8 CapHal Journal, Salem. Oregon,. Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1946 Beer License for 'The Ranch Approved by City Council After an argument participated in by both aldermen and people in the gallery, that was personal in spots, the city coun cil Monday night voted its approval of a license to sell beer for Avis A. Hoffman at her new res taurant at 3260 Portland road, known as "The Ranch." The vote on a favorable report by the committee on licenses was eight for and four against. The license will be a transfer of license previously held by the applicant. It has been pend ing for several months, since before annexation of the dis trict where the restaurant is located, when it was before the county court, but not acted on these because of the proximity of the annexation election. ftav M. Moore, leader of those protesting the license, said there j were already enough places in the district selling beer and that it would create a traffic hazard. John Steelhammcr, ap pearing for Mrs. Hoffman, said she had been a licensee for nine years, always operator of an orderly place, and that some of the signers of the protest mis understood the type of place to be run. Names Not Mentioned Moore said he would like to hear any such names. None was if I f i ' I Conscience Clear W) Susan Beg.?, 17 (above), walked Into the office of district attorney In New York City and, according tn Assislant District Attorney Vincent Liebell, she admitted participating in a $.10,000 jew elry store holdup. Liebell said she confessed to clear her con science. She was charged with robbery. mentioned. He claimed Mrs. Hoffman's investment, which had been stressed by Steelham mcr, was made after she had been warned to check on the wishes of the community be fore she spent any money. Among her supporters was Ben Reiman, who said the con troversy looked like a prohibi tion argument, and that her business would create no more traffic hazard than would any other business. Miss Evelyn Halvcrson spoke in protest and in behalf of the youth of the city, and Ben Lambert, who sold their business property to both Moore and Mrs. Hoffman, said he couldn't see why she should be deprived of a chance to make an honest living. H. L. Gillette thought she would make more money by not selling beer for the reason that a beerlcss restaurant was need ed in the district. Gillc Prods Lawyer Alderman Albert H. Gille wanted to know "how many beer Joints are already in the area?" and Moore listed the re sorts and groceries selling beer. Steelhammcr offered a correc tion and Gillc said: "I don't know what these beer halls would do without you." E. Halvorson spoke eloquent ly against the license, and Al derman Howard Maple cut off further argument from the gal lery by moving for the question, which was adoption of the com millce's report. Alderman David O'Hara asked Moore what per centage of residents and busi ness men in the district had signed the original petition and Moore said about 80 per cent. Other aldermen started to speak, but the mayor called for the vote, which brought from O'Hara. who was voting with the minority, a protest against cutting off debate, which he said was unparliamentary. The voice vote was uncertain and Mayor Doughton called for a standing vote. Against the license were Gille. Mitchell, Forkncr and O'Hara. Turkeys Plentiful For Thanksgiving Portland, Nov. 1!). P Mar ket sources reported today that there would be plenty of tur keys for Thanksgiving tills year. Tom turkeys were priced at 4:1 to 47 cents a pound; hen tur keys, 50 to 6.1 cents. Aft mil 1 15 Enjoy the whiskey that's OLD Sunny Brook Whlskey-A Blend minim tmnins nmm toiroiMion, m ror n.i hoof n huh mui" s'l'in SURPLUS WAR GOODS MATERIAL Special for November and December "Hainy Days" Now special government tarpaulins, size l.Vx21 weight 13 o.., waterproofed and fire proofed, complete with ropes. Special, while they last, $2!l.0 each. Tine for covering all materials, (ruck covers, lumber, cement, supplies, etc. Urnnd new !l'(i"xl t'ti" waterproofed and fircproofed