8482. 57' Basins, tubs, sinks, available now. Judson's, 279 North Com mercial. 57' 1 Prompt pump repair service. i judson's. Phone 4141. 57 Mother's, avoid everyday wash day blues. Try the diaper supply at the Stork Laundry Phone 25600. 57' A series of amateur night programs will be inaugurated March 11 by the Salem Eagles lodge with two cash prizes be ing given away each Tuesday night through April 8 when the program ends. The two winners from each night will compete during the final round when three prizes will be awarded. There are no limits as to age or number of participants However all entrants must re- ffist.Pr rtt. thp TTafflpc haU rlnrinff ,' the afternoon hours and try outs will be held each Friday evening. Baby pictures, different. You'll love them I Just arrived at Art department of Elfstroms 58' Senator Toiletries going out of Business. All Fitch, Woodbury and Jergen lotions, creams, shampoo and hair oil to be on sale at greatly reduced prices Senator Hotel Building. See complete line Color Per fect wav paper at Sears. " Visiting in Salem is ABM 3-c Charles E. Caley, son of Mrs Payson B. Tibbetts of 2054 rNorth Capitol street, who is on fluty as a station keeper at the naval air station at Seattle. The navy man first entered that branch of the service from Perm sylvania and trained at Samp son, N. Y. Discharged June 6, 1946, he signed for duty with the naval reserve and then volun teered for active duty. Dr. Maynard C. Shiffer, re cent director of the division of maternal and child health of the Oregon state board of health, is now associated with Dr. Lewis D. Clark. ,58 Older type 3 bedroom home for sale, oarage. Fairmount Phone 9367. 58 Let's go skating tonite at Ca pitola Roller Rink. 57 Al Crose, district governor, will preside as toastmaster at the district speech contest in Albany March 25. He is a member of the Capital Toastmasters club, which will be represented by Wayne Smith, president. Dr. M. E. Gadwa will represent the Salem Toastmasters. Bookcases. 7 sizes. Your f choice $5.95 ea. Woodrow's. 450 (Center. 58 DeLuxt Cab. Phont 8050. 64 Mrs. L. E. Gardner, 1644 North Liberty, was given first aid, taken to the hospital and then dismissed Thursday after she had cut her hand with an ax. First aid also treated Nor ville Hilfiker, senior high school student, after he had thrown thumb out of place during gymnasium class. Oh, Paddy dear, and did you hear The news that's going 'round? The flowers that Herb O'Hunt 'employes Are the fairest "to be found! And should you have an Irish friend Or some sweet young Colleen Depend upon Herb Hunt, of course. For the "preparin' o' the green Phone 2-1863. Hollywood Flor ist, 2075 Fairgrounds Rd. 57 Rose bushes, flowering shrubs, evergreens, Rice's, Hoi lywood Dr. Silverton highway to first Shell Station. Turn rieht. 58 Wanted, experienced altera tion woman. Esther Foster Phone 7741. 58 Insureo savings earn more than tw percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association. 130 Soutn Liberty street. Tom Baron, now of Salem but formerly of Stayton where he was first president of the Lions club, will show moving pictures at the club luncheon next Tues day. These will be shots of char ter members and of the wool in dustry, many of the interior scenes being taken at the Paris Woolen mills in Stayton. Week-end special at Elf stroms. Cotton marquisette kitchen curtains tailored by Vogue, 33x45, were $2.70. Fri day and Saturday, $1.95 pair. 33x54, $2.25 pair. 57 Close out; 2 only Juvenile Bikes. Reg. $29.95. Special at $17.95 ea. Woodrow's. 450 Cen ter. 58 Johns Manville shingles ap plied right over your old roof, Nothing down, three years to pay. Mathis Bros., 164 South Commercial. Phone 4642. The. Salem Cloud Chasers be gan plans last night for the TJ. control model contest to be held March 30 with open A, B and C class entries. Earl Cayton spoke on "Aerodynamics of an Original Design" and rules of the Ameri can Model association were dis cussed. For sale approximately 3,- 000 feet "C" vertical grain fir flooring. All or part, at less than retail. Call 8819. 58 Canton Tavern open until 1 Saturday night. Chinese Noo dies a specialty. 58' Entries for the Lions Dog Show to be held March 22 and 23 must be in the hands of J. H. Willett, local chairman, by Sat urday, March 8. Entries posi tively close on that date. Inter ested parties see Willett at Cap ital Drug Store. 405 State street. 57 Speakers at the Capital Toast masters club Thursday night held a round-table discussion of the proposed throughway bill be fore the legislature. Heard were Joseph Prange, Elmer Boyer, Leon Cooney, Al Cramer and Ben Wittner with ' Jack Hayes toastmaster of the evening. El ection is scheduled for next Thursday with installation of of ficers April 3. Pemberton Flower Shop Phone 23346. 