Final Plans Are Set for Freshman Glee Cold, early dawns are fami liar these days to the students at Willamette, with the tradi tional Freshman Glee two days away. , Theme for this year's Glee, presented at 8 o'clock in the Willamette university gym Sat urday night, is novelty, and ; decorations, the abstract motif. I Plans for Freshman Glee are i under direction of the general ! Glee committee, Don Yocom chairman, Pat Mansfield, Gerry ' Quillin, Frances Sopp and ', Nancy Hoak. Honor guard for presentation i of the banner to the winning ; class includes Gordon Cline, : Betty Dahlberg, Wes Bollinger, ; Joan Cloudy, Roger Adams, ; Geri Bowles, Lloyd Hanson and I Shirley Butler. Chairman of tickets, only .by which may entrance into the gym be made, is Betty Lou Ed ! wards, with Bob Burleigh, Bev : erly Kenney, Leah Lowery and ' Church Patterson, assisting. Properties chairman is Bob Bennett, assisted by Dick Gatke V and Larry Slocks. Publicity head is Betty Dahlberg, chair man, aided by Travis Cross, Do lores Bauer and Tob Naka j gawa. Chairman of programs is ', Marilyn Townsend and assist ! ing are Marilyn Meister and Avis Roberts. Geri Bowles is , in charge of decorations and i assisting are John Kooy, Rich j ard Wells, Jay McManur and i Richard Baker. Bob Robbins is arranging en i tertainment, assisted by Glennis s Allen and Don Noonchester. j Judges are to be chosen by : Pat Howard, chairman, John Christensen, LaVerne Suholm, Joe Brazie and Betty Ferguson. Decision will be based upon music, lyrics, rendition and formation and marching. Hopewell Wed 50 Pair Years Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Huntley, who have lived in the Hopewell district since 1905, were hon ored at their home Sunday for Vheir 50th wedding anniversary. Seventy-seven relatives and friends attended the reception from 2 o'clock until 8. Miss Alberta Curtis and Ar .thur Dennis Huntley were married at Sauk Centre, Minn., March 4, 1897. They lived there several years before mov ing to Michigan, after which they came to Hopewell, where they have lived save a few years in Colville, Wash., since 1905. They are parents of six chil dren, four of "whom, are living and attended the observance Sunday. They are Mrs. Leda Hunter of Portland, Mrs. Gilbert Halsted of Hopewell, Mrs. Ray Freeman of Buxton, Lyle Hunt ley of Portland. Three- of these four grandchildren and one great grandchild were also pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Munez of San Luis Obispo, Calif., Cleo D. Hunter of Buxton and Erscl Hallstead of Hopewell. They're New! They're Wonderful! they're here! Just what you have been waiting for. Brown calf oxfords with that smart low walking heel. WHEN YOU BUY NEW SHOES Turn your old ones in to any church, fire station, or P.G.E. office. March 2-9 is the National Council of Churches Clothing Drive for Needy People in Eur ope. Arbuckle's Inc. 481 State St. Vegetable Pies Good for Lent ONION CHEESE PIE . . . Meatless dish for Lent Vegetables can be dressed up so that their serving brings cheers of praise during the Lenten season, if you'll just remember that they make wonderful pies. Here are a few suggestions, though you probably can invent doz-- ens more if you just put your mind to it. Onion Cheese Pie l'a cups crack1!' crumb cup melted butter or vitaminized maranrlny 3 Bermuda onions, sliced thin. I'i cups mlllc 3 fRRS 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper "2 pound processed cheese, shredded Crush crackers fine and mix with a half cup of melted but ter or margarine. Press into a 9-inch pie plate. Saute onions in butter or margarine until yellow. Arrange attractively in crust. Scald milk and add slow ly to eggs with salt, pepper and cheese. Pour over