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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1947)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, Orejron, Thursday. Mar. fi, 1 P 1 7 West Salem Parent Teachers Present Open Forum Meeting West Salem, March 6 Members ot (he West Salem PTA joined in an open forum discussion at Tuesday evening's meet ing rather than presenting a regular program. Topic ot the forum -' was "Should parents participate in school affairs?" Mrs. Emily Stockyard Strike In St. Paul Begins South St. Paul, Minn., March 6 U.R Approximately 300 CIO livestock handlers struck the Union stockyards today and the company refused to accept any more shipments of animals. The strike shut down the city's meat production as 5.000 other CIO workers in packing plants refused to cross picket lines around the yards. The strikers, members of local 160, of the United Pack inghouse Workers of America voted almost unanimously to strike to enforce demands for a seven csnts an hour wage increase. Eugene Girl Wins Science Award Washington, March 6 lPi Miss Dorothy Jean Christensen, 17, (2123 Madison street) Eu gene, received a $100 one-year scholarship last night at the banquet of science students held here for the Westinghouse Elec tric company's annual talent earch contest winners. Miss Christensen was among SO winners of $100 awards. Eight received $400 four-year scholar ships and two received the $2, 400 top awards. Van Santen, program rhairman. presided during the discussion and reports. Mrs. Wava McConnick. pres ident, presided at the business meeting which dealt principally with routine business and re ports. It was reported that $85 was derived from the benefit amateur hour, presented last Fri day night. Mrs. Virgie Lyman's room received the award for having the. greatest number of parents in attendance. A social hour followed the business meeting with a group of mothers as hostesses. Discussing Consolidation West Salem Tonight at 8 o'clock a meeting will be held in the West Salem gymnasium for the purpose of discussing consolidation. West Salem school patrons and taxpayers are urged to attend. Water Assured Housing Unit The city will provide water mains to a unit of 13 dwellings proposed by R. F. Polahski for construction on a plat of ground bounded by Howard, Berry and South Capitol streets, according to an agreement ironed out during Wednesday night's coun cil session. Polanski will install his own sewer connections. Dis cussion as to whether the con tractor should be permitted to go ahead with the project as outlined grew out of the fact that the development would practically eliminate the exten sion of Yew street through the property. However, City Attor ney Chris Kowitz pointed out that there was nothing in the zoning code to prevent the pro gram, although such restric tions are in the process of be ing written. The Walton-Brown Electric company will build a spur con nection between its plant on Ford street and the Southern Pacific's branch line leading to Silverton. Permission for the spur was granted by the coun cil upon the understanding that the utility would be responsible for the installation. Construction of a machine shop at J 3th and Oxford was assured when the council took favorable action concerning a change of zone at that location Similar action was taken at Jefferson and North Liberty where a self-service laundry Is contemplated. The council adopted Alder man Albert Gille's motion to hold the next council meeting in office of the city manager and authorized installation of street lights at Caterlin and Frederick streets and at Hazel and Spruce. Fire Chief W. P. Roble's re quest for 2000 feet of fire hose was honored. Traffic Officer O. C. White reported his siren was open at the time the city car he was driving smashed Into another machine at 14th and Center street. The police car was vir tually wrecked. White said he was pursuing another automo bile at the time and drove through the stop street because he had his siren operating. Anti-Vice Drive On Portland, March 6 UP) The anti-vice campaign will con tinue in Portland, Mayor Earl Riley declared on returning from a live-week absence from the city. All the major practical devel opments in the field of electric ity have occurred in the past 60 years. Some of the wire ropes in suspension bridges are three inches thick. RIGHT-NOW CLEANER For Cnar.l Ham. Cleaning Dilhti, Laundry, Woodwork Hdrmloii Jonllary IiiIilii Smo Satlar lor Honda ASK ALL GROCERS Comes in package! SSe 50c Jl.00 Willamette Grocery Supply All ueaiers. Salem, Oregon. DONT Throw your clothes away. Take them to any church, fire station or PGE office, March 2 to 9. CLOTHING DRIVE DONT Throw Your Waloh Away! We Fix Them When Others Can't! Guaranteed WATCH REPAIRING Relief At Last For Your Cough Chronic bronchitis may develop If your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to takeachance with anymedi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the irouoie to neip loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspeclnl processwith other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the -vay It quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) tfClffft OH FACKAG1 Works Cooling Magic On BURNING FEET When your feet arc so hot, tired and swollen that they are killing you, a rub with fragrant OtNT EASEwlll r it, refresh and soothe them quickly. It softens calluses, takes the fire out of corns and bunions, reduces swelling. Always use OINT-EASE to relieve Itching and burning of Athlete's Foot. For ftm aamptm writ OINT EASE jaZJ5fr(, Haltawmli, Main: Solender.. So Sweet... So Good toEaf PiaSwmPm I It's that wonderful, freah from the garden flavor that makes evervhndv eravm PirffJwimt Psd. PJnJ ni,t fn i afffrWySi iMavfo rail VITAMIN D J, w BABY MILK for YOUR you can't buy a better yet It COSTS lOc LESSI That's right! OLD ENGLISH saves you I0f! or more on every pint you buy, Drii-i quickly to a brighter, longer-lasting lustre. shines and wears wean and shines On It on all jrour floora. Juat pratd It ndforfat It. Sarei Una I world waarl S.vea lli or mora on avary pint. wax jf l pint X yf h good 'coffee is frkh coffee Save on your favorite brand from the fresh stock at SAFEW&Y To get full flavor enjoyment from each cup, you must start with coffee that's fresh. This is true even with coffee packed in sealed containers. Every day that passes robs a little of the precious flavor. To make sure that you can get your favorite brand as soon as possible after roasting, Safeway takes special care with coffee. A fresh sup ply is shipped every few days to each store. Quantities are small enough to be sold quickly. This means that you can be sure each pound of coffee you buy at Safeway is fresh and full-flavored. You can be cer tain that it will make the kind of coffee you'll be proud to serve. EDWARDS frMsuL ,.44.87' A few more of the many favorite coffees at Safeway: Chase & Sanborn Maxwell House or Hills lib- U4 Ukel Size 45e JaaJl. wholiL bstaiL COFFEES "Stouutd to jfouA ohd&h Lib. bog AIRWAY 39e $ $115 NOB HILL i 42e 2- 83c Mm brand m FullO'Gold 46-01. Grapefruit Grapefruit- Juice Glenn-Aire brand "Taney" whole segments Town House Brand . luncheon Meat JSftli- 'if 39c Cheddar Cheese whole milk cheese lb. 49c Green Deans Sunrise brand French style Ho. 2 cant CrrrU n, " Clams SBc Whole Ci ?7rr?" SKasr Oysters 'iS-as SpacrJieH.- portIo.. No.l can4fl - ELBOWS" M. , " Macaronj e.r'Kroff pica. J. can ru 'np S2JSe can Cheese kJ , Skillfully cut and guaranteed to please you, or your money back Reedy to cook CHICKENS Ready for the penl SALMON STEAKS.. ,-e Fresh Royol Chinook ID. 1 9 HALIBUT STEAKS- KKc Cooks white and f lokylD. 99 FILLET OF SOLE .-e No bones no waste ID OYSTERS Carefully selected PINT 03 Choice and good SIRLOIN BEEF STEAKS IP. RABBITS Fresh dressea lb. 59 FRYERS Cut up Ready to cook ROASTERS Just stuff & roost lb. 67' lb.67e FOWL, cut-up Reody to stew L C"fe or fricassee ID7 MaaW FRESH SMELT lb. 10 Bockwurst Pork Links lb. 45c lb 55c PORK Special low price SPARE RIBS lb 49c Mayonnaise, Kraft pint jar 45s Sandwich Spread JSXSm. 21 Salad Dressing, Duchess ak'19 Catsup 13V2-OZ. bottle 19" Ketchup, Heinz 1 4-oz. bottle 22e Tomato Sauce, Gardenside can 6e Spaghetti Sauce "S"- can 13e Tomato Soup 1 0 V2-0Z. can 3 cans 25c Chocolate 5,1 Vi -lb. cake 19c Mint Chews, Hewitt's, 8-oz. pkgi 23e Hawaiian Punch pint 49e Mince Meat, Collins 15-oz. jar 25e Ice Cream Mix, Frizz mco. 23e Royal Puddings, Assorted pkg. 7e Post-Tens CEREAL IN ONE FOB 24 Wheaties Cereal giant-size pkg. 16e veiveeta Cheese V"? 29 ers VALLEY GOLD Who!., UtpMl.d HOSTESS DELIGHT 26e CAN LI8BY HIGHWAY BroIrM S.gmfrtl CAN CASTLE CREST NO. 2' OOt ml NO. 1 Alt jAuitA. Apricots Fruit Cocktail Fruit Cocktail Grapefruit r l.. rcaum H.ivorsiic Choice Prunes vnea n inici mediums pkg. Dry White Figs 35 Dried Black Figs & Kff! Apples or Pears evIVorateo 25e Apple Sauce EZbD Hftf Pitted Dates gJ5e CAN CAN 11 Sweetheart Toilet Soap Cashmere Beaqaet c Toilet Soap 13c Peet's Soap 'ir 47 can unimimiiiirinmiiiiiiniiimmiHnii Buckingham Ale 1 1 oz. bottles $949 mm case Plus 48c deposit White Cap Eastern Beer 1 1 oz. bottles $949 Am case Plus 48c deposit 3 CAN (MMI tmtm COUNTRY HOMt cream corn fancy goid.. Corn WHOLE KERNEL No. 2 can 17' Spinach GAs?0r No. 2 can 15e Mixed Vegetables JSEr 18' Pork & Beans, C. & S. 'gtfMI' Turkey & Noodles KfM8 JLW iiiiiiiumi'M'' mn.M J !UMi MAiVI S Spaghetti ILUE RIUON 16-oz. Jar10e Garden-fresh fruits and vegetables priced to save you money. Desert Sweet GRAPEFRUIT Jttee laden irml lb. 5c "$1"I'$24' Lettuce Fresh Peas Green Onions Yams Crfw firm heJ Sweet 4d tetviW Pern Fwa tte Savffi lb. 13c lb. I6I2C lb. 35c lb. 12c QukybmiL ORANGES Stock up now during the big Grewer-Coniumer Campaign. The whole family will go for these sweet juicy oranges. Buy them by the half box of full box and save. Per pound lO'ie Holf Box Full Box $A09 These prices effective in all Safeway Stores in Salem, Silverton and Dallas GIVE! So your Red Cross Can Carry On!