1980 South 12th, 58 3 drawer 27" Knotty Pine chest $9.70. 4 drawer 27" Knot ty Pine chest $10.75. 5 drawer 27" Knotty Pine chest $12.70 3 days only. Woodrow's. 450 Center. 58 Lawn mower grinding at your home. Work guaranteed. F. X Roasch. 3732. 57 Good steno wanted. 38 hour week. Phone 6464. 58 Leslie Buell, who has been at tending Willamette university law school since his return from overseas, will re-enter Oregon College of Education at Mon mouth for the spring term and work for his degree in elemen tary education. He formerly taught at Halsey. Rummage Sale at St. Jo seph's Hall. Friday and Satur day March 7th and 8th. 57 Expert watch and clock re pairing. Five day service at Steven's Jewelry. Breakfast, Lunch and Din ners. Soup, salad, entree and detsert, 60c to $1.75. Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Specializing in AA grade T. Bones. Cherry's 12th Street Dinette, Booths. So Custom garden work with Rototiller. M e r r i 1 l's Green House. Phone 24351. 58 We repair house and car ra dios, 1 day sevice, work guar anteed. Douglas McKay Chev rolet company, 500 block. North Commercial. . Charged with larceny by check on warrants from Wash ington state Claude Rogers, 3445 Center street, and W. C. Jeppson, Woodburn, have been arrested by deputies from the sheriff's office for allegedly passing bad checks at Yakima, Wash. Deputies said the men had waived extradition and would be turned over to Wash ington officers. Prune trees, shrubs, peren nials, large regal lily bulbs, 25c Phone 8556. Boyd Nursery, 2440 State street. 57 Roto Rooter Sewer Service. Don't dig up your sewer and drains. We take roots and mud out of your sewer. Prompt serv ice, inexpensive. Phone 5611 or 9468. 58 Dressed rabbit, cut up, boxed; recipes included. Salem Public Market, Saturday 57 Generous reward for return of ladie's purse and valuable pa pers lost on W. Salem bus. Elsie Noteboom. 1049 6th St.. West Salem, Ore. 57 Dr. Maynard C. Shiffer, who for more than a year held the position of director of maternal and child health section of tne Oregon state board of health, has resigned and will enter pri vate practice in Salem. In Salem Dr. Shiffer will be associated with Dr. Lewis O. Clark, for merly director of the crippled children's division University of Oregon medical school. Lawn mowers ground to a paper-cutting edge. Moore's "Bike ' Shop. Phone 3844. 57 Ma Beebes fine foods. Special dinner. On Dallas Highway. 57 Wanted Young man with car for outside circulation work. Must be a good solicitor. The man for this position will be given the opportunity to ad vance and work his way up in the department. Must have at least high school educatoin. This position pays good wages to the right man. State age, experi ence, married or single, In first letter to Box, 269, Capital Journal. g ' Just received, radios, port able combinations, electric and battery. Broadway Appliance company, 419 Ferry, Salem. 57 Eight cases of pneumonia wer reported from Marion coun ty during the week ending March 1, according to records of the state department of health. Other communicable diseases reported during the period were four of chicken pox, four syph ilis, three scarlet fever and two mumps. Dance Friday night. Salem Armory, western swing music. 57 Full time experienced wait ress wanted. Golden Pheasant 58 Free, up to date maps of Sa lem. Mezzanine floor, R. L. Elf strom Co., 340 Court. 58 Dance Saturday, Silverton Ar mory. Glen Woodry's Orchestra, 57 Wanted, experienced altera tion woman. Esther Foster. Phone 7741. 58 Members of the Macleay 4-M club and their husbands will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo McMorris Saturday night at their home in the Popcorn com munity. Kemtone. 1201 South Com mercial. Phone 6050. 57 Dance everv Wednesday and Saturday at Crystal Gardens Two floors, two orchestras, one price. Modern and old time. For Rent Floor Sanders. Woodrow's. 450 Center St. Pin your diaper worries on us Call Jim Taylor, Stork Laundry. 25600. 57 Colored tryers and roasters. We deliver. Phone 22943 or 7000 A special meeting of the Sa lem Stamp society will be held Friday night at 8 in the YMCA. Chief order of business will be reports from committee chair men in charge of plans for-the stamp exhibit April 13. Taxil Valley Cab. Prompt service Phone 8624. ? River silt and fill dirt. Com mercial sand and Gravel. Phone 21966 'C" Kilgore Real Estate. New branch office, 2342 South Com mercial. 