Krcen canvas tarpaulins, oz. double filled army duck. Excellent Kcneral utility covers. Price, $12.50 each. Lots of 5 or more. 5I1..K) each. New government rucksacks or packsarks. Cost gov ernment $11.00 each. Special, $3.95 each. New V. S. Navy white 10(1 per cent wool blankets. Fine for Christmas presents. $10.05 each. New government wall tents, size M'xM". with 4' walls. Fine for sleeping accommodation for four people, deer hunting parties, elc. Complete with ropes, poles and hardwood pins, $:iS.50 ench. Two-man mountain tents, new nylon. Cost to gov ernment $40.0(1 each. Price. $14.05 each. (I'overnnu'iil single down sleeping bags, complete with zipper. Wonderful value used like new. $12.50 each. U. S. Army khaki blankets. 100 per cent wool, I lb. to4l2lb. Excellent condition. $6.50 ench. Storage cans, (i l-gallon capacity. A heavv galvanized steel container with light filling cover that makes it virtually moisture proof, dirt proof and vermin proof. Excellent for storing stock Teed, chicken feed, vege tables, seed grains, etc. Ideal for any use that calls for clean, dry storage. Price, $5.95 each. New arctic all-rubber overshoes. 5-buckle, approxi mately 12 tops. Sizes 8 to 12. Per pair, $5.25. New combat boots made of best side leather, heavy welts, rubber heels. Excellent for hikers, hunters and other sportsmen. Sizes 8'jE. 9 C-D-E. 9', C-I), 10 A-H-C-D, 10', H- 11 H-C. Per pair. $5.95. Unused jeep cans with spout. $1.50 each. Above prices F.O.IJ. Seattle. Send check or will send C.O.D. SURPLUS WAR GOODS, INC. 208-210 Third Avenue South Seattle 4. Washington P' WTO W : TITO DANCE S Mar.ihil THo of Yueoslavla waltzes with Madame Zofia Wendtt, wife of the Polish ambassador In Belgrade, at a reception honoring Boleslaw Beirut, Polish president. Stanley fo Talk To Geology Club Orren E. Stanley, chief of the bureau of drafting and surveys, Portland, will be guest speaker during Thursday evening's meet ing of the Salem Geological so ciety, scheduled for 8 o'clock in the lecture rooms of Collins hall, Willamette university campus. Stanley's subject will be "Geol ogy of the Rocky Mountains." The speaker will discuss the Rocky mountains from Jasper Park, Alberta, in the north to Colorado in the south. Sunday, November 24. the club will conduct a road trip from Salem through Indepen dence, Monmouth and Dallas by way of the King's Valley road. The expedition is scheduled to leave from Willamette univer sity at 2 p.m. Oklahoma Leads In National Guard Washington, Nov. If). iPi Maj. Gen. Butler B. Miltonbcr Rcr, chief of the National Guard Bureau, said today Oklahoma with 58 National Guard units is leading all states in the num ber recognized by the federal government. Other state totals include Oregon 6, and Wasnington, one. Maple Gets Bill Tabled Alderman Howard Maple of Ward 7 is a stickler for order in the conduct of the city's busi ness. If legislation doesn't ap pear on the council calendar in proper shape, table it until next time. That's the seventh ward alderman's idea. And usually the other members agree. And so an ordinance bill and a resolution that appeared Mon day night were tabled for two weeks, or until somebody spon sors them. That they were with out sponsors was probably due to City Attorney Lawrence Brown's being out of town, and the detail was overlooked. The ordinance bill, slated for introduction, was for rezoning certain parts of the city and amending the zoning map The council received a re quest from Willamette Cherry Growers for 600 feet of sewer installation on Woodrow street It was referred to the sewer committee. A petition was received tor the vacation of 10 feet on the north side and 10 feet on the south side of Highway avenue, and a favorable report, which was adopted, came from the street committee for the ex tension of East Nob Hill street from Ohmart to Waldo. The Chili Bowl restaurant on East Stale street, which has been the cause of much com plaint before the council, prob ably won't get a beer license for 1947. A report of the license committee recommending that the license