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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1947)
r 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Mar. B, 1917 guidance is given many appli cants, puzzled veterans may consult home service workers to be referred to agencies which will solve their problems, im mediate discharges in case of emergencies are cleared through the agency, assistance is given relative to claims for disability pensions, death pensions, insur ance claims, hospitalization, vo cational rehabilitation. Financial assistance must be frequently rendered to veterans and their dependents. The civilian needs met by Red Cross mostly come under dis aster service. During the monlh of .Tann- cases from every ,arv. 1047. a fairlv average month, the report of the Mar ion county chapter home service department shows a total ease load of 293 with 239 services completed. War Brides From Foreign Lands Aided in Joining Their Husbands War brides from foreign lands seeking to join their veteran husbands in Marion county are big boosters for the services of the home service department of the Marion county chapter of the Red Cross as they have found intelligent and sympa thetic assistance in unravelling the red tape of entry into this country. This is but one of the many varied services the busy home service department of the Mar ion county chapter of the Red Cross renders to the service man, the veteran, and the de pendents of each, according to Miss Kalhryn McKinnon who heads the home service depart ment. Miss McKinnon is as sisted in this big job by Mrs. Elinor Fox, and by 36 volun teer workers who are intermit tently called on for rendering reports on community in the county The some service department is dedicated to service to the men and women who are serv ing or who have served in the armed forces and their depen dents. In the Marion county chapter approximately half of the local budget is allocated for meeting their varied needs. Whatever the problem of the service man or women, the Red Cross home service stands ready to assist, whether it be finan cial need or information, per sonal needs. The department works closely with the war de partment and the veterans' ad ministration. Overseas services during the war, particularly in regard to messages from and to families of service personnel, prisoner of war service and other allied jobs are familiar to everyone but the home service which is traditional with the American Red Cross is a department which receives but little alten tion from the public while an immense service is being ren dered. Frequently tangled domestic situations need clarifying for the serviceman and veteran, and here the home service worker is of great aid with in quiries and messages frequently handled for veteran applicants. Hundreds seek information, fur lough and furlough extensions in case of need are cleared through homeservice. Frequent ly service men want accurate reports on the health of their families, they turn to the Red Cross worker for quick and true reports. Consultation and An estimated 50 percent of infantile paralysis victims in the United States recover completely. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem 33c Grade A Label for Jersey Milk Urged Better merchandising of Jer sey milk in Oregon was urged on members of the Marion County Jersey Cattle club Wednesday evening when they gathered to hear I. W. Slater. Jersey field man for the 11 western states, discuss the present situation. The meeting at the dairy co-op erative building was called by Floyd Bates, club president Slater indicated that, so far, Jer sey breeders in the main have been concerned with production but indicated that the market end should not be neglected and he suggested a grade A label for Jersey milk. Oregon eclipses all states for Jerseys, he said, approximately 80 per cent of the dairy cattle in this state being of that breed. Over the nation the number of sires has fallen off, according to national registration records. He pointed out that in 1928 out of 75,000 Jerseys registered 19,000 Neuman Co. Instruction PAINTING PLASTERING STUCCOING Brick and Stone Work Maintenance and Repairs Phone 7031 -21650 3800 D Street were sires, while in 1946 out of 64.000 but 9000 were sires. The fieldman urged a Jersey consignmnt sale for Oregon and discussed the insemination pro gram by the United States de partment of agriculture, express ing the opinion that possibly there had not been a sufficiently careful selection of sires and that it may take several years to get the program operating without mistakes being made. Hair Care Discussed j Hopewell- "Care of the Hair"! was the subject of the lesson un der directions of Mrs. John Fu qua, Mrs. John F. Geisler at the j monthly meeting of the Hope-; well Home Demonstration unit held at the Hopewell United I Brethren church all day. Com munity dinner was a feature. fUTCOLDS I - . Relieve misery direct I Vw'Si -without "OJIn7 1 pur nr. V 1 J$.?? VOU NAME IT I'LL SAKE IT