62 Olson Washer Repair. 25100. 73 Jersey breeders of the district are invited to attend an all day meeting of the Linn-Benton Jer sey cattle club at the Western Star Grange hall next Thursday starting at 10:30 o'clock. I. W. Slater, western field representa tive of the American Jersey cat tle club, will speak and plans will be made for the annual spring Linn-Benton Jersey cat tle club show. Stove oil. Cadwell Oil Com pany. Phone 9788. 2490 State. Camelias, azaleas and other shrubs. 995 North 21st. Phone 26923. 57 Corner lot in city, 100x144. Phone 3748. 59 Freshman Glee Saturday Eve The four classes at Willamette university, following 10 days of intensive preparation, will pre sent the 39th annual "Freshman Glee" Saturday night at 8 o'clock before an' audience that will pack the gymnasium to capac ity. Because of the approximate ly 1100 students on the campus, demand for tickets has far ex ceeded the available accommo dations and Dr. Robert Lantz, who holds the position of grad uate manager, was near a ner vous collapse Friday as he tried to stand off insistent demands. The theme for this year's "bat tle of the songs" is a novelty one and it is understood all four classes have outdone themselves in the various types of presen tation. The seniors, first to make their way to the elevated stage will wear the traditional black for men and white for women. The juniors, however, bent on moving away styles of former years, are expected to dress to correspond to their song, "Willamette Blues." "On the Sea With Jason Lee" is the selection of the sopho mores who have revealed that a sailor's horrt-pipe may be one of their bids for fame. The freshmen will present "Cupid's On the Campus of WU." Prior to actual presentation of the class songs, Don Yocom, glee manager, will make a wel coming speech while Bob Sayre, president of the freshman class, will appear for that group. Following the awards, stu dents will dance in the gymna sium. Crime Records Broken in '46 Washington, March 7 (U.R) Murder was committed on an average of 36 times a day last year as major crime in the U.S reached an all-time high. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover reported that there was a major crime every 81.7 seconds and that murder manslaughter, rape or murderous assault was com mitted every 5.7 minutes. In all, Hoover said, there were 1,685,203 major crimes commit ted in his country last year, an increase of 119,662, or 7.6 per cent, over 1945. And this did not take into account such crimes as embezzlement, fraud, arson, re ceiving stolen property and car rying concealed weapons. At the 36-per-day rate, a total of 8442 persons were murdered or slain without premeditation. This was an increase of 23.3 per cent over 1945. Rape was com mitted 33 times a day for a total of 12,117 an increase of 5.0 per cent over 1945. Officers of Salem Lodge 336 BPO Elks, nominated Thursday night to serve during the year 1947-1948 were: For exalted ruler, Tarz Aufranc; esteemed leading knight, Joseph B. Fel ton; esteemed loyal knight, Gil bert Wynkoop; esteemed lectur ing knight, Glenn Burright; sec retary, Harry Wiedmer; treasur er, Claude Martin and Robert Jones; tiler, Ernest Burrell trustee, Harry Wenderoth; al ternate representative to the grand lodge, Fred Phillips. Full time experienced wait ress wanted. Golden Pheasant 58 For immediate delivery, Thor irons. Broadway Appliance company, 419 Ferry, Salem. 57 Salem Court News Circuit Court Decree of divorce in Emily S. va. Myron Harper restores nama Emily B. Tur ner to plaintiff. Answer ol Child. & Miller, Inc., filed in Arioulne and Wayne L. Carleton vs. Ohllds Sc Miller, Inc., and State Finance company. Complaint for divorce by Gladys vb. John L. Parry. Jr., allenes cruel and In human treatment. Married aubusi to, 1930, at Jerome, Ida. Comnlalnt for divorce by Delia E. vs. Arnold Overman allese.i cruel and Inhu man treatment. Married August S, 1943, at Vancouver, Wash. Answer filed in C. E. Atbrlch vs. Le- lla Sharp. The J10.000 damage action of Leora Bouvin. administratrix of the estate of John Roland Bouvla. vs. Melvln Burdlck on trial before Judse E. M. Page went out on a non twit Wednesday after the plaintiff had retted her case. Complaint by Glen L. Buzard vs. Prank Evanj, and Richard Cooey seeks to col lect 11200 damaftes allegedly suffered by plaintiff's car in a collision Jan, 10. this year, at 15th and Trade streets. Decree of divorce In Ir.etta vs. Bernard J. Kropp gives defendant custody of six children. tn Elda Elmyra vs. Leonard Donald Pat- Complaint for divorce by Helen Louise vs. John R. Wolf alleges