onions. Bake in slow oven (325 degrees) 40 45 minutes. Serve hot with to mato wedges. Mushroom Pie 2 pounds mushrooms 8 tablespoons buttpr or margarine 6 tablespoons flour Mushroom liquor Thin cream dotal liquid 3 cups) Salt and pepper Rich pastry Peel and stem mushrooms, leaving caps whole. Stew peel ings and stems in two and a half cups water about 20 min utes. Drain, reserving liquor. Saute . caps in a little butter five minutes. Melt butter or margarine. Remove from stove and blend in flour. Return to stove and add mushroom liquor, plus thin cream (or rich milk) Dorothy Hardie Shower Feted Much-feted bride-elect, Miss Dorothy Hardie. who will marry John R. Hay in April, was honored Monday evening, when Mrs. A. L. McCafferty and Mrs. O. R. Anderson en tertained with a surprise party. Held at the Anderson home. the event was a kitchen shower. The hostesses served supper, following which the evening was spent informally. Guests were Miss Hardie, Mrs. Glenn M. Bonlic, Mrs. P. J. Boyer, Mrs. Helen Bulkley, Mrs. A. R. Cameron, Mrs. F. N. Crawford, Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. C. A. Epley, Mrs. Emma Hale, Mrs. G. Wallace Hug, Mrs. Nellie Jackson, Mrs A. D. Knight, Mrs. Mabel Land gren, Mrs. M. F. Low, Mrs Mathilda Read, Miss Dorothea Burley, Miss Bertha Muhs and the hostesses. enough to make the total liquid throe cups. Season with salt and pepper and add sauteed mushrooms. Line a deep bak ing dish with rich pastry. Pour in mushroom mixture. Cover with pastry and in the center prick a design with a fork. Bake in 400 degree oven until crust is nicely brown (25-30 minutes). Mixed Vegetable Pie 1 cup limn beans 1 cup carrots 1 cup celery 1 cup peas 3 tablespoons butter or martarlne 3 tablespoons flour 3 cups milk a 2 cups mashed potatoes Cook lima beans, celery, car rots and peas, each separately. Drain. Melt butter or marga rine. Remove from stove and carefully blend in flour. Return to stove, add milk, and stir un til thickened. (A cup of the li quor in which the vegetables were cooked may be substitut ed for one of the cups of milk.) Pour sauce over vegetables in a deep baking dish and top with mashed potato crust. Dot with butter or margarine and bake in 400 degree oven until crust is golden brown. W'r one) of the hw invited to membership in this world-wide group. Professional Mortuary Skill Honest Pricing Courteous Service to ALL Clough-Barrick Co. Est. 1878 Phono 9139 Salem, Ore Mildred Wray Party Hostess Falls City Mrs. Mildred Wray was hostess for the Wom an's club for a shower honoring Mrs. Helen Bowman. Mrs. Dor othy Bancroft won first prize, and Mrs. Shirley Dickinson, con solation prize, at pinochle. A dessert luncheon was serv ed to Mrs. Helen Bowman, Mrs. Dorothy Bancroft of Salem, Mrs. Ora Wilson, Mrs. Hilda Marr, Mrs. Faye Wilson, Mrs. Lillian Kitchen, Mrs. Shirley Dickinson, Mrs. Tom Martin of Salem, Mrs. Rheta Strauss, Mrs. Orphie Gilbert, Mrs. Mildred Davis, Mrs. Dorothy Benefiel, Mrs. Neva Poland and the hostess. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Morris are at home with their daughter, Nancy, at 2455 Trade .street in Salem. They have been I with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Phillips. grandparents of the little girl. Ivan Morris is the paternal grandfather. She is the great granddaughter of Mrs. G. Phil- Jlips, Mrs. Magium, Mrs. V. E. ISchafer and Mr. and Mrs. G. P. I Lowery. TO HELP EASE COUGHING, TIGHT CHEST tunc, cc CIIQ All w HIVffWM. MENTHOLATUMf I ; HSUKAHCt . flail I ggS S tsc"w J Horn Offica Building WHAT OF YOBJEt TITLE? SAVE?S29"fT. with MO RUBBING AEROWAX Cuts waxing cost for floors and linoleum in half. Buy a can f 7 ((nr. On "CERTAIN DAYS' Of Month? This great medicine ts famous to relieve painful distress and tired, nervous, irritable IcellnRS, of such days when due to female func tional monthly disturbances! i IYDIA f. PMRMSISI i THE 1.50 Styles Phone 7953 Machine "Clrculettc" Is Exclusive at the finest of all Cold Permanent Wave. OREGON BOB 101 J&S for appointment Beauty Shop MILLER'S Room Millet Hid HO UB!rTT Dries HVU jl " " ASll,he' mi I III! IMIWBWL I 1 hUTl Ti i n c ANOTHER MONEY-SAVER! 