satsCrown Kitchen Queen 1 SALEM'S RETAIL PACKING PLANT 351 STATE STREET Best Quality Inspected Meats ITT'C TIJC TT A I A 's out niarket with its large selection of qualilty meats at money-saving I I J I Ilk I AllY prices. Come in and see your "new" Midget Market. Newly decorated and TIJp TTXAlSl 'n,Provea' for your convenience. Our expert meatcutters will serve you with ' T T 1 (ne Same courtesy and friendliness as in the past. BLADE STEAK Tender ib. 40c si aahA jfef DH.3U A, feAAC o ORE.SP.A.X eeS Roastts Arm and Blade ib. 22c-35 ?Q)M STEAK Lean ib. 55c BotneHess lRusmmp Easy to Slice No Waste lb. 50C Atlc (or United Growers I Brand when you ihop for frotcn food. Only tht choiectt quality product, wlecled and froitn by lh growr themielvri, ii picked under thii label. for firm -fresh flavor and tummeriime toodnesi. look for United Grower! Btand froien foods in your ( roctr frttw. AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE Dili, .y Gorfwi SrfM Cwnp.ny, PAt SIOI She means just that, too. This versatile member of the CROWN FAMILY is equally at home making cookies and pies as she is baking breads and rolls. Crown Kitchen Queen Flour enriched with vitamins and minerals is thrifty and economical for every baking need. r HUBDV-inTmr J' '.(!,.,. ,v CAKE ""'"-'"".-K-. ..... Mi toftttn until 1, crumbly - H cup brown ,UMt 2 t.M..::: wur Fwoni r tni'ng or ihorrnir,f urtor '"""man r CROWN MILLS PORTLAND, OREGON hAri ever get along without you, dear It's a match of tasly goodness - j ... Sally Corn, the flavor and energy queen, and Sammy Soya, the prominent protein, in a crispy, tongue-tickling new cereal, Kellogg's Corn-Soya, The result of 20 long years of work and experiment by Kellogg, delicious Corn-Soya brings you energy, body-building proteins, vitamins, and min erals . . . makes a nourishing breakfast fun to eat. Get some from your grocer's today. 1 1 m mill', iii'i'ivmitai OS IB STEAKS Individuals Il.45 BoiBMflg Beeff piate-Rib ib.2Sc IDgy Salht IPogEt Has Many uses ib. 49c LuflEBcIheoBii Meatts Assorted Tasty Snacks ib. 45c "Flavorfaed" WeflBliegS ori'lb. 45c Salem needs a new First Aid Car. Everyone should help. You may be next. Make a donation or buy tickets for the big dance on March 17. ' " ! 15 Si STATEMENT OF POLICY We have felt and pursued the policy for sometime that there is a need for a high quality service store to supply the needs of discriminating people of Salem. We feel we are in that position today, with nationally advertised goods at rea sonable prices, 30-day accounts and free delivery. We invite your inspection and your account. RAY CATES. A FRESH FROZEN MELON BALLS CANTALOUPE For Tasty f)f Salads pkg. XC CRACKERS KRISPIES Soda Wafers 2 Ib. box . . . 39c No. 254 tin Sauerkraut STEINFELD'S 10c -9 Fancy Grade CRAB MEAT Minced Razors CLAMS 33c !i size tin . Aft RINSO 60C par soap sr.... 69c Dill Cuts mm PICKLES 2 4oz iiir 15C BORAXO 2 tins 25C CaiiipbcU's Tomato SOUP ti Darigolu OtT Canned Milk 2 ,"C M8c Fancy Sections GRAPEFRUIT No. tin Blended Juice 4L0Z 2k Small Size ma RIPE OLIVES tin OOC Old Fashioned A m Ginger Snaps pks. JC 25 c Ili-Ilo CRACKERS Pkg- Whole In Syrup f m APRICOTS ti 2 i 25C In Heavy Syrup Bovsenberriesn2 7C Lux Bar 1A Toilet Soap 2 bars lit Whitney's Creamed F ft HONEY llb tub 59C Big Halves in Syrup AO PEACHES No 2ti 28C It's Delicious tin M f Smoked Salmon 4oC Magic Chef Pkg. Spaghetti Dinner LjZ CRANBERRY SAUCE Ocean Spray tin 24c Chocolate Cream Pie Broadcast: March 8, 1947, 1 pickup chocoUl 1 cup waltr pudding powder 2 egg, ieparated 1 cup Pet Milk 3 tablespoons uar Turn, on ovcn set at tlow (323 F.) Put pudding powder into saucepan. Stir in mixture of milk and water. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook and stir 30 seconds. Stir into Z slightly beaten egg yolks. Pour into a 9-in. baked pastry shell. Beat egg whites until stiff. Beat in sugar grad ually. Spread on top of chocolate filling. Bake 15 min., or until lightly browned. Cool before serving. PORK and BEANS VAN CAMP'S NO. 2 TIN 2 for 33c CALL 3161 For Doily Free Delivery Service SHOP "PARAMOUNT" FOR THE FINEST IN QUALITY KNOWN BRANDS OF GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS AT PRICES THAT ARE "RIGHT" A Few of Our Many Leaders for This Week Premium Ham Loaf ,'1 55c Pork. Add filler and make into loaf for baking, or make into patties for frying or broiling. It's delicious. SWIFT'S JEWEL SHORTENING . Ib. 47c M AKES LIGHTER AND MORE TENDER BAKED GOODS SWIFT'S SILVERLEAF LARD . . Ib. 45c PURE, CLEAN, HIGH QUALITY UNIFORM Colored Fryers, dressed, drawn and cut up Ib. 65c Fricassee Chickens, dressed, drawn and cut up Ib. 47c Beef Roast, Grade A or AA, blade or arm Ib. 45c IF THE MEAT IS GOOD, THE MEAL IS USUALLY A SUCCESS "WALT" STREBIG FRESH VEGETABLES 9c Radishes or Green Onions ,, FOR A SPRING SALAD SQUASH . . lb. 15c IDEAL FOR BAKING APPLES . 2 lbs. 25c JUICY WINESAPS fT7 P'jGX KJafrJi fx J 260 N. Liberty St. "WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE" FREE DELIVERY Phone 3161 Ample Parking