cruel and In man treatment, asks custody of a child by plaintiff with $30 a month for Its support. Married October 31, 1941. at Vancouver, Wash. Judgment satisfactions filed in Mar garet Hunt vs. Fred Hunt and Valley Credit Service vs. Bud G. and Georgia Karn. Order In Salem Air Service vs. Leo O. Devanev and other dlrurt that aa Inns flic rert.aln alrrm f t 1nvn1vd m-t. f rtrl I licensing requirements defendants shall be enjoined from attempting to compel their registration with the secretary of state of Oregon. Order cancelling Judgment entered January 7, this year, filed In Fred A. Mitchell and others vs. Elizabeth L. Schaefer and others. John Temple Graves II, econ omist, lawyer and writer who will address the Salem Knife and Fork club next Monday evening at the Marion. Graves is a newspaper columnist who will speak concerning "Free En terprise. County to Take Keizer Road The county court at its regu lar road meeting Friday direct ed the county engineer to see that notices are posted of the court's intention to take over Cummings lane in the Keizer district as a county road and at its next road meeting will probably direct the viewers to look the road over and assess damages. The matter of this lane as a county road has been before the court for a long time. The court has received 26 deeds from property owners granting right-of-way but there are still four undeeded pieces. There are two garages which extend par tially into the proposed widen ing project. It is understood some money has been advanced in connection with the proposed work. At the same time it took ac tion as to Cummings lane it re jected a proposal for the county to take over Evans avenue, Dee street and Dearborn street, also in the Keizer district and off the north river road. The coun tv engineer had filed an unfa vorable report on the proposal and the court accepted his recommendations. The court ordered a relocation of the approach to the Gates bridge. This will bring the road up to the bridge in a former lo cation and give a more direct approach. The land for the right-of-way already has been deeded to the county and it is understood will be improved the coming summer. House Votes fo Continue Excise Taxes Washinefnn. March 7 (fP) The house gave final approval today f lor iclai inn inn tinni nff indefi nitely the wartime excise taxes on many items, including liquor fure iowplrv and rosmetics transportation and telephone service. n-ill- cpnalp annrnvnl will send the measure to the White House. Prr-sidpnt Truman reauested flio lotTiclatinn in tirpVPnt On July 1 an automatic rollback in rates that would cost the treas ury about $1,200,000,000 an nually. The mranre as finally oassea by the house exempts from the fiit iav fnr-t rimmed women's i coats up to a value of $150, and removes the levy on transports tion tickets for foreign travel. Complaint for divorce by Frank H. ts. Alice Hutchlngs alleges desertion. Mar rlcd December 3, 1890, at Inzwell, 111. Cnmnlaint to collect 633.fiO and Inter- est alleged due on a note filed by A. M. Jensen Drilling company, vs. Carl and Donna Wlcklander. Probate Court Pinal report of Joe L. Aase as guar dian of Edna J. Torgeraon show bal ance of $106.84. Final order Tiled In Walter Stotler es tate of which Rachel Stotler is admin istratrix. Order In Eva O. Hicks estate author izes Loren D. Hicks, administrator, to execute a conveyance deed to u. Smalley. Third annual report of Deryl F Myers as guardian of Marilyn and Rob ert F. Myers shows balance of 4601.5. Justice Court Victor Koehne. obtainini money through ffliap pretense, waived prelimi nary examination and held to answer. Prank Leslie Ladd. route 4, Balem. vio lation basic rule fined $10 and coats. Police Court Esther Williams. Woodburn, no drlv er'i license. Ball $5. Violation of noise ordinance, Melvln Proff, 995 N. 14th, bail $25: Paul Kdgar Z. Bartrutt. Rte. 2 Box job, ball ia. Failure to stop: Gale D. Pennington, 1375 North Commercial, ball $2.50; Don ald L. Beck, Rte. 2 Box 903, fined 12.50. Excessive speed: Douglas N. Woods. Monmouth, $10 ball; Hugh Oene Simp son, Brooks, Rte. 1, fined 120 and Doug las L. Qeorae 1596 8. 13th, ball $10. Drunk: Bill DeGeer, 343 South Winter, pleaded not guilty; trial March 14 at 2:30 o'clock, ball 125: Johr. Simons, 535 S. 19th, $10 and liquor license suspended. Alfred A. Miller, Portland; reckless driving liquor Involved; fined $100. Samuel P. Matheny, Sublimity; failure to stop at scene of accident; fined $25, Marriage Licenses Neal A. Curry. 