be not renewed was adopted. The board of review of the city building department turn ed in a report upholding the building inspection department You're Not Too Old To Feel Young Middle seed men and women who art rui down and no longer enjoy life like the' once did. may be suffering from ft border' line blood-fion deficiency. Trimone. t new formula, mny stimulate your vltallt) and make you feel younger with increased energy This amazlnf aid for restoring the pen. energy and vigorous Interest In life' activities so envied In youthful pemonx contains a wonderful combination of ef fective ingredients that you should try ' once. Tramone Is sold by Parry's and Drue Stores everywhere. $10 THIS AD IS WORTH $1 0 6 DAYS TO ENROLL AT THIS PRICE MONDAY TO SATURDAY, 12 NOON TO 10 P.M. OUR PRE-SEASON OFFER After 7 Successful Years in Portland LEARN TO DANCE Fox Trot if Waltz -Ar Jitterbug Tango Rumba Samba Beginners Advanced -k Ladies k Gentlemen All Ages 14 JUST THINK OF IT! ONE-HOUR LESSONS COMPLETE! NO MORE TO PAY! $ 10 C O M E : I N T O D YORJAL l 2 6 Oregon Institute of Dancing 155 SOUTH LIBERTY Convenient Downtown Location liiE """""" THE TOURING TROUBADOUR. . . always in good voice when the motor's running, secretly sure he'd be a hit in radio. Keeps engine humming harmoniously with RPM Motor Oil which is fortified to prevent start-up wear. A special compound helps to keep "RPM" on idle engine parts, reduces mct.il.to. metal wear next time the engine starts. Try RPM Motor Oil today! Annual Corn Show Dated Plans are underway for the ninth annual Marion county corn show to be held at the Central Howell school Friday, December 6, according to Har ry L. Riches, county agent. This corn show is county wide and any corn grower is urged to enter an exhibit, each exhibit .shall consist of six ears of corn for showing in either the open class, the FFA class or the 4-H club class Judging will be in the after noon, followed by a dinner and programs in the evening. The corn show is sponsored by the Central Howell Fanner's Union and the ladies auxiliary will serve the dinner in the school house basement. In Russia, nearly 200 differ ent national and racial groups live side by side. - TRY OUR 3-DAY SERVICE Pick-up and Delivery "5ECC0" WATERPROOFING For Coats - Suits Jackets, Etc. or any regular wearing apparel Expert Cleaning of Rugs and Furniture Telephone 9448 of the city engineer's office in I stopping work by D. A. Fisn on a construction job on South 1 Commercial street on grounds : that the work did not conform to the building permit. j On motion of Alderman R. A. I Forkner the city recorder was I authorized to advertise for bids for the landscaping of High-1 Qassif ied Ads in the Capital Journal Satisfy All War land park. 1070 SOUTH COMMERCIAL III, M J 4 I m 4 " f A fl ml cairn IpJUSL JLJiUUMJU Transparent Palate Dental Plates arc so "lifelike" in detail, they tend to enhance your personal appear once . . . will help you overcome plate-consciousness and embar rassment. Their excep tional lightweight af fords Added Comfort , . . they bring New Eating Pleasure. y m AiwANfF ArrUINIMCni REQUIRED Visit your nearest Or. Semler Dental Office at any time. 3 offices to serve you .... Portland, Salem and Eugene. IT. that's how EASY it is to arrange for Credit at any of Dr. Semler's Dental of fices. No waiting ... no red tape ... no third party or finance company to deal with. On approval of your credit, your work is started IMMEDIATELY . . . pay later in small weekly er monthly amounts. WlaJuL Qcwl Own. . . . within Reason . . . will show you samples and explain the many advantages of these new style Dental Plates . . . unsurpassed for Beauty, Comfort and Durability. PALATE Wear Your Plates IMMEDIATELY After Teeth Are Extracteil Learn of the many advantages of "IMMEDIATE RESTORATION" Service . . . helps avoid the incon venience and embarrassment of "Toothless Days." t sHf, k DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST I . IJ.M'U HOURS: 8 30 ik to 5-30 Saturday 8 30 I te 1 H anlj WATERS-ADOLPH BLDG. STATE & COMMERCIAL