8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Nov. 19, liMB 'iief (-fouii5 (-Of We, J4odb fc Codlume otance One of the first of the excit ing holiday events to be placed on the late fall social schedule is the party to be given Friday evening, November 30th by Mr and Mrs. Werner Brown. About 50 couples have been bidden to the costume affair, which will be held at the Salem Country club. Iclna Cofiiiid lAJecid 3ridt ail Miss Edna Collins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Collins of Aumsville, will become the bride of Robert Bartges, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bartges Fri day evening at 9:15 o'clock, at the home of her parents in Aumsville. Walter Bell, justice of the peace at Aumsville, will per form the ceremony. The bride's father will give her in marriage. Attending her as maid of honor will be her sister, Miss Esther Collins, also of Aumsville. Best man will be Richard Nichols of Portland, nephew of the bridegroom. Singing and playing the wed ding music will be sisters of the bridegroom, Miss Velma Bart ges and Mrs. Earl Nichols. A small reception will be held following the ceremonies. Amaranth Order Holds Dance Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Amaranth, entertained with a dance and card party Satur day night at the Masonic tem ple. Corsagei and boutlonaires were presented to the members initiated into the court this year. Special guests at the party were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hel bock and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hyack of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Geer, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs Paul Gilmer, Dr. and Mrs. Ray Tower, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lu cas, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Materie and Andrew Nowak. Refreshments were served at a late hour by the following committee: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe L. Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Einer Saabye and Mr. and Mrs. Hor ton Hughlett. fit. Joseph's Mothers Meet The Mothers' club of St. Jos eph school meet Thursday after noon at St. Joseph's hall with Mrs. H. E. Corey, president, In charge of the meeting. A cup shower was held for the club kitchen. Mrs. Laura Wills, acting director of the Ore gon school lunch program, was speaker. Refreshmenls were served with the first grade mother with Mrs. Walter Ballinger, room mother, assisted by Mrs. C. P. Brown, Mrs. J. A. Gray, Mrs. N. Hirons, Mrs. L. J. Kclsh, Mrs. C. J. Meusey and Mrs. A. C. Newell. Mrs. Willard Marshall will preside at luncheon on Wednes day honoring members of her contract bridg club, members of which are Mrs. Kenneth Wil son, Mrs. George Wcller, Mrs Wallace Carson, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. Wolcojl Buren, Mrs John Caughell, Mrs. Kenneth Perry, Mrs. Raymond Bnne steele. Special gucsls is Mrs. Donald McCarger. Woodburn Members of the Woor:bti;! Woman's club are planning a Christmas parly for the next meeting, December 4. and each member is asked to bring a gift for the Children's Farm Home at Corvallis, each gift to be wrapped and ready for distribution. It is hoped to have a large collection of worth while gifts to send to the chil dren at this time. Mrs. Martha Baal and Mis: Charlotte Daniels have returned from a visit with friends in San Francisco. Ladies of the GAR will hold en all-day meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Louise Hall, 540 Water street, with a no-host luncheon at noon. Grand Relief f ROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF Head Colds'. DOUBLI-DUTY "'W-.'il NOSI DJIOFS WOKKI FAST IIOHT WHIM Instantly relief from head cold dis tress starts to come when you put a little Va-tro-nol In each nostril. Also It helps prevent many colds from developing If used In time I Try itl Follow directions In package. VlCKSVATRO-NOL Pierces LeaA-e For Korea Soon Mrs. J. T. Pierce and her daughter, Mrs. May Mat thews, will leave Saturday for Seattle . . . but that's not all of the story. Tuesday they will sail from there for Korea, where they'll join Brigadier-General Pierce at Fusan. Their trip, which will take 12 or 13 days, it is estimated, is one of many army families are taking to join their men folks. While awaiting their transnortation west. the Pierces have been with her sister, Mrs. B. P. Schmokcr, at her home in North Cottage street. The Hayesville Women's club will hold a 1:15 dessert lunch eon Thursday at the home of Mrs. William Brictzke in Clax tor road. The event will be a hardtime party for which mem bers are to dress accordingly with co-hostesses Mrs. Bruce Willis and Mrs. Robin Day. 5 'icla u li 'ante cent ; y3 ,, UA far-.) Highlight of the week-end to come will be the second event of the season for Tillicum Dance club members, a formal buffet dinner dance at the Marion ho tel Friday evening. Dinner will be served at 8 o'clock and dancing to Guy Al ton's orchestra will follow. The Thanksgiving motif will be us ed in decorations. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson and Mr. and Mrs. Norris D. Clement are hosts. President is Frank Shafer and secretary-treasurer is Al Loucks. ' Scout Heads Attend Meet The Girl Scout board of direc tors of the Santiam area council met for a luncheon meeting Monday afternoon in Albany to make complete plans for the all area meet, Including Scouts and their mothers, to be held al the Salem Chamber of Commerce December 4. Motoring from Salem were Mrs. Leon Lassers, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mrs. Victor Waldele, Mrs. Walter Spaulding; from Brooks, Mrs. Howard Ramp: from Sil verton, Mrs. T. R. Hnbart and Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Jr. The Kelzer Ladies' Sewing club will meet Thursday for an all-day meeting and no-host luncheon at' the home of Mrs. Ben Claggetl, route 2. Wed in Silvcrton Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henry Jaquet, wed October 27 at the First Christian church. She is the daughter of Mrs. Vivian Morley and his parents are Mr and Mrs. Paul Jaquet. (Jesten-Miller studio.) War Veteran Guest Speaker Woodburn The November dinner meeting of the Woodburn Business and Professional Wom en's club will be held at the Laurel cafe, Thursday, at 7 o'clock. The international re lations committee, of which Mrs. W. S. Scarborough is chairman, is arranging the program and has secured Major Winton J. Hunt, veteran of World War II as the speaker. The theme for the evening Is "Good Neighbors" and will be carried out at home by bringing a neighbors, male or female, to the meeting, as a guest. For dinner reservations call Black 118. The Merry Minglers club will meet at the home of Mrs. Robert Fromm Thursday afternoon. Rotana Club In Meetina Salem Rolana club met Mon day evening with Mrs. S. L. Auman in Breys avenue. Miss Vada Hill reported on the child guidance clinic and also was appointed representative for the Salem War Memorial associa tion. Mrs. Rosemary Baker was welcomed as a new member. Jlieo $ech eied with oweri Miss Theo Beck, whose mar riage to Robert A. Herwick takes place December 1, is much feted these days. Monday evening, Mrs. S. J. Butler vas hostess for a kitch en shower followed by a dessert party for the bride-to-be. Guests were Miss Beck, her mother Mrs. J. S. Beck, Mrs. May Cnristensen, Mrs. R. H. Mercer Mrs. Leona Johnson, Mrs. E. J. Donnel), Mrs. Paul Harvey Jr., Mrs. E. S. Oliver, Mrs Wilbur Weeks, Mrs. Ken neth Hcnson, Mrs. Carrie Ro land, Mrs. Wayne Doughton, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. John Latane, Mrs. Gilbert Davis, Mrs. Constance Kantner, Miss Mary Fake, Miss Eula McCully and the hostess. Hostesses Friday evening were Mrs W. G. Fisher, Mrs. Chrislooher Butte and Mrs. Har old Domogalla for a shower at the Fisher home in South Lib erty street A baihroom shower honored Miss Beck and a late supper was' served after an informal eve ning. Guesl. were Miss Beck, Mrs. J. S. Beck, Mrs. Gilbert E. Da vis, Mrs E. J. Donnell, Mrs. Ed Herman. Mrs. William Butte, Mrs. Carrie Fisher, Mrs. Grace Thompson Mrs. S. J. Butler, Mrs. Hairy Rowe, Miss Kathryn Rowe, Miss Agnes Bayne and the hostesses, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Butte and Mrs. Domogalla. rcmlths Fly South For Exciting Game An exciting week-end it was for Mr. and Mrs. Linn Smith who left Thursday eve ning by plane for Berkeley, where they saw the UC-OSC football game. Meeting them in Berkeley were Miss Carol Powell and her fiance, Mrs. Smith's son, John Jerman. Mr. and Mrs. George Pow ell and George, Jr., of Long Beach, Miss Powell's parents, were also in San Francisco for the event. Miss Powell and Mr. Jerman flew up to Corvallis, where they are en rolled at Oregon State, in time for Monday classes, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned by train Tuesday. hours are from 1 o'clock until 5. Assisting and inviting guests to the dining room will be mem bers of the board of managers. Dr. Joseph Adams will give a short talk during the after- Presiding at me urns win Mrs. Chester W. Hamblin an Mrs. Joseph Adams. Centering the tea table, to be covered with a white lace cloth, will be an arrangement of gold and bronze : chrysanthemums. JJc , II ai'ueit rti oine Jea on at. Friday afternoon, the Old People's home, 1625 Center street, will be scene of the an nual benefit Harvest home tea. Receiving at the door will be Mrs. William Kirk. Mrs. Robert Moulton Gatke will introduce to the line, including Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Mrs. C. D. Fletcher, Mrs. C. W. Stacey and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman. The interested public is in vited to the event. Calling Mrs. 'William Bradford, former member now living in Tacoma, was present. The formal Christ mas party will be held at the home of Mrs. O. L. Donnelly, the president, in Capitol street. Miss Bernice Harris was a guest and present were 21 members. Castle Permanent Wavers 301 1st National Bank Bldg. 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