29. bank teller, and Doris E. Reh, 28, bookkeeper, both Ba- Rocky Point District Gains The district boundary board Friday granted a petition to take about 60 acres of land out of the Shaw school district and trans fer it to Rocky Pointsoasto bring the Rocky Point and Aumsville districts into a contiguous posi tion where they may vote on a consolidation. Petitions will be circulated at once in Rocky Point and are already complet ed in the Aumsville district aivl will be presented in a very short time to the boundary board so that a date for the election will be fixed. Letters from both Shaw and Rocky Point school district boards were read ap proving the change and there was no protest. Henry J. Tate appeared and urged the board to grant the petitions stating that Rocky Point has been transport ing pupils to Aumsville for seven years and the change will be ad vantageous to both. No one lives on the 60 acres involved. Adolph Heater, who lives in the Union Hill country, said that the proposed change had far more significance than just that which is applicable to Rocky Point and Aumsville. He said by granting the change it would bring a chain of seven more dis tricts contiguous and allow a general consolidation if desired and also open the way for a large union high school district some day if the voters were in favor of it. These seven dis tricts just recently voted on con solidation among themselves, with all in favor but one district. and that in doubt because of votes being challenged. He said it might be that eventually this consolidated district might like to go into Aumsville and create a strong educational setup stretching even Into the Turner area. The boundary board Friday also canvassed the vote on an election held in the Evans Val ley and Briar Knob districts and found that the proposal lost. Bri ar Knob voted 8 to 0 In favor of consolidation but it was re jected in Evans valley by 10 ne gative votes to 8 affirmative. Caribbean Trip (Continued from Page 1) The chief executive flew back to Washington last night after a three-day goodwill mission to Mexico and a stop off at Baylor university to tell this country that "we have reached a turn ing point in history." But immediately ahead lies the problem of Greece and the three choices the plight of that country leaves for the United States: (1) Direct intervention with money and materials to safe guard shaky European countries resisting communistic pressure; (2) a half way course of sup plying relief on the basis of non interference in their internal affairs, or (3) withdrawal to a policy of strict non-intervention. Congress was clearly awaiting the administration's statement which Secretary of State Mar shall said only Mr. Truman could make because of the "transcendent" problem In volved. An flpn1rir hammer valued at $126 was stolen Wednesday night from a truck of the Camp bell Rock Wool company, 1132 Broadway, while the vehicle was parked in the 300 mock on Nnrth Pnmmercial. A tire, tube stolon Wednes day night from the automobile of C. J. Gridley, 454 Marion. The trunk compartment was fnrfH nnfn to cet them. A wheel and tire were stolen from the auto of E. H. Menke, route 8, while it was parked in the 200 block on South Front. LEGAL NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In Ihe Circuit Court or the Stmt or Oregon for the County or Marion BREITKNBUSH DEVELOPMENT COM PANY, a corporation, plaintiff va O. O. M. Peterson as adrqjntstrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Joseph M. Healy, deceased. WILLIAM A. HEALY and HELEN 8. HEALY. hus band and wife, FRANK 8. HEALY and MARY HEALY. husband and wife. MAE V HEALY and JOSEPHINE A. HEALY, de fendant. By virtue of an execution, Judgment order, decree and order of sale Issued out of the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the 8th day of February. 197, upon Judgment rendered and entered In said cause on the 30th day of January, 1947. in favor or Breltenousn Develop ment Company, a corporation, plaintiff and against C. O. M. Peterson as ad ministrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Joieth M. Healy. deceased, defendant, for the sum of IS2, Ofi6.53 with interest thereon at the rate of 1 per annum from April 18, 193B and for the further sum of I2S00.00 with In terest thereon at the rate of 6 per an num from the 30th day of January, 1B47, and for the further sum of $20.27 costs and disbursement and the cost of and pon this writ, commandlnr ma to malte snle of the following described real prop erty situated In the County ol Marlon, State of Oreaon, lo-wlt: Northeast quarter of Section 20 In Township 9 South, Ransa 7 East, Wil lamette Meridian. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of aald execution. Judgment order, decree and order of sale and in compnanca wun me commands of said writ, I will, on Sat urday, the 15th day of March, 1947, at 10:00 o'clock, a.m. at wait front door f the County Court House In Salem, Mar lon County, Or t (ton, sell at public auc tion (subject to redemption) to the hlih eat bidder fot euh in hand, all tht riant, title and Interest which the within named defendants and each of them and all of them In the above entitled suit had on the 30th day of September, 1029, the date of the mortBaie foreclosed or since that date had In and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution Judimortt order and de cree. Interest, coats and accruing costs Dated February 13th, 1047. DENVER YOUNO) Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon. First publication February 14th. 1917. Lut publication March Hth, 1947, Feb. 14, 31, 28, Mar, 1, 14. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Mar. 7, 1947 11 Little Interest Shown in Salem on Proposed School Consolidation While several meetings have been held and hundreds of cir culars distributed, there appears to be little interest In Salem concerning the proposed school consolidation program involving Salem, nine contiguous smallerf- distncts in Marion county and eight in Polk. Property owners of the districts involved will ballot on the matter Tuesday, March 11. Here in Salem the single polling place in the school office building, 460 North High street, will be open from 2 to 7 p.m. In the other districts the vote will be cast in the various school houses from 8 to 9 p.m. While the Salem district has taken the lead in the matter of providing information concern ing the consolidation, the cam paign has been a factual one and no efforts have been made to persuide those interested one way or the other. Marion coun ty districts involved are Mid dle Grove, Rickey, Pringle, Li berty, Swcgle, Keizer, Hayes ville, Auburn and Salem Heights. Polk county districts are Zena, Eola, Brush College, West Salem, Spring Valley, Popcorn, Lincoln and Mountain View. All resident citizens of a school district whose names ap pear on the current tax roll are entitled to vote. Residents may also qualify for voting by pre senting at the polling place evi dence of ownership in a cor poration, firm, or co-partner ship owning property in the district. Should any undesirable com bination of districts result from the election, the law provides means by which the situation may be adjusted. The law states that the most populous district involved shall become the board of the con solidated district. This means that Salem's board of five would govern, although the consoli dated district would vote each year on a single director. Direc tors serve five year terms with one term expiring each year. Two positions on the Salem board must be filled at the June 16 election. Mrs Dave Wright's term will expire this spring while Rev. George H. Swift, re cently named by the board to fill out the unexpired term of Lester Barr, must stand for election. Teachers to be employed to fill vacancies or new positions, other than re-election, should be the responsibility of the board of the new consolidated dis trict. Such teachers would serve three years probationary work before becoming eligible for tenure. FDR's Esfafe Tax $45,992 in New York Poughkeepsie, N. Y., March 7 (fP) An order filed with Dutch ess County Surrogate Frederick Quinterro today fixed a New York state tax of $43,992.99 on a net estate of $1,065,614.11 of the late President Roosevelt. i The order was filed by Wil liam B. Duggan, tax appraiser in Dutchess county for the New York state department of taxa tion and finance, who explained the net estate of the late presi dent was fixed for stale pur poses only. Last September attorneys for the president's estate filed $50, 000 with the department in Al bany to cover whatever tax was assessed. LEGAL call for nms SeRled bids will be received by the City of West Balem, Oreaon, for approximately 3,000 nallons of gasoline to be deltverrd as needed bL the West Salem City Hall for the ensuinit year. Bids to be opened April 7, 1047. (SlBiird) R. T. PATTISON City Recorder for the City of West Salem, Oreeon. 87 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the under slifned has been appointed administratrix of tho estate of Anthony L. Senske (nlao know aa A. Senske), deceased, by the Cir cuit Court o: the State of Oregon for Marlon County. All persons having claims ae a I list the estate of aald decedent are hereby notified to present the same, du ly verified as required by law, to me at 121 Pacific Pacific Bulldlnit, Salem, Ore son, within six monthj from the data ot this notice, Dated at Salem, Oreaon, this Hth day of February, 1947. First publication Febr 14, 1947. Last publication March 14, 1947. MARGARET SEN3KE, Administratrix ol the Estata of Anthony L. Senske, deceased. Chas. J. Zerzan, Atty. for Administratrix Feb. 14, 21. 