0 Journal Want Ads Pay Title to land becomes more complicated as mortgages, liens and inheritance problems multiply. Make certain of your ownership the MODERN way let this company insure the title to your land. Title insurance guarantees against title defects shown in the records and protects against other less apparent risks. Title Insurance Offers the Only "Certain Protection Branch Offices of Title and Trust Company by Counties BENTON COUNTY COLUMBIA COUNTY ' TILLAMOOK COUNTY 1:13 N. 4th St., CorraUii PI"" Square, St. Helena 813 2nd St. Tillamook CLACKAMAS COUNTY ioM SulSod Ki7.r YAMHILL COUNTY 800 Main St., Oregon City . lkllJ rnlllJTV 315 Evani St., MrMinnrillt CLATSOP COUNTY 164 Commercial, Aatoria LINN COUNTY West 3rd It Orondalbin, Albany WASHINGTON COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY 136 S. 2nd Ato., Hillibor Court Houae Square, Toledo DESCHUTES COUNTY Band Abstract Co. fiend DOUGLAS COUNTY Douglaa Abstract Co. Roaeburg JACKSON COUNTY Jackson County Abstract Co. Medford Associate Offices LANE COUNTY Lone County Abstract Co. Eugene MARION COUNTY Solem Abstract Co. Salem POLK COUNTY Solam Abstract Co. OeUaa UNION COUNTY The Abstract b Title Co. f.a Uraude WASCO COUNTY The Dallas ond Wasco County Abstract Co. The Dallee TITLE nnO TRJJiT QSHPIHtV eAPfT-AX, UPt,tS AKQ ASK0Et &Vrttt J,3tD,0)& tint & TRUST BUItOIKS 325 S.W FOUfiTH AYE. P08UJND 4, OSEGOH Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Thursday, Mar. 6, 1947 7- Brooks Mrs. Chria Otto was honored at a surprise party when her children entertained in honor o her birthday at tiie Otto home in Brooks. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weso- lowski and Joan, Mr. and Mrs, Wilford LaFountain, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ricketts, Orval Otto, Mrs. Maude Timm, and Mr. ON to. i Come and Get It! CONGRATULATIONS Mr. D. W. Dailey Rt. 1, Dallas, Ore. i ANNOUNCING THE WINNER Of $10.00 in Cash Or Clothes . . . J And Thanking One and All I of the Other Contestants For the Best Rhyme f And That Goes With ; JOE'S I Upstairs Clothes Shop S Here It Is: Now listen to this and you shall hear, Of Joe, the well known clothiertier I He has Suits & Sport Coats Slacks galore, I; The best to be had in any men's store. I Hats & Shirts, Shorts & Hose, Perfect fit in quality clothes, f His prices are right, the service is keen, Your wants are met in a place neat and clean. I So walk upstairs like hundreds of those, I Who have found it wise to trade at Joe's. I Respectfully yours, I D. W, BAILEY JOE'S Upstairs Clothes Shop ,? 442 State Street Above Morris Optical and Next Door to Nohlgren's Restaurant THREE GREAT LINCOLNS ... . r'r -4 V iAVl v-'j-$r r '1;. i Y fife jrftflyJ I fi s f 'S-' A The L,nco!n Club Coupe l i? V , Msi&?ZA i! ilaa. 11 J 11 w vtrfUntrf Mi . ... iinaasaii nasu ;J The Lincoln Fordor Sedan PREMIER SHOWING IN SALEM ... of the finest Lincolns ever built. Cars designed and built with greatness as their standard . . . Sweeping Lincoln style . . . spacious interiors . . . superbly finished. Lincoln sets the pace in style, perform ance and individuality. See America's most exciting motor car! FRIDAY, MARCH 7 Open until 6 P.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 8 Open until 6 P.M. 430 North Commercial St. Phone 7249 Wc ctirner II v tot OP omioanu i a