28; March 7-14. Li V X EYES EXAMINED 3 I BROWN'S j Optical fl IS Service g ? 184 N. Liberty St. R 420 Court St. Linden Lane Name Changed The county court Friday changed the name of Linden lane in Laurel Springs addition south of the city to McClane drive. The court's attention had been called by Postmaster Al bert Gragg to the fact that there is another Linden lane in Buena Vista Park addition inside of Salem and that the duplication could cause confusion. The du plication originally was discov ered by M. L. Meyers and re ported to the postmaster. In a recommendation to the court, M. L. Meyers suggested the name of McClane drive for the road in Laurel Springs addition in honor, he stated, of Salem's first postmaster appointed in 1849. The court also acting on peti tion of Ruby Fern Prescott and others consented to giving the name Boxwood road to a hither to unnamed road south of the city and a half mile south of the junction of 99E and 12th street. It runs west from the old highway, now county road 837, and extends for about half a mile. The matter of duplication oi names in Prince street and Prince road, each one off the north river road, one in Six addition and one In Fortner and Rawlins addition was laid on the table. The matter had been called to the court's attention but so far no petitions are in. Glenn W. Prather, assistant manager of the Salem Cham ber of Commerce, will be in Portland Monday and Tuesday attending a meeting of the Oregon-Washington executives. LEGAL NOTICE OF AVAILABILTTV Surplus Government Property The War Assets Administration, Offlc of Real Property Disposal, Portland, Ore non Regional Office, hereby Hives nottca that it has available tor disposal under the Surplus Property Act of 1944, aa amended, and other applicable regula tion and orders, tha following airport property which has been declared lurplua to the needs or the Federal Department or aaency having" control of the same: Balem Army Air Base Salem, Oregon Terms and conditions of disposal and all other necessary Information concern Ins property will be furnished upon re quest at tho above Regional Office. Acquisition of auch property is subject to the following priorities in the order in dicated: 1. Anencles of the Federal Government 7. Reconstruction Finance Corporation for resale to small business, and 3. State and local governments The time for exercise of priorities shall be a period of ten (10) days after tha date of first publication of thla notice. To be entitled to consideration, all proposals, both from priority holders and non-priority holders, must ba submitted on forms obtainable at the above Regional Office, and must arrive at snld Regional, Office within ten (10) days after the first, publication of this notice. WAR ASSETS ADMINISTRATION Portland Regional Office Swan Island, P.O. Box 4082 Portland I, Oregon PD lift 7 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that Edith U, Cavallere, administratrix of the Estate of Paul Cavallere, deceased, has filed her final account In the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon, for Marlon County, and said Court has, by an order thereof, des 1 limited Monday, the 24 tli day of March, 1047, at the h ur of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day, In the Court Room of aald Court In Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, as the time and Place for hearing obiectlona to said final account and tha settlement of aald estate, at which time and place all persons Interested In said estate are required to appear and show cause, if any, why said final account should not be allowed and the estate settled and closed. First publication Febr, 21. Last publi cation March 21. 1947 EDITH M. CAVALIER, Administratrix. CHAS. J. ZERZAN, Attorney. Pacific BldK., Salem, Ore, Feb. 21, 28; March 7, 14, 21. INCOME TAX RETURNS Have Yours Prepared Now! Individual, Farm, Business ELMER M. AMUNDSON I'h. 3(i88 or 5811 For Appointment C. S. Whitcomb Co. NOW OFFERS Lawn Sprinkling Systems Complete Landscape Service Architect and Contracting All work guaranteed Free Estimates Phone 2-1619 . over world! largtt Mfwodr 'HENRY 1. TAYLOR notttd author and ournalitt MONDAYS A FRIDAYS praftantel by GEN ERAL, MOTORS KSLM 9:45 P.M